Example #1
 def sample(self, query_points: TensorType, num_samples: int) -> TensorType:
     # Taken from GPflow implementation of `GPModel.predict_f_samples` in gpflow.models.model
     mean, cov = self.model_gpflux.predict_f(query_points, full_cov=True)
     mean_for_sample = tf.linalg.adjoint(mean)
     samples = sample_mvn(mean_for_sample,
     samples = tf.linalg.adjoint(samples)
     return samples
Example #2
def draw_conditional_sample(mean: TensorType, cov: TensorType,
                            f_old: TensorType) -> tf.Tensor:
    Draw a sample :math:`\tilde{f}_\text{new}` from the conditional
    multivariate Gaussian :math:`p(f_\text{new} | f_\text{old})`, where the
    parameters ``mean`` and ``cov`` are the mean and covariance matrix of the
    joint multivariate Gaussian over :math:`[f_\text{old}, f_\text{new}]`.

    :param mean: A tensor with the shape ``[..., D, N+M]`` with the mean of
        ``[f_old, f_new]``. For each ``[..., D]`` this is a stacked vector of the

        .. math::

                 \operatorname{mean}(f_\text{old}) \;[N] \\
                 \operatorname{mean}(f_\text{new}) \;[M]

    :param cov: A tensor with the shape ``[..., D, N+M, N+M]`` with the covariance of
        ``[f_old, f_new]``. For each ``[..., D]``, there is a 2x2 block matrix of the form:

        .. math::

                 \operatorname{cov}(f_\text{old}, f_\text{old}) \;[N, N]
                   & \operatorname{cov}(f_\text{old}, f_\text{new}) \;[N, M] \\
                 \operatorname{cov}(f_\text{new}, f_\text{old}) \;[M, N]
                   & \operatorname{cov}(f_\text{new}, f_\text{new}) \;[M, M]

    :param f_old: A tensor of observations with the shape ``[..., D, N]``,
        drawn from Normal distribution with mean
        :math:`\operatorname{mean}(f_\text{old}) \;[N]`, and covariance
        :math:`\operatorname{cov}(f_\text{old}, f_\text{old}) \;[N, N]`

    :return: A sample :math:`\tilde{f}_\text{new}` from the conditional normal
        :math:`p(f_\text{new} | f_\text{old})` with the shape ``[..., D, M]``.
    N, D = tf.shape(f_old)[-1], tf.shape(f_old)[-2]  # noqa: F841
    M = tf.shape(mean)[-1] - N
    cov_old = cov[..., :N, :N]  # [..., D, N, N]
    cov_new = cov[..., -M:, -M:]  # [..., D, M, M]
    cov_cross = cov[..., :N, -M:]  # [..., D, N, M]
    L_old = _cholesky_with_jitter(cov_old)  # [..., D, N, N]
    A = tf.linalg.triangular_solve(L_old, cov_cross,
                                   lower=True)  # [..., D, N, M]
    var_new = cov_new - tf.matmul(A, A, transpose_a=True)  # [..., D, M, M]
    mean_new = mean[..., -M:]  # [..., D, M]
    mean_old = mean[..., :N]  # [..., D, N]
    mean_old_diff = (f_old - mean_old)[..., None]  # [..., D, N, 1]
    AM = tf.linalg.triangular_solve(L_old, mean_old_diff)  # [..., D, N, 1]
    mean_new = mean_new + (tf.matmul(A, AM, transpose_a=True)[..., 0]
                           )  # [..., D, M]
    return sample_mvn(mean_new, var_new, full_cov=True)
Example #3
def test_sample_mvn(full_cov):
    Draws 10,000 samples from a distribution
    with known mean and covariance. The test checks
    if the mean and covariance of the samples is
    close to the true mean and covariance.
    N, D = 10000, 2
    means = tf.ones((N, D), dtype=float_type)
    if full_cov:
        covs = tf.eye(D, batch_shape=[N], dtype=float_type)
        covs = tf.ones((N, D), dtype=float_type)

    samples = sample_mvn(means, covs, full_cov)
    samples_mean = np.mean(samples, axis=0)
    samples_cov = np.cov(samples, rowvar=False)

    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(samples_mean, [1.0, 1.0], decimal=1)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(samples_cov, [[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]], decimal=1)
Example #4
def test_sample_mvn_shapes(leading_dims, n, d, num_samples, full_cov):
    mean_shape = leading_dims + (n, d)
    means = tf.zeros(mean_shape, dtype=default_float())

    if full_cov:
        covariance_shape = leading_dims + (n, d, d)
        sqrt_cov = tf.random.normal(covariance_shape, dtype=default_float())
        covariances = tf.matmul(sqrt_cov, sqrt_cov, transpose_b=True)
        covariance_shape = leading_dims + (n, d)
        covariances = tf.random.normal(covariance_shape, dtype=default_float())

    samples = sample_mvn(means, covariances, full_cov, num_samples)

    if num_samples:
        expected_shape = leading_dims + (num_samples, n, d)
        expected_shape = leading_dims + (n, d)

    assert_equal(samples.shape, expected_shape)
Example #5
def all_layer_mean_var_samples(
    gp_layers: Sequence[GPLayer], X: TensorType
) -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]]:
    S = 5
    sample = X
    means, covs, samples = [], [], []
    for layer in gp_layers:
        mean, cov = layer.predict(sample, full_output_cov=False,
                                  full_cov=True)  # [N, D], [D, N, N]
        all_samples = sample_mvn(tf.linalg.adjoint(mean),
        all_samples = tf.linalg.adjoint(all_samples)
        sample = all_samples[0]


    return means, covs, samples
Example #6
def test_sample_mvn(cov_structure):
    Draws 10,000 samples from a distribution
    with known mean and covariance. The test checks
    if the mean and covariance of the samples is
    close to the true mean and covariance.
    N, D = 10000, 2
    means = tf.ones((N, D), dtype=float_type)
    if cov_structure == "full":
        covs = tf.eye(D, batch_shape=[N], dtype=float_type)
    elif cov_structure == "diag":
        covs = tf.ones((N, D), dtype=float_type)
        raise (NotImplementedError)

    samples = sample_mvn(means, covs, cov_structure)
    samples_mean = np.mean(samples, axis=0)
    samples_cov = np.cov(samples, rowvar=False)

    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(samples_mean, [1., 1.], decimal=1)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(samples_cov, [[1., 0.], [0., 1.]],