Example #1
def process_multicmds(multicmds, G):
    """Checks the validity of command parameters and creates instances of classes of parameters.

        multicmds (dict): Commands that can have multiple instances in the model.
        G (class): Grid class instance - holds essential parameters describing the model.

    # Check if coordinates are within the bounds of the grid
    def check_coordinates(x, y, z, name=''):
            G.within_bounds(x=x, y=y, z=z)
        except ValueError as err:
            s = "'{}: {} ' {} {}-coordinate is not within the model domain".format(cmdname, ' '.join(tmp), name, err.args[0])
            raise CmdInputError(s)

    # Waveform definitions
    cmdname = '#waveform'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 4:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly four parameters')
            if tmp[0].lower() not in Waveform.types:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' must have one of the following types {}'.format(','.join(Waveform.types)))
            if float(tmp[2]) <= 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires an excitation frequency value of greater than zero')
            if any(x.ID == tmp[3] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' with ID {} already exists'.format(tmp[3]))

            w = Waveform()
            w.ID = tmp[3]
            w.type = tmp[0].lower()
            w.amp = float(tmp[1])
            w.freq = float(tmp[2])

            if G.messages:
                print('Waveform {} of type {} with maximum amplitude scaling {:g}, frequency {:g}Hz created.'.format(w.ID, w.type, w.amp, w.freq))


    # Voltage source
    cmdname = '#voltage_source'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) < 6:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least six parameters')

            # Check polarity & position parameters
            polarisation = tmp[0].lower()
            if polarisation not in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' polarisation must be x, y, or z')
            xcoord = G.calculate_coord('x', tmp[1])
            ycoord = G.calculate_coord('y', tmp[2])
            zcoord = G.calculate_coord('z', tmp[3])
            resistance = float(tmp[4])
            check_coordinates(xcoord, ycoord, zcoord)
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness['xminus'] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness['xplus'] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness['yminus'] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness['yplus'] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness['zminus'] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness['zplus']:
                print(Fore.RED + "WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.' + Style.RESET_ALL)
            if resistance < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a source resistance of zero or greater')

            # Check if there is a waveformID in the waveforms list
            if not any(x.ID == tmp[5] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' there is no waveform with the identifier {}'.format(tmp[5]))

            v = VoltageSource()
            v.polarisation = polarisation
            v.xcoord = xcoord
            v.ycoord = ycoord
            v.zcoord = zcoord
            v.ID = v.__class__.__name__ + '(' + str(v.xcoord) + ',' + str(v.ycoord) + ',' + str(v.zcoord) + ')'
            v.resistance = resistance
            v.waveformID = tmp[5]

            if len(tmp) > 6:
                # Check source start & source remove time parameters
                start = float(tmp[6])
                stop = float(tmp[7])
                if start < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' delay of the initiation of the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time to remove the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop - start <= 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' duration of the source should not be zero or less')
                v.start = start
                if stop > G.timewindow:
                    v.stop = G.timewindow
                    v.stop = stop
                startstop = ' start time {:g} secs, finish time {:g} secs '.format(v.start, v.stop)
                v.start = 0
                v.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' '

            if G.messages:
                print('Voltage source with polarity {} at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, resistance {:.1f} Ohms,'.format(v.polarisation, v.xcoord * G.dx, v.ycoord * G.dy, v.zcoord * G.dz, v.resistance) + startstop + 'using waveform {} created.'.format(v.waveformID))


    # Hertzian dipole
    cmdname = '#hertzian_dipole'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) < 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least five parameters')

            # Check polarity & position parameters
            polarisation = tmp[0].lower()
            if polarisation not in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' polarisation must be x, y, or z')
            xcoord = G.calculate_coord('x', tmp[1])
            ycoord = G.calculate_coord('y', tmp[2])
            zcoord = G.calculate_coord('z', tmp[3])
            check_coordinates(xcoord, ycoord, zcoord)
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness['xminus'] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness['xplus'] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness['yminus'] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness['yplus'] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness['zminus'] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness['zplus']:
                print(Fore.RED + "WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.' + Style.RESET_ALL)

            # Check if there is a waveformID in the waveforms list
            if not any(x.ID == tmp[4] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' there is no waveform with the identifier {}'.format(tmp[4]))

            h = HertzianDipole()
            h.polarisation = polarisation

            # Set length of dipole to grid size in polaristion direction
            if h.polarisation == 'x':
                h.dl = G.dx
            elif h.polarisation == 'y':
                h.dl = G.dy
            elif h.polarisation == 'z':
                h.dl = G.dz

            h.xcoord = xcoord
            h.ycoord = ycoord
            h.zcoord = zcoord
            h.xcoordorigin = xcoord
            h.ycoordorigin = ycoord
            h.zcoordorigin = zcoord
            h.ID = h.__class__.__name__ + '(' + str(h.xcoord) + ',' + str(h.ycoord) + ',' + str(h.zcoord) + ')'
            h.waveformID = tmp[4]

            if len(tmp) > 5:
                # Check source start & source remove time parameters
                start = float(tmp[5])
                stop = float(tmp[6])
                if start < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' delay of the initiation of the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time to remove the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop - start <= 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' duration of the source should not be zero or less')
                h.start = start
                if stop > G.timewindow:
                    h.stop = G.timewindow
                    h.stop = stop
                startstop = ' start time {:g} secs, finish time {:g} secs '.format(h.start, h.stop)
                h.start = 0
                h.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' '

            if G.messages:
                if G.dimension == '2D':
                    print('Hertzian dipole is a line source in 2D with polarity {} at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m,'.format(h.polarisation, h.xcoord * G.dx, h.ycoord * G.dy, h.zcoord * G.dz) + startstop + 'using waveform {} created.'.format(h.waveformID))
                    print('Hertzian dipole with polarity {} at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m,'.format(h.polarisation, h.xcoord * G.dx, h.ycoord * G.dy, h.zcoord * G.dz) + startstop + 'using waveform {} created.'.format(h.waveformID))


    # Magnetic dipole
    cmdname = '#magnetic_dipole'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) < 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least five parameters')

            # Check polarity & position parameters
            polarisation = tmp[0].lower()
            if polarisation not in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' polarisation must be x, y, or z')
            xcoord = G.calculate_coord('x', tmp[1])
            ycoord = G.calculate_coord('y', tmp[2])
            zcoord = G.calculate_coord('z', tmp[3])
            check_coordinates(xcoord, ycoord, zcoord)
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness['xminus'] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness['xplus'] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness['yminus'] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness['yplus'] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness['zminus'] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness['zplus']:
                print(Fore.RED + "WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.' + Style.RESET_ALL)

            # Check if there is a waveformID in the waveforms list
            if not any(x.ID == tmp[4] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' there is no waveform with the identifier {}'.format(tmp[4]))

            m = MagneticDipole()
            m.polarisation = polarisation
            m.xcoord = xcoord
            m.ycoord = ycoord
            m.zcoord = zcoord
            m.xcoordorigin = xcoord
            m.ycoordorigin = ycoord
            m.zcoordorigin = zcoord
            m.ID = m.__class__.__name__ + '(' + str(m.xcoord) + ',' + str(m.ycoord) + ',' + str(m.zcoord) + ')'
            m.waveformID = tmp[4]

            if len(tmp) > 5:
                # Check source start & source remove time parameters
                start = float(tmp[5])
                stop = float(tmp[6])
                if start < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' delay of the initiation of the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time to remove the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop - start <= 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' duration of the source should not be zero or less')
                m.start = start
                if stop > G.timewindow:
                    m.stop = G.timewindow
                    m.stop = stop
                startstop = ' start time {:g} secs, finish time {:g} secs '.format(m.start, m.stop)
                m.start = 0
                m.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' '

            if G.messages:
                print('Magnetic dipole with polarity {} at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m,'.format(m.polarisation, m.xcoord * G.dx, m.ycoord * G.dy, m.zcoord * G.dz) + startstop + 'using waveform {} created.'.format(m.waveformID))


    # Transmission line
    cmdname = '#transmission_line'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) < 6:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least six parameters')

            # Check polarity & position parameters
            polarisation = tmp[0].lower()
            if polarisation not in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' polarisation must be x, y, or z')
            xcoord = G.calculate_coord('x', tmp[1])
            ycoord = G.calculate_coord('y', tmp[2])
            zcoord = G.calculate_coord('z', tmp[3])
            resistance = float(tmp[4])

            check_coordinates(xcoord, ycoord, zcoord)
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness['xminus'] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness['xplus'] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness['yminus'] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness['yplus'] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness['zminus'] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness['zplus']:
                print(Fore.RED + "WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.' + Style.RESET_ALL)
            if resistance <= 0 or resistance >= z0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a resistance greater than zero and less than the impedance of free space, i.e. 376.73 Ohms')

            # Check if there is a waveformID in the waveforms list
            if not any(x.ID == tmp[5] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' there is no waveform with the identifier {}'.format(tmp[4]))

            t = TransmissionLine(G)
            t.polarisation = polarisation
            t.xcoord = xcoord
            t.ycoord = ycoord
            t.zcoord = zcoord
            t.ID = t.__class__.__name__ + '(' + str(t.xcoord) + ',' + str(t.ycoord) + ',' + str(t.zcoord) + ')'
            t.resistance = resistance
            t.waveformID = tmp[5]

            if len(tmp) > 6:
                # Check source start & source remove time parameters
                start = float(tmp[6])
                stop = float(tmp[7])
                if start < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' delay of the initiation of the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time to remove the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop - start <= 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' duration of the source should not be zero or less')
                t.start = start
                if stop > G.timewindow:
                    t.stop = G.timewindow
                    t.stop = stop
                startstop = ' start time {:g} secs, finish time {:g} secs '.format(t.start, t.stop)
                t.start = 0
                t.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' '

            if G.messages:
                print('Transmission line with polarity {} at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, resistance {:.1f} Ohms,'.format(t.polarisation, t.xcoord * G.dx, t.ycoord * G.dy, t.zcoord * G.dz, t.resistance) + startstop + 'using waveform {} created.'.format(t.waveformID))


    # Receiver
    cmdname = '#rx'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 3 and len(tmp) < 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' has an incorrect number of parameters')

            # Check position parameters
            xcoord = round_value(float(tmp[0]) / G.dx)
            ycoord = round_value(float(tmp[1]) / G.dy)
            zcoord = round_value(float(tmp[2]) / G.dz)
            check_coordinates(xcoord, ycoord, zcoord)
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness['xminus'] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness['xplus'] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness['yminus'] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness['yplus'] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness['zminus'] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness['zplus']:
                print(Fore.RED + "WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.' + Style.RESET_ALL)

            r = Rx()
            r.xcoord = xcoord
            r.ycoord = ycoord
            r.zcoord = zcoord
            r.xcoordorigin = xcoord
            r.ycoordorigin = ycoord
            r.zcoordorigin = zcoord

            # If no ID or outputs are specified, use default i.e Ex, Ey, Ez, Hx, Hy, Hz, Ix, Iy, Iz
            if len(tmp) == 3:
                r.ID = r.__class__.__name__ + '(' + str(r.xcoord) + ',' + str(r.ycoord) + ',' + str(r.zcoord) + ')'
                for key in Rx.defaultoutputs:
                    r.outputs[key] = np.zeros(G.iterations, dtype=floattype)
                r.ID = tmp[3]
                # Check and add field output names
                for field in tmp[4::]:
                    if field in Rx.availableoutputs:
                        r.outputs[field] = np.zeros(G.iterations, dtype=floattype)
                        raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' contains an output type that is not available')

            if G.messages:
                print('Receiver at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m with output component(s) {} created.'.format(r.xcoord * G.dx, r.ycoord * G.dy, r.zcoord * G.dz, ', '.join(r.outputs)))


    # Receiver array
    cmdname = '#rx_array'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 9:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly nine parameters')

            xs = G.calculate_coord('x', tmp[0])
            ys = G.calculate_coord('y', tmp[1])
            zs = G.calculate_coord('z', tmp[2])

            xf = G.calculate_coord('x', tmp[3])
            yf = G.calculate_coord('y', tmp[4])
            zf = G.calculate_coord('z', tmp[5])

            dx = G.calculate_coord('x', tmp[6])
            dy = G.calculate_coord('y', tmp[7])
            dz = G.calculate_coord('z', tmp[8])

            check_coordinates(xs, ys, zs, name='lower')
            check_coordinates(xf, yf, zf, name='upper')

            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness['xminus'] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness['xplus'] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness['yminus'] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness['yplus'] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness['zminus'] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness['zplus']:
                print(Fore.RED + "WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.' + Style.RESET_ALL)
            if xs > xf or ys > yf or zs > zf:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower coordinates should be less than the upper coordinates')
            if dx < 0 or dy < 0 or dz < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than zero')
            if dx < G.dx:
                if dx == 0:
                    dx = 1
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than the spatial discretisation')
            if dy < G.dy:
                if dy == 0:
                    dy = 1
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than the spatial discretisation')
            if dz < G.dz:
                if dz == 0:
                    dz = 1
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than the spatial discretisation')

            if G.messages:
                print('Receiver array {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, to {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m with steps {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m'.format(xs * G.dx, ys * G.dy, zs * G.dz, xf * G.dx, yf * G.dy, zf * G.dz, dx * G.dx, dy * G.dy, dz * G.dz))

            for x in range(xs, xf + 1, dx):
                for y in range(ys, yf + 1, dy):
                    for z in range(zs, zf + 1, dz):
                        r = Rx()
                        r.xcoord = x
                        r.ycoord = y
                        r.zcoord = z
                        r.xcoordorigin = x
                        r.ycoordorigin = y
                        r.zcoordorigin = z
                        r.ID = r.__class__.__name__ + '(' + str(x) + ',' + str(y) + ',' + str(z) + ')'
                        for key in Rx.defaultoutputs:
                            r.outputs[key] = np.zeros(G.iterations, dtype=floattype)
                        if G.messages:
                            print('  Receiver at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m with output component(s) {} created.'.format(r.xcoord * G.dx, r.ycoord * G.dy, r.zcoord * G.dz, ', '.join(r.outputs)))

    # Snapshot
    cmdname = '#snapshot'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 11:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly eleven parameters')

            xs = G.calculate_coord('x', tmp[0])
            ys = G.calculate_coord('y', tmp[1])
            zs = G.calculate_coord('z', tmp[2])

            xf = G.calculate_coord('x', tmp[3])
            yf = G.calculate_coord('y', tmp[4])
            zf = G.calculate_coord('z', tmp[5])

            dx = G.calculate_coord('x', tmp[6])
            dy = G.calculate_coord('y', tmp[7])
            dz = G.calculate_coord('z', tmp[8])

            # If number of iterations given
                time = int(tmp[9])
            # If real floating point value given
                time = float(tmp[9])
                if time > 0:
                    time = round_value((time / G.dt)) + 1
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time value must be greater than zero')

            check_coordinates(xs, ys, zs, name='lower')
            check_coordinates(xf, yf, zf, name='upper')

            if xs >= xf or ys >= yf or zs >= zf:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower coordinates should be less than the upper coordinates')
            if dx < 0 or dy < 0 or dz < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than zero')
            if dx < G.dx or dy < G.dy or dz < G.dz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than the spatial discretisation')
            if time <= 0 or time > G.iterations:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time value is not valid')

            s = Snapshot(xs, ys, zs, xf, yf, zf, dx, dy, dz, time, tmp[10])

            if G.messages:
                print('Snapshot from {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, to {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, discretisation {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, at {:g} secs with filename {} created.'.format(xs * G.dx, ys * G.dy, zs * G.dz, xf * G.dx, yf * G.dy, zf * G.dz, dx * G.dx, dx * G.dy, dx * G.dz, s.time * G.dt, s.basefilename))


    # Materials
    cmdname = '#material'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly five parameters')
            if float(tmp[0]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for static (DC) permittivity')
            if tmp[1] != 'inf':
                se = float(tmp[1])
                if se < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for conductivity')
                se = float('inf')
            if float(tmp[2]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for permeability')
            if float(tmp[3]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for magnetic conductivity')
            if any(x.ID == tmp[4] for x in G.materials):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' with ID {} already exists'.format(tmp[4]))

            # Create a new instance of the Material class material (start index after pec & free_space)
            m = Material(len(G.materials), tmp[4])
            m.er = float(tmp[0])
            m.se = se
            m.mr = float(tmp[2])
            m.sm = float(tmp[3])

            # Set material averaging to False if infinite conductivity, i.e. pec
            if m.se == float('inf'):
                m.averagable = False

            if G.messages:
                tqdm.write('Material {} with epsr={:g}, sig={:g} S/m; mur={:g}, sig*={:g} S/m created.'.format(m.ID, m.er, m.se, m.mr, m.sm))

            # Append the new material object to the materials list

    cmdname = '#add_dispersion_debye'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()

            if len(tmp) < 4:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least four parameters')
            if int(tmp[0]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for number of poles')
            poles = int(tmp[0])
            materialsrequested = tmp[(2 * poles) + 1:len(tmp)]

            # Look up requested materials in existing list of material instances
            materials = [y for x in materialsrequested for y in G.materials if y.ID == x]

            if len(materials) != len(materialsrequested):
                notfound = [x for x in materialsrequested if x not in materials]
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' material(s) {} do not exist'.format(notfound))

            for material in materials:
                material.type = 'debye'
                material.poles = poles
                material.averagable = False
                for pole in range(1, 2 * poles, 2):
                    if float(tmp[pole]) > 0 and float(tmp[pole + 1]) > G.dt:
                        material.tau.append(float(tmp[pole + 1]))
                        raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires positive values for the permittivity difference and relaxation times, and relaxation times that are greater than the time step for the model.')
                if material.poles > Material.maxpoles:
                    Material.maxpoles = material.poles

                if G.messages:
                    tqdm.write('Debye disperion added to {} with delta_epsr={}, and tau={} secs created.'.format(material.ID, ', '.join('%4.2f' % deltaer for deltaer in material.deltaer), ', '.join('%4.3e' % tau for tau in material.tau)))

    cmdname = '#add_dispersion_lorentz'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()

            if len(tmp) < 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least five parameters')
            if int(tmp[0]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for number of poles')
            poles = int(tmp[0])
            materialsrequested = tmp[(3 * poles) + 1:len(tmp)]

            # Look up requested materials in existing list of material instances
            materials = [y for x in materialsrequested for y in G.materials if y.ID == x]

            if len(materials) != len(materialsrequested):
                notfound = [x for x in materialsrequested if x not in materials]
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' material(s) {} do not exist'.format(notfound))

            for material in materials:
                material.type = 'lorentz'
                material.poles = poles
                material.averagable = False
                for pole in range(1, 3 * poles, 3):
                    if float(tmp[pole]) > 0 and float(tmp[pole + 1]) > G.dt and float(tmp[pole + 2]) > G.dt:
                        material.tau.append(float(tmp[pole + 1]))
                        material.alpha.append(float(tmp[pole + 2]))
                        raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires positive values for the permittivity difference and frequencies, and associated times that are greater than the time step for the model.')
                if material.poles > Material.maxpoles:
                    Material.maxpoles = material.poles

                if G.messages:
                    tqdm.write('Lorentz disperion added to {} with delta_epsr={}, omega={} secs, and gamma={} created.'.format(material.ID, ', '.join('%4.2f' % deltaer for deltaer in material.deltaer), ', '.join('%4.3e' % tau for tau in material.tau), ', '.join('%4.3e' % alpha for alpha in material.alpha)))

    cmdname = '#add_dispersion_drude'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()

            if len(tmp) < 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least five parameters')
            if int(tmp[0]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for number of poles')
            poles = int(tmp[0])
            materialsrequested = tmp[(3 * poles) + 1:len(tmp)]

            # Look up requested materials in existing list of material instances
            materials = [y for x in materialsrequested for y in G.materials if y.ID == x]

            if len(materials) != len(materialsrequested):
                notfound = [x for x in materialsrequested if x not in materials]
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' material(s) {} do not exist'.format(notfound))

            for material in materials:
                material.type = 'drude'
                material.poles = poles
                material.averagable = False
                for pole in range(1, 2 * poles, 2):
                    if float(tmp[pole]) > 0 and float(tmp[pole + 1]) > G.dt:
                        material.alpha.append(float(tmp[pole + 1]))
                        raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires positive values for the frequencies, and associated times that are greater than the time step for the model.')
                if material.poles > Material.maxpoles:
                    Material.maxpoles = material.poles

                if G.messages:
                    tqdm.write('Drude disperion added to {} with omega={} secs, and gamma={} secs created.'.format(material.ID, ', '.join('%4.3e' % tau for tau in material.tau), ', '.join('%4.3e' % alpha for alpha in material.alpha)))

    cmdname = '#soil_peplinski'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 7:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at exactly seven parameters')
            if float(tmp[0]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the sand fraction')
            if float(tmp[1]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the clay fraction')
            if float(tmp[2]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the bulk density')
            if float(tmp[3]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the sand particle density')
            if float(tmp[4]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the lower limit of the water volumetric fraction')
            if float(tmp[5]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the upper limit of the water volumetric fraction')
            if any(x.ID == tmp[6] for x in G.mixingmodels):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' with ID {} already exists'.format(tmp[6]))

            # Create a new instance of the Material class material (start index after pec & free_space)
            s = PeplinskiSoil(tmp[6], float(tmp[0]), float(tmp[1]), float(tmp[2]), float(tmp[3]), (float(tmp[4]), float(tmp[5])))

            if G.messages:
                print('Mixing model (Peplinski) used to create {} with sand fraction {:g}, clay fraction {:g}, bulk density {:g}g/cm3, sand particle density {:g}g/cm3, and water volumetric fraction {:g} to {:g} created.'.format(s.ID, s.S, s.C, s.rb, s.rs, s.mu[0], s.mu[1]))

            # Append the new material object to the materials list

    # Geometry views (creates VTK-based geometry files)
    cmdname = '#geometry_view'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 11:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly eleven parameters')

            xs = G.calculate_coord('x', tmp[0])
            ys = G.calculate_coord('y', tmp[1])
            zs = G.calculate_coord('z', tmp[2])

            xf = G.calculate_coord('x', tmp[3])
            yf = G.calculate_coord('y', tmp[4])
            zf = G.calculate_coord('z', tmp[5])

            dx = G.calculate_coord('x', tmp[6])
            dy = G.calculate_coord('y', tmp[7])
            dz = G.calculate_coord('z', tmp[8])

            check_coordinates(xs, ys, zs, name='lower')
            check_coordinates(xf, yf, zf, name='upper')

            if xs >= xf or ys >= yf or zs >= zf:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower coordinates should be less than the upper coordinates')
            if dx < 0 or dy < 0 or dz < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than zero')
            if dx > G.nx or dy > G.ny or dz > G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should be less than the domain size')
            if dx < G.dx or dy < G.dy or dz < G.dz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than the spatial discretisation')
            if tmp[10].lower() != 'n' and tmp[10].lower() != 'f':
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires type to be either n (normal) or f (fine)')
            if tmp[10].lower() == 'f' and (dx * G.dx != G.dx or dy * G.dy != G.dy or dz * G.dz != G.dz):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires the spatial discretisation for the geometry view to be the same as the model for geometry view of type f (fine)')

            # Set type of geometry file
            if tmp[10].lower() == 'n':
                fileext = '.vti'
                fileext = '.vtp'

            g = GeometryView(xs, ys, zs, xf, yf, zf, dx, dy, dz, tmp[9], fileext)

            if G.messages:
                print('Geometry view from {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, to {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, discretisation {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, with filename base {} created.'.format(xs * G.dx, ys * G.dy, zs * G.dz, xf * G.dx, yf * G.dy, zf * G.dz, dx * G.dx, dy * G.dy, dz * G.dz, g.basefilename))

            # Append the new GeometryView object to the geometry views list

    # Geometry object(s) output
    cmdname = '#geometry_objects_write'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 7:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly seven parameters')

            xs = G.calculate_coord('x', tmp[0])
            ys = G.calculate_coord('y', tmp[1])
            zs = G.calculate_coord('z', tmp[2])

            xf = G.calculate_coord('x', tmp[3])
            yf = G.calculate_coord('y', tmp[4])
            zf = G.calculate_coord('z', tmp[5])

            check_coordinates(xs, ys, zs, name='lower')
            check_coordinates(xf, yf, zf, name='upper')

            if xs >= xf or ys >= yf or zs >= zf:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower coordinates should be less than the upper coordinates')

            g = GeometryObjects(xs, ys, zs, xf, yf, zf, tmp[6])

            if G.messages:
                print('Geometry objects in the volume from {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, to {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, will be written to {}, with materials written to {}'.format(xs * G.dx, ys * G.dy, zs * G.dz, xf * G.dx, yf * G.dy, zf * G.dz, g.filename, g.materialsfilename))

            # Append the new GeometryView object to the geometry objects to write list

    # Complex frequency shifted (CFS) PML parameter
    cmdname = '#pml_cfs'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        if len(multicmds[cmdname]) > 2:
            raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' can only be used up to two times, for up to a 2nd order PML')
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 12:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly twelve parameters')
            if tmp[0] not in CFSParameter.scalingprofiles.keys() or tmp[4] not in CFSParameter.scalingprofiles.keys() or tmp[8] not in CFSParameter.scalingprofiles.keys():
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' must have scaling type {}'.format(','.join(CFSParameter.scalingprofiles.keys())))
            if tmp[1] not in CFSParameter.scalingdirections or tmp[5] not in CFSParameter.scalingdirections or tmp[9] not in CFSParameter.scalingdirections:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' must have scaling type {}'.format(','.join(CFSParameter.scalingprofiles.keys())))
            if float(tmp[2]) < 0 or float(tmp[3]) < 0 or float(tmp[6]) < 0 or float(tmp[7]) < 0 or float(tmp[10]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' minimum and maximum scaling values must be greater than zero')
            if float(tmp[6]) < 1:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' minimum scaling value for kappa must be greater than or equal to one')

            cfsalpha = CFSParameter()
            cfsalpha.ID = 'alpha'
            cfsalpha.scalingprofile = tmp[0]
            cfsalpha.scalingdirection = tmp[1]
            cfsalpha.min = float(tmp[2])
            cfsalpha.max = float(tmp[3])
            cfskappa = CFSParameter()
            cfskappa.ID = 'kappa'
            cfskappa.scalingprofile = tmp[4]
            cfskappa.scalingdirection = tmp[5]
            cfskappa.min = float(tmp[6])
            cfskappa.max = float(tmp[7])
            cfssigma = CFSParameter()
            cfssigma.ID = 'sigma'
            cfssigma.scalingprofile = tmp[8]
            cfssigma.scalingdirection = tmp[9]
            cfssigma.min = float(tmp[10])
            if tmp[11] == 'None':
                cfssigma.max = None
                cfssigma.max = float(tmp[11])
            cfs = CFS()
            cfs.alpha = cfsalpha
            cfs.kappa = cfskappa
            cfs.sigma = cfssigma

            if G.messages:
                print('PML CFS parameters: alpha (scaling: {}, scaling direction: {}, min: {:g}, max: {:g}), kappa (scaling: {}, scaling direction: {}, min: {:g}, max: {:g}), sigma (scaling: {}, scaling direction: {}, min: {:g}, max: {}) created.'.format(cfsalpha.scalingprofile, cfsalpha.scalingdirection, cfsalpha.min, cfsalpha.max, cfskappa.scalingprofile, cfskappa.scalingdirection, cfskappa.min, cfskappa.max, cfssigma.scalingprofile, cfssigma.scalingdirection, cfssigma.min, cfssigma.max))

                        help='centre frequency of waveform')
    parser.add_argument('timewindow', help='time window to view waveform')
    parser.add_argument('dt', type=float, help='time step to view waveform')
                        help='plot FFT of waveform',
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Check waveform parameters
    if args.type.lower() not in Waveform.types:
        raise CmdInputError(
            'The waveform must have one of the following types {}'.format(
                ', '.join(Waveform.types)))
    if args.freq <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(
            'The waveform requires an excitation frequency value of greater than zero'

    # Create waveform instance
    w = Waveform()
    w.type = args.type
    w.amp = args.amp
    w.freq = args.freq

    timewindow, iterations = check_timewindow(args.timewindow, args.dt)
    plthandle = mpl_plot(w, timewindow, args.dt, iterations, args.fft)
Example #3
def hertzian_dipole_fs(iterations, dt, dxdydz, rx):
    """Analytical solution of a z-directed Hertzian dipole in free space with a Gaussian current waveform (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0021-9991(83)90103-1).
        iterations (int): Number of time steps.
        dt (float): Time step (seconds).
        dxdydz (float): Tuple of spatial resolution (metres).
        rx (float): Tuple of coordinates of receiver position relative to transmitter position (metres).
        fields (float): Array contain electric and magnetic field components.

    # Waveform
    w = Waveform()
    w.type = 'gaussiandot'
    w.amp = 1
    w.freq = 1e9
    # Waveform integral
    wint = Waveform()
    wint.type = 'gaussian'
    wint.amp = w.amp
    wint.freq = w.freq

    # Waveform first derivative
    wdot = Waveform()
    wdot.type = 'gaussiandotdot'
    wdot.amp = w.amp
    wdot.freq = w.freq

    # Time
    time = np.linspace(0, 1, iterations)
    time *= (iterations * dt)

    # Spatial resolution
    dx = dxdydz[0]
    dy = dxdydz[1]
    dz = dxdydz[2]
    # Length of Hertzian dipole
    dl = dz

    # Coordinates of Rx relative to Tx
    x = rx[0]
    y = rx[1]
    z = rx[2]
    if z == 0:
        sign_z = 1
        sign_z = np.sign(z)

    # Coordinates of Rx for Ex FDTD component
    Ex_x = x + 0.5 * dx
    Ex_y = y
    Ex_z = z - 0.5 * dz
    Er_x = np.sqrt((Ex_x**2 + Ex_y**2 + Ex_z**2))
    tau_Ex = Er_x / c

    # Coordinates of Rx for Ey FDTD component
    Ey_x = x
    Ey_y = y + 0.5 * dy
    Ey_z = z - 0.5 * dz
    Er_y = np.sqrt((Ey_x**2 + Ey_y**2 + Ey_z**2))
    tau_Ey = Er_y / c

    # Coordinates of Rx for Ez FDTD component
    Ez_x = x
    Ez_y = y
    Ez_z = z
    Er_z = np.sqrt((Ez_x**2 + Ez_y**2 + Ez_z**2))
    tau_Ez = Er_z / c

    # Coordinates of Rx for Hx FDTD component
    Hx_x = x
    Hx_y = y + 0.5 * dy
    Hx_z = z
    Hr_x = np.sqrt((Hx_x**2 + Hx_y**2 + Hx_z**2))
    tau_Hx = Hr_x / c

    # Coordinates of Rx for Hy FDTD component
    Hy_x = x + 0.5 * dx
    Hy_y = y
    Hy_z = z
    Hr_y = np.sqrt((Hy_x**2 + Hy_y**2 + Hy_z**2))
    tau_Hy = Hr_y / c

    # Coordinates of Rx for Hz FDTD component
    Hz_x = x + 0.5 * dx
    Hz_y = y + 0.5 * dy
    Hz_z = z - 0.5 * dz
    Hr_z = np.sqrt((Hz_x**2 + Hz_y**2 + Hz_z**2))
    tau_Hz = Hr_z / c

    # Initialise fields
    fields = np.zeros((iterations, 6))

    # Calculate fields
    for timestep in range(iterations):
        # Calculate values for waveform, I * dl (current multiplied by dipole length) to match gprMax behaviour
        fint_Ex = wint.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ex, dt) * dl
        f_Ex = w.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ex, dt) * dl
        fdot_Ex = wdot.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ex, dt) * dl
        fint_Ey = wint.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ey, dt) * dl
        f_Ey= w.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ey, dt) * dl
        fdot_Ey = wdot.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ey, dt) * dl
        fint_Ez = wint.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ez, dt) * dl
        f_Ez = w.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ez, dt) * dl
        fdot_Ez = wdot.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ez, dt) * dl
        fint_Hx = wint.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hx, dt) * dl
        f_Hx = w.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hx, dt) * dl
        fdot_Hx = wdot.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hx, dt) * dl
        fint_Hy = wint.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hy, dt) * dl
        f_Hy= w.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hy, dt) * dl
        fdot_Hy = wdot.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hy, dt) * dl
        fint_Hz = wint.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hz, dt) * dl
        f_Hz = w.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hz, dt) * dl
        fdot_Hz = wdot.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hz, dt) * dl
        # Ex
        fields[timestep, 0] = ((Ex_x * Ex_z) / (4 * np.pi * e0 * Er_x**5)) * (3 * (fint_Ex + (tau_Ex * f_Ex)) + (tau_Ex**2 * fdot_Ex))
        # Ey
            tmp = Ey_y / Ey_x
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            tmp = 0
        fields[timestep, 1] = tmp * ((Ey_x * Ey_z) / (4 * np.pi * e0 * Er_y**5)) * (3 * (fint_Ey + (tau_Ey * f_Ey)) + (tau_Ey**2 * fdot_Ey))

        # Ez
        fields[timestep, 2] = (1 / (4 * np.pi * e0 * Er_z**5)) * ((2 * Ez_z**2 - (Ez_x**2 + Ez_y**2)) * (fint_Ez + (tau_Ez * f_Ez)) - (Ez_x**2 + Ez_y**2) * tau_Ez**2 * fdot_Ez)

        # Hx
        fields[timestep, 3] = - (Hx_y / (4 * np.pi * Hr_x**3)) * (f_Hx + (tau_Hx * fdot_Hx))

        # Hy
            tmp = Hy_x / Hy_y
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            tmp = 0
        fields[timestep, 4] = - tmp * (- (Hy_y / (4 * np.pi * Hr_y**3)) * (f_Hy + (tau_Hy * fdot_Hy)))

        # Hz
        fields[timestep, 5] = 0

    return fields
Example #4
from gprMax.waveforms import Waveform

"""Plot waveforms that can be used for sources."""

# Parse command line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Plot waveforms that can be used for sources.', usage='cd gprMax; python -m tools.plot_waveform type amp freq timewindow dt')
parser.add_argument('type', help='type of waveform, e.g. gaussian, ricker etc...')
parser.add_argument('amp', type=float, help='amplitude of waveform')
parser.add_argument('freq', type=float, help='centre frequency of waveform')
parser.add_argument('timewindow', type=float, help='time window to view waveform')
parser.add_argument('dt', type=float, help='time step to view waveform')
args = parser.parse_args()

w = Waveform()
w.type = args.type
w.amp = args.amp
w.freq = args.freq
timewindow = args.timewindow
dt = args.dt

time = np.arange(0, timewindow, dt)
waveform = np.zeros(len(time))
timeiter = np.nditer(time, flags=['c_index'])

while not timeiter.finished:
    waveform[timeiter.index] = w.calculate_value(timeiter[0], dt)

# Calculate frequency spectra of waveform
def process_singlecmds(singlecmds, G):
    """Checks the validity of command parameters and creates instances of classes of parameters.

        singlecmds (dict): Commands that can only occur once in the model.
        G (class): Grid class instance - holds essential parameters describing the model.

    # Check validity of command parameters in order needed
    # messages
    cmd = '#messages'
    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter')
        if singlecmds[cmd].lower() == 'y':
            G.messages = True
        elif singlecmds[cmd].lower() == 'n':
            G.messages = False
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires input values of either y or n')

    # Title
    cmd = '#title'
    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        G.title = singlecmds[cmd]
        if G.messages:
            print('Model title: {}'.format(G.title))

    # Get information about host machine
    hostinfo = get_host_info()

    # Number of threads (OpenMP) to use
    cmd = '#num_threads'
    if sys.platform == 'darwin':
        os.environ['OMP_WAIT_POLICY'] = 'ACTIVE'  # Should waiting threads consume CPU power (can drastically effect performance)
    os.environ['OMP_DYNAMIC'] = 'FALSE'  # Number of threads may be adjusted by the run time environment to best utilize system resources
    os.environ['OMP_PLACES'] = 'cores'  # Each place corresponds to a single core (having one or more hardware threads)
    os.environ['OMP_PROC_BIND'] = 'TRUE'  # Bind threads to physical cores
    # os.environ['OMP_DISPLAY_ENV'] = 'TRUE' # Prints OMP version and environment variables (useful for debug)

    # Catch bug with Windows Subsystem for Linux (https://github.com/Microsoft/BashOnWindows/issues/785)
    if 'Microsoft' in G.hostinfo['osversion']:
        os.environ['KMP_AFFINITY'] = 'disabled'
        del os.environ['OMP_PLACES']
        del os.environ['OMP_PROC_BIND']

    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        tmp = tuple(int(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split())
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter to specify the number of threads to use')
        if tmp[0] < 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires the value to be an integer not less than one')
        G.nthreads = tmp[0]
        os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(G.nthreads)
    elif os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS'):
        G.nthreads = int(os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS'))
        # Set number of threads to number of physical CPU cores
        G.nthreads = hostinfo['physicalcores']
        os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(G.nthreads)

    if G.messages:
        print('Number of CPU (OpenMP) threads: {}'.format(G.nthreads))
    if G.nthreads > G.hostinfo['physicalcores']:
        print(Fore.RED + 'WARNING: You have specified more threads ({}) than available physical CPU cores ({}). This may lead to degraded performance.'.format(G.nthreads, hostinfo['physicalcores']) + Style.RESET_ALL)

    # Print information about any GPU in use
    if G.messages:
        if G.gpu is not None:
            print('GPU solving using: {} - {}'.format(G.gpu.deviceID, G.gpu.name))

    # Spatial discretisation
    cmd = '#dx_dy_dz'
    tmp = [float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split()]
    if len(tmp) != 3:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
    if tmp[0] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires the x-direction spatial step to be greater than zero')
    if tmp[1] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires the y-direction spatial step to be greater than zero')
    if tmp[2] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires the z-direction spatial step to be greater than zero')
    G.dx = tmp[0]
    G.dy = tmp[1]
    G.dz = tmp[2]
    if G.messages:
        print('Spatial discretisation: {:g} x {:g} x {:g}m'.format(G.dx, G.dy, G.dz))

    # Domain
    cmd = '#domain'
    tmp = [float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split()]
    if len(tmp) != 3:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
    G.nx = round_value(tmp[0] / G.dx)
    G.ny = round_value(tmp[1] / G.dy)
    G.nz = round_value(tmp[2] / G.dz)
    if G.nx == 0 or G.ny == 0 or G.nz == 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires at least one cell in every dimension')
    if G.messages:
        print('Domain size: {:g} x {:g} x {:g}m ({:d} x {:d} x {:d} = {:g} cells)'.format(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], G.nx, G.ny, G.nz, (G.nx * G.ny * G.nz)))

    # Time step CFL limit (either 2D or 3D); switch off appropriate PMLs for 2D
    if G.nx == 1:
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dy) * (1 / G.dy) + (1 / G.dz) * (1 / G.dz)))
        G.mode = '2D TMx'
        G.pmlthickness['x0'] = 0
        G.pmlthickness['xmax'] = 0
    elif G.ny == 1:
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dz) * (1 / G.dz)))
        G.mode = '2D TMy'
        G.pmlthickness['y0'] = 0
        G.pmlthickness['ymax'] = 0
    elif G.nz == 1:
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dy) * (1 / G.dy)))
        G.mode = '2D TMz'
        G.pmlthickness['z0'] = 0
        G.pmlthickness['zmax'] = 0
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dy) * (1 / G.dy) + (1 / G.dz) * (1 / G.dz)))
        G.mode = '3D'

    # Round down time step to nearest float with precision one less than hardware maximum.
    # Avoids inadvertently exceeding the CFL due to binary representation of floating point number.
    G.dt = round_value(G.dt, decimalplaces=d.getcontext().prec - 1)

    if G.messages:
        print('Mode: {}'.format(G.mode))
        print('Time step (at CFL limit): {:g} secs'.format(G.dt))

    # Time step stability factor
    cmd = '#time_step_stability_factor'
    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        tmp = tuple(float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split())
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter')
        if tmp[0] <= 0 or tmp[0] > 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires the value of the time step stability factor to be between zero and one')
        G.dt = G.dt * tmp[0]
        if G.messages:
            print('Time step (modified): {:g} secs'.format(G.dt))

    # Time window
    cmd = '#time_window'
    tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
    if len(tmp) != 1:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter to specify the time window. Either in seconds or number of iterations.')
    tmp = tmp[0].lower()

    # If number of iterations given
    # The +/- 1 used in calculating the number of iterations is to account for
    # the fact that the solver (iterations) loop runs from 0 to < G.iterations
        tmp = int(tmp)
        G.timewindow = (tmp - 1) * G.dt
        G.iterations = tmp
    # If real floating point value given
    except ValueError:
        tmp = float(tmp)
        if tmp > 0:
            G.timewindow = tmp
            G.iterations = int(np.ceil(tmp / G.dt)) + 1
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' must have a value greater than zero')
    if G.messages:
        print('Time window: {:g} secs ({} iterations)'.format(G.timewindow, G.iterations))

    # PML cells
    cmd = '#pml_cells'
    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1 and len(tmp) != 6:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires either one or six parameter(s)')
        if len(tmp) == 1:
            for key in G.pmlthickness.keys():
                G.pmlthickness[key] = int(tmp[0])
            G.pmlthickness['x0'] = int(tmp[0])
            G.pmlthickness['y0'] = int(tmp[1])
            G.pmlthickness['z0'] = int(tmp[2])
            G.pmlthickness['xmax'] = int(tmp[3])
            G.pmlthickness['ymax'] = int(tmp[4])
            G.pmlthickness['zmax'] = int(tmp[5])
    if 2 * G.pmlthickness['x0'] >= G.nx or 2 * G.pmlthickness['y0'] >= G.ny or 2 * G.pmlthickness['z0'] >= G.nz or 2 * G.pmlthickness['xmax'] >= G.nx or 2 * G.pmlthickness['ymax'] >= G.ny or 2 * G.pmlthickness['zmax'] >= G.nz:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' has too many cells for the domain size')

    # PML formulation
    cmd = '#pml_formulation'
    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter')
        if singlecmds[cmd].upper() in PML.formulations:
            G.pmlformulation = singlecmds[cmd].upper()
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' PML formulation is not found')

    # src_steps
    cmd = '#src_steps'
    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 3:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
        G.srcsteps[0] = round_value(float(tmp[0]) / G.dx)
        G.srcsteps[1] = round_value(float(tmp[1]) / G.dy)
        G.srcsteps[2] = round_value(float(tmp[2]) / G.dz)
        if G.messages:
            print('Simple sources will step {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m for each model run.'.format(G.srcsteps[0] * G.dx, G.srcsteps[1] * G.dy, G.srcsteps[2] * G.dz))

    # rx_steps
    cmd = '#rx_steps'
    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 3:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
        G.rxsteps[0] = round_value(float(tmp[0]) / G.dx)
        G.rxsteps[1] = round_value(float(tmp[1]) / G.dy)
        G.rxsteps[2] = round_value(float(tmp[2]) / G.dz)
        if G.messages:
            print('All receivers will step {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m for each model run.'.format(G.rxsteps[0] * G.dx, G.rxsteps[1] * G.dy, G.rxsteps[2] * G.dz))

    # Excitation file for user-defined source waveforms
    cmd = '#excitation_file'
    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1 and len(tmp) != 3:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires either one or three parameter(s)')
        excitationfile = tmp[0]

        # Optional parameters passed directly to scipy.interpolate.interp1d
        kwargs = dict()
        if len(tmp) > 1:
            kwargs['kind'] = tmp[1]
            kwargs['fill_value'] = tmp[2]
            args, varargs, keywords, defaults = inspect.getargspec(interpolate.interp1d)
            kwargs = dict(zip(reversed(args), reversed(defaults)))

        # See if file exists at specified path and if not try input file directory
        if not os.path.isfile(excitationfile):
            excitationfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(G.inputdirectory, excitationfile))

        if G.messages:
            print('\nExcitation file: {}'.format(excitationfile))

        # Get waveform names
        with open(excitationfile, 'r') as f:
            waveformIDs = f.readline().split()

        # Read all waveform values into an array
        waveformvalues = np.loadtxt(excitationfile, skiprows=1, dtype=floattype)

        # Time array (if specified) for interpolation, otherwise use simulation time
        if waveformIDs[0].lower() == 'time':
            waveformIDs = waveformIDs[1:]
            waveformtime = waveformvalues[:, 0]
            waveformvalues = waveformvalues[:, 1:]
            timestr = 'user-defined time array'
            waveformtime = np.arange(0, G.timewindow + G.dt, G.dt)
            timestr = 'simulation time array'

        for waveform in range(len(waveformIDs)):
            if any(x.ID == waveformIDs[waveform] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError('Waveform with ID {} already exists'.format(waveformIDs[waveform]))
            w = Waveform()
            w.ID = waveformIDs[waveform]
            w.type = 'user'

            # Select correct column of waveform values depending on array shape
            singlewaveformvalues = waveformvalues[:] if len(waveformvalues.shape) == 1 else waveformvalues[:, waveform]

            # Truncate waveform array if it is longer than time array
            if len(singlewaveformvalues) > len(waveformtime):
                singlewaveformvalues = singlewaveformvalues[:len(waveformtime)]
            # Zero-pad end of waveform array if it is shorter than time array
            elif len(singlewaveformvalues) < len(waveformtime):
                tmp = np.zeros(len(waveformtime))
                tmp[:len(singlewaveformvalues)] = singlewaveformvalues
                singlewaveformvalues = tmp

            # Interpolate waveform values
            w.userfunc = interpolate.interp1d(waveformtime, singlewaveformvalues, **kwargs)

            if G.messages:
                print('User waveform {} created using {} and, if required, interpolation parameters (kind: {}, fill value: {}).'.format(w.ID, timestr, kwargs['kind'], kwargs['fill_value']))


    # Set the output directory
    cmd = '#output_dir'
    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        outputdir = singlecmds[cmd]
        G.outputdirectory = outputdir
Example #6
def process_singlecmds(singlecmds, G):
    """Checks the validity of command parameters and creates instances of classes of parameters.

        singlecmds (dict): Commands that can only occur once in the model.
        G (class): Grid class instance - holds essential parameters describing the model.

    # Check validity of command parameters in order needed
    # messages
    cmd = '#messages'
    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter')
        if singlecmds[cmd].lower() == 'y':
            G.messages = True
        elif singlecmds[cmd].lower() == 'n':
            G.messages = False
            raise CmdInputError(cmd +
                                ' requires input values of either y or n')

    # Title
    cmd = '#title'
    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        G.title = singlecmds[cmd]
        if G.messages:
            print('Model title: {}'.format(G.title))

    # Get information about host machine
    hostinfo = get_host_info()

    # Number of threads (OpenMP) to use
    cmd = '#num_threads'
    if sys.platform == 'darwin':
            'OMP_WAIT_POLICY'] = 'ACTIVE'  # Should waiting threads consume CPU power (can drastically effect performance)
        'OMP_DYNAMIC'] = 'FALSE'  # Number of threads may be adjusted by the run time environment to best utilize system resources
        'OMP_PLACES'] = 'cores'  # Each place corresponds to a single core (having one or more hardware threads)
    os.environ['OMP_PROC_BIND'] = 'TRUE'  # Bind threads to physical cores
    # os.environ['OMP_DISPLAY_ENV'] = 'TRUE' # Prints OMP version and environment variables (useful for debug)

    # Catch bug with Windows Subsystem for Linux (https://github.com/Microsoft/BashOnWindows/issues/785)
    if 'Microsoft' in hostinfo['osversion']:
        os.environ['KMP_AFFINITY'] = 'disabled'
        del os.environ['OMP_PLACES']
        del os.environ['OMP_PROC_BIND']

    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        tmp = tuple(int(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split())
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(
                cmd +
                ' requires exactly one parameter to specify the number of threads to use'
        if tmp[0] < 1:
            raise CmdInputError(
                cmd + ' requires the value to be an integer not less than one')
        G.nthreads = tmp[0]
        os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(G.nthreads)
    elif os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS'):
        G.nthreads = int(os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS'))
        # Set number of threads to number of physical CPU cores
        G.nthreads = hostinfo['physicalcores']
        os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(G.nthreads)

    if G.messages:
        print('Number of CPU (OpenMP) threads: {}'.format(G.nthreads))
    if G.nthreads > hostinfo['physicalcores']:
            Fore.RED +
            'WARNING: You have specified more threads ({}) than available physical CPU cores ({}). This may lead to degraded performance.'
            .format(G.nthreads, hostinfo['physicalcores']) + Style.RESET_ALL)

    # Spatial discretisation
    cmd = '#dx_dy_dz'
    tmp = [float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split()]
    if len(tmp) != 3:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
    if tmp[0] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(
            cmd +
            ' requires the x-direction spatial step to be greater than zero')
    if tmp[1] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(
            cmd +
            ' requires the y-direction spatial step to be greater than zero')
    if tmp[2] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(
            cmd +
            ' requires the z-direction spatial step to be greater than zero')
    G.dx = tmp[0]
    G.dy = tmp[1]
    G.dz = tmp[2]
    if G.messages:
        print('Spatial discretisation: {:g} x {:g} x {:g}m'.format(
            G.dx, G.dy, G.dz))

    # Domain
    cmd = '#domain'
    tmp = [float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split()]
    if len(tmp) != 3:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
    G.nx = round_value(tmp[0] / G.dx)
    G.ny = round_value(tmp[1] / G.dy)
    G.nz = round_value(tmp[2] / G.dz)
    if G.nx == 0 or G.ny == 0 or G.nz == 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd +
                            ' requires at least one cell in every dimension')
    if G.messages:
            'Domain size: {:g} x {:g} x {:g}m ({:d} x {:d} x {:d} = {:g} cells)'
            .format(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], G.nx, G.ny, G.nz,
                    (G.nx * G.ny * G.nz)))

    # Estimate memory (RAM) usage
    memestimate = memory_usage(G)
    # Check if model can be built and/or run on host
    if memestimate > hostinfo['ram']:
        raise GeneralError(
            'Estimated memory (RAM) required ~{} exceeds {} detected!\n'.
                   human_size(hostinfo['ram'], a_kilobyte_is_1024_bytes=True)))
    if G.messages:
        print('Estimated memory (RAM) required: ~{}'.format(

    # Time step CFL limit (use either 2D or 3D) and default PML thickness
    if G.nx == 1:
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dy) * (1 / G.dy) + (1 / G.dz) *
                                (1 / G.dz)))
        G.dimension = '2D'
        G.pmlthickness['x0'] = 0
        G.pmlthickness['xmax'] = 0
    elif G.ny == 1:
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dz) *
                                (1 / G.dz)))
        G.dimension = '2D'
        G.pmlthickness['y0'] = 0
        G.pmlthickness['ymax'] = 0
    elif G.nz == 1:
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dy) *
                                (1 / G.dy)))
        G.dimension = '2D'
        G.pmlthickness['z0'] = 0
        G.pmlthickness['zmax'] = 0
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dy) *
                                (1 / G.dy) + (1 / G.dz) * (1 / G.dz)))
        G.dimension = '3D'

    # Round down time step to nearest float with precision one less than hardware maximum. Avoids inadvertently exceeding the CFL due to binary representation of floating point number.
    G.dt = round_value(G.dt, decimalplaces=d.getcontext().prec - 1)

    if G.messages:
        print('Time step (at {} CFL limit): {:g} secs'.format(
            G.dimension, G.dt))

    # Time step stability factor
    cmd = '#time_step_stability_factor'
    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        tmp = tuple(float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split())
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter')
        if tmp[0] <= 0 or tmp[0] > 1:
            raise CmdInputError(
                cmd +
                ' requires the value of the time step stability factor to be between zero and one'
        G.dt = G.dt * tmp[0]
        if G.messages:
            print('Time step (modified): {:g} secs'.format(G.dt))

    # Time window
    cmd = '#time_window'
    tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
    if len(tmp) != 1:
        raise CmdInputError(
            cmd +
            ' requires exactly one parameter to specify the time window. Either in seconds or number of iterations.'
    tmp = tmp[0].lower()

    # If number of iterations given
        tmp = int(tmp)
        G.timewindow = (tmp - 1) * G.dt
        G.iterations = tmp
    # If real floating point value given
        tmp = float(tmp)
        if tmp > 0:
            G.timewindow = tmp
            G.iterations = round_value((tmp / G.dt)) + 1
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' must have a value greater than zero')
    if G.messages:
        print('Time window: {:g} secs ({} iterations)'.format(
            G.timewindow, G.iterations))

    # PML
    cmd = '#pml_cells'
    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1 and len(tmp) != 6:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires either one or six parameters')
        if len(tmp) == 1:
            for key in G.pmlthickness.keys():
                G.pmlthickness[key] = int(tmp[0])
            G.pmlthickness['x0'] = int(tmp[0])
            G.pmlthickness['y0'] = int(tmp[1])
            G.pmlthickness['z0'] = int(tmp[2])
            G.pmlthickness['xmax'] = int(tmp[3])
            G.pmlthickness['ymax'] = int(tmp[4])
            G.pmlthickness['zmax'] = int(tmp[5])
    if 2 * G.pmlthickness['x0'] >= G.nx or 2 * G.pmlthickness[
            'y0'] >= G.ny or 2 * G.pmlthickness[
                'z0'] >= G.nz or 2 * G.pmlthickness[
                    'xmax'] >= G.nx or 2 * G.pmlthickness[
                        'ymax'] >= G.ny or 2 * G.pmlthickness['zmax'] >= G.nz:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' has too many cells for the domain size')

    # src_steps
    cmd = '#src_steps'
    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 3:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
        G.srcsteps[0] = round_value(float(tmp[0]) / G.dx)
        G.srcsteps[1] = round_value(float(tmp[1]) / G.dy)
        G.srcsteps[2] = round_value(float(tmp[2]) / G.dz)
        if G.messages:
                'Simple sources will step {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m for each model run.'
                .format(G.srcsteps[0] * G.dx, G.srcsteps[1] * G.dy,
                        G.srcsteps[2] * G.dz))

    # rx_steps
    cmd = '#rx_steps'
    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 3:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
        G.rxsteps[0] = round_value(float(tmp[0]) / G.dx)
        G.rxsteps[1] = round_value(float(tmp[1]) / G.dy)
        G.rxsteps[2] = round_value(float(tmp[2]) / G.dz)
        if G.messages:
                'All receivers will step {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m for each model run.'
                .format(G.rxsteps[0] * G.dx, G.rxsteps[1] * G.dy,
                        G.rxsteps[2] * G.dz))

    # Excitation file for user-defined source waveforms
    cmd = '#excitation_file'
    if singlecmds[cmd] is not None:
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter')
        excitationfile = tmp[0]

        # See if file exists at specified path and if not try input file directory
        if not os.path.isfile(excitationfile):
            excitationfile = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.join(G.inputdirectory, excitationfile))

        # Get waveform names
        with open(excitationfile, 'r') as f:
            waveformIDs = f.readline().split()

        # Read all waveform values into an array
        waveformvalues = np.loadtxt(excitationfile,

        for waveform in range(len(waveformIDs)):
            if any(x.ID == waveformIDs[waveform] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError(
                    'Waveform with ID {} already exists'.format(
            w = Waveform()
            w.ID = waveformIDs[waveform]
            w.type = 'user'
            if len(waveformvalues.shape) == 1:
                w.uservalues = waveformvalues[:]
                w.uservalues = waveformvalues[:, waveform]

            if G.messages:
                print('User waveform {} created.'.format(w.ID))

Example #7

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Parse command line arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Plot built-in waveforms that can be used for sources.', usage='cd gprMax; python -m tools.plot_source_wave type amp freq timewindow dt')
    parser.add_argument('type', help='type of waveform', choices=Waveform.types)
    parser.add_argument('amp', type=float, help='amplitude of waveform')
    parser.add_argument('freq', type=float, help='centre frequency of waveform')
    parser.add_argument('timewindow', help='time window to view waveform')
    parser.add_argument('dt', type=float, help='time step to view waveform')
    parser.add_argument('-fft', action='store_true', help='plot FFT of waveform', default=False)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Check waveform parameters
    if args.type.lower() not in Waveform.types:
        raise CmdInputError('The waveform must have one of the following types {}'.format(', '.join(Waveform.types)))
    if args.freq <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError('The waveform requires an excitation frequency value of greater than zero')

    # Create waveform instance
    w = Waveform()
    w.type = args.type
    w.amp = args.amp
    w.freq = args.freq

    timewindow, iterations = check_timewindow(args.timewindow, args.dt)
    plt = mpl_plot(w, timewindow, args.dt, iterations, args.fft)

def process_singlecmds(singlecmds, G):
    """Checks the validity of command parameters and creates instances of classes of parameters.
        singlecmds (dict): Commands that can only occur once in the model.
        G (class): Grid class instance - holds essential parameters describing the model.
    # Check validity of command parameters in order needed
    # messages
    cmd = '#messages'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter')
        if singlecmds[cmd].lower() == 'y':
            G.messages = True
        elif singlecmds[cmd].lower() == 'n':
            G.messages = False
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires input values of either y or n')

    # Title
    cmd = '#title'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        G.title = singlecmds[cmd]
        if G.messages:
            print('Model title: {}'.format(G.title))

    # Number of processors to run on (OpenMP)
    cmd = '#num_threads'
    os.environ['OMP_WAIT_POLICY'] = 'active'
    os.environ['OMP_DYNAMIC'] = 'false'
    os.environ['OMP_PROC_BIND'] = 'true'

    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = tuple(int(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split())
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter to specify the number of threads to use')
        if tmp[0] < 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires the value to be an integer not less than one')
        G.nthreads = tmp[0]
        os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(G.nthreads)
    elif os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS'):
        G.nthreads = int(os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS'))
        # Set number of threads to number of physical CPU cores, i.e. avoid hyperthreading with OpenMP
        G.nthreads = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)
        os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(G.nthreads)

    if G.messages:
        print('Number of threads: {}'.format(G.nthreads))
    if G.nthreads > psutil.cpu_count(logical=False):
        print('\nWARNING: You have specified more threads ({}) than available physical CPU cores ({}). This may lead to degraded performance.'.format(G.nthreads, psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)))

    # Spatial discretisation
    cmd = '#dx_dy_dz'
    tmp = [float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split()]
    if len(tmp) != 3:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
    if tmp[0] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires the x-direction spatial step to be greater than zero')
    if tmp[1] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires the y-direction spatial step to be greater than zero')
    if tmp[2] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires the z-direction spatial step to be greater than zero')
    G.dx = tmp[0]
    G.dy = tmp[1]
    G.dz = tmp[2]
    if G.messages:
        print('Spatial discretisation: {:g} x {:g} x {:g}m'.format(G.dx, G.dy, G.dz))

    # Domain
    cmd = '#domain'
    tmp = [float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split()]
    if len(tmp) != 3:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
    G.nx = round_value(tmp[0]/G.dx)
    G.ny = round_value(tmp[1]/G.dy)
    G.nz = round_value(tmp[2]/G.dz)
    if G.nx == 0 or G.ny == 0 or G.nz == 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires at least one cell in every dimension')
    if G.messages:
        print('Domain size: {:g} x {:g} x {:g}m ({:d} x {:d} x {:d} = {:g} cells)'.format(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], G.nx, G.ny, G.nz, (G.nx * G.ny * G.nz)))
        # Guesstimate at memory usage
        mem = (((G.nx + 1) * (G.ny + 1) * (G.nz + 1) * 13 * np.dtype(floattype).itemsize + (G.nx + 1) * (G.ny + 1) * (G.nz + 1) * 18) * 1.1) + 30e6
        print('Memory (RAM) usage: ~{} required, {} available'.format(human_size(mem), human_size(psutil.virtual_memory().total)))

    # Time step CFL limit (use either 2D or 3D) and default PML thickness
    if G.nx == 1:
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dy) * (1 / G.dy) + (1 / G.dz) * (1 / G.dz)))
        G.dtlimit = '2D'
        G.pmlthickness = (0, G.pmlthickness, G.pmlthickness, 0, G.pmlthickness, G.pmlthickness)
    elif G.ny == 1:
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dz) * (1 / G.dz)))
        G.dtlimit = '2D'
        G.pmlthickness = (G.pmlthickness, 0, G.pmlthickness, G.pmlthickness, 0, G.pmlthickness)
    elif G.nz == 1:
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dy) * (1 / G.dy)))
        G.dtlimit = '2D'
        G.pmlthickness = (G.pmlthickness, G.pmlthickness, 0, G.pmlthickness, G.pmlthickness, 0)
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dy) * (1 / G.dy) + (1 / G.dz) * (1 / G.dz)))
        G.dtlimit = '3D'
        G.pmlthickness = (G.pmlthickness, G.pmlthickness, G.pmlthickness, G.pmlthickness, G.pmlthickness, G.pmlthickness)

    # Round down time step to nearest float with precision one less than hardware maximum. Avoids inadvertently exceeding the CFL due to binary representation of floating point number.
    G.dt = round_value(G.dt, decimalplaces=d.getcontext().prec - 1)

    if G.messages:
        print('Time step (at {} CFL limit): {:g} secs'.format(G.dtlimit, G.dt))

    # Time step stability factor
    cmd = '#time_step_stability_factor'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = tuple(float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split())
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter')
        if tmp[0] <= 0 or tmp[0] > 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires the value of the time step stability factor to be between zero and one')
        G.dt = G.dt * tmp[0]
        if G.messages:
            print('Time step (modified): {:g} secs'.format(G.dt))

    # Time window
    cmd = '#time_window'
    tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
    if len(tmp) != 1:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter to specify the time window. Either in seconds or number of iterations.')
    tmp = tmp[0].lower()

    # If number of iterations given
        tmp = int(tmp)
        G.timewindow = (tmp - 1) * G.dt
        G.iterations = tmp
    # If real floating point value given
        tmp = float(tmp)
        if tmp > 0:
            G.timewindow = tmp
            G.iterations = round_value((tmp / G.dt)) + 1
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' must have a value greater than zero')
    if G.messages:
        print('Time window: {:g} secs ({} iterations)'.format(G.timewindow, G.iterations))

    # PML
    cmd = '#pml_cells'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1 and len(tmp) != 6:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires either one or six parameters')
        if len(tmp) == 1:
            G.pmlthickness = (int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[0]))
            G.pmlthickness = (int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[1]), int(tmp[2]), int(tmp[3]), int(tmp[4]), int(tmp[5]))
    if 2*G.pmlthickness[0] >= G.nx or 2*G.pmlthickness[1] >= G.ny or 2*G.pmlthickness[2] >= G.nz or 2*G.pmlthickness[3] >= G.nx or 2*G.pmlthickness[4] >= G.ny or 2*G.pmlthickness[5] >= G.nz:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' has too many cells for the domain size')

    # src_steps
    cmd = '#src_steps'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 3:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
        G.srcstepx = round_value(float(tmp[0])/G.dx)
        G.srcstepy = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dy)
        G.srcstepz = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dz)
        if G.messages:
            print('Simple sources will step {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m for each model run.'.format(G.srcstepx * G.dx, G.srcstepy * G.dy, G.srcstepz * G.dz))

    # rx_steps
    cmd = '#rx_steps'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 3:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
        G.rxstepx = round_value(float(tmp[0])/G.dx)
        G.rxstepy = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dy)
        G.rxstepz = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dz)
        if G.messages:
            print('All receivers will step {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m for each model run.'.format(G.rxstepx * G.dx, G.rxstepy * G.dy, G.rxstepz * G.dz))

    # Excitation file for user-defined source waveforms
    cmd = '#excitation_file'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter')
        excitationfile = tmp[0]

        # See if file exists at specified path and if not try input file directory
        if not os.path.isfile(excitationfile):
            excitationfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(G.inputdirectory, excitationfile))

        # Get waveform names
        with open(excitationfile, 'r') as f:
            waveformIDs = f.readline().split()
        # Read all waveform values into an array
        waveformvalues = np.loadtxt(excitationfile, skiprows=1, dtype=floattype)

        for waveform in range(len(waveformIDs)):
            if any(x.ID == waveformIDs[waveform] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError('Waveform with ID {} already exists'.format(waveformIDs[waveform]))
            w = Waveform()
            w.ID = waveformIDs[waveform]
            w.type = 'user'
            if len(waveformvalues.shape) == 1:
                w.uservalues = waveformvalues[:]
                w.uservalues = waveformvalues[:,waveform]
            if G.messages:
                print('User waveform {} created.'.format(w.ID))

Example #9
def process_multicmds(multicmds, G):
    """Checks the validity of command parameters and creates instances of classes of parameters.
        multicmds (dict): Commands that can have multiple instances in the model.
        G (class): Grid class instance - holds essential parameters describing the model.

    # Waveform definitions
    cmdname = '#waveform'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 4:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly four parameters')
            if tmp[0].lower() not in Waveform.types:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' must have one of the following types {}'.format(','.join(Waveform.types)))
            if float(tmp[2]) <= 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires an excitation frequency value of greater than zero')
            if any(x.ID == tmp[3] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' with ID {} already exists'.format(tmp[3]))
            w = Waveform()
            w.ID = tmp[3]
            w.type = tmp[0].lower()
            w.amp = float(tmp[1])
            w.freq = float(tmp[2])
            if G.messages:
                print('Waveform {} of type {} with amplitude {:g}, frequency {:g}Hz created.'.format(w.ID, w.type, w.amp, w.freq))

    # Voltage source
    cmdname = '#voltage_source'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) < 6:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least six parameters')
            # Check polarity & position parameters
            if tmp[0].lower() not in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' polarisation must be x, y, or z')
            xcoord = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dx)
            ycoord = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dy)
            zcoord = round_value(float(tmp[3])/G.dz)
            resistance = float(tmp[4])
            if xcoord < 0 or xcoord >= G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' x-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if ycoord < 0 or ycoord >= G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' y-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if zcoord < 0 or zcoord >= G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' z-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness[0] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness[3] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness[1] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness[4] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness[2] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness[5]:
                print("WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.')
            if resistance < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a source resistance of zero or greater')
            # Check if there is a waveformID in the waveforms list
            if not any(x.ID == tmp[5] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' there is no waveform with the identifier {}'.format(tmp[5]))
            v = VoltageSource()
            v.polarisation= tmp[0]
            v.xcoord = xcoord
            v.ycoord = ycoord
            v.zcoord = zcoord
            v.resistance = resistance
            v.waveformID = tmp[5]
            if len(tmp) > 6:
                # Check source start & source remove time parameters
                start = float(tmp[6])
                stop = float(tmp[7])
                if start < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' delay of the initiation of the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time to remove the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop - start <= 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' duration of the source should not be zero or less')
                v.start = start
                if stop > G.timewindow:
                    v.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' start time {:g} secs, finish time {:g} secs '.format(v.start, v.stop)
                v.start = 0
                v.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' '
            if G.messages:
                print('Voltage source with polarity {} at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, resistance {:.1f} Ohms,'.format(v.polarisation, v.xcoord * G.dx, v.ycoord * G.dy, v.zcoord * G.dz, v.resistance) + startstop + 'using waveform {} created.'.format(v.waveformID))

    # Hertzian dipole
    cmdname = '#hertzian_dipole'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) < 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least five parameters')
            # Check polarity & position parameters
            if tmp[0].lower() not in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' polarisation must be x, y, or z')
            xcoord = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dx)
            ycoord = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dy)
            zcoord = round_value(float(tmp[3])/G.dz)
            if xcoord < 0 or xcoord >= G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' x-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if ycoord < 0 or ycoord >= G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' y-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if zcoord < 0 or zcoord >= G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' z-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness[0] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness[3] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness[1] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness[4] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness[2] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness[5]:
                print("WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.')
            # Check if there is a waveformID in the waveforms list
            if not any(x.ID == tmp[4] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' there is no waveform with the identifier {}'.format(tmp[4]))
            h = HertzianDipole()
            h.polarisation = tmp[0]
            h.xcoord = xcoord
            h.ycoord = ycoord
            h.zcoord = zcoord
            h.waveformID = tmp[4]
            if len(tmp) > 5:
                # Check source start & source remove time parameters
                start = float(tmp[5])
                stop = float(tmp[6])
                if start < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' delay of the initiation of the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time to remove the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop - start <= 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' duration of the source should not be zero or less')
                h.start = start
                if stop > G.timewindow:
                    h.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' start time {:g} secs, finish time {:g} secs '.format(h.start, h.stop)
                h.start = 0
                h.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' '
            if G.messages:
                print('Hertzian dipole with polarity {} at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m,'.format(h.polarisation, h.xcoord * G.dx, h.ycoord * G.dy, h.zcoord * G.dz) + startstop + 'using waveform {} created.'.format(h.waveformID))

    # Magnetic dipole
    cmdname = '#magnetic_dipole'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) < 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least five parameters')
            # Check polarity & position parameters
            if tmp[0].lower() not in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' polarisation must be x, y, or z')
            xcoord = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dx)
            ycoord = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dy)
            zcoord = round_value(float(tmp[3])/G.dz)
            if xcoord < 0 or xcoord >= G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' x-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if ycoord < 0 or ycoord >= G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' y-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if zcoord < 0 or zcoord >= G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' z-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness[0] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness[3] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness[1] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness[4] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness[2] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness[5]:
                print("WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.')
            # Check if there is a waveformID in the waveforms list
            if not any(x.ID == tmp[4] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' there is no waveform with the identifier {}'.format(tmp[4]))
            m = MagneticDipole()
            m.polarisation = tmp[0]
            m.xcoord = xcoord
            m.ycoord = ycoord
            m.zcoord = zcoord
            m.waveformID = tmp[4]
            if len(tmp) > 5:
                # Check source start & source remove time parameters
                start = float(tmp[5])
                stop = float(tmp[6])
                if start < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' delay of the initiation of the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time to remove the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop - start <= 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' duration of the source should not be zero or less')
                m.start = start
                if stop > G.timewindow:
                    m.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' start time {:g} secs, finish time {:g} secs '.format(m.start, m.stop)
                m.start = 0
                m.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' '
            if G.messages:
                print('Magnetic dipole with polarity {} at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m,'.format(m.polarisation, m.xcoord * G.dx, m.ycoord * G.dy, m.zcoord * G.dz) + startstop + 'using waveform {} created.'.format(m.waveformID))

    # Transmission line
    cmdname = '#transmission_line'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) < 6:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least six parameters')
            # Check polarity & position parameters
            if tmp[0].lower() not in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' polarisation must be x, y, or z')
            xcoord = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dx)
            ycoord = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dy)
            zcoord = round_value(float(tmp[3])/G.dz)
            resistance = float(tmp[4])
            if xcoord < 0 or xcoord >= G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' x-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if ycoord < 0 or ycoord >= G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' y-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if zcoord < 0 or zcoord >= G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' z-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness[0] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness[3] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness[1] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness[4] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness[2] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness[5]:
                print("WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.')
            if resistance <= 0 or resistance > z0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a resistance greater than zero and less than the impedance of free space, i.e. 376.73 Ohms')
            # Check if there is a waveformID in the waveforms list
            if not any(x.ID == tmp[5] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' there is no waveform with the identifier {}'.format(tmp[4]))
            t = TransmissionLine(G)
            t.polarisation = tmp[0]
            t.xcoord = xcoord
            t.ycoord = ycoord
            t.zcoord = zcoord
            t.resistance = resistance
            t.waveformID = tmp[5]
            if len(tmp) > 6:
                # Check source start & source remove time parameters
                start = float(tmp[6])
                stop = float(tmp[7])
                if start < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' delay of the initiation of the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time to remove the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop - start <= 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' duration of the source should not be zero or less')
                t.start = start
                if stop > G.timewindow:
                    t.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' start time {:g} secs, finish time {:g} secs '.format(t.start, t.stop)
                t.start = 0
                t.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' '
            if G.messages:
                print('Transmission line with polarity {} at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, resistance {:.1f} Ohms,'.format(t.polarisation, t.xcoord * G.dx, t.ycoord * G.dy, t.zcoord * G.dz, t.resistance) + startstop + 'using waveform {} created.'.format(t.waveformID))

    # Receiver
    cmdname = '#rx'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 3 and len(tmp) < 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' has an incorrect number of parameters')

            # Check position parameters
            xcoord = round_value(float(tmp[0])/G.dx)
            ycoord = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dy)
            zcoord = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dz)
            if xcoord < 0 or xcoord >= G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' x-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if ycoord < 0 or ycoord >= G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' y-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if zcoord < 0 or zcoord >= G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' z-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness[0] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness[3] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness[1] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness[4] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness[2] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness[5]:
                print("WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.')
            r = Rx(xcoord=xcoord, ycoord=ycoord, zcoord=zcoord)
            # If no ID or outputs are specified, use default i.e Ex, Ey, Ez, Hx, Hy, Hz, Ix, Iy, Iz
            if len(tmp) == 3:
                r.outputs = Rx.availableoutputs[0:9]
                r.ID = tmp[3]
                # Check and add field output names
                for field in tmp[4::]:
                    if field in Rx.availableoutputs:
                        raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' contains an output type that is not available')
            if G.messages:
                print('Receiver at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m with output(s) {} created.'.format(r.xcoord * G.dx, r.ycoord * G.dy, r.zcoord * G.dz, ', '.join(r.outputs)))

    # Receiver box
    cmdname = '#rx_box'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 9:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly nine parameters')

            xs = round_value(float(tmp[0])/G.dx)
            xf = round_value(float(tmp[3])/G.dx)
            ys = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dy)
            yf = round_value(float(tmp[4])/G.dy)
            zs = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dz)
            zf = round_value(float(tmp[5])/G.dz)
            dx = round_value(float(tmp[6])/G.dx)
            dy = round_value(float(tmp[7])/G.dy)
            dz = round_value(float(tmp[8])/G.dz)

            if xs < 0 or xs >= G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower x-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(xs))
            if xf < 0 or xf >= G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper x-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(xf))
            if ys < 0 or ys >= G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower y-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(ys))
            if yf < 0 or yf >= G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper y-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(yf))
            if zs < 0 or zs >= G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower z-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(zs))
            if zf < 0 or zf >= G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper z-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(zf))
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness[0] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness[3] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness[1] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness[4] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness[2] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness[5]:
                print("WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.')
            if xs >= xf or ys >= yf or zs >= zf:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower coordinates should be less than the upper coordinates')
            if dx < 0 or dy < 0 or dz < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than zero')
            if dx < G.dx or dy < G.dy or dz < G.dz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than the spatial discretisation')

            for x in range(xs, xf, dx):
                for y in range(ys, yf, dy):
                    for z in range(zs, zf, dz):
                        r = Rx(xcoord=x, ycoord=y, zcoord=z)

            if G.messages:
                print('Receiver box {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, to {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m with steps {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g} created.'.format(xs * G.dx, ys * G.dy, zs * G.dz, xf * G.dx, yf * G.dy, zf * G.dz, dx * G.dx, dy * G.dy, dz * G.dz))
    # Snapshot
    cmdname = '#snapshot'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 11:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly eleven parameters')

            xs = round_value(float(tmp[0])/G.dx)
            xf = round_value(float(tmp[3])/G.dx)
            ys = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dy)
            yf = round_value(float(tmp[4])/G.dy)
            zs = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dz)
            zf = round_value(float(tmp[5])/G.dz)
            dx = round_value(float(tmp[6])/G.dx)
            dy = round_value(float(tmp[7])/G.dy)
            dz = round_value(float(tmp[8])/G.dz)
            # If real floating point value given
            if '.' in tmp[9] or 'e' in tmp[9]:
                if float(tmp[9]) > 0:
                    time = round_value((float(tmp[9]) / G.dt)) + 1
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time value must be greater than zero')
            # If number of iterations given
                time = int(tmp[9])
            if xs < 0 or xs > G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower x-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(xs * G.dx))
            if xf < 0 or xf > G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper x-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(xf * G.dx))
            if ys < 0 or ys > G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower y-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(ys * G.dy))
            if yf < 0 or yf > G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper y-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(yf * G.dy))
            if zs < 0 or zs > G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower z-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(zs * G.dz))
            if zf < 0 or zf > G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper z-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(zf * G.dz))
            if xs >= xf or ys >= yf or zs >= zf:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower coordinates should be less than the upper coordinates')
            if dx < 0 or dy < 0 or dz < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than zero')
            if dx < G.dx or dy < G.dy or dz < G.dz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than the spatial discretisation')
            if time <= 0 or time > G.iterations:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time value is not valid')
            s = Snapshot(xs, ys, zs, xf, yf, zf, dx, dy, dz, time, tmp[10])

            if G.messages:
                print('Snapshot from {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, to {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, discretisation {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, at {:g} secs with filename {} created.'.format(xs * G.dx, ys * G.dy, zs * G.dz, xf * G.dx, yf * G.dy, zf * G.dz, dx * G.dx, dx * G.dy, dx * G.dz, s.time * G.dt, s.filename))

    # Materials
    # Create built-in materials
    m = Material(0, 'pec', G)
    m.average = False
    m = Material(1, 'free_space', G)
    m.average = True

    cmdname = '#material'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly five parameters')
            if float(tmp[0]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for static (DC) permittivity')
            if float(tmp[1]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for conductivity')
            if float(tmp[2]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for permeability')
            if float(tmp[3]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for magnetic conductivity')
            if any(x.ID == tmp[4] for x in G.materials):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' with ID {} already exists'.format(tmp[4]))
            # Create a new instance of the Material class material (start index after pec & free_space)
            m = Material(len(G.materials), tmp[4], G)
            m.er = float(tmp[0])
            m.se = float(tmp[1])
            m.mr = float(tmp[2])
            m.sm = float(tmp[3])
            if G.messages:
                print('Material {} with epsr={:g}, sig={:g} S/m; mur={:g}, sig*={:g} S/m created.'.format(m.ID, m.er, m.se, m.mr, m.sm))
            # Append the new material object to the materials list

    cmdname = '#add_dispersion_debye'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()

            if len(tmp) < 4:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least four parameters')
            if int(tmp[0]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for number of poles')
            poles = int(tmp[0])
            materialsrequested = tmp[(2 * poles) + 1:len(tmp)]

            # Look up requested materials in existing list of material instances
            materials = [y for x in materialsrequested for y in G.materials if y.ID == x]

            if len(materials) != len(materialsrequested):
                notfound = [x for x in materialsrequested if x not in materials]
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' material(s) {} do not exist'.format(notfound))
            for material in materials:
                material.type = 'debye'
                material.poles = poles
                material.average = False
                for pole in range(1, 2 * poles, 2):
                    if float(tmp[pole]) > 0 and float(tmp[pole + 1]) > G.dt:
                        material.tau.append(float(tmp[pole + 1]))
                        raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires positive values for the permittivity difference and relaxation times, and relaxation times that are greater than the time step for the model.')
                if material.poles > Material.maxpoles:
                    Material.maxpoles = material.poles

                if G.messages:
                    print('Debye-type disperion added to {} with delta_epsr={}, and tau={} secs created.'.format(material.ID, ','.join('%4.2f' % deltaer for deltaer in material.deltaer), ','.join('%4.3e' % tau for tau in material.tau)))

    cmdname = '#add_dispersion_lorentz'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()

            if len(tmp) < 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least five parameters')
            if int(tmp[0]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for number of poles')
            poles = int(tmp[0])
            materialsrequested = tmp[(3 * poles) + 1:len(tmp)]

            # Look up requested materials in existing list of material instances
            materials = [y for x in materialsrequested for y in G.materials if y.ID == x]

            if len(materials) != len(materialsrequested):
                notfound = [x for x in materialsrequested if x not in materials]
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' material(s) {} do not exist'.format(notfound))
            for material in materials:
                material.type = 'lorentz'
                material.poles = poles
                material.average = False
                for pole in range(1, 3 * poles, 3):
                    if float(tmp[pole]) > 0 and float(tmp[pole + 1]) > G.dt and float(tmp[pole + 2]) > G.dt:
                        material.tau.append(float(tmp[pole + 1]))
                        material.alpha.append(float(tmp[pole + 2]))
                        raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires positive values for the permittivity difference and frequencies, and associated times that are greater than the time step for the model.')
                if material.poles > Material.maxpoles:
                    Material.maxpoles = material.poles

                if G.messages:
                    print('Lorentz-type disperion added to {} with delta_epsr={}, omega={} secs, and gamma={} created.'.format(material.ID, ','.join('%4.2f' % deltaer for deltaer in material.deltaer), ','.join('%4.3e' % tau for tau in material.tau), ','.join('%4.3e' % alpha for alpha in material.alpha)))

    cmdname = '#add_dispersion_drude'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()

            if len(tmp) < 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least five parameters')
            if int(tmp[0]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for number of poles')
            poles = int(tmp[0])
            materialsrequested = tmp[(3 * poles) + 1:len(tmp)]

            # Look up requested materials in existing list of material instances
            materials = [y for x in materialsrequested for y in G.materials if y.ID == x]

            if len(materials) != len(materialsrequested):
                notfound = [x for x in materialsrequested if x not in materials]
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' material(s) {} do not exist'.format(notfound))
            for material in materials:
                material.type = 'drude'
                material.poles = poles
                material.average = False
                for pole in range(1, 2 * poles, 2):
                    if float(tmp[pole]) > 0 and float(tmp[pole + 1]) > G.dt:
                        material.tau.append(float(tmp[pole ]))
                        material.alpha.append(float(tmp[pole + 1]))
                        raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires positive values for the frequencies, and associated times that are greater than the time step for the model.')
                if material.poles > Material.maxpoles:
                    Material.maxpoles = material.poles

                if G.messages:
                    print('Drude-type disperion added to {} with omega={} secs, and gamma={} secs created.'.format(material.ID, ','.join('%4.3e' % tau for tau in material.tau), ','.join('%4.3e' % alpha for alpha in material.alpha)))

    cmdname = '#soil_peplinski'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 7:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at exactly seven parameters')
            if float(tmp[0]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the sand fraction')
            if float(tmp[1]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the clay fraction')
            if float(tmp[2]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the bulk density')
            if float(tmp[3]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the sand particle density')
            if float(tmp[4]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the lower limit of the water volumetric fraction')
            if float(tmp[5]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the upper limit of the water volumetric fraction')
            if any(x.ID == tmp[6] for x in G.mixingmodels):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' with ID {} already exists'.format(tmp[6]))
            # Create a new instance of the Material class material (start index after pec & free_space)
            s = PeplinskiSoil(tmp[6], float(tmp[0]), float(tmp[1]), float(tmp[2]), float(tmp[3]), (float(tmp[4]), float(tmp[5])))
            if G.messages:
                print('Mixing model (Peplinski) used to create {} with sand fraction {:g}, clay fraction {:g}, bulk density {:g}g/cm3, sand particle density {:g}g/cm3, and water volumetric fraction {:g} to {:g} created.'.format(s.ID, s.S, s.C, s.rb, s.rs, s.mu[0], s.mu[1]))
            # Append the new material object to the materials list

    # Geometry views (creates VTK-based geometry files)
    cmdname = '#geometry_view'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 11:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly eleven parameters')

            xs = round_value(float(tmp[0])/G.dx)
            xf = round_value(float(tmp[3])/G.dx)
            ys = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dy)
            yf = round_value(float(tmp[4])/G.dy)
            zs = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dz)
            zf = round_value(float(tmp[5])/G.dz)
            dx = round_value(float(tmp[6])/G.dx)
            dy = round_value(float(tmp[7])/G.dy)
            dz = round_value(float(tmp[8])/G.dz)

            if xs < 0 or xs > G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower x-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(xs * G.dx))
            if xf < 0 or xf > G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper x-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(xf * G.dx))
            if ys < 0 or ys > G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower y-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(ys * G.dy))
            if yf < 0 or yf > G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper y-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(yf * G.dy))
            if zs < 0 or zs > G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower z-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(zs * G.dz))
            if zf < 0 or zf > G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper z-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(zf * G.dz))
            if xs >= xf or ys >= yf or zs >= zf:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower coordinates should be less than the upper coordinates')
            if dx < 0 or dy < 0 or dz < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than zero')
            if dx > G.nx or dy > G.ny or dz > G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should be less than the domain size')
            if dx < G.dx or dy < G.dy or dz < G.dz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than the spatial discretisation')
            if tmp[10].lower() != 'n' and tmp[10].lower() != 'f':
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires type to be either n (normal) or f (fine)')
            g = GeometryView(xs, ys, zs, xf, yf, zf, dx, dy, dz, tmp[9], tmp[10].lower())

            if G.messages:
                print('Geometry view from {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, to {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, discretisation {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, filename {} created.'.format(xs * G.dx, ys * G.dy, zs * G.dz, xf * G.dx, yf * G.dy, zf * G.dz, dx * G.dx, dy * G.dy, dz * G.dz, g.filename))

            # Append the new GeometryView object to the geometry views list

    # Complex frequency shifted (CFS) PML parameter
    cmdname = '#pml_cfs'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        if len(multicmds[cmdname]) > 2:
            raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' can only be used up to two times, for up to a 2nd order PML')
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 12:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly twelve parameters')
            if tmp[0] not in CFSParameter.scalingprofiles.keys() or tmp[4] not in CFSParameter.scalingprofiles.keys() or tmp[8] not in CFSParameter.scalingprofiles.keys():
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' must have scaling type {}'.format(','.join(CFSParameter.scalingprofiles.keys())))
            if tmp[1] not in CFSParameter.scalingdirections or tmp[5] not in CFSParameter.scalingdirections or tmp[9] not in CFSParameter.scalingdirections:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' must have scaling type {}'.format(','.join(CFSParameter.scalingprofiles.keys())))
            if float(tmp[2]) < 0 or float(tmp[3]) < 0 or float(tmp[6]) < 0 or float(tmp[7]) < 0 or float(tmp[10]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' minimum and maximum scaling values must be greater than zero')
            if float(tmp[6]) < 1:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' minimum scaling value for kappa must be greater than zero')
            cfsalpha = CFSParameter()
            cfsalpha.ID = 'alpha'
            cfsalpha.scalingprofile = tmp[0]
            cfsalpha.scalingdirection = tmp[1]
            cfsalpha.min = float(tmp[2])
            cfsalpha.max = float(tmp[3])
            cfskappa = CFSParameter()
            cfskappa.ID = 'kappa'
            cfskappa.scalingprofile = tmp[4]
            cfskappa.scalingdirection = tmp[5]
            cfskappa.min = float(tmp[6])
            cfskappa.max = float(tmp[7])
            cfssigma = CFSParameter()
            cfssigma.ID = 'sigma'
            cfssigma.scalingprofile = tmp[8]
            cfssigma.scalingdirection = tmp[9]
            cfssigma.min = float(tmp[10])
            if tmp[11] == 'None':
                cfssigma.max = None
                cfssigma.max = float(tmp[11])
            cfs = CFS()
            cfs.alpha = cfsalpha
            cfs.kappa = cfskappa
            cfs.sigma = cfssigma
            if G.messages:
                print('PML CFS parameters: alpha (scaling: {}, scaling direction: {}, min: {:g}, max: {:g}), kappa (scaling: {}, scaling direction: {}, min: {:g}, max: {:g}), sigma (scaling: {}, scaling direction: {}, min: {:g}, max: {:g}) created.'.format(cfsalpha.scalingprofile, cfsalpha.scalingdirection, cfsalpha.min, cfsalpha.max, cfskappa.scalingprofile, cfskappa.scalingdirection, cfskappa.min, cfskappa.max, cfssigma.scalingprofile, cfssigma.scalingdirection, cfssigma.min, cfssigma.max))
def hertzian_dipole_fs(iterations, dt, dxdydz, rx):
    """Analytical solution of a z-directed Hertzian dipole in free space with a Gaussian current waveform (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0021-9991(83)90103-1).
        iterations (int): Number of time steps.
        dt (float): Time step (seconds).
        dxdydz (float): Tuple of spatial resolution (metres).
        rx (float): Tuple of coordinates of receiver position relative to transmitter position (metres).
        fields (float): Array contain electric and magnetic field components.

    # Waveform
    w = Waveform()
    w.type = 'gaussiandot'
    w.amp = 1
    w.freq = 1e9

    # Waveform integral
    wint = Waveform()
    wint.type = 'gaussian'
    wint.amp = w.amp
    wint.freq = w.freq

    # Waveform first derivative
    wdot = Waveform()
    wdot.type = 'gaussiandotdot'
    wdot.amp = w.amp
    wdot.freq = w.freq

    # Time
    time = np.linspace(0, 1, iterations)
    time *= (iterations * dt)

    # Spatial resolution
    dx = dxdydz[0]
    dy = dxdydz[1]
    dz = dxdydz[2]

    # Coordinates of Rx relative to Tx
    x = rx[0]
    y = rx[1]
    z = rx[2]
    if z == 0:
        sign_z = 1
        sign_z = np.sign(z)

    # Coordinates of Rx for Ex FDTD component
    Ex_x = x + 0.5 * dx
    Ex_y = y
    Ex_z = z - 0.5 * dz
    Er_x = np.sqrt((Ex_x**2 + Ex_y**2 + Ex_z**2))
    tau_Ex = Er_x / c

    # Coordinates of Rx for Ey FDTD component
    Ey_x = x
    Ey_y = y + 0.5 * dy
    Ey_z = z - 0.5 * dz
    Er_y = np.sqrt((Ey_x**2 + Ey_y**2 + Ey_z**2))
    tau_Ey = Er_y / c

    # Coordinates of Rx for Ez FDTD component
    Ez_x = x
    Ez_y = y
    Ez_z = z
    Er_z = np.sqrt((Ez_x**2 + Ez_y**2 + Ez_z**2))
    tau_Ez = Er_z / c

    # Coordinates of Rx for Hx FDTD component
    Hx_x = x
    Hx_y = y + 0.5 * dy
    Hx_z = z
    Hr_x = np.sqrt((Hx_x**2 + Hx_y**2 + Hx_z**2))
    tau_Hx = Hr_x / c

    # Coordinates of Rx for Hy FDTD component
    Hy_x = x + 0.5 * dx
    Hy_y = y
    Hy_z = z
    Hr_y = np.sqrt((Hy_x**2 + Hy_y**2 + Hy_z**2))
    tau_Hy = Hr_y / c

    # Coordinates of Rx for Hz FDTD component
    Hz_x = x + 0.5 * dx
    Hz_y = y + 0.5 * dy
    Hz_z = z - 0.5 * dz
    Hr_z = np.sqrt((Hz_x**2 + Hz_y**2 + Hz_z**2))
    tau_Hz = Hr_z / c

    # Initialise fields
    fields = np.zeros((iterations, 6))

    # Calculate fields
    for timestep in range(iterations):

        # Calculate values for waveform
        fint_Ex = wint.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ex, dt) * dx
        f_Ex = w.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ex, dt) * dx
        fdot_Ex = wdot.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ex, dt) * dx

        fint_Ey = wint.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ey, dt) * dy
        f_Ey = w.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ey, dt) * dy
        fdot_Ey = wdot.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ey, dt) * dy

        fint_Ez = wint.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ez, dt) * dz
        f_Ez = w.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ez, dt) * dz
        fdot_Ez = wdot.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Ez, dt) * dz

        fint_Hx = wint.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hx, dt) * dx
        f_Hx = w.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hx, dt) * dx
        fdot_Hx = wdot.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hx, dt) * dx

        fint_Hy = wint.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hy, dt) * dy
        f_Hy = w.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hy, dt) * dy
        fdot_Hy = wdot.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hy, dt) * dy

        fint_Hz = wint.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hz, dt) * dz
        f_Hz = w.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hz, dt) * dz
        fdot_Hz = wdot.calculate_value((timestep * dt) - tau_Hz, dt) * dz

        # Ex
               0] = ((Ex_x * Ex_z) /
                     (4 * np.pi * e0 * Er_x**5)) * (3 * (fint_Ex +
                                                         (tau_Ex * f_Ex)) +
                                                    (tau_Ex**2 * fdot_Ex))

        # Ey
            tmp = Ey_y / Ey_x
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            tmp = 0
        fields[timestep, 1] = tmp * (
            (Ey_x * Ey_z) /
            (4 * np.pi * e0 * Er_y**5)) * (3 * (fint_Ey + (tau_Ey * f_Ey)) +
                                           (tau_Ey**2 * fdot_Ey))

        # Ez
        fields[timestep, 2] = (1 / (4 * np.pi * e0 * Er_z**5)) * (
            (2 * Ez_z**2 - (Ez_x**2 + Ez_y**2)) * (fint_Ez + (tau_Ez * f_Ez)) -
            (Ez_x**2 + Ez_y**2) * tau_Ez**2 * fdot_Ez)

        # Hx
               3] = -(Hx_y / (4 * np.pi * Hr_x**3)) * (f_Hx +
                                                       (tau_Hx * fdot_Hx))

        # Hy
            tmp = Hy_x / Hy_y
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            tmp = 0
        fields[timestep, 4] = -tmp * (-(Hy_y / (4 * np.pi * Hr_y**3)) *
                                      (f_Hy + (tau_Hy * fdot_Hy)))

        # Hz
        fields[timestep, 5] = 0

    return fields
Example #11
                    help='plot FFT')
args = parser.parse_args()

# Check waveform parameters
if args.type.lower() not in Waveform.types:
    raise CmdInputError(
        'The waveform must have one of the following types {}'.format(
            ', '.join(Waveform.types)))
if args.freq <= 0:
    raise CmdInputError(
        'The waveform requires an excitation frequency value of greater than zero'

w = Waveform()
w.type = args.type
w.amp = args.amp
w.freq = args.freq
dt = args.dt

# Check time window
if '.' in args.timewindow or 'e' in args.timewindow:
    if float(args.timewindow) > 0:
        timewindow = float(args.timewindow)
        iterations = round_value((float(args.timewindow) / dt)) + 1
        raise CmdInputError('Time window must have a value greater than zero')
    # If number of iterations given
    timewindow = (int(args.timewindow) - 1) * dt
Example #12
def process_singlecmds(singlecmds, G):
    """Checks the validity of command parameters and creates instances of classes of parameters.

        singlecmds (dict): Commands that can only occur once in the model.
        G (class): Grid class instance - holds essential parameters describing the model.

    # Check validity of command parameters in order needed
    # messages
    cmd = '#messages'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter')
        if singlecmds[cmd].lower() == 'y':
            G.messages = True
        elif singlecmds[cmd].lower() == 'n':
            G.messages = False
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires input values of either y or n')

    # Title
    cmd = '#title'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        G.title = singlecmds[cmd]
        if G.messages:
            print('Model title: {}'.format(G.title))

    # Number of threads (OpenMP) to use
    cmd = '#num_threads'
    if sys.platform == 'darwin':
        os.environ['OMP_WAIT_POLICY'] = 'ACTIVE'  # What to do with threads when they are waiting; can drastically effect performance
    os.environ['OMP_DYNAMIC'] = 'FALSE'
    os.environ['OMP_PROC_BIND'] = 'TRUE'  # Bind threads to physical cores

    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = tuple(int(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split())
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter to specify the number of threads to use')
        if tmp[0] < 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires the value to be an integer not less than one')
        G.nthreads = tmp[0]
        os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(G.nthreads)
    elif os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS'):
        G.nthreads = int(os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS'))
        # Set number of threads to number of physical CPU cores, i.e. avoid hyperthreading with OpenMP
        G.nthreads = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)
        os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(G.nthreads)

    if G.messages:
        machineID, cpuID, osversion = get_machine_cpu_os()
        print('Number of threads: {} ({})'.format(G.nthreads, cpuID))
    if G.nthreads > psutil.cpu_count(logical=False):
        print(Fore.RED + 'WARNING: You have specified more threads ({}) than available physical CPU cores ({}). This may lead to degraded performance.'.format(G.nthreads, psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)) + Style.RESET_ALL)

    # Spatial discretisation
    cmd = '#dx_dy_dz'
    tmp = [float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split()]
    if len(tmp) != 3:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
    if tmp[0] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires the x-direction spatial step to be greater than zero')
    if tmp[1] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires the y-direction spatial step to be greater than zero')
    if tmp[2] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires the z-direction spatial step to be greater than zero')
    G.dx = tmp[0]
    G.dy = tmp[1]
    G.dz = tmp[2]
    if G.messages:
        print('Spatial discretisation: {:g} x {:g} x {:g}m'.format(G.dx, G.dy, G.dz))

    # Domain
    cmd = '#domain'
    tmp = [float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split()]
    if len(tmp) != 3:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
    G.nx = round_value(tmp[0] / G.dx)
    G.ny = round_value(tmp[1] / G.dy)
    G.nz = round_value(tmp[2] / G.dz)
    if G.nx == 0 or G.ny == 0 or G.nz == 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires at least one cell in every dimension')
    if G.messages:
        print('Domain size: {:g} x {:g} x {:g}m ({:d} x {:d} x {:d} = {:g} cells)'.format(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], G.nx, G.ny, G.nz, (G.nx * G.ny * G.nz)))

    # Estimate memory (RAM) usage
    stdoverhead = 70e6
    floatarrays = (6 + 6 + 1) * (G.nx + 1) * (G.ny + 1) * (G.nz + 1) * np.dtype(floattype).itemsize  # 6 x field arrays + 6 x ID arrays + 1 x solid array
    rigidarray = (12 + 6) * (G.nx + 1) * (G.ny + 1) * (G.nz + 1) * np.dtype(np.int8).itemsize
    memestimate = stdoverhead + floatarrays + rigidarray
    if memestimate > psutil.virtual_memory().total:
        print(Fore.RED + 'WARNING: Estimated memory (RAM) required ~{} exceeds {} detected!\n'.format(human_size(memestimate), human_size(psutil.virtual_memory().total, a_kilobyte_is_1024_bytes=True)) + Style.RESET_ALL)
    if G.messages:
        print('Estimated memory (RAM) required: ~{} ({} detected)'.format(human_size(memestimate), human_size(psutil.virtual_memory().total, a_kilobyte_is_1024_bytes=True)))

    # Time step CFL limit (use either 2D or 3D) and default PML thickness
    if G.nx == 1:
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dy) * (1 / G.dy) + (1 / G.dz) * (1 / G.dz)))
        G.dimension = '2D'
        G.pmlthickness['xminus'] = 0
        G.pmlthickness['xplus'] = 0
    elif G.ny == 1:
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dz) * (1 / G.dz)))
        G.dimension = '2D'
        G.pmlthickness['yminus'] = 0
        G.pmlthickness['yplus'] = 0
    elif G.nz == 1:
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dy) * (1 / G.dy)))
        G.dimension = '2D'
        G.pmlthickness['zminus'] = 0
        G.pmlthickness['zplus'] = 0
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dy) * (1 / G.dy) + (1 / G.dz) * (1 / G.dz)))
        G.dimension = '3D'

    # Round down time step to nearest float with precision one less than hardware maximum. Avoids inadvertently exceeding the CFL due to binary representation of floating point number.
    G.dt = round_value(G.dt, decimalplaces=d.getcontext().prec - 1)

    if G.messages:
        print('Time step (at {} CFL limit): {:g} secs'.format(G.dimension, G.dt))

    # Time step stability factor
    cmd = '#time_step_stability_factor'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = tuple(float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split())
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter')
        if tmp[0] <= 0 or tmp[0] > 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires the value of the time step stability factor to be between zero and one')
        G.dt = G.dt * tmp[0]
        if G.messages:
            print('Time step (modified): {:g} secs'.format(G.dt))

    # Time window
    cmd = '#time_window'
    tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
    if len(tmp) != 1:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter to specify the time window. Either in seconds or number of iterations.')
    tmp = tmp[0].lower()

    # If number of iterations given
        tmp = int(tmp)
        G.timewindow = (tmp - 1) * G.dt
        G.iterations = tmp
    # If real floating point value given
        tmp = float(tmp)
        if tmp > 0:
            G.timewindow = tmp
            G.iterations = round_value((tmp / G.dt)) + 1
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' must have a value greater than zero')
    if G.messages:
        print('Time window: {:g} secs ({} iterations)'.format(G.timewindow, G.iterations))

    # PML
    cmd = '#pml_cells'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1 and len(tmp) != 6:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires either one or six parameters')
        if len(tmp) == 1:
            for key in G.pmlthickness.keys():
                G.pmlthickness[key] = int(tmp[0])
            G.pmlthickness['xminus'] = int(tmp[0])
            G.pmlthickness['yminus'] = int(tmp[1])
            G.pmlthickness['zminus'] = int(tmp[2])
            G.pmlthickness['xplus'] = int(tmp[3])
            G.pmlthickness['yplus'] = int(tmp[4])
            G.pmlthickness['zplus'] = int(tmp[5])
    if 2 * G.pmlthickness['xminus'] >= G.nx or 2 * G.pmlthickness['yminus'] >= G.ny or 2 * G.pmlthickness['zminus'] >= G.nz or 2 * G.pmlthickness['xplus'] >= G.nx or 2 * G.pmlthickness['yplus'] >= G.ny or 2 * G.pmlthickness['zplus'] >= G.nz:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' has too many cells for the domain size')

    # src_steps
    cmd = '#src_steps'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 3:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
        G.srcsteps[0] = round_value(float(tmp[0]) / G.dx)
        G.srcsteps[1] = round_value(float(tmp[1]) / G.dy)
        G.srcsteps[2] = round_value(float(tmp[2]) / G.dz)
        if G.messages:
            print('Simple sources will step {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m for each model run.'.format(G.srcsteps[0] * G.dx, G.srcsteps[1] * G.dy, G.srcsteps[2] * G.dz))

    # rx_steps
    cmd = '#rx_steps'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 3:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
        G.rxsteps[0] = round_value(float(tmp[0]) / G.dx)
        G.rxsteps[1] = round_value(float(tmp[1]) / G.dy)
        G.rxsteps[2] = round_value(float(tmp[2]) / G.dz)
        if G.messages:
            print('All receivers will step {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m for each model run.'.format(G.rxsteps[0] * G.dx, G.rxsteps[1] * G.dy, G.rxsteps[2] * G.dz))

    # Excitation file for user-defined source waveforms
    cmd = '#excitation_file'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter')
        excitationfile = tmp[0]

        # See if file exists at specified path and if not try input file directory
        if not os.path.isfile(excitationfile):
            excitationfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(G.inputdirectory, excitationfile))

        # Get waveform names
        with open(excitationfile, 'r') as f:
            waveformIDs = f.readline().split()

        # Read all waveform values into an array
        waveformvalues = np.loadtxt(excitationfile, skiprows=1, dtype=floattype)

        for waveform in range(len(waveformIDs)):
            if any(x.ID == waveformIDs[waveform] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError('Waveform with ID {} already exists'.format(waveformIDs[waveform]))
            w = Waveform()
            w.ID = waveformIDs[waveform]
            w.type = 'user'
            if len(waveformvalues.shape) == 1:
                w.uservalues = waveformvalues[:]
                w.uservalues = waveformvalues[:, waveform]

            if G.messages:
                print('User waveform {} created.'.format(w.ID))

def process_singlecmds(singlecmds, multicmds, G):
    """Checks the validity of command parameters and creates instances of classes of parameters.
        singlecmds (dict): Commands that can only occur once in the model.
        multicmds (dict): Commands that can have multiple instances in the model (required to pass to process_materials_file function).
        G (class): Grid class instance - holds essential parameters describing the model.

    # Check validity of command parameters in order needed
    # messages
    cmd = "#messages"
    if singlecmds[cmd] != "None":
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + " requires exactly one parameter")
        if singlecmds[cmd].lower() == "y":
            G.messages = True
        elif singlecmds[cmd].lower() == "n":
            G.messages = False
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + " requires input values of either y or n")

    # Title
    cmd = "#title"
    if singlecmds[cmd] != "None":
        G.title = singlecmds[cmd]
        if G.messages:
            print("Model title: {}".format(G.title))

    # Number of processors to run on (OpenMP)
    cmd = "#num_threads"
    ompthreads = os.environ.get("OMP_NUM_THREADS")
    if singlecmds[cmd] != "None":
        tmp = tuple(int(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split())
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + " requires exactly one parameter to specify the number of threads to use")
        if tmp[0] < 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + " requires the value to be an integer not less than one")
        G.nthreads = tmp[0]
    elif ompthreads:
        G.nthreads = int(ompthreads)
        # Set number of threads to number of physical CPU cores, i.e. avoid hyperthreading with OpenMP
        G.nthreads = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)
    if G.messages:
        print("Number of threads: {}".format(G.nthreads))

    # Spatial discretisation
    cmd = "#dx_dy_dz"
    tmp = [float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split()]
    if len(tmp) != 3:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + " requires exactly three parameters")
    if tmp[0] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + " requires the x-direction spatial step to be greater than zero")
    if tmp[1] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + " requires the y-direction spatial step to be greater than zero")
    if tmp[2] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + " requires the z-direction spatial step to be greater than zero")
    G.dx = tmp[0]
    G.dy = tmp[1]
    G.dz = tmp[2]
    if G.messages:
        print("Spatial discretisation: {:g} x {:g} x {:g}m".format(G.dx, G.dy, G.dz))

    # Domain
    cmd = "#domain"
    tmp = [float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split()]
    if len(tmp) != 3:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + " requires exactly three parameters")
    G.nx = round_value(tmp[0] / G.dx)
    G.ny = round_value(tmp[1] / G.dy)
    G.nz = round_value(tmp[2] / G.dz)
    if G.messages:
            "Model domain: {:g} x {:g} x {:g}m ({:d} x {:d} x {:d} = {:g} cells)".format(
                tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], G.nx, G.ny, G.nz, (G.nx * G.ny * G.nz)
        mem = (
                (G.nx + 1) * (G.ny + 1) * (G.nz + 1) * 13 * np.dtype(floattype).itemsize
                + (G.nx + 1) * (G.ny + 1) * (G.nz + 1) * 18
            * 1.1
        ) + 30e6
            "Memory (RAM) usage: ~{} required, {} available".format(
                human_size(mem), human_size(psutil.virtual_memory().total)

    # Time step CFL limit - use either 2D or 3D (default)
    cmd = "#time_step_limit_type"
    if singlecmds[cmd] != "None":
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + " requires exactly one parameter")
        if singlecmds[cmd].lower() == "2d":
            if G.nx == 1:
                G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dy) * (1 / G.dy) + (1 / G.dz) * (1 / G.dz)))
            elif G.ny == 1:
                G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dz) * (1 / G.dz)))
            elif G.nz == 1:
                G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dy) * (1 / G.dy)))
                raise CmdInputError(cmd + " 2D CFL limit can only be used when one dimension of the domain is one cell")
        elif singlecmds[cmd].lower() == "3d":
            G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dy) * (1 / G.dy) + (1 / G.dz) * (1 / G.dz)))
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + " requires input values of either 2D or 3D")
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dy) * (1 / G.dy) + (1 / G.dz) * (1 / G.dz)))

    # Round down time step to nearest float with precision one less than hardware maximum. Avoids inadvertently exceeding the CFL due to binary representation of floating point number.
    G.dt = round_value(G.dt, decimalplaces=d.getcontext().prec - 1)

    if G.messages:
        print("Time step: {:g} secs".format(G.dt))

    # Time step stability factor
    cmd = "#time_step_stability_factor"
    if singlecmds[cmd] != "None":
        tmp = tuple(float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split())
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + " requires exactly one parameter")
        if tmp[0] <= 0 or tmp[0] > 1:
            raise CmdInputError(
                cmd + " requires the value of the time step stability factor to be between zero and one"
        G.dt = G.dt * tmp[0]
        if G.messages:
            print("Time step (modified): {:g} secs".format(G.dt))

    # Time window
    cmd = "#time_window"
    tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
    if len(tmp) != 1:
        raise CmdInputError(
            + " requires exactly one parameter to specify the time window. Either in seconds or number of iterations."
    tmp = tmp[0].lower()
    # If real floating point value given
    if "." in tmp or "e" in tmp:
        if float(tmp) > 0:
            G.timewindow = float(tmp)
            G.iterations = round_value((float(tmp) / G.dt)) + 1
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + " must have a value greater than zero")
    # If number of iterations given
        G.timewindow = (int(tmp) - 1) * G.dt
        G.iterations = int(tmp)
    if G.messages:
        print("Time window: {:g} secs ({} iterations)".format(G.timewindow, G.iterations))

    # PML
    cmd = "#pml_cells"
    if singlecmds[cmd] != "None":
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1 and len(tmp) != 6:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + " requires either one or six parameters")
        if len(tmp) == 1:
            G.pmlthickness = (int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[0]))
            G.pmlthickness = (int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[1]), int(tmp[2]), int(tmp[3]), int(tmp[4]), int(tmp[5]))
        if (
            2 * G.pmlthickness[0] >= G.nx
            or 2 * G.pmlthickness[1] >= G.ny
            or 2 * G.pmlthickness[2] >= G.nz
            or 2 * G.pmlthickness[3] >= G.nx
            or 2 * G.pmlthickness[4] >= G.ny
            or 2 * G.pmlthickness[5] >= G.nz
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + " has too many cells for the domain size")

    # src_steps
    cmd = "#src_steps"
    if singlecmds[cmd] != "None":
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 3:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + " requires exactly three parameters")
        G.srcstepx = round_value(float(tmp[0]) / G.dx)
        G.srcstepy = round_value(float(tmp[1]) / G.dy)
        G.srcstepz = round_value(float(tmp[2]) / G.dz)
        if G.messages:
                "All sources will step {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m for each model run.".format(
                    G.srcstepx * G.dx, G.srcstepy * G.dy, G.srcstepz * G.dz

    # rx_steps
    cmd = "#rx_steps"
    if singlecmds[cmd] != "None":
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 3:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + " requires exactly three parameters")
        G.rxstepx = round_value(float(tmp[0]) / G.dx)
        G.rxstepy = round_value(float(tmp[1]) / G.dy)
        G.rxstepz = round_value(float(tmp[2]) / G.dz)
        if G.messages:
                "All receivers will step {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m for each model run.".format(
                    G.rxstepx * G.dx, G.rxstepy * G.dy, G.rxstepz * G.dz

    # Excitation file for user-defined source waveforms
    cmd = "#excitation_file"
    if singlecmds[cmd] != "None":
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + " requires exactly one parameter")
        excitationfile = tmp[0]

        # Open file and get waveform names
        with open(excitationfile, "r") as f:
            waveformIDs = f.readline().split()

        # Read all waveform values into an array
        waveformvalues = np.loadtxt(excitationfile, skiprows=1, dtype=floattype)

        for waveform in range(len(waveformIDs)):
            if any(x.ID == waveformIDs[waveform] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError("Waveform with ID {} already exists".format(waveformIDs[waveform]))
            w = Waveform()
            w.ID = waveformIDs[waveform]
            w.type = "user"
            if len(waveformvalues.shape) == 1:
                w.uservalues = waveformvalues[:]
                w.uservalues = waveformvalues[:, waveform]

            if G.messages:
                print("User waveform {} created.".format(w.ID))

def process_multicmds(multicmds, G):
    """Checks the validity of command parameters and creates instances of classes of parameters.
        multicmds (dict): Commands that can have multiple instances in the model.
        G (class): Grid class instance - holds essential parameters describing the model.

    # Waveform definitions
    cmdname = '#waveform'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 4:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly four parameters')
            if tmp[0].lower() not in Waveform.types:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' must have one of the following types {}'.format(','.join(Waveform.types)))
            if float(tmp[2]) <= 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires an excitation frequency value of greater than zero')
            if any(x.ID == tmp[3] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' with ID {} already exists'.format(tmp[3]))
            w = Waveform()
            w.ID = tmp[3]
            w.type = tmp[0].lower()
            w.amp = float(tmp[1])
            w.freq = float(tmp[2])
            if G.messages:
                print('Waveform {} of type {} with amplitude {:g}, frequency {:g}Hz created.'.format(w.ID, w.type, w.amp, w.freq))

    # Voltage source
    cmdname = '#voltage_source'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) < 6:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least six parameters')
            # Check polarity & position parameters
            if tmp[0].lower() not in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' polarisation must be x, y, or z')
            xcoord = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dx)
            ycoord = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dy)
            zcoord = round_value(float(tmp[3])/G.dz)
            resistance = float(tmp[4])
            if xcoord < 0 or xcoord >= G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' x-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if ycoord < 0 or ycoord >= G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' y-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if zcoord < 0 or zcoord >= G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' z-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness[0] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness[3] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness[1] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness[4] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness[2] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness[5]:
                print("WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.')
            if resistance < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a source resistance of zero or greater')
            # Check if there is a waveformID in the waveforms list
            if not any(x.ID == tmp[5] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' there is no waveform with the identifier {}'.format(tmp[5]))
            v = VoltageSource()
            v.polarisation= tmp[0]
            v.xcoord = xcoord
            v.ycoord = ycoord
            v.zcoord = zcoord
            v.resistance = resistance
            v.waveformID = tmp[5]
            if len(tmp) > 6:
                # Check source start & source remove time parameters
                start = float(tmp[6])
                stop = float(tmp[7])
                if start < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' delay of the initiation of the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time to remove the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop - start <= 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' duration of the source should not be zero or less')
                v.start = start
                if stop > G.timewindow:
                    v.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' start time {:g} secs, finish time {:g} secs '.format(v.start, v.stop)
                v.start = 0
                v.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' '
            if G.messages:
                print('Voltage source with polarity {} at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, resistance {:.1f} Ohms,'.format(v.polarisation, v.xcoord * G.dx, v.ycoord * G.dy, v.zcoord * G.dz, v.resistance) + startstop + 'using waveform {} created.'.format(v.waveformID))

    # Hertzian dipole
    cmdname = '#hertzian_dipole'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) < 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least five parameters')
            # Check polarity & position parameters
            if tmp[0].lower() not in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' polarisation must be x, y, or z')
            xcoord = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dx)
            ycoord = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dy)
            zcoord = round_value(float(tmp[3])/G.dz)
            if xcoord < 0 or xcoord >= G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' x-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if ycoord < 0 or ycoord >= G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' y-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if zcoord < 0 or zcoord >= G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' z-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness[0] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness[3] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness[1] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness[4] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness[2] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness[5]:
                print("WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.')
            # Check if there is a waveformID in the waveforms list
            if not any(x.ID == tmp[4] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' there is no waveform with the identifier {}'.format(tmp[4]))
            h = HertzianDipole()
            h.polarisation = tmp[0]
            h.xcoord = xcoord
            h.ycoord = ycoord
            h.zcoord = zcoord
            h.waveformID = tmp[4]
            if len(tmp) > 5:
                # Check source start & source remove time parameters
                start = float(tmp[5])
                stop = float(tmp[6])
                if start < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' delay of the initiation of the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time to remove the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop - start <= 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' duration of the source should not be zero or less')
                h.start = start
                if stop > G.timewindow:
                    h.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' start time {:g} secs, finish time {:g} secs '.format(h.start, h.stop)
                h.start = 0
                h.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' '
            if G.messages:
                print('Hertzian dipole with polarity {} at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m,'.format(h.polarisation, h.xcoord * G.dx, h.ycoord * G.dy, h.zcoord * G.dz) + startstop + 'using waveform {} created.'.format(h.waveformID))

    # Magnetic dipole
    cmdname = '#magnetic_dipole'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) < 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least five parameters')
            # Check polarity & position parameters
            if tmp[0].lower() not in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' polarisation must be x, y, or z')
            xcoord = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dx)
            ycoord = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dy)
            zcoord = round_value(float(tmp[3])/G.dz)
            if xcoord < 0 or xcoord >= G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' x-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if ycoord < 0 or ycoord >= G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' y-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if zcoord < 0 or zcoord >= G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' z-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness[0] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness[3] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness[1] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness[4] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness[2] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness[5]:
                print("WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.')
            # Check if there is a waveformID in the waveforms list
            if not any(x.ID == tmp[4] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' there is no waveform with the identifier {}'.format(tmp[4]))
            m = MagneticDipole()
            m.polarisation = tmp[0]
            m.xcoord = xcoord
            m.ycoord = ycoord
            m.zcoord = zcoord
            m.waveformID = tmp[4]
            if len(tmp) > 5:
                # Check source start & source remove time parameters
                start = float(tmp[5])
                stop = float(tmp[6])
                if start < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' delay of the initiation of the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time to remove the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop - start <= 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' duration of the source should not be zero or less')
                m.start = start
                if stop > G.timewindow:
                    m.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' start time {:g} secs, finish time {:g} secs '.format(m.start, m.stop)
                m.start = 0
                m.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' '
            if G.messages:
                print('Magnetic dipole with polarity {} at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m,'.format(m.polarisation, m.xcoord * G.dx, m.ycoord * G.dy, m.zcoord * G.dz) + startstop + 'using waveform {} created.'.format(m.waveformID))

    # Transmission line
    cmdname = '#transmission_line'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) < 6:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least six parameters')
            # Check polarity & position parameters
            if tmp[0].lower() not in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' polarisation must be x, y, or z')
            xcoord = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dx)
            ycoord = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dy)
            zcoord = round_value(float(tmp[3])/G.dz)
            resistance = float(tmp[4])
            if xcoord < 0 or xcoord >= G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' x-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if ycoord < 0 or ycoord >= G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' y-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if zcoord < 0 or zcoord >= G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' z-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness[0] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness[3] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness[1] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness[4] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness[2] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness[5]:
                print("WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.')
            if resistance <= 0 or resistance > z0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a resistance greater than zero and less than the impedance of free space, i.e. 376.73 Ohms')
            # Check if there is a waveformID in the waveforms list
            if not any(x.ID == tmp[5] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' there is no waveform with the identifier {}'.format(tmp[4]))
            t = TransmissionLine(G)
            t.polarisation = tmp[0]
            t.xcoord = xcoord
            t.ycoord = ycoord
            t.zcoord = zcoord
            t.resistance = resistance
            t.waveformID = tmp[5]
            if len(tmp) > 6:
                # Check source start & source remove time parameters
                start = float(tmp[6])
                stop = float(tmp[7])
                if start < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' delay of the initiation of the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop < 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time to remove the source should not be less than zero')
                if stop - start <= 0:
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' duration of the source should not be zero or less')
                t.start = start
                if stop > G.timewindow:
                    t.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' start time {:g} secs, finish time {:g} secs '.format(t.start, t.stop)
                t.start = 0
                t.stop = G.timewindow
                startstop = ' '
            if G.messages:
                print('Transmission line with polarity {} at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, resistance {:.1f} Ohms,'.format(t.polarisation, t.xcoord * G.dx, t.ycoord * G.dy, t.zcoord * G.dz, t.resistance) + startstop + 'using waveform {} created.'.format(t.waveformID))

    # Receiver
    cmdname = '#rx'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 3 and len(tmp) < 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' has an incorrect number of parameters')

            # Check position parameters
            xcoord = round_value(float(tmp[0])/G.dx)
            ycoord = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dy)
            zcoord = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dz)
            if xcoord < 0 or xcoord >= G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' x-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if ycoord < 0 or ycoord >= G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' y-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if zcoord < 0 or zcoord >= G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' z-coordinate is not within the model domain')
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness[0] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness[3] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness[1] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness[4] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness[2] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness[5]:
                print("WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.')
            r = Rx(xcoord=xcoord, ycoord=ycoord, zcoord=zcoord)
            # If no ID or outputs are specified, use default i.e Ex, Ey, Ez, Hx, Hy, Hz, Ix, Iy, Iz
            if len(tmp) == 3:
                r.outputs = Rx.availableoutputs[0:9]
                r.ID = tmp[3]
                # Check and add field output names
                for field in tmp[4::]:
                    if field in Rx.availableoutputs:
                        raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' contains an output type that is not available')
            if G.messages:
                print('Receiver at {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m with output(s) {} created.'.format(r.xcoord * G.dx, r.ycoord * G.dy, r.zcoord * G.dz, ', '.join(r.outputs)))

    # Receiver box
    cmdname = '#rx_box'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 9:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly nine parameters')

            xs = round_value(float(tmp[0])/G.dx)
            xf = round_value(float(tmp[3])/G.dx)
            ys = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dy)
            yf = round_value(float(tmp[4])/G.dy)
            zs = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dz)
            zf = round_value(float(tmp[5])/G.dz)
            dx = round_value(float(tmp[6])/G.dx)
            dy = round_value(float(tmp[7])/G.dy)
            dz = round_value(float(tmp[8])/G.dz)

            if xs < 0 or xs >= G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower x-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(xs))
            if xf < 0 or xf >= G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper x-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(xf))
            if ys < 0 or ys >= G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower y-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(ys))
            if yf < 0 or yf >= G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper y-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(yf))
            if zs < 0 or zs >= G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower z-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(zs))
            if zf < 0 or zf >= G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper z-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(zf))
            if xcoord < G.pmlthickness[0] or xcoord > G.nx - G.pmlthickness[3] or ycoord < G.pmlthickness[1] or ycoord > G.ny - G.pmlthickness[4] or zcoord < G.pmlthickness[2] or zcoord > G.nz - G.pmlthickness[5]:
                print("WARNING: '" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' sources and receivers should not normally be positioned within the PML.')
            if xs >= xf or ys >= yf or zs >= zf:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower coordinates should be less than the upper coordinates')
            if dx < 0 or dy < 0 or dz < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than zero')
            if dx < G.dx or dy < G.dy or dz < G.dz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than the spatial discretisation')

            for x in range(xs, xf, dx):
                for y in range(ys, yf, dy):
                    for z in range(zs, zf, dz):
                        r = Rx(xcoord=x, ycoord=y, zcoord=z)

            if G.messages:
                print('Receiver box {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, to {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m with steps {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g} created.'.format(xs * G.dx, ys * G.dy, zs * G.dz, xf * G.dx, yf * G.dy, zf * G.dz, dx * G.dx, dy * G.dy, dz * G.dz))
    # Snapshot
    cmdname = '#snapshot'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 11:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly eleven parameters')

            xs = round_value(float(tmp[0])/G.dx)
            xf = round_value(float(tmp[3])/G.dx)
            ys = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dy)
            yf = round_value(float(tmp[4])/G.dy)
            zs = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dz)
            zf = round_value(float(tmp[5])/G.dz)
            dx = round_value(float(tmp[6])/G.dx)
            dy = round_value(float(tmp[7])/G.dy)
            dz = round_value(float(tmp[8])/G.dz)
            # If real floating point value given
            if '.' in tmp[9] or 'e' in tmp[9]:
                if float(tmp[9]) > 0:
                    time = round_value((float(tmp[9]) / G.dt)) + 1
                    raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time value must be greater than zero')
            # If number of iterations given
                time = int(tmp[9])
            if xs < 0 or xs > G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower x-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(xs * G.dx))
            if xf < 0 or xf > G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper x-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(xf * G.dx))
            if ys < 0 or ys > G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower y-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(ys * G.dy))
            if yf < 0 or yf > G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper y-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(yf * G.dy))
            if zs < 0 or zs > G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower z-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(zs * G.dz))
            if zf < 0 or zf > G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper z-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(zf * G.dz))
            if xs >= xf or ys >= yf or zs >= zf:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower coordinates should be less than the upper coordinates')
            if dx < 0 or dy < 0 or dz < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than zero')
            if dx < G.dx or dy < G.dy or dz < G.dz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than the spatial discretisation')
            if time <= 0 or time > G.iterations:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' time value is not valid')
            s = Snapshot(xs, ys, zs, xf, yf, zf, dx, dy, dz, time, tmp[10])

            if G.messages:
                print('Snapshot from {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, to {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, discretisation {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, at {:g} secs with filename {} created.'.format(xs * G.dx, ys * G.dy, zs * G.dz, xf * G.dx, yf * G.dy, zf * G.dz, dx * G.dx, dx * G.dy, dx * G.dz, s.time * G.dt, s.filename))

    # Materials
    # Create built-in materials
    m = Material(0, 'pec', G)
    m.average = False
    m = Material(1, 'free_space', G)
    m.average = True

    cmdname = '#material'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly five parameters')
            if float(tmp[0]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for static (DC) permittivity')
            if float(tmp[1]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for conductivity')
            if float(tmp[2]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for permeability')
            if float(tmp[3]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for magnetic conductivity')
            if any(x.ID == tmp[4] for x in G.materials):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' with ID {} already exists'.format(tmp[4]))
            # Create a new instance of the Material class material (start index after pec & free_space)
            m = Material(len(G.materials), tmp[4], G)
            m.er = float(tmp[0])
            m.se = float(tmp[1])
            m.mr = float(tmp[2])
            m.sm = float(tmp[3])
            if G.messages:
                print('Material {} with epsr={:g}, sig={:g} S/m; mur={:g}, sig*={:g} S/m created.'.format(m.ID, m.er, m.se, m.mr, m.sm))
            # Append the new material object to the materials list

    cmdname = '#add_dispersion_debye'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()

            if len(tmp) < 4:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least four parameters')
            if int(tmp[0]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for number of poles')
            poles = int(tmp[0])
            materialsrequested = tmp[(2 * poles) + 1:len(tmp)]

            # Look up requested materials in existing list of material instances
            materials = [y for x in materialsrequested for y in G.materials if y.ID == x]

            if len(materials) != len(materialsrequested):
                notfound = [x for x in materialsrequested if x not in materials]
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' material(s) {} do not exist'.format(notfound))
            for material in materials:
                material.type = 'debye'
                material.poles = poles
                material.average = False
                for pole in range(1, 2 * poles, 2):
                    if float(tmp[pole]) > 0 and float(tmp[pole + 1]) > G.dt:
                        material.tau.append(float(tmp[pole + 1]))
                        raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires positive values for the permittivity difference and relaxation times, and relaxation times that are greater than the time step for the model.')
                if material.poles > Material.maxpoles:
                    Material.maxpoles = material.poles

                if G.messages:
                    print('Debye-type disperion added to {} with delta_epsr={}, and tau={} secs created.'.format(material.ID, ','.join('%4.2f' % deltaer for deltaer in material.deltaer), ','.join('%4.3e' % tau for tau in material.tau)))

    cmdname = '#add_dispersion_lorentz'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()

            if len(tmp) < 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least five parameters')
            if int(tmp[0]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for number of poles')
            poles = int(tmp[0])
            materialsrequested = tmp[(3 * poles) + 1:len(tmp)]

            # Look up requested materials in existing list of material instances
            materials = [y for x in materialsrequested for y in G.materials if y.ID == x]

            if len(materials) != len(materialsrequested):
                notfound = [x for x in materialsrequested if x not in materials]
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' material(s) {} do not exist'.format(notfound))
            for material in materials:
                material.type = 'lorentz'
                material.poles = poles
                material.average = False
                for pole in range(1, 3 * poles, 3):
                    if float(tmp[pole]) > 0 and float(tmp[pole + 1]) > G.dt and float(tmp[pole + 2]) > G.dt:
                        material.tau.append(float(tmp[pole + 1]))
                        material.alpha.append(float(tmp[pole + 2]))
                        raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires positive values for the permittivity difference and frequencies, and associated times that are greater than the time step for the model.')
                if material.poles > Material.maxpoles:
                    Material.maxpoles = material.poles

                if G.messages:
                    print('Lorentz-type disperion added to {} with delta_epsr={}, omega={} secs, and gamma={} created.'.format(material.ID, ','.join('%4.2f' % deltaer for deltaer in material.deltaer), ','.join('%4.3e' % tau for tau in material.tau), ','.join('%4.3e' % alpha for alpha in material.alpha)))

    cmdname = '#add_dispersion_drude'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()

            if len(tmp) < 5:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at least five parameters')
            if int(tmp[0]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for number of poles')
            poles = int(tmp[0])
            materialsrequested = tmp[(3 * poles) + 1:len(tmp)]

            # Look up requested materials in existing list of material instances
            materials = [y for x in materialsrequested for y in G.materials if y.ID == x]

            if len(materials) != len(materialsrequested):
                notfound = [x for x in materialsrequested if x not in materials]
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' material(s) {} do not exist'.format(notfound))
            for material in materials:
                material.type = 'drude'
                material.poles = poles
                material.average = False
                for pole in range(1, 2 * poles, 2):
                    if float(tmp[pole]) > 0 and float(tmp[pole + 1]) > G.dt:
                        material.tau.append(float(tmp[pole ]))
                        material.alpha.append(float(tmp[pole + 1]))
                        raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires positive values for the frequencies, and associated times that are greater than the time step for the model.')
                if material.poles > Material.maxpoles:
                    Material.maxpoles = material.poles

                if G.messages:
                    print('Drude-type disperion added to {} with omega={} secs, and gamma={} secs created.'.format(material.ID, ','.join('%4.3e' % tau for tau in material.tau), ','.join('%4.3e' % alpha for alpha in material.alpha)))

    cmdname = '#soil_peplinski'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 7:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires at exactly seven parameters')
            if float(tmp[0]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the sand fraction')
            if float(tmp[1]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the clay fraction')
            if float(tmp[2]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the bulk density')
            if float(tmp[3]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the sand particle density')
            if float(tmp[4]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the lower limit of the water volumetric fraction')
            if float(tmp[5]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires a positive value for the upper limit of the water volumetric fraction')
            if any(x.ID == tmp[6] for x in G.mixingmodels):
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' with ID {} already exists'.format(tmp[6]))
            # Create a new instance of the Material class material (start index after pec & free_space)
            s = PeplinskiSoil(tmp[6], float(tmp[0]), float(tmp[1]), float(tmp[2]), float(tmp[3]), (float(tmp[4]), float(tmp[5])))
            if G.messages:
                print('Mixing model (Peplinski) used to create {} with sand fraction {:g}, clay fraction {:g}, bulk density {:g}g/cm3, sand particle density {:g}g/cm3, and water volumetric fraction {:g} to {:g} created.'.format(s.ID, s.S, s.C, s.rb, s.rs, s.mu[0], s.mu[1]))
            # Append the new material object to the materials list

    # Geometry views (creates VTK-based geometry files)
    cmdname = '#geometry_view'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 11:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly eleven parameters')

            xs = round_value(float(tmp[0])/G.dx)
            xf = round_value(float(tmp[3])/G.dx)
            ys = round_value(float(tmp[1])/G.dy)
            yf = round_value(float(tmp[4])/G.dy)
            zs = round_value(float(tmp[2])/G.dz)
            zf = round_value(float(tmp[5])/G.dz)
            dx = round_value(float(tmp[6])/G.dx)
            dy = round_value(float(tmp[7])/G.dy)
            dz = round_value(float(tmp[8])/G.dz)

            if xs < 0 or xs > G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower x-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(xs * G.dx))
            if xf < 0 or xf > G.nx:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper x-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(xf * G.dx))
            if ys < 0 or ys > G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower y-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(ys * G.dy))
            if yf < 0 or yf > G.ny:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper y-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(yf * G.dy))
            if zs < 0 or zs > G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower z-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(zs * G.dz))
            if zf < 0 or zf > G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the upper z-coordinate {:g}m is not within the model domain'.format(zf * G.dz))
            if xs >= xf or ys >= yf or zs >= zf:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the lower coordinates should be less than the upper coordinates')
            if dx < 0 or dy < 0 or dz < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than zero')
            if dx > G.nx or dy > G.ny or dz > G.nz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should be less than the domain size')
            if dx < G.dx or dy < G.dy or dz < G.dz:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' the step size should not be less than the spatial discretisation')
            if tmp[10].lower() != 'n' and tmp[10].lower() != 'f':
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires type to be either n (normal) or f (fine)')
            g = GeometryView(xs, ys, zs, xf, yf, zf, dx, dy, dz, tmp[9], tmp[10].lower())

            if G.messages:
                print('Geometry view from {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, to {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, discretisation {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m, filename {} created.'.format(xs * G.dx, ys * G.dy, zs * G.dz, xf * G.dx, yf * G.dy, zf * G.dz, dx * G.dx, dy * G.dy, dz * G.dz, g.filename))

            # Append the new GeometryView object to the geometry views list

    # Complex frequency shifted (CFS) PML parameter
    cmdname = '#pml_cfs'
    if multicmds[cmdname] != 'None':
        if len(multicmds[cmdname]) > 2:
            raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' can only be used up to two times, for up to a 2nd order PML')
        for cmdinstance in multicmds[cmdname]:
            tmp = cmdinstance.split()
            if len(tmp) != 12:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' requires exactly twelve parameters')
            if tmp[0] not in CFSParameter.scalingprofiles.keys() or tmp[4] not in CFSParameter.scalingprofiles.keys() or tmp[8] not in CFSParameter.scalingprofiles.keys():
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' must have scaling type {}'.format(','.join(CFSParameter.scalingprofiles.keys())))
            if tmp[1] not in CFSParameter.scalingdirections or tmp[5] not in CFSParameter.scalingdirections or tmp[9] not in CFSParameter.scalingdirections:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' must have scaling type {}'.format(','.join(CFSParameter.scalingprofiles.keys())))
            if float(tmp[2]) < 0 or float(tmp[3]) < 0 or float(tmp[6]) < 0 or float(tmp[7]) < 0 or float(tmp[10]) < 0:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' minimum and maximum scaling values must be greater than zero')
            if float(tmp[6]) < 1:
                raise CmdInputError("'" + cmdname + ': ' + ' '.join(tmp) + "'" + ' minimum scaling value for kappa must be greater than zero')
            cfs = CFS()
            cfsalpha = CFSParameter()
            cfsalpha.ID = 'alpha'
            cfsalpha.scalingprofile = tmp[0]
            cfsalpha.scalingdirection = tmp[1]
            cfsalpha.min = float(tmp[2])
            cfsalpha.max = float(tmp[3])
            cfskappa = CFSParameter()
            cfskappa.ID = 'kappa'
            cfskappa.scalingprofile = tmp[4]
            cfskappa.scalingdirection = tmp[5]
            cfskappa.min = float(tmp[6])
            cfskappa.max = float(tmp[7])
            cfssigma = CFSParameter()
            cfssigma.ID = 'sigma'
            cfssigma.scalingprofile = tmp[8]
            cfssigma.scalingdirection = tmp[9]
            cfssigma.min = float(tmp[10])
            if tmp[11] == 'None':
                cfssigma.max = None
                cfssigma.max = float(tmp[11])
            cfs = CFS()
            cfs.alpha = cfsalpha
            cfs.kappa = cfskappa
            cfs.sigma = cfssigma
            if G.messages:
                print('PML CFS parameters: alpha (scaling: {}, scaling direction: {}, min: {:g}, max: {:g}), kappa (scaling: {}, scaling direction: {}, min: {:g}, max: {:g}), sigma (scaling: {}, scaling direction: {}, min: {:g}, max: {:g}) created.'.format(cfsalpha.scalingprofile, cfsalpha.scalingdirection, cfsalpha.min, cfsalpha.max, cfskappa.scalingprofile, cfskappa.scalingdirection, cfskappa.min, cfskappa.max, cfssigma.scalingprofile, cfssigma.scalingdirection, cfssigma.min, cfssigma.max))
def process_singlecmds(singlecmds, multicmds, G):
    """Checks the validity of command parameters and creates instances of classes of parameters.
        singlecmds (dict): Commands that can only occur once in the model.
        multicmds (dict): Commands that can have multiple instances in the model (required to pass to process_materials_file function).
        G (class): Grid class instance - holds essential parameters describing the model.

    # Check validity of command parameters in order needed
    # messages
    cmd = '#messages'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter')
        if singlecmds[cmd].lower() == 'y':
            G.messages = True
        elif singlecmds[cmd].lower() == 'n':
            G.messages = False
            raise CmdInputError(cmd +
                                ' requires input values of either y or n')

    # Title
    cmd = '#title'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        G.title = singlecmds[cmd]
        if G.messages:
            print('Model title: {}'.format(G.title))

    # Number of processors to run on (OpenMP)
    cmd = '#num_threads'
    ompthreads = os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS')
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = tuple(int(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split())
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(
                cmd +
                ' requires exactly one parameter to specify the number of threads to use'
        if tmp[0] < 1:
            raise CmdInputError(
                cmd + ' requires the value to be an integer not less than one')
        G.nthreads = tmp[0]
    elif ompthreads:
        G.nthreads = int(ompthreads)
        # Set number of threads to number of physical CPU cores, i.e. avoid hyperthreading with OpenMP
        G.nthreads = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)
    if G.messages:
        print('Number of threads: {}'.format(G.nthreads))

    # Spatial discretisation
    cmd = '#dx_dy_dz'
    tmp = [float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split()]
    if len(tmp) != 3:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
    if tmp[0] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(
            cmd +
            ' requires the x-direction spatial step to be greater than zero')
    if tmp[1] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(
            cmd +
            ' requires the y-direction spatial step to be greater than zero')
    if tmp[2] <= 0:
        raise CmdInputError(
            cmd +
            ' requires the z-direction spatial step to be greater than zero')
    G.dx = tmp[0]
    G.dy = tmp[1]
    G.dz = tmp[2]
    if G.messages:
        print('Spatial discretisation: {:g} x {:g} x {:g}m'.format(
            G.dx, G.dy, G.dz))

    # Domain
    cmd = '#domain'
    tmp = [float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split()]
    if len(tmp) != 3:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
    G.nx = round_value(tmp[0] / G.dx)
    G.ny = round_value(tmp[1] / G.dy)
    G.nz = round_value(tmp[2] / G.dz)
    if G.nx == 0 or G.ny == 0 or G.nz == 0:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd +
                            ' requires at least one cell in every dimension')
    if G.messages:
            'Domain size: {:g} x {:g} x {:g}m ({:d} x {:d} x {:d} = {:g} cells)'
            .format(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], G.nx, G.ny, G.nz,
                    (G.nx * G.ny * G.nz)))
        # Guesstimate at memory usage
        mem = (((G.nx + 1) * (G.ny + 1) *
                (G.nz + 1) * 13 * np.dtype(floattype).itemsize + (G.nx + 1) *
                (G.ny + 1) * (G.nz + 1) * 18) * 1.1) + 30e6
        print('Memory (RAM) usage: ~{} required, {} available'.format(
            human_size(mem), human_size(psutil.virtual_memory().total)))

    # Time step CFL limit - use either 2D or 3D (default)
    cmd = '#time_step_limit_type'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter')
        if singlecmds[cmd].lower() == '2d':
            if G.nx == 1:
                G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dy) * (1 / G.dy) + (1 / G.dz) *
                                        (1 / G.dz)))
            elif G.ny == 1:
                G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dz) *
                                        (1 / G.dz)))
            elif G.nz == 1:
                G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dy) *
                                        (1 / G.dy)))
                raise CmdInputError(
                    cmd +
                    ' 2D CFL limit can only be used when one dimension of the domain is one cell'
        elif singlecmds[cmd].lower() == '3d':
            G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dy) *
                                    (1 / G.dy) + (1 / G.dz) * (1 / G.dz)))
            raise CmdInputError(cmd +
                                ' requires input values of either 2D or 3D')
        G.dt = 1 / (c * np.sqrt((1 / G.dx) * (1 / G.dx) + (1 / G.dy) *
                                (1 / G.dy) + (1 / G.dz) * (1 / G.dz)))

    # Round down time step to nearest float with precision one less than hardware maximum. Avoids inadvertently exceeding the CFL due to binary representation of floating point number.
    G.dt = round_value(G.dt, decimalplaces=d.getcontext().prec - 1)

    if G.messages:
        print('Time step: {:g} secs'.format(G.dt))

    # Time step stability factor
    cmd = '#time_step_stability_factor'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = tuple(float(x) for x in singlecmds[cmd].split())
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter')
        if tmp[0] <= 0 or tmp[0] > 1:
            raise CmdInputError(
                cmd +
                ' requires the value of the time step stability factor to be between zero and one'
        G.dt = G.dt * tmp[0]
        if G.messages:
            print('Time step (modified): {:g} secs'.format(G.dt))

    # Time window
    cmd = '#time_window'
    tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
    if len(tmp) != 1:
        raise CmdInputError(
            cmd +
            ' requires exactly one parameter to specify the time window. Either in seconds or number of iterations.'
    tmp = tmp[0].lower()
    # If real floating point value given
    if '.' in tmp or 'e' in tmp:
        if float(tmp) > 0:
            G.timewindow = float(tmp)
            G.iterations = round_value((float(tmp) / G.dt)) + 1
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' must have a value greater than zero')
    # If number of iterations given
        G.timewindow = (int(tmp) - 1) * G.dt
        G.iterations = int(tmp)
    if G.messages:
        print('Time window: {:g} secs ({} iterations)'.format(
            G.timewindow, G.iterations))

    # PML
    cmd = '#pml_cells'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1 and len(tmp) != 6:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires either one or six parameters')
        if len(tmp) == 1:
            G.pmlthickness = (int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[0]),
                              int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[0]))
            G.pmlthickness = (int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[1]), int(tmp[2]),
                              int(tmp[3]), int(tmp[4]), int(tmp[5]))
    if 2 * G.pmlthickness[0] >= G.nx or 2 * G.pmlthickness[
            1] >= G.ny or 2 * G.pmlthickness[2] >= G.nz or 2 * G.pmlthickness[
                3] >= G.nx or 2 * G.pmlthickness[
                    4] >= G.ny or 2 * G.pmlthickness[5] >= G.nz:
        raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' has too many cells for the domain size')

    # src_steps
    cmd = '#src_steps'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 3:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
        G.srcstepx = round_value(float(tmp[0]) / G.dx)
        G.srcstepy = round_value(float(tmp[1]) / G.dy)
        G.srcstepz = round_value(float(tmp[2]) / G.dz)
        if G.messages:
                'All sources will step {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m for each model run.'
                .format(G.srcstepx * G.dx, G.srcstepy * G.dy,
                        G.srcstepz * G.dz))

    # rx_steps
    cmd = '#rx_steps'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 3:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly three parameters')
        G.rxstepx = round_value(float(tmp[0]) / G.dx)
        G.rxstepy = round_value(float(tmp[1]) / G.dy)
        G.rxstepz = round_value(float(tmp[2]) / G.dz)
        if G.messages:
                'All receivers will step {:g}m, {:g}m, {:g}m for each model run.'
                .format(G.rxstepx * G.dx, G.rxstepy * G.dy, G.rxstepz * G.dz))

    # Excitation file for user-defined source waveforms
    cmd = '#excitation_file'
    if singlecmds[cmd] != 'None':
        tmp = singlecmds[cmd].split()
        if len(tmp) != 1:
            raise CmdInputError(cmd + ' requires exactly one parameter')
        excitationfile = tmp[0]

        # See if file exists at specified path and if not try input file directory
        if not os.path.isfile(excitationfile):
            excitationfile = os.path.join(G.inputdirectory, excitationfile)

        # Get waveform names
        with open(excitationfile, 'r') as f:
            waveformIDs = f.readline().split()

        # Read all waveform values into an array
        waveformvalues = np.loadtxt(excitationfile,

        for waveform in range(len(waveformIDs)):
            if any(x.ID == waveformIDs[waveform] for x in G.waveforms):
                raise CmdInputError(
                    'Waveform with ID {} already exists'.format(
            w = Waveform()
            w.ID = waveformIDs[waveform]
            w.type = 'user'
            if len(waveformvalues.shape) == 1:
                w.uservalues = waveformvalues[:]
                w.uservalues = waveformvalues[:, waveform]

            if G.messages:
                print('User waveform {} created.'.format(w.ID))
