Example #1
class PolicyPriorGMM(object):
    A policy prior encoded as a GMM over [x_t, u_t] points, where u_t is
    the output of the policy for the given state x_t. This prior is used
    when computing the linearization of the policy.

    See the method AlgorithmBADMM._update_policy_fit, in

    Also see the GMM dynamics prior, in
    python/gps/algorithm/dynamics/dynamics_prior_gmm.py. This is a
    similar GMM prior that is used for the dynamics estimate.
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
            min_samples_per_cluster: Minimum number of samples.
            max_clusters: Maximum number of clusters to fit.
            max_samples: Maximum number of trajectories to use for
                fitting the GMM at any given time.
            strength: Adjusts the strength of the prior.
        config = copy.deepcopy(POLICY_PRIOR_GMM)
        self._hyperparams = config
        self.X = None
        self.obs = None
        self.gmm = GMM()
        self._min_samp = self._hyperparams['min_samples_per_cluster']
        self._max_samples = self._hyperparams['max_samples']
        self._max_clusters = self._hyperparams['max_clusters']
        self._strength = self._hyperparams['strength']
        self._init_sig_reg = self._hyperparams['init_regularization']
        self._subsequent_sig_reg = self._hyperparams[

    def update(self, samples, policy_opt, mode='add'):
        Update GMM using new samples or policy_opt.
        By default does not replace old samples.

            samples: SampleList containing new samples
            policy_opt: PolicyOpt containing current policy

        X, obs = samples.get_X(), samples.get_obs()
        if self.X is None or mode == 'replace':
            self.X = X
            self.obs = obs
        elif mode == 'add' and X.size > 0:
            self.X = np.concatenate([self.X, X], axis=0)
            self.obs = np.concatenate([self.obs, obs], axis=0)
            # Trim extra samples
            N = self.X.shape[0]
            if N > self._max_samples:
                start = N - self._max_samples
                self.X = self.X[start:, :, :]
                self.obs = self.obs[start:, :, :]

        # Evaluate policy at samples to get mean policy action.
        U = policy_opt.prob(self.obs, diag_var=True)[0]
        # Create the dataset
        N, T = self.X.shape[:2]
        dO = self.X.shape[2] + U.shape[2]
        XU = np.reshape(np.concatenate([self.X, U], axis=2), [T * N, dO])
        # Choose number of clusters.
        K = int(
                    np.floor(float(N * T) / self._min_samp))))

        LOGGER.debug('Generating %d clusters for policy prior GMM.', K)
        self.gmm.update(XU, K)

    def eval(self, Ts, Ps):
        """ Evaluate prior. """
        # Construct query data point.
        pts = np.concatenate((Ts, Ps), axis=1)
        # Perform query.
        mu0, Phi, m, n0 = self.gmm.inference(pts)
        # Factor in multiplier.
        n0 *= self._strength
        m *= self._strength
        # Multiply Phi by m (since it was normalized before).
        Phi *= m
        return mu0, Phi, m, n0

    def fit(self, X, pol_mu, pol_sig):
        Fit policy linearization.

            X: Samples (N, T, dX)
            pol_mu: Policy means (N, T, dU)
            pol_sig: Policy covariance (N, T, dU)
        N, T, dX = X.shape
        dU = pol_mu.shape[2]
        if N == 1:
            raise ValueError("Cannot fit dynamics on 1 sample")

        # Collapse policy covariances. (This is only correct because
        # the policy doesn't depend on state).
        pol_sig = np.mean(pol_sig, axis=0)

        # Allocate.
        pol_K = np.zeros([T, dU, dX])
        pol_k = np.zeros([T, dU])
        pol_S = np.zeros([T, dU, dU])

        # Fit policy linearization with least squares regression.
        dwts = (1.0 / N) * np.ones(N)
        for t in range(T):
            Ts = X[:, t, :]
            Ps = pol_mu[:, t, :]
            Ys = np.concatenate([Ts, Ps], axis=1)
            # Obtain Normal-inverse-Wishart prior.
            mu0, Phi, mm, n0 = self.eval(Ts, Ps)
            sig_reg = np.zeros((dX + dU, dX + dU))
            # Slightly regularize on first timestep.
            if t == 0:
                #sig_reg[:dX, :dX] = self._init_sig_reg*np.eye(dX)
                np.fill_diagonal(sig_reg[:dX, :dX], self._init_sig_reg)
                #sig_reg[:dX, :dX] = self._subsequent_sig_reg*np.eye(dX)
                np.fill_diagonal(sig_reg[:dX, :dX], self._subsequent_sig_reg)
            pol_K[t, :, :], pol_k[t, :], pol_S[t, :, :] = \
                            mu0, Phi, mm, n0, dwts, dX, dU, sig_reg)
        pol_S += pol_sig
        return pol_K, pol_k, pol_S
class DynamicsPriorGMM(object):
    A dynamics prior encoded as a GMM over [x_t, u_t, x_t+1] points.
        S. Levine*, C. Finn*, T. Darrell, P. Abbeel, "End-to-end
        training of Deep Visuomotor Policies", arXiv:1504.00702,
        Appendix A.3.
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
            min_samples_per_cluster: Minimum samples per cluster.
            max_clusters: Maximum number of clusters to fit.
            max_samples: Maximum number of trajectories to use for
                fitting the GMM at any given time.
            strength: Adjusts the strength of the prior.
        config = copy.deepcopy(DYN_PRIOR_GMM)
        self._hyperparams = config
        self.X = None
        self.U = None
        self.gmm = GMM()
        self._min_samp = self._hyperparams['min_samples_per_cluster']
        self._max_samples = self._hyperparams['max_samples']
        self._max_clusters = self._hyperparams['max_clusters']
        self._strength = self._hyperparams['strength']

    def initial_state(self):
        """ Return dynamics prior for initial time step. """
        # Compute mean and covariance.
        mu0 = np.mean(self.X[:, 0, :], axis=0)
        Phi = np.diag(np.var(self.X[:, 0, :], axis=0))

        # Factor in multiplier.
        n0 = self.X.shape[2] * self._strength
        m = self.X.shape[2] * self._strength

        # Multiply Phi by m (since it was normalized before).
        Phi = Phi * m
        return mu0, Phi, m, n0

    def update(self, X, U):
        Update prior with additional data.
            X: A N x T x dX matrix of sequential state data.
            U: A N x T x dU matrix of sequential control data.
        # Constants.
        T = X.shape[1] - 1

        # Append data to dataset.
        if self.X is None:
            self.X = X
            self.X = np.concatenate([self.X, X], axis=0)

        if self.U is None:
            self.U = U
            self.U = np.concatenate([self.U, U], axis=0)

        # Remove excess samples from dataset.
        start = max(0, self.X.shape[0] - self._max_samples + 1)
        self.X = self.X[start:, :]
        self.U = self.U[start:, :]

        # Compute cluster dimensionality.
        Do = X.shape[2] + U.shape[2] + X.shape[2]  #TODO: Use Xtgt.

        # Create dataset.
        N = self.X.shape[0]
        xux = np.reshape(
            np.c_[self.X[:, :T, :], self.U[:, :T, :], self.X[:, 1:(T+1), :]],
            [T * N, Do]

        # Choose number of clusters.
        K = int(max(2, min(self._max_clusters,
                           np.floor(float(N * T) / self._min_samp))))
        LOGGER.debug('Generating %d clusters for dynamics GMM.', K)

        # Update GMM.
        self.gmm.update(xux, K)

    def eval(self, Dx, Du, pts):
        Evaluate prior.
            pts: A N x Dx+Du+Dx matrix.
        # Construct query data point by rearranging entries and adding
        # in reference.
        assert pts.shape[1] == Dx + Du + Dx

        # Perform query and fix mean.
        mu0, Phi, m, n0 = self.gmm.inference(pts)

        # Factor in multiplier.
        n0 = n0 * self._strength
        m = m * self._strength

        # Multiply Phi by m (since it was normalized before).
        Phi *= m
        return mu0, Phi, m, n0
Example #3
class DynamicsPriorGMM(object):
    A dynamics prior encoded as a GMM over [x_t, u_t, x_t+1] points.
        S. Levine*, C. Finn*, T. Darrell, P. Abbeel, "End-to-end
        training of Deep Visuomotor Policies", arXiv:1504.00702,
        Appendix A.3.
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
            min_samples_per_cluster: Minimum samples per cluster.
            max_clusters: Maximum number of clusters to fit.
            max_samples: Maximum number of trajectories to use for
                fitting the GMM at any given time.
            strength: Adjusts the strength of the prior.
        config = copy.deepcopy(DYN_PRIOR_GMM)
        self._hyperparams = config
        self.X = None
        self.U = None
        self.gmm = GMM()
        self._min_samp = self._hyperparams['min_samples_per_cluster']
        self._max_samples = self._hyperparams['max_clusters']
        self._max_clusters = self._hyperparams['max_samples']
        self._strength = self._hyperparams['strength']

    def initial_state(self):
        """ Return dynamics prior for initial time step. """
        # Compute mean and covariance.
        mu0 = np.mean(self.X[:, 0, :], axis=0)
        Phi = np.diag(np.var(self.X[:, 0, :], axis=0))

        # Factor in multiplier.
        n0 = self.X.shape[2] * self._strength
        m = self.X.shape[2] * self._strength

        # Multiply Phi by m (since it was normalized before).
        Phi = Phi * m
        return mu0, Phi, m, n0

    def update(self, X, U):
        Update prior with additional data.
            X: A N x T x dX matrix of sequential state data.
            U: A N x T x dU matrix of sequential control data.
        # Constants.
        T = X.shape[1] - 1

        # Append data to dataset.
        if self.X is None:
            self.X = X
            self.X = np.concatenate([self.X, X], axis=0)

        if self.U is None:
            self.U = U
            self.U = np.concatenate([self.U, U], axis=0)

        # Remove excess samples from dataset.
        start = max(0, self.X.shape[0] - self._max_samples + 1)
        self.X = self.X[start:, :]
        self.U = self.U[start:, :]

        # Compute cluster dimensionality.
        Do = X.shape[2] + U.shape[2] + X.shape[2]  #TODO: Use Xtgt.

        # Create dataset.
        N = self.X.shape[0]
        xux = np.reshape(
            np.c_[self.X[:, :T, :], self.U[:, :T, :], self.X[:, 1:(T+1), :]],
            [T * N, Do]

        # Choose number of clusters.
        K = int(max(2, min(self._max_clusters,
                           np.floor(float(N * T) / self._min_samp))))
        LOGGER.debug('Generating %d clusters for dynamics GMM.', K)

        # Update GMM.
        self.gmm.update(xux, K)

    def eval(self, Dx, Du, pts):
        Evaluate prior.
            pts: A N x Dx+Du+Dx matrix.
        # Construct query data point by rearranging entries and adding
        # in reference.
        assert pts.shape[1] == Dx + Du + Dx

        # Perform query and fix mean.
        mu0, Phi, m, n0 = self.gmm.inference(pts)

        # Factor in multiplier.
        n0 = n0 * self._strength
        m = m * self._strength

        # Multiply Phi by m (since it was normalized before).
        Phi *= m
        return mu0, Phi, m, n0
Example #4
class PolicyPriorGMM(object):
    A policy prior encoded as a GMM over [x_t, u_t] points, where u_t is
    the output of the policy for the given state x_t. This prior is used
    when computing the linearization of the policy.

    See the method AlgorithmBADMM._update_policy_fit, in

    Also see the GMM dynamics prior, in
    python/gps/algorithm/dynamics/dynamics_prior_gmm.py. This is a
    similar GMM prior that is used for the dynamics estimate.
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
            min_samples_per_cluster: Minimum number of samples.
            max_clusters: Maximum number of clusters to fit.
            max_samples: Maximum number of trajectories to use for
                fitting the GMM at any given time.
            strength: Adjusts the strength of the prior.
        config = copy.deepcopy(POLICY_PRIOR_GMM)
        self._hyperparams = config
        self.X = None
        self.obs = None
        self.gmm = GMM()
        # TODO: handle these params better (e.g. should depend on N?)
        self._min_samp = self._hyperparams['min_samples_per_cluster']
        self._max_samples = self._hyperparams['max_samples']
        self._max_clusters = self._hyperparams['max_clusters']
        self._strength = self._hyperparams['strength']

    def update(self, samples, policy_opt, mode='add'):
        Update GMM using new samples or policy_opt.
        By default does not replace old samples.

            samples: SampleList containing new samples
            policy_opt: PolicyOpt containing current policy
        X, obs = samples.get_X(), samples.get_obs()

        if self.X is None or mode == 'replace':
            self.X = X
            self.obs = obs
        elif mode == 'add' and X.size > 0:
            self.X = np.concatenate([self.X, X], axis=0)
            self.obs = np.concatenate([self.obs, obs], axis=0)
            # Trim extra samples
            # TODO: how should this interact with replace_samples?
            N = self.X.shape[0]
            if N > self._max_samples:
                start = N - self._max_samples
                self.X = self.X[start:, :, :]
                self.obs = self.obs[start:, :, :]

        # Evaluate policy at samples to get mean policy action.
        U = policy_opt.prob(self.obs.copy())[0]
        # Create the dataset
        N, T = self.X.shape[:2]
        dO = self.X.shape[2] + U.shape[2]
        XU = np.reshape(np.concatenate([self.X, U], axis=2), [T * N, dO])
        # Choose number of clusters.
        K = int(max(2, min(self._max_clusters,
                           np.floor(float(N * T) / self._min_samp))))

        LOGGER.debug('Generating %d clusters for policy prior GMM.', K)
        self.gmm.update(XU, K)

    def eval(self, Ts, Ps):
        """ Evaluate prior. """
        # Construct query data point.
        pts = np.concatenate((Ts, Ps), axis=1)
        # Perform query.
        mu0, Phi, m, n0 = self.gmm.inference(pts)
        # Factor in multiplier.
        n0 *= self._strength
        m *= self._strength
        # Multiply Phi by m (since it was normalized before).
        Phi *= m
        return mu0, Phi, m, n0

    # TODO: Merge with non-GMM policy_prior?
    def fit(self, X, pol_mu, pol_sig):
        Fit policy linearization.

            X: Samples (N, T, dX)
            pol_mu: Policy means (N, T, dU)
            pol_sig: Policy covariance (N, T, dU)
        N, T, dX = X.shape
        dU = pol_mu.shape[2]
        if N == 1:
            raise ValueError("Cannot fit dynamics on 1 sample")

        # Collapse policy covariances. (This is only correct because
        # the policy doesn't depend on state).
        pol_sig = np.mean(pol_sig, axis=0)

        # Allocate.
        pol_K = np.zeros([T, dU, dX])
        pol_k = np.zeros([T, dU])
        pol_S = np.zeros([T, dU, dU])

        # Fit policy linearization with least squares regression.
        dwts = (1.0 / N) * np.ones(N)
        for t in range(T):
            Ts = X[:, t, :]
            Ps = pol_mu[:, t, :]
            Ys = np.concatenate([Ts, Ps], axis=1)
            # Obtain Normal-inverse-Wishart prior.
            mu0, Phi, mm, n0 = self.eval(Ts, Ps)
            sig_reg = np.zeros((dX+dU, dX+dU))
            # Slightly regularize on first timestep.
            if t == 0:
                sig_reg[:dX, :dX] = 1e-8
            pol_K[t, :, :], pol_k[t, :], pol_S[t, :, :] = \
                            mu0, Phi, mm, n0, dwts, dX, dU, sig_reg)
        pol_S += pol_sig
        return pol_K, pol_k, pol_S
Example #5
class PolicyPriorGMM(object):
    A policy prior encoded as a GMM over [x_t, u_t] points, where u_t is
    the output of the policy for the given state x_t. This prior is used
    when computing the linearization of the policy.

    See the method AlgorithmBADMM._update_policy_fit, in

    Also see the GMM dynamics prior, in
    python/gps/algorithm/dynamics/dynamics_prior_gmm.py. This is a
    similar GMM prior that is used for the dynamics estimate.
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
            min_samples_per_cluster: Minimum number of samples.
            max_clusters: Maximum number of clusters to fit.
            max_samples: Maximum number of trajectories to use for
                fitting the GMM at any given time.
            strength: Adjusts the strength of the prior.
        config = copy.deepcopy(POLICY_PRIOR_GMM)
        self._hyperparams = config
        self.X = None
        self.obs = None
        self.gmm = GMM()
        self._min_samp = self._hyperparams['min_samples_per_cluster']
        self._max_samples = self._hyperparams['max_samples']
        self._max_clusters = self._hyperparams['max_clusters']
        self._strength = self._hyperparams['strength']

    def update(self, samples, policy_opt, all_samples, retrain=True):
        """ Update prior with additional data. """
        X, obs = samples.get_X(), samples.get_obs()
        all_X, all_obs = all_samples.get_X(), all_samples.get_obs()
        U = all_samples.get_U()
        dO, T = all_X.shape[2] + U.shape[2], all_X.shape[1]
        if self._hyperparams['keep_samples']:
            # Append data to dataset.
            if self.X is None:
                self.X = X
            elif X.size > 0:
                self.X = np.concatenate([self.X, X], axis=0)
            if self.obs is None:
                self.obs = obs
            elif obs.size > 0:
                self.obs = np.concatenate([self.obs, obs], axis=0)
            # Remove excess samples from dataset.
            start = max(0, self.X.shape[0] - self._max_samples + 1)
            self.X = self.X[start:, :, :]
            self.obs = self.obs[start:, :, :]
            # Evaluate policy at samples to get mean policy action.
            Upol = policy_opt.prob(self.obs.copy())[0]
            # Create dataset.
            N = self.X.shape[0]
            XU = np.reshape(np.concatenate([self.X, Upol], axis=2), [T * N, dO])
            # Simply use the dataset that is already there.
            all_U = policy_opt.prob(all_obs.copy())[0]
            N = all_X.shape[0]
            XU = np.reshape(np.concatenate([all_X, all_U], axis=2), [T * N, dO])
        # Choose number of clusters.
        K = int(max(2, min(self._max_clusters,
                           np.floor(float(N * T) / self._min_samp))))
        LOGGER.debug('Generating %d clusters for policy prior GMM.', K)
        # Update GMM.
        if retrain:
            self.gmm.update(XU, K)

    def eval(self, Ts, Ps):
        """ Evaluate prior. """
        # Construct query data point.
        pts = np.concatenate((Ts, Ps), axis=1)
        # Perform query.
        mu0, Phi, m, n0 = self.gmm.inference(pts)
        # Factor in multiplier.
        n0 *= self._strength
        m *= self._strength
        # Multiply Phi by m (since it was normalized before).
        Phi *= m
        return mu0, Phi, m, n0
Example #6
class PolicyPriorGMM(object):
    A policy prior encoded as a GMM over [x_t, u_t] points, where u_t is
    the output of the policy for the given state x_t. This prior is used
    when computing the linearization of the policy.

    See the method AlgorithmBADMM._update_policy_fit, in

    Also see the GMM dynamics prior, in
    python/gps/algorithm/dynamics/dynamics_prior_gmm.py. This is a
    similar GMM prior that is used for the dynamics estimate.
    def __init__(self, hyperparams):
            min_samples_per_cluster: Minimum number of samples.
            max_clusters: Maximum number of clusters to fit.
            max_samples: Maximum number of trajectories to use for
                fitting the GMM at any given time.
            strength: Adjusts the strength of the prior.
        config = copy.deepcopy(POLICY_PRIOR_GMM)
        self._hyperparams = config
        self.X = None
        self.obs = None
        self.gmm = GMM()
        self._min_samp = self._hyperparams['min_samples_per_cluster']
        self._max_samples = self._hyperparams['max_samples']
        self._max_clusters = self._hyperparams['max_clusters']
        self._strength = self._hyperparams['strength']

    def update(self, samples, policy_opt, all_samples, retrain=True):
        """ Update prior with additional data. """
        X, obs = samples.get_X(), samples.get_obs()
        all_X, all_obs = all_samples.get_X(), all_samples.get_obs()
        U = all_samples.get_U()
        dO, T = all_X.shape[2] + U.shape[2], all_X.shape[1]
        if self._hyperparams['keep_samples']:
            # Append data to dataset.
            if self.X is None:
                self.X = X
            elif X.size > 0:
                self.X = np.concatenate([self.X, X], axis=0)
            if self.obs is None:
                self.obs = obs
            elif obs.size > 0:
                self.obs = np.concatenate([self.obs, obs], axis=0)
            # Remove excess samples from dataset.
            start = max(0, self.X.shape[0] - self._max_samples + 1)
            self.X = self.X[start:, :, :]
            self.obs = self.obs[start:, :, :]
            # Evaluate policy at samples to get mean policy action.
            Upol = policy_opt.prob(self.obs.copy())[0]
            # Create dataset.
            N = self.X.shape[0]
            XU = np.reshape(np.concatenate([self.X, Upol], axis=2),
                            [T * N, dO])
            # Simply use the dataset that is already there.
            all_U = policy_opt.prob(all_obs.copy())[0]
            N = all_X.shape[0]
            XU = np.reshape(np.concatenate([all_X, all_U], axis=2),
                            [T * N, dO])
        # Choose number of clusters.
        K = int(
                    np.floor(float(N * T) / self._min_samp))))
        LOGGER.debug('Generating %d clusters for policy prior GMM.', K)
        # Update GMM.
        if retrain:
            self.gmm.update(XU, K)

    def eval(self, Ts, Ps):
        """ Evaluate prior. """
        # Construct query data point.
        pts = np.concatenate((Ts, Ps), axis=1)
        # Perform query.
        mu0, Phi, m, n0 = self.gmm.inference(pts)
        # Factor in multiplier.
        n0 *= self._strength
        m *= self._strength
        # Multiply Phi by m (since it was normalized before).
        Phi *= m
        return mu0, Phi, m, n0