Example #1
        def inv(dst, src):

            # verbosity
            verbose = g.default.is_verbose("split")

            if len(src) % nparallel != 0:
                raise Exception(
                    f"Cannot divide {len(src)} global vectors into {nparallel} groups"

            t0 = g.time()
            src_split = g.split(src, matrix_split.grid[1], cache)
            dst_split = g.split(dst, matrix_split.grid[0], cache)
            t1 = g.time()

            operation_split(dst_split, src_split)

            t2 = g.time()
            g.unsplit(dst, dst_split, cache)
            t3 = g.time()

            if verbose:
                    f"Split {len(src)} global vectors to {len(src_split)} local vectors\n"
                    + f"Timing: {t1-t0} s (split), {t2-t1} s (operation), {t3-t2} s (unsplit)"
Example #2
File: split.py Project: wettig/gpt
# Test split grid
for src in [l, l_rb]:
    split_grid = src[0].grid.split(
        g.default.get_ivec("--mpi_split", None, 4), src[0].grid.fdimensions

    # perform this test without cache and with cache (to fill and then to test)
    cache = {}
    for it in range(3):
        for group_policy in [
            g.message(f"Iteration {it}, group_policy = {group_policy.__name__}")
            src_unsplit = [g.lattice(x) for x in src]
            t0 = g.time()
            src_split = g.split(
                src, split_grid, None if it == 0 else cache, group_policy
            t1 = g.time()
            g.unsplit(src_unsplit, src_split, None if it == 0 else cache, group_policy)
            t2 = g.time()
            g.message(f"Timing: {t1-t0}s for split and {t2-t1}s for unsplit")
            for i in range(len(src)):
                eps2 = g.norm2(src_unsplit[i] - src[i]) / g.norm2(src[i])
                g.message(f"Split test {i} / {len(src)}: {eps2}")
                assert eps2 == 0.0
Example #3
# create rng if needed
rng = None if p_rng_seed is None else g.random(p_rng_seed)

# load source
U = g.load(p_source)

# split in time
Nt = U[0].grid.gdimensions[3]
g.message(f"Separate {Nt} time slices")
Usep = [g.separate(u, 3) for u in U[0:3]]
Vt = [g.mcolor(Usep[0][0].grid) for t in range(Nt)]
cache = {}
split_grid = Usep[0][0].grid.split(p_mpi_split, Usep[0][0].grid.fdimensions)

g.message("Split grid")
Usep_split = [g.split(Usep[mu], split_grid, cache) for mu in range(3)]
Vt_split = g.split(Vt, split_grid, cache)

# optimizer
opt = g.algorithms.optimize
cg = opt.non_linear_cg(
gd = opt.gradient_descent(maxiter=p_maxiter_gd, eps=p_eps, step=p_gd_step)

# Coulomb functional on each time-slice
Example #4
File: split.py Project: krox/gpt
        k = i * 4 + j
        assert g.norm2(l[k][1, 2, 0, 0] - m[i][1, j, 2, 0, 0]) == 0.0

test = g.separate(m, 1)

assert len(test) == Nlat
for i in range(len(l)):
    assert g.norm2(l[i] - test[i]) == 0.0

# default arguments should be compatible
test = g.separate(g.merge(l))
for i in range(len(l)):
    assert g.norm2(l[i] - test[i]) == 0.0

# Test split grid
for src in [l, l_rb]:
    split_grid = src[0].grid.split(g.default.get_ivec("--mpi_split", None, 4),
    src_unsplit = [g.lattice(x) for x in src]

    # perform this test twice, second time cached plan will be used
    for it in range(2):
        src_split = g.split(src, split_grid=split_grid)
        g.unsplit(src_unsplit, src_split)
        for i in range(len(src)):
            eps2 = g.norm2(src_unsplit[i] - src[i]) / g.norm2(src[i])
            g.message(f"Split test {i} / {len(src)}: {eps2}")
            assert eps2 == 0.0