Example #1
def ticks_pyx(tick_pos_list, ticklevel, axis_min, axis_max, exclude_list=[]):
    ticks_pyx_out = []
    tick_prev_x = None
    for tick in tick_pos_list:
        exclude = False
        if gp_math.islessthan(tick[0], axis_min) or gp_math.isgreaterthan(
                tick[0], axis_max):
            continue  # Don't put ticks beyond axis ends
        for i in range(len(exclude_list)
                       ):  # Stop minor ticks from colliding with major ticks
            if gp_math.isequal(
                    tick[0], exclude_list[i][0], 1e-8
            ):  # Experimentally, 1e8 seems to be the tolerance that PyX uses
                exclude = True
        if (tick_prev_x != None) and gp_math.isequal(tick[0], tick_prev_x,
            exclude = True

        if not exclude:
            if (ticklevel == 0): label = tick[1]
            else: label = ""
            tick_prev_x = tick[0]

    return ticks_pyx_out
Example #2
def log_ticks_realise(min, step, max, log_base):
    if (step in [0, 1]): return []
    ticks_range = max - min
    ticks_out = []
    tick = min
    while (not gp_math.isgreaterthan(
            tick, max)) and (len(ticks_out) < TICKS_MAXIMUM):
        ticks_out.append([tick, log_textoutput(tick, None, log_base)])
        tick = tick * step
    return ticks_out
Example #3
def linear_ticksep(axis_min,

    # Work out order of magnitude of range of axis
    OoM = math.pow(log_base, math.ceil(math.log(axis_max - axis_min,

    # Round the limits of the axis outwards to nearest round number
    min_outer = math.floor(axis_min / OoM) * OoM
    max_outer = math.ceil(axis_max / OoM) * OoM

    # How many ticks do we want, assuming one every sep cm?
    number_ticks = math.floor(length / sep) + 1
    if (number_ticks > TICKS_MAXIMUM):
        number_ticks = TICKS_MAXIMUM  # 100 ticks max
    if (number_ticks < 2): number_ticks = 2  #   2 ticks min

    best_tickscheme = []

    # Having expanded our range out to nearest factor of 10 larger than range,
    # e.g. (-10 --> 10) out to (-100 --> 100), we now try a series of possible
    # divisions of this interval, with increasing numbers of ticks.

    # Offsets mean that we can put ticks, e.g. at 0.1, 0.4, 0.7, if that is
    # useful.

    # Below is arranged in order of preference.

    for [mantissa_footprint, ticksep, offset] in tickschemes(
            OoM, log_base,
            False):  # List of [ Tick sep, Offset from min_outer ]s
        ts_min = min_outer + offset
        ticks = []
        for i in range(0, int(1.5 + float(max_outer - min_outer) / ticksep)):
            x = ts_min + i * ticksep
            ticks.append([x, log_textoutput(x, None, log_base)
                          ])  # Make a list of ticks, with format [x, label]

        # Remove any ticks which fall off the end of the axis
        while (len(ticks) > 0) and gp_math.islessthan(ticks[0][0], axis_min):
            ticks = ticks[1:]
        while (len(ticks) > 0) and gp_math.isgreaterthan(
                ticks[-1][0], axis_max):
            ticks = ticks[:-1]

        # Make sure that this set of ticks overlays ticks_overlay
        matched = True
        for [xo, lo] in ticks_overlay:
            matched = False
            for i in range(len(ticks)):
                [x, l] = ticks[i]
                if (x == xo):
                    ticks = ticks[:i] + ticks[i + 1:]
                    matched = True
            if not matched: break
        if not matched: continue

        if (len(ticks) > number_ticks):
            break  # If we have too many ticks, we've already found are best ticking scheme
        if (len(ticks) > len(best_tickscheme)):
            best_tickscheme = ticks  # If this scheme produces no more ticks than last, the first was better.

    return best_tickscheme
Example #4
def log_ticksep(axis_min, axis_max, log_base, length, sep, ticks_overlay=[]):

    # Work out order of magnitude of range of axis in log space
    axis_minl = math.log(axis_min, log_base)
    axis_maxl = math.log(axis_max, log_base)
    OoM = math.pow(10.0, math.ceil(math.log10(axis_maxl - axis_minl)))

    # Round the log-limits of the axis outwards to nearest round number
    min_outer = math.floor(axis_minl / OoM) * OoM
    max_outer = math.ceil(axis_maxl / OoM) * OoM

    # How many ticks do we want, assuming one every sep cm?
    number_ticks = math.floor(length / sep) + 1
    if (number_ticks > TICKS_MAXIMUM):
        number_ticks = TICKS_MAXIMUM  # 100 ticks max
    if (number_ticks < 2): number_ticks = 2  #   2 ticks min

    best_tickscheme = []

    # Having expanded our range out to nearest factor of 10 larger than range,
    # e.g. (-10 --> 10) out to (-100 --> 100), we now try a series of possible
    # divisions of this interval, with increasing numbers of ticks.

    # Offsets mean that we can put ticks, e.g. at 0.1, 0.4, 0.7, if that is
    # useful.

    # Below is arranged in order of preference.

    for [mantissa_footprint, ticksep,
         offset] in tickschemes(OoM, 10.0, log_base):
        ts_min = min_outer + offset
        ticks = []
        for i in range(0, int(1.5 + (max_outer - min_outer) / ticksep)):
            # NB: We store x positions in log form until we've trimmed the ends to user's range, to prevent overflows
            for m in mantissa_footprint:
                exponent = ts_min + i * ticksep
                x = exponent + math.log(m, log_base)
                ticks.append([x, log_textoutput(m, exponent, log_base)])

        # Remove any ticks which fall off the end of the axis
        while (len(ticks) > 0) and gp_math.islessthan(ticks[0][0], axis_minl):
            ticks = ticks[1:]
        while (len(ticks) > 0) and gp_math.isgreaterthan(
                ticks[-1][0], axis_maxl):
            ticks = ticks[:-1]

        # Now exponentiate x positions, having trimmed our list to user range
        for tick in ticks:
            tick[0] = math.pow(log_base, tick[0])

        # Make sure that this set of ticks overlays ticks_overlay
        matched = True
        for [xo, lo] in ticks_overlay:
            matched = False
            for i in range(len(ticks)):
                [x, l] = ticks[i]
                if (x == xo):
                    ticks = ticks[:i] + ticks[i + 1:]
                    matched = True
            if not matched: break
        if not matched: continue

        # The following line is a FUDGE to make log axes look favourably upon putting minor ticks at every unit mantissa
        if (len(mantissa_footprint)
                == (log_base - 1)) and (ticks_overlay != []):
            if (len(ticks) > (number_ticks * 3)): break
            best_tickscheme = ticks
        elif (len(mantissa_footprint) >
              1) and (ticks_overlay != []) and (len(ticks) > number_ticks):
            if (len(ticks) > number_ticks):
                break  # If we have too many ticks, we've already found are best ticking scheme
            if (len(ticks) > len(best_tickscheme)):
                best_tickscheme = ticks  # If this scheme produces no more ticks than last, the first was better.

    return best_tickscheme