Example #1
class Users(model.Model):
    user_id = model.StringProperty()
    email = model.StringProperty()
    token = model.StringProperty()
    def generate_token(cls, token_length):
        u = uuid.uuid4()
        return u.bytes.encode("base64")[:token_length]
    generate_token = classmethod(generate_token)
    def test_pilot_id(cls, id):
        user = Users.query(Users.email == id).get()
        if user is None:
            return -1
            return user.user_id
    test_pilot_id = classmethod(test_pilot_id)

    def test_user_login(cls, id, pw):
        user = Users.query(Users.email == id, Users.token == pw).get()
        if user is None:
            return None
            return user.user_id
    test_user_login = classmethod(test_user_login)
Example #2
class EnkiModelApp(model.Model):

    user_id = model.IntegerProperty()
    name = model.StringProperty()
    secret = model.StringProperty()
    time_created = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

    def exist_by_name(cls, name):
        count = cls.query(cls.name == name).count(1)
        return count > 0

    def count_by_user_id(cls, user_id):
        return cls.query(cls.user_id == user_id).count()

    def fetch_by_user_id(cls, user_id):
        list = cls.query(cls.user_id == user_id).order(
        return list

    def exist_by_app_id_app_secret(cls, app_id, app_secret):
        item = ndb.Key(cls, int(app_id)).get()
        if item and item.secret == app_secret:
            return True
        return False
class EnkiModelTokenEmailRollback(model.Model):

    #=== MODEL ====================================================================

    token = model.StringProperty()
    email = model.StringProperty()
    user_id = model.IntegerProperty()  # ndb user ID
    time_created = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

    #=== QUERIES ==================================================================

    def get_by_user_id_email(cls, user_id, email):
        return cls.query(ndb.AND(cls.user_id == user_id,
                                 cls.email == email)).get()

    def get_by_token(cls, token):
        return cls.query(cls.token == token).get()

    def fetch_keys_by_user_id(cls, user_id):
        return cls.query(cls.user_id == user_id).fetch(keys_only=True)

    def fetch_keys_by_user_id_time(cls, user_id, time_created):
        return cls.query(
            ndb.AND(cls.time_created >= time_created,
                    cls.user_id == user_id)).fetch(keys_only=True)
Example #4
class KindPropertyNamePropertyTypeStat(BaseKindStatistic):
  """Statistic on (kind, property_name, property_type) tuples in Cloud

  There is an instance of the KindPropertyNamePropertyTypeStat for every
  (kind, property_name, property_type) tuple in the application's datastore.

    property_type: the property type associated with the statistic instance.
    property_name: the name of the property associated with the statistic
    builtin_index_bytes: the number of bytes taken up to store builtin-in
      index entries
    builtin_index_count: the number of built-in index entries.
  STORED_KIND_NAME = '__Stat_PropertyType_PropertyName_Kind__'

  property_type = model.StringProperty()

  property_name = model.StringProperty()

  builtin_index_bytes = model.IntegerProperty(default=0)

  builtin_index_count = model.IntegerProperty(default=0)
Example #5
class EnkiModelDisplayName( model.Model ):

	user_id = model.IntegerProperty()
	prefix = model.StringProperty() # prefix e.g. 'Jane'
	prefix_lower = model.ComputedProperty(lambda self: self.prefix.lower()) # lowercase prefix e.g. "jane"
	suffix = model.StringProperty() # suffix e.g. '#1234' => full display name = 'Jane#1234'
	current = model.BooleanProperty( default = True )
	time_created = model.DateTimeProperty( auto_now_add = True )
Example #6
class NotificationToken(ndb.Model):
    android = 0
    ios = 1
    winPhone = 2

    userId = model.IntegerProperty()
    token = model.StringProperty()
    email = model.StringProperty()
    kind = model.IntegerProperty()
Example #7
class EnkiModelRestAPIDataStore(model.Model):

    user_id = model.IntegerProperty()
    app_id = model.StringProperty()
    data_type = model.StringProperty()
    data_id = model.StringProperty()
    data_payload = model.JsonProperty()
    time_expires = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=False)
    read_access = model.StringProperty(
        choices=['private', 'friends', 'public'], default='private')
Example #8
class EnkiModelUser(model.Model):

    #=== MODEL ====================================================================

    # if logged in through enki auth, otherwise null
    email = model.StringProperty()  # unique
    password = model.StringProperty()

    # if logged in through external provider at least once, otherwise null. Format "provider:userId"
    auth_ids_provider = model.StringProperty(repeated=True)  # unique

    roles = model.StringProperty(repeated=True)

    time_created = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    time_updated = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)

    #=== QUERIES ==================================================================

    def count(cls):
        count = EnkiModelUser.query().count()
        return count

    def get_key_by_email(cls, email):
        return cls.query(cls.email == email).get(keys_only=True)

    def get_by_email(cls, email):
        return cls.query(cls.email == email).get()

    def exist_by_auth_id(cls, auth_id):
        count = cls.query(cls.auth_ids_provider == auth_id).count(1)
        return count > 0

    def get_by_auth_id(cls, auth_id):
        return cls.query(cls.auth_ids_provider == auth_id).get()

    #=== UTILITIES ================================================================

    def exist_by_email(cls, email):
        if email and email != 'removed':
            count = cls.query(cls.email == email).count(1)
            return count > 0
        return False

    def has_password_by_email(cls, email):
        user = cls.get_by_email(email)
        if user.password:
            return True
        return False
Example #9
class EnkiModelUser(model.Model):

    # if logged in through enki auth, otherwise null
    email = model.StringProperty()  # unique
    password = model.StringProperty()

    # if logged in through external provider at least once, otherwise null. Format "provider:userId"
    auth_ids_provider = model.StringProperty(repeated=True)  # unique

    # other
    time_created = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    time_updated = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
Example #10
class EnkiModelForum(model.Model):

    title = model.StringProperty()
    description = model.StringProperty()
    group = model.StringProperty()  # group of forums
    order = model.IntegerProperty(
        default=0)  # sort the forums (within a group)

    num_threads = model.IntegerProperty(
        default=0)  # number of threads in the forum
    num_posts = model.IntegerProperty(
        default=0)  # number of posts in the forum's threads

    time_created = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
Example #11
class AcarsFlight(model.Model):
    flight_id = model.StringProperty()
    user_id = model.StringProperty()
    acars_id = model.IntegerProperty()
    aircraft_type = model.StringProperty()
    flight_number = model.StringProperty()
    flight_type = model.StringProperty()
    flight_plan = model.StringProperty(repeated=True)
    departure = model.StringProperty()
    destination = model.StringProperty()
    flight_path = model.LocalStructuredProperty(FlightPosition, repeated=True)

    def add_flight(self):

    def active_flights_for_user(self, user_id, limit=20, offset=0):
        flights = AcarsFlight.query(AcarsFlight.user_id == user_id).fetch(
            limit, offset=offset)
        active_flights = []
        for flight in flights:
            position = AcarsPosition.query(
                AcarsPosition.flight_id == flight.flight_id,
                AcarsPosition.message_type == 'ZZ').get()
            if position is None:
        return active_flights

    active_flights_for_user = classmethod(active_flights_for_user)
Example #12
class AcarsFlightData(model.Model):
    flight_number = model.StringProperty()
    aircraft = model.StringProperty()
    departure = model.StringProperty()
    destination = model.StringProperty()
    alternate = model.StringProperty()
    route = model.StringProperty()
    altitude = model.StringProperty()
    pax = model.StringProperty()
    cargo = model.StringProperty()
    rules = model.StringProperty()

    def add_flight_data(self):
class EnkiModelRestAPITokenVerify( EnkiModelTokenVerify ):

	app_id = model.StringProperty()
	app_secret = model.StringProperty()

	def get_by_user_id_token( cls, user_id, token ):
		entity = cls.query( ndb.AND( cls.user_id == user_id, cls.token == token )).get()
		return entity

	def exist_by_user_id_token_app_secret( cls, user_id, token, app_secret ):
		count = cls.query( ndb.AND( cls.user_id == user_id, cls.token == token, cls.app_secret == app_secret )).count( 1 )
		return count > 0
Example #14
class PropertyTypeStat(BaseStatistic):
  """An aggregate of all properties across the entire application by type.

  There is an instance of the PropertyTypeStat for every property type
  (google.appengine.api.datastore_types._PROPERTY_TYPES) in use by the
  application in its datastore.

    property_type: the property type associated with the statistic instance.
    entity_bytes: the number of bytes taken up to store the statistic
      in Cloud Datastore minus the cost of storing indices.
    builtin_index_bytes: the number of bytes taken up to store builtin-in
      index entries
    builtin_index_count: the number of built-in index entries.
  STORED_KIND_NAME = '__Stat_PropertyType__'

  property_type = model.StringProperty()

  entity_bytes = model.IntegerProperty(default=0)

  builtin_index_bytes = model.IntegerProperty(default=0)

  builtin_index_count = model.IntegerProperty(default=0)
Example #15
class Config(ndb.Model):
    Name = model.StringProperty()
    Value = model.StringProperty()

    def min_server_version_allowed(cls):
        kvp = cls.query(cls.Name == 'min_server_version').get()
        if not kvp:
            kvp = cls()
            kvp.Name = 'min_server_version'
            kvp.Value = settings.config['min_version']
        if float(kvp.Value) < float(settings.config['min_version']):
            kvp.Value = settings.config['min_version']
        return kvp.Value
Example #16
class NDBTestModel(ndb_model.Model):

    def _get_kind(cls):
        """ Use the existing TestModel entities. """
        return 'TestModel'
    prop1 = ndb_model.StringProperty()
Example #17
class EnkiModelSummary(model.Model):

    #=== MODEL ====================================================================

    name = model.StringProperty()
    count = model.IntegerProperty()
    time_created = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

    #=== UTILITIES ================================================================

    def create(cls, name, count):
        cls(name=name, count=count).put_async()

    def csv(cls):
        list = cls.query().order(-cls.time_created, cls.name).fetch()
        result = '"time_created","count","name"\n'
        for item in list:
            time_created = '"' + str(item.time_created).replace('"',
                                                                "''") + '"'
            count = '"' + str(item.count) + '"'
            name = '"' + str(item.name).replace('"', "''") + '"'
            result += ','.join([time_created, count, name]) + '\n'
        return result
Example #18
class UserToken(BaseUserToken):
    SUBJECT_BEARER = 'bearer'

    unique_model = Unique
    bearer_token_timedelta = timedelta(days=365)

    refresh_token = model.StringProperty()

    def create(cls, user, subject, token=None):
        if subject == cls.SUBJECT_BEARER:
            user = str(user)
            token = token or security.generate_random_string(entropy=128)

            # Bearer tokens must be unique on their own, without a user scope.
            key = cls.get_key('', subject, token)
            entity = cls(

            # Refresh tokens must be unique
            ok = cls.unique_model.create('%s.refresh_token:%s' %
                                         (cls.__name__, entity.refresh_token))
            if ok:
                    'Unable to create a unique user token for user %s', user)
                entity = None
            entity = super(UserToken, cls).create(user, subject, token)

        return entity

    def expires_at(self):
        """Returns the datetime after which this token is no longer valid

            A datetime object after which this token is no longer valid.
        if self.subject == self.SUBJECT_BEARER:
            return self.created + self.bearer_token_timedelta

        return None

    def is_expired(self):
        """Whether the token is past its expiry time

            True if the token has expired
        return self.expires_at() <= datetime.now()
Example #19
class EnkiModelThread(model.Model):

    author = model.IntegerProperty()
    title = model.StringProperty()

    forum = model.IntegerProperty()  # forum the thread belongs to

    num_posts = model.IntegerProperty(
        default=0)  # number of posts in the thread

    time_created = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
Example #20
class EnkiModelUserPageData(model.Model):

    user_id = model.IntegerProperty()
    route = model.StringProperty()
    data = model.PickleProperty()

    def get_by_user_id_route(cls, user_id, route):
        entity = cls.query(ndb.AND(cls.user_id == user_id,
                                   cls.route == route)).get()
        return entity
Example #21
class AcarsPosition(model.Model):
    flight_id = model.StringProperty()
    message_id = model.StringProperty()
    system_time = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    remote_time = model.DateTimeProperty()
    message_type = model.StringProperty()
    flight_status = model.IntegerProperty()
    waypoint = model.StringProperty()
    lat_lon = model.GeoPtProperty()
    hdg = model.IntegerProperty()
    alt = model.IntegerProperty()
    vs = model.IntegerProperty()
    gs = model.IntegerProperty()
    ias = model.IntegerProperty()
    tas = model.IntegerProperty()
    fob = model.IntegerProperty()
    wnd = model.StringProperty()
    oat = model.IntegerProperty()
    tat = model.IntegerProperty()
    distance_from_dept = model.IntegerProperty()
    distance_total = model.IntegerProperty()
    pause_mode = model.IntegerProperty()
    airport = model.StringProperty()
    message = model.TextProperty()

    def add_position(self):
        if self.lat_lon:
            acars_flight = AcarsFlight.query(
                AcarsFlight.flight_id == self.flight_id).get()
            flight_position = FlightPosition(lat_lon=self.lat_lon,
Example #22
class EnkiModelUserPageData(model.Model):

    #=== MODEL ====================================================================

    user_id = model.IntegerProperty()
    route = model.StringProperty()
    data = model.PickleProperty()

    #=== QUERIES ==================================================================

    def get_by_user_id_route(cls, user_id, route):
        return cls.query(ndb.AND(cls.user_id == user_id,
                                 cls.route == route)).get()
Example #23
class Change(ndb.Model):
    recordId = model.StringProperty()
    when = model.DateTimeProperty()
    subscriberId = model.StringProperty()
    kind = model.IntegerProperty()


    def migrate_old_votes_to_changes(cls):
        count = 0
        vote_changes = VoteChange.query()
        for v in vote_changes:
            new_change = Change()
            new_change.kind = cls.CHANGE_VOTE
            new_change.subscriberId = v.subscriberId
            new_change.recordId = v.voteId
            new_change.when = v.when
            count += 1
        return count

    def migrate_old_places_to_changes(cls):
        count = 0
        place_changes = PlaceChange.query()
        for p in place_changes:
            new_change = Change()
            new_change.kind = cls.CHANGE_PLACE
            new_change.subscriberId = p.subscriberId
            new_change.recordId = p.placeId
            new_change.when = p.when
            count += 1
        return count
class EnkiModelRestAPIConnectToken(model.Model):

    #=== MODEL ====================================================================

    token = model.StringProperty()
    user_id = model.IntegerProperty()
    time_created = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

    #=== CONSTANTS ================================================================

    MAX_AGE = 5  # in minutes, duration of a connection token validity

    #=== QUERIES ==================================================================

    def get_by_user_id_token_valid_age(cls, user_id, token):
        return cls.query(
                cls.user_id == user_id, cls.token == token, cls.time_created >
                (datetime.datetime.now() -

    def fetch_by_user(cls, user_id):
        return cls.query(cls.user_id == user_id).fetch(keys_only=True)

    def fetch_expired(cls):
        return cls.query(
            cls.time_created < (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(

    #=== UTILITIES ================================================================

    def cleanup_and_get_new_connection_token(cls, user_id):
        # note: ensure user is logged in and has display name before calling this function
        if user_id:
            # delete any existing connect token for the user
            # create a new token and return it
            token = enki.libutil.generate_connect_code()
            entity = cls(token=token, user_id=int(user_id))
            return token
        return None
Example #25
class KindCompositeIndexStat(BaseStatistic):
  """Statistic on (kind, composite_index_id) tuples in Cloud Datastore.

  There is an instance of the KindCompositeIndexStat for every unique
  (kind, composite_index_id) tuple in the application's datastore indexes.

    index_id: the id of the composite index associated with the statistic
    kind_name: the name of the kind associated with the statistic instance.
  STORED_KIND_NAME = '__Stat_Kind_CompositeIndex__'

  index_id = model.IntegerProperty()

  kind_name = model.StringProperty()
Example #26
class BaseKindStatistic(BaseStatistic):
  """Base Statistic Model class for stats associated with kinds.

    kind_name: the name of the kind associated with the statistic instance.
    entity_bytes: the number of bytes taken up to store the statistic
      in Cloud Datastore minus the cost of storing indices.

  STORED_KIND_NAME = '__BaseKindStatistic__'

  kind_name = model.StringProperty()

  entity_bytes = model.IntegerProperty(default=0)
Example #27
class EnkiModelProductKey( model.Model ):

	licence_key = model.StringProperty()  # mandatory
	product_name = model.StringProperty()  # mandatory

	purchaser_email = model.StringProperty()  # mandatory
	purchaser_user_id = model.IntegerProperty() # if the purchaser is registered

	shop_name = model.StringProperty() #choices = [ 'FastSpring' ])
	purchase_price = model.StringProperty()
	quantity = model.IntegerProperty()
	order_id = model.StringProperty()
	order_type = model.StringProperty( choices = [ 'emulated', 'test', 'normal' ])

	activated_by_user = model.IntegerProperty( )

	time_created = model.DateTimeProperty( auto_now_add = True )
	time_updated = model.DateTimeProperty( auto_now = True )
Example #28
class Message(model.Model):
    username = model.StringProperty()
    picture_url = model.StringProperty()
    message = model.StringProperty()
    commit_hash = model.StringProperty(required=False)
    url = model.StringProperty(required=False)
    project = model.StringProperty(required=False)
    timestamp = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    def __str__(self):
        return '%s - %s' % (self.username, self.message)
    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.__str__()
    def to_json(self):
        data = self.to_dict(exclude=['timestamp'])
        return json.dumps(data)
    def create_message(cls, username, picture_url, message, **kwargs):
        message = cls(username=username, picture_url=picture_url, message=message)
        deferred.defer(send_live_message, message.key.urlsafe(), _queue="live")
        return message
    def add_commit(cls, key):
        commit_key = model.Key(urlsafe=key)
        commit = commit_key.get()
        parent_key = commit_key.parent()
        if parent_key is None:
        parent = parent_key.get()
        picture_url = getattr(parent, 'picture_url', '/static/images/spread_the_word_button.png')
        message = cls(username=parent.username, 
            picture_url=picture_url, message=commit.message[:200], url=commit.url,
            project=commit.project, commit_hash=commit.hash)
        deferred.defer(send_live_message, message.key.urlsafe(), _queue="live")
        return message
Example #29
class AcarsPirep(model.Model):
    time_report = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    acars_id = model.IntegerProperty()
    user_id = model.StringProperty()
    flight_number = model.StringProperty()
    ac_icao = model.StringProperty()
    cruise_alt = model.IntegerProperty()
    flight_type = model.StringProperty()
    departure = model.StringProperty()
    destination = model.StringProperty()
    alternate = model.StringProperty()
    dep_time = model.DateTimeProperty()
    block_time = model.IntegerProperty()
    block_fuel = model.IntegerProperty()
    flight_time = model.IntegerProperty()
    flight_fuel = model.IntegerProperty()
    pax = model.IntegerProperty()
    cargo = model.IntegerProperty()
    online = model.IntegerProperty()
    engine_start_ts = model.IntegerProperty()
    takeoff_ts = model.IntegerProperty()
    landing_ts = model.IntegerProperty()
    engine_stop_ts = model.IntegerProperty()
    zero_fuel_weight = model.IntegerProperty()
    take_off_weight = model.IntegerProperty()
    landing_weight = model.IntegerProperty()
    out_geo = model.GeoPtProperty()
    out_altitude = model.IntegerProperty()
    in_geo = model.GeoPtProperty()
    in_altitude = model.IntegerProperty()
    max_climb_rate = model.IntegerProperty()
    max_descend_rate = model.IntegerProperty()
    max_ias = model.IntegerProperty()
    max_gs = model.IntegerProperty()

    def add_pirep(self):

    def flights_for_user(self, user_id, limit=20, offset=0):
        return AcarsPirep.query(AcarsPirep.user_id == user_id).fetch(
            limit, offset=offset)

    flights_for_user = classmethod(flights_for_user)
Example #30
class NamespaceStat(BaseStatistic):
  """An aggregate of all entities across an entire namespace.

  This statistic has one instance per namespace.  The key_name is the
  represented namespace. NamespaceStat entities will only be found
  in the namespace "" (empty string). It contains the total
  number of entities stored and the total number of bytes they take up.

    subject_namespace: the namespace associated with the statistic instance.
    entity_bytes: the number of bytes taken up to store the statistic
      in Cloud Datastore minus the cost of storing indices.
    builtin_index_bytes: the number of bytes taken up to store builtin-in
      index entries
    builtin_index_count: the number of built-in index entries.
    composite_index_bytes: the number of bytes taken up to store composite
      index entries
    composite_index_count: the number of composite index entries.
  STORED_KIND_NAME = '__Stat_Namespace__'

  subject_namespace = model.StringProperty()

  entity_bytes = model.IntegerProperty(default=0)

  builtin_index_bytes = model.IntegerProperty(default=0)

  builtin_index_count = model.IntegerProperty(default=0)

  composite_index_bytes = model.IntegerProperty(default=0)

  composite_index_count = model.IntegerProperty(default=0)