def configure(data_config_file, expname, center, radius, proc_center, refframe, outdir): # Set up the stacking process stations, lons, lats, distances = stations_within_radius.get_stations_within_radius( data_config_file, center, radius, network=proc_center) data_config = gps_io_functions.read_config_file(data_config_file) blacklist = np.loadtxt(data_config.blacklist, unpack=False, usecols=(0), dtype={ 'names': ('name', ), 'formats': ('U4', ) }) blacklist = [i[0] for i in blacklist]["mkdir", "-p", outdir], shell=False) outname = expname + "_" + str(center[0]) + "_" + str( center[1]) + "_" + str(radius) myparams = Parameters(expname=expname, proc_center=proc_center, refframe=refframe, center=center, radius=radius, stations=stations, distances=distances, blacklist=blacklist, outdir=outdir, outname=outname) return myparams
def get_noah025(data_config_file, station): Params = gps_io_functions.read_config_file(data_config_file) coords_file = Params.unr_coords_file filename = Params.noah_dir + station + "_NOAH025.hyd" [myData] = gps_io_functions.read_pbo_hydro_file(filename, coords_file) Offset = offsets.get_empty_offsets() return [myData, Offset, Offset]
def import_velfield(gps_config_file, network='pbo', refframe='ITRF', sub_network=''): # Read a velocity field from a certain network and refframe myParams = gps_io_functions.read_config_file(gps_config_file) if network == 'pbo': pbo_velfile = get_pbo_velfile(myParams.pbo_velocities, refframe) [myVelocities] = gps_io_functions.read_pbo_vel_file(pbo_velfile) elif network == 'cwu': cwu_velfile = get_cwu_velfile(myParams.pbo_velocities, refframe) [myVelocities ] = gps_io_functions.read_pbo_vel_file_fortran(cwu_velfile) elif network == 'unr': unr_velfile = get_unr_velfile(myParams.unr_velocities, refframe) [myVelocities ] = gps_io_functions.read_unr_vel_file(unr_velfile, myParams.unr_coords_file) elif network[0:4] == 'usgs': if len(network) == 4: # if the network is just usgs usgs_velfile = get_usgs_velfile(myParams.usgs_vel_dir, refframe, sub_network) else: # if the network has format similar to 'usgs-Pacific_Northwest' sub_network = network.split('-')[1] usgs_velfile = get_usgs_velfile(myParams.usgs_vel_dir, refframe, sub_network) [myVelocities ] = gps_io_functions.read_usgs_velfile(usgs_velfile, myParams.usgs_cache_file) else: print( "Error! Invalid choice of network [pick one of pbo/cwu/unr/usgs]") sys.exit(0) return myVelocities
def get_nldas(data_config_file, station): Params = gps_io_functions.read_config_file(data_config_file) coords_file = Params.unr_coords_file station_name_lower = station.lower() filename = Params.nldas_dir + station_name_lower + "_noah125_nldas2.hyd" [myData] = gps_io_functions.read_pbo_hydro_file(filename, coords_file) Offset = offsets.get_empty_offsets() return [myData, Offset, Offset]
def get_station_hines(station_name, data_config_file): system_params = gps_io_functions.read_config_file(data_config_file); model_dir = "/Contrib_Data/Remove_postseismic/Hines/Stations/" model_file = system_params.general_gps_dir + model_dir + station_name + "_psmodel.pos"; # This is stored in general_gps_dir because it's on my system, but may not be on general systems. if os.path.isfile(model_file): [Data0] = gps_io_functions.read_pbo_pos_file(model_file); return Data0; else: print("ERROR: Cannot remove postseismic because file does not exist; file %s" % model_file); return None;
def get_usgs(data_config_file, station, sub_network, refframe="NA"): Params = gps_io_functions.read_config_file(data_config_file) if refframe == 'ITRF': reflabel = 'ITRF2008' else: reflabel = 'NAfixed' usgs_filename = Params.usgs_gps_dir + sub_network + '/' + station.lower( ) + "_" + reflabel + ".rneu" [myData] = gps_io_functions.read_USGS_ts_file(usgs_filename) Offsets = offsets.get_empty_offsets() return [myData, Offsets, Offsets]
def get_nmt(data_config_file, station, refframe="NA"): if refframe == "ITRF": reflabel = "igs08" else: reflabel = "nam08" Params = gps_io_functions.read_config_file(data_config_file) pbo_filename = Params.pbo_gps_dir + station + ".nmt.final_" + reflabel + ".pos" pbo_earthquakes_dir = Params.pbo_earthquakes_dir offsets_dir = Params.pbo_offsets_dir [myData] = gps_io_functions.read_pbo_pos_file(pbo_filename) # PBO data format Offsets = get_pbo_offsets(station, offsets_dir) Earthquakes = get_pbo_earthquakes(station, pbo_earthquakes_dir) return [myData, Offsets, Earthquakes]
def get_unr(data_config_file, station, refframe="NA"): if refframe == "ITRF": reflabel = "IGS14" else: reflabel = "NA" Params = gps_io_functions.read_config_file(data_config_file) unr_filename = Params.unr_gps_dir + station + "." + reflabel + ".tenv3" unr_coords = Params.unr_coords_file offsets_dir = Params.unr_offsets_dir [myData ] = gps_io_functions.read_UNR_magnet_ts_file(unr_filename, unr_coords) # UNR data format Offsets = get_unr_offsets(myData, station, offsets_dir) Earthquakes = get_unr_earthquakes(myData, station, offsets_dir) return [myData, Offsets, Earthquakes]
def remove_blacklist(data_config_file, stations): Params = gps_io_functions.read_config_file(data_config_file) new_stations = [] blacklisted_stations = [] blacklist = Params.blacklist ifile = open(blacklist, 'r') for line in ifile: blacklisted_stations.append(line.split()[0]) ifile.close() for station in stations: if not (station in blacklisted_stations): new_stations.append(station) else: print("Excluding station %s due to blacklist_file %s" % (station, Params.blacklist)) return new_stations
def make_detrended_ts(Data, seasonals_remove, seasonals_type, data_config_file, remove_trend=1, lakes_dir="../../GPS_POS_DATA/Hydro/Lake_loading/"): # The purpose of this function is to generate a version of the time series that has been # detrended and optionally seasonal-removed, # Where the seasonal fitting (if necessary) and detrending happen in the same function. # There are options for the seasonal removal (least squares, notch filter, grace, etc.) # Fit params definition: slope, a2(cos), a1(sin), s2, s1. # Here we are asking to invert the data for linear and seasonal components simultaneously Params = gps_io_functions.read_config_file(data_config_file); if seasonals_remove == 0: print("Not removing seasonals."); east_params = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; north_params = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; up_params = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; [east_vel, north_vel, up_vel, _, _, _] = gps_ts_functions.get_slope(Data); east_params[0] = east_vel; north_params[0] = north_vel; up_params[0] = up_vel; trend_out = gps_ts_functions.detrend_data_by_value(Data, east_params, north_params, up_params); trend_in = Data; else: # Going into different forms of seasonal removal. print("Removing seasonals by %s method." % seasonals_type); if seasonals_type == 'lssq': trend_out, trend_in = remove_seasonals_by_lssq(Data); elif seasonals_type == 'notch': trend_out, trend_in = remove_seasonals_by_notch(Data); elif seasonals_type == 'grace': trend_out, trend_in = remove_seasonals_by_GRACE(Data, Params.grace_dir); elif seasonals_type == 'stl': trend_out, trend_in = remove_seasonals_by_STL(Data, Params.stl_dir); elif seasonals_type == 'nldas': trend_out, trend_in = remove_seasonals_by_hydro(Data, Params.nldas_dir); elif seasonals_type == 'nldas_scaled': trend_out, trend_in = remove_seasonals_by_hydro(Data, Params.nldas_dir, scaling=True); elif seasonals_type == 'gldas': trend_out, trend_in = remove_seasonals_by_hydro(Data, Params.gldas_dir); elif seasonals_type == 'lsdm': trend_out, trend_in = remove_seasonals_by_german_load(Data, Params.lsdm_dir); elif seasonals_type == 'oroville': trend_out, trend_in = remove_seasonals_by_lakes(Data, lakes_dir, 'oroville'); elif seasonals_type == 'shasta': trend_out, trend_in = remove_seasonals_by_lakes(Data, lakes_dir, 'shasta'); else: print("Error: %s not supported as a seasonal removal type" % seasonals_type); print("The supported types are: lssq, grace, lsdm, nldas, nldas_scaled, gldas, notch, and stl"); print("Exiting!\n"); sys.exit(1); if remove_trend == 0: return trend_in; else: return trend_out;
def pre_screen_datasource(data_config_file, station, input_datasource='pbo', refframe="NA", sub_network=''): # A defensive programming function that quits if it doesn't find the right file. print("\nStation %s: " % station) Params = gps_io_functions.read_config_file(data_config_file) if refframe == "NA": unr_reflabel = "NA" pbo_reflabel = "nam08" cwu_reflabel = "nam14" usgs_reflabel = "NAfixed" elif refframe == "ITRF": unr_reflabel = "IGS14" pbo_reflabel = "igs08" cwu_reflabel = "igs14" usgs_reflabel = "ITRF2008" else: print("ERROR! Unrecognized reference frame (choices NA and ITRF)") sys.exit(1) if input_datasource == 'usgs' and sub_network == '': network_list = query_usgs_network_name(station, Params.usgs_gps_dir) if len(network_list) == 1: sub_network = network_list[0].split('/')[-1] else: print( "ERROR! User must select one sub-network for USGS time series. Exiting. " ) sys.exit(1) # Path setting if input_datasource == 'unr': filename = Params.unr_gps_dir + station + "." + unr_reflabel + ".tenv3" elif input_datasource == 'pbo': filename = Params.pbo_gps_dir + station + ".pbo.final_" + pbo_reflabel + ".pos" elif input_datasource == 'cwu': filename = Params.pbo_gps_dir + station + ".cwu.final_" + cwu_reflabel + ".pos" elif input_datasource == 'nmt': filename = Params.pbo_gps_dir + station + ".nmt.final_" + pbo_reflabel + ".pos" elif input_datasource == 'usgs': filename = Params.usgs_gps_dir + '/' + sub_network + '/' + station.lower( ) + "_" + usgs_reflabel + ".rneu" elif input_datasource == 'gldas': filename = Params.gldas_dir + station.lower() + "_noah10_gldas2.hyd" elif input_datasource == 'nldas': filename = Params.nldas_dir + station.lower() + "_noah125_nldas2.hyd" elif input_datasource == 'noah025': filename = Params.noah_dir + station + "_NOAH025.hyd" elif input_datasource == 'grace': filename = Params.grace_dir + "scaled_" + station + "_PREM_model_ts.txt" elif input_datasource == 'lsdm': filename = Params.lsdm_dir + station + "_LSDM_hydro.txt.txt" else: print("Error! Invalid input datasource %s" % input_datasource) sys.exit(1) # Determine if the file is found on the computer or not. Provide helpful suggestions if not. if os.path.isfile(filename): print("Found file %s from datasource %s %s " % (filename, input_datasource, sub_network)) # If the file is not found on the computer: else: print("Error! Cannot find %s in %s %s database." % (filename, input_datasource, sub_network)) if input_datasource == 'usgs': print( "The station %s could be found in the following sub_networks instead: " % station) query_usgs_network_name(station, Params.usgs_gps_dir) print("Exiting immediately...") sys.exit(1) return input_datasource, sub_network
def get_lsdm(data_config_file, station): Params = gps_io_functions.read_config_file(data_config_file) filename = Params.lsdm_dir + station + "_LSDM_hydro.txt.txt" [myData] = gps_io_functions.read_lsdm_file(filename) Offset = offsets.get_empty_offsets() return [myData, Offset, Offset]
def get_grace(data_config_file, station): Params = gps_io_functions.read_config_file(data_config_file) filename = Params.grace_dir + "scaled_" + station + "_PREM_model_ts.txt" [myData] = gps_io_functions.read_grace(filename) Offset = offsets.get_empty_offsets() return [myData, Offset, Offset]