Example #1
class Formats(base.Command):
  """Resource formats supplementary help."""

  def Run(self, args):
    self.cli.Execute(args.command_path[1:] + ['--document=style=topic'])
    return None

  detailed_help = {

      'DESCRIPTION': textwrap.dedent("""\

          ### Formats

          A format expression has 3 parts:

          _NAME_:: _name_
          _ATTRIBUTES_:: *[* [no-]_attribute-name_[=_value_] [, ... ] *]*
          _PROJECTION_:: *(* _resource-key_ [, ...] *)*

          _NAME_ is required, _ATTRIBUTES_ are optional, and _PROJECTIONS_
          may be required for some formats. Unknown attribute names are
          silently ignored.

          Each *gcloud* *list* command has a default format expression. The
          *--format* flag can alter or replace the default. For example,


          adds box decorations to a default table, and


          lists the resource in *json* format.


      'EXAMPLES': """\
          List a table of compute instance resources sorted by *name* with
          box decorations and title *Instances*:

            $ gcloud compute instances list --format='table[box,title=Instances](name:sort=1, zone:title=zone, status)'

          List the disk interfaces for all compute instances as a compact
          comma separated list:

            $ gcloud compute instances list --format='value(disks[].interface.list())'

          List the URIs for all compute instances:

            $ gcloud compute instances list --format='value(uri())'

          List the project authenticated user email address:

            $ gcloud info --format='value(config.account)'
Example #2
class Formats(base.TopicCommand):
    """Resource formats supplementary help."""

    detailed_help = {

          ### Formats

          A format expression is used to change the default output format of a
          Many output formats are available; some for pretty printing
          human-readable output and others for returning machine-readable

          A format expression has 3 parts:

          _NAME_:: _name_
          _ATTRIBUTES_:: *[* [no-]_attribute-name_[=_value_] [, ... ] *]*
          _PROJECTION_:: *(* _resource-key_ [, ...] *)*

          _NAME_ is required, _ATTRIBUTES_ are optional, and _PROJECTIONS_
          may be required for some formats. Unknown attribute names are
          silently ignored.

          Each *gcloud* *list* command has a default format expression. The
          *--format* flag can alter or replace the default. For example,


          adds box decorations to a default table, and


          lists the resource in *json* format.

          List a table of compute instance resources sorted by *name* with
          box decorations and title *Instances*:

            $ gcloud compute instances list --format='table[box,title=Instances](name:sort=1, zone:label=zone, status)'

          List a nested table of the quotas of a region:

            $ gcloud compute regions describe us-central1 --format="table(quotas:format='table(metric,limit,usage)')"

          Print a flattened list of global quotas in CSV format:

            $ gcloud compute project-info describe --flatten='quotas[]' --format='csv(quotas.metric,quotas.limit,quotas.usage)'

          List the disk interfaces for all compute instances as a compact
          comma separated list:

            $ gcloud compute instances list --format='value(disks[].interface.list())'

          List the URIs for all compute instances:

            $ gcloud compute instances list --format='value(uri())'

          List the project authenticated user email address:

            $ gcloud info --format='value(config.account)'

          List resources filtered on repeated fields by projecting subfields on
          a repeated message:

            $ gcloud alpha genomics readgroupsets list --format 'default(readGroups[].name)'

          Return the scope of the current instance:

            $ gcloud compute zones list --format="value(selfLink.scope())"

          selfLink is a fully qualified name. (e.g. 'https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/my-project/zones/us-central1-a')
          The previous example returns a list of just the names of each zone
          (e.g. 'us-central1-a'). This is because selfLink.scope() grabs the
          last part of the URL segment. To extract selfLink starting from
          /projects and return the scope of the current instance:

            $ gcloud compute zones list --format="value(selfLink.scope(projects))"

          List all scopes enabled for a Compute Engine instance and flatten the
          multi-valued resource:

            $ gcloud compute instances list --format="flattened(name,serviceAccounts[].email,serviceAccounts[].scopes[].basename())"

          Display a multi-valued resource's service account keys with the
          corresponding service account, extracting just the first '/' delimited
          part with segment(0):

            $ gcloud iam service-accounts keys list --iam-account [email protected] --project test-minutia-123 --format="table(name.scope(serviceAccounts).segment(0):label='service Account',name.scope(keys):label='keyID',validAfterTime)"

          The last example returns a table with service account names without
          their full paths, keyID and validity.
    def testFormatRegistryDescriptions(self):
        class ComplexPrinter(object):
            """This line should be skipped.

      This line describes the complex format.
      It needs a few lines of details.

      Printer attributes:
        ellipse: Draws an ellipse around the output.
        no-bar: Eliminates bar from the foo.

        _rows: This line should not be seen.

        class DefaultPrinter(ComplexPrinter):
            """An alias for YamlPrinter.

      An alias for the yaml format.

        class NonePrinter(object):
            """Disables formatted output.

      Disables formatted output.
            def __new__(cls, **unused_kwargs):
                return None

        class SimplePrinter(object):
            """This line should be skipped.

      This line describes the simple format.

        registry = {
            'complex': ComplexPrinter,
            'default': DefaultPrinter,
            'none': NonePrinter,
            'simple': SimplePrinter,

                              'GetFormatRegistry').side_effect = [registry]
        expected = """\
The formats and format specific attributes are:

This line describes the complex format. It needs a few lines of details.
The format attributes are:

Draws an ellipse around the output.
Eliminates bar from the foo.

An alias for the yaml format.

Disables formatted output.

This line describes the simple format.

All formats have these attributes:
Disables formatted output and does not consume the resources.
Decodes string values that are JSON compact encodings of list and dictionary objects. This may become the default.
If True, sends output to a pager.
Disables log file output. Use this for sensitive resource data that should not be displayed in log files. Explicit command line IO redirection overrides this attribute.
Apply projection transforms to the resource values. The default is format specific. Use *no-transforms* to disable.

        actual = resource_topics.FormatRegistryDescriptions()
        self.assertMultiLineEqual(expected, actual)