def test_monitor(session_tf): np.random.seed(0) X = np.random.rand(10000, 1) * 10 Y = np.sin(X) + np.random.randn(*X.shape) with gpflow.defer_build(): m = gpflow.models.SVGP(X, Y, gpflow.kernels.RBF(1), gpflow.likelihoods.Gaussian(), Z=np.linspace(0, 10, 5)[:, None], minibatch_size=100, name="SVGP") m.likelihood.variance = 0.01 m.compile() global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name="global_step") adam = gpflow.train.AdamOptimizer(0.01).make_optimize_action(m, global_step=global_step) # create a filewriter for summaries fw = tf.summary.FileWriter('./model_tensorboard', m.graph) print_lml = mon.PrintTimings(itertools.count(), mon.Trigger.ITER, single_line=True, global_step=global_step) sleep = mon.SleepAction(itertools.count(), mon.Trigger.ITER, 0.0) saver = mon.StoreSession(itertools.count(step=3), mon.Trigger.ITER, session_tf, hist_path="./monitor-saves/checkpoint", global_step=global_step) tensorboard = mon.ModelTensorBoard(itertools.count(step=3), mon.Trigger.ITER, m, fw, global_step=global_step) lml_tensorboard = mon.LmlTensorBoard(itertools.count(step=5), mon.Trigger.ITER, m, fw, global_step=global_step) callback = mon.CallbackAction(mon.seq_exp_lin(2.0, np.inf, 1e-3), mon.Trigger.TOTAL_TIME, lambda x, b: x, m) actions = [adam, print_lml, tensorboard, lml_tensorboard, saver, sleep, callback] gpflow.actions.Loop(actions, stop=11)()
def test_sample_conditional_mixedkernel(session_tf): q_mu = np.random.randn(Data.M , Data.L) # M x L q_sqrt = np.array([np.tril(np.random.randn(Data.M, Data.M)) for _ in range(Data.L)]) # L x M x M Z = Data.X[:Data.M,...] # M x D N = int(10e5) Xs = np.ones((N, Data.D), dtype=float_type) values = {"Xnew": Xs, "q_mu": q_mu, "q_sqrt": q_sqrt} placeholders = _create_placeholder_dict(values) feed_dict = _create_feed_dict(placeholders, values) # Path 1: mixed kernel: most efficient route W = np.random.randn(Data.P, Data.L) mixed_kernel = mk.SeparateMixedMok([RBF(Data.D) for _ in range(Data.L)], W) mixed_feature = mf.MixedKernelSharedMof(InducingPoints(Z.copy())) sample = sample_conditional(placeholders["Xnew"], mixed_feature, mixed_kernel, placeholders["q_mu"], q_sqrt=placeholders["q_sqrt"], white=True) value, mean, var =, feed_dict=feed_dict) # Path 2: independent kernels, mixed later separate_kernel = mk.SeparateIndependentMok([RBF(Data.D) for _ in range(Data.L)]) shared_feature = mf.SharedIndependentMof(InducingPoints(Z.copy())) sample2 = sample_conditional(placeholders["Xnew"], shared_feature, separate_kernel, placeholders["q_mu"], q_sqrt=placeholders["q_sqrt"], white=True) value2, mean2, var2 =, feed_dict=feed_dict) value2 = np.matmul(value2, W.T) # check if mean and covariance of samples are similar np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.mean(value, axis=0), np.mean(value2, axis=0), decimal=1) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.cov(value, rowvar=False), np.cov(value2, rowvar=False), decimal=1)
def test_rollaxis_idempotent(session_tf, rolls): A = np.random.randn(10, 5, 3, 20, 1) A_tf = tf.convert_to_tensor(A) A_left_right =, 2), 2)) A_right_left =, 2), 2)) assert_allclose(A, A_left_right) assert_allclose(A, A_right_left)
def test_mixed_shared(session_tf, fun): f = Mofs().mixed_shared() k = Moks().separate_mixed() if fun is mf.Kuu: t = tf.cholesky(fun(f, k, jitter=1e-9)) else: t = fun(f, k, Datum.Xnew) print(t.shape)
def test_sample_conditional(session_tf, whiten, full_cov, full_output_cov): q_mu = np.random.randn(Data.M, Data.P) # M x P q_sqrt = np.array([ np.tril(np.random.randn(Data.M, Data.M)) for _ in range(Data.P) ]) # P x M x M Z = Data.X[:Data.M, ...] # M x D Xs = np.ones((Data.N, Data.D), dtype=float_type) feature = InducingPoints(Z.copy()) kernel = RBF(Data.D) values = {"Z": Z, "Xnew": Xs, "q_mu": q_mu, "q_sqrt": q_sqrt} placeholders = _create_placeholder_dict(values) feed_dict = _create_feed_dict(placeholders, values) # Path 1 sample_f = sample_conditional(placeholders["Xnew"], feature, kernel, placeholders["q_mu"], q_sqrt=placeholders["q_sqrt"], white=whiten, full_cov=full_cov, full_output_cov=full_output_cov, num_samples=int(1e5)) value_f, mean_f, var_f =, feed_dict=feed_dict) value_f = value_f.reshape((-1, ) + value_f.shape[2:]) # Path 2 if full_output_cov: pytest.skip( "sample_conditional with X instead of feature does not support full_output_cov" ) sample_x = sample_conditional(placeholders["Xnew"], placeholders["Z"], kernel, placeholders["q_mu"], q_sqrt=placeholders["q_sqrt"], white=whiten, full_cov=full_cov, full_output_cov=full_output_cov, num_samples=int(1e5)) value_x, mean_x, var_x =, feed_dict=feed_dict) value_x = value_x.reshape((-1, ) + value_x.shape[2:]) # check if mean and covariance of samples are similar np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.mean(value_x, axis=0), np.mean(value_f, axis=0), decimal=1) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.cov(value_x, rowvar=False), np.cov(value_f, rowvar=False), decimal=1) np.testing.assert_allclose(mean_x, mean_f) np.testing.assert_allclose(var_x, var_f)
def test_softmax_y_shape_assert(session_tf): """ SoftMax assumes the class is given as a label (not, e.g., one-hot encoded), and hence just uses the first column of Y. To prevent silent errors, there is a tf assertion that ensures Y only has one dimension. This test checks that this assert works as intended. """ F, Y, feed = _prepare(dimF=5, dimY=2) l = gpflow.likelihoods.SoftMax(5) l.compile() try:, Y), feed_dict=feed) except tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError as e: assert "assertion failed" in e.message
def test_eKzxKxz_no_uncertainty(session_tf, kernel, feature): kern = kernel() eKzxKxz = expectation(dirac_diag(), (kern, feature), (kern, feature)) Kxz = kern.K(Data.Xmu, Data.Z) eKzxKxz, Kxz =[eKzxKxz, Kxz]) KzxKxz = Kxz[:, :, None] * Kxz[:, None, :] assert_allclose(eKzxKxz, KzxKxz, rtol=RTOL)
def test_multivariate_normal(session_tf, x, mu, cov_sqrt): cov =, cov_sqrt.T) L = np.linalg.cholesky(cov) if len(x.shape) != 2 or len(mu.shape) != 2: with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: gp_result = logdensities.multivariate_normal( tf.convert_to_tensor(x), tf.convert_to_tensor(mu), tf.convert_to_tensor(L)) else: x_tf = tf.placeholder(settings.float_type) mu_tf = tf.placeholder(settings.float_type) gp_result = logdensities.multivariate_normal(x_tf, mu_tf, tf.convert_to_tensor(L)) gp_result =, feed_dict={x_tf: x, mu_tf: mu}) if mu.shape[1] > 1: if x.shape[1] > 1: sp_result = [ mvn.logpdf(x[:, i], mu[:, i], cov) for i in range(mu.shape[1]) ] else: sp_result = [ mvn.logpdf(x.ravel(), mu[:, i], cov) for i in range(mu.shape[1]) ] else: sp_result = mvn.logpdf(x.T, mu.ravel(), cov) assert_allclose(gp_result, sp_result)
def test_exKxz_markov_no_uncertainty(session_tf, kernel, feature): exKxz = expectation(dirac_markov_gauss(), (kernel(), feature), identity_mean()) exKxz = Kzx = kernel().compute_K(Data.Xmu_markov[:-1, :], Data.Z) # NxM xKxz = Kzx[..., None] * Data.Xmu_markov[1:, None, :] # NxMxD assert_allclose(exKxz, xKxz, rtol=RTOL)
def test_multivariate_normal(session_tf, x, mu, cov_sqrt): cov =, cov_sqrt.T) L = np.linalg.cholesky(cov) if len(x.shape) != 2 or len(mu.shape) != 2: with pytest.raises(Exception) as e_info: gp_result = logdensities.multivariate_normal( tf.convert_to_tensor(x), tf.convert_to_tensor(mu), tf.convert_to_tensor(L)) else: x_tf = tf.placeholder(settings.float_type) mu_tf = tf.placeholder(settings.float_type) gp_result = logdensities.multivariate_normal( x_tf, mu_tf, tf.convert_to_tensor(L)) gp_result =, feed_dict={x_tf: x, mu_tf: mu}) if mu.shape[1] > 1: if x.shape[1] > 1: sp_result = [mvn.logpdf(x[:,i], mu[:,i], cov) for i in range(mu.shape[1])] else: sp_result = [mvn.logpdf(x.ravel(), mu[:, i], cov) for i in range(mu.shape[1])] else: sp_result = mvn.logpdf(x.T, mu.ravel(), cov) assert_allclose(gp_result, sp_result)
def test_sample_mvn(session_tf, cov_structure, num_samples): """ Draws 10,000 samples from a distribution with known mean and covariance. The test checks if the mean and covariance of the samples is close to the true mean and covariance. """ N, D = 10000, 2 means = tf.ones((N, D), dtype=float_type) if cov_structure == "full": covs = tf.eye(D, batch_shape=[N], dtype=float_type) elif cov_structure == "diag": covs = tf.ones((N, D), dtype=float_type) samples = _sample_mvn(means, covs, cov_structure, num_samples=num_samples) value = if num_samples is None: assert value.shape == (N, D) else: assert value.shape == (num_samples, N, D) value = value.reshape(-1, D) samples_mean = np.mean(value, axis=0) samples_cov = np.cov(value, rowvar=False) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(samples_mean, [1., 1.], decimal=1) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(samples_cov, [[1., 0.], [0., 1.]], decimal=1)
def test_broadcasting_mix_latent_gps(session_tf, full_cov, full_output_cov): S, N = 7, 20 # batch size, num data points P, L = 10, 5 # observation dimensionality, num latent GPs W = np.random.randn(P, L) # mixing matrix g_mu = np.random.randn(S, N, L) # mean of the L latent GPs g_sqrt_diag = np.tril(np.random.randn(S * L, N, N), -1) # [L*S, N, N] g_sqrt_diag = np.reshape(g_sqrt_diag, [L, S, N, N]) g_var_diag = g_sqrt_diag @ np.transpose(g_sqrt_diag, [0, 1, 3, 2]) # [L, S, N, N] g_var = np.zeros([S, N, L, N, L]) for l in range(L): g_var[:, :, l, :, l] = g_var_diag[ l, :, :, :] # replace diagonal elements by g_var_diag # reference numpy implementation for mean f_mu_ref = g_mu @ W.T # [S, N, P] # reference numpy implementation for variance g_var_tmp = np.transpose(g_var, [0, 1, 3, 2, 4]) # [S, N, N, L, L] f_var_ref = W @ g_var_tmp @ W.T # [S, N, N, P, P] f_var_ref = np.transpose(f_var_ref, [0, 1, 3, 2, 4]) # [S, N, P, N, P] if not full_cov: g_var_diag = np.array([g_var_diag[:, :, n, n] for n in range(N)]) # [N, L, S] g_var_diag = np.transpose(g_var_diag, [2, 0, 1]) # [S, N, L] # run gpflow's implementation f_mu, f_var = _mix_latent_gp(tf.convert_to_tensor(W), tf.convert_to_tensor(g_mu), tf.convert_to_tensor(g_var_diag), full_cov, full_output_cov)) # we strip down f_var_ref to the elements we need if not full_output_cov and not full_cov: f_var_ref = np.array([f_var_ref[:, :, p, :, p] for p in range(P)]) # [P, S, N, N] f_var_ref = np.array([f_var_ref[:, :, n, n] for n in range(N)]) # [N, P, S] f_var_ref = np.transpose(f_var_ref, [2, 0, 1]) # [S, N, P] elif not full_output_cov and full_cov: f_var_ref = np.array([f_var_ref[:, :, p, :, p] for p in range(P)]) # [P, S, N, N] f_var_ref = np.transpose(f_var_ref, [1, 0, 2, 3]) # [S, P, N, N] elif full_output_cov and not full_cov: f_var_ref = np.array([f_var_ref[:, n, :, n, :] for n in range(N)]) # [N, S, P, P] f_var_ref = np.transpose(f_var_ref, [1, 0, 2, 3]) # [S, N, P, P] else: pass # f_var_ref has shape [..., N, P, N, P] as expected # check equality for mean and variance of f assert_allclose(f_mu_ref, f_mu) assert_allclose(f_var_ref, f_var)
def test_sample_conditional_mixedkernel(session_tf): q_mu = np.random.randn(Data.M, Data.L) # M x L q_sqrt = np.array([ np.tril(np.random.randn(Data.M, Data.M)) for _ in range(Data.L) ]) # L x M x M Z = Data.X[:Data.M, ...] # M x D N = int(10e5) Xs = np.ones((N, Data.D), dtype=float_type) values = {"Xnew": Xs, "q_mu": q_mu, "q_sqrt": q_sqrt} placeholders = _create_placeholder_dict(values) feed_dict = _create_feed_dict(placeholders, values) # Path 1: mixed kernel: most efficient route W = np.random.randn(Data.P, Data.L) mixed_kernel = mk.SeparateMixedMok([RBF(Data.D) for _ in range(Data.L)], W) mixed_feature = mf.MixedKernelSharedMof(InducingPoints(Z.copy())) sample = sample_conditional(placeholders["Xnew"], mixed_feature, mixed_kernel, placeholders["q_mu"], q_sqrt=placeholders["q_sqrt"], white=True) value =, feed_dict=feed_dict) # Path 2: independent kernels, mixed later separate_kernel = mk.SeparateIndependentMok( [RBF(Data.D) for _ in range(Data.L)]) shared_feature = mf.SharedIndependentMof(InducingPoints(Z.copy())) sample2 = sample_conditional(placeholders["Xnew"], shared_feature, separate_kernel, placeholders["q_mu"], q_sqrt=placeholders["q_sqrt"], white=True) value2 =, feed_dict=feed_dict) value2 = np.matmul(value2, W.T) # check if mean and covariance of samples are similar np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.mean(value, axis=0), np.mean(value2, axis=0), decimal=1) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.cov(value, rowvar=False), np.cov(value2, rowvar=False), decimal=1)
def test_diagquad_logspace(session_tf, mu1, var1, mu2, var2): alpha = 2.5 quad = gpflow.quadrature.ndiagquad(lambda *X: (X[0] + alpha * X[1]), 25, [cast(mu1), cast(mu2)], [cast(var1), cast(var2)], logspace=True) res = expected = mu1 + var1 / 2 + alpha * mu2 + alpha**2 * var2 / 2 assert_allclose(res, expected)
def test_unknown_size_inputs(session_tf): """ Test for #725 and #734. When the shape of the Gaussian's mean had at least one unknown parameter, `gauss_kl` would blow up. This happened because `tf.size` can only output types `tf.int32` or `tf.int64`. """ mu_ph = tf.placeholder(settings.float_type, [None, None]) sqrt_ph = tf.placeholder(settings.float_type, [None, None, None]) mu = np.ones([1, 4], dtype=settings.float_type) sqrt = np.ones([4, 1, 1], dtype=settings.float_type) feed_dict = {mu_ph: mu, sqrt_ph: sqrt} known_shape_tf = gauss_kl(*map(tf.constant, [mu, sqrt])) unknown_shape_tf = gauss_kl(mu_ph, sqrt_ph) known_shape = unknown_shape =, feed_dict=feed_dict) np.testing.assert_allclose(known_shape, unknown_shape)
def test_diagquad_with_kwarg(session_tf, mu2, var2): alpha = np.array([2.5, -1.3]) quad = gpflow.quadrature.ndiagquad(lambda X, Y: tf.exp(X * Y), 25, cast(mu2), cast(var2), Y=alpha) res = expected = np.exp(alpha * mu2 + alpha**2 * var2 / 2) assert_allclose(res, expected)
def test_diagquad_2d(session_tf, mu1, var1, mu2, var2): alpha = 2.5 quad = gpflow.quadrature.ndiagquad( lambda *X: tf.exp(X[0] + alpha * X[1]), 35, # using logspace=True we can reduce this, see test_diagquad_logspace [cast(mu1), cast(mu2)], [cast(var1), cast(var2)]) res = expected = np.exp(mu1 + var1 / 2 + alpha * mu2 + alpha**2 * var2 / 2) assert_allclose(res, expected)
def test_shape_asserts(session_tf): A = np.random.randn(5) B = np.random.randn(5) L = np.tril(np.random.randn(5, 5)) # Static shape check: with pytest.raises(ValueError): tA = tf.identity(A) tB = tf.identity(B) tL = tf.identity(L) res = logdensities.multivariate_normal(tA, tB, tL) # Dynamic shape check: # the following results in a segfault before PR#964 with pytest.raises(tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError): vA = tf.placeholder(tf.float64) vB = tf.placeholder(tf.float64) vL = tf.placeholder(tf.float64) res = logdensities.multivariate_normal(vA, vB, vL), {vA: A, vB: B, vL: L})
def test_sample_conditional(session_tf, whiten): q_mu = np.random.randn(Data.M, Data.P) # M x P q_sqrt = np.array([ np.tril(np.random.randn(Data.M, Data.M)) for _ in range(Data.P) ]) # P x M x M Z = Data.X[:Data.M, ...] # M x D Xs = np.ones((int(10e5), Data.D), dtype=float_type) feature = InducingPoints(Z.copy()) kernel = RBF(Data.D) values = {"Z": Z, "Xnew": Xs, "q_mu": q_mu, "q_sqrt": q_sqrt} placeholders = _create_placeholder_dict(values) feed_dict = _create_feed_dict(placeholders, values) # Path 1 sample = sample_conditional(placeholders["Xnew"], placeholders["Z"], kernel, placeholders["q_mu"], q_sqrt=placeholders["q_sqrt"], white=whiten) value =, feed_dict=feed_dict) # Path 2 sample2 = sample_conditional(placeholders["Xnew"], feature, kernel, placeholders["q_mu"], q_sqrt=placeholders["q_sqrt"], white=whiten) value2 =, feed_dict=feed_dict) # check if mean and covariance of samples are similar np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.mean(value, axis=0), np.mean(value2, axis=0), decimal=1) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.cov(value, rowvar=False), np.cov(value2, rowvar=False), decimal=1)
def test_hypers_SVGP_vs_SGPR_tensors(session_tf, svgp, sgpr): """ Test SVGP vs SGPR. Running optimization as tensors w/o GPflow wrapper. """ anchor = False variationals = [(svgp.q_mu, svgp.q_sqrt)] svgp.q_mu.trainable = False svgp.q_sqrt.trainable = False o1 = NatGradOptimizer(Datum.gamma) o1_tensor = o1.make_optimize_tensor(svgp, var_list=variationals) o2 = GradientDescentOptimizer(Datum.learning_rate) o2_tensor = o2.make_optimize_tensor(svgp) o3 = NatGradOptimizer(Datum.gamma) o3_tensor = o3.make_optimize_tensor(svgp, var_list=variationals) sgpr_likelihood = sgpr.compute_log_likelihood() svgp_likelihood = svgp.compute_log_likelihood() assert_allclose(sgpr_likelihood, svgp_likelihood, atol=1e-5) GradientDescentOptimizer(Datum.learning_rate).minimize(sgpr, maxiter=1, anchor=anchor) sgpr_likelihood = sgpr.compute_log_likelihood() svgp_likelihood = svgp.compute_log_likelihood() assert_allclose(sgpr_likelihood, svgp_likelihood, atol=1e-5)
def test_base_conditional_vs_ref(session_tf, full_cov, features_inducing_points): """ Test that conditionals agree with a slow-but-clear numpy implementation """ Dy, N, M, Dx = 5, 4, 3, 2 X = np.random.randn(N, Dx) Z = np.random.randn(M, Dx) kern = gpflow.kernels.Matern52(Dx, lengthscales=0.5) q_mu = np.random.randn(M, Dy) q_sqrt = np.tril(np.random.randn(Dy, M, M), -1) def numpy_conditional(X, Z, kern, q_mu, q_sqrt): Kmm = kern.compute_K_symm( Z) + np.eye(M) * settings.numerics.jitter_level Kmn = kern.compute_K(Z, X) Knn = kern.compute_K_symm(X) Kmm, Kmn, Knm, Knn = [ np.tile(k[None, :, :], [Dy, 1, 1]) for k in [Kmm, Kmn, Kmn.T, Knn] ] S = q_sqrt @ np.transpose(q_sqrt, [0, 2, 1]) Kmm_inv = np.linalg.inv(Kmm) mean = np.einsum('dmn,dmM,Md->nd', Kmn, Kmm_inv, q_mu) cov = Knn + Knm @ Kmm_inv @ (S - Kmm) @ Kmm_inv @ Kmn return mean, cov mean_np, cov_np = numpy_conditional(X, Z, kern, q_mu, q_sqrt) if features_inducing_points: Z = gpflow.features.InducingPoints(Z) mean_tf, cov_tf = gpflow.conditionals.conditional( X, Z, kern, q_mu, q_sqrt=tf.identity(q_sqrt), white=False, full_cov=full_cov) mean_tf, cov_tf =[mean_tf, cov_tf]) if not full_cov: cov_np = np.diagonal(cov_np, axis1=-1, axis2=-2).T assert_allclose(mean_np, mean_tf) assert_allclose(cov_np, cov_tf)
def test_sample_conditional(session_tf, whiten, full_cov, full_output_cov): q_mu = np.random.randn(Data.M , Data.P) # M x P q_sqrt = np.array([np.tril(np.random.randn(Data.M, Data.M)) for _ in range(Data.P)]) # P x M x M Z = Data.X[:Data.M, ...] # M x D Xs = np.ones((Data.N, Data.D), dtype=float_type) feature = InducingPoints(Z.copy()) kernel = RBF(Data.D) values = {"Z": Z, "Xnew": Xs, "q_mu": q_mu, "q_sqrt": q_sqrt} placeholders = _create_placeholder_dict(values) feed_dict = _create_feed_dict(placeholders, values) # Path 1 sample_f = sample_conditional(placeholders["Xnew"], feature, kernel, placeholders["q_mu"], q_sqrt=placeholders["q_sqrt"], white=whiten, full_cov=full_cov, full_output_cov=full_output_cov, num_samples=int(1e5)) value_f, mean_f, var_f =, feed_dict=feed_dict) value_f = value_f.reshape((-1,) + value_f.shape[2:]) # Path 2 if full_output_cov: pytest.skip("sample_conditional with X instead of feature does not support full_output_cov") sample_x = sample_conditional(placeholders["Xnew"], placeholders["Z"], kernel, placeholders["q_mu"], q_sqrt=placeholders["q_sqrt"], white=whiten, full_cov=full_cov, full_output_cov=full_output_cov, num_samples=int(1e5)) value_x, mean_x, var_x =, feed_dict=feed_dict) value_x = value_x.reshape((-1,) + value_x.shape[2:]) # check if mean and covariance of samples are similar np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.mean(value_x, axis=0), np.mean(value_f, axis=0), decimal=1) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.cov(value_x, rowvar=False), np.cov(value_f, rowvar=False), decimal=1) np.testing.assert_allclose(mean_x, mean_f) np.testing.assert_allclose(var_x, var_f)
def test_RBF_eKzxKxz_gradient_not_NaN(session_tf): """ Ensure that <K_{Z, x} K_{x, Z}>_p(x) is not NaN and correct, when K_{Z, Z} is zero with finite precision. See pull request #595. """ kern = gpflow.kernels.RBF(1, lengthscales=0.1) kern.variance = 2. p = gpflow.probability_distributions.Gaussian( tf.constant([[10]], dtype=gpflow.settings.tf_float), tf.constant([[[0.1]]], dtype=gpflow.settings.tf_float)) z = gpflow.features.InducingPoints([[-10.], [10.]]) ekz = expectation(p, (kern, z), (kern, z)) g, = tf.gradients(ekz, kern.lengthscales._unconstrained_tensor) grad = assert grad is not None and not np.isnan(grad)
def test_rollaxis(session_tf, rolls, direction): A = np.random.randn(10, 5, 3) A_tf = tf.convert_to_tensor(A) if direction == "left": perm = [1, 2, 0] if rolls == 1 else [2, 0, 1] elif direction == "right": perm = [2, 0, 1] if rolls == 1 else [1, 2, 0] A_rolled_ref = np.transpose(A, perm) if direction == "left": A_rolled_tf = _rollaxis_left(A_tf, rolls) elif direction == "right": A_rolled_tf = _rollaxis_right(A_tf, rolls) A_rolled_tf = assert_allclose(A_rolled_ref, A_rolled_tf)
def test_multivariate_normal(session_tf, x, mu, cov): cov =, cov.T) L = np.linalg.cholesky(cov) gp_result = densities.multivariate_normal(x, mu, L) gp_result = if len(mu.shape) > 1 and mu.shape[1] > 1: if len(x.shape) > 1 and x.shape[1] > 1: sp_result = [ mvn.logpdf(x[:, i], mu[:, i], cov) for i in range(mu.shape[1]) ] else: sp_result = [ mvn.logpdf(x.ravel(), mu[:, i], cov) for i in range(mu.shape[1]) ] else: sp_result = mvn.logpdf(x.T, mu.ravel(), cov) assert_allclose(gp_result, sp_result)
def test_RBF_eKzxKxz_gradient_notNaN(session_tf): """ Ensure that <K_{Z, x} K_{x, Z}>_p(x) is not NaN and correct, when K_{Z, Z} is zero with finite precision. See pull request #595. """ kern = gpflow.kernels.RBF(1, lengthscales=0.1) kern.variance = 2. p = gpflow.probability_distributions.Gaussian( tf.constant([[10]], dtype=gpflow.settings.tf_float), tf.constant([[[0.1]]], dtype=gpflow.settings.tf_float)) z = gpflow.features.InducingPoints([[-10.], [10.]]) ekz = expectation(p, (kern, z), (kern, z)) g, = tf.gradients(ekz, kern.lengthscales._unconstrained_tensor) grad = assert grad is not None and not np.isnan(grad)
def test_kernel_euclidean_distance(session_tf, kernel): ''' Tests output & gradients of kernels that are a function of the (scaled) euclidean distance of the points. We test on a high dimensional space, which can generate very small distances causing the scaled_square_dist to generate some negative values. ''' k = kernel(Datum.D) K = k.compute_K_symm(Datum.X) assert not np.isnan(K).any( ), 'There are NaNs in the output of the ' + kernel.__name__ + ' kernel.' assert np.isfinite(K).all( ), 'There are Infs in the output of the ' + kernel.__name__ + ' kernel.' X = tf.placeholder(settings.float_type) dK =, X), X)[0], feed_dict={X: Datum.X}) assert not np.isnan(dK).any( ), 'There are NaNs in the gradient of the ' + kernel.__name__ + ' kernel.' assert np.isfinite(dK).all( ), 'There are Infs in the output of the ' + kernel.__name__ + ' kernel.'
def test_hypers_SVGP_vs_SGPR_tensors(session_tf, svgp, sgpr): """ Test SVGP vs SGPR. Running optimization as tensors w/o GPflow wrapper. """ anchor = False variationals = [(svgp.q_mu, svgp.q_sqrt)] svgp.q_mu.trainable = False svgp.q_sqrt.trainable = False o1 = NatGradOptimizer(Datum.gamma) o1.minimize(svgp, var_list=variationals, maxiter=0, anchor=anchor) o1_tensor = o1.minimize_operation o2 = GradientDescentOptimizer(Datum.learning_rate) o2.minimize(svgp, maxiter=0, anchor=anchor) o2_tensor = o2.minimize_operation o3 = NatGradOptimizer(Datum.gamma) o3.minimize(svgp, var_list=variationals, maxiter=0, anchor=anchor) o3_tensor = o3.minimize_operation sgpr_likelihood = sgpr.compute_log_likelihood() svgp_likelihood = svgp.compute_log_likelihood() assert_allclose(sgpr_likelihood, svgp_likelihood, atol=1e-5) GradientDescentOptimizer(Datum.learning_rate).minimize(sgpr, maxiter=1, anchor=anchor) sgpr_likelihood = sgpr.compute_log_likelihood() svgp_likelihood = svgp.compute_log_likelihood() assert_allclose(sgpr_likelihood, svgp_likelihood, atol=1e-5)
def test_eKdiag_no_uncertainty(session_tf, kernel): eKdiag = expectation(dirac_diag(), kernel()) Kdiag = kernel().Kdiag(Data.Xmu) eKdiag, Kdiag =[eKdiag, Kdiag]) assert_allclose(eKdiag, Kdiag, rtol=RTOL)
def test_diagquad_1d(session_tf, mu1, var1): quad = gpflow.quadrature.ndiagquad([lambda *X: tf.exp(X[0])], 25, [cast(mu1)], [cast(var1)]) res, = expected = np.exp(mu1 + var1 / 2) assert_allclose(res, expected)
def test_eMxKxz_no_uncertainty(session_tf, kernel, feature, mean): exKxz = expectation(dirac_diag(), mean(), (kernel(), feature)) Kxz = kernel().K(Data.Xmu, Data.Z) xKxz = expectation(dirac_gauss(), mean())[:, :, None] * Kxz[:, None, :] exKxz, xKxz =[exKxz, xKxz]) assert_allclose(exKxz, xKxz, rtol=RTOL)
def test_conditional_broadcasting(session_tf, full_cov, white, conditional_type): """ Test that the `conditional` and `sample_conditional` broadcasts correctly over leading dimensions of Xnew. Xnew can be shape [..., N, D], and conditional should broadcast over the [...]. """ X_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, [None, None]) q_mu = np.random.randn(Data.M, Data.Dy) q_sqrt = np.tril(np.random.randn(Data.Dy, Data.M, Data.M), -1) if conditional_type == "Z": feat = Data.Z kern = gpflow.kernels.Matern52(Data.Dx, lengthscales=0.5) elif conditional_type == "inducing_points": feat = gpflow.features.InducingPoints(Data.Z) kern = gpflow.kernels.Matern52(Data.Dx, lengthscales=0.5) elif conditional_type == "mixing": # variational params have different output dim in this case q_mu = np.random.randn(Data.M, Data.L) q_sqrt = np.tril(np.random.randn(Data.L, Data.M, Data.M), -1) feat = mf.MixedKernelSharedMof(gpflow.features.InducingPoints(Data.Z)) kern = mk.SeparateMixedMok(kernels=[ gpflow.kernels.Matern52(Data.Dx, lengthscales=0.5) for _ in range(Data.L) ], W=Data.W) if conditional_type == "mixing" and full_cov: pytest.skip("combination is not implemented") num_samples = 5 sample_tf, mean_tf, cov_tf = sample_conditional( X_, feat, kern, tf.convert_to_tensor(q_mu), q_sqrt=tf.convert_to_tensor(q_sqrt), white=white, full_cov=full_cov, num_samples=num_samples) ss, ms, vs = [], [], [] for X in Data.SX: s, m, v =[sample_tf, mean_tf, cov_tf], {X_: X}) ms.append(m) vs.append(v) ss.append(s) ms = np.array(ms) vs = np.array(vs) ss = np.array(ss) ss_S12, ms_S12, vs_S12 = sample_conditional(Data.SX, feat, kern, tf.convert_to_tensor(q_mu), q_sqrt=tf.convert_to_tensor(q_sqrt), white=white, full_cov=full_cov, num_samples=num_samples)) ss_S1_S2, ms_S1_S2, vs_S1_S2 = sample_conditional(Data.S1_S2_X, feat, kern, tf.convert_to_tensor(q_mu), q_sqrt=tf.convert_to_tensor(q_sqrt), white=white, full_cov=full_cov, num_samples=num_samples)) assert_allclose(ss_S12.shape, ss.shape) assert_allclose(ms_S12, ms) assert_allclose(vs_S12, vs) assert_allclose(ms_S1_S2.reshape(Data.S1 * Data.S2, Data.N, Data.Dy), ms) assert_allclose(ss_S1_S2.shape, [Data.S1, Data.S2, num_samples, Data.N, Data.Dy]) if full_cov: assert_allclose( vs_S1_S2.reshape(Data.S1 * Data.S2, Data.Dy, Data.N, Data.N), vs) else: assert_allclose(vs_S1_S2.reshape(Data.S1 * Data.S2, Data.N, Data.Dy), vs)
def test_eKxz_no_uncertainty(session_tf, kernel, feature): eKxz = expectation(dirac_diag(), (kernel(), feature)) Kxz = kernel().K(Data.Xmu, Data.Z) eKxz, Kxz =[eKxz, Kxz]) assert_allclose(eKxz, Kxz, rtol=RTOL)
def test_exKxz_pairwise_no_uncertainty(session_tf, kernel, feature): exKxz_pairwise = expectation(dirac_markov_gauss(), (feature, kernel()), identity()) exKxz_pairwise = Kxz = kernel().compute_K(Data.Xmu[:-1, :], Data.Z) # NxM xKxz_pairwise = np.einsum('nm,nd->nmd', Kxz, Data.Xmu[1:, :]) assert_almost_equal(exKxz_pairwise, xKxz_pairwise)
def test_eKxzzx_no_uncertainty(session_tf, kernel, feature): eKxzzx = expectation(dirac(), (feature, kernel()), (feature, kernel())) Kxz = kernel().K(Data.Xmu, Data.Z) eKxzzx, Kxz =[eKxzzx, Kxz]) Kxzzx = Kxz[:, :, None] * Kxz[:, None, :] assert_almost_equal(eKxzzx, Kxzzx)