def dr(x_categories=["key","loudness","mode","tempo","year"],y_category=["artist_mbtags","artist_mbtags_count"],saved_csv=None): """Dimensionality Reduction using T-SNE and PCA""" if saved_csv: df = pd.read_csv(saved_csv) else: df = get_song_data(x_categories+y_category,write=True, write_path="./temp/song_data7.csv") # Clean df #df_y_clean = df_y[len(df_y[i]) == 0] # Condense each artist tag into just one entry X = df[x_categories].as_matrix() start_time = time.time() tsne = TSNE(n_components=2,random_state=1) X_tsne = tsne.fit_transform(X) plt.scatter(np.transpose(X_tsne)[0],np.transpose(X_tsne)[1]) filename = "tsne.png" plt.title("T-SNE") plt.savefig(filename,bbox_inches="tight") #plt.legend() # To indicate what colors correspond with what colors on the scatterplot plt.clf() pca = PCA(n_components=2,svd_solver="randomized",random_state=1) X_pca = pca.fit_transform(X) plt.scatter(np.transpose(X_pca)[0],np.transpose(X_pca)[1],) filename = "pca.png" plt.title("PCA") plt.savefig(filename,bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf()
def basic_info(categories=[ "tempo", "duration", "key", "time_signature", "song_hotttnesss" ], saved_csv=None): """ Prints skew and pairwise correlations of all categories""" if saved_csv: df = pd.read_csv(saved_csv) df = df[categories] else: df = get_song_data(categories, write=True) start_time = time.time() df.describe() skew = df.skew() print skew correlations = df.corr() print correlations txt_header = " ".join(categories) np.savetxt("./temp/describe.txt", df.describe().values, fmt='%f', header=txt_header) np.savetxt("./temp/skew.txt", skew.values, fmt='%f', header=txt_header) np.savetxt("./temp/correlations.txt", correlations.values, fmt='%f', header=txt_header) print "Done. Time elapsed: {0}".format(time.time() - start_time)
def stacked_barplot(full="duration",head_end="end_of_fade_in",tail_start="start_of_fade_out",saved_csv=None): """ Creates a stacked plot Parameters --------- full: String Data Category Name. Total size of barplot head_end: String Data Category Name. Bottom portion of stacked bar plot, represents the end value. tail_start: String Top portion of stacked bar plot, represents the starting value. Returns ------- None, saves figure in working directory """ categories = [full,head_end,tail_start] if saved_csv: df = pd.read_csv(saved_csv) df = df[categories] else: df = get_song_data([full,head_end,tail_start],write=True, write_path="./temp/song_data4.csv") start_time =time.time() df_clean = df.dropna(axis=0) df_cropped = df_clean[:100] ii = np.arange(0,df_cropped.shape[0]) fade_in = df_cropped[head_end] fade_out = df_cropped[full].sub(df_cropped[tail_start]) # To get value of start of tail to end of song middle = df_cropped[full].sub(fade_in).sub(fade_out) # Full contains head and tail already so we need to subtract the amounts of head and tail to avoid double counting # basic plot plt.title("Songs duration distribution") plt.ylabel("Seconds") plt.boxplot(middle) plt.savefig("boxplot_songs_duration.png",bbox_inches="tight", dpi=600) width = 0.5,fade_in,width,color="r"),middle,width,color="k",bottom=fade_in),fade_out,width,color="r",bottom=middle) plt.ylim(ymin=-5) plt.title("Song duration") plt.xlabel("Song Index") plt.ylabel("Seconds") plt.savefig("fade_in_out.png",bbox_inches="tight") print "Done. Time elapsed: {0}".format(time.time() - start_time)
def world_plot(lat="artist_latitude",lon="artist_longitude",saved_csv=None): """ Plots artists location on world map using latitude and longitude Parameters --------- lat: String Category to pull latitude data. lon: String Category to pull longitude data saved_csv: String Returns ------- None, saves figure in working directory """ categories = [lat, lon] if saved_csv: df = pd.read_csv(saved_csv) df = df[categories] else: df = get_song_data([lat,lon],write=True, write_path="./temp/song_data3.csv") start_time = time.time() df_locs =df[[lat,lon]].dropna(axis=0) # Delete rows with no values in lat/long df_locs = df_locs[df_locs.duplicated()] lat_lon = df_locs.as_matrix(columns=[lat,lon]) # Draw map from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap m = Basemap(projection='mill', llcrnrlat =-90, llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlat=90, urcrnrlon=180, resolution="c") m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=.5) m.drawcountries(linewidth=.3) m.fillcontinents(color='moccasin') m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='aqua') #m.drawstates() #m.bluemarble() # Plot artists for artist_lat,artist_lon in lat_lon: x_point,y_point = m(artist_lon,artist_lat) m.plot(x_point,y_point,".",markersize = 3, alpha=0.4, color='blue', linewidth=0) plt.title("Artist Locations") plt.savefig("artist_location.png",bbox_inches="tight", dpi=600) print "Done. Time elapsed: {0}".format(time.time() - start_time)
def error_bar(categories=["segments_loudness_max", "segments_confidence"], data_start=[0, 1], sec_i=[0, 100], saved_csv=None): """ Pulls categories from raw data and plots error bar Parameters --------- categories: List/Strings (Must be 2D) Strings are specific keywords. For a full list of available categories and more information: categories[0]: y-value categories[1]: y-value error data_i: List, optional Start/End index value for pulling raw data Defaults to [0,1] sec_i: List,optional Start/End index value for segment to examine in each datapoint Defaults to [0, 100] saved_csv: String,optional Link to .csv file with raw data Returns ------ None, saves figures in working directory """ if saved_csv: df = pd.read_csv(saved_csv) df = df[categories] else: df = get_song_data(categories, write=False, end_i=data_i[1]) start_time = time.time() for j in range(data_i[1]): f = plt.figure(j) plt.title("Song {0}[{1}:{2}]".format(j, sec_i[0], sec_i[1])) plt.xlabel("segment") plt.ylabel(categories[0]) x = range(len(df[categories[0]][j]))[sec_i[0]:sec_i[1]] y = df[categories[0]][j][sec_i[0]:sec_i[1]] y_error = df[categories[1]][j][sec_i[0]:sec_i[1]] plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=y_error, marker="s") filename = "error_bar_{0}.png".format(j) plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() print "Done. Time elapsed: {0}".format(time.time() - start_time)
def freq_plot(category="year",saved_csv=None): """ Plots frequency of category""" categories = [category] if saved_csv: df = pd.read_csv(saved_csv) df = df[categories] else: df = get_song_data([category],write=True, write_path="./temp/song_data2.csv") start_time = time.time() df_clean= df[df != 0].dropna() # Drop NA values and 0 values cat_counts=df_clean[category].value_counts(normalize=True,ascending=True) cat_counts.plot(kind="bar") title = "Overall Output % by '" + category + "'" plt.title(title) plt.tick_params(axis="x",labelsize=6) filename = category+"_frequency.png" plt.savefig(filename,bbox_inches="tight") print "Done. Time elapsed: {0}".format(time.time() - start_time)
def compare_to_average(x_cat="year",y_cat="artist_hotttnesss",saved_csv=None): """ Plots raw data y, average y for each x and finds areas where average y for each x is above/below total average y Parameters ---------- x_cat: String X-axis variable. This category will act as the index. y_cat: String Y-axis variable. This category will be plotted in comparison with it's average saved_csv: String Returns ------- None, saves figure in working directory """ categories = [x_cat, y_cat] if saved_csv: df = pd.read_csv(saved_csv) df = df[categories] else: df = get_song_data(categories,write=True, write_path="./temp/song_data5.csv") start_time = time.time() df_clean = df[df != 0].dropna() f = plt.figure(1) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2,2),(0,0),colspan=2) ax1.scatter(df_clean[categories[0]],df_clean[categories[1]]) ax1.set_title("Raw Data") # For all unique x values, find the average y value X = df_clean[categories[0]].unique() # All unique x values in cleaned dataframe xs,avgs = [],[] for x_i in X: df_x = df_clean[df[categories[0]] == x_i] # df containing all entries with x in categories[0] y_values = df_x[categories[1]].values avg_y = np.mean(y_values) xs.append(x_i) avgs.append(avg_y) xs_avgs = zip(xs,avgs) df_means= pd.DataFrame(xs_avgs,columns=categories) df_means.sort_values(by=categories[0],ascending=True,inplace=True) cat0 = df_means[categories[0]] cat1 = df_means[categories[1]] # Average of the raw data averages; average hotness over all years cat1_mean= np.mean(avgs) cat1_mean_list = np.full(np.shape(cat0),cat1_mean) # Subplot 2 ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2,2),(1,0),colspan=2,sharex=ax1) ax2.plot(cat0,cat1,lw=2) # Line of each years averages ax2.fill_between(cat0,cat1,cat1_mean,where=(cat1 > cat1_mean),facecolor="g") # Fill above avg hotness with green ax2.fill_between(cat0,cat1,cat1_mean,where=(cat1 < cat1_mean),facecolor="r") # Fill below avg hotness with red ax2.plot(cat0,cat1_mean_list,"k--") # Plot line of average hotness over all years ax2.set_title("Averaged") plt.xlabel("Year") plt.ylabel("Artist Hotness") plt.savefig("averages.png",bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() plt.legend() print "Done. Time elapsed: {0}".format(time.time() - start_time)