Example #1
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

if __name__ in ['__main__', '__builtin__']:
    # We may have been imported by test.py, if so we should redirect to logfile
    if __name__ == '__builtin__':
        testrunner = CustomTextTestRunner('ut_hsops.log', verbosity=2)
        from gpaw.utilities import devnull
        stream = (world.rank == 0) and sys.stdout or devnull
        testrunner = TextTestRunner(stream=stream, verbosity=2)

    parinfo = []
    # Initial Verification only tests case : dtype = float
    for test in [UTBandParallelSetup_Blocked, UTBandParallelSetup_Strided]:
        info = ['', test.__name__, test.__doc__.strip('\n'), '']
        testsuite = initialTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test)
        map(testrunner.stream.writeln, info)
        testresult = testrunner.run(testsuite)
        assert testresult.wasSuccessful(), 'Initial verification failed!'
        parinfo.extend(['    Parallelization options: %s' % tci._parinfo for \
                        tci in testsuite._tests if hasattr(tci, '_parinfo')])
    parinfo = np.unique(np.sort(parinfo)).tolist()

    testcases = []
    for dtype in [float, complex]:
        for parstride_bands in [False, True]:
            for blocking in [
                    'fast', 'light', 'intdiv', 'nonintdiv1', 'nonintdiv2'
                for async in [False, True]:
                    testcases.append(UTConstantWavefunctionFactory(dtype, \
Example #2
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

if __name__ in ['__main__', '__builtin__']:
    # We may have been imported by test.py, if so we should redirect to logfile
    if __name__ == '__builtin__':
        testrunner = CustomTextTestRunner('ut_tddft.log', verbosity=2)
        from gpaw.utilities import devnull
        stream = (world.rank == 0) and sys.stdout or devnull
        testrunner = TextTestRunner(stream=stream, verbosity=2)

    parinfo = []
    for test in [UTGroundStateSetup]:
        info = ['', test.__name__, test.__doc__.strip('\n'), '']
        testsuite = initialTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test)
        map(testrunner.stream.writeln, info)
        testresult = testrunner.run(testsuite)
        assert testresult.wasSuccessful(), 'Initial verification failed!'
        parinfo.extend(['    Parallelization options: %s' % tci._parinfo for \
                        tci in testsuite._tests if hasattr(tci, '_parinfo')])
    parinfo = np.unique(np.sort(parinfo)).tolist()

    # Try all timesteps between 1 and 10 that factor the duration nicely
    timesteps = np.arange(1, min(10, UTStaticPropagatorSetup.duration) + 1)
    timesteps = timesteps[UTStaticPropagatorSetup.duration % timesteps == 0]

    testcases = []
    for propagator in ['ECN', 'SICN', 'SITE', 'SIKE', 'ETRSCN']:
        testcases.append(UTStaticPropagatorFactory(timesteps, propagator))