Example #1
    def __init__(self, ecut, diagksl, orthoksl, initksl, gd, nvalence, setups,
                 bd, world, kd, timer):
        self.ecut = ecut / units.Hartree
        # Set dtype=complex and gamma=False:
        kd.gamma = False
        FDPWWaveFunctions.__init__(self, diagksl, orthoksl, initksl, gd,
                                   nvalence, setups, bd, complex, world, kd,

        orthoksl.gd = self.pd
        self.matrixoperator = MatrixOperator(orthoksl)
        self.wd = self.pd
Example #2
    def __init__(self, stencil, diagksl, orthoksl, initksl, gd, nvalence,
                 setups, bd, dtype, world, kd, kptband_comm, timer):
        FDPWWaveFunctions.__init__(self, diagksl, orthoksl, initksl, gd,
                                   nvalence, setups, bd, dtype, world, kd,
                                   kptband_comm, timer)

        # Kinetic energy operator:
        self.kin = Laplace(self.gd, -0.5, stencil, self.dtype)

        self.matrixoperator = MatrixOperator(self.orthoksl)

        self.taugrad_v = None  # initialized by MGGA functional
Example #3
    def __init__(self, ecut, fftwflags,
                 diagksl, orthoksl, initksl,
                 gd, nvalence, setups, bd, dtype,
                 world, kd, kptband_comm, timer):
        self.ecut = ecut
        self.fftwflags = fftwflags

        self.ng_k = None  # number of G-vectors for all IBZ k-points

        FDPWWaveFunctions.__init__(self, diagksl, orthoksl, initksl,
                                   gd, nvalence, setups, bd, dtype,
                                   world, kd, kptband_comm, timer)

        self.orthoksl.gd = self.pd
        self.matrixoperator = MatrixOperator(self.orthoksl)
Example #4
def run(psit_mG):
    overlap = MatrixOperator(ksl, K)
    if 0:
        overlap.work1_xG = work1_xG
        overlap.work2_xG = work2_xG
    #S_nn = np.empty((N, N))
    def S(x):
        return x

    dS_aii = {0: np.ones((2, 2)) * 0.123, 1: np.ones((3, 3)) * 0.321}

    def dS(a, P_ni):
        return np.dot(P_ni, dS_aii[a])

    S_nn = overlap.calculate_matrix_elements(psit_mG, P_ani, S, dS)

    t1 = time()
    if world.rank == 0:
    C_nn = S_nn
    t2 = time()

    if world.rank == 0:
        print('Cholesky Time %f' % (t2 - t1))

    # Distribute matrix:
    world.broadcast(C_nn, 0)

    psit_mG = overlap.matrix_multiply(C_nn, psit_mG, P_ani)

    if world.rank == 0:
        print('Made it past matrix multiply')

    # Check:
    S_nn = overlap.calculate_matrix_elements(psit_mG, P_ani, S, dS)

    assert not (P_ani[0] - psit_mG[:, :2, 0, 0]).round(10).any()
    assert not (P_ani[1] - psit_mG[:, -1, -1, -3:]).round(10).any()

    if world.rank == 0:
        for n in range(N):
            assert abs(S_nn[n, n] - 1.0) < 1e-10
            assert not S_nn[n + 1:, n].round(10).any()

    return psit_mG
Example #5
def run(psit_mG):
    overlap = MatrixOperator(ksl, J)

    def H(psit_xG):
        Htpsit_xG = np.empty_like(psit_xG)
        kin(psit_xG, Htpsit_xG)
        for psit_G, y_G in zip(psit_xG, Htpsit_xG):
            y_G += vt_G * psit_G
        return Htpsit_xG

    dH_aii = {0: np.ones((2, 2)) * 0.123, 1: np.ones((3, 3)) * 0.321}

    def dH(a, P_ni):
        return np.dot(P_ni, dH_aii[a])

    H_nn = overlap.calculate_matrix_elements(psit_mG, P_ani, H, dH)

    t1 = time()
    if world.rank == 0:
        eps_n, H_nn = np.linalg.eigh(H_nn)
        H_nn = np.ascontiguousarray(H_nn.T)
    t2 = time()

    if world.rank == 0:
        print('Diagonalization Time %f' % (t2 - t1))

    # Distribute matrix:
    world.broadcast(H_nn, 0)

    psit_mG = overlap.matrix_multiply(H_nn, psit_mG, P_ani)

    if world.rank == 0:
        print('Made it past matrix multiply')

    # Check:
    assert not (P_ani[0] - psit_mG[:, :2, 0, 0]).round(10).any()
    assert not (P_ani[1] - psit_mG[:, -1, -1, -3:]).round(10).any()

    H_nn = overlap.calculate_matrix_elements(psit_mG, P_ani, H, dH)
    if world.rank == 0:
        for n in range(N):
            assert abs(H_nn[n, n] - eps_n[n]) < 2e-8
            assert not H_nn[n + 1:, n].round(8).any()

    return psit_mG
Example #6
    def __init__(self,
        FDPWWaveFunctions.__init__(self, diagksl, orthoksl, initksl, gd,
                                   nvalence, setups, bd, dtype, world, kd,

        self.wd = self.gd  # wave function descriptor

        # Kinetic energy operator:
        self.kin = Laplace(self.gd, -0.5, stencil, self.dtype, allocate=False)

        self.matrixoperator = MatrixOperator(orthoksl)
Example #7
def dscf_kpoint_overlaps(paw, phasemod=True, broadcast=True):
    bd = paw.wfs.bd
    gd = paw.wfs.gd
    kd = paw.wfs.kd
    operator = MatrixOperator(paw.wfs.orthoksl, hermitian=False)
    atoms = paw.get_atoms()

    # Find the kpoint with lowest kpt.k_c (closest to gamma point)
    k0 = np.argmin(np.sum(paw.wfs.kd.ibzk_kc**2,axis=1)**0.5)

    # Maintain list of a single global reference kpoint for each spin
    kpt0_s = []
    for s0 in range(kd.nspins):
        q0 = k0 - kd.get_offset() % kd.nibzkpts
        kpt0 = GlobalKPoint(None, s0, k0, q0, None)

    if phasemod:
        # Scaled grid point positions used for exponential with ibzk_kc
        # cf. wavefunctions.py lines 90-91 rev 4500(ca)
        # phase_cd = np.exp(2j * np.pi * sdisp_cd * ibzk_kc[k, :, np.newaxis])
        r_cG = gd.empty(3)
        for c, r_G in enumerate(r_cG):
            slice_c2G = [np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
            slice_c2G[c] = slice(None) #this means ':'
            r_G[:] = np.arange(gd.beg_c[c], gd.end_c[c], \
                               dtype=float)[slice_c2G] / gd.N_c[c]

    X_unn = np.empty((kd.mynks, bd.nbands, bd.nbands), dtype=paw.wfs.dtype)
    for myu, kpt in enumerate(paw.wfs.kpt_u):
        u = kd.global_index(myu)
        s, k = kd.what_is(u)
        kpt0 = kpt0_s[s]
        X_nn = X_unn[myu]

        if phasemod:
            assert paw.wfs.dtype == complex, 'Phase modification is complex!'

            k0_c = kd.ibzk_kc[k0]
            k_c = kd.ibzk_kc[k]
            eirk_G = np.exp(2j*np.pi*np.sum(r_cG*(k_c-k0_c)[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis,np.newaxis], axis=0))
            psit0_nG = eirk_G[np.newaxis,...]*kpt0.psit_nG

            P0_ani = paw.wfs.pt.dict(bd.mynbands)
            spos_ac = atoms.get_scaled_positions() % 1.0
            for a, P0_ni in P0_ani.items():
                # Expanding the exponential exp(ikr)=exp(ikR)*exp(ik(r-R))
                # and neglecting the changed P_ani integral exp(ik(r-R))~1
                P0_ni[:] = np.exp(2j*np.pi*np.sum(spos_ac[a]*(k_c-k0_c), axis=0)) * kpt0.P_ani[a]

            ## NB: No exp(ikr) approximate here, but has a parallelization bug
            #kpt0_rank, myu0 = kd.get_rank_and_index(kpt0.s, kpt0.k)
            #if kd.comm.rank == kpt0_rank:
            #    paw.wfs.pt.integrate(psit0_nG, P0_ani, kpt0.q)
            #for a, P0_ni in P0_ani.items():
            #    kd.comm.broadcast(P0_ni, kpt0_rank)
            psit0_nG = kpt0.psit_nG
            P0_ani = kpt0.P_ani

        if paw.wfs.world.size == 1:
            for n, psit_G in enumerate(kpt.psit_nG):
                for n0, psit0_G in enumerate(psit0_nG):
                    X_nn[n,n0] = np.vdot(psit_G, psit0_G)*gd.dv
            for a in range(len(paw.get_atoms())):
                P_ni, P0_ni, dO_ii = kpt.P_ani[a], P0_ani[a], paw.wfs.setups[a].dO_ii
                for n, P_i in enumerate(P_ni):
                    for n0, P0_i in enumerate(P0_ni):
                        X_nn[n,n0] += np.vdot(P_i, np.dot(dO_ii, P0_i))
        X = lambda psit_nG, g=SliceGen(psit0_nG, operator): next(g)
        dX = lambda a, P_ni: np.dot(P0_ani[a], paw.wfs.setups[a].dO_ii)
        X_nn[:] = operator.calculate_matrix_elements(kpt.psit_nG, kpt.P_ani, X, dX).T

    if broadcast:
        if bd.comm.rank == 0:
            gd.comm.broadcast(X_unn, 0)
        bd.comm.broadcast(X_unn, 0)

    return kpt0_s, X_unn