def main(client, campaign_id): # Initialize appropriate services. shared_set_service = client.GetService('SharedSetService', version='v201806') shared_criterion_service = client.GetService('SharedCriterionService', version='v201806') campaign_shared_set_service = client.GetService('CampaignSharedSetService', version='v201806') # Keywords to create a shared set of. keywords = ['mars cruise', 'mars hotels'] # Create shared negative keyword set. shared_set = { 'name': 'API Negative keyword list - %d' % uuid.uuid4(), 'type': 'NEGATIVE_KEYWORDS' } # Add shared set. operations = [{'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': shared_set}] response = shared_set_service.mutate(operations) if response and response['value']: shared_set = response['value'][0] shared_set_id = shared_set['sharedSetId'] print 'Shared set with ID %d and name "%s" was successfully added.' % ( shared_set_id, shared_set['name']) else: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No shared set was added.') # Add negative keywords to shared set. shared_criteria = [{ 'criterion': { 'xsi_type': 'Keyword', 'text': keyword, 'matchType': 'BROAD' }, 'negative': True, 'sharedSetId': shared_set_id } for keyword in keywords] operations = [{ 'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': criterion } for criterion in shared_criteria] response = shared_criterion_service.mutate(operations) if 'value' in response: for shared_criteria in response['value']: print 'Added shared criterion ID %d "%s" to shared set with ID %d.' % ( shared_criteria['criterion']['id'], shared_criteria['criterion']['text'], shared_criteria['sharedSetId']) else: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No shared keyword was added.') # Attach the articles to the campaign. campaign_set = {'campaignId': campaign_id, 'sharedSetId': shared_set_id} operations = [{'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': campaign_set}] response = campaign_shared_set_service.mutate(operations) if 'value' in response: print 'Shared set ID %d was attached to campaign ID %d' % ( response['value'][0]['sharedSetId'], response['value'][0]['campaignId']) else: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No campaign shared set was added.')
def main(client, campaign_id): # Initialize appropriate services. campaign_extension_setting_service = client.GetService( 'CampaignExtensionSettingService', version='v201509') customer_service = client.GetService('CustomerService', version='v201509') customer_tz = timezone(customer_service.get()['dateTimeZone']) time_fmt = '%s %s' % ('%Y%m%d %H%M%S', customer_tz) # Create the sitelinks sitelink1 = { 'xsi_type': 'SitelinkFeedItem', 'sitelinkText': 'Store Hours', 'sitelinkFinalUrls': { 'urls': [''] } } # Show the Thanksgiving specials link only from 20 - 27 Nov. sitelink2 = { 'xsi_type': 'SitelinkFeedItem', 'sitelinkText': 'Thanksgiving Specials', 'sitelinkFinalUrls': { 'urls': [''] }, # The time zone of the start and end date/times must match the time zone # of the customer. 'startTime': datetime(, 11, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, customer_tz).strftime(time_fmt), 'endTime': datetime(, 11, 27, 23, 59, 59, 59, customer_tz).strftime(time_fmt) } # Show the wifi details primarily for high end mobile users. sitelink3 = { 'xsi_type': 'SitelinkFeedItem', 'sitelinkText': 'Wifi Available', 'sitelinkFinalUrls': { 'urls': [''] }, # See # for device criteria IDs. 'devicePreference': { 'devicePreference': '30001' } } # Show the happy hours link only during Mon - Fri 6PM to 9PM. sitelink4 = { 'xsi_type': 'SitelinkFeedItem', 'sitelinkText': 'Happy hours', 'sitelinkFinalUrls': { 'urls': [''] }, 'scheduling': { 'feedItemSchedules': [{ 'dayOfWeek': day, 'startHour': '18', 'startMinute': 'ZERO', 'endHour': '21', 'endMinute': 'ZERO' } for day in ['MONDAY', 'TUESDAY', 'WEDNESDAY', 'THURSDAY', 'FRIDAY']] } } # Create your Campaign Extension Settings. This associates the sitelinks # to your campaign. campaign_extension_setting = { 'campaignId': campaign_id, 'extensionType': 'SITELINK', 'extensionSetting': { 'extensions': [sitelink1, sitelink2, sitelink3, sitelink4] } } operation = {'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': campaign_extension_setting} # Add the extensions. response = campaign_extension_setting_service.mutate([operation]) if 'value' in response: print( 'Extension setting with type "%s" was added to campaignId "%d".' % (response['value'][0]['extensionType'], response['value'][0]['campaignId'])) else: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No extension settings were added.')
def main(client, ad_group_id): # Initialize appropriate service. mutate_job_service = client.GetService('MutateJobService', version='v201509') # Create list of all operations for the job. operations = [] # Create AdGroupCriterionOperations to add keywords. for i in range(KEYWORD_NUMBER): keyword = 'mars%d' % i if random.randint(1, 10) == 1: keyword += '!!!' operations.append({ 'xsi_type': 'AdGroupCriterionOperation', 'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': { 'xsi_type': 'BiddableAdGroupCriterion', 'adGroupId': ad_group_id, 'criterion': { 'xsi_type': 'Keyword', 'matchType': 'BROAD', 'text': keyword } } }) # You can specify up to 3 job IDs that must successfully complete before # this job can be processed. policy = {'prerequisiteJobIds': []} # Call mutate to create a new job. response = mutate_job_service.mutate(operations, policy) if not response: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('Failed to submit a job; aborting.') job_id = response['id'] print 'Job with ID %s was successfully created.' % job_id # Create selector to retrieve job status and wait for it to complete. selector = {'xsi_type': 'BulkMutateJobSelector', 'jobIds': [job_id]} time.sleep(RETRY_INTERVAL) # Poll for job status until it's finished. print 'Retrieving job status...' for i in range(RETRIES_COUNT): job_status_response = mutate_job_service.get(selector) status = job_status_response[0]['status'] if status in ('COMPLETED', 'FAILED'): break print('[%d] Current status is \'%s\', waiting %d seconds to retry...' % (i, status, RETRY_INTERVAL)) time.sleep(RETRY_INTERVAL) if status == 'FAILED': raise errors.GoogleAdsError('Job failed with reason: \'%s\'' % job_status_response[0]['failure_reason']) if status in ('PROCESSING', 'PENDING'): raise errors.GoogleAdsError('Job did not complete within %d seconds' % (RETRY_INTERVAL * (RETRIES_COUNT - 1))) # Status must be COMPLETED. # Get the job result. Here we re-use the same selector. result_response = mutate_job_service.getResult(selector) # Output results. index = 0 for result in result_response['SimpleMutateResult']['results']: if 'PlaceHolder' in result: print 'Operation [%d] - FAILED' % index else: print 'Operation [%d] - SUCCEEDED' % index index += 1 # Output errors for error in result_response['SimpleMutateResult']['errors']: index = int(, error['fieldPath']).group(1)) reason = error['reason'] keyword = operations[index]['operand']['criterion']['text'] print('ERROR - keyword \'%s\' failed due to \'%s\'' % (keyword, reason))
def main(client, places_email_address, places_access_token): # Create a feed that will sync to the Google Places account specified by # places_email_address. Do not add FeedAttributes to this object, # as AdWords will add them automatically because this will be a # system generated feed. feed = { 'name': 'Places feed #%s' % uuid.uuid4(), 'systemFeedGenerationData': { 'xsi_type': 'PlacesLocationFeedData', 'oAuthInfo': { 'httpMethod': 'GET', 'httpRequestUrl': '', 'httpAuthorizationHeader': 'Bearer %s' % places_access_token }, 'emailAddress': places_email_address, }, # Since this feed's feed items will be managed by AdWords, you must set # its origin to ADWORDS. 'origin': 'ADWORDS' } # Create an operation to add the feed. places_operations = [{'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': feed}] places_response = client.GetService( 'FeedService', version='v201409').mutate(places_operations) added_feed = places_response['value'][0] print 'Added places feed with ID: %d\n' % added_feed['id'] # Add a CustomerFeed that associates the feed with this customer for the # LOCATION placeholder type. customer_feed = { 'feedId': added_feed['id'], 'placeholderTypes': [PLACEHOLDER_LOCATION], 'matchingFunction': { 'operator': 'IDENTITY', 'lhsOperand': { 'xsi_type': 'FunctionArgumentOperand', 'type': 'BOOLEAN', 'booleanValue': True } } } customer_feed_operation = { 'xsi_type': 'CustomerFeedOperation', 'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': customer_feed } customer_feed_service = client.GetService('CustomerFeedService', version='v201409') added_customer_feed = None i = 0 while i < MAX_CUSTOMER_FEED_ADD_ATTEMPTS and added_customer_feed is None: try: added_customer_feed = customer_feed_service.mutate( [customer_feed_operation])['value'][0] except suds.WebFault: # Wait using exponential backoff policy sleep_seconds = 2**i print( 'Attempt %d to add the CustomerFeed was not successful.' 'Waiting %d seconds before trying again.\n' % (i, sleep_seconds)) time.sleep(sleep_seconds) i += 1 if added_customer_feed is None: raise errors.GoogleAdsError( 'Could not create the CustomerFeed after %s attempts. Please retry the ' 'CustomerFeed ADD operation later.' % MAX_CUSTOMER_FEED_ADD_ATTEMPTS) print('Added CustomerFeed for feed ID %d and placeholder type %d\n' % (added_customer_feed['id'], added_customer_feed['placeholderTypes']))
def main(client, campaign_id): # Initialize appropriate service. feed_service = client.GetService('FeedService', version='v201607') feed_item_service = client.GetService('FeedItemService', version='v201607') feed_mapping_service = client.GetService('FeedMappingService', version='v201607') campaign_feed_service = client.GetService('CampaignFeedService', version='v201607') sitelinks_data = {} # Create site links feed first. site_links_feed = { 'name': 'Feed For Site Links #%s' % uuid.uuid4(), 'attributes': [{ 'type': 'STRING', 'name': 'Link Text' }, { 'type': 'URL_LIST', 'name': 'Link Final URLs' }, { 'type': 'STRING', 'name': 'Line 2 Description' }, { 'type': 'STRING', 'name': 'Line 3 Description' }] } response = feed_service.mutate([{ 'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': site_links_feed }]) if 'value' in response: feed = response['value'][0] link_text_feed_attribute_id = feed['attributes'][0]['id'] final_url_feed_attribute_id = feed['attributes'][1]['id'] line_2_feed_attribute_id = feed['attributes'][2]['id'] line_3_feed_attribute_id = feed['attributes'][3]['id'] print('Feed with name \'%s\' and ID \'%s\' was added with' % (feed['name'], feed['id'])) print('\tText attribute ID \'%s\' and Final URL attribute ID \'%s\'.' % (link_text_feed_attribute_id, final_url_feed_attribute_id)) print('\tLine 2 attribute ID \'%s\' and Line 3 attribute ID \'%s\'.' % (line_2_feed_attribute_id, line_3_feed_attribute_id)) sitelinks_data['feedId'] = feed['id'] sitelinks_data['linkTextFeedId'] = link_text_feed_attribute_id sitelinks_data['finalUrlFeedId'] = final_url_feed_attribute_id sitelinks_data['line2FeedId'] = line_2_feed_attribute_id sitelinks_data['line3FeedId'] = line_3_feed_attribute_id else: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No feeds were added.') # Create site links feed items. items_data = [{ 'text': 'Home', 'finalUrls': '', 'line2': 'Home line 2', 'line3': 'Home line 3' }, { 'text': 'Stores', 'finalUrls': '', 'line2': 'Stores line 2', 'line3': 'Stores line 3' }, { 'text': 'On Sale', 'finalUrls': '', 'line2': 'On Sale line 2', 'line3': 'On Sale line 3' }, { 'text': 'Support', 'finalUrls': '', 'line2': 'Support line 2', 'line3': 'Support line 3' }, { 'text': 'Products', 'finalUrls': '', 'line2': 'Products line 2', 'line3': 'Products line 3' }, { 'text': 'About Us', 'finalUrls': '', 'line2': 'About line 2', 'line3': 'About line 3', 'locationId': '21137' }] feed_items = [] for item in items_data: feed_item = { 'feedId': sitelinks_data['feedId'], 'attributeValues': [{ 'feedAttributeId': sitelinks_data['linkTextFeedId'], 'stringValue': item['text'] }, { 'feedAttributeId': sitelinks_data['finalUrlFeedId'], 'stringValues': [item['finalUrls']] }, { 'feedAttributeId': sitelinks_data['line2FeedId'], 'stringValue': item['line2'] }, { 'feedAttributeId': sitelinks_data['line3FeedId'], 'stringValue': item['line3'] }], # Optional: use the 'startTime' and 'endTime' keys to specify the time # period for the feed to deliver. The example below will make the feed # start now and stop in one month. # Make sure you specify the datetime in the customer's time zone. You # can retrieve this from customer['dateTimeZone']. # # ['startTime']:'%Y%m%d %H%M%S') # ['endTime']: ( + # relativedelta(months=1)).strftime('%Y%m%d %H%M%S') } # Use geographical targeting on a feed. # The IDs can be found in the documentation or retrieved with the # LocationCriterionService. if 'locationId' in item: feed_item['geoTargeting'] = {'id': item['locationId']} feed_item['geoTargetingRestriction'] = { 'geoRestriction': 'LOCATION_OF_PRESENCE' } feed_items.append(feed_item) feed_items_operations = [{ 'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': item } for item in feed_items] response = feed_item_service.mutate(feed_items_operations) if 'value' in response: sitelinks_data['feedItemIds'] = [] for feed_item in response['value']: print 'Feed item with ID %s was added.' % feed_item['feedItemId'] sitelinks_data['feedItemIds'].append(feed_item['feedItemId']) else: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No feed items were added.') # Create site links feed mapping. feed_mapping = { 'placeholderType': PLACEHOLDER_SITELINKS, 'feedId': sitelinks_data['feedId'], 'attributeFieldMappings': [{ 'feedAttributeId': sitelinks_data['linkTextFeedId'], 'fieldId': PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_SITELINK_LINK_TEXT }, { 'feedAttributeId': sitelinks_data['finalUrlFeedId'], 'fieldId': PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_SITELINK_FINAL_URLS }, { 'feedAttributeId': sitelinks_data['line2FeedId'], 'fieldId': PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_LINE_2_TEXT }, { 'feedAttributeId': sitelinks_data['line3FeedId'], 'fieldId': PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_LINE_3_TEXT }] } response = feed_mapping_service.mutate([{ 'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': feed_mapping }]) if 'value' in response: feed_mapping = response['value'][0] print( 'Feed mapping with ID %s and placeholder type %s was saved for feed' ' with ID %s.' % (feed_mapping['feedMappingId'], feed_mapping['placeholderType'], feed_mapping['feedId'])) else: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No feed mappings were added.') # Construct a matching function that associates the sitelink feeditems to the # campaign, and set the device preference to Mobile. For more details, see the # matching function guide: # matching_function_string = ( 'AND(IN(FEED_ITEM_ID, {%s}), EQUALS(CONTEXT.DEVICE, \'Mobile\'))' % re.sub(r'\[|\]|L', '', str(sitelinks_data['feedItemIds']))) campaign_feed = { 'feedId': sitelinks_data['feedId'], 'campaignId': campaign_id, 'matchingFunction': { 'functionString': matching_function_string }, # Specifying placeholder types on the CampaignFeed allows the same feed # to be used for different placeholders in different Campaigns. 'placeholderTypes': [PLACEHOLDER_SITELINKS] } response = campaign_feed_service.mutate([{ 'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': campaign_feed }]) if 'value' in response: campaign_feed = response['value'][0] print('Campaign with ID %s was associated with feed with ID %s.' % (campaign_feed['campaignId'], campaign_feed['feedId'])) else: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No campaign feeds were added.')
def main(client, adgroup_id): # Initialize appropriate service. adgroup_ad_service = client.GetService('AdGroupAdService', version='v201509') # Create the text ad text_ad = { 'xsi_type': 'TextAd', 'headline': 'Luxury Cruise to Mars', 'description1': 'Visit the Red Planet in style.', 'description2': 'Low-gravity fun for everyone!', 'displayUrl': '', # Specify a tracking URL for 3rd party tracking provider. You may specify # one at customer, campaign, ad group, ad, criterion or feed item levels. 'trackingUrlTemplate': ('{_season}' '&promocode={_promocode}&u={lpurl}'), 'urlCustomParameters': { 'parameters': [ # Since your tracking URL has two custom parameters, provide # their values too. This can be provided at campaign, ad group, # ad, criterion, or feed item levels. { 'key': 'season', 'value': 'christmas' }, { 'key': 'promocode', 'value': 'NYC123' } ] }, # Specify a list of final URLs. This field cannot be set if URL # field is set, or finalUrls is unset. This may be specified at ad, # criterion, and feed item levels. 'finalUrls': [ '', '' ], # Specify a list of final mobile URLs. This field cannot be set if URL # field is set, or finalUrls is unset. This may be specified at ad, # criterion, and feed item levels. 'finalMobileUrls': [ '', '' ] } text_adgroup_ad = { 'adGroupId': adgroup_id, 'ad': text_ad, # Optional: Set the status. 'status': 'PAUSED' } operations = [{'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': text_adgroup_ad}] response = adgroup_ad_service.mutate(operations) if 'value' in response: for adgroup_ad in response['value']: print('AdGroupAd with ID %s and display URL \'%s\'was added.' % (adgroup_ad['ad']['id'], adgroup_ad['ad']['displayUrl'])) print 'Upgraded URL properties:' print 'Final Urls: %s' % adgroup_ad['ad']['finalUrls'] print 'Final Mobile URLs: %s' % adgroup_ad['ad']['finalMobileUrls'] print('Tracking URL template: %s' % adgroup_ad['ad']['trackingUrlTemplate']) print 'Custom parameters: %s' % adgroup_ad['ad'][ 'urlCustomParameters'] else: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('Failed to create AdGroupAd.')
def main(client, campaign_id): # Initialize appropriate service. customer_extension_setting_service = client.GetService( 'CustomerExtensionSettingService', 'v201705') # To create a price extension, at least three table rows are needed. table_rows = [ CreatePriceTableRow('Scrubs', 'Body Scrub, Salt Scrub', '', 60 * MICROS_PER_DOLLAR, 'USD', 'PER_HOUR', final_mobile_url=''), CreatePriceTableRow('Hair Cuts', 'Once a month', '', 75 * MICROS_PER_DOLLAR, 'USD', 'PER_MONTH', final_mobile_url=''), CreatePriceTableRow('Skin Care Package', 'Four times a month', '', 250 * MICROS_PER_DOLLAR, 'USD', 'PER_MONTH', final_mobile_url=( '')) ] # Create the price extension feed item. customer_extension_setting = { 'extensionType': 'PRICE', 'extensionSetting': { 'extensions': [{ 'priceExtensionType': 'SERVICES', 'trackingUrlTemplate': '{lpurl}', 'language': 'en', 'campaignTargeting': { 'TargetingCampaignId': campaign_id }, 'scheduling': { 'feedItemSchedules': [ { 'dayOfWeek': 'SATURDAY', 'startHour': 10, 'startMinute': 'ZERO', 'endHour': 22, 'endMinute': 'ZERO' }, { 'dayOfWeek': 'SUNDAY', 'startHour': 10, 'startMinute': 'ZERO', 'endHour': 18, 'endMinute': 'ZERO' } ] }, 'tableRows': table_rows, # Price qualifier is optional. 'priceQualifier': 'FROM', 'xsi_type': 'PriceFeedItem' }] } } # Create an operation to add the feed. operations = [{ 'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': customer_extension_setting }] # Add the price extension. response = customer_extension_setting_service.mutate(operations) # Print the results. if 'value' in response: print ('Extension setting with type "%s" was added to your account.' % response['value'][0]['extensionType']) else: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No extension settings were added.')
def main(client, campaign_id): # Initialize appropriate services. campaign_extension_setting_service = client.GetService( 'CampaignExtensionSettingService', version='v201609') customer_service = client.GetService('CustomerService', version='v201609') # Find the matching customer and its time zone. The getCustomers method will # return a single Customer object corresponding to the configured # clientCustomerId. customer = customer_service.getCustomers()[0] customer_tz = timezone(customer['dateTimeZone']) time_fmt = '%s %s' % ('%Y%m%d %H%M%S', customer_tz) print ('Found customer ID %d with time zone "%s".' % (customer['customerId'], customer['dateTimeZone'])) # Create the sitelinks sitelink1 = { 'xsi_type': 'SitelinkFeedItem', 'sitelinkText': 'Store Hours', 'sitelinkFinalUrls': {'urls': ['']} } # Show the Thanksgiving specials link only from 20 - 27 Nov. sitelink2 = { 'xsi_type': 'SitelinkFeedItem', 'sitelinkText': 'Thanksgiving Specials', 'sitelinkFinalUrls': {'urls': ['']}, # The time zone of the start and end date/times must match the time zone # of the customer. 'startTime': datetime(, 11, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, customer_tz).strftime(time_fmt), 'endTime': datetime(, 11, 27, 23, 59, 59, 59, customer_tz).strftime(time_fmt), # Target this sitelink for United States only. For valid geolocation # codes, see: # 'geoTargeting': {'id': 2840}, # Restrict targeting only to people physically within the United States. # Otherwise, this could also show to people interested in the United # States, but not physically located there. 'geoTargetingRestriction': { 'geoRestriction': 'LOCATION_OF_PRESENCE' } } # Show the wifi details primarily for high end mobile users. sitelink3 = { 'xsi_type': 'SitelinkFeedItem', 'sitelinkText': 'Wifi Available', 'sitelinkFinalUrls': {'urls': ['']}, # See # for device criteria IDs. 'devicePreference': {'devicePreference': '30001'}, # Target this sitelink only when the ad is triggered by the keyword # "free wifi." 'keywordTargeting': { 'text': 'free wifi', 'matchType': 'BROAD' } } # Show the happy hours link only during Mon - Fri 6PM to 9PM. sitelink4 = { 'xsi_type': 'SitelinkFeedItem', 'sitelinkText': 'Happy hours', 'sitelinkFinalUrls': {'urls': ['']}, 'scheduling': { 'feedItemSchedules': [ { 'dayOfWeek': day, 'startHour': '18', 'startMinute': 'ZERO', 'endHour': '21', 'endMinute': 'ZERO' } for day in ['MONDAY', 'TUESDAY', 'WEDNESDAY', 'THURSDAY', 'FRIDAY'] ] } } # Create your Campaign Extension Settings. This associates the sitelinks # to your campaign. campaign_extension_setting = { 'campaignId': campaign_id, 'extensionType': 'SITELINK', 'extensionSetting': { 'extensions': [sitelink1, sitelink2, sitelink3, sitelink4] } } operation = { 'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': campaign_extension_setting } # Add the extensions. response = campaign_extension_setting_service.mutate([operation]) if 'value' in response: print ('Extension setting with type "%s" was added to campaignId "%d".' % (response['value'][0]['extensionType'], response['value'][0]['campaignId'])) else: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No extension settings were added.')
def testGoogleAdsError(self): """Coverage test only for the GoogleAdsError class.""" errors.GoogleAdsError('error message')
def change_bids(client, ad_group_id, criterion_id, new_bid, length): RETRY_INTERVAL = 10 RETRIES_COUNT = 30 # Initialize appropriate service. mutate_job_service = client.GetService('MutateJobService', version='v201409') # Create list of all operations for the job. operations = [] # Create AdGroupCriterionOperations to change keywords. for x in range(0, length): operations.append({ 'xsi_type': 'AdGroupCriterionOperation', 'operator': 'SET', 'operand': { 'xsi_type': 'BiddableAdGroupCriterion', 'adGroupId': ad_group_id[x], 'criterion': { 'id': criterion_id[x], }, 'biddingStrategyConfiguration': { 'bids': [{ 'xsi_type': 'CpcBid', 'bid': { 'microAmount': new_bid[x] } }] } } }) # You can specify up to 3 job IDs that must successfully complete before # this job can be processed. policy = {'prerequisiteJobIds': []} # Call mutate to create a new job. response = mutate_job_service.mutate(operations, policy) if not response: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('Failed to submit a job; aborting.') job_id = response['id'] print 'Job with ID %s was successfully created.' % job_id # Create selector to retrieve job status and wait for it to complete. selector = {'xsi_type': 'BulkMutateJobSelector', 'jobIds': [job_id]} time.sleep(RETRY_INTERVAL) # Poll for job status until it's finished. print 'Retrieving job status...' for i in range(RETRIES_COUNT): job_status_response = mutate_job_service.get(selector) status = job_status_response[0]['status'] if status in ('COMPLETED', 'FAILED'): break print('[%d] Current status is \'%s\', waiting %d seconds to retry...' % (i, status, RETRY_INTERVAL)) time.sleep(RETRY_INTERVAL) if status == 'FAILED': raise errors.GoogleAdsError('Job failed with reason: \'%s\'' % job_status_response[0]['failure_reason']) if status in ('PROCESSING', 'PENDING'): raise errors.GoogleAdsError('Job did not complete within %d seconds' % (RETRY_INTERVAL * (RETRIES_COUNT - 1))) # Status must be COMPLETED. # Get the job result. Here we re-use the same selector. result_response = mutate_job_service.getResult(selector) # Output results. index = 0 for result in result_response['SimpleMutateResult']['results']: if 'PlaceHolder' in result: print 'Operation [%d] - FAILED' % index else: print 'Operation [%d] - SUCCEEDED' % index index += 1
def main(client, campaign_id): # Initialize appropriate service. feed_service = client.GetService('FeedService', version='v201409') feed_item_service = client.GetService('FeedItemService', version='v201409') feed_mapping_service = client.GetService('FeedMappingService', version='v201409') campaign_feed_service = client.GetService('CampaignFeedService', version='v201409') sitelinks_data = {} # Create site links feed first. site_links_feed = { 'name': 'Feed For Site Links #%s' % uuid.uuid4(), 'attributes': [{ 'type': 'STRING', 'name': 'Link Text' }, { 'type': 'URL', 'name': 'Link URL' }, { 'type': 'STRING', 'name': 'Line 1 Description' }, { 'type': 'STRING', 'name': 'Line 2 Description' }] } response = feed_service.mutate([{ 'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': site_links_feed }]) if 'value' in response: feed = response['value'][0] link_text_feed_attribute_id = feed['attributes'][0]['id'] link_url_feed_attribute_id = feed['attributes'][1]['id'] line_1_feed_attribute_id = feed['attributes'][2]['id'] line_2_feed_attribute_id = feed['attributes'][3]['id'] print('Feed with name \'%s\' and ID \'%s\' was added with' % (feed['name'], feed['id'])) print('\tText attribute ID \'%s\' and URL attribute ID \'%s\'.' % (link_text_feed_attribute_id, link_url_feed_attribute_id)) print('\tLine 1 attribute ID \'%s\' and Line 2 attribute ID \'%s\'.' % (line_1_feed_attribute_id, line_2_feed_attribute_id)) sitelinks_data['feedId'] = feed['id'] sitelinks_data['linkTextFeedId'] = link_text_feed_attribute_id sitelinks_data['linkUrlFeedId'] = link_url_feed_attribute_id sitelinks_data['line1FeedId'] = line_1_feed_attribute_id sitelinks_data['line2FeedId'] = line_2_feed_attribute_id else: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No feeds were added.') # Create site links feed items. items_data = [{ 'text': 'Home', 'url': '', 'line1': 'Home line 1', 'line2': 'Home line 2' }, { 'text': 'Stores', 'url': '', 'line1': 'Stores line 1', 'line2': 'Stores line 2' }, { 'text': 'On Sale', 'url': '', 'line1': 'On Sale line 1', 'line2': 'On Sale line 2' }, { 'text': 'Support', 'url': '', 'line1': 'Support line 1', 'line2': 'Support line 2' }, { 'text': 'Products', 'url': '', 'line1': 'Products line 1', 'line2': 'Products line 2' }, { 'text': 'About', 'url': '', 'line1': 'About line 1', 'line2': 'About line 2' }] feed_items = [] for item in items_data: feed_items.append({ 'feedId': sitelinks_data['feedId'], 'attributeValues': [{ 'feedAttributeId': sitelinks_data['linkTextFeedId'], 'stringValue': item['text'] }, { 'feedAttributeId': sitelinks_data['linkUrlFeedId'], 'stringValue': item['url'] }, { 'feedAttributeId': sitelinks_data['line1FeedId'], 'stringValue': item['line1'] }, { 'feedAttributeId': sitelinks_data['line2FeedId'], 'stringValue': item['line2'] }], # Optional: use the 'startTime' and 'endTime' keys to specify the time # period for the feed to deliver. The example below will make the feed # start now and stop in one month. # Make sure you specify the datetime in the customer's time zone. You # can retrieve this from customer['dateTimeZone']. # # ['startTime']:'%Y%m%d %H%M%S') # ['endTime']: ( + # relativedelta(months=1)).strftime('%Y%m%d %H%M%S') # Optional: use the 'scheduling' key to specify time and days of the # week for feed to deliver. This is a Beta feature. }) feed_items_operations = [{ 'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': item } for item in feed_items] response = feed_item_service.mutate(feed_items_operations) if 'value' in response: sitelinks_data['feedItemIds'] = [] for feed_item in response['value']: print 'Feed item with ID %s was added.' % feed_item['feedItemId'] sitelinks_data['feedItemIds'].append(feed_item['feedItemId']) else: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No feed items were added.') # Create site links feed mapping. feed_mapping = { 'placeholderType': PLACEHOLDER_SITELINKS, 'feedId': sitelinks_data['feedId'], 'attributeFieldMappings': [{ 'feedAttributeId': sitelinks_data['linkTextFeedId'], 'fieldId': PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_SITELINK_LINK_TEXT }, { 'feedAttributeId': sitelinks_data['linkUrlFeedId'], 'fieldId': PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_SITELINK_LINK_URL }, { 'feedAttributeId': sitelinks_data['line1FeedId'], 'fieldId': PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_LINE_1_TEXT }, { 'feedAttributeId': sitelinks_data['line2FeedId'], 'fieldId': PLACEHOLDER_FIELD_LINE_2_TEXT }] } response = feed_mapping_service.mutate([{ 'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': feed_mapping }]) if 'value' in response: feed_mapping = response['value'][0] print( 'Feed mapping with ID %s and placeholder type %s was saved for feed' ' with ID %s.' % (feed_mapping['feedMappingId'], feed_mapping['placeholderType'], feed_mapping['feedId'])) else: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No feed mappings were added.') # Create site links campaign feed. operands = [] for feed_item_id in sitelinks_data['feedItemIds']: operands.append({ 'xsi_type': 'ConstantOperand', 'type': 'LONG', 'longValue': feed_item_id }) feed_item_function = { 'operator': 'IN', 'lhsOperand': [{ 'xsi_type': 'RequestContextOperand', 'contextType': 'FEED_ITEM_ID' }], 'rhsOperand': operands } # Optional: to target to a platform, define a function and 'AND' it with the # feed item ID link: platform_function = { 'operator': 'EQUALS', 'lhsOperand': [{ 'xsi_type': 'RequestContextOperand', 'contextType': 'DEVICE_PLATFORM' }], 'rhsOperand': [{ 'xsi_type': 'ConstantOperand', 'type': 'STRING', 'stringValue': 'Mobile' }] } combined_function = { 'operator': 'AND', 'lhsOperand': [{ 'xsi_type': 'FunctionOperand', 'value': feed_item_function }, { 'xsi_type': 'FunctionOperand', 'value': platform_function }] } campaign_feed = { 'feedId': sitelinks_data['feedId'], 'campaignId': campaign_id, 'matchingFunction': combined_function, # Specifying placeholder types on the CampaignFeed allows the same feed # to be used for different placeholders in different Campaigns. 'placeholderTypes': [PLACEHOLDER_SITELINKS] } response = campaign_feed_service.mutate([{ 'operator': 'ADD', 'operand': campaign_feed }]) if 'value' in response: campaign_feed = response['value'][0] print('Campaign with ID %s was associated with feed with ID %s.' % (campaign_feed['campaignId'], campaign_feed['feedId'])) else: raise errors.GoogleAdsError('No campaign feeds were added.')