Example #1
    def _factor(self):
        """Matches based on the rule:
            factor -> unary ( ( / | * ) unary)*"""
        expr = self._unary()

        while self._match(scanner.TokenType.SLASH, scanner.TokenType.STAR):
            operator = self._previous()
            right = self._unary()
            expr = grammar.Binary(expr, operator, right)

        return expr
Example #2
    def _term(self):
        """Matches based on the rule:
            term -> factor ( ( - | + ) factor)*"""
        expr = self._factor()

        while self._match(scanner.TokenType.MINUS, scanner.TokenType.PLUS):
            operator = self._previous()
            right = self._factor()
            expr = grammar.Binary(expr, operator, right)

        return expr
Example #3
    def _comparison(self):
        """Matches based on the rule:
        comparison -> term ( ( > | >= | < | <= ) term)*"""
        expr = self._term()

        while self._match(TokenType.GREATER, TokenType.GREATER_EQUAL,
                          TokenType.LESS, TokenType.LESS_EQUAL):
            operator = self._previous()
            right = self._term()
            expr = grammar.Binary(expr, operator, right)

        return expr
Example #4
    def _equality(self):
        """Matches based on the rule:
        equality -> comparison ( ( != | == ) comparison)*"""
        expr = self._comparison()

        # An Equality expression can match either a comparison
        # or comparison ((!= | ==) comparison)*
        while self._match(TokenType.BANG_EQUAL, TokenType.EQUAL_EQUAL):
            operator = self._previous()
            right = self._comparison()
            expr = grammar.Binary(expr, operator, right)

        return expr
Example #5
        return self.parenthesize(expr.operator.lexeme, expr.left, expr.right)

    def visitGrouping(self, expr):
        return self.parenthesize("group", expr.expression)

    def visitLiteral(self, expr):
        return str(expr.value)

    def visitUnary(self, expr):
        return self.parenthesize(expr.operator.lexeme, expr.right)

    def parenthesize(self, name, *exprs):
        string = "(" + name

        for expr in exprs:
            string += " "
            string += expr.accept(self)

        string += ")"

        return string

if __name__ == "__main__":
    expression = grammar.Binary(
        grammar.Unary(scanner.Token(scanner.TokenType.MINUS, "-", None, 1),
        scanner.Token(scanner.TokenType.STAR, "*", None, 1),