def pull(self, return_immediately=False, max_messages=1, client=None):
        """API call:  retrieve messages for the subscription.



        .. literalinclude::
           :start-after: [START subscription_pull]
           :end-before: [END subscription_pull]

        :type return_immediately: bool
        :param return_immediately: if True, the back-end returns even if no
                                   messages are available;  if False, the API
                                   call blocks until one or more messages are

        :type max_messages: int
        :param max_messages: the maximum number of messages to return.

        :type client: :class:`` or
        :param client: the client to use.  If not passed, falls back to the
                       ``client`` stored on the current subscription's topic.

        :rtype: list of (ack_id, message) tuples
        :returns: sequence of tuples: ``ack_id`` is the ID to be used in a
                  subsequent call to :meth:`acknowledge`, and ``message``
                  is an instance of
        client = self._require_client(client)
        api = client.subscriber_api
        response = api.subscription_pull(self.full_name, return_immediately,
        return [(info['ackId'], Message.from_api_repr(info['message']))
                for info in response]
Example #2
    def pull(self, return_immediately=False, max_messages=1, client=None):
        """API call:  retrieve messages for the subscription.



        .. literalinclude::
           :start-after: [START subscription_pull]
           :end-before: [END subscription_pull]

        :type return_immediately: bool
        :param return_immediately: if True, the back-end returns even if no
                                   messages are available;  if False, the API
                                   call blocks until one or more messages are

        :type max_messages: int
        :param max_messages: the maximum number of messages to return.

        :type client: :class:`` or
        :param client: the client to use.  If not passed, falls back to the
                       ``client`` stored on the current subscription's topic.

        :rtype: list of (ack_id, message) tuples
        :returns: sequence of tuples: ``ack_id`` is the ID to be used in a
                  subsequent call to :meth:`acknowledge`, and ``message``
                  is an instance of
        client = self._require_client(client)
        api = client.subscriber_api
        response = api.subscription_pull(
            self.full_name, return_immediately, max_messages)
        return [(info['ackId'], Message.from_api_repr(info['message']))
                for info in response]
def test_parse_json_message():
    attributes = {
        'eventType': 'OBJECT_FINALIZE',
        'bucketId': 'mybucket',
        'objectId': 'myobject',
        'objectGeneration': 1234567,
        'resource': 'projects/_/buckets/mybucket/objects/myobject#1234567',
        'notificationConfig': ('projects/_/buckets/mybucket/'
        'payloadFormat': 'JSON_API_V1'}
    data = ('{'
            '  "size": 12345,'
            '  "contentType": "text/html",'
            '  "metageneration": 1'
    message = Message(data, MESSAGE_ID, attributes=attributes)
    assert summarize(message) == (
        '\tEvent type: OBJECT_FINALIZE\n'
        '\tBucket ID: mybucket\n'
        '\tObject ID: myobject\n'
        '\tGeneration: 1234567\n'
        '\tContent type: text/html\n'
        '\tSize: 12345\n'
        '\tMetageneration: 1\n')