Example #1
  def get(self):
    if users.is_current_user_capable("mr_api"):
      currentVal = memcache.get("currentVal")
      currentTask = memcache.get("currentTask")
      if currentVal is None:
        currentVal = ""
        currentTask = ""
      power = memcache.get("power-" + currentVal)

      result = None
      if currentTask == "runMRJob":
        result = memcache.get("result-" + currentVal)
      elif currentTask == "timing":
        result = memcache.get("timing-" + currentVal)

      if power is None:
        power = "(Not run yet)"
      if result is None:
        result = "No result data yet."
      power = ""
      result = """You are not authorized to run MapReduce jobs. Please get
authorization on your user account for MapReduce jobs and try again.

                                            {'power': power,
					     'result': result}))
Example #2
def runMRJob(mapper, reducer, inputLoc, outputLoc, config={}):
  if users.is_current_user_capable("mr_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the mapreduce api"

  mapper = urllib.unquote(mapper)
  reducer = urllib.unquote(reducer)
  inputLoc = urllib.unquote(inputLoc)
  outputLoc = urllib.unquote(outputLoc)

  regex = r"[^\w\d/\.-]"
  pattern = re.compile(regex)

  mydir = os.getcwd() + "/"
  mapper = "\"" + getLang(mapper) + " " + mydir + pattern.sub('', mapper) + "\""
  reducer = "\"" + getLang(reducer) + " " + mydir + pattern.sub('', reducer) + "\""
  inputLoc = pattern.sub('', inputLoc)
  outputLoc = pattern.sub('', outputLoc)

  removeOutput = HADOOP_BIN + " fs -rmr " + outputLoc
  sys.stderr.write(removeOutput + "\n")

  formattedConfig = ""
  for key in config:
    formattedConfig = formattedConfig + " -D " + key + "=" + config[key]
  command = HADOOP_BIN + " jar " + HADOOP_STREAMING +" " + formattedConfig + " -input " + inputLoc + " -output " + outputLoc + " -mapper " + mapper + " -reducer " + reducer
  sys.stderr.write("\n" + command + "\n")
  start = time.time()
  end = time.time()
  sys.stderr.write("\nTime elapsed = " + str(end - start) + "seconds\n")
Example #3
def ec2_delete_keypair(options = {}):
  if users.is_current_user_capable("ec2_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the ec2 api"

  errors = ec2_set_environment()
  if errors is not None:
    return errors

  options = sanitize(options)
  if "key" not in options:
    return "EC2_API Error: Options must have a 'key' field with the keys to remove"

  key = options["key"]
  if not isinstance(key, str):
    return "EC2_API Error: 'key' must be a string"

  cert, pk, ec2_url, s3_url, ec2_access_key, ec2_secret_key = get_credentials()
  command = "EC2_CERT=" + cert + " EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=" + pk + " EC2_URL=" + ec2_url + " S3_URL=" + s3_url + " EC2_ACCESS_KEY=" + ec2_access_key + " EC2_SECRET_KEY=" + ec2_secret_key + " /usr/local/bin/euca-delete-keypair "
  for k, v in options.iteritems():
    if k != "key":
      command = command + " -" + k + " " + v
  command = command + " " + key + " 2>&1"

  result = os.popen(command).read()
  return result
    def get(self):
        if users.is_current_user_capable("mr_api"):
            currentVal = memcache.get("currentVal")
            currentTask = memcache.get("currentTask")
            if currentVal is None:
                currentVal = ""
                currentTask = ""
            power = memcache.get("power-" + currentVal)

            result = None
            if currentTask == "runMRJob":
                result = memcache.get("result-" + currentVal)
            elif currentTask == "timing":
                result = memcache.get("timing-" + currentVal)

            if power is None:
                power = "(Not run yet)"
            if result is None:
                result = "No result data yet."
            power = ""
            result = """You are not authorized to run MapReduce jobs. Please get
authorization on your user account for MapReduce jobs and try again.

            template.render('mapreduce.html', {
                'power': power,
                'result': result
Example #5
def remove_ec2_creds():
  if users.is_current_user_capable("ec2_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the ec2 api"

  user = get_current_user()
  if not user:
    raise NameError('Cannot call remove_ec2_creds while not logged in.')

  cred_dir = "/tmp/ec2/" + user.nickname()
  os.system("rm -rf " + cred_dir)
Example #6
def getNumOfNodes():
  if users.is_current_user_capable("mr_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the mapreduce api"

  num_of_nodes = 0
  fileLoc = APPSCALE_HOME + "/.appscale/num_of_nodes"
  if os.path.exists(fileLoc):
    f = open(fileLoc)
    num_of_nodes = int(f.read())

  return num_of_nodes
Example #7
def getAllIPs():
  if users.is_current_user_capable("mr_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the mapreduce api"

  all_ips = []
  fileLoc = APPSCALE_HOME + "/.appscale/all_ips"
  if os.path.exists(fileLoc):
    f = open(fileLoc)
    text = f.read()
  all_ips = text.split("\n")
  return all_ips
Example #8
def write_neptune_job_params(params):
  if users.is_current_user_capable("neptune_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the neptune api"

  neptune_code = "puts neptune(:boo => 2, \n"

  for k, v in params.iteritems():
    neptune_code += "  " + str(k) + " => " + str(v) + ",\n"

  neptune_code += "  :baz => 2).inspect"
  return write_neptune_job_code(neptune_code)
Example #9
def ensure_user_is_ec2_authorized():
    Uses the Users API to check the currently logged in user's authorizations,
      raising an exception if they are not authorized to use the EC2 API.

      EC2Exception: If the currently logged in user is not authorized to use the
        EC2 API.

      None: If the currently logged in user is authorized to use the EC2 API.
  if not users.is_current_user_capable("ec2_api"):
    raise EC2Exception("this user cannot call the ec2 api")
Example #10
def ensure_user_is_ec2_authorized():
    Uses the Users API to check the currently logged in user's authorizations,
      raising an exception if they are not authorized to use the EC2 API.

      EC2Exception: If the currently logged in user is not authorized to use the
        EC2 API.

      None: If the currently logged in user is authorized to use the EC2 API.
    if not users.is_current_user_capable("ec2_api"):
        raise EC2Exception("this user cannot call the ec2 api")
Example #11
def writeTempFile(suffix, data):
  if users.is_current_user_capable("mr_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the mapreduce api"

  suffix = urllib.unquote(suffix)
  regex = r"[^\w\d/\.-]"
  pattern = re.compile(regex)
  suffix = pattern.sub('', suffix)

  fileLoc = "/tmp/" + suffix
  f = open(fileLoc, "w+")
  return fileLoc
Example #12
def ensure_user_is_mapreduce_authorized():
    Uses the Users API to check the currently logged in user's authorizations,
      raising an exception if they are not authorized to use the AppScale
      MapReduce API.

      MapReduceException: If the currently logged in user is not authorized to
      use the AppScale MapReduce API.

      None: If the currently logged in user is authorized to use the AppScale
        MapReduce API.
    if not users.is_current_user_capable("mapreduce_api"):
        raise MapReduceException("this user cannot call the mapreduce api")
Example #13
def write_neptune_job_code(code):
  if users.is_current_user_capable("neptune_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the neptune api"

  neptune_dir = "/tmp/neptune/"
  mkdir_p = "mkdir -p " + neptune_dir

  file_location = neptune_dir + "job-" + str(random.randint(0,1000000)) + ".rb"
  f = open(file_location, "w+")

  sys.stderr.write("Wrote Neptune code to " + file_location)

  return file_location
Example #14
def run_neptune_job(file_location):
  if users.is_current_user_capable("neptune_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the neptune api"

  file_location = urllib.unquote(file_location)
  regex = r"[^\w\d/\.-]"
  pattern = re.compile(regex)
  file_location = pattern.sub('', file_location)

  result = "file not found"
  if os.path.exists(file_location):
    cmd = "neptune " + file_location
    result = os.popen(cmd).read()

  return result
Example #15
def ensure_user_is_mapreduce_authorized():
    Uses the Users API to check the currently logged in user's authorizations,
      raising an exception if they are not authorized to use the AppScale
      MapReduce API.

      MapReduceException: If the currently logged in user is not authorized to
      use the AppScale MapReduce API.

      None: If the currently logged in user is authorized to use the AppScale
        MapReduce API.
  if not users.is_current_user_capable("mapreduce_api"):
    raise MapReduceException("this user cannot call the mapreduce api")
Example #16
def get_ec2_secret_key():
  if users.is_current_user_capable("ec2_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the ec2 api"

  user = get_current_user()
  if not user:
    raise NameError('Cannot call get_ec2_secret_key while not logged in.')

  ec2_secret_key_loc = "/tmp/ec2/" + user.nickname() + "/ec2secretkey"

  contents = None
  if os.path.exists(ec2_secret_key_loc):
    f = open(ec2_secret_key_loc, "r")
    contents = f.read()
  return contents
Example #17
def ec2_describe_instances(options = {}):
  if users.is_current_user_capable("ec2_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the ec2 api"

  errors = ec2_set_environment()
  if errors is not None:
    return errors
  options = sanitize(options)
  cert, pk, ec2_url, s3_url, ec2_access_key, ec2_secret_key = get_credentials()
  command = "EC2_CERT=" + cert + " EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=" + pk + " EC2_URL=" + ec2_url + " S3_URL=" + s3_url + " EC2_ACCESS_KEY=" + ec2_access_key + " EC2_SECRET_KEY=" + ec2_secret_key + " /usr/local/bin/euca-describe-instances "
  for k, v in options.iteritems():
    command = command + " -" + k + " " + v
  command = command + " 2>&1"

  result = os.popen(command).read()
  return result
Example #18
def get_credentials():
  if users.is_current_user_capable("ec2_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the ec2 api"

  user = get_current_user()
  if not user:
    raise NameError("Cannot call get_credentials while not logged in")

  cred_dir = "/tmp/ec2/" + user.nickname()
  cert = cred_dir + "/cert.pem"
  pk = cred_dir + "/pk.pem"
  ec2_url = get_ec2_url()
  s3_url = get_s3_url()
  ec2_access_key = get_ec2_access_key()
  ec2_secret_key = get_ec2_secret_key()
  return (cert, pk, ec2_url, s3_url, ec2_access_key, ec2_secret_key)
  def get(self):
    user = users.get_current_user()
    if user is not None:
      response = "You are logged in as " + user.nickname() + ".<br />"
      response += "Is that <a href='" + users.create_logout_url("/") + "'>not you?</a><br /><br />"
      response = "You are not logged in yet.<br />"
      response += "Would you <a href='" + users.create_login_url("/") + "'>like to?</a><br /><br />"

    if users.is_current_user_capable("ec2_api"):
      response += "You are authorized to use the EC2 API."
      response += "You are NOT authorized to use the EC2 API."

                                            {'tool': 'Welcome!',
                                             'result': response}))
Example #20
def ec2_run_instances(options = {}):
  if users.is_current_user_capable("ec2_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the ec2 api"

  errors = ec2_set_environment()
  if errors is not None:
    return errors

  options = sanitize(options)
  if "machine" not in options:
    return "EC2_API Error: Options must have a 'machine' field with the AMI to spawn"
  cert, pk, ec2_url, s3_url, ec2_access_key, ec2_secret_key = get_credentials()
  command = "EC2_CERT=" + cert + " EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=" + pk + " EC2_URL=" + ec2_url + " S3_URL=" + s3_url + " EC2_ACCESS_KEY=" + ec2_access_key + " EC2_SECRET_KEY=" + ec2_secret_key + " /usr/local/bin/euca-run-instances " + options['machine']
  for k, v in options.iteritems():
    if k != "machine":
      command = command + " -" + k + " " + v
  command = command + " 2>&1"

  result = os.popen(command).read()
  return result
Example #21
def ec2_terminate_instances(options = {}):
  if users.is_current_user_capable("ec2_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the ec2 api"

  errors = ec2_set_environment()
  if errors is not None:
    return errors

  options = sanitize(options)
  if "ids" not in options:
    return "EC2_API Error: Options must have a 'ids' field with the IDs to kill"

  ids = options['ids']
  # later, make sure that ids is an array
  cert, pk, ec2_url, s3_url, ec2_access_key, ec2_secret_key = get_credentials()
  command = "EC2_CERT=" + cert + " EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=" + pk + " EC2_URL=" + ec2_url + " S3_URL=" + s3_url + " EC2_ACCESS_KEY=" + ec2_access_key + " EC2_SECRET_KEY=" + ec2_secret_key + " /usr/local/bin/euca-terminate-instances " + " ".join(ids)
  for k, v in options.iteritems():
    if k != "ids":
      command = command + " -" + k + " " + v
  command = command + " 2>&1"
  result = os.popen(command).read()
  return result
Example #22
def putMRInput(data, inputLoc):
  if users.is_current_user_capable("mr_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the mapreduce api"

  inputLoc = urllib.unquote(inputLoc)
  regex = r"[^\w\d/\.-]"
  pattern = re.compile(regex)
  inputLoc = pattern.sub('', inputLoc)

  fileLoc = "/tmp/" + inputLoc
  f = open(fileLoc, "w+")

  removeInput = HADOOP_BIN + " fs -rmr " + inputLoc
  sys.stderr.write(removeInput + "\n")

  put = HADOOP_BIN + " fs -put " + fileLoc + " " + inputLoc

Example #23
def write_ec2_creds(cert, pk, ec2_url, s3_url, ec2_access_key, ec2_secret_key):
  if users.is_current_user_capable("ec2_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the ec2 api"

  user = get_current_user()
  if not user:
    raise NameError('Cannot call write_ec2_creds while not logged in.')
  cred_dir = "/tmp/ec2/" + user.nickname()
  os.system("mkdir -p " + cred_dir)

  ec2_cert_loc = cred_dir + "/cert.pem"
  f = open(ec2_cert_loc, "w+")

  ec2_pk_loc = cred_dir + "/pk.pem"
  f = open(ec2_pk_loc, "w+")

  ec2_url_loc = cred_dir + "/ec2url"
  f = open(ec2_url_loc, "w+")

  s3_url_loc = cred_dir + "/s3url"
  f = open(s3_url_loc, "w+")
  ec2_access_key_loc = cred_dir + "/ec2accesskey"
  f = open(ec2_access_key_loc, "w+")

  ec2_secret_key_loc = cred_dir + "/ec2secretkey"
  f = open(ec2_secret_key_loc, "w+")
Example #24
def getMRLogs(outputLoc):
  if users.is_current_user_capable("mr_api") == False:
    return "this user cannot call the mapreduce api"

  outputLoc = urllib.unquote(outputLoc)
  regex = r"[^\w\d/\.-]"
  pattern = re.compile(regex)
  outputLoc = pattern.sub('', outputLoc)

  fileLoc = "/tmp/" + outputLoc
  rmr = "rm -rf " + fileLoc

  get = APPSCALE_HOME + "/AppDB/hadoop-0.20.2/bin/hadoop fs -get " + outputLoc + " " + fileLoc

  contents = "no logs"
  if os.path.exists(fileLoc):
    cmd = "cat " + fileLoc + "/_logs/history/*"
    contents = os.popen(cmd).read()

  return contents