Example #1
    def posterior(
        X: Tensor,
        output_indices: Optional[List[int]] = None,
        observation_noise: bool = False,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> Posterior:
        r"""Computes the posterior over model outputs at the provided points.

            X: A `batch_shape x q x d`-dim Tensor, where `d` is the dimension
                of the feature space and `q` is the number of points considered jointly.
            output_indices: As defined in parent Model class, not used for this model.
            observation_noise: If True, add observation noise to the posterior.

            A `Posterior` object, representing joint
                distributions over `q` points. Includes observation noise if specified.
        self.eval()  # make sure model is in eval mode

        if output_indices is not None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "output_indices is not None. PairwiseGP should not be a"
                "multi-output model.")

        post = self(X)

        if observation_noise:
            noise_module = self.noise_module(shape=post.mean.shape).evaluate()
            post = MultivariateNormal(post.mean,
                                      post.covariance_matrix + noise_module)

        return GPyTorchPosterior(post)
Example #2
    def __call__(self, x: Tensor) -> MultivariateNormal:
        If model is non-batch, then just make a prediction. If model has
        multiple batches, then these are samples from the kernel hyperparameter
        posterior and we integrate over them with moment matching.

        The shape of the MVN that this outputs will be the same regardless of
        whether the model is batched or not.

            x: Point to be predicted.

        Returns: MultivariateNormal distribution of prediction.
        if len(self._aug_batch_shape) == 0:
            return super().__call__(x)
        # Else, approximately integrate over batches with moment matching.
        # Take X as (b) x q x d, and expand to (b) x ns x q x d
        if x.ndim > 3:  # pyre-ignore
            raise ValueError("Don't know how to predict this shape")  # pragma: no cover
        x = x.unsqueeze(-3).expand(
            + torch.Size([self._aug_batch_shape[0]])  # pyre-ignore
            + x.shape[-2:]
        mvn_b = super().__call__(x)
        mu = mvn_b.mean.mean(dim=-2)
        C = (
            + torch.matmul(mvn_b.mean.transpose(-2, -1), mvn_b.mean)
            / mvn_b.mean.shape[-2]
            - torch.matmul(mu.unsqueeze(-1), mu.unsqueeze(-2))
        )  # Law of Total Covariance
        mvn = MultivariateNormal(mu, C)
        return mvn
Example #3
 def _predict_full(self, torch_inputs):
     with torch.no_grad():
         pred_dist = self(torch_inputs)
     mean = pred_dist.mean * self.label_std.view(
         self.label_dim, 1) + self.label_mean.view(self.label_dim, 1)
     covar = pred_dist.lazy_covariance_matrix * self.label_std.pow(2).view(
         self.label_dim, 1, 1)
     return MultivariateNormal(mean, covar)
 def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> MultivariateNormal:
     x_basic, task_idcs = self._split_inputs(x)
     # Compute base mean and covariance
     mean_x = self.mean_module(x_basic)
     covar_x = self.covar_module(x_basic)
     # Compute task covariances
     covar_i = self.task_covar_matrix(task_idcs)
     covar = covar_x.mul(covar_i)
     return MultivariateNormal(mean_x, covar)
Example #5
 def forward(self, features):
         features (torch.Tensor): [n x feature_dim]
         GPyTorch MultivariateNormal distribution
     mean = self.mean_module(features)
     covar = self.covar_module(features)
     return MultivariateNormal(mean, covar)
    def forward(self, x_in: Tensor) -> MultivariateNormal:

		This method is not strictly needed, because we won't train this model
		as a NN, nor use autograd for it. However, it's left here for compatibility
		and also used in a few places.

        return MultivariateNormal(mean=self.mean_module(x_in),
Example #7
 def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> MultivariateNormal:
     x = self.transform_inputs(x)
     x_basic, task_idcs = self._split_inputs(x)
     # Compute base mean and covariance
     mean_x = self.mean_module(x_basic)
     covar_x = self.covar_module(x_basic)
     # Compute task covariances
     covar_i = self.task_covar_module(task_idcs)
     # Combine the two in an ICM fashion
     covar = covar_x.mul(covar_i)
     return MultivariateNormal(mean_x, covar)
Example #8
    def forward(self, datapoints: Tensor) -> MultivariateNormal:
        r"""Calculate a posterior or prior prediction.

        During training mode, forward implemented solely for gradient-based
        hyperparam opt. Essentially what it does is to re-calculate the utility
        f using its analytical form at f_map so that we are able to obtain
        gradients of the hyperparameters.
        We only take in one parameter datapoints without the comparisons for the
        compatibility with other gpytorch/botorch APIs. It assumes `datapoints` is
        the same as `self.datapoints`. That's what "Must train on training data" means.

            datapoints: A `batch_shape x n x d` Tensor,
                should be the same as self.datapoints

            A MultivariateNormal object, being one of the followings:
                1. Posterior centered at MAP points for training data (training mode)
                2. Prior predictions (prior mode)
                3. Predictive posterior (eval mode)

        # Training mode: optimizing
        if self.training:
            if self._has_no_data():
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "datapoints and comparisons cannot be None in training mode. "
                    "Call .eval() for prior predictions, "
                    "or call .set_train_data() to add training data.")
            if datapoints is not self.datapoints:
                raise RuntimeError("Must train on training data")


            # Take a newton step on the posterior MAP point to fill
            # in gradients for pytorch
            self.utility = self._util_newton_updates(self.utility, max_iter=1)

            hl = self.likelihood_hess = self._hess_likelihood_f_sum(
                self.utility, self.D, self.DT, self.std_noise)
            covar = self.covar
            # Apply matrix inversion lemma on eq. in page 27 of [Brochu2010tutorial]_
            # (A + B)^-1 = A^-1 - A^-1 @ (I + BA^-1)^-1 @ BA^-1
            # where A = covar_inv, B = hl
            hl_cov = hl @ covar
            eye = torch.eye(
            hl_cov_I = hl_cov + eye  # add I to hl_cov
            train_covar_map = covar - covar @ torch.solve(hl_cov,
            output_mean, output_covar = self.utility, train_covar_map

        # Prior mode
        elif settings.prior_mode.on() or self._has_no_data():
            X_new = datapoints
            # if we don't have any data yet, use prior GP to make predictions
            output_mean, output_covar = self._prior_predict(X_new)

        # Posterior mode
            # self.utility might be None if exception was raised and _update
            # was failed to be called during hyperparameter optimization
            # procedures (e.g., fit_gpytorch_scipy)
            if self.utility is None:

            if self.pred_cov_fac_need_update:
            datapoints = datapoints.to(self.datapoints)
            X, X_new = self._transform_batch_shape(self.datapoints, datapoints)
            covar_chol, _ = self._transform_batch_shape(self.covar_chol, X_new)
            hl, _ = self._transform_batch_shape(self.likelihood_hess, X_new)
            hlcov_eye, _ = self._transform_batch_shape(self.hlcov_eye, X_new)

            # otherwise compute predictive mean and covariance
            covar_xnew_x = self._calc_covar(X_new, X)
            covar_x_xnew = covar_xnew_x.transpose(-1, -2)
            covar_xnew = self._calc_covar(X_new, X_new)
            p = self.utility - self._prior_mean(X)

            covar_inv_p = torch.cholesky_solve(p.unsqueeze(-1), covar_chol)
            pred_mean = (covar_xnew_x @ covar_inv_p).squeeze(-1)
            pred_mean = pred_mean + self._prior_mean(X_new)

            # [Brochu2010tutorial]_ page 27
            # Preictive covariance fatcor: hlcov_eye = (K + C^-1)
            # fac = (K + C^-1)^-1 @ k = pred_cov_fac_inv @ covar_x_xnew
            # used substitution method here to calculate fac
            fac = torch.solve(hl @ covar_x_xnew, hlcov_eye).solution
            pred_covar = covar_xnew - (covar_xnew_x @ fac)

            output_mean, output_covar = pred_mean, pred_covar

            if self.datapoints is None:
                diag_jitter = torch.eye(output_covar.size(-1))
                diag_jitter = torch.eye(
            diag_jitter = diag_jitter.expand(output_covar.shape)
            diag_jitter = diag_jitter * self._jitter
            # Preemptively adding jitter to diagonal to prevent the use of _add_jitter
            # given that torch.cholesky may be very slow on non-pd matrix input
            # See https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/34272
            # TODO: remove this once torch.cholesky issue is resolved
            output_covar = output_covar + diag_jitter
            post = MultivariateNormal(output_mean, output_covar)
        except RuntimeError:
            output_covar = self._add_jitter(output_covar)
            post = MultivariateNormal(output_mean, output_covar)

        return post
Example #9
 def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> MultivariateNormal:
     mean_x = self.mean_module(x)
     covar_x = self.covar_module(x)
     return MultivariateNormal(mean_x, covar_x)
    def predictive(self, x_in):

        # A `num_restarts x q x d` tensor of initial conditions.

        # print("")
        # print("x_in.shape: "+str(x_in.shape))
        # mean_shape = x_in.shape[:-1]
        x_in = self._error_checking_x_in(x_in)
        # # print("x_in.shape: "+str(/x_in.shape))
        # print("x_in:",x_in)

        if self.train_x_sorted.shape[0] == 0:  # No data case
            return self.forward(x_in)
            with torch.no_grad():
                k_Xxp = self.covar_module(self.train_x_sorted, x_in).evaluate()
                k_xpxp = self.covar_module(x_in).evaluate()
                # K_XX_inv_k_Xxp = torch.solve(input=k_Xxp,A=self.Kprior_cov.evaluate() + 1e-6*torch.eye(self.train_x_sorted.shape[0]))[0]
                K_XX_inv_k_Xxp = torch.solve(input=k_Xxp,

                # mean_pred = K_XX_inv_k_Xxp.T.dot(self.expectation_posterior)
                # mean_pred = torch.matmul(K_XX_inv_k_Xxp.t(),self.expectation_posterior[:,None])
                mean_pred = torch.matmul(K_XX_inv_k_Xxp.t(),
                # cov_pred 	= k_xpxp - k_Xxp.T.dot(K_XX_inv_k_Xxp) + K_XX_inv_k_Xxp.T.dot(self.covariance_posterior).dot(K_XX_inv_k_Xxp)
                # cov_pred 	= k_xpxp - torch.matmul(k_Xxp.t(),K_XX_inv_k_Xxp) + torch.chain_matmul(K_XX_inv_k_Xxp.t(),self.covariance_posterior,K_XX_inv_k_Xxp)
                cov_pred = k_xpxp - torch.matmul(
                    k_Xxp.t(), K_XX_inv_k_Xxp) + torch.matmul(
                # cov_pred 	= k_xpxp - torch.matmul(k_Xxp.t(),K_XX_inv_k_Xxp) + torch.matmul(K_XX_inv_k_Xxp.t(),torch.matmul(self.covariance_posterior+1e-5*torch.eye(self.train_x_sorted.shape[0]),K_XX_inv_k_Xxp))

                cov_pred_numpy = cov_pred.cpu().numpy()
                # cov_pred_numpy = self.gauss_tools.fix_singular_matrix(cov_pred_numpy,verbosity=False,what2fix="Fixing prior cov...") # DBG: TEMPORARY TRIAL; NOT ADDING NOISE
                cov_pred = torch.from_numpy(cov_pred_numpy).to(device=device,
                # pdb.set_trace()
                # cov_pred += 1e-4*torch.eye(cov_pred.shape[0])
		Re-shape mean
		TODO: This might not be needed anymore, since we're using _get_posterior_reimplemented in EIC
        if x_in.dim() == 3:
            batch_shape = torch.Size([1])
        elif x_in.dim() == 2:
            batch_shape = torch.Size([])
            raise ValueError("No way")
        test_shape = torch.Size([x_in.shape[0]])
        mean_pred = mean_pred.view(*batch_shape, *test_shape).contiguous()

            mvn = MultivariateNormal(mean=mean_pred,
        except Exception as inst:
            logger.info("type: {0:s} | args: {1:s}".format(
                str(type(inst)), str(inst.args)))
            # pdb.set_trace() # DBG: TEMPORARY TRIAL; NOT ADDING NOISE
            mvn = MultivariateNormal(mean=mean_pred,
                                     covariance_matrix=cov_pred +
                                     1e-6 * torch.eye(x_in.shape[0]))

        # print("mean_pred.shape:"+str(mean_pred.shape))
        # print("cov_pred.shape:"+str(cov_pred.shape))
        # print("mvn.batch_shape: "+str(mvn.batch_shape))
        # print("mvn.event_shape: "+str(mvn.event_shape))
        # print("mvn:",mvn)

        return mvn
Example #11
 def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> MultivariateNormal:
     if self.training:
         x = self.transform_inputs(x)
     mean_x = self.mean_module(x)
     covar_x = self.covar_module(x)
     return MultivariateNormal(mean_x, covar_x)