def test_program_init_depth(): """'full' should create constant depth programs for single depth limit""" params = {'function_set': ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2', 'sqrt1', 'log1', 'abs1', 'max2', 'min2'], 'arities': {1: ['sqrt1', 'log1', 'abs1'], 2: ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2', 'max2', 'min2']}, 'init_depth': (6, 6), 'n_features': 10, 'const_range': (-1.0, 1.0), 'metric': 'mean absolute error', 'p_point_replace': 0.05, 'parsimony_coefficient': 0.1} random_state = check_random_state(415) programs = [] for i in range(20): programs.append(_Program(init_method='full', random_state=random_state, **params)) full_depth = np.bincount([gp.depth_ for gp in programs]) programs = [] for i in range(20): programs.append(_Program(init_method='half and half', random_state=random_state, **params)) hnh_depth = np.bincount([gp.depth_ for gp in programs]) programs = [] for i in range(20): programs.append(_Program(init_method='grow', random_state=random_state, **params)) grow_depth = np.bincount([gp.depth_ for gp in programs]) assert_true(full_depth[-1] == 20) assert_false(hnh_depth[-1] == 20) assert_false(grow_depth[-1] == 20)
def test_export_graphviz(): """Check output of a simple program to Graphviz""" params = {'function_set': ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2'], 'arities': {2: ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2']}, 'init_depth': (2, 6), 'init_method': 'half and half', 'n_features': 10, 'const_range': (-1.0, 1.0), 'metric': 'mean absolute error', 'p_point_replace': 0.05, 'parsimony_coefficient': 0.1} random_state = check_random_state(415) # Test for a small program test_gp = ['mul2', 'div2', 8, 1, 'sub2', 9, .5] gp = _Program(random_state=random_state, program=test_gp, **params) output = gp.export_graphviz() tree = 'digraph program {\n' \ 'node [style=filled]0 [label="mul", fillcolor="#136ed4"] ;\n' \ '1 [label="div", fillcolor="#136ed4"] ;\n' \ '2 [label="X8", fillcolor="#60a6f6"] ;\n' \ '3 [label="X1", fillcolor="#60a6f6"] ;\n' \ '1 -> 3 ;\n1 -> 2 ;\n' \ '4 [label="sub", fillcolor="#136ed4"] ;\n' \ '5 [label="X9", fillcolor="#60a6f6"] ;\n' \ '6 [label="0.500", fillcolor="#60a6f6"] ;\n' \ '4 -> 6 ;\n4 -> 5 ;\n0 -> 4 ;\n0 -> 1 ;\n}' assert_true(output == tree) # Test with fade_nodes output = gp.export_graphviz(fade_nodes=[0, 1, 2, 3]) tree = 'digraph program {\n' \ 'node [style=filled]0 [label="mul", fillcolor="#cecece"] ;\n' \ '1 [label="div", fillcolor="#cecece"] ;\n' \ '2 [label="X8", fillcolor="#cecece"] ;\n' \ '3 [label="X1", fillcolor="#cecece"] ;\n' \ '1 -> 3 ;\n1 -> 2 ;\n' \ '4 [label="sub", fillcolor="#136ed4"] ;\n' \ '5 [label="X9", fillcolor="#60a6f6"] ;\n' \ '6 [label="0.500", fillcolor="#60a6f6"] ;\n' \ '4 -> 6 ;\n4 -> 5 ;\n0 -> 4 ;\n0 -> 1 ;\n}' assert_true(output == tree) # Test a degenerative single-node program test_gp = [1] gp = _Program(random_state=random_state, program=test_gp, **params) output = gp.export_graphviz() tree = 'digraph program {\n' \ 'node [style=filled]0 [label="X1", fillcolor="#60a6f6"] ;\n}' assert_true(output == tree)
def test_genetic_operations(): """Check all genetic operations are stable and don't change programs""" params = {'function_set': ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2'], 'arities': {2: ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2']}, 'init_depth': (2, 6), 'init_method': 'half and half', 'n_features': 10, 'const_range': (-1.0, 1.0), 'metric': 'mean absolute error', 'p_point_replace': 0.05, 'parsimony_coefficient': 0.1} random_state = check_random_state(415) # Test for a small program test_gp = ['mul2', 'div2', 8, 1, 'sub2', 9, .5] donor = ['add2', 0.1, 'sub2', 2, 7] gp = _Program(random_state=random_state, program=test_gp, **params) assert_equal(gp.reproduce(), ['mul2', 'div2', 8, 1, 'sub2', 9, 0.5]) assert_equal(gp.program, test_gp) assert_equal(gp.crossover(donor, random_state)[0], ['sub2', 2, 7]) assert_equal(gp.program, test_gp) assert_equal(gp.subtree_mutation(random_state)[0], ['mul2', 'div2', 8, 1, 'sub2', 'sub2', 3, 5, 'add2', 6, 3]) assert_equal(gp.program, test_gp) assert_equal(gp.hoist_mutation(random_state)[0], ['div2', 8, 1]) assert_equal(gp.program, test_gp) assert_equal(gp.point_mutation(random_state)[0], ['mul2', 'div2', 8, 1, 'sub2', 9, 0.5]) assert_equal(gp.program, test_gp)
def test_all_metrics(): """Check all supported metrics work""" params = {'function_set': ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2'], 'arities': {2: ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2']}, 'init_depth': (2, 6), 'init_method': 'half and half', 'n_features': 10, 'const_range': (-1.0, 1.0), 'metric': 'mean absolute error', 'p_point_replace': 0.05, 'parsimony_coefficient': 0.1} random_state = check_random_state(415) # Test for a small program test_gp = ['mul2', 'div2', 8, 1, 'sub2', 9, .5] gp = _Program(random_state=random_state, program=test_gp, **params) X = np.reshape(random_state.uniform(size=50), (5, 10)) y = random_state.uniform(size=5) sample_weight = np.ones(5) expected = [1.48719809776, 1.82389179833, 1.76013763179, 0.98663772258, -0.2928200724, -0.5] result = [] for m in ['mean absolute error', 'mse', 'rmse', 'rmsle', 'pearson', 'spearman']: gp.metric = m gp.raw_fitness_ = gp.raw_fitness(X, y, sample_weight) result.append( assert_array_almost_equal(result, expected) # And check a fake one gp.metric = 'the larch' assert_raises(ValueError, gp.raw_fitness, X, y, sample_weight)
def test_print_overloading(): """Check that printing a program object results in 'pretty' output""" params = {'function_set': ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2'], 'arities': {2: ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2']}, 'init_depth': (2, 6), 'init_method': 'half and half', 'n_features': 10, 'const_range': (-1.0, 1.0), 'metric': 'mean absolute error', 'p_point_replace': 0.05, 'parsimony_coefficient': 0.1} random_state = check_random_state(415) test_gp = ['mul2', 'div2', 8, 1, 'sub2', 9, .5] gp = _Program(random_state=random_state, program=test_gp, **params) orig_stdout = sys.stdout try: out = StringIO() sys.stdout = out print(gp) output = out.getvalue().strip() finally: sys.stdout = orig_stdout lisp = "mul(div(X8, X1), sub(X9, 0.500))" assert_true(output == lisp)
def test_validate_program(): """Check that valid programs are accepted & invalid ones raise error""" function_set = ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2', 'sqrt1', 'log1', 'abs1', 'max2', 'min2'] arities = {1: ['sqrt1', 'log1', 'abs1'], 2: ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2', 'max2', 'min2']} init_depth = (2, 6) init_method = 'half and half' n_features = 10 const_range = (-1.0, 1.0) metric = 'mean absolute error' p_point_replace = 0.05 parsimony_coefficient = 0.1 random_state = check_random_state(415) test_gp = ['sub2', 'abs1', 'sqrt1', 'log1', 'log1', 'sqrt1', 7, 'abs1', 'abs1', 'abs1', 'log1', 'sqrt1', 2] # This one should be fine _ = _Program(function_set, arities, init_depth, init_method, n_features, const_range, metric, p_point_replace, parsimony_coefficient, random_state, test_gp) # Now try a couple that shouldn't be assert_raises(ValueError, _Program, function_set, arities, init_depth, init_method, n_features, const_range, metric, p_point_replace, parsimony_coefficient, random_state, test_gp[:-1]) assert_raises(ValueError, _Program, function_set, arities, init_depth, init_method, n_features, const_range, metric, p_point_replace, parsimony_coefficient, random_state, test_gp + [1])
def test_program_init_method(): """'full' should create longer and deeper programs than other methods""" params = {'function_set': ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2', 'sqrt1', 'log1', 'abs1', 'max2', 'min2'], 'arities': {1: ['sqrt1', 'log1', 'abs1'], 2: ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2', 'max2', 'min2']}, 'init_depth': (2, 6), 'n_features': 10, 'const_range': (-1.0, 1.0), 'metric': 'mean absolute error', 'p_point_replace': 0.05, 'parsimony_coefficient': 0.1} random_state = check_random_state(415) programs = [] for i in range(20): programs.append(_Program(init_method='full', random_state=random_state, **params)) full_length = np.mean([gp.length_ for gp in programs]) full_depth = np.mean([gp.depth_ for gp in programs]) programs = [] for i in range(20): programs.append(_Program(init_method='half and half', random_state=random_state, **params)) hnh_length = np.mean([gp.length_ for gp in programs]) hnh_depth = np.mean([gp.depth_ for gp in programs]) programs = [] for i in range(20): programs.append(_Program(init_method='grow', random_state=random_state, **params)) grow_length = np.mean([gp.length_ for gp in programs]) grow_depth = np.mean([gp.depth_ for gp in programs]) assert_greater(full_length, hnh_length) assert_greater(hnh_length, grow_length) assert_greater(full_depth, hnh_depth) assert_greater(hnh_depth, grow_depth)
def test_execute(): """Check executing the program works""" params = {'function_set': ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2'], 'arities': {2: ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2']}, 'init_depth': (2, 6), 'init_method': 'half and half', 'n_features': 10, 'const_range': (-1.0, 1.0), 'metric': 'mean absolute error', 'p_point_replace': 0.05, 'parsimony_coefficient': 0.1} random_state = check_random_state(415) # Test for a small program test_gp = ['mul2', 'div2', 8, 1, 'sub2', 9, .5] X = np.reshape(random_state.uniform(size=50), (5, 10)) gp = _Program(random_state=random_state, program=test_gp, **params) result = gp.execute(X) expected = [-0.19656208, 0.78197782, -1.70123845, -0.60175969, -0.01082618] assert_array_almost_equal(result, expected)
def test_get_subtree(): """Check that get subtree does the same thing for self and new programs""" params = {'function_set': ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2'], 'arities': {2: ['add2', 'sub2', 'mul2', 'div2']}, 'init_depth': (2, 6), 'init_method': 'half and half', 'n_features': 10, 'const_range': (-1.0, 1.0), 'metric': 'mean absolute error', 'p_point_replace': 0.05, 'parsimony_coefficient': 0.1} random_state = check_random_state(415) # Test for a small program test_gp = ['mul2', 'div2', 8, 1, 'sub2', 9, .5] gp = _Program(random_state=random_state, program=test_gp, **params) self_test = gp.get_subtree(check_random_state(0)) external_test = gp.get_subtree(check_random_state(0), test_gp) assert_equal(self_test, external_test)