Example #1
def test_init():
    """Establish that a monitor thread is usually created on init."""
    client = create_client()

    # Do not actually create a thread, but do verify that one was created;
    # it should be running the batch's "monitor" method (which commits the
    # batch once time elapses).
    with mock.patch.object(threading, 'Thread', autospec=True) as Thread:
        batch = Batch(client, 'topic_name', types.BatchSettings())

    # New batches start able to accept messages by default.
    assert batch.status == BatchStatus.ACCEPTING_MESSAGES
def create_batch(autocommit=False, **batch_settings):
    """Return a batch object suitable for testing.

        autocommit (bool): Whether the batch should commit after
            ``max_latency`` seconds. By default, this is ``False``
            for unit testing.
        kwargs (dict): Arguments passed on to the
            :class:``~.pubsub_v1.types.BatchSettings`` constructor.

        ~.pubsub_v1.publisher.batch.thread.Batch: A batch object.
    client = create_client()
    settings = types.BatchSettings(**batch_settings)
    return Batch(client, 'topic_name', settings, autocommit=autocommit)
def create_batch(status=None, settings=types.BatchSettings()):
    """Create a batch object, which does not commit.

        status (str): If provided, the batch's internal status will be set
            to the provided status.

        ~.pubsub_v1.publisher.batch.thread.Batch: The batch object
    creds = mock.Mock(spec=credentials.Credentials)
    client = publisher.Client(credentials=creds)
    batch = Batch(client, 'topic_name', settings, autocommit=False)
    if status:
        batch._status = status
    return batch
def test_client():
    client = create_client()
    settings = types.BatchSettings()
    batch = Batch(client, 'topic_name', settings, autocommit=False)
    assert batch.client is client