def local_image(img_filepath): with, "rb") as img_file: img_contents = img = types.Image(content=img_contents) return img
def index05(request): candidate = Candidate.objects.all() no1 = Candidate.objects.filter( party_number=4) #party_number는 게시물올릴때 번호 다른걸로 바뀌줄수있음 no1[0].party_number image_db01 = no1[0].image_file image_db = str(image_db01) client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname('C:'), '/Users/student/mysite02/media/' + image_db) with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = types.Image(content=content) response = client.text_detection(image=image) texts = response.text_annotations my_list = list() for text in texts: result = text.description my_list.append(result) data = my_list[0] data1 = data.replace('\n', ' ') data2 = data1.replace('(', ' ') data3 = data2.replace(')', ' ') data4 = data3.replace('/', ' ') data5 = data4.split(' ') df = pd.DataFrame(data5, columns=["총리스트"]) df1 = pd.DataFrame(columns=["0", "1", "2", "3"]) df2 = pd.DataFrame(columns=["0", "1", "2", "3"]) df1.loc[0, '3'] = "아메리카노" df1.loc[1, '2'] = "아이스" df1.loc[1, '3'] = "아메리카노" df1.loc[2, '2'] = "아이스" df1.loc[2, '3'] = "카페라떼" df1.loc[3, '3'] = "카페라떼" df1.loc[4, '1'] = "아이스" df1.loc[4, '2'] = "바닐라라떼" df1.loc[4, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[5, '1'] = "아이스" df1.loc[5, '2'] = "카라멜라떼" df1.loc[5, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[6, '2'] = "카라멜라떼" df1.loc[6, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[7, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[7, '2'] = "라떼" df1.loc[7, '1'] = "카라멜" df1.loc[8, '2'] = "바닐라라떼" df1.loc[8, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[9, '1'] = "바닐라" df1.loc[9, '2'] = "라떼" df1.loc[9, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[10, '1'] = "화이트초콜릿" df1.loc[10, '2'] = "라떼" df1.loc[10, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[11, '3'] = "카푸치노" df1.loc[12, '2'] = "헤이즐넛" df1.loc[12, '3'] = "카푸치노" df1.loc[13, '2'] = "오리지널" df1.loc[13, '3'] = "드립커피" df1.loc[14, '1'] = "아이스" df1.loc[14, '2'] = "오리지널" df1.loc[14, '3'] = "드립커피" df1.loc[15, '2'] = "카페" df1.loc[15, '3'] = "모카" df1.loc[16, '3'] = "카페모카" df1.loc[17, '2'] = "아이스" df1.loc[17, '3'] = "카페모카" df1.loc[18, '2'] = "화이트초콜릿라떼" df1.loc[18, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[19, '1'] = "아이스" df1.loc[19, '2'] = "화이트초콜릿라떼" df1.loc[19, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[20, '2'] = "콜드브루" df1.loc[20, '3'] = "아메리카노" df1.loc[21, '2'] = "콜드브루" df1.loc[21, '3'] = "원액" df1.loc[22, '2'] = "니트로" df1.loc[22, '3'] = "콜드브루" df1.loc[23, '2'] = "콜드브루" df1.loc[23, '3'] = "라떼" df1.loc[24, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[24, '2'] = "콘파나" df1.loc[24, '1'] = "모카" df1.loc[25, '1'] = "카라멜" df1.loc[25, '2'] = "콘파나" df1.loc[25, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[26, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[26, '2'] = "망고요거트" df1.loc[27, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[27, '2'] = "요거트" df1.loc[27, '1'] = "망고" df1.loc[28, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[28, '2'] = "플레인요거트" df1.loc[29, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[29, '1'] = "플레인" df1.loc[29, '2'] = "요거트" df1.loc[30, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[30, '2'] = "자바칩민트" df1.loc[31, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[31, '2'] = "에스프레소콘파나" df1.loc[32, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[32, '2'] = "콘파나" df1.loc[32, '1'] = "에스프레소" df1.loc[33, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[33, '2'] = "스트로베리요거트" df1.loc[34, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[34, '2'] = "요거트" df1.loc[34, '1'] = "스트로베리" df1.loc[35, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[35, '2'] = "스트로베리" df1.loc[36, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[36, '2'] = "블루베리요거트" df1.loc[37, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[37, '2'] = "요거트" df1.loc[37, '1'] = "블루베리" df1.loc[38, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[38, '2'] = "복숭아" df1.loc[39, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[39, '2'] = "그린티" df1.loc[40, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[40, '2'] = "찰인절미" df1.loc[40, '1'] = "레드빈" df1.loc[41, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[41, '2'] = "흑임자" df1.loc[41, '1'] = "레드빈" df1.loc[42, '3'] = "레드빈흑임자그라니때" df1.loc[43, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[43, '2'] = "쑥" df1.loc[43, '1'] = "레드빈" df1.loc[44, '3'] = "레드빈쑥그라니때" df1.loc[45, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[45, '2'] = "민트" df1.loc[45, '1'] = "레몬" df1.loc[46, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[46, '2'] = "민트" df1.loc[46, '1'] = "자바칩" df1.loc[47, '3'] = "아이스티" df1.loc[48, '3'] = "아이스티" df1.loc[48, '2'] = "라즈베리" df1.loc[49, '3'] = "아이스티" df1.loc[49, '2'] = "복숭아" df1.loc[50, '3'] = "그린티라떼" df1.loc[50, '2'] = "아이스" df1.loc[51, '1'] = "아이스" df1.loc[51, '2'] = "그린티" df1.loc[51, '3'] = "라떼" df1.loc[52, '3'] = "그린티라떼" df1.loc[53, '2'] = "그린티" df1.loc[53, '3'] = "라떼" df1.loc[54, '2'] = "아이스x" df1.loc[54, '3'] = "초콜릿x" df1.loc[55, '2'] = "콜드브루" df1.loc[55, '3'] = "밀크티" df1.loc[56, '2'] = "핫" df1.loc[56, '3'] = "초콜릿" df1.loc[57, '2'] = "아이스" df1.loc[57, '3'] = "초콜릿" df1.loc[58, '2'] = "레몬" df1.loc[58, '3'] = "스파클링" df1.loc[59, '2'] = "자몽" df1.loc[59, '3'] = "스파클링" df1.loc[60, '2'] = "베리" df1.loc[60, '3'] = "스파클링" df1.loc[61, '2'] = "청포도" df1.loc[61, '3'] = "스파클링" df1.loc[62, '3'] = "딸기플라워밀크쉐이크" df1.loc[63, '3'] = "딸기프룻티펀치" df1.loc[64, '3'] = "딸기치즈큐브쉐이크" df1.loc[65, '3'] = "딸기요거트그래놀라" df1.loc[66, '3'] = "딸기라떼" df1.loc[67, '3'] = "딸기주스" df1.loc[68, '2'] = "딸기" df1.loc[68, '3'] = "주스" df1.loc[69, '2'] = "키위" df1.loc[69, '3'] = "주스" df1.loc[70, '2'] = "토마토" df1.loc[70, '3'] = "주스" df1.loc[71, '2'] = "루비자몽" df1.loc[71, '3'] = "주스" df1.loc[72, '2'] = "루비자몽" df1.loc[72, '3'] = "핫주스" df1.loc[73, '2'] = "오렌지" df1.loc[73, '3'] = "주스" df1.loc[74, '2'] = "프루티" df1.loc[74, '3'] = "하동" df1.loc[75, '2'] = "머스캣" df1.loc[75, '3'] = "그린티" df1.loc[76, '3'] = "민트크루" df1.loc[77, '2'] = "오렌지" df1.loc[77, '3'] = "보스" df1.loc[78, '2'] = "루이보스" df1.loc[78, '3'] = "오렌지" df1.loc[79, '3'] = "커즈마인" df1.loc[80, '2'] = "시트러스" df1.loc[80, '3'] = "캐모마일" df1.loc[81, '2'] = "퍼스트" df1.loc[81, '3'] = "브레이크" df1.loc[82, '3'] = "영그레이" df1.loc[83, '1'] = "아이스" df1.loc[83, '2'] = "루이보스" df1.loc[83, '3'] = "크림티" df1.loc[84, '2'] = "루이보스" df1.loc[84, '3'] = "크림티" df1.loc[85, '1'] = "아이스" df1.loc[85, '2'] = "캐모마일" df1.loc[85, '3'] = "프루티" df1.loc[86, '2'] = "캐모마일" df1.loc[86, '3'] = "프루티" df1.loc[87, '2'] = "파니니" df1.loc[87, '3'] = "클래식" df1.loc[88, '2'] = "파니니" df1.loc[88, '3'] = "불고기" df1.loc[89, '3'] = "허니브레드" df1.loc[90, '2'] = "수플레" df1.loc[90, '3'] = "치즈케익" df1.loc[91, '3'] = "흑당이달고나빙산" df1.loc[92, '3'] = "피치얼그레이빙산" df1.loc[93, '3'] = "요거딸기빙산" df1.loc[94, '3'] = "망고딸기동산" df1.loc[95, '3'] = "인절미팥동산" df1.loc[96, '3'] = "찹찹딸기라떼보틀" df1.loc[97, '1'] = "홀)" df1.loc[97, '2'] = "수플레" df1.loc[97, '3'] = "치즈케익" df1.loc[98, '2'] = "애플시나몬" df1.loc[98, '3'] = "허니브레드" df1.loc[99, '1'] = "까사링고" df1.loc[99, '2'] = "베리" df1.loc[99, '3'] = "케익" df1.loc[100, '1'] = "그린티" df1.loc[100, '2'] = "티" df1.loc[100, '3'] = "라떼" df1.loc[101, '2'] = "그린티" df1.loc[101, '3'] = "티라떼" df1.loc[102, '0'] = "잉글리시" df1.loc[102, '1'] = "블랙퍼스트" df1.loc[102, '2'] = "티" df1.loc[102, '3'] = "라떼" df1.loc[103, '1'] = "잉글리시" df1.loc[103, '2'] = "블랙퍼스트" df1.loc[103, '3'] = "티라떼" df1.loc[104, '3'] = "BLT샌드위치" df1.loc[105, '3'] = "샌드위치" df1.loc[105, '2'] = "BLT" df1.loc[106, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[106, '2'] = "단팥통통" df1.loc[107, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[107, '2'] = "통통" df1.loc[107, '1'] = "단팥" df1.loc[108, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[108, '2'] = "쑥떡쑥떡" df1.loc[109, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[109, '2'] = "쑥떡" df1.loc[109, '1'] = "쑥떡" df1.loc[110, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[110, '2'] = "플라이하이" df1.loc[111, '3'] = "그라니때" df1.loc[111, '2'] = "하이" df1.loc[111, '1'] = "플라이" df1.loc[112, '3'] = "뱅쇼" df1.loc[112, '2'] = "히비스커스" df1.loc[113, '2'] = "레몬" df1.loc[113, '3'] = "Sparkling" df1.loc[114, '2'] = "자몽" df1.loc[114, '3'] = "Sparkling" df1.loc[115, '2'] = "베리" df1.loc[115, '3'] = "Sparkling" df1.loc[116, '2'] = "청포도" df1.loc[116, '3'] = "Sparkling" menu = df1[['0', '1', '2', '3']].astype(str).sum(axis=1) menu = menu.str.replace('nan', '') m2 = menu.unique() Allmenu = pd.DataFrame(m2, columns=["AllMenu"]) for i in range(0, len(df.index)): for i2 in range(0, len(df1.index)): if df1.loc[i2, '0'] == df.loc[i, "총리스트"]: df2.loc[i2, '0'] = df.loc[i, "총리스트"] elif df1.loc[i2, '1'] == df.loc[i, "총리스트"]: df2.loc[i2, '1'] = df.loc[i, "총리스트"] elif df1.loc[i2, '2'] == df.loc[i, "총리스트"]: df2.loc[i2, '2'] = df.loc[i, "총리스트"] elif df1.loc[i2, '3'] == df.loc[i, "총리스트"]: df2.loc[i2, '3'] = df.loc[i, "총리스트"] df3 = df2.sort_index() match = df3[['0', '1', '2', '3']].astype(str).sum( axis=1) #match -> array 형식 astype -> 문자로 변환 match = match.str.replace('nan', '') # 난값을 공백 match = match.unique() # 중복메뉴 (아이스 4개행 중복 걸러줌) imgtxt = pd.DataFrame(match, columns=["imgtxt"]) con = cx_Oracle.connect("dator/me@localhost:1521/XE") cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT menu FROM data_no_rain ORDER BY NoRainResult DESC") stt = () sttdf = pd.DataFrame(columns=["순위메뉴"]) i6 = 0 for row in cur: stt += row sttdf.loc[i6, "순위메뉴"] = stt[i6] i6 += 1 result_finish = pd.DataFrame(columns=["최종결과", "순위"]) for i7 in range(0, len(imgtxt.index)): for i8 in range(0, len(sttdf.index)): if sttdf.loc[i8, '순위메뉴'] == imgtxt.loc[i7, "imgtxt"]: result_finish.loc[i8, '최종결과'] = imgtxt.loc[i7, "imgtxt"] result_finish.loc[i8, '순위'] = i8 result_finish01 = result_finish.sort_index() sttt = "" for i9 in range(0, len(result_finish01.index)): sttt += result_finish01.iloc[i9, 0] sttt += "\n" print(sttt) return HttpResponse(sttt)
description score topicality mid requests filename = os.path.basename(file).split('.')[0] # Get image ID image_file =, 'rb') # Open image content = # Read image into memory image = types.Image(content=content) # Does something response = client.label_detection(image=image) # Gets response from API for image labels = response.label_annotations # Get labels from response Nlabels = len(labels) # Get the number of labels that were returned for i in range(0, Nlabels): # For each label we will store the MID, label, and score ImageID.append(filename) # Keep track Image ID MID.append(labels[i].mid) # Store MID Description.append(labels[i].description) # Store label Score.append(labels[i].score) # Store score of label # Put Image ID, MID, label, and score into data frame ImageLabels["imageid"] = ImageID ImageLabels["mid"] = MID ImageLabels["desc"] = Description ImageLabels["score"] = Score
def ocrinput(filename): PDFTOPPMPATH = basepath + r"\krait\krait\static\poppler-0.67.0_x86\poppler-0.67.0\bin\pdftoppm.exe" PDFFILE = filename #print PDFTOPPMPATH import subprocess'"%s" -png %s out1' % (PDFTOPPMPATH, PDFFILE)) # Imports the Google Cloud client library from import vision from import types # Instantiates a client client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() # The name of the image file to annotate file_name = basepath + '/krait/compare/out1-1.png' char = [] cood = [] #print file_name # loop over the rotation angles again, this time ensuring # no part of the image is cut off for angle in np.arange(0, 91, 90): coodrot = [] rotate = [] charall = [] coodall = [] image = cv2.imread(file_name) rotated = imutils.rotate_bound(image, angle) cv2.imwrite(str(angle) + ".jpg", rotated) #print "Rotate Done" file_name1 = basepath + "/krait/compare/" + str(angle) + ".jpg" #print "@@@@@@@" #print file_name1 img = cv2.imread(file_name1, 0) ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(img, 10, 255, cv2.THRESH_OTSU) #print "Threshold selected : ", ret cv2.imwrite(str(angle) + ".jpg", thresh) # Loads the image into memory with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = types.Image(content=content) # Performs label detection on the image file response = client.label_detection(image=image) labels = response.label_annotations #print('Labels:') #for label in labels: # print(label.description) response = client.text_detection(image=image) texts = response.text_annotations for text in texts: #print('\n"{}"'.format(text.description.encode('utf-8').strip())) charall.append('{}'.format( text.description.encode('utf-8').strip())) vertices = ([ '({},{})'.format(vertex.x, vertex.y) for vertex in text.bounding_poly.vertices ]) #print('bounds: {}'.format(','.join(vertices))) coodall.append('{}'.format(','.join(vertices))) char.append(list(charall[1:])) cood.append(list(coodall[1:])) rotate.append(list(coodall[1:])) for a in list(itertools.chain(*rotate)): coodrot.append(list(eval(a))) #print coodrot coodnewf = [] coodnews = [] charnews = [] charnewf = [] l01 = copy.deepcopy(cood[0]) l902 = copy.deepcopy(cood[1]) ch01 = copy.deepcopy(char[0]) ch902 = copy.deepcopy(char[1]) #print l01 #print char[1] for a in l01: coodnewf.append(list(eval(a))) #print coodnew #charnewf=list(itertools.chain(*ch01)) val = zip(ch01, coodnewf) #print val l1 = [] def solve(lis): try: float(lis) return True except: pass for x in val: #print x[0] if solve(x[0]): l1.append(x) for a in l902: # # for a in cood: # # print a coodnews.append(list(eval(a))) # # print coodnew #charnews = list(itertools.chain(*ch902)) val2 = zip(ch902, coodnews) # print val l2 = [] for x in val2: # print x[0] if solve(x[0]): l2.append(x) #print l1 #print l2 return l1, l2
def smart_scan(img_path): books = [] # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() img_path = '.' + img_path with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = types.Image(content=content) results = client.text_detection(image=image) serialized = json.loads(MessageToJson(results)) if 'textAnnotations' in serialized: blocks = serialized['textAnnotations'] text_boxes = [] for i in range(1, len(blocks)): block = blocks[i] text_box = { 'text': block['description'], 'boundingPoly': [], 'midpoints': [], 'slope': None, 'intercept': None } for vertex in block['boundingPoly']['vertices']: curr_tuple = [vertex['x'], vertex['y']] text_box['boundingPoly'].append(curr_tuple) x = 0 y = 1 text_box['midpoints'].append( ((text_box['boundingPoly'][0][x] + text_box['boundingPoly'][3][x]) // 2, (text_box['boundingPoly'][0][y] + text_box['boundingPoly'][3][y]) // 2)) text_box['midpoints'].append( ((text_box['boundingPoly'][1][x] + text_box['boundingPoly'][2][x]) // 2, (text_box['boundingPoly'][1][y] + text_box['boundingPoly'][2][y]) // 2)) try: text_box['slope'] = ( text_box['midpoints'][1][y] - text_box['midpoints'][0][y] ) / (text_box['midpoints'][1][x] - text_box['midpoints'][0][x]) if text_box['slope'] > 50: text_box['slope'] = 50 text_box['intercept'] = text_box['midpoints'][1][x] else: text_box['intercept'] = (-text_box['slope'] * text_box['midpoints'][1][x] ) + text_box['midpoints'][1][y] except ZeroDivisionError: text_box['slope'] = 1000000 text_box['intercept'] = text_box['midpoints'][1][x] text_boxes.append(text_box) # pp.pprint(text_boxes) added = {} for i, first_text_box in enumerate(text_boxes): if i not in added: first_slope = first_text_box['slope'] first_intercept = first_text_box['intercept'] curr_book = first_text_box['text'] for j, second_text_box in enumerate(text_boxes): if j not in added and i is not j: second_slope = second_text_box['slope'] second_intercept = second_text_box['intercept'] next_book = second_text_box['text'] # print(curr_word,first_slope, next_word, second_slope) if (abs( (first_slope * 0.90)) <= abs(second_slope) <= abs( (first_slope * 1.10))) and (abs( (first_intercept * 0.90)) <= abs(second_intercept) <= abs( (first_intercept * 1.10))): curr_book += ' ' + next_book added[j] = True if len(curr_book) > 5: books.append(curr_book) # print(books) img = cv2.imread(img_path) for text in text_boxes: bounds = text['boundingPoly'] pts = np.array(bounds, np.int32) pts = pts.reshape((-1, 1, 2)) img = cv2.polylines(img, [pts], True, (0, 255, 0), 3) img = cv2.line(img, text['midpoints'][0], text['midpoints'][1], (255, 0, 0), 5) plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 10) plt.imshow(img) cv2.imwrite(img_path, img) return books
def find(self, image_file): image = types.Image( response = self.image_annotator.landmark_detection(image) self._raise_for_error(response) return self._make_response(response.landmark_annotations)
def test(request, id=None): IMG_SIZE = 50 LR = 1e-3 MODEL_NAME = 'dwij28leafdiseasedetection-{}-{}.model'.format( LR, '2conv-basic') tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.ERROR) os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' verifying_data = [] instance = get_object_or_404(Post, id=id) filepath = instance.image.url filepath = '.' + filepath img_name = filepath.split('.')[:2] img = cv2.imread(filepath, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) img = cv2.resize(img, (IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE)) verifying_data = [np.array(img), img_name]'verify_data.npy', verifying_data) verify_data = verifying_data str_label = "Cannot make a prediction." status = "Error" tf.reset_default_graph() convnet = input_data(shape=[None, IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE, 3], name='input') convnet = conv_2d(convnet, 32, 3, activation='relu') convnet = max_pool_2d(convnet, 3) convnet = conv_2d(convnet, 64, 3, activation='relu') convnet = max_pool_2d(convnet, 3) convnet = conv_2d(convnet, 128, 3, activation='relu') convnet = max_pool_2d(convnet, 3) convnet = conv_2d(convnet, 32, 3, activation='relu') convnet = max_pool_2d(convnet, 3) convnet = conv_2d(convnet, 64, 3, activation='relu') convnet = max_pool_2d(convnet, 3) convnet = fully_connected(convnet, 1024, activation='relu') convnet = dropout(convnet, 0.8) convnet = fully_connected(convnet, 4, activation='softmax') convnet = regression(convnet, optimizer='adam', learning_rate=LR, loss='categorical_crossentropy', name='targets') model = tflearn.DNN(convnet, tensorboard_dir='log') if os.path.exists('{}.meta'.format(MODEL_NAME)): model.load(MODEL_NAME) #print ('Model loaded successfully.') else: #print ('Error: Create a model using first.') pass img_data, img_name = verify_data[0], verify_data[1] orig = img_data data = img_data.reshape(IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE, 3) model_out = model.predict([data])[0] if np.argmax(model_out) == 0: str_label = 'Healthy' elif np.argmax(model_out) == 1: str_label = 'Bacterial' elif np.argmax(model_out) == 2: str_label = 'Viral' elif np.argmax(model_out) == 3: str_label = 'Late blight' if str_label == 'Healthy': status = 'Healthy' else: status = 'Unhealthy' print(status) # result = 'Status: ' + status + '.' result = '' if (str_label != 'Healthy'): result = '\nDisease: ' + str_label + '.' credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( './posts/apikey.json') vision_client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient(credentials=credentials) file_name = filepath with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = types.Image(content=content) response = vision_client.label_detection(image=image) labels = response.label_annotations print(labels) leaf_identify = '' leaf_condition = '' for label in labels: if label.description == 'leaf': leaf_identify = 'It is a leaf' break if leaf_identify != 'It is a leaf': leaf_identify = 'It seems not a leaf picture, If you want to challenge me, COME ON ^_^' context = { "leaf_indentify": leaf_identify, "instance": instance, } return render(request, "re_notleaf.html", context) tips = 'It is an Unhealthy leaf, but I can not identify its possible disease, Please try another image with different angle of view' if leaf_identify == 'It is a leaf': for i in labels: if i.description == 'plant pathology': leaf_condition = 'Status : Unhealthy' break if leaf_condition == 'Status : Unhealthy' and status == 'Healthy': print('a') context = { "leaf_indentify": leaf_identify, "instance": instance, "leaf_condition": leaf_condition, "tips": tips, } return render(request, "re_Unidentify.html", context) elif leaf_condition == 'Status : Unhealthy' and status == 'Unhealthy': print('b') context = { "leaf_indentify": leaf_identify, "instance": instance, "leaf_condition": leaf_condition, "result": result, } if str_label == "Bacterial": return render(request, "re_bacteria.html", context) if str_label == "Viral": return render(request, "re_viral.html", context) if str_label == "Late blight": return render(request, "re_lateblight.html", context) elif leaf_condition != 'Status : Unhealthy' and status == 'Unhealthy': print('c') text = "It seems a healthy leaf's picture" context = { "leaf_indentify": leaf_identify, "instance": instance, "text": text, "leaf_condition": leaf_condition } return render(request, "re_healthleaf.html", context) elif leaf_condition != 'Status : Unhealthy' and status == 'Healthy': print('d') context = { "leaf_indentify": leaf_identify, "instance": instance, "leaf_condition": leaf_condition } return render(request, "re_healthleaf.html", context)
print (folder_content) if not os.path.exists(image_folder): print ("Path of the file is invalid") else: image_selection = input ("Enter a Valid Image Name (In Lower Case Only): ") print(folder_content) if image_selection.lower() in folder_content: print("Your Landmark Detection is on Its Way!") else: print("Oops! I Don't See This File In Your Folder. Please Try Again") # rerun the original input prompt file_path = os.path.join(str(image_folder), str(image_selection)) with,'rb') as image: content = image = types.Image(content=content) #> <class ''> breakpoint() # # # print("CREDENTIALS FILEPATH:", os.environ.get("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS")) # # # # print(type(client)) # response = client.landmark_detection(image=image) # print(type(response)) # #
def apicall(username): #username = '******' hi = ' ' start_time = time.time() #getting the tweet from the user, number of tweets are 200 invalid = 0 try: tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name=username, count=200, include_rts=False, exclude_replies=True) last_id = tweets[-1].id except: print('\nInvalid Username!\n') return 'invalid username' invalid = 1 if (invalid == 0): while (True): more_tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name=username, count=200, include_rts=False, exclude_replies=True, max_id=last_id - 1) # There are no more tweets if (len(more_tweets) == 0): break else: last_id = more_tweets[-1].id - 1 tweets = tweets + more_tweets #Obtaining the full path of the image media_files = set() for status in tweets: media = status.entities.get('media', []) if (len(media) > 0): media_files.add(media[0]['media_url']) #directory = input('Enter the directory for the saved photos (eg: /Users/Hayato/Desktop/Media/): ') directory = '/Users/Hayato/Desktop/Media/' #Downloading the images counter = 0 for media_file in media_files: if (counter < 10): counter = counter + 1 #change your directory here address = directory + str(counter) + '.jpg', address) filename = str(counter) + '.jpg' # image = # new_image = image.resize((500, 500)) #for resizing the image (optional) # hello = counter * 10 # newname = str(counter) + '.jpg' # #--------------------------------------------Google Cloud Vision API------------------------------------------- # Instantiates a client client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() #This counter is to name the 10 images 1.jpg, 2.jpg, ... , 10.jpg newcounter = 0 for x in range(1, 11): newcounter = newcounter + 1 name = str(newcounter) + '.jpg' #names the image names differently # The name of the image file to annotate file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), name) # Loads the image into memory with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = types.Image(content=content) # Performs label detection on the image file response = client.label_detection(image=image) labels = response.label_annotations x = 0 #This is a counter to ONLY download the first description label marker = '*************************************************************' for label in labels: if (x == 0): x = x + 1 y = label.description #This is the output text when run though google cloud vision print(marker) print(' ') print(y) hi = hi + '<br>' + y print(' ') new = 'new' + str( newcounter ) + '.jpg' #The new file is called new1.jpg, new2.jpg, ... , new10.jpg image = font_type = ImageFont.truetype( 'arial.ttf', 35) # if you want to change the font draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) draw.text(xy=(0, 0), text=y, font=font_type, fill=(255, 69, 0)) #Saves the new image, then deletes the old one newcommand = "rm " + name os.system(newcommand) #---------------------Converting the pictures to Video-------------------------- # Using ffmpeg #os.system("ffmpeg -framerate .5 -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' out.mp4") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Aditionally, if you would like to delete the new pictures as well, include the following count = 0 for z in range(1, 11): count = count + 1 file = 'new' + str(count) + '.jpg' deletepic = "rm " + file os.system(deletepic) #automatically open the video: #video_out = 'open ' + directory + 'out.mp4' #os.system(directory) return hi
def ocr_image(image_uri, ocr_hints): logging.debug("OCRing %s via google vision", image_uri) # image uri is IIIF endpoint # TODO : revisit - update for max vs full? full_image = ''.join([image_uri, '/full/full/0/default.jpg']) with requests.Session() as s: image_response = s.get(full_image) if not str(image_response.status_code).startswith("2"): logging.debug("Could not get source image") return None, None local_image = image = types.Image(content=image_response.content) response = VISION_CLIENT.document_text_detection(image=image) texts = response.full_text_annotation if len(texts.pages) == 0:"No pages returned from Vision API") return None, None # logging.debug(vars(texts)) source_page = texts.pages[0] page = { 'id': 'page_1', 'languages': get_language_codes(, # TODO : its unclear from the documentation how to interpret multiple language codes in vision api 'main_language':[0].language_code, 'width': local_image.width, 'height': local_image.height, 'careas': [] } carea_count = 1 par_count = 1 line_count = 1 word_count = 1 for source_block in source_page.blocks: # TODO : check if block is text or image etc. carea = { 'id': 'carea_' + str(carea_count), 'bbox': get_bbox(source_block.bounding_box.vertices), 'paragraphs': [] } page['careas'].append(carea) carea_count += 1 for source_paragraph in source_block.paragraphs: paragraph = { 'id': 'par_' + str(par_count), 'bbox': get_bbox(source_paragraph.bounding_box.vertices), 'lines': [] } carea['paragraphs'].append(paragraph) par_count += 1 current_line_words = [] last_word = None last_y = 0 for source_word in source_paragraph.words: current_y = min( [v.y for v in source_word.bounding_box.vertices]) if (current_y > last_y + NEW_LINE_HYSTERESIS) and last_y > 0: add_line_to_paragraph(current_line_words, line_count, paragraph) current_line_words = [] last_word = None word_text = get_word_text(source_word) # if word text only punctuation and last_word not None, merge this text into that word and extend bbox if all(c in string.punctuation for c in word_text) and last_word is not None: last_word['text'] += escape(word_text) last_word['vertices'].extend( source_word.bounding_box.vertices) last_word['bbox'] = get_bbox(last_word['vertices']) else: word = { 'id': 'word_' + str(word_count), 'bbox': get_bbox(source_word.bounding_box.vertices), 'text': escape(word_text), 'vertices': source_word.bounding_box. vertices # to generate line bbox } word_count += 1 current_line_words.append(word) last_word = word last_y = current_y add_line_to_paragraph(current_line_words, line_count, paragraph) # add last line hocr = render_template('vision_template.html', {"page": page}) return hocr, 'hocr'
def get_document_bounds(videoIO, feature, folderPath, youtube_id): client = MongoClient( 'mongodb+srv://qhacks:[email protected]/test?retryWrites=true' ) db = client['qhacks'] global notes_screenshots global glob_data global length global prev_file global prev_time global secs global temp """Returns document bounds given an image.""" # setting up frame by frame per 5 secs myclip = VideoFileClip(videoIO) frames = [] for frame in myclip.iter_frames(fps=0.2): frames.append(frame) # print("hi") for count, single_frame in enumerate(frames, start=1): # print("stephen") #print(i) img = Image.fromarray(single_frame, 'RGB') dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) #print(dir_path) file = "/file%d.png" % count #print(file) #print(folderPath) filename = dir_path + "/" + folderPath + "/" + file #print(filename) # if length is 5: # break # img_process = img.tobytes() #runnin the image processor first = True build_word = "" words = [] # words.append("a") client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() bounds = [] temp = filename #CHANGED HERE # content = img_process # content = with, 'rb') as image_file: content = # print(content) image = types.Image(content=content) response = client.document_text_detection(image=image) document = response.full_text_annotation # Collect specified feature bounds by enumerating all document features for page in document.pages: for block in page.blocks: for paragraph in block.paragraphs: for word in paragraph.words: # for symbol in word.symbols: #if (feature == FeatureType.SYMBOL): #bounds.append(symbol.bounding_box) #if (feature == FeatureType.WORD): if first and feature == FeatureType.WORD: bounds.append(word.bounding_box) first = False for i in word.symbols: if hasattr(i, "text"): if is 0: build_word += i.text else: build_word += i.text # print(build_word) words.append(build_word) build_word = "" #if (feature == FeatureType.PARA): #bounds.append(paragraph.bounding_box) #if (feature == FeatureType.BLOCK): #bounds.append(block.bounding_box) #if (feature == FeatureType.PAGE): #bounds.append(block.bounding_box) # The list `bounds` contains the coordinates of the bounding boxes. # temp = { # "bound": bounds # } # bound_data = { # "v0x": temp['bound'][0].vertices[0].x, # "v0y": temp['bound'][0].vertices[0].y, # "v1x": temp['bound'][0].vertices[1].x, # "v1y": temp['bound'][0].vertices[1].y, # "v2x": temp['bound'][0].vertices[2].x, # "v2y": temp['bound'][0].vertices[2].y, # "v3x": temp['bound'][0].vertices[3].x, # "v3y": temp['bound'][0].vertices[3].y, # } collection_texts = db['timestamps'] for i in words: db_data = {"secs": secs, "keyword": i, "youtube_id": "tasty"} collection_texts.insert_one(db_data) # db_data = { # "secs": secs, # "keyword": words, # "youtube_id": "hello" # } data = {secs: words} if (len(data[secs]) == 0): data = {secs: "a"} #print(data) # print(data['bound']) # print(data['bound']) # print(type(data['bound'][0])) # print(type(data['bound'][0].vertices)) # print(type(data['bound'][0].vertices[0].x)) glob_data.append(data) length += 1 if length > 1: if glob_data[length - 1][secs][0] and glob_data[length - 2][prev_time][0]: if glob_data[length - 1][secs][0] == glob_data[length - 2][prev_time][0]: prev_file = temp prev_time = secs else: screenshot_data = { "secs": secs, "file": prev_file, "youtube_id": "tasty" } notes_screenshots.append(screenshot_data) prev_file = temp prev_time = secs #HERE BABY # imagerino = # secs += 5 # print(glob_data) # print("STEPHENNNNNN") # print(screenshot_data) collection_screenshots = db['screenshots'] collection_screenshots.insert_many(notes_screenshots)
def load_image(image): with, 'rb') as image: content = return types.Image(content=content)
def TwitterDownload(twitterHandler): import twitter #the twitter api import urllib.request #used to actually download the images and save them import subprocess #runs command lines in program, used to run ffmpeg import os #this library if for operating os things such as removing files and adding the google app credentials import io #used for reading the images we saved so we can send them to google vision from import vision from import types #setting up the Google API/Vision API #replace PATH/TO/GOOGLE/JSON/AUTH with your file path to your google json authentification file os.environ[ "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = "PATH/TO/GOOGLE/JSON/AUTH" #sets up the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS as an enviornment variable vision_client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient( ) #setting up the image annotator client for Google Vision #setting up the twitter API #add you own keys here api = twitter.Api(consumer_key='', consumer_secret='', access_token_key='', access_token_secret='') #this deletes all the .jpg in the current folder in case you run the program multiple times in a row #for each file in the current directory (where the downloaded images will be) if it is a .jpg delete it for file in os.listdir(): if file.endswith('.jpg'): os.remove(file) #if you ran the program before delete the old video if os.path.isfile('output.mp4'): os.remove('output.mp4') # -----------------Twitter Section---------------------------------------------- # This section uses the twitter api to download pictures from the Twitter handle the user inputs # It checks the number of tweets the user inputs try: status = api.GetUserTimeline( screen_name=twitterHandler, count=100) #the twitter user and how many tweets to check except: return 'Error 001: This Twitter handle is not valid' picTweets = [ ] #this is a list that will hold all the image urls for download later length = len(status) #how many tweets there are in status for i in range(0, length): #for each of the tweets grabbed #a try except block because if you try to read the media of a tweet that doesn't have media you get an error try: if status[i].media[ 0].type == 'photo': #is there an image attached to the tweet picTweets.append(status[i].media[0].media_url ) #add the media url to the picsTweets list except: #if we would error, meaning the tweet doesn't have the correct media, do nothing pass picTweetsLength = len( picTweets) #gets the length of the pic tweets list for a for loop imgList = [] #a list of the name of all the images that will be saved #this for loop goes through the urls we found for the images and saves them to the local files as JPEGs for x in range(0, picTweetsLength): string = 'twitterImage' stringNum = str(x) #the following if statements find the digits in the current photo so that it can add a correct number of #leading 0s to the name of the file, for example the stringNum is 1 so we need it to be 001, 10 we need 010 etc. if len(stringNum) == 1: string += '00' string += stringNum elif len(stringNum) == 2: string += '0' string += stringNum elif len(stringNum) == 3: #example 100 so no leading zeroes string += stringNum string += '.jpg' urllib.request.urlretrieve( picTweets[x], string) #downloads the image and saves it as twitterImageXXX.jpg imgList.append( string) #adding the name of the file to the list of images # Checking if any images were found within the 100 tweets scanned, if there are none then there is an error # returned as the output if len(imgList) == 0: return 'Error 002: There are no images found' #--------------------------Google Vision----------------------------------------------------- #I used this tutorial below to figure out how it works # #Thanks to Doug Beney in the comments for showing the updated code for python 3 imageLabels = [ ] #a list that will hold the labels of each image, will be the final output #for all the images we downloaded open the image, run it through google vision and for i in range(0, len(imgList)): #for all the images we downloaded with[i], 'rb') as image_file: #open content = image = types.Image(content=content) response = vision_client.label_detection(image=image) labels = response.label_annotations tempList = [ ] #temporary list to save all the labels in one list then save that list in the imageLabels list for label in labels: tempList.append(label.description) imageLabels.append(tempList) #add the list to imageLabels # ---------------------------FFMPEG-------------------------------------- #this part creates the movies out of the images downloaded #change the number after framerate to change how long each image is on screen #1/2 means each image is on screen for 2 seconds, 1/5 5 seconds etc #note that there is a bug that the first image stays on screen 3x longer than it should #prof said to ignore it'ffmpeg -framerate 1/2 -i twitterImage%03d.jpg output.mp4') #getting the file path of the video, adds it to the end of the labels for the images if os.path.isfile('output.mp4'): videoPath = os.getcwd() videoPath += '/output.mp4' imageLabels.append(videoPath) else: return 'Error 003: ffmpeg could not create the video properly' return imageLabels #return the labels of all the functions as the final output
def gcp(imageName): #Instantiates a client client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() #The name of the image file to annotate file_name = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), imageName) # Loads the image into memory with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = types.Image(content=content) # Performs document text detection on the image file response = client.document_text_detection(image=image) #Strip response for just the body of the resume toAWS = str(response) toAWS = toAWS.split("}")[-2].partition(': "')[2][:-2].strip() ############################################################## #Function that calls aws api and returns comprehension on text comprehend = boto3.client(service_name='comprehend', aws_access_key_id=ACCESS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=SECRET_KEY, region_name='us-east-1') toAWS.replace("\n", ' ') print('Calling DetectEntities') with open('awsResponse.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(comprehend.detect_entities(Text=toAWS, LanguageCode='en'), outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4) print('End of DetectEntities\n') #Open data for comparison to fraternities f = open('data/frats.txt') frats = #frats.replace('', ' ') for value in frats.split(','): for val in strip_newline(value.replace("'", "").strip().lower()).split(): #print(val) if val.lower() not in BLACKLIST: fratList.append(val) f.close() #Open data for comparison to sororities f = open('data/Sororities.txt') soros = #soros.replace('', ' ') for value in soros.split(','): for val in strip_newline(value.replace("'", "").strip().lower()).split(): #print(val) if val.lower() not in BLACKLIST: soroList.append(val) f.close() #print(soroList) response = MessageToJson(response) response = json.loads(str(response)) keywords = findKeywords() with open('gcpResponse.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(response, outfile, indent=4) with open('gcpResponse.json') as f: gcpResponse = json.load(f) for values in gcpResponse['textAnnotations']: #strip_newline(values['description'].lower()).split() if strip_newline(values['description'].lower()) in fratList or strip_newline(values['description'].lower()) in soroList: if strip_newline(values['description'].lower()) not in BLACKLIST: print(strip_newline(values['description'].lower())) keywords.append(values['description']) for i in range(len(keywords)): for values in gcpResponse['textAnnotations']: if values['description'].lower() == keywords[i].lower(): vertices = values['boundingPoly']['vertices'] first = vertices[0] third = vertices[2] wordDict = {"x1": first['x'], "y1": first['y'], 'x2': third['x'], 'y2': third['y']} censorList.append(wordDict)
def bytes_to_gcv_img(img_bytes): return types.Image(content=img_bytes)
def getlabeldata(image_file): content = image = types.Image(content=content) # Performs label detection on the image file response = client.label_detection(image=image) return response
def googlevision_ocr(segment_type, uri, file_name, text_file, file_item): """Method to process with google vision""" _, _ = google.auth.default() vision_client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() image = types.Image() image.source.image_uri = uri if segment_type == 'full_page': response = vision_client.document_text_detection(image=image) if response.error: with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = types.Image(content=content) response = vision_client.document_text_detection(image=image) texts = response.text_annotations text_list = " " text_data = {} for index, text in enumerate(texts): if index == 0: word = text.description + " " text_list += word else: text_coords = [] for vertice in text.bounding_poly.vertices: dict_text = {} dict_text['x'] = vertice.x dict_text['y'] = vertice.y text_coords.append(dict_text) text_data[text.description] = text_coords text_file.google_vision_text = text_list text_file.google_vision_response = text_data if segment_type == 'segment_page': response = vision_client.document_text_detection(image=image) if response.error: with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = types.Image(content=content) response = vision_client.document_text_detection(image=image) texts = response.text_annotations text_list = " " text_data = {} for index, text in enumerate(texts): if index == 0: word = text.description + " " text_list += word else: text_coords = [] for vertice in text.bounding_poly.vertices: dict_text = {} dict_text['x'] = vertice.x dict_text['y'] = vertice.y text_coords.append(dict_text) text_data[text.description] = text_coords text_file.google_vision_text = text_list text_file.google_vision_response = text_data if file_item.google_vision_processed is False: file_item.google_vision_processed = True os.remove(file_name) return serializers.serialize("json", [ text_file, ])
def detect_face(face_file, max_results=5): content = image = types.Image(content=content) return client.face_detection(image=image).face_annotations
def VisionScript(indir): # Instantiates a client client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() folders = [] files = [] print("\nReading Directory images\\ ... ", end="") for entry in os.scandir(indir): if entry.is_dir(): folders.append(entry.path) elif entry.is_file(): files.append(entry.path) print("done\n") i = 0 total = len(files) #output_txt = "" #f = open('output_old.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') #Preparing docx file with formatting and margins. document = Document() section = document.sections[0] section.left_margin, section.right_margin = (Cm(1.27), Cm(1.27)) section.top_margin, section.bottom_margin = (Cm(1.27), Cm(1.27)) section.gutter = 0 style = document.styles['Normal'] font = style.font = 'Kokila' font.size = Pt(18) document2 = Document() style2 = document2.styles['Normal'] font = style2.font = 'Kokila' font.size = Pt(18) for image in files: i = i + 1 file_name = str(image) print("Processing {:d} of {:d} images: {:s}...".format( i, total, file_name), end="") with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = types.Image(content=content) response = client.document_text_detection(image=image) original_output = response.full_text_annotation.text #Replace newline characters with space new_output = original_output.replace("\r", "") new_output = new_output.replace("\n", " ") #generate output for both type of files #output_txt = original_output + "\n\n" #f.write(output_txt) paragraph = document.add_paragraph(new_output + "\n\n") paragraph.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.JUSTIFY = document.styles['Normal'] paragraph2 = document2.add_paragraph(original_output + "\n\n") = document2.styles['Normal'] print("... done!")'Word.docx')'Word_old.docx') #f.close() print("\nAll images processed. Output saved to Word.docx, Word_old.docx\n")
def detect_text(path): """Detects text in the file.""" imgclient = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() nlpclient = language.LanguageServiceClient() with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = type1.Image(content=content) response = imgclient.text_detection(image=image) texts = response.text_annotations if len(texts) != 0: for text in texts: textcontent = text.description textlanguage = text.locale document = type2.Document(content=text.description, type=enums.Document.Type.PLAIN_TEXT) # Detects the sentiment of the text try: sentiment = nlpclient.analyze_sentiment( document=document).document_sentiment sentimentscore = sentiment.score sentimentmagnitude = sentiment.magnitude except: sentimentscore = 'N/A1' sentimentmagnitude = 'N/A1' break else: textcontent = 'N/A' textlanguage = 'N/A' sentimentscore = 'N/A' sentimentmagnitude = 'N/A' # detect labels in picture # response1 = imgclient.label_detection(image=image) # labels = response1.label_annotations # if len(labels) != 0: # for label in labels: # labeldescription=label.description # labeltopicality=label.topicality # break # else: # labeldescription = 'N/A' # labeltopicality = 'N/A' # detect image properties (e.g., rgb, dominant color, etc.) # response2 = imgclient.image_properties(image=image) # props = response2.image_properties_annotation # lista=[] # for c in props.dominant_colors.colors: # lista.append(c.pixel_fraction) # dominantcolorperc = max(lista) # redtotal = 0 # greentotal = 0 # bluetotal = 0 # for c in props.dominant_colors.colors: # # return dominant color's rgb # if c.pixel_fraction == dominantcolorperc: # reddom = # greendom = # bluedom = # redtotal += * c.pixel_fraction # greentotal += * c.pixel_fraction # bluetotal += * c.pixel_fraction return textcontent, textlanguage, sentimentscore, sentimentmagnitude
def get_labels(Name): # Setup to access to the Google Vision API # os.system cannot upload the credential correctly, so FOR NOW it is necessary to run this in shell client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() i = 1 # Initialize the posts of MongoDB posts = db.posts print('Getting labels from google and printing labels on it') while (1): # Check if there are pictures inside the folder if os.path.exists('./PICS/' + str(i) + '.jpg') == True: file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './PICS/' + str(i) + '.jpg') post = { "Vaild": 1, "User_name": User_name, "Twitter_ID": Name, "link": urls[i - 1], "tags": [] } # Read the pictures and get ready to push it to Google with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = types.Image(content=content) # Get the labels from Google Vision try: response = client.label_detection(image=image) labels = response.label_annotations except: print( 'Google API is not accessable at this time, please check your creditional or try again later.' ) return 0 # Setup PILLOW to put labels into the picture # Input the direction of your fonts here im ='./PICS/' + str(i) + '.jpg') draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) myfont = ImageFont.truetype(fonts, size=35) # As a result, the FONTs.ttf should be copied to the same folders fillcolor = 'red' # Put label into the picture m = 0 for label in labels: m = m + 1 if m <= 2: draw.text((40, 40 * m), label.description, font=myfont, fill=fillcolor) post["tags"].append(label.description) else: post["tags"].append(label.description)'./PICS/' + str(i) + '.jpg', 'JPEG') print('Printing labels on the ' + str(i) + 'th Picture') post_id = posts.insert_one(post).inserted_id i = i + 1 # Print the total number of the pictures else: print(' ') print('**********************') print(str(i - 1) + ' pictures completed') print('**********************') return 1 break
def get_all_tweets(screen_name, videoname, labels_name): try: for n in range(20): os.remove(str(n) + ".jpg") except: pass try: os.remove(videoname) except: pass try: os.remove(labels_name) except: pass #Twitter only allows access to a users most recent 3240 tweets with this method #authorize twitter, initialize tweepy auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_key, access_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) #initialize a list to hold all the tweepy Tweets alltweets = [] #make initial request for most recent tweets (200 is the maximum allowed count) new_tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name=screen_name, count=20) #save most recent tweets alltweets.extend(new_tweets) #save the id of the oldest tweet less one oldest = alltweets[-1].id - 1 #keep grabbing tweets until there are no tweets left to grab while len(new_tweets) > 0: #all subsiquent requests use the max_id param to prevent duplicates new_tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name=screen_name, count=20, max_id=oldest) #save most recent tweets alltweets.extend(new_tweets) #update the id of the oldest tweet less one oldest = alltweets[-1].id - 1 if (len(alltweets) > 25): break print("...%s tweets downloaded so far" % (len(alltweets))) data = {} data['Pictures'] = [] data['Account'] = screen_name media_files = set() for status in alltweets: try: media = status.extended_entities.get('media', []) except: media = status.entities.get('mdeia', []) # print (media[0]) if (len(media) > 0): for i in range(len(media)): media_files.add(media[i]['media_url']) for media_file in media_files: print(media_file) os.system( "cat *.jpg | ffmpeg -f image2pipe -framerate .5 -i - -vf 'crop=in_w-1:in_h' -vcodec libx264 " + videoname) # for google vision client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() picNum = 0 OBJ = [ pic for pic in listdir(".") if pic.endswith('jpg') or pic.endswith('png') ] idx = 0 for i in OBJ: file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), i) new_name = str(picNum) + '.jpg' os.renames(file_name, new_name) nestDIC = {} nestDIC['Picture ' + str(idx)] = new_name picNum = picNum + 1 # Loads the image into memory with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = types.Image(content=content) # Performs label detection on the image file response = client.label_detection(image=image) labels = response.label_annotations label_list = [] for label in labels: label_list.append(label.description) nestDIC['Description ' + str(idx)] = label_list data['Pictures'].append(nestDIC) idx += 1 print(data) with open(labels_name, 'w') as JSONObject: json.dump(data, JSONObject, indent=4, sort_keys=True) client = MongoClient() db = client.picture.database collection = db.picture_collection posts = db.posts # Delete everything if you need # posts.delete_many({}) posts.insert_one(data) print("This is the data stored in MongoDB: \n") pprint.pprint(posts.find_one({'Account': screen_name}))
async def onconnect(obniz): led = obniz.wired("LED", {"anode": 0, "cathode": 1}) #今回の作業用ディレクトリ base_dir = r'ディレクトリ名' #さっきのJSONファイルのファイル名 credential_path = base_dir + r'API_KEY.json' #サービスアカウントキーへのパスを通す os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = credential_path #visionクライアントの初期化 client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() i = 0 while True: # 2 回撮影 #時間経過はまた今度 if (i == 2): print("end") time.sleep(3) break #ledがおっつかない if (i > 1): time.sleep(3) fileName = "photo_" + str(i) + ".png" # 内蔵カメラのデバイスIDは0、USBで接続したカメラは1以降。 capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # 取得した画像データは変数imageに格納。retは取得成功変数。 ret, image = if ret == True: # 取得した画像を出力。fileNameは出力する画像名。 cv2.imwrite("./photo/" + fileName, image) #対象となる画像のファイル名 file_name = base_dir + "photo/" + fileName with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = types.Image(content=content) objects = client.object_localization( image=image).localized_object_annotations #print('Number of objects found: {}'.format(len(objects))) p = 0 for object_ in objects: #↓一覧表示 # print('\n{} (confidence: {})'.format(, object_.score)) #合致率60%以上でカウント if == "Person": if object_.score > 0.60: p = p + 1 # print('Normalized bounding polygon vertices: ') # for vertex in object_.bounding_poly.normalized_vertices: # print(' - ({}, {})'.format(vertex.x, vertex.y)) print(str(p) + "名") if (p > 0): ##obnizでやりたい処理 for l in range(0, 1): led.on() obniz.wait(500) break ##↑↑obnizでやりたい処理 #visionクライアントの初期化 client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() i = i + 1 #↓別プログラム(写真を削除する用) remove_photo.remove_photo() #obnizのクリーンアップ? obniz.close()
def detect_labels_uri(uri): path = uri """Detects labels in the file located in Google Cloud Storage or on the Web.""" client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() #image = types.Image() with, 'rb') as image_file: content = #print content image = types.Image(content=content) #image.source.image_uri = uri macy_keywords = [] #print(dir(client)) response_label = client.label_detection(image=image) response_web = client.web_detection(image=image) labels = response_label.label_annotations web_annotations = response_web.web_detection response_image_properties = client.image_properties(image=image) image_props = response_image_properties.image_properties_annotation gender = "" color = "" for color in image_props.dominant_colors.colors: print int( xx, color = get_colour_name( (int(, int(, int( print color, xx if xx is not None: color = xx break #print(dir(response_web)) #print((dir(labels))) print('Labels:') for label in labels: #print (label.description) if any(word in label.description.lower() for word in clw) and label.score > 0.90 and label.description not in [ "t shirt", "t-shirt", "long-sleeved t-shirt" ]: if label.description.lower() in ["male", "female"]: gender = label.description print(label.description, label.score) macy_keywords.append(label.description) #for annotation in web_annotations(): #print (annotation) for web_entity in web_annotations.web_entities: #print (web_entity.description) if any( word in web_entity.description.lower() for word in clw ) and web_entity.score > 0.55 and web_entity.description.lower not in [ "dress", "t-shirt", "t shirt", "long-sleeved t-shirt" ]: #print(web_entity) if web_entity.description.lower() in ["male", "female"]: gender = web_entity.description macy_keywords.append(web_entity.description.lower()) #print gender resp = set(macy_keywords[:3]) resp.add(gender) resp.add(color) #print set(macy_keywords) return get_macy_links(resp)
def index01(request): candidate = Candidate.objects.all() no1 = Candidate.objects.filter(party_number=1) no1[0].party_number image_db01 = no1[0].image_file image_db = str(image_db01) client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname('C:'), '/Users/student/mysite02/media/' + image_db) with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = types.Image(content=content) response = client.text_detection(image=image) texts = response.text_annotations my_list = list() for text in texts: result = text.description my_list.append(result) data = my_list[0] data1 = data.replace('\n', ' ') data2 = data1.replace('(', ' ') data3 = data2.replace(')', ' ') data4 = data3.replace('/', ' ') data5 = data4.split(' ') df = pd.DataFrame(data5, columns=["총리스트"]) df1 = pd.DataFrame(columns=["1", "2", "3", "4"]) df2 = pd.DataFrame(columns=["1", "2", "3", "4"]) df1.loc[0, '3'] = "아메리카노" df1.loc[1, '2'] = "아이스" df1.loc[1, '3'] = "아메리카노" df1.loc[2, '2'] = "아이스" df1.loc[2, '3'] = "카페라떼" df1.loc[3, '3'] = "카페라떼" df1.loc[4, '1'] = "아이스" df1.loc[4, '2'] = "바닐라라떼" df1.loc[4, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[5, '1'] = "아이스" df1.loc[5, '2'] = "카라멜라떼" df1.loc[5, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[6, '2'] = "카라멜라떼" df1.loc[6, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[7, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[7, '2'] = "라떼" df1.loc[7, '1'] = "카라멜" df1.loc[8, '2'] = "바닐라라떼" df1.loc[8, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[9, '1'] = "바닐라" df1.loc[9, '2'] = "라떼" df1.loc[9, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[10, '1'] = "화이트초콜릿" df1.loc[10, '2'] = "라떼" df1.loc[10, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[11, '3'] = "카푸치노" df1.loc[12, '2'] = "헤이즐넛" df1.loc[12, '3'] = "카푸치노" df1.loc[13, '2'] = "오리지널" df1.loc[13, '3'] = "드립커피" df1.loc[14, '1'] = "아이스" df1.loc[14, '2'] = "오리지널" df1.loc[14, '3'] = "드립커피" df1.loc[15, '2'] = "카페" df1.loc[15, '3'] = "모카" df1.loc[16, '3'] = "카페모카" df1.loc[17, '2'] = "아이스" df1.loc[17, '3'] = "카페모카" df1.loc[18, '2'] = "화이트초콜릿라떼" df1.loc[18, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[19, '1'] = "아이스" df1.loc[19, '2'] = "화이트초콜릿라떼" df1.loc[19, '3'] = "마끼아또" df1.loc[20, '2'] = "콜드브루" df1.loc[20, '3'] = "아메리카노" df1.loc[21, '2'] = "콜드브루" df1.loc[21, '3'] = "원액" df1.loc[22, '2'] = "니트로" df1.loc[22, '3'] = "콜드브루" df1.loc[23, '2'] = "콜드브루" df1.loc[23, '3'] = "라떼" df1.loc[24, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[24, '2'] = "콘파나" df1.loc[24, '1'] = "모카" df1.loc[25, '1'] = "카라멜" df1.loc[25, '2'] = "콘파나" df1.loc[25, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[26, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[26, '2'] = "망고요거트" df1.loc[27, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[27, '2'] = "요거트" df1.loc[27, '1'] = "망고" df1.loc[28, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[28, '2'] = "플레인요거트" df1.loc[29, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[29, '1'] = "플레인" df1.loc[29, '2'] = "요거트" df1.loc[30, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[30, '2'] = "자바칩민트" df1.loc[31, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[31, '2'] = "에스프레소콘파나" df1.loc[32, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[32, '2'] = "콘파나" df1.loc[32, '1'] = "에스프레소" df1.loc[33, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[33, '2'] = "스트로베리요거트" df1.loc[34, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[34, '2'] = "요거트" df1.loc[34, '1'] = "스트로베리" df1.loc[35, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[35, '2'] = "스트로베리" df1.loc[36, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[36, '2'] = "블루베리요거트" df1.loc[37, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[37, '2'] = "요거트" df1.loc[37, '1'] = "블루베리" df1.loc[38, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[38, '2'] = "복숭아" df1.loc[39, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[39, '2'] = "그린티" df1.loc[40, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[40, '2'] = "찰인절미" df1.loc[40, '1'] = "레드빈" df1.loc[41, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[41, '2'] = "흑임자" df1.loc[41, '1'] = "레드빈" df1.loc[42, '3'] = "레드빈흑임자그라니따" df1.loc[43, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[43, '2'] = "쑥" df1.loc[43, '1'] = "레드빈" df1.loc[44, '3'] = "레드빈쑥그라니따" df1.loc[45, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[45, '2'] = "민트" df1.loc[45, '1'] = "레몬" df1.loc[46, '3'] = "그라니따" df1.loc[46, '2'] = "민트" df1.loc[46, '1'] = "자바칩" df1.loc[47, '3'] = "아이스티" df1.loc[48, '3'] = "아이스티" df1.loc[48, '2'] = "라즈베리" df1.loc[49, '3'] = "아이스티" df1.loc[49, '2'] = "복숭아" df1.loc[50, '3'] = "그린티라떼" df1.loc[50, '2'] = "아이스" df1.loc[51, '1'] = "아이스" df1.loc[51, '2'] = "그린티" df1.loc[51, '3'] = "라떼" df1.loc[52, '3'] = "그린티라떼" df1.loc[53, '2'] = "그린티" df1.loc[53, '3'] = "라떼" df1.loc[54, '2'] = "아이스x" df1.loc[54, '3'] = "초콜릿x" df1.loc[55, '2'] = "콜드브루" df1.loc[55, '3'] = "밀크티" df1.loc[56, '2'] = "핫" df1.loc[56, '3'] = "초콜릿" df1.loc[57, '2'] = "아이스" df1.loc[57, '3'] = "초콜릿" df1.loc[58, '2'] = "레몬" df1.loc[58, '3'] = "스파클링" df1.loc[59, '2'] = "자몽" df1.loc[59, '3'] = "스파클링" df1.loc[60, '2'] = "베리" df1.loc[60, '3'] = "스파클링" df1.loc[61, '2'] = "청포도" df1.loc[61, '3'] = "스파클링" df1.loc[62, '3'] = "딸기플라워밀크쉐이크" df1.loc[63, '3'] = "딸기프룻티펀치" df1.loc[64, '3'] = "딸기치즈큐브쉐이크" df1.loc[65, '3'] = "딸기요거트그래놀라" df1.loc[66, '3'] = "딸기라떼" df1.loc[67, '3'] = "딸기주스" df1.loc[68, '2'] = "딸기" df1.loc[68, '3'] = "주스" df1.loc[69, '2'] = "키위" df1.loc[69, '3'] = "주스" df1.loc[70, '2'] = "토마토" df1.loc[70, '3'] = "주스" df1.loc[71, '2'] = "루비자몽" df1.loc[71, '3'] = "주스" df1.loc[72, '2'] = "루비자몽" df1.loc[72, '3'] = "핫주스" df1.loc[73, '2'] = "오렌지" df1.loc[73, '3'] = "주스" df1.loc[74, '2'] = "프루티" df1.loc[74, '3'] = "하동" df1.loc[75, '2'] = "머스캣" df1.loc[75, '3'] = "그린티" df1.loc[76, '3'] = "민트크루" df1.loc[77, '2'] = "오렌지" df1.loc[77, '3'] = "보스" df1.loc[78, '2'] = "루이보스" df1.loc[78, '3'] = "오렌지" df1.loc[79, '3'] = "커즈마인" df1.loc[80, '2'] = "시트러스" df1.loc[80, '3'] = "캐모마일" df1.loc[81, '2'] = "퍼스트" df1.loc[81, '3'] = "브레이크" df1.loc[82, '3'] = "영그레이" df1.loc[83, '1'] = "아이스" df1.loc[83, '2'] = "루이보스" df1.loc[83, '3'] = "크림티" df1.loc[84, '2'] = "루이보스" df1.loc[84, '3'] = "크림티" df1.loc[85, '1'] = "아이스" df1.loc[85, '2'] = "캐모마일" df1.loc[85, '3'] = "프루티" df1.loc[86, '2'] = "캐모마일" df1.loc[86, '3'] = "프루티" df1.loc[87, '2'] = "파니니" df1.loc[87, '3'] = "클래식" df1.loc[88, '2'] = "파니니" df1.loc[88, '3'] = "불고기" df1.loc[89, '3'] = "허니브레드" df1.loc[90, '2'] = "수플레" df1.loc[90, '3'] = "치즈케익" df1.loc[91, '3'] = "흑당이달고나빙산" df1.loc[92, '3'] = "피치얼그레이빙산" df1.loc[93, '3'] = "요거딸기빙산" df1.loc[94, '3'] = "망고딸기동산" df1.loc[95, '3'] = "인절미팥동산" df1.loc[96, '3'] = "찹찹딸기라떼보틀" df1.loc[97, '1'] = "홀)" df1.loc[97, '2'] = "수플레" df1.loc[97, '3'] = "치즈케익" df1.loc[98, '2'] = "애플시나몬" df1.loc[98, '3'] = "허니브레드" df1.loc[99, '1'] = "까사링고" df1.loc[99, '2'] = "베리" df1.loc[99, '3'] = "케익" for i in range(0, len(df.index)): for i2 in range(0, len(df1.index)): if df1.loc[i2, '1'] == df.loc[i, "총리스트"]: df2.loc[i2, '1'] = df.loc[i, "총리스트"] elif df1.loc[i2, '2'] == df.loc[i, "총리스트"]: df2.loc[i2, '2'] = df.loc[i, "총리스트"] elif df1.loc[i2, '3'] == df.loc[i, "총리스트"]: df2.loc[i2, '3'] = df.loc[i, "총리스트"] str02 = "" str02 += df2.loc[0, "3"] #for i3 in range(1,len(df2.index)): # str02 +="," # str02+=df2.loc[i,"3"] # df3=df2.sort_index() # str02="" # for i in range(0,len(df3.index)): # str02 +="," # str02 += df3.loc[i,"3"] # str02="" # for i in range(0,len(df.index)): # str02 +="," # str02 += df.loc[i,"총리스트"] #print(df.loc[0,"총리스트"]) return HttpResponse(str02)
def detect_face(face_file, max_results=4): client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() content = image = types.Image(content=content) return client.face_detection(image=image).face_annotations
import openpyxl,os import xlwings as xw import string import pandas as pd from import vision from import types filepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) filepath = filepath+"/apikey.json" os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS']=filepath wb = xw.Book.caller() wb.sheets[0].range('B22').value = "I am processing Image Analysis Request..." vision_client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() image = types.Image() def text_process(message): no_punctuation = [char for char in message if char not in string.punctuation] no_punctuation = ' '.join(no_punctuation) return no_punctuation def run_twitter_analysis(): file_label,file_face,file_logo,file_land = [],[],[],[] file_text,file_web,file_safe,file_color = [],[],[],[] labelnames,label_scores,logonames = [],[],[] landmarknames,text_info,webentities = [],[],[] angerArr,joyArr,surpriseArr = [],[],[] adult,medical,spoof,violence = [],[],[],[] f,r,g,b = [],[],[],[] sample_array = []
def vision(): global img_name global choices global decision # initial upload if (request.method == 'POST') and (request.form["submit-button"] == "Upload"): if 'file' not in request.files: flash('No file part') file = request.files['file'] if file.filename == '': flash('No selected file') if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename) save_path = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename) import io from import vision from import types client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = types.Image(content=content) response = client.text_detection(image=image) texts = response.text_annotations img_name = file.filename # reformat choices to make conditions compatible. choices = [_.description for _ in texts] return render_template('vision.html', img_name=img_name, choices=choices) # when user hit decide for me, or re-select. if (request.method == 'POST') and (request.form["submit-button"] == "decide-for-me"): data = request.form choices = list(data.values())[:-1] decision = random.choice(choices) return render_template('vision.html', img_name=img_name, choices=choices, decision=decision) # when user hit go-with-it, we push and save it to database. if (request.method == 'POST') and (request.form["submit-button"] == "go-with-it"): if g.user: options = ', '.join(choices) try: history = History(options=options, new_decision = Decision(decision=decision, db.session.add(history) db.session.add(new_decision) db.session.commit() except (DBAPIError, IntegrityError): flash('Something went wrong.') return render_template('vision.html', img_name=img_name, choices=choices) # hum...maybe we shall re direct user to some other place flash("Success! Decision made and saved into your user history!") return render_template('vision.html', img_name=img_name, choices=choices, decision=decision) return render_template('vision.html')
import io import os from import vision from import types # 인증하는 방법 os.environ[ "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = 'resources/cloudapi-2eba7a867f32.json' client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources/faulkner.jpg') # Loads the image into memory with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = types.Image(content=content) # Performs label detection on the image file response = client.label_detection(image=image) labels = response.label_annotations print('Labels:') for label in labels: print(label.description)
def get_all_tweets(screen_name): #Twitter only allows access to a users most recent 3240 tweets with this method #authorize twitter, initialize tweepy auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_key, access_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) #initialize a list to hold all the tweepy Tweets alltweets = [] #make initial request for most recent tweets (200 is the maximum allowed count) new_tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name = screen_name,count=10) #save most recent tweets alltweets.extend(new_tweets) #save the id of the oldest tweet less one oldest = alltweets[-1].id - 1 #keep grabbing tweets until there are no tweets left to grab while len(new_tweets) > 0: #all subsiquent requests use the max_id param to prevent duplicates new_tweets = api.user_timeline(screen_name = screen_name,count=10,max_id=oldest) #save most recent tweets alltweets.extend(new_tweets) #update the id of the oldest tweet less one oldest = alltweets[-1].id - 1 if(len(alltweets) > 15): break print ("...%s tweets downloaded so far" % (len(alltweets))) media_files = set() for status in alltweets : try : media = status.extended_entities.get('media', []) except : media = status.entities.get('mdeia',[]) # print (media[0]) if(len(media) > 0): for i in range(len(media)): media_files.add(media[i]['media_url']) for media_file in media_files: print(media_file) os.system("ffmpeg -framerate 1 -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p out1.mp4") os.system("ffmpeg -framerate 1 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p out2.mp4") # for google vision client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() file = open("label.txt","w") point = 0 numlist = '0123456789' OBJ = [pic for pic in listdir(".") if pic.endswith('jpg') or pic.endswith('png')] # print(OBJ) for i in OBJ: file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),i) new_name = numlist[point] +'.jpg' os.renames(file_name,new_name) print(file_name) print("changed down") point = point + 1 # Loads the image into memory with, 'rb') as image_file: content = image = types.Image(content=content) # Performs label detection on the image file response = client.label_detection(image=image) labels = response.label_annotations file.write('Lables for '+new_name+' :\n') for label in labels: file.write(label.description+'\n') file.close()