Example #1
def languagetool(handler, *args, **kwargs):
    import gramex
    merge(kwargs, _languagetool['defaults'], mode='setdefault')
    yield gramex.service.threadpool.submit(languagetool_download)
    if not handler:
        lang = kwargs.get('lang', 'en-us')
        q = kwargs.get('q', '')
        lang = handler.get_argument('lang', 'en-us')
        q = handler.get_argument('q', '')
    result = yield languagetoolrequest(q, lang, **kwargs)
    errors = json.loads(result.decode('utf8'))['matches']
    if errors:
        result = {
            "errors": errors,
        corrected = list(q)
        d_offset = 0  # difference in the offset caused by the correction
        for error in errors:
            # only accept the first replacement for an error
            correction = error['replacements'][0]['value']
            offset, limit = error['offset'], error['length']
            offset += d_offset
            del corrected[offset:(offset + limit)]
            for i, char in enumerate(correction):
                corrected.insert(offset + i, char)
            d_offset += len(correction) - limit
        result['correction'] = "".join(corrected)
        result = json.dumps(result)
    raise Return(result)
Example #2
    def test_edit_multidata_modify(self):
        csv_path = os.path.join(folder, 'sales-edits.csv')
        self.sales.to_csv(csv_path, index=False, encoding='utf-8')
        tempfiles[csv_path] = csv_path
        dbutils.mysql_create_db(variables.MYSQL_SERVER, 'test_formhandler', sales=self.sales)
            row = {'देश': 'भारत', 'city': 'X', 'product': 'Q', 'growth': None}
            result = self.check('/formhandler/edits-multidata-modify', method='post', data={
                'csv:देश': ['भारत'],
                'csv:city': ['X'],
                'csv:product': ['Q'],
                'csv:sales': ['10'],
                'sql:देश': ['भारत'],
                'sql:city': ['X'],
                'sql:product': ['Q'],
                'sql:sales': ['20'],
            }, headers={
                'count-csv': '1',
                'count-sql': '1',
            eq_(result['csv']['modify'], 8)
            eq_(result['modify'], 8)

            data = self.check('/formhandler/edits-multidata').json()
            eq_(data['csv'][-1], merge(row, {'sales': 10}))
            eq_(data['sql'][-1], merge(row, {'sales': 20}))
            eq_(len(data['csv']), len(self.sales) + 1)
            eq_(len(data['sql']), len(self.sales) + 1)

            dbutils.mysql_drop_db(variables.MYSQL_SERVER, 'test_formhandler')
Example #3
 def get(self):
     self.settings[self._OAUTH_SETTINGS_KEY] = {
         'key': self.kwargs['key'],
         'secret': self.kwargs['secret']
     code = self.get_arg('code', '')
     if code:
         access = yield self.get_authenticated_user(
             redirect_uri=self.xredirect_uri, code=code)
         user = yield self.oauth2_request(
         merge(user, access, mode='setdefault')
         yield self.set_user(user, id='email')
         self.session['google_access_token'] = access['access_token']
         # Ensure user-specified scope has 'profile' and 'email'
         scope = self.kwargs.get('scope', [])
         scope = scope if isinstance(scope, list) else [scope]
         scope = list(set(scope) | {'profile', 'email'})
         # Return the list
         yield self.authorize_redirect(redirect_uri=self.xredirect_uri,
                                           'extra_params', {}))
Example #4
def sass(handler, template=join(ui_dir, 'bootstrap-theme.scss')):
    Return a bootstrap theme based on the custom SASS variables provided.
    args = dict(variables.get('ui-bootstrap', {}))
    args.update({key: handler.get_arg(key) for key in handler.args})
    args = {key: val for key, val in args.items() if val}

    # Set default args
    config = gramex.cache.open(config_file)
    merge(args, config.get('defaults'), mode='setdefault')

    cache_key = get_cache_key({'template': template, 'args': args})

    # Replace fonts from config file, if available
    google_fonts = set()
    for key in ('font-family-base', 'headings-font-family'):
        if key in args and args[key] in config['fonts']:
            fontinfo = config['fonts'][args[key]]
            args[key] = fontinfo['stack']
            if 'google' in fontinfo:

    # Cache based on the dict and config as template.<cache-key>.css
    base = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(template))[0] + '.' + cache_key
    cache_path = join(cache_dir, base + '.css')
    if not os.path.exists(cache_path) or os.stat(template).st_mtime > os.stat(
        # Create a SCSS file based on the args
        scss_path = join(cache_dir, base + '.scss')
        with io.open(scss_path, 'wb') as handle:
            result = gramex.cache.open(template, 'template').generate(
        # Run sass to generate the output
        proc = gramex.cache.Subprocess([
            # Allow importing path from these paths
        out, err = yield proc.wait_for_exit()
        if proc.proc.returncode:
            raise RuntimeError('node-sass compilation failure',

    handler.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/css')
    raise Return(gramex.cache.open(cache_path, 'bin', mode='rb'))
Example #5
 def setup_default_kwargs(cls):
     Use default config from handlers.<Class>.* and handlers.BaseHandler.
     Called by gramex.services.url().
     c = cls.conf.setdefault('kwargs', {})
     merge(c, objectpath(conf, 'handlers.' + cls.conf.handler, {}), mode='setdefault')
     merge(c, objectpath(conf, 'handlers.BaseHandler', {}), mode='setdefault')
Example #6
 def setup(cls, **kwargs):
     super(FormHandler, cls).setup(**kwargs)
     conf_kwargs = merge(AttrDict(cls.conf.kwargs),
                         objectpath(gramex_conf, 'handlers.FormHandler', {}),
     cls.headers = conf_kwargs.pop('headers', {})
     # Top level formats: key is special. Don't treat it as data
     cls.formats = conf_kwargs.pop('formats', {})
     default_config = conf_kwargs.pop('default', None)
     # Remove other known special keys from dataset configuration
     # If top level has url: then data spec is at top level. Else it's a set of sub-keys
     if 'url' in conf_kwargs:
         cls.datasets = {'data': conf_kwargs}
         cls.single = True
         if 'modify' in conf_kwargs:
             cls.modify_all = staticmethod(build_transform(
                 conf={'function': conf_kwargs.pop('modify', None)},
                 filename='%s.%s' % (cls.name, 'modify'), iter=False))
         cls.datasets = conf_kwargs
         cls.single = False
     # Apply defaults to each key
     if isinstance(default_config, dict):
         for key in cls.datasets:
             config = cls.datasets[key].get('default', {})
             cls.datasets[key]['default'] = merge(config, default_config, mode='setdefault')
     # Ensure that each dataset is a dict with a url: key at least
     for key, dataset in list(cls.datasets.items()):
         if not isinstance(dataset, dict):
             app_log.error('%s: %s: must be a dict, not %r' % (cls.name, key, dataset))
             del cls.datasets[key]
         elif 'url' not in dataset:
             app_log.error('%s: %s: does not have a url: key' % (cls.name, key))
             del cls.datasets[key]
         # Ensure that id: is a list -- if it exists
         if 'id' in dataset and not isinstance(dataset['id'], list):
             dataset['id'] = [dataset['id']]
         # Convert function: into a data = transform(data) function
         conf = {
             'function': dataset.pop('function', None),
             'args': dataset.pop('args', None),
             'kwargs': dataset.pop('kwargs', None)
         if conf['function'] is not None:
             fn_name = '%s.%s.transform' % (cls.name, key)
             dataset['transform'] = build_transform(
                 conf, vars={'data': None, 'handler': None}, filename=fn_name, iter=False)
         # Convert modify: and prepare: into a data = modify(data) function
         for fn, fn_vars in cls.function_vars.items():
             if fn in dataset:
                 dataset[fn] = build_transform(
                     conf={'function': dataset[fn]},
                     filename='%s.%s.%s' % (cls.name, key, fn), iter=False)
Example #7
def opener(callback, read=False, **open_kwargs):
    Converts any function that accepts a string or handle as its parameter into
    a function that takes the first parameter from a file path.

    Here are a few examples::

        jsonload = opener(json.load)
        jsonload('x.json')      # opens x.json and runs json.load(handle)
        gramex.cache.open('x.json', jsonload)   # Loads x.json, cached

        # read=True parameter passes the contents (not handle) to the function
        template = opener(string.Template, read=True)
        gramex.cache.open('abc.txt', template).substitute(x=val)

        # If read=True, callback may be None. The result of .read() is passed as-is
        text = opener(None, read=True)
        gramex.cache.open('abc.txt', text)

    Keyword arguments applicable for ``io.open`` are passed to ``io.open``. These
    default to ``io.open(mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding='utf-8',
    errors='strict', newline=None, closefd=True)``. All other arguments and
    keyword arguments are passed to the callback (e.g. to ``json.load``).

    When reading binary files, pass ``mode='rb', encoding=None, errors=None``.
    merge(open_kwargs, _opener_defaults, 'setdefault')
    if read:
        # Pass contents to callback
        def method(path, **kwargs):
            open_args = {
                key: kwargs.pop(key, val)
                for key, val in open_kwargs.items()
            with io.open(path, **open_args) as handle:
                result = handle.read()
                return callback(result, **
                                kwargs) if callable(callback) else result
        if not callable(callback):
            raise ValueError('opener callback %s not a function',

        # Pass handle to callback
        def method(path, **kwargs):
            open_args = {
                key: kwargs.pop(key, val)
                for key, val in open_kwargs.items()
            with io.open(path, **open_args) as handle:
                return callback(handle, **kwargs)

    return method
Example #8
def sass(handler, template=uicomponents_path):
    Return a bootstrap theme based on the custom SASS variables provided.
    args = dict(variables.get('ui-bootstrap', {}))
    args.update({key: handler.get_arg(key) for key in handler.args})
    args = {key: val for key, val in args.items() if val}

    # Set default args
    config = gramex.cache.open(config_file)
    merge(args, config.get('defaults'), mode='setdefault')

    cache_key = {'template': template, 'args': args}
    cache_key = json.dumps(cache_key, sort_keys=True,
    cache_key = md5(cache_key).hexdigest()[:5]

    # Replace fonts from config file, if available
    google_fonts = set()
    for key in ('font-family-base', 'headings-font-family'):
        if key in args and args[key] in config['fonts']:
            fontinfo = config['fonts'][args[key]]
            args[key] = fontinfo['stack']
            if 'google' in fontinfo:

    # Cache based on the dict and config as template.<cache-key>.css
    base = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(template))[0] + '.' + cache_key
    cache_path = join(cache_dir, base + '.css')
    if not os.path.exists(cache_path) or os.stat(template).st_mtime > os.stat(
        # Create a SCSS file based on the args
        scss_path = join(cache_dir, base + '.scss')
        with io.open(scss_path, 'wb') as handle:
            result = gramex.cache.open(template, 'template').generate(
                uicomponents_path=uicomponents_path.replace('\\', '/'),
                bootstrap_path=bootstrap_path.replace('\\', '/'),
        # Run sass to generate the output
        options = ['--output-style', 'compressed']
        proc = gramex.cache.Subprocess(
            ['node', sass_path, scss_path, cache_path] + options)
        out, err = yield proc.wait_for_exit()
        if proc.proc.returncode:
            app_log.error('node-sass error: %s', err)
            raise RuntimeError('Compilation failure')

    handler.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/css')
    raise Return(gramex.cache.open(cache_path, 'bin', mode='rb'))
Example #9
    def set_user(self, user, id):
        # Find session expiry time
        expires_days = self.session_expiry
        if isinstance(self.session_expiry, dict):
            # If session_expiry (se) is a dict, use se.values[args[se.key]]
            # Or else, default to se.default - or None
            default = self.session_expiry.get('default', None)
            key = self.session_expiry.get('key', None)
            val = self.get_arg(key, None)
            lookup = self.session_expiry.get('values', {})
            expires_days = lookup.get(val, default)

        # When user logs in, change session ID and invalidate old session
        # https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Session_fixation
        self.get_session(expires_days=expires_days, new=True)

        # The unique ID for a user varies across logins. For example, Google and
        # Facebook provide an "id", but for Twitter, it's "username". For LDAP,
        # it's "dn". Allow auth handlers to decide their own ID attribute and
        # store it as "id" for consistency. Logging depends on this, for example.
        user['id'] = user[id]
        self.session[self.session_user_key] = user
        self.failed_logins[user[id]] = 0

        # Extend user attributes looking up the user ID in a lookup table
        if self.lookup is not None:
            # Look up the user ID in the lookup table and fetch all matching rows
            users = yield gramex.service.threadpool.submit(
                args={self.lookup_id: [user['id']]},
            if len(users) > 0 and self.lookup_id in users.columns:
                # Update the user attributes with the non-null items in the looked up row
                    key: val
                    for key, val in users.iloc[0].iteritems()
                    if not gramex.data.pd.isnull(val)

        # Persist user attributes (e.g. refresh_token from Google auth.)
        # If new user object doesn't have anything from previous login, restore it.
        info = self.update_user(user[id], active='y', **user)
        merge(self.session[self.session_user_key], info, mode='setdefault')

        # If session_inactive: is specified, set expiry date on the session
        if self.session_inactive is not None:
            self.session['_i'] = self.session_inactive * 24 * 60 * 60

        # Run post-login events (e.g. ensure_single_session) specified in config
        for callback in self.actions:
Example #10
def cache(conf):
    '''Set up caches'''
    for name, config in conf.items():
        cache_type = config['type']
        if cache_type not in _cache_defaults:
            app_log.warning('cache: %s has unknown type %s', name, config.type)
        config = merge(dict(config),
        if cache_type == 'memory':
            info.cache[name] = urlcache.MemoryCache(
                maxsize=config['size'], getsizeof=gramex.cache.sizeof)
        elif cache_type == 'disk':
            path = config.get('path', '.cache-' + name)
            info.cache[name] = urlcache.DiskCache(
        # if default: true, make this the default cache for gramex.cache.{open,query}
        if config.get('default'):
            for key in ['_OPEN_CACHE', '_QUERY_CACHE']:
                val = gramex.cache.set_cache(info.cache[name],
                                             getattr(gramex.cache, key))
                setattr(gramex.cache, key, val)
Example #11
 def _options(self, dataset, args, path_args, path_kwargs, key):
     """For each dataset, prepare the arguments."""
     if self.request.body:
         content_type = self.request.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
         if content_type == 'application/json':
     filter_kwargs = AttrDict(dataset)
     filter_kwargs.pop('modify', None)
     prepare = filter_kwargs.pop('prepare', None)
     queryfunction = filter_kwargs.pop('queryfunction', None)
     filter_kwargs['transform_kwargs'] = {'handler': self}
     # Use default arguments
     defaults = {
         k: v if isinstance(v, list) else [v]
         for k, v in filter_kwargs.pop('default', {}).items()
     # /(.*)/(.*) become 2 path arguments _0 and _1
     defaults.update({'_%d' % k: [v] for k, v in enumerate(path_args)})
     # /(?P<x>\d+)/(?P<y>\d+) become 2 keyword arguments x and y
     defaults.update({k: [v] for k, v in path_kwargs.items()})
     args = merge(namespaced_args(args, key), defaults, mode='setdefault')
     if callable(prepare):
         result = prepare(args=args, key=key, handler=self)
         if result is not None:
             args = result
     if callable(queryfunction):
         filter_kwargs['query'] = queryfunction(args=args, key=key, handler=self)
     return AttrDict(
         fmt=args.pop('_format', ['json'])[0],
         download=args.pop('_download', [''])[0],
         meta_header=args.pop('_meta', [''])[0],
Example #12
def run_commands(commands, callback):
    For example::

        run_commands(['a.yaml', 'b.yaml', '--x=1'], method)

    will do the following:

    - Load a.yaml into config
        - Set config['a'] = 1
        - Change to directory where a.yaml is
        - Call method(config)
    - Load b.yaml into config
        - Set config['a'] = 1
        - Change to directory where b.yaml is
        - Call method(config)

    Command line arguments are passed as ``commands``.
    Callback is a function that is called for each config file.
    args = parse_command_line(commands)
    original_path = os.getcwd()
    for config_file in args.pop('_'):
        config = gramex.cache.open(config_file, 'config')
        config = merge(old=config, new=args, mode='overwrite')
Example #13
 def check(a, b, c, mode='overwrite'):
     '''Check if merge(a, b) is c. Parameters are in YAML'''
     old = yaml.load(a, Loader=ConfigYAMLLoader)
     new = yaml.load(b, Loader=ConfigYAMLLoader)
     # merging a + b gives c
     eq_(yaml.load(c, Loader=ConfigYAMLLoader), merge(old, new, mode))
     # new is unchanged
     # eq_(old, yaml.load(a, Loader=ConfigYAMLLoader))
     eq_(new, yaml.load(b, Loader=ConfigYAMLLoader))
Example #14
    def test_merge(self):
        # Test gramex.config.merge
        def check(a, b, c, mode='overwrite'):
            '''Check if merge(a, b) is c. Parameters are in YAML'''
            old = yaml.load(a, Loader=ConfigYAMLLoader)
            new = yaml.load(b, Loader=ConfigYAMLLoader)
            # merging a + b gives c
                yaml.load(c, Loader=ConfigYAMLLoader),
                merge(old, new, mode))
            # new is unchanged
            # eq_(old, yaml.load(a, Loader=ConfigYAMLLoader))
            eq_(new, yaml.load(b, Loader=ConfigYAMLLoader))

        check('x: 1', 'y: 2', 'x: 1\ny: 2')
        check('x: {a: 1}', 'x: {a: 2}', 'x: {a: 2}')
        check('x: {a: 1}', 'x: null', 'x: null')
        check('x: {a: 1}', 'x: {b: 2}', 'x: {a: 1, b: 2}')
        check('x: {a: {p: 1}}', 'x: {a: {q: 1}, b: 2}', 'x: {a: {p: 1, q: 1}, b: 2}')
        check('x: {a: {p: 1}}', 'x: {a: null, b: null}', 'x: {a: null, b: null}')
        check('x: 1', 'x: 2', 'x: 1', mode='underwrite')
        check('x: {a: 1, c: 3}', 'x: {a: 2, b: 2}', 'x: {a: 1, c: 3, b: 2}', mode='underwrite')

        # Check basic behaviour
        eq_(merge({'a': 1}, {'a': 2}), {'a': 2})
        eq_(merge({'a': 1}, {'a': 2}, mode='setdefault'), {'a': 1})
        eq_(merge({'a': {'b': 1}}, {'a': {'b': 2}}), {'a': {'b': 2}})
        eq_(merge({'a': {'b': 1}}, {'a': {'b': 2}}, mode='setdefault'), {'a': {'b': 1}})

        # Ensure int keys will work
        eq_(merge({1: {1: 1}}, {1: {1: 2}}), {1: {1: 2}})
        eq_(merge({1: {1: 1}}, {1: {1: 2}}, mode='setdefault'), {1: {1: 1}})