Example #1
tm = models.TM(opts.tm, sys.maxint)
lm = models.LM(opts.lm)
french_sents = [tuple(line.strip().split()) for line in open(opts.input).readlines()[:opts.num_sents]]

outputs = glob.glob("./old/out*")
results = collections.defaultdict(list)

count = 0  
for output in outputs:
    count = count + 1
    out = [tuple(line.strip().split()) for line in open(output).readlines()]
    if (len(french_sents) != len(out)): continue
    sent_num = 0 
    for e in out:
        prob = gradeOneSent.gradeOneSentence(sent_num, tuple(e), french_sents[sent_num], lm, tm);
        results[sent_num].append((prob, e))
        sent_num = sent_num + 1

def printTuple(t):
        s = ""
        for i in range(len(t)):
            s = s + t[i] + " "
        return s
for sent_num in range(55):
    hypos = sorted(results[sent_num], key=lambda tup: tup[0], reverse=True) 
    print printTuple(hypos[0][1])
Example #2
 # on the last stack
 winner = max(stacks[-1].itervalues(), key=lambda h: h.logprob)
 def extract_english_recursive(h):
     return '' if h.predecessor is None else '%s%s ' % (extract_english_recursive(h.predecessor), h.phrase.english)
 def extract_tm_logprob(h):
         return 0.0 if h.predecessor is None else h.phrase.logprob + extract_tm_logprob(h.predecessor)
 sent_num = sent_num +1
 # coding for Marginalization
 probMax = float("-inf")
 #for h0 in heapq.nlargest(1000, stacks[-1].itervalues(), key=lambda h: h.logprob): # TODO: only consider 1000 top hypothesis in the last stack
 for h0 in stacks[-1].itervalues(): # consider all the hypothesis in the last stack
     e = tuple(extract_english_recursive(h0).strip().split())
     prob = gradeOneSent.gradeOneSentence(sent_num, e, f, lm, tm)
     if prob > probMax:
         eMax = e
         probMax = prob
 e = eMax    
 # do all the reordering
 for i in range(len(e)-1): 
     #k = min(i+20,len(e)-1)  #TODO: 
     k = len(e)-1
     for j in range(i+1, k):            
         etmp = list(e)
         etmp[i] = e[j]
         etmp[j] = e[i]
         etmp = tuple(etmp)