Example #1
    Loop infinitely and monitor the light level. Light up the number
    of LEDs depending on the value within the range specified
    # Compute the ratio that relates the value to number of LEDS
    ratio = len(leds) / (maxr - minr)

    while True:
        nleds = int(ratio * (photo.value - minr))
        for i in range(nleds):
# Our program to run

# How fast to blink the LED [seconds]
interval = 0.15

# Create an array of LEDs
led_pins = [26, 12, 16, 20, 21]
leds = []
for pin in led_pins:

# Create the photoresistor
light = gpiozero.LightSensor(13)
# test_photoresistor(light)
monitor_light(leds=leds, photo=light, maxr=0.95, minr=0.85)

Example #2
import gpiozero as gp
import tkinter as tk
import sys, os, csv, datetime, cv2, platform, subprocess, time, threading
from tkinter import ttk, messagebox
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from ttkthemes import ThemedStyle
from time import sleep

#Hardware Variable names, always match to schematic with numbers. Change your pins if differen.
S1 = gp.Button(25)  #Counter switch
S2 = gp.Button(8)  # Reset Cases
S3 = gp.Button(7)  #Reset Primers
S4 = gp.Button(24)  #Binding prox switches
M1 = gp.PWMOutputDevice(20, frequency=1)  #Primer vibrator
M2 = gp.PWMOutputDevice(21, frequency=1)  #Powder Vibrator
Ldr1 = gp.LightSensor(4)  #Low Primer
Ldr2 = gp.LightSensor(19)  #Bullet Feeder
Ldr3 = gp.LightSensor(26)  #Case Feeder
# For Passive buzzers use PWM. Active buzzers use Buzzer. Be wise that too high a
# frequecy will peg out CPU.
Buzzer = gp.PWMOutputDevice(18, frequency=1500)
#If you relays operate backwards swap the active_high state (default is True).
#Setting initial_value to false ensures relays start closed enstead of current state.
Relay1 = gp.OutputDevice(6, initial_value=False, active_high=True)
Relay2 = gp.OutputDevice(12, initial_value=False, active_high=True)

#Note to self: the way this works is the csv is turned into a class. The class name is the list ID which is Recipe[n],
#where N is the number of the recipe line with 0 being the first line. After that the heading can be use as a dot atribut,
#IE Recipe[0].cartridge will give you the cartridge name of recipe 0.
with open('3_3_Cartridge_Recipe.csv', 'r', newline='') as f:
    reader = csv.DictReader(f)
Example #3

import os               #Gerenciamento de arquivos
import gpiozero         #GPIO nova, sensores
import bluetooth        #Bluetooth
import subprocess       #processamento paralelo, shell
import json             #output em json para servidor
import time             #time.sleep, time.time
import threading        #MultiThreading
import Adafruit_DHT     #DHT11 lib

waterSensor = gpiozero.Button(pin=22, pull_up=False)        ##WATER SENSOR AS BUTTON
ldr=gpiozero.LightSensor(pin=24)                            ##LDR as LightSensor
sensor=Adafruit_DHT.DHT11                                   ##DHT from Lib

waterValve = gpiozero.OutputDevice(pin=23, active_high=True, initial_value=False)
red=gpiozero.LED(4)                 ##RED MEANS STOP
green=gpiozero.LED(17)               ##GREEN MEANS GO
blue=gpiozero.LED(24)                ##BLUE MEANS CRY

mac="10:3B:59:B1:B3:C8"             #Endereço bluetooth android
day, soil, ctrLogs = "day", "low", 1#LDR, SoilSensor, LogCounter
freq, senscount = 60, 4             #Read Frequency, Number of Sensors

Example #4
# encoding: utf-8
import gpiozero
import time

led = gpiozero.PWMLED(27)
ldr = gpiozero.LightSensor(17)

while True:
    if ldr.value >= 0.75:
        led.value = 0  # ne sveti
    elif ldr.value < 0.75 and ldr.value >= 0.5:
        led.value = 0.5  # sveti na pol
        led.value = 1  # sveti
Example #5
# LED light bar with "ADC" input
import gpiozero
import time

interval = 0.9
photo = gpiozero.LightSensor(4)

leds = [21, 16, 12, 23]
leds = [gpiozero.LED(led) for led in leds]

while True:
    [led.off() for led in leds]
    v = photo.value
    for i in range(int(v * len(leds))):
Example #6
import gpiozero as gp
import tkinter as tk
import time
from tkinter import ttk

S4 = gp.Button(24)  #Binding Sensor
Ldr3 = gp.LightSensor(19)  #Case Feeder
Buzzer = gp.PWMOutputDevice(18, frequency=6000)
Relay2 = gp.OutputDevice(6, initial_value=False, active_high=True)

Relay2.source = Ldr3

while True:
    pulsetime = 0
    while Ldr3.light_detected == True:
        pulsetime += 1
        if pulsetime >= 15:
        if Ldr3.light_detected == False:
Example #7
from tkinter import simpledialog, messagebox
import gpiozero
import time
import threading
"""Tkinter Initialization"""
main = Tk()
main.title('Smart Lamp')
main.resizable(width=FALSE, height=FALSE)
"""Raspberry Initialization"""
ldrpin = 27
pirpin = 4
relaypin = 17
times = 30
lightvalue = 5
ldr = gpiozero.LightSensor(
    ldrpin)  #Memanggil class MotionSensor dari Library gpiozero
pir = gpiozero.MotionSensor(
    pirpin)  #Memanggil class MotionSensor dari Library gpiozero
relay1 = gpiozero.OutputDevice(
    relaypin, active_high=False,
    initial_value=False)  #set relay sebagai OutputDevice

def time_sett():
    global times
    times = simpledialog.askinteger("TIME (s)",
                                    "Enter Time (in second)",
    while times == None:
        messagebox.showwarning(message='Time tidak boleh kosong')