sys.path.remove('cars') Threads = [] if 'watchdog' in config and config['watchdog'].get('enable') == True: import watchdog Watchdog = watchdog.Watchdog(config['watchdog']) else: Watchdog = None # Init dongle dongle = DONGLE(config['dongle'], watchdog = Watchdog) # Init GPS interface gps = GpsPoller() Threads.append(gps) # Init car car = CAR(config['car'], dongle, gps) Threads.append(car) # Init EVNotify EVNotify = evnotify.EVNotify(config['evnotify'], car) Threads.append(EVNotify) # Init WiFi control if 'wifi' in config and config['wifi'].get('enable') == True: from wifi_ctrl import WiFiCtrl wifi = WiFiCtrl() else:
def follow_stream(self, SPS=40000, dispFFT=False, axis=[0, 15000, -1e12, 1e12], FFTchannels=[1, 2, 3], selected_freq=None, raw_file=""): if raw_file != "": # Disable displaying anything if we're writing to a file dispFFT = False self._ofile = open(raw_file, "w") self._gpsp = GpsPoller() self._gpsp.start() if dispFFT: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('GTKCairo') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() quit = False samples_count = 4096 bytes_in_block = samples_count * 16 #4 channels, 4B per sample fftfreq = np.fft.rfftfreq( samples_count, d=1.0 / SPS) # /16 -> /4 channels /4 bytes per channel if selected_freq: selected_index = np.argmin(np.abs(fftfreq - selected_freq)) self._tail = struct.unpack_from("l", self._data, self.PRU0_OFFSET_DRAM_HEAD)[0] while (not quit): samples = self.get_sample_block(bytes_in_block) #Invert dimensions channels = np.transpose(samples) if raw_file != "": self._ofile, { "time": time.time(), "lat": self._gpsp.gpsd.fix.latitude, "lon": self._gpsp.gpsd.fix.longitude, "chans": channels }) continue if axis != None and dispFFT and self._spare: plt.axis(axis) ostring = "" for chan in FFTchannels: fft = np.fft.rfft(channels[chan]) / samples_count #Disregard the DC component. fft[0] = 0 if selected_freq == None: selected_index = np.argmax(np.absolute(fft)) ostring += "Channel " + str(chan) + ": %-*sHz = %-*s\t" % ( 5, int(fftfreq[selected_index]), 12, int(np.absolute(fft[selected_index]))) if dispFFT and self._spare: plt.plot(fftfreq, np.absolute(fft), label="Channel %d" % chan) #plt.plot(channels[chan], label="Channel %d"%chan) #print fftfreq[np.argmax(np.absolute(fft))] print ostring if dispFFT and self._spare: plt.legend() plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) plt.cla()
# Only accept a few characters, do not trust stuff from the Internet if re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$', cartype) == None: raise Exception('Invalid characters in cartype') if not "{}.py".format(cartype) in os.listdir('cars'): raise Exception('Unknown car {}'.format(cartype)) sys.path.insert(0, 'cars') exec("from {0} import {0} as CAR".format(cartype)) sys.path.remove('cars') dongle = DONGLE(config['dongle']) car = CAR(dongle) # Init GPS interface gps = GpsPoller() gps.start() # Init some variables main_running = True # Init SOC notifications chargingStartSOC = 0 socThreshold = int(config['socThreshold']) if 'socThreshold' in config else 0 notificationSent = False abortNotificationSent = False last_charging = time() print("Notification threshold: {}".format(socThreshold)) def exit_gracefully(signum, frame):
class follower(object): PRU_MAX_LONG_SAMPLES = 0x00040000 PRU0_OFFSET_SRAM_HEAD = 0x1000 PRU0_OFFSET_DRAM_PBASE = 0x1004 PRU0_OFFSET_SPIN_COUNT = 0x1008 PRU0_OFFSET_RES1 = 0x100C PRU0_OFFSET_SRAM_TAIL = 0x1010 PRU0_OFFSET_DRAM_HEAD = 0x1014 PRU0_OFFSET_RES2 = 0x1018 PRU0_OFFSET_RES3 = 0x101C PRU_EVTOUT_0 = 3 def __init__(self, pru=0, pru0_fw="arm/pru00.bin", pru1_fw="arm/pru01.bin"): if pru == 0: pru_dataram = pypruss.PRUSS0_PRU0_DATARAM else: pru_dataram = pypruss.PRUSS0_PRU1_DATARAM self._spare = 0 self._ofile = None self._gpsp = None logging.debug("[ADC] setting up power control line") GPIO.setup("P9_18", GPIO.OUT) logging.debug("[ADC] pruss init") pypruss.init() # Init the PRU logging.debug("[ADC] pruss open") ret = logging.debug("[ADC] pruss intc init") pypruss.pruintc_init() # Init the interrupt controller logging.debug("[ADC] mapping memory") self._data = pypruss.map_prumem(pru_dataram) logging.debug("[ADC] data segment len=%d" % len(self._data)) logging.debug("[ADC] setting tail") self._tail = 0 struct.pack_into('l', self._data, self.PRU0_OFFSET_DRAM_HEAD, self._tail) logging.debug("[ADC] mapping extmem") self._extmem = pypruss.map_extmem() logging.debug("[ADC] ext segment len=%d" % len(self._extmem)) logging.debug("[ADC] setup mem") self.ddrMem = pypruss.ddr_addr() logging.debug("[ADC] V extram_base = 0x%x" % self.ddrMem) self._pru01_phys = int( open("/sys/class/uio/uio1/maps/map1/addr", 'r').read(), 16) struct.pack_into('L', self._data, self.PRU0_OFFSET_SRAM_HEAD, 0) struct.pack_into('L', self._data, self.PRU0_OFFSET_DRAM_PBASE, self._pru01_phys) struct.pack_into('L', self._data, self.PRU0_OFFSET_SPIN_COUNT, 0) struct.pack_into('L', self._data, self.PRU0_OFFSET_RES1, 0x00000000) struct.pack_into('L', self._data, self.PRU0_OFFSET_SPIN_COUNT, 0) struct.pack_into('L', self._data, self.PRU0_OFFSET_SPIN_COUNT, 0) struct.pack_into('L', self._data, self.PRU0_OFFSET_RES2, 0xbabedead) struct.pack_into('L', self._data, self.PRU0_OFFSET_RES3, 0xbeefcafe) logging.debug("[ADC] loading pru01 code") pypruss.exec_program(1, pru1_fw) logging.debug("[ADC] loading pru00 code") pypruss.exec_program(0, pru0_fw) def power_on(self=None): logging.debug("[ADC] Powering the ADC on") GPIO.output("P9_18", GPIO.HIGH) #Wait for everything to come to life self._tail = struct.unpack_from("l", self._data, self.PRU0_OFFSET_DRAM_HEAD)[0] for i in range(10 * self.PRU_MAX_LONG_SAMPLES / (4096 * 16)): i = np.fft.rfft(self.get_sample_block(4096 * 16)) def power_off(self=None): logging.debug("[ADC] Powering the ADC off") GPIO.output("P9_18", GPIO.LOW) self.close_file() self.stop_gps_polling() def stop(self): logging.debug("[ADC] Stopping the PRUs") struct.pack_into('L', self._data, self.PRU0_OFFSET_RES1, 0xdeadbeef) time.sleep(0.5) pypruss.pru_disable(0) def read_uint(self, offset=0): return self.readData('L', offset, 1)[0] def readData(self, dtype='l', offset=0, samples=1): return struct.unpack_from(dtype * samples, self._extmem, offset) def get_sample_block(self, bytes_in_block=4096): # In theory we could wrap around the end of the buffer but in practice # (self.PRU_MAX_LONG_SAMPLES) should be a multiple of bytes_in_block # This allows for much simpler code head_offset = self._tail if (head_offset + bytes_in_block - 1) > self.PRU_MAX_LONG_SAMPLES: head_offset = 0 self._spare = 0 while (True): tail_offset = struct.unpack_from("l", self._data, self.PRU0_OFFSET_DRAM_HEAD)[0] diff = (tail_offset - head_offset) % self.PRU_MAX_LONG_SAMPLES if (diff >= bytes_in_block) and ( diff <= self.PRU_MAX_LONG_SAMPLES - bytes_in_block): break self._spare = 1 time.sleep(0.02) # dtype='4<u4' means an array of dimension 4 of 4 unsigned integer written in little endian # (16 bytes per row, hence the /16 for the offsets and counts) result = np.frombuffer(self._extmem, dtype='4<i4', count=bytes_in_block / 16, offset=head_offset) result.dtype = np.int32 self._tail = (head_offset + bytes_in_block) % self.PRU_MAX_LONG_SAMPLES return result def close_file(self): if self._ofile: self._ofile.close() def stop_gps_polling(self): if self._gpsp: self._gpsp.running = False self._gpsp.join() # wait for the thread to finish what it's doing #SPS: Samples Per Second, this must be calibrated def follow_stream(self, SPS=40000, dispFFT=False, axis=[0, 15000, -1e12, 1e12], FFTchannels=[1, 2, 3], selected_freq=None, raw_file=""): if raw_file != "": # Disable displaying anything if we're writing to a file dispFFT = False self._ofile = open(raw_file, "w") self._gpsp = GpsPoller() self._gpsp.start() if dispFFT: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('GTKCairo') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() quit = False samples_count = 4096 bytes_in_block = samples_count * 16 #4 channels, 4B per sample fftfreq = np.fft.rfftfreq( samples_count, d=1.0 / SPS) # /16 -> /4 channels /4 bytes per channel if selected_freq: selected_index = np.argmin(np.abs(fftfreq - selected_freq)) self._tail = struct.unpack_from("l", self._data, self.PRU0_OFFSET_DRAM_HEAD)[0] while (not quit): samples = self.get_sample_block(bytes_in_block) #Invert dimensions channels = np.transpose(samples) if raw_file != "": self._ofile, { "time": time.time(), "lat": self._gpsp.gpsd.fix.latitude, "lon": self._gpsp.gpsd.fix.longitude, "chans": channels }) continue if axis != None and dispFFT and self._spare: plt.axis(axis) ostring = "" for chan in FFTchannels: fft = np.fft.rfft(channels[chan]) / samples_count #Disregard the DC component. fft[0] = 0 if selected_freq == None: selected_index = np.argmax(np.absolute(fft)) ostring += "Channel " + str(chan) + ": %-*sHz = %-*s\t" % ( 5, int(fftfreq[selected_index]), 12, int(np.absolute(fft[selected_index]))) if dispFFT and self._spare: plt.plot(fftfreq, np.absolute(fft), label="Channel %d" % chan) #plt.plot(channels[chan], label="Channel %d"%chan) #print fftfreq[np.argmax(np.absolute(fft))] print ostring if dispFFT and self._spare: plt.legend() plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) plt.cla() def get_sample_freq(self, selected_freq, SPS=40000, dispFFT=False, FFTchannels=[1, 2, 3], axis=None, raw_file=""): samples_count = 4096 bytes_in_block = samples_count * 16 #4 channels, 4B per sample fftfreq = np.fft.rfftfreq( samples_count, d=1.0 / SPS) # /16 -> /4 channels /4 bytes per channel selected_index = np.argmin(np.abs(fftfreq - selected_freq)) #self._tail = struct.unpack_from("l", self._data, self.PRU0_OFFSET_DRAM_HEAD)[0] samples = self.get_sample_block(bytes_in_block) #Invert dimensions channels = np.transpose(samples) ref_wave = waveform( selected_freq, np.fft.rfft(channels[0])[selected_index] / samples_count) selected_sample = sample(ref_wave) for chan in FFTchannels: fft = np.fft.rfft(channels[chan]) / samples_count chan_wave = waveform(selected_freq, fft[selected_index]) selected_sample.add_channel(chan_wave) return selected_sample