Example #1
def LLL(l_basis):

    ortho = [vector(i) for i in gram_schmidt(l_basis)]

    k = 1
    n = len(ortho)

    while k < n:
        for j in range(k - 1, -1, -1):
            proj = mu(l_basis[k], ortho[j])
            if abs(proj) > 1 / 2:
                l_basis[k] = l_basis[k] - l_basis[j] * round(proj)
                ortho = gram_schmidt(l_basis)

        if ortho[k].dot_product(
                ortho[k]) >= (d - mu(l_basis[k], ortho[k - 1])**2) * (
                    ortho[k - 1].dot_product(ortho[k - 1])):
            k += 1

            l_basis[k], l_basis[k - 1] = l_basis[k - 1], l_basis[k]
            ortho = gram_schmidt(l_basis)
            k = max(k - 1, 1)

    return l_basis
def qr(mat: np.ndarray):
    # (n, m)
    Q = gram_schmidt.gram_schmidt(mat)
    # (n, k) -> Q.T: (k, n)
    R = np.dot(Q.T, mat)
    # (k, n) . (n, m): (k, m)
    return Q, R
Example #3
def periodogram(t, x, freq):
    """Returns the Lomb-Scargle periodogram of the data x(t) at frequency freq."""

    R = np.zeros((t.size, 2))
    R[:, 0] = np.cos(2. * np.pi * freq * t)
    R[:, 1] = np.sin(2. * np.pi * freq * t)
    Q = gram_schmidt(R)
    myperiodogram = np.dot(Q[:, 0], x)**2 + np.dot(Q[:, 1], x)**2

    return myperiodogram
Example #4
 def __init__(self, inputs, output, lrmul):
     super(MappingBlock, self).__init__()
     with torch.no_grad():
         self.fc = ln.Linear(inputs, output, lrmul=lrmul)
         self.fc.weight.data = self.fc.weight.data.double()
         self.fc.weight.data = gram_schmidt(self.fc.weight.data)
         self.fc.bias.data = self.fc.bias.data.double()
         self.i_fc = ln.Linear(output, inputs, lrmul=lrmul)
         self.last_activation = None
         self.alpha = 0.2
def tapered_periodogram(t, x, freq, mywindow):
    """Returns the Lomb-Scargle periodogram of the data x(t) at frequency freq."""

    R = np.zeros((t.size, 2))
    taper = tapering_window(t, t[-1] - t[0], mywindow)
    R[:, 0] = taper * np.cos(2. * np.pi * freq * t)
    R[:, 1] = taper * np.sin(2. * np.pi * freq * t)
    Q = gram_schmidt(R)
    myperiodogram = np.dot(Q[:, 0], x)**2 + np.dot(Q[:, 1], x)**2

    return myperiodogram
def periodogram_grid_fixed(t, freq):

    R = np.zeros((t.size, 2))
    R[:, 0] = np.cos(2. * np.pi * freq * t)
    R[:, 1] = np.sin(2. * np.pi * freq * t)
    Q = gram_schmidt(R)

    return Q
def tapered_periodogram_grid_fixed(t,freq,mywindow):


	return Q
Example #8
def image_training_pca():
    trained = Path(trained_path)
    if (trained.is_file()):
        print('Loaded {}'.format(trained_path))
        return np.loadtxt(trained_path)

    images = np.zeros([trnno, areasize])
    person = np.zeros([trnno, 1])
    imno = 0
    per = 0
    #Iterate over image person folders
    for dire in onlydirs:
        #Iterate over image files
        for k in range(1, trnperper + 1):
            #Pixel matrix
            a = plt.imread(mypath + dire + '/{}'.format(k) + '.pgm') / 255.0
            #Reshape to vector for insertion in 'images'
            images[imno, :] = np.reshape(a, [1, areasize])
            person[imno, 0] = dire.split('s')[1]
            imno += 1
        per += 1

    #Mean for pixel i using 'images' columns
    meanimage = np.mean(images, 0)

    #resto la media
    images = [images[k, :] - meanimage for k in range(images.shape[0])]

    A = np.transpose(images)
    n, m = A.shape
    L = np.dot(images, A)

    #A = np.array([[60., 30., 20.], [30., 20., 15.], [20., 15., 12.]])
    last_R = np.zeros(A.shape)
    eig_vec_L = 1
    found_eigen = False

    while not found_eigen:
        Q, R = gram_schmidt(L)
        L = np.dot(R, Q)
        eig_vec_L = np.dot(eig_vec_L, Q)
        found_eigen = cmp_eigen(last_R, R)
        last_R = R

    eig_vec_C = np.dot(A, eig_vec_L)

    for i in range(m):
        eig_vec_C[:, i] /= np.linalg.norm(eig_vec_C[:, i])

    np.savetxt(trained_path, eig_vec_C, fmt='%s')
    return eig_vec_C
Example #9
def problem():
    #Initialize parameters of the problem
    m = 15
    n = 100
    c = 2006.787453080206

    #Initilize matrix A and vector b
    b = empty(n)
    A = empty((n, m))

    #Calculate A and b according to the parameters
    i = 0
    while i < n:
        A[i, 0] = 1
        A[i, 1] = i / (n - 1)
        j = 2
        while j < m:
            A[i, j] = power(A[i, 1], j)
            j = j + 1
        b[i] = (1 / c) * exp(sin(4 * A[i, 1]))
        i = i + 1

    print('Matrix A:')

    print('\nVector b:')

    #Calculate x by solving the least squares problem using the normal equations
    #NOTE: This won't execute because A is very ill conditioned (det ~= 1E-90)
    #ne_x = normal_equations(A, b)

    #Calculate x by solving the least squares problem using the Householder tranformations
    h_x = householder(A, b)
    print('\nValue of x using Householder:')

    #Calculate x by solving the least squares problem using the Gram-Schmidt
    gs_x = gram_schmidt(A, b)
    print('\nValue of x using Gram-Schmidt:')

    #Calculate x by solving the least squares problem using the modified Gram-Schmidt
    mgs_x = modified_gram_schmidt(A, b)
    print('\nValue of x using modified Gram-Schmidt:')

    #Calculate x by solving the least squares problem using the SVD decomposition (pseudoinverse)
    svd_x = svd(A, b)
    print('\nValue of x using the SVD decomposition (pseudoinverse):')
Example #10
 def __init__(self, inputs, output, lrmul):
     super(MappingBlock, self).__init__()
     with torch.no_grad():
         self.fc = ln.Linear(inputs, output, lrmul=lrmul)
         self.fc.weight.data = self.fc.weight.data.double()
         # print("Before", torch.norm(self.fc.weight))
         self.fc.weight.data = self.fc.weight.data * 0.9 + gram_schmidt(
             self.fc.weight.data) * 0.1
         # print("After", torch.norm(self.fc.weight))
         self.fc.bias.data = self.fc.bias.data.double()
         self.i_fc = ln.Linear(output, inputs, lrmul=lrmul)
         self.last_activation = None
         self.alpha = 0.2
def main():
    """Script starts here."""

    sampling_size = 20000
    locations = mu.getlocationofdata()
    originscsvs = mu.readlistoffiles(locations.originfiles)
    filterdcsvs = mu.readlistoffiles(locations.filteredfiles)
    m_origin = mu.create_matrix_from_filelist(originscsvs, sampling_size)
    m_filtered = mu.create_matrix_from_filelist(filterdcsvs, sampling_size)
    q_origin, r_origin = gs.gram_schmidt(m_origin)
    print(q_origin.shape, r_origin.shape)
    r_filtered = np.dot(q_origin.T, m_filtered)
    print("r_filtered:", r_filtered.shape)
    print("r_origin:", r_origin.shape)
    for colume in r_origin.T:
        answer = __find_best_match(colume, r_filtered)
        print("found:", answer)
Example #12
def WOSA_matrix(t, freq, beta, D):
    """Returns the Lomb-Scargle+WOSA periodogram of the data x(t) at frequency freq."""

    Q = int(np.floor((t.size - D) / (1. - beta) / float(D))) + 1
    weight = np.zeros(t.size)
    R = np.zeros((t.size, 2))
    M2 = np.zeros((t.size, 2 * Q))
    myfact = int((1. - beta) * float(D))
    for k in range(Q):
        weight[:] = 0.
        weight[(k - 1) * myfact:(k - 1) * myfact + D] = 1.
        R[:, 0] = weight * np.cos(2. * np.pi * freq * t)
        R[:, 1] = weight * np.sin(2. * np.pi * freq * t)
        Y = gram_schmidt(R)
        M2[:, 2 * k] = Y[:, 0]
        M2[:, 2 * k + 1] = Y[:, 1]
    M2 /= np.sqrt(float(Q))

    return M2
def WOSA_periodogram(t, x, freq, beta, D):
    """Returns the Lomb-Scargle+WOSA periodogram of the data x(t) at frequency freq."""

    Q = int(np.floor((t.size - D) / (1. - beta) / float(D))) + 1
    R = np.zeros((t.size, 2))
    myperiodogram = 0.
    myfact = int((1. - beta) * float(D))
    for k in range(Q):
        R[:, 0] = weight * np.cos(2. * np.pi * freq * t)
        R[:, 1] = weight * np.sin(2. * np.pi * freq * t)
        Y = gram_schmidt(R)
        mycos2 = Y[:, 0]
        mysin2 = Y[:, 1]
        myperiodogram += np.dot(mycos2, x)**2 + np.dot(mysin2, x)**2
    myperiodogram /= float(Q)

    return myperiodogram
def WOSA_periodogram_grid_fixed(t, freq, beta, D, mywindow):

    # !!! D = nombre de points - c'est un nombre entier!
    D = int(D)
    Q = int(np.floor(float(t.size - D) / (1. - beta) / float(D))) + 1
    weight = np.zeros(t.size)
    R = np.zeros((t.size, 2))
    myfact = int((1. - beta) * float(D))
    W = np.zeros((t.size, 2 * Q))
    for k in range(Q):
        weight[:] = 0.
        weight[k * myfact:k * myfact + D] = tapering_window(
            t[k * myfact:k * myfact + D],
            t[k * myfact + D - 1] - t[k * myfact], mywindow)
        R[:, 0] = weight * np.cos(2. * np.pi * freq * t)
        R[:, 1] = weight * np.sin(2. * np.pi * freq * t)
        Y = gram_schmidt(R)
        W[:, 2 * k] = Y[:, 0]
        W[:, 2 * k + 1] = Y[:, 1]

    return W
Example #15
File: ir.py Project: bast/vibrant
def vibrational_analysis(file_name):

    nr_atoms = gaussian.get_nr_atoms(file_name)
    atom_xyz = gaussian.get_atom_coordinates(file_name, nr_atoms)
    atom_mass = gaussian.get_atom_masses(file_name, nr_atoms)
    # construct inertia tensor
    I = numpy.zeros((3, 3))
    for i in range(nr_atoms):
        m = atom_mass[i]
        x = atom_xyz[i][0]
        y = atom_xyz[i][1]
        z = atom_xyz[i][2]
        I[0][0] += m*(y*y + z*z)
        I[1][1] += m*(z*z + x*x)
        I[2][2] += m*(x*x + y*y)
        I[0][1] -= m*(x*y)
        I[1][0] -= m*(x*y)
        I[0][2] -= m*(x*z)
        I[2][0] -= m*(x*z)
        I[1][2] -= m*(y*z)
        I[2][1] -= m*(y*z)
    # diagonalize
    eig, X = numpy.linalg.eig(I)
    # minus sign to match gaussian
    X *= -1.0
    # construct B vectors 1-6
    B = numpy.zeros((6, nr_atoms*3))
    A = numpy.zeros(3)
    k = 0
    for i in range(nr_atoms):
        m = numpy.sqrt(atom_mass[i])
        B[0][k+0] = 1.0
        B[1][k+1] = 1.0
        B[2][k+2] = 1.0
      # B[3][k+1] = -atom_xyz[i][2]
      # B[3][k+2] =  atom_xyz[i][1]
      # B[4][k+0] =  atom_xyz[i][2]
      # B[4][k+2] = -atom_xyz[i][0]
      # B[5][k+0] = -atom_xyz[i][1]
      # B[5][k+1] =  atom_xyz[i][0]
      # k += 3
        for j in range(3):
            A[j] = atom_xyz[i][0]*X[0][j] + atom_xyz[i][1]*X[1][j] + atom_xyz[i][2]*X[2][j]
        for j in range(3):
            B[3][k] = (A[1]*X[j][2] - A[2]*X[j][1])
            B[4][k] = (A[2]*X[j][0] - A[0]*X[j][2])
            B[5][k] = (A[0]*X[j][1] - A[1]*X[j][0])
            k += 1
    # construct matrix of reciprocal mass square roots
    M = numpy.zeros((nr_atoms*3, nr_atoms*3))
    k = 0
    for iatom in range(nr_atoms):
        for ixyz in range(3):
            M[k][k] = 1.0/numpy.sqrt(atom_mass[iatom])
            k += 1
    # orthonormalize vectors
    B = gram_schmidt.gram_schmidt(B, 6)
    # construct projection matrix
    P = numpy.eye(nr_atoms*3) - numpy.array(numpy.mat(numpy.transpose(B))*numpy.mat(B))
    # read hessian
    H = gaussian.get_hessian(file_name, nr_atoms)
    # project out trans-rot
    H_proj = numpy.array(numpy.mat(numpy.transpose(P))*(numpy.mat(H)*numpy.mat(P)))
    H_mwc = numpy.array(numpy.mat(M)*(numpy.mat(H_proj)*numpy.mat(M)))
    freq, L = numpy.linalg.eig(H_mwc)
    C = numpy.array(numpy.transpose(L)*numpy.mat(M))
    reduced_mass = numpy.zeros(nr_atoms*3 - 6)
    for m in range(nr_atoms*3 - 6):
        reduced_mass[m] = 1.0/numpy.dot(C[m], C[m])
    T = gaussian.get_dipole_derv(file_name, nr_atoms)
    dip_derv = numpy.array(numpy.mat(C)*numpy.mat(numpy.transpose(T)))
    I = numpy.zeros(nr_atoms*3 - 6)
    freq_cm = numpy.zeros(nr_atoms*3 - 6)
    for m in range(nr_atoms*3 - 6):
        I[m] = conf.au_to_kmmol*numpy.dot(dip_derv[m], dip_derv[m])
        freq_cm[m] = conf.hartree_to_cm*numpy.sqrt(abs(freq[m])/conf.amu_to_au)

    C_normalized = numpy.zeros((nr_atoms*3 - 6, nr_atoms, 3))
    for m in range(nr_atoms*3 - 6):
        k = 0
        for iatom in range(nr_atoms):
            for ixyz in range(3):
                C_normalized[m][iatom][ixyz] = C[m][k]*reduced_mass[m]**0.5
                k += 1

    sort_list = []
    for m in range(nr_atoms*3 - 6):
        sort_list.append([freq_cm[m], m])

    freq_cm_sorted = numpy.zeros(nr_atoms*3 - 6)
    I_sorted = numpy.zeros(nr_atoms*3 - 6)
    reduced_mass_sorted = numpy.zeros(nr_atoms*3 - 6)
    C_normalized_sorted = numpy.zeros((nr_atoms*3 - 6, nr_atoms, 3))
    dip_derv_sorted     = numpy.zeros((nr_atoms*3 - 6, 3))

    k = 0
    for s in sort_list:
        m = s[1]
        freq_cm_sorted[k]      = freq_cm[m]
        I_sorted[k]            = I[m]
        reduced_mass_sorted[k] = reduced_mass[m]
        C_normalized_sorted[k] = C_normalized[m]
        dip_derv_sorted[k]     = dip_derv[m]
        k += 1
    return freq_cm_sorted, I_sorted, reduced_mass_sorted, C_normalized_sorted, dip_derv_sorted
Example #16
    for j in range(3):
        B[3][k] = (A[1] * X[j][2] - A[2] * X[j][1])
        B[4][k] = (A[2] * X[j][0] - A[0] * X[j][2])
        B[5][k] = (A[0] * X[j][1] - A[1] * X[j][0])
        k += 1

# construct matrix of reciprocal mass square roots
M = numpy.zeros((nr_atoms * 3, nr_atoms * 3))
k = 0
for iatom in range(nr_atoms):
    for ixyz in range(3):
        M[k][k] = 1.0 / numpy.sqrt(atom_mass[iatom])
        k += 1

# orthonormalize vectors
B = gram_schmidt.gram_schmidt(B, 6)

# construct projection matrix
P = numpy.eye(nr_atoms * 3) - numpy.array(
    numpy.mat(numpy.transpose(B)) * numpy.mat(B))

# read hessian
H = numpy.zeros((nr_atoms * 3, nr_atoms * 3))
for line in open('molecular_hessian', 'r').readlines():
    i = int(line.split()[0])
    j = int(line.split()[1])
    f = float(line.split()[2])
    H[i][j] = f

# symmetrize it fully
for i in range(nr_atoms * 3):
Example #17
File: ir.py Project: bast/vibrant
    for j in range(3):
        B[3][k] = (A[1]*X[j][2] - A[2]*X[j][1])
        B[4][k] = (A[2]*X[j][0] - A[0]*X[j][2])
        B[5][k] = (A[0]*X[j][1] - A[1]*X[j][0])
        k += 1

# construct matrix of reciprocal mass square roots
M = numpy.zeros((nr_atoms*3, nr_atoms*3))
k = 0
for iatom in range(nr_atoms):
    for ixyz in range(3):
        M[k][k] = 1.0/numpy.sqrt(atom_mass[iatom])
        k += 1

# orthonormalize vectors
B = gram_schmidt.gram_schmidt(B, 6)

# construct projection matrix
P = numpy.eye(nr_atoms*3) - numpy.array(numpy.mat(numpy.transpose(B))*numpy.mat(B))

# read hessian
H = numpy.zeros((nr_atoms*3, nr_atoms*3))
for line in open('molecular_hessian', 'r').readlines():
    i = int(line.split()[0])
    j = int(line.split()[1])
    f = float(line.split()[2])
    H[i][j] = f

# symmetrize it fully
for i in range(nr_atoms*3):
    for j in range(nr_atoms*3):