def _9_begin_call(name, view, edit, args, wd, rkey, cid): dmn = '%s: 9 %s' % (DOMAIN, name) msg = '[ %s ] # 9 %s' % (gs.simple_fn(wd), ' '.join(args)) if not cid: cid = '9%s-%s' % (name, uuid.uuid4()) tid = gs.begin(dmn, msg, set_status=False, cancel=lambda: mg9.acall('kill', {'cid': cid}, None)) tid_alias['%s-%s' % (name, wd)] = tid def cb(res, err): out = '\n'.join(s for s in (res.get('out'), res.get('err'), err) if s) tmp_fn = res.get('tmpFn') fn = res.get('fn') if fn and tmp_fn: bfn = os.path.basename(tmp_fn) repls = [ './%s' % bfn, '.\\%s' % bfn, tmp_fn, ] for s in repls: out = out.replace(s, fn) def f(): gs.end(tid) push_output(view, rkey, out, hourglass_repl='| done: %s' % res.get('dur', '')) sublime.set_timeout(f, 0) return cid, cb
def _9_begin_call(name, view, edit, args, wd, rkey, cid): dmn = "%s: 9 %s" % (DOMAIN, name) msg = "[ %s ] # 9 %s" % (gs.simple_fn(wd), " ".join(args)) if not cid: cid = "9%s-%s" % (name, uuid.uuid4()) tid = gs.begin(dmn, msg, set_status=False, cancel=lambda: mg9.acall("kill", {"cid": cid}, None)) tid_alias["%s-%s" % (name, wd)] = tid def cb(res, err): out = "\n".join(s for s in (res.get("out"), res.get("err"), err) if s) tmp_fn = res.get("tmpFn") fn = res.get("fn") if fn and tmp_fn: bfn = os.path.basename(tmp_fn) repls = ["./%s" % bfn, ".\\%s" % bfn, tmp_fn] for s in repls: out = out.replace(s, fn) def f(): gs.end(tid) push_output(view, rkey, out, hourglass_repl="| done: %s" % res.get("dur", "")) sublime.set_timeout(f, 0) return cid, cb
def run(self, edit, wd=None): v = self.view vs = v.settings() if not wd: wd = vs.get('9o.wd', active_wd(win=v.window())) was_empty = v.size() == 0 s = '[ %s ] # \n' % gs.simple_fn(wd) if was_empty: v.insert( edit, 0, 'GoSublime %s 9o: type `help` for help and command documentation\n\n' % about.VERSION) if was_empty or v.substr(v.size() - 1) == '\n': v.insert(edit, v.size(), s) else: v.insert(edit, v.size(), '\n' + s) v.sel().clear() n = v.size() - 1 v.sel().add(sublime.Region(n, n)) vs.set("9o.wd", wd) vs.set("rulers", []) vs.set("fold_buttons", True) vs.set("fade_fold_buttons", False) vs.set("gutter", True) vs.set("margin", 0) # pad mostly so the completion menu shows on the first line vs.set("line_padding_top", 1) vs.set("line_padding_bottom", 1) vs.set("tab_size", 2) vs.set("word_wrap", True) vs.set("indent_subsequent_lines", True) vs.set("line_numbers", False) vs.set("auto_complete", True) vs.set("auto_complete_selector", "text") vs.set("highlight_line", True) vs.set("draw_indent_guides", True) vs.set("scroll_past_end", True) vs.set("indent_guide_options", ["draw_normal", "draw_active"]) vs.set("word_separators", "./\\()\"'-:,.;<>~!@#$%&*|+=[]{}`~?") color_scheme = gs.setting("9o_color_scheme", "") if color_scheme: if color_scheme == "default": vs.erase("color_scheme") else: vs.set("color_scheme", color_scheme) else: vs.set("color_scheme", "") v.set_syntax_file(gs.tm_path('9o')) if was_empty: else: - 1)
def run(self, edit, wd=None): v = self.view vs = v.settings() if not wd: wd = vs.get('9o.wd', active_wd(win=v.window())) was_empty = v.size() == 0 s = '[ %s ] # \n' % gs.simple_fn(wd) if was_empty: v.insert(edit, 0, 'GoSublime %s 9o: type `help` for help and command documentation\n\n' % about.VERSION) if was_empty or v.substr(v.size()-1) == '\n': v.insert(edit, v.size(), s) else: v.insert(edit, v.size(), '\n'+s) v.sel().clear() n = v.size()-1 v.sel().add(sublime.Region(n, n)) vs.set("9o.wd", wd) vs.set("rulers", []) vs.set("fold_buttons", True) vs.set("fade_fold_buttons", False) vs.set("gutter", True) vs.set("margin", 0) # pad mostly so the completion menu shows on the first line vs.set("line_padding_top", 1) vs.set("line_padding_bottom", 1) vs.set("tab_size", 2) vs.set("word_wrap", True) vs.set("indent_subsequent_lines", True) vs.set("line_numbers", False) vs.set("auto_complete", True) vs.set("auto_complete_selector", "text") vs.set("highlight_line", True) vs.set("draw_indent_guides", True) vs.set("scroll_past_end", True) vs.set("indent_guide_options", ["draw_normal", "draw_active"]) vs.set("word_separators", "./\\()\"'-:,.;<>~!@#$%&*|+=[]{}`~?") color_scheme = gs.setting("9o_color_scheme", "") if color_scheme: if color_scheme == "default": vs.erase("color_scheme") else: vs.set("color_scheme", color_scheme) else: vs.set("color_scheme", "") v.set_syntax_file(gs.tm_path('9o')) if was_empty: else: os.chdir(wd)
def run(self, edit, wd=None): v = self.view vs = v.settings() if not wd: wd = vs.get('9o.wd', active_wd(win=v.window())) wd = gs.abspath(wd) was_empty = v.size() == 0 s = '[ %s ] # \n' % gs.simple_fn(wd).replace('#', '~') if was_empty: v.insert(edit, 0, 'GoSublime %s 9o: type `help` for help and command documentation\n\n%s' % (about.VERSION, s)) else: v.insert(edit, v.size(), '\n'+s) v.sel().clear() n = v.size()-1 v.sel().add(sublime.Region(n, n)) opts = { "rulers": [], "fold_buttons": True, "fade_fold_buttons": False, "gutter": True, "margin": 0, # pad mostly so the completion menu shows on the first line "line_padding_top": 1, "line_padding_bottom": 1, "tab_size": 2, "word_wrap": True, "indent_subsequent_lines": True, "line_numbers": False, "auto_complete": True, "auto_complete_selector": "text", "highlight_line": True, "draw_indent_guides": True, "scroll_past_end": True, "indent_guide_options": ["draw_normal", "draw_active"], "word_separators": WORD_SEPARATORS, } opts.update(cfg.nineo_settings) for opt in opts: vs.set(opt, opts[opt]) vs.set("9o", True) vs.set("9o.wd", wd) color_scheme = cfg.nineo_color_scheme if color_scheme: if color_scheme == "default": vs.erase("color_scheme") else: vs.set("color_scheme", color_scheme) else: vs.set("color_scheme", "") v.set_syntax_file(gs.tm_path('9o')) if was_empty: else: os.chdir(wd)
def run(self, edit, wd=None): v = self.view vs = v.settings() if not wd: wd = vs.get('9o.wd', active_wd(win=v.window())) wd = gs.abspath(wd) was_empty = v.size() == 0 s = '[ %s ] # \n' % gs.simple_fn(wd).replace('#', '~') if was_empty: v.insert( edit, 0, 'GoSublime %s 9o: type `help` for help and command documentation\n\n%s' % (about.VERSION, s)) else: v.insert(edit, v.size(), '\n' + s) v.sel().clear() n = v.size() - 1 v.sel().add(sublime.Region(n, n)) opts = { "rulers": [], "fold_buttons": True, "fade_fold_buttons": False, "gutter": True, "margin": 0, # pad mostly so the completion menu shows on the first line "line_padding_top": 1, "line_padding_bottom": 1, "tab_size": 2, "word_wrap": True, "indent_subsequent_lines": True, "line_numbers": False, "auto_complete": True, "auto_complete_selector": "text", "highlight_line": True, "draw_indent_guides": True, "scroll_past_end": True, "indent_guide_options": ["draw_normal", "draw_active"], "word_separators": WORD_SEPARATORS, } opts.update(cfg.nineo_settings) for opt in opts: vs.set(opt, opts[opt]) vs.set("9o", True) vs.set("9o.wd", wd) color_scheme = cfg.nineo_color_scheme if color_scheme: if color_scheme == "default": vs.erase("color_scheme") else: vs.set("color_scheme", color_scheme) else: vs.set("color_scheme", "") v.set_syntax_file(gs.tm_path('9o')) if was_empty: else: - 1) os.chdir(wd)
def run(self, edit, wd=None): v = self.view vs = v.settings() if not wd: wd = vs.get("9o.wd", active_wd(win=v.window())) was_empty = v.size() == 0 s = "[ %s ] # \n" % gs.simple_fn(wd).replace("#", "~") if was_empty: v.insert( edit, 0, "GoSublime %s 9o: type `help` for help and command documentation\n\n" % about.VERSION, ) if was_empty or v.substr(v.size() - 1) == "\n": v.insert(edit, v.size(), s) else: v.insert(edit, v.size(), "\n" + s) v.sel().clear() n = v.size() - 1 v.sel().add(sublime.Region(n, n)) opts = { "rulers": [], "fold_buttons": True, "fade_fold_buttons": False, "gutter": True, "margin": 0, # pad mostly so the completion menu shows on the first line "line_padding_top": 1, "line_padding_bottom": 1, "tab_size": 2, "word_wrap": True, "indent_subsequent_lines": True, "line_numbers": False, "auto_complete": True, "auto_complete_selector": "text", "highlight_line": True, "draw_indent_guides": True, "scroll_past_end": True, "indent_guide_options": ["draw_normal", "draw_active"], "word_separators": "./\\()\"'-:,.;<>~!@#$%&*|+=[]{}`~?", } opts.update(gs.setting("9o_settings")) for opt in opts: vs.set(opt, opts[opt]) vs.set("9o", True) vs.set("9o.wd", wd) color_scheme = gs.setting("9o_color_scheme", "") if color_scheme: if color_scheme == "default": vs.erase("color_scheme") else: vs.set("color_scheme", color_scheme) else: vs.set("color_scheme", "") v.set_syntax_file(gs.tm_path("9o")) if was_empty: else: - 1) os.chdir(wd)