Example #1
def local_predict(input_data, model_dir):
    """Runs prediction locally.

    input_data: list of input files to run prediction on.
    model_dir: path to Tensorflow model folder.

    session, _ = session_bundle.load_session_bundle_from_path(model_dir)
    # get the mappings between aliases and tensor names
    # for both inputs and outputs
    input_alias_map = json.loads(session.graph.get_collection('inputs')[0])
    output_alias_map = json.loads(session.graph.get_collection('outputs')[0])
    aliases, tensor_names = zip(*output_alias_map.items())

    metadata_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'metadata.yaml')
    transformer = features.FeatureProducer(metadata_path)
    for input_file in input_data:
        with open(input_file) as f:
            feed_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
            for line in f:
                preprocessed = transformer.preprocess(line)
            result = session.run(fetches=tensor_names, feed_dict=feed_dict)
            for row in zip(*result):
                print json.dumps({
                    name: (value.tolist()
                           if getattr(value, 'tolist', None) else value)
                    for name, value in zip(aliases, row)
Example #2
 def from_client(cls, client, model_path, skip_preprocessing=False):
   preprocess_fn = None
   if not skip_preprocessing:
     metadata_path = _get_metadata_path(model_path)
     if metadata_path:
       feature_producer = features.FeatureProducer(metadata_path)
       if feature_producer:
         preprocess_fn = feature_producer.preprocess
   return cls(client, preprocess_fn)