Example #1
def UnPack(src,key = b''):
    if len(src) < 0x20:
        raise RuntimeError('Unpack Error!Please check mm protocol!')     #协议需要更新
        return b''
    if not key:
        key = Util.sessionKey
    nCur= 0
    if src[nCur] == struct.unpack('>B',b'\xbf')[0]:
        nCur += 1                                                         #跳过协议标志位
    nLenHeader = src[nCur] >> 2                                           #包头长度
    bUseCompressed = (src[nCur] & 0x3 == 1)                               #包体是否使用压缩算法:01使用,02不使用
    nCur += 1
    nDecryptType = src[nCur] >> 4                                         #解密算法(固定为AES解密): 05 aes解密 / 07 rsa解密
    nLenCookie = src[nCur] & 0xf                                          #cookie长度
    nCur += 1
    nCur += 4                                                             #服务器版本(当前固定返回4字节0)
    uin= struct.unpack('>i',src[nCur:nCur+4])[0]                          #uin
    nCur += 4
    cookie_temp = src[nCur:nCur+nLenCookie]                               #cookie
    if cookie_temp and not(cookie_temp == Util.cookie):
        Util.cookie = cookie_temp                                         #刷新cookie
    nCur += nLenCookie
    (nCgi,nCur) = decoder._DecodeVarint(src,nCur)                         #cgi type
    (nLenProtobuf,nCur) = decoder._DecodeVarint(src,nCur)                 #压缩前protobuf长度
    (nLenCompressed,nCur) = decoder._DecodeVarint(src,nCur)               #压缩后protobuf长度
    logger.debug('包头长度:{}\n是否使用压缩算法:{}\n解密算法:{}\ncookie长度:{}\nuin:{}\ncookie:{}\ncgi type:{}\nprotobuf长度:{}\n压缩后protobuf长度:{}'.format(nLenHeader, bUseCompressed, nDecryptType, nLenCookie, uin, str(Util.cookie), nCgi, nLenProtobuf, nLenCompressed))
    body = src[nLenHeader:]                                               #取包体数据
    if bUseCompressed:
        protobufData = Util.decompress_and_aesDecrypt(body,key)
        protobufData = Util.aesDecrypt(body,key)
    logger.debug('解密后数据:%s' % str(protobufData))
    return protobufData
Example #2
def UnPack(src,key):
    if len(src) < 20:
        return b''
    nCur= 0
    if src[nCur] == '\xbf':
        nCur += 1                                                         #跳过协议标志位
    nLenHeader = src[nCur] >> 2                                           #包头长度
    bUseCompressed = (src[nCur] & 0x3 == 1)                               #包体是否使用压缩算法:01使用,02不使用
    nCur += 1
    nDecryptType = src[nCur] >> 4                                         #解密算法(固定为AES解密): 05 aes解密 / 07 rsa解密
    nLenCookie = src[nCur] & 0xf                                          #cookie长度
    nCur += 1
    nCur += 4                                                             #服务器版本(当前固定返回4字节0)
    uin= struct.unpack('>I',src[nCur:nCur+4])[0]                          #uin
    nCur += 4
    cookie = src[nCur:nCur+nLenCookie]                                    #cookie
    nCur += nLenCookie
    (nCgi,nCur) = decoder._DecodeVarint(src,nCur)                         #cgi type
    (nLenProtobuf,nCur) = decoder._DecodeVarint(src,nCur)                 #压缩前protobuf长度
    (nLenCompressed,nCur) = decoder._DecodeVarint(src,nCur)               #压缩后protobuf长度
    logger.debug('包头长度:{}\n是否使用压缩算法:{}\n解密算法:{}\ncookie长度:{}\nuin:{}\ncookie:{}\ncgi type:{}\nprotobuf长度:{}\n压缩后protobuf长度:{}'.format(nLenHeader, bUseCompressed, nDecryptType, nLenCookie, uin, str(cookie), nCgi, nLenProtobuf, nLenCompressed))
    body = src[nLenHeader:]                                               #取包体数据
    if bUseCompressed:
        protobufData = decompress_and_aesDecrypt(body,key)
        protobufData = aesDecrypt(body,key)
    logger.debug('解密后数据:%s' % str(protobufData))
    return protobufData
    def process_incoming_data(self):
        message = ""
        # First, get some data, and kick it back to the outer routine until we get something
        message = message + (yield)

        # The first part of the connection will be a 7 byte header identifying this as a Hadoop
        # data stream. Verify that. (well, pretend to verify that)
        while len(message) < 7:
            message = message + (yield)
        (header, v, a, i) = unpack_from("4sbbb", message[0:7])
        logger.debug("Header decoded: %s %d %d %d" % (header, v, a, i))
        message = message[7:]

        # Next, we need at least 4 bytes to give us a notion of how much more to read
        while len(message) < 4:
            message = message + (yield)
        size = unpack(">I", message[0:4])
        message = message[4:]

        # Now we know how much we need to read for the header

        while len(message) < size[0]:
            message = message + (yield)
        ipcconn = IpcConnectionContext_pb2.IpcConnectionContextProto()
        ipcconn.ParseFromString(message[0 : size[0]])
        logger.info("Logging a connection:\n%s" % (str(ipcconn)))
        message = message[size[0] :]

        # From here on out, we'll be in an infinite loop, reading RPC Requests
        while True:
            while len(message) < 4:
                message = message + (yield)
            size = unpack(">I", message[0:4])
            logger.debug("Waiting for at least %d for next RPC" % (size[0]))
            message = message[4:]
            while len(message) < size[0]:
                message = message + (yield)

            # OK, we've got enough for this message, let's decode it
            rpchead = RpcPayloadHeader_pb2.RpcPayloadHeaderProto()
            (headersize, headerposition) = decoder._DecodeVarint(message, 0)
            rpchead.ParseFromString(message[headerposition : headerposition + headersize])
            message = message[headerposition + headersize :]
            (bodysize, bodyposition) = decoder._DecodeVarint(message, 0)
            rpcreq = hadoop_rpc_pb2.HadoopRpcRequestProto()
            rpcreq.ParseFromString(message[bodyposition : bodyposition + bodysize])

            # Stash some information about this reqest so we can look it up on the flipside
            logger.info("The Request is for callid %s, %s" % (str(rpchead.callId), rpcreq.methodName))
            self.messages[rpchead.callId] = {"time": time.time(), "method": rpcreq.methodName}
            message = message[size[0] :]
 def _parse_protobuf(self, data):
     hdHeader = HighDimHeader()
     (length, start) = decoder._DecodeVarint(data, 0)
     data = data[start+length:]
     hdRows = []
     n = len(data)
     start = 0
     while start < n:
         (length, start) = decoder._DecodeVarint(data, start)
         hdRow = Row()
         start += length
     return (hdHeader, hdRows)
 def _parse_protobuf(self, data):
     hdHeader = HighDimHeader()
     (length, start) = decoder._DecodeVarint(data, 0)
     hdHeader.ParseFromString(data[start:start + length])
     data = data[start + length:]
     hdRows = []
     n = len(data)
     start = 0
     while start < n:
         (length, start) = decoder._DecodeVarint(data, start)
         hdRow = Row()
         hdRow.ParseFromString(data[start:start + length])
         start += length
     return (hdHeader, hdRows)
Example #6
    def _read_next_obj(self):
        Each object is encoded as:
         - vtype (uint8_t): type of the object
         - size (varint): size of the object as varint
         - object itself
        bufsz = self._prevbuf + self._fobj.read(9 - len(self._prevbuf))
        if len(bufsz) == 0:
            return None, None

        vtype = bufsz[0]
        size, pos = _DecodeVarint(bufsz[1:], 0)

        if pos + size < 8:
            data = bufsz[1 + pos:1 + pos + size]
            self._prevbuf = bufsz[1 + pos + size:]
        elif pos + size < 8:
            data = bufsz[1:]
            self._prevbuf = b""
            data = bufsz[1 + pos:] + self._fobj.read(size - 8 + pos)
            self._prevbuf = b""

        return vtype, data
Example #7
        def __init__(self, msg):
            def InternalAdd(field_number, wire_type, data):
                unknown_field = UnknownField(field_number, wire_type, data)

            self._values = []
            msg_des = msg.DESCRIPTOR
            # pylint: disable=protected-access
            unknown_fields = msg._unknown_fields
            if (msg_des.has_options
                    and msg_des.GetOptions().message_set_wire_format):
                local_decoder = decoder.UnknownMessageSetItemDecoder()
                for _, buffer in unknown_fields:
                    (field_number, data) = local_decoder(memoryview(buffer))
                                wire_format.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, data)
                for tag_bytes, buffer in unknown_fields:
                    # pylint: disable=protected-access
                    (tag, _) = decoder._DecodeVarint(tag_bytes, 0)
                    field_number, wire_type = wire_format.UnpackTag(tag)
                    if field_number == 0:
                        raise RuntimeError('Field number 0 is illegal.')
                     _) = decoder._DecodeUnknownField(memoryview(buffer), 0,
                    InternalAdd(field_number, wire_type, data)
Example #8
    def parse_next_message(self):
        message = None
        remainder = self.message_buffer
        message_data = ""

        # 1. decode a varint from the top of the stream
        # 2. using that as the length, if there's enough in the buffer, try and
        #       decode try and decode a VehicleMessage after the varint
        # 3. if it worked, great, we're oriented in the stream - continue
        # 4. if either couldn't be parsed, skip to the next byte and repeat
        while message is None and len(self.message_buffer) > 1:
            message_length, message_start = _DecodeVarint(self.message_buffer, 0)
            # sanity check to make sure we didn't parse some huge number that's
            # clearly not the length prefix
            if message_length > self.MAX_PROTOBUF_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
                self.message_buffer = self.message_buffer[1:]

            if message_start + message_length > len(self.message_buffer):

            message_data = self.message_buffer[message_start:message_start +
            remainder = self.message_buffer[message_start + message_length:]

            message = ProtobufFormatter.deserialize(message_data)
            if message is None:
                self.message_buffer = self.message_buffer[1:]

        self.message_buffer = remainder
        return message
Example #9
def decode_varint(data: bytes) -> int:
    Decode a protobuf varint to an int
    decoded: Tuple[int, int] = _DecodeVarint(data, 0)
    assert isinstance(decoded[0], int)
    return decoded[0]
Example #10
 def _to_sentences(self, blob):
     from data.CoreNLP_pb2 import Document
     d = Document()
     from google.protobuf.internal.decoder import _DecodeVarint
     s, p = _DecodeVarint(blob, 0)
     d.ParseFromString(blob[p:p + s])
     return d.sentence
Example #11
    def parse_next_message(self):
        message = None
        remainder = self.message_buffer
        message_data = ""

        # 1. decode a varint from the top of the stream
        # 2. using that as the length, if there's enough in the buffer, try and
        #       decode try and decode a VehicleMessage after the varint
        # 3. if it worked, great, we're oriented in the stream - continue
        # 4. if either couldn't be parsed, skip to the next byte and repeat
        while message is None and len(self.message_buffer) > 1:
            message_length, message_start = _DecodeVarint(
                self.message_buffer, 0)
            # sanity check to make sure we didn't parse some huge number that's
            # clearly not the length prefix
            if message_length > self.MAX_PROTOBUF_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
                self.message_buffer = self.message_buffer[1:]

            if message_start + message_length > len(self.message_buffer):

            message_data = self.message_buffer[message_start:message_start +
            remainder = self.message_buffer[message_start + message_length:]

            message = ProtobufFormatter.deserialize(message_data)
            if message is None:
                self.message_buffer = self.message_buffer[1:]

        self.message_buffer = remainder
        return message
def _extract_encoded_msg(encoded_tx):
    decoded = base64.b64decode(encoded_tx)
    msg_len, new_pos = _DecodeVarint(decoded, 0)
    tx_type = decoded[new_pos:new_pos + 4]

    stdtx_pb2 = dex_pb2.StdTx().FromString(decoded[new_pos + 4:])
    return stdtx_pb2.msgs[0]
Example #13
def Read(f):
    """Reads an event trace file.

        f: The file to read.

        The events contained in the file.
    close = not hasattr(f, 'read')
    if close:
        f = open(f, 'r')

        while True:
            pos = f.tell()
            l_data = f.read(10)  # 10 is always enough
            l, l_sz = gpbd._DecodeVarint(l_data, 0)
            f.seek(pos + l_sz)
            data = f.read(l)
            rec = event_pb2.FileRecord()
            for evt in rec.event:
                yield evt

        if close:
Example #14
    def inext(self):
        """ Read a single trace msg container object from the input

        The input file is a fixed-size (?!) file, where each
        fixed-sized message

        if (self.position >= self.size):
            raise StopIteration()

        (size, self.position) = decoder._DecodeVarint(self.data, self.position)

        raw_data = self.data[self.position:self.position + size]
        self.position = self.position + size

        trace_msg_container = tracemsg_pb2.TraceMsgContainer()
        except message.DecodeError as e:
            trace_msg_container == None

        if trace_msg_container == None:
            raise StopIteration()
            return trace_msg_container
Example #15
def decode_uvarint(buf, pos):
    """Decode bytearray into a long."""
    # Convert buffer to string
    if six.PY2:
        buf = str(buf)
    value, pos = decoder._DecodeVarint(buf, pos)
    return (value, pos)
Example #16
 def sentences_from(self, buf, offset=0):
     from .CoreNLP_pb2 import Document
     d = Document()
     from google.protobuf.internal.decoder import _DecodeVarint
     size, pos = _DecodeVarint(buf, offset)
     d.ParseFromString(buf[offset + pos:offset + pos + size])
     return d.sentence
Example #17
def walk_binary(binr):
    if type(binr) == str:
        with open(binr, 'rb') as fd:
            binr = fd.read()

    # Search for:
    # ".proto" or ".protodevel", as part of the "name" (1) field
    cursor = 0
    while cursor < len(binr):
        cursor = binr.find(b'.proto', cursor)

        if cursor == -1:
        cursor += len('.proto')
        cursor += (binr[cursor:cursor + 5] == b'devel') * 5

        # Search back for the (1, length-delimited) marker
        start = binr.rfind(b'\x0a', max(cursor - 1024, 0), cursor)

        if start > 0 and binr[start - 1] == 0x0a == (cursor - start - 1):
            start -= 1

        # Check whether length byte is coherent
        if start == -1:
        varint, end = _DecodeVarint(binr, start + 1)
        if cursor - end != varint:

        # Look just after for subsequent markers
        tags = b'\x12\x1a\x22\x2a\x32\x3a\x42\x4a\x50\x58\x62'
        if binr[cursor] not in tags:

        while cursor < len(binr) and binr[cursor] in tags:
            tags = tags[tags.index(binr[cursor]):]

            varint, end = _DecodeVarint(binr, cursor + 1)
            cursor = end + varint * (binr[cursor] & 0b111 == 2)

        # Parse descriptor
        proto = FileDescriptorProto()

        # Convert to ascii
        yield descpb_to_proto(proto)
Example #18
    def DesempacotaMensagem(self, msg):
        message = message_pb2.Message()
        # Read length
        (size, position) = decoder._DecodeVarint(msg, 0)
        # Read the message
        message.ParseFromString(msg[position:position + size])

        return message.arguments
Example #19
def _decode_varint(serial):
    """Decode varint as integer
        i,count =_DecodeVarint(serial,0)
        return i, serial[count:]
    except IndexError:
        return None, serial
 def load_inode_section(self):
     inode_section = fsimage_pb2.INodeSection()
     (len, pos) = decoder._DecodeVarint(self.buf, self._start_pos)
     inode_section_bytes = self.buf[pos:pos + len]
     self.num_inodes = inode_section.numInodes
     self.last_inode_id = inode_section.lastInodeId
     self._cur_pos = pos + len
     return inode_section
Example #21
def read_delimited_message(cls, f):
    t = f.tell()
    # Though numbers can be longer, only read 4 bytes = 2**27 bytes
    b = f.read(4)
    l, p = decoder._DecodeVarint(b, 0)

    # rewind the file to the correct position
    f.seek(t + p)
    return cls.FromString(f.read(l))
Example #22
def op_friend_buf2resp(buf):
    res = mm_pb2.oplog_resp()
        code,__ = decoder._DecodeVarint(res.res.code, 0)
        if code:
            logger.info('好友操作失败,错误码:0x{:x},错误信息:{}'.format(code, res.res.msg), 11)
        code = -1
        logger.info('好友操作失败!', 11)
    return code
Example #23
def set_group_nick_name_buf2resp(buf):
    res = mm_pb2.oplog_resp()
        code,__ = decoder._DecodeVarint(res.res.code, 0)
        if code:
            logger.info('设置群昵称失败,错误码:0x{:x},错误信息:{}'.format(code, res.res.msg), 11)
        code = -1
        logger.info('设置群昵称失败!', 11)
    return code
Example #24
def extract_proto_from_file(filename, descriptor_pool):
    with open(filename, "rb") as f:
        data = f.read()
    offset = 0

    PROTO_MARKER = b".proto"

    while True:
        # Look for ".proto"
        suffix_position = data.find(PROTO_MARKER, offset)
        if suffix_position == -1:

        marker_start = data.rfind(b"\x0A", offset, suffix_position)
        if marker_start == -1:
            # Doesn't look like a proto descriptor
            offset = suffix_position + len(PROTO_MARKER)

            name_length, new_pos = _DecodeVarint(data, marker_start)
        except Exception:
            # Expected a VarInt here, so if not, continue
            offset = suffix_position + len(PROTO_MARKER)

        # Length = 1 byte for the marker (0x0A)
        # + length of the varint + length of the descriptor name
        expected_length = 1 + (new_pos - marker_start) + name_length + 7
        current_length = (suffix_position + len(PROTO_MARKER)) - marker_start

        # Huge margin of error here - my calculations above are probably just wrong.
        if current_length > expected_length + 30:
            offset = suffix_position + len(PROTO_MARKER)

        # Split the data starting at the marker byte and try to read it as a
        # protobuf stream. Descriptors are stored as c strings in the .pb.cc files.
        # They're null-terminated, but can also contain embedded null bytes. Since we
        # can't search for the null-terminator explicitly, we parse the string manually
        # until we reach a protobuf tag which equals 0 (identifier = 0, wiretype =
        # varint), signalling the final null byte of the string. This works because
        # there are no 0 tags in a real FileDescriptorProto stream.
        descriptor_length = read_until_null_tag(data[marker_start:]) - 1
        descriptor_data = data[marker_start:marker_start + descriptor_length]
            proto_file = ProtoFile(descriptor_data, descriptor_pool)
            if (proto_file.path.endswith(".proto")
                    and proto_file.path != "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"):
                yield proto_file
        except Exception:

        offset = marker_start + descriptor_length
def parseFromDelimitedString(obj, buf, offset=0):
    Stanford CoreNLP uses the Java "writeDelimitedTo" function, which
    writes the size (and offset) of the buffer before writing the object.
    This function handles parsing this message starting from offset 0.

    @returns how many bytes of @buf were consumed.
    size, pos = _DecodeVarint(buf, offset)
    obj.ParseFromString(buf[offset + pos:offset + pos + size])
    return pos + size
Example #26
def decode_uvarint(buf, pos):
    """Decode bytearray into a long."""
    # Convert buffer to string
    if six.PY2:
        buf = str(buf)
        value, pos = decoder._DecodeVarint(buf, pos)
    except (TypeError, IndexError) as exc:
            DecoderException("Error decoding uvarint from %s..." %
                             binascii.hexlify(buf[pos:pos + 8])), exc)
    return (value, pos)
Example #27
def proto_load(f):
    out = []
    while True:
        buf = f.read(4)
        if not buf:

        size, pos = _DecodeVarint(buf, 0)
        buf = buf[pos:] + f.read(size - 4 + pos)


    return out
Example #28
    def parse_next_message(self, from_u):
        message = None

        message_data = ""
        message_length, message_start = _DecodeVarint(from_u, 0)
        if message_start + message_length > len(from_u):
            print "size error"
        message_data = from_u[message_start:message_start + message_length]

        print "vonxc returnvalue  parse_next_message ", binascii.hexlify(
        message = self.deserialize(message_data)
        return message
Example #29
def readDelimited(sock):
    """Read a delmited protobuf from a socket"""
    # FIXME - current implementation is very expensive in terms of heap thrash and it will fail for protobufs bigger than  32768 bytes
    from google.protobuf.internal import decoder
    delimsize = 2
    delimbytes = sock.recv(delimsize)
    (payloadsize, pos) = decoder._DecodeVarint(delimbytes, 0)
    # We now know size of our msg, but we might have unused bytes from the delimeter
    numextra = delimsize - pos
    numtoread = payloadsize - numextra
    payload = delimbytes[pos:] + sock.recv(numtoread, MSG_WAITALL)
    msg = Envelope()
    #print "payloadsize=%d, pos=%d, numextra=%d, numtoread=%d, paylen=%d" % (payloadsize, pos, numextra, numtoread, len(payload))
    return msg
    def approximate_size(self):
        end = False
        offset = 0
        while not end and offset < len(self.data):
            value, offset = _DecodeVarint(self.data, offset)
            field = (value & 0xfffffff8) >> 3
            wire_type = value & 0x7  # last 3 bits

            # If we have seen certain fields already, we might have entered a next encoded protobuffer.
            if (field not in self.KNOWN_FIELD_NUMBERS) or \
                    (field in self.no_double_fields and field in self.seen_fields):
                end = True


            # Varint
            if wire_type == 0:
                _, offset = _DecodeVarint(self.data, offset)
            # 64-bit
            elif wire_type == 1:
                offset += 8
            # Length-delimited (~string/bytes)
            elif wire_type == 2:
                value, offset = _DecodeVarint(self.data, offset)
                offset += value
            # Groups - deprecated
            elif wire_type == 3 or wire_type == 4:
            # 32-bit
            elif wire_type == 5:
                offset += 4
                end = True

        self._size = offset
Example #31
def parseFromDelimitedString(obj, buf, offset=0):
    Stanford CoreNLP uses the Java "writeDelimitedTo" function, which
    writes the size (and offset) of the buffer before writing the object.
    This function handles parsing this message starting from offset 0.

    @returns how many bytes of @buf were consumed.
    size, pos = _DecodeVarint(buf, offset)
        obj.ParseFromString(buf[offset + pos:offset + pos + size])
    except DecodeError as e:
        warnings.warn("Failed to decode a serialized output from CoreNLP server. An incomplete or empty object will be returned.", \
    return pos + size
Example #32
def UnPack(src, key=b''):
    if len(src) < 0x20:
        raise RuntimeError('Unpack Error!Please check mm protocol!')  # 协议需要更新
        return b''
    if not key:
        key = Util.sessionKey
    # 解析包头
    nCur = 0
    if src[nCur] == struct.unpack('>B', b'\xbf')[0]:
        nCur += 1                                                                                   # 跳过协议标志位
    nLenHeader = src[nCur] >> 2                                                                     # 包头长度
    bUseCompressed = (src[nCur] & 0x3 == 1)                                                         # 包体是否使用压缩算法:01使用,02不使用
    nCur += 1
    nDecryptType = src[nCur] >> 4                                                                   # 解密算法(固定为AES解密): 05 aes解密 / 07 rsa解密
    nLenCookie = src[nCur] & 0xf                                                                    # cookie长度
    nCur += 1
    nCur += 4                                                                                       # 服务器版本(当前固定返回4字节0)
    uin = struct.unpack('>i', src[nCur:nCur+4])[0]                                                  # uin
    nCur += 4
    cookie_temp = src[nCur:nCur+nLenCookie]                                                         # cookie
    if cookie_temp and not(cookie_temp == Util.cookie):
        Util.cookie = cookie_temp                                                                   # 刷新cookie
    nCur += nLenCookie
    (nCgi, nCur) = decoder._DecodeVarint(src, nCur)                                                 # cgi type
    (nLenProtobuf, nCur) = decoder._DecodeVarint(src, nCur)                                         # 压缩前protobuf长度
    (nLenCompressed, nCur) = decoder._DecodeVarint(src, nCur)                                       # 压缩后protobuf长度
    logger.debug('包头长度:{}\n是否使用压缩算法:{}\n解密算法:{}\ncookie长度:{}\nuin:{}\ncookie:{}\ncgi type:{}\nprotobuf长度:{}\n压缩后protobuf长度:{}'.format(
        nLenHeader, bUseCompressed, nDecryptType, nLenCookie, uin, str(Util.cookie), nCgi, nLenProtobuf, nLenCompressed))
    # 对包体aes解密解压缩
    body = src[nLenHeader:]                                                                         # 取包体数据
    if bUseCompressed:
        protobufData = Util.decompress_and_aesDecrypt(body, key)
        protobufData = Util.aesDecrypt(body, key)
    logger.debug('解密后数据:%s' % str(protobufData))
    return protobufData
Example #33
def read_proto(file, message):
    read a protobuffer struct from file, the length of the struct is stored as
    a varint, then followed by the actual struct data.
    @return True success, False for end of file

    buf = file.read(8)
    if not buf:
        return False
    result, pos = _DecodeVarint(buf, 0)
    buf = buf[pos:] + file.read(result - len(buf) + pos)

    return True
Example #34
    def recvRpcMessage(self, sock):
        '''Handle reading an RPC reply from the server.'''
            rfile = sock.makefile('r')
            """ modified by wuzhw """
            recv = rfile.read(1)
            (size, position) = decoder._DecodeVarint(recv, 0)
            byte_stream = rfile.read(size)

            """ Original: """
            # byte_stream = rfile.read()
        except socket.error:
            raise error.IOError("Error reading data from server")

        return byte_stream
Example #35
def read_delimited(data, metric_type):
	result = []
	start = 0
	while len(data) > 0 and start < len(data):
		(msg_length, hdr_length) = _DecodeVarint(data[start:], 0)
		# read message as a byte string
		proto_str = data[start + hdr_length:start + msg_length + hdr_length]
		# EOF
		if len(proto_str) == 0:
		start = start + msg_length + hdr_length
		# de-serialize the bytes into a protobuf message
		msg = metric_type()

	return result
    def get_n_inodes(self, n, start_pos=None):
        if not start_pos:
            if not self._cur_pos:
                inode_sec = self.load_inode_section()
                start_pos = self._cur_pos
                start_pos = self._cur_pos
                inode_sec = self.inode_section
            inode_sec = self.inode_section

        new_pos = start_pos
        for _ in xrange(n):
            (len, pos) = decoder._DecodeVarint(self.buf, new_pos)
            inode_bytes = self.buf[pos:pos + len]
            inode = inode_sec.INode()
            new_pos = pos + len
            yield inode
Example #37
    def _parse_protobuf_message(self, message_buffer):
        parsed_message = None
        remainder = message_buffer
        message_data = ""

        # 1. decode a varint from the top of the stream
        # 2. using that as the length, if there's enough in the buffer, try and
        #       decode try and decode a VehicleMessage after the varint
        # 3. if it worked, great, we're oriented in the stream - continue
        # 4. if either couldn't be parsed, skip to the next byte and repeat
        while parsed_message is None and len(message_buffer) > 1:
            message_length, message_start = _DecodeVarint(message_buffer, 0)
            # sanity check to make sure we didn't parse some huge number that's
            # clearly not the length prefix
            if message_length > self.MAX_PROTOBUF_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
                message_buffer = message_buffer[1:]

            if message_start + message_length >= len(message_buffer):

            message_data = message_buffer[message_start:message_start +
            remainder = message_buffer[message_start + message_length:]

            message = openxc_pb2.VehicleMessage()
            except google.protobuf.message.DecodeError as e:
                message_buffer = message_buffer[1:]
            except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
                LOG.warn("Unable to parse protobuf: %s", e)
                parsed_message = self._protobuf_to_dict(message)
                if parsed_message is None:
                    message_buffer = message_buffer[1:]

        bytes_received = 0
        if parsed_message is not None:
            bytes_received = len(message_data)
        return parsed_message, remainder, bytes_received
Example #38
    def annotate_proto(self, text, annotators=None):
        """Return a Document protocol buffer from the CoreNLP server, containing annotations of the text.

        :param (str) text: text to be annotated
        :param (list[str]) annotators: a list of annotator names

        :return (CoreNLP_pb2.Document): a Document protocol buffer
        properties = {
            'annotators': ','.join(annotators or self.default_annotators),
            'outputFormat': 'serialized',
            'serializer': 'edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.ProtobufAnnotationSerializer'
        r = self._request(text, properties)
        buffer = r.content  # bytes

        size, pos = _DecodeVarint(buffer, 0)
        buffer = buffer[pos:(pos + size)]
        doc = CoreNLP_pb2.Document()
        return doc
 def _read_varint(self):
     """Read exactly a varint out of the underlying file."""
     buf = self._read(8)
     (n,l) = _DecodeVarint(buf, 0)
     return n
  def dataReceived(self, message):
    self.logger.info("Processing incoming data of %d bytes" % (len(message))) 
    self.logger.debug("\n%s" % (hexdump("Msg", message)))

    alldata = self._unprocessed + message
    self._unprocessed = alldata
    while len(self._unprocessed) > 0: 
      # Coming back from the NameNode will only be responses to earlier RPC Requests
      # (normally, we just send heartbeats)
      # If the NN wants us to do something, it will tack on a command then
      # To decode it, we have to pick apart a few things
      # First is a variable-length encoded integer, which will tell us the size of
      # header that will follow. (This is one of the few PB things in Hadoop which are variably-encoded)
      # Varints are encoded as 7 bits in a byte, with the MSB used as a flag 
      # to find the stopping position 
      # Once you get a byte with 0x80 set to 0, you've got all the bytes
      # for the encoded integer and you can decode it. 
      # Because dataReceived may give us back a partial read, we have to buffer until
      # we've read enough to make progress. I'm not being clever, and we simply buffer
      # everything, and reprocess it all as necessary 
      # for the full format, minus the bit about the varint encoded initial transmission, see  
      # hadoop-common/src/main/proto/RpcPayloadHeader.proto

      # This is basically the same code that's in the PB decode routine
      position = 0
      while 1: 
         b = ord(self._unprocessed[position])
         position += 1
         if not (b & 0x80):
         if position == len(self._unprocessed):

      # Unfortunately, the Python implementation doesn't expose 
      # a decoding method directly for varints. 
      # However, you can use an internal API to do so.
      # You get back a length, and where in the stream to start reading from
      # Thanks to Evan Jones for the info
      # http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.protocol-buffers.general/8223
      # We could be more clever and decode it in the prior codeblock, but we'll let
      # the actual PB code do the decoding

      (size, position) = decoder._DecodeVarint(self._unprocessed,0)

      # If we don't have enough to decode yet, bail. We'll try again next time. 
      if (size + position) > len(self._unprocessed):

      resp = RpcPayloadHeader_pb2.RpcResponseHeaderProto()

      # The RpcPayloadHeader will tell us if the call was successful or unsuccessful. If it was
      # unsucessful, well, we'll figure that out later
      if resp.status == 0:
         self.logger.info("Success RPC for call %d (%s)" % (resp.callId, self.calls[resp.callId]["name"]))
      # Success means that after we've read the header, we can read a 4-byte integer which will give
      # us the size of the next block - first, make sure we've got at least another 4 bytes already read
      messagelen = 0
      if(size + position + 4) <= len(self._unprocessed):
        remaining = unpack(">I", self._unprocessed[size+position:size+position+4])
        messagelen = size + position + 4 + remaining[0] 
        #print "Still have %d bytes to process, excepting %d, and the total is %d" % (remaining[0], (size+position+4), len(alldata))
        # OK, we know how much farther we need to read - do we have all of that data yet? 
        # If we do, look up the function that stashed as the callback, and let it decode whatever comes next
        if(messagelen) <= len(self._unprocessed):
          if "callback" in self.calls[resp.callId]:
            self.state = False
            self.logger.info("No callback for call %d" % (resp.callId))
        # We know how big the response is, but we don't have all that data yet
      # We don't have all four bytes that tell us how big the response data is, so bail and try again
      # We're done with that callback, and have processed all of the data, so free it
      del self.calls[resp.callId] 
      self._unprocessed = self._unprocessed[messagelen:]
    def process_outgoing_data(self):
        message = ""

        while True:

            # First, loop until we've got the first integer with header length
            position = 0
            while True:
                if position == len(message):
                    message = message + (yield)
                b = ord(message[position])
                position += 1
                if not (b & 0x80):

            # At this point, we know we've got enough data onhand to decode the length integer, so
            # we don't have to flip back to the other function to get more data
            (msgsize, msgstart) = decoder._DecodeVarint(message, 0)

            # Keep looping until we've got enough data to decode the RPC results
            while len(message) - msgstart < msgsize:
                message = message + (yield)
            resp = RpcPayloadHeader_pb2.RpcResponseHeaderProto()
            resp.ParseFromString(message[msgstart : msgstart + msgsize])
            message = message[msgsize + msgstart :]

            logger.debug("Extracting info for %s from messages, which is\n%s" % (str(resp.callId), str(self.messages)))
            elapsed = time.time() - self.messages[resp.callId]["time"]

            if resp.status == 0:
                    "Success for RPC %d (%s) - took %.4f seconds"
                    % (resp.callId, self.messages[resp.callId]["method"], elapsed)

                while len(message) < 4:
                    message = message + (yield)
                remaining = unpack(">I", message[0:4])
                message = message[4:]

                while len(message) < remaining[0]:
                    message = message + (yield)
                logger.debug("Read all of the response bytes, but don't really care what it is")
                message = message[remaining[0] :]

            else:  # resp.status != 0
                    "Status for RPC %d (%s) was %d, discarding results"
                    % (resp.callId, self.messages[resp.callId]["method"], reps.status)

                # In an error, there are two response strings, each prefixed with 4 byte integers
                # TODO - RpcPayloadHeader.proto says "In case of Fatal error then the respose contains the Serverside's IPC version"
                while len(message) < 4:
                    message = message + (yield)
                remaining = unpack(">I", message[0:4])
                message = message[4:]

                if remaining[0] > 0:
                    while len(message) < remaining[0]:
                        message = message + (yield)
                    logger.debug("RPC Failure class: %s" % (str(message[0 : remaining[0]])))
                    message = message[remaining[0] :]
                    logger.debug("RPC Failure: Unknown Class")

                # Next up, stack trace
                while len(message) < 4:
                    message = message + (yield)
                remaining = unpack(">I", message[0:4])
                message = message[4:]

                if remaining[0] > 0:
                    while len(message) < remaining[0]:
                        message = message + (yield)
                    logger.debug("RPC Failure Stack Trace:\n%s" % (str(message[0 : remaining[0]])))
                    message = message[remaining[0] :]
                    logger.debug("RPC Failure: No Stack Trace follows")

            if self.messages[resp.callId]:
                del self.messages[resp.callId]
Example #42
 def decode_message_size(cls, data):
     return protobuf_decoder._DecodeVarint(data, 0)[0]
Example #43
 def decode_string(cls, data):
     (size, position) = protobuf_decoder._DecodeVarint(data, 0)
     return data[position:position+size].decode('utf-8')
Example #44
def unpack(data):
    '''unpack from delimited data'''
    size, position = decoder._DecodeVarint(data, 0)
    envelope = wire.Envelope() 
    return envelope
Example #45
 def decode_size_and_position(cls, data):
     """ Decode a varint and return the (size, position) """
     return protobuf_decoder._DecodeVarint(data, 0)
Example #46
 def _decode_varint(cls, data):
     return protobuf_decoder._DecodeVarint(data, 0)[0]
Example #47
def decode_varint(data):
    """ Decode a protobuf varint to an int """
    return _DecodeVarint(data, 0)[0]
Example #48
 def decode_delimited(cls, data, typ):
     """ Decode a message or value with size information
         (used in a delimited communication stream) """
     (size, position) = protobuf_decoder._DecodeVarint(data, 0)
     return cls.decode(data[position:position+size], typ)
Example #49
 def decode_bytes(data):
     return data[_DecodeVarint(data, 0)[1]:]
import keyValue_pb2
HOST = "localhost"
INPORT = 8080
# TODO: Look if AF_INET could be AF_LOCAL and be quicker....
inSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
inSock.connect((HOST, INPORT))

print "Python subprogram started"
while True:
    buf = inSock.recv(READING_BYTES)
    (size, position) = decoder._DecodeVarint(buf, 0)
    print '\n' + "size: "+str(size)+" position: "+str(position) + '\n'
    if size == 4294967295: # this is a hack my friend we probably need fixlength types for the length
    # 1) Reading the keyValue pair from the socket
    toRead = size+position-READING_BYTES
    buf += inSock.recv(toRead) # this is probably inefficient because the buffer sizes changes all the time
    print("bufSize "+str(len(buf)))
    kv = keyValue_pb2.KeyValuePair()
    print("key "+kv.key)
    print("value "+kv.value)
Example #51
def connectGCM(androidId, securityToken):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    context = ssl.create_default_context()
    conn = context.wrap_socket(s, server_hostname=mtalk.server)
    conn.connect((mtalk.server, 5228))

    data = conn.recv(1024)

    mtalkpacket = mtalk.Packets()
    loginRequestPacket = mtalkpacket.LoginRequestPacket(androidId, securityToken, hex(androidId)[2:])


                     args=(conn, ),
                     daemon=True, ).start()

    lastStreamId = 1
    while True:
        data = b''
        while 1:
            data += conn.recv(1024)
            if len(data) != 0:
                packetlength, varintlength = GoogleProtobufDecoder._DecodeVarint(data, 1)
                if (len(data) - varintlength) == packetlength:

        tag = data[0]
        data = data[varintlength:]

        print('message parsed with tag: ' + str(tag))

        if tag == 0x00:
            print('Disconnected from GCM')
        if tag == 0x03:
            # Recieved LoginResponse
            loginResponse = GoogleServicesFramework_pb2.LoginResponse()
            if loginResponse.error.code == 0:
                print('Login Successful')
        elif tag == 0x07:
            # Recieved DataMessageStanza
            iqStanza = GoogleServicesFramework_pb2.IQStanza()
        elif tag == 0x08:
            # Recieved DataMessageStanza
            dataMessageStanza = GoogleServicesFramework_pb2.DataMessageStanza()
            if dataMessageStanza.category == app:
                for appdata in dataMessageStanza.appdata:
                    #print(appdata.key + ' - ' + appdata.value)
                    if appdata.key == 'message':
                        print('Received GCM message for textsecure')
                        receive_textsecure.receive_textsecure_message(appdata.value, q)
                #if debug:
                #    for appdata in dataMessageStanza.appdata:
                #        print(appdata.key + ' - ' + appdata.value)

        notificationRequestPacket = mtalkpacket.NotificationPacket(lastStreamId)
        lastStreamId += 1
Example #52
 def decode_bytes(cls, data):
     (size, position) = protobuf_decoder._DecodeVarint(data, 0)
     return data[position:position+size]

tsf_file = open(sys.argv[1], "rb")

# Read magic number and offset
mnumber = readinsight3._getV(tsf_file, "I", 4)
offset = readinsight3._getV(tsf_file, ">Q", 8)

print("mnumber:", mnumber)
print("offset:", offset)

# Read SpotList message

buffer = tsf_file.read()
(spot_list_size, position) = decoder._DecodeVarint(buffer, 0)

spot_list = TSFProto_pb2.SpotList()

print("Spot List:", spot_list_size)

# Read the first few spots.
cur_pos = 12
for i in range(2):

    buffer = tsf_file.read(200)
    (spot_size, position) = decoder._DecodeVarint(buffer, 0)