Example #1
import grader
import analyzeH5 as an5
import sys
#import importlib
# importlib.reload(an5)
method = sys.argv[1]
sub = sys.argv[2]
ans = sys.argv[3]


Example #2
def generate(CONST_reactants, CONST_products, globalDict):
    ####### Here is the main method for the best set of parameters search:#######
    global inCounter, gener, DIST
    #inCounter is the main file number that added to the file. Gener must be global too so that this function can use its methods before instantiation
    #2/5/16: for each file, products and reactants contains a list of: filename, basename, template of the file and a dictionary inside

    reacInputs, prodInputs = [], []
    inputProcessor(CONST_reactants, reacInputs, True,
                   {})  #True means it is the first run
    inputProcessor(CONST_products, prodInputs, True, {})
    gener = generatorReac(reacInputs, prodInputs, globalDict)

    print('\nThis part is about to calculate the best set of parameters')

    dictsListOfThisGeneration = [globalDict]
    for generationNum in range(1, maxGenerations):
        dictListOfNextGeneration = []
        #The lower the grade, the better
        gradesListOfThisGeneration = []  #[(dict,grade),...]
        print('**************\nThis is generation number:  ' +
              str(generationNum) + '\n**************')
        #A loop in THIS generation, to measure the dicts:
        for dict in dictsListOfThisGeneration:
            reacInputs, prodInputs = [], []
            inputProcessor(CONST_reactants, reacInputs, False,
                           dict)  #False mean it is not the first run
            inputProcessor(CONST_products, prodInputs, False, dict)
            gener = generatorReac(reacInputs, prodInputs, dict)
            reacOutputs = gener.getReacOutFilenames()
            prodOutputs = gener.getProdOutFilenames()
            errorHandler = grader()
            grade = errorHandler.getDictGrade(reacOutputs, prodOutputs)
            gradesListOfThisGeneration.append((dict, grade, inCounter))
            inCounter += 1

        def dictGradeReturner(tuppled):
            return (tuppled[1])

        #Putting the favorable dicts first:
        gradesListOfThisGeneration = sorted(gradesListOfThisGeneration,
        print('\033[41m' + 'TEST: inCounter:%s GradeList: %s' % (inCounter, [
            str(gradd[1]) + '    ' + str(gradd[2])
            for gradd in gradesListOfThisGeneration
        ]) + '\033[0m')
        numberOfDictsInNextGen = int(
                         7))  #Edit! 2 is the mean of the gaussian distribution
        if numberOfDictsInNextGen == 0:
            numberOfDictsInNextGen = 2
        elif numberOfDictsInNextGen < 0:
            numberOfDictsInNextGen = abs(numberOfDictsInNextGen) + 1

        for numm in range(numberOfDictsInNextGen):
            #Matchmaker chooses the parents randomly from the list of dicts. Priority is higher for preciding dicts:
            matchmaker = mater(gradesListOfThisGeneration)
        dictsListOfThisGeneration = dictListOfNextGeneration

        #meanDeltaE=gener.getMeanDeltaE() #meanDeltaE is the float DeltaE that is inside "temp"
        #print ('\nMeanDeltaE'+str(meanDeltaE))

        #temp=(-meanDeltaE/log(0.5)) # Temperature declaration
        #print (str(temp)+" This is the temp\n")
        #print ('temp:',temp)
    print(gener)  #Printing the results!!
Example #3
#get data
for line in sys.stdin:
    markingData += line

#merge this into grader
j = json.loads(markingData)
date = j["markingDate"]
ansFiles = j["ansFiles"]
studentFiles = j["studentFiles"]
assName = j["assName"]

#get grades package
g = grader(markingData)
l = g.getPackage()

# Open database connection
db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", "root", "", "cadgrader")

# prepare a cursor object using cursor() method
cursor = db.cursor()

for ass in l:
        # Execute the SQL command
        sql = """INSERT INTO marking_data(Student_Number, Assignment_Name, Submission_File_Name, Answer_File_Name, Version, Vol_Mark, SA_Mark, CoG_Mark, MoI_Mark, Subjective_Mark, Total_Mark, Flag, Identifier, Marking_Date, Reasons_Flagged) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"""
                       (ass[0], ass[1], ass[2], ass[3], ass[5], ass[4][0],
                        ass[4][1], ass[4][2], ass[4][3], ass[4][4], 30, ass[6],
Example #4
print("Content-Type: text/html\n")
#print("The foo data is: " + data["foo"].value)
#print("<br />")
#print("The bar data is: " + str(data["bar"].value))
#j = json.loads(data["bar"].value)
print("<br />")
if ("bar" in data):
    j = json.loads(data["bar"].value)
    if ("lat" in j and "lon" in j):
        print("The JSON VALUES" + str(j["lat"]) + str(j["lon"]))
    if ("assName" in j):
        print("The JSON VALUES" + str(j["assName"]) + str(j["markingDate"]) +
              str(j["ansFiles"]) + str(j["studentFiles"]) +
              str(j["mMetrics"]) + str(j["tolerance"]))
        g = grader(data["bar"].value)
        l = g.getPackage()
        date = str(j["markingDate"])
        # Open database connection
        db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", "root", "", "cadgrader")

        # prepare a cursor object using cursor() method
        cursor = db.cursor()

        for ass in l:
                # Execute the SQL command
                sql = """INSERT INTO marking_data(Student_Number, Assignment_Name, Submission_File_Name, Answer_File_Name, Version, Vol_Mark, SA_Mark, CoG_Mark, MoI_Mark, Subjective_Mark, Total_Mark, Flag, Identifier, Marking_Date, Reasons_Flagged) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"""
                    (ass[0], ass[1], ass[2], ass[3], ass[5], ass[4][0],