Example #1
    def redistribute(self, in_wGG, out_x=None):
        """Redistribute array.
        Switch between two kinds of parallel distributions:
        1) parallel over G-vectors (second dimension of in_wGG)
        2) parallel over frequency (first dimension of in_wGG)

        Returns new array using the memory in the 1-d array out_x.

        comm = self.blockcomm

        if comm.size == 1:
            return in_wGG

        nw = len(self.omega_w)
        nG = in_wGG.shape[2]
        mynw = (nw + comm.size - 1) // comm.size
        mynG = (nG + comm.size - 1) // comm.size

        bg1 = BlacsGrid(comm, comm.size, 1)
        bg2 = BlacsGrid(comm, 1, comm.size)
        md1 = BlacsDescriptor(bg1, nw, nG**2, mynw, nG**2)
        md2 = BlacsDescriptor(bg2, nw, nG**2, nw, mynG * nG)

        if len(in_wGG) == nw:
            mdin = md2
            mdout = md1
            mdin = md1
            mdout = md2

        r = Redistributor(comm, mdin, mdout)

        outshape = (mdout.shape[0], mdout.shape[1] // nG, nG)
        if out_x is None:
            out_wGG = np.empty(outshape, complex)
            out_wGG = out_x[:np.product(outshape)].reshape(outshape)


        return out_wGG
Example #2
    def distribute_frequencies(self, chi0_wGG):
        """Distribute frequencies to all cores."""

        world = self.world
        comm = self.blockcomm

        if world.size == 1:
            return chi0_wGG

        nw = len(self.omega_w)
        nG = chi0_wGG.shape[2]
        mynw = (nw + world.size - 1) // world.size
        mynG = (nG + comm.size - 1) // comm.size

        wa = min(world.rank * mynw, nw)
        wb = min(wa + mynw, nw)

        if self.blockcomm.size == 1:
            return chi0_wGG[wa:wb].copy()

        if self.kncomm.rank == 0:
            bg1 = BlacsGrid(comm, 1, comm.size)
            in_wGG = chi0_wGG.reshape((nw, -1))
            bg1 = DryRunBlacsGrid(mpi.serial_comm, 1, 1)
            in_wGG = np.zeros((0, 0), complex)
        md1 = BlacsDescriptor(bg1, nw, nG**2, nw, mynG * nG)

        bg2 = BlacsGrid(world, world.size, 1)
        md2 = BlacsDescriptor(bg2, nw, nG**2, mynw, nG**2)

        r = Redistributor(world, md1, md2)
        shape = (wb - wa, nG, nG)
        out_wGG = np.empty(shape, complex)
        r.redistribute(in_wGG, out_wGG.reshape((wb - wa, nG**2)))

        return out_wGG
Example #3
    def diagonalize_full_hamiltonian(self, ham, atoms, occupations, txt,
                                     nbands=None, scalapack=None, expert=False):
        assert self.dtype == complex

        if nbands is None:
            nbands = self.pd.ngmin // self.bd.comm.size * self.bd.comm.size
            assert nbands <= self.pd.ngmin

        if expert:
            iu = nbands
            iu = None

        self.bd = bd = BandDescriptor(nbands, self.bd.comm)

        p = functools.partial(print, file=txt)
        p('Diagonalizing full Hamiltonian ({0} lowest bands)'.format(nbands))
        p('Matrix size (min, max): {0}, {1}'.format(self.pd.ngmin,
        mem = 3 * self.pd.ngmax**2 * 16 / bd.comm.size / 1024**2
        p('Approximate memory usage per core: {0:.3f} MB'.format(mem))
        if bd.comm.size > 1:
            if isinstance(scalapack, (list, tuple)):
                nprow, npcol, b = scalapack
                nprow = int(round(bd.comm.size**0.5))
                while bd.comm.size % nprow != 0:
                    nprow -= 1
                npcol = bd.comm.size // nprow
                b = 64
            p('ScaLapack grid: {0}x{1},'.format(nprow, npcol),
              'block-size:', b)
            bg = BlacsGrid(bd.comm, bd.comm.size, 1)
            bg2 = BlacsGrid(bd.comm, nprow, npcol)
            scalapack = True
            nprow = npcol = 1
            scalapack = False

        self.kpt_u[0].P_ani = None

        myslice = bd.get_slice()

        pb = ProgressBar(txt)
        nkpt = len(self.kpt_u)
        for u, kpt in enumerate(self.kpt_u):
            pb.update(u / nkpt)
            npw = len(self.pd.Q_qG[kpt.q])
            if scalapack:
                mynpw = -(-npw // bd.comm.size)
                md = BlacsDescriptor(bg, npw, npw, mynpw, npw)
                md2 = BlacsDescriptor(bg2, npw, npw, b, b)
                md = md2 = MatrixDescriptor(npw, npw)

            with self.timer('Build H and S'):
                H_GG, S_GG = self.hs(ham, kpt.q, kpt.s, md)

            if scalapack:
                r = Redistributor(bd.comm, md, md2)
                H_GG = r.redistribute(H_GG)
                S_GG = r.redistribute(S_GG)

            psit_nG = md2.empty(dtype=complex)
            eps_n = np.empty(npw)

            with self.timer('Diagonalize'):
                if not scalapack:
                    md2.general_diagonalize_dc(H_GG, S_GG, psit_nG, eps_n, 
                    md2.general_diagonalize_dc(H_GG, S_GG, psit_nG, eps_n)
            del H_GG, S_GG

            kpt.eps_n = eps_n[myslice].copy()

            if scalapack:
                md3 = BlacsDescriptor(bg, npw, npw, bd.mynbands, npw)
                r = Redistributor(bd.comm, md2, md3)
                psit_nG = r.redistribute(psit_nG)

            kpt.psit_nG = psit_nG[:bd.mynbands].copy()
            del psit_nG

            with self.timer('Projections'):
                self.pt.integrate(kpt.psit_nG, kpt.P_ani, kpt.q)

            kpt.f_n = None

Example #4
    def diagonalize_full_hamiltonian(self, ham, atoms, occupations, log,
                                     nbands=None, ecut=None, scalapack=None,

        if self.dtype != complex:
            raise ValueError('Your wavefunctions are not complex as '
                             'required by the PW diagonalization routine.\n'
                             'Please supply GPAW(..., dtype=complex, ...) '
                             'as an argument to the calculator to enforce '
                             'complex wavefunctions.')

        if nbands is None and ecut is None:
            nbands = self.pd.ngmin // self.bd.comm.size * self.bd.comm.size
        elif nbands is None:
            ecut /= units.Hartree
            vol = abs(np.linalg.det(self.gd.cell_cv))
            nbands = int(vol * ecut**1.5 * 2**0.5 / 3 / pi**2)
            assert nbands <= self.pd.ngmin

        if expert:
            iu = nbands
            iu = None

        self.bd = bd = BandDescriptor(nbands, self.bd.comm)

        log('Diagonalizing full Hamiltonian ({0} lowest bands)'.format(nbands))
        log('Matrix size (min, max): {0}, {1}'.format(self.pd.ngmin,
        mem = 3 * self.pd.ngmax**2 * 16 / bd.comm.size / 1024**2
        log('Approximate memory usage per core: {0:.3f} MB'.format(mem))
        if bd.comm.size > 1:
            if isinstance(scalapack, (list, tuple)):
                nprow, npcol, b = scalapack
                nprow = int(round(bd.comm.size**0.5))
                while bd.comm.size % nprow != 0:
                    nprow -= 1
                npcol = bd.comm.size // nprow
                b = 64
            log('ScaLapack grid: {0}x{1},'.format(nprow, npcol),
                'block-size:', b)
            bg = BlacsGrid(bd.comm, bd.comm.size, 1)
            bg2 = BlacsGrid(bd.comm, nprow, npcol)
            scalapack = True
            nprow = npcol = 1
            scalapack = False

        self.kpt_u[0].P_ani = None

        myslice = bd.get_slice()

        pb = ProgressBar(log.fd)
        nkpt = len(self.kpt_u)

        for u, kpt in enumerate(self.kpt_u):
            pb.update(u / nkpt)
            npw = len(self.pd.Q_qG[kpt.q])
            if scalapack:
                mynpw = -(-npw // bd.comm.size)
                md = BlacsDescriptor(bg, npw, npw, mynpw, npw)
                md2 = BlacsDescriptor(bg2, npw, npw, b, b)
                md = md2 = MatrixDescriptor(npw, npw)

            with self.timer('Build H and S'):
                H_GG, S_GG = self.hs(ham, kpt.q, kpt.s, md)

            if scalapack:
                r = Redistributor(bd.comm, md, md2)
                H_GG = r.redistribute(H_GG)
                S_GG = r.redistribute(S_GG)

            psit_nG = md2.empty(dtype=complex)
            eps_n = np.empty(npw)

            with self.timer('Diagonalize'):
                if not scalapack:
                    md2.general_diagonalize_dc(H_GG, S_GG, psit_nG, eps_n,
                    md2.general_diagonalize_dc(H_GG, S_GG, psit_nG, eps_n)
            del H_GG, S_GG

            kpt.eps_n = eps_n[myslice].copy()

            if scalapack:
                md3 = BlacsDescriptor(bg, npw, npw, bd.mynbands, npw)
                r = Redistributor(bd.comm, md2, md3)
                psit_nG = r.redistribute(psit_nG)

            kpt.psit_nG = psit_nG[:bd.mynbands].copy()
            del psit_nG

            with self.timer('Projections'):
                self.pt.integrate(kpt.psit_nG, kpt.P_ani, kpt.q)

            kpt.f_n = None



        return nbands