Example #1
def grade_essay(essay_tuple, essay_list):

    raw_body = essay_tuple[1]
    citation_type = essay_tuple[2]
    client = GrammarBotClient()
    edited_body = ""
    cursor = 0
    citation_heading = ""

    if citation_type == "APA":
        citation_heading = "References"
        citation_heading = "Works Cited"

    if citation_heading not in raw_body:
        ret = "<p style=\"padding-top:1em\"><mark style=\"background-color:red;line-height:1.5em\">" + "ERROR: No reference list/works cited header found (this may be due to a typo in the word \"References\" or the word \"Works Cited\"). Unable to mark essay." + "</mark></p>" + raw_body
        return essay_tuple[0], ret

    body = check_citations(essay_tuple)

    body = body.split(citation_heading)
    raw_citations = "<p>" + citation_heading + "</p>" + body[-1]
    body = citation_heading.join(body[:-1])

    plagiarism_ret = check_plagiarism.delay(essay_tuple[3], essay_tuple[4],
                                            body, essay_list)
    plagiarism = plagiarism_ret.get()

    result = None
    if len(body) > 6000:
        result = client.check(body[:6000])
        result = client.check(body)

    for match in result.matches:  # you also have access to match.category if you want
        offset = match.replacement_offset
        length = match.replacement_length

        edited_body += body[cursor:offset]
        if body[offset:(offset + length)] != "br" or body[offset:(
                offset + length)] != "&emsp":
            edited_body += "<mark style=\"background-color:red;\">" + body[
                offset:(offset + length)] + "</mark>"
        cursor = offset + length

        # if cursor < text length, then add remaining text to new_text
        if cursor >= len(body):
            edited_body += body[cursor:]

    if edited_body == "":
        edited_body = body

    edited_body = plagiarism + edited_body + raw_citations
    return essay_tuple[0], edited_body
Example #2
def checkGrammar(text):
    # Creating the client
    client = GrammarBotClient()

    # or, signup for an API Key to get higher usage limits here: https://www.grammarbot.io/
    #client = GrammarBotClient(api_key='my_api_key_here') # GrammarBotClient(api_key=my_api_key_here)
    res = client.check(text)

    mistakes = []
    for mistake in res.matches:
        value = {}
        value['offset'] = mistake.replacement_offset
        value['length'] = mistake.replacement_length
        value['message'] = mistake.message
        value['replacements'] = mistake.replacements
        value['corrections'] = mistake.corrections
        value['rule'] = mistake.rule
        value['category'] = mistake.category


    ret = mistakes

    #language = res.detected_language
    #result_is_incomplete = res.result_is_incomplete
    #num_error = len(res.matches)
    #ret = {'language': language, 'result_is_incomplete': result_is_incomplete, 'errors':num_error, 'mistakes': mistakes}

    return json.dumps(ret)
def fix_tweet(text):
    # spell = SpellChecker()
    # list_text = list(text.split(" "))
    # misspelled = spell.unknown(list_text)

    # print(text)
    # for word in misspelled:
    #     print(word)
    #     text.replace(word, spell.correction(word))

    # print(text)

    # lang_tool = language_tool.LanguageTool("en-US")
    # matches = lang_tool.check(text)

    # tool = language_check.LanguageTool('en-US')
    # matches = tool.check(text)
    # print(language_check.correct(text, matches))

    # print(res.raw_json)

    NEWLINE = '\n'

    # Creating the client
    client = GrammarBotClient()

    # check the text, returns GrammarBotApiResponse object
    res = client.check(text)

    tweets_to_make = []
    correct_text = ""
    limit = ""

    # Construct tweet
    for match in res.matches:
        # Create messages
        if (match.category == 'TYPOS'):
            correct_text += "At the start of character number " + \
                str(match.replacement_offset) + " did you mean any of the following instead: " + \
                str(match.replacements[0:3]) + "."
            correct_text += match.message

        # Insert a new line after each recommendation
        correct_text += NEWLINE

        # Make sure it doesn't exceed the tweet character limit
        if (len(limit) + len(correct_text)) > 280:
            limit = ""
        limit += correct_text
        correct_text = ""


    return tweets_to_make
Example #4
class Grammar():

    def __init__(self):
        dotenv_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.env')
        rapidapi_key = os.environ.get('RAPIDAPI_KEY')
        self.client = GrammarBotClient(api_key=rapidapi_key)

    def check(self, text):
        message = ''
        res = self.client.check(text)
        for i, match in enumerate(res.matches):
            message += f'\n{i+1}. {match.message}, {match.replacements[:3]}\n'
        return message
Example #5
class GrammarChecker:
    def __init__(self):
        self.client = GrammarBotClient(api_key='KS9C5N3Y')

    def check(self, text, file=None):
        res = self.client.check(text)
        for match in res.matches:
            if file:
                file.write("Position {} \n Replacements {} \n Rule {} Category {} Type {}\n".format(match.replacement_offset, match.replacements, match.rule,
                                                                                       match.category, match.type))
                print("Position {} \n Replacements {} \n Rule {} Category {} Type {}\n".format(match.replacement_offset, match.replacements, match.rule,
                                                                                         match.category, match.type))
        return res
def error_counter(msg_body):
    tokens = nlp(msg_body)
    err_count = 0
    for sent in tokens.sents:
        x = sent.string.strip()
        client = GrammarBotClient()
        res = client.check(x, 'en-GB')
        if len(res.matches) > 0:
            err_count += 1
    if err_count > 5:
        return "\n\nDue to high grammatical errors this job is probably fake"
        return "\n\nDue to low grammatical errors this job is probably real"
Example #7
def grammar_analysis(lines_of_text):
    client = GrammarBotClient(api_key='TODO: FILL IN API KEY')
    all_text = ''
    for txt in lines_of_text: 
        all_text += (str(txt) + '/')

    # check the text, returns GrammarBotApiResponse object
    errors = client.check(text) 

    # get error counts
    metadata = {}
    error_types = []
    for err in errors.matches: 
        start = err.replacement_offset 
        end = start + err.replacement_length
        mistake = allText[start:end]
        # format suggestions
        suggestions = ''
        for suggestion in err.replacements:
            suggestions += suggestion + ', '
        metadata[mistake] = suggestions[:-2] # take off last comma

    # get line numbers for help
    line_numbers = []
    for mistake in metadata.keys(): 
        for i, s in enumerate(linesOfText):
            if mistake in s:

    type_counts = dict(Counter(errorTypes))
    type_counts_list = type_counts.items()
    total_errors = sum(types_counts.values())

    result_string = json.dumps(res.raw_json, indent=4)

    mistake_info = []
    for i, mistake in enumerate(metadata.keys()):
    flag = (total_errors / len(lines_of_text) > 1)
    return total_errors, type_counts_list, mistake_info, flag
Example #8
 def chekingCredibilitiy(self):
     domain = ""
     nameList = self.website.split('.')
     if nameList[0] == "www":
         domain = nameList[2]
         domain = nameList[1]
     if domain.lower() in CREDIBLE_DOMAINS:
         return True
         client = GrammarBotClient()
         text = self.getText()
         errors = client.check(text, "en-US")
         if len(errors.matches) < 4:
             return False
             return True
Example #9
def grammar_checker(text):
    correct_texts = []  # collect possible ways of fixing text
    # spell checking & grammar checking with language_check module
    tool = language_check.LanguageTool('en-US')
    matches = tool.check(text)
    correct_texts.append(language_check.correct(text, matches))

    # spell checking & grammar checking with grammarbot module
    client = GrammarBotClient()
    res = client.check(text)
    for match in res.matches:
        for correction in match.corrections:

    print("grammar check")
    for text in correct_texts:

    return correct_texts
def output():
    client = GrammarBotClient()
    client = GrammarBotClient(
        api_key='AF5B9M2X')  # GrammarBotClient(api_key=my_api_key_here)
    res = client.check(
        text.get("1.0", "end-1c")
    )  # GrammarBotApiResponse(matches=[GrammarBotMatch(offset=2, length=4, rule={'CANT'}, category={'TYPOS'}), GrammarBotMatch(offset=26, length=5, rule={'CONFUSION_RULE'}, category={'TYPOS'})])
    res.detected_language  # "en-US"
    res.result_is_incomplete  # False
    res.matches  # [GrammarBotMatch(offset=2, length=4, rule={'CANT'}, category={'TYPOS'}), GrammarBotMatch(offset=26, length=5, rule={'CONFUSION_RULE'}, category={'TYPOS'})]
    match0 = res.matches[
        0]  # GrammarBotMatch(offset=2, length=4, rule={'CANT'}, category={'TYPOS'})
    match0.replacement_offset  # 2
    match0.replacement_length  # 4
    match0.replacements  # ["can't", 'cannot']
    match0.corrections  #
    text2 = tk.Text(root, width=40, height=30)
    text2.place(x=500, y=50)
    text2.insert(tk.END, match0.corrections[0])
def compute_spell_grammar_score(text):
    client = GrammarBotClient(api_key='PLEASE_INSERT_API_KEY_TO_HERE')
    text = text.strip("\n\t\r .,?!;")
    res_js = client.check(text).raw_json
    tokens = text.count(" ") + 1
    sens = text.count(".") + text.count("?") + text.count("!") + text.count(
        ";") + 1
    result = []
    cnt_spelling = 0
    cnt_grammar = 0
    warn_start = "<span style=\"background-color:yellow\">"
    error_start = "<span style=\"background-color:red\">"
    we_end = "</span>"
    conflict = 0
    cnt_error = 0
    for messeage in res_js['matches']:
        offset = messeage['offset'] + conflict
        leng = messeage['length']
        if messeage['rule']['issueType'] == 'non-conformance':
            text = text[0:offset] + warn_start + text[
                offset:offset + leng] + we_end + text[offset + leng:]
            conflict += 44
            error = {}
            error['id'] = cnt_error
            error['id2'] = cnt_error * 1000
            error['offset'] = messeage['offset']
            error['length'] = messeage['length']
            error['msg'] = messeage['message']
                error['dst'] = messeage['description']
                error['dst'] = ""
            error['rep'] = messeage['replacements']
            cnt_error += 1

        elif messeage['rule']['issueType'].find("grammar") != -1 or messeage[
                'rule']['issueType'].find("misspelling") != -1:
            if messeage['rule']['issueType'].find("grammar") != -1:
                cnt_grammar += 1
                cnt_spelling += 1

            text = text[0:offset] + error_start + text[
                offset:offset + leng] + we_end + text[offset + leng:]
            conflict += 41
            error = {}
            error['id'] = cnt_error
            error['id2'] = cnt_error * 1000
            error['offset'] = messeage['offset']
            error['length'] = messeage['length']
            error['msg'] = messeage['message']
                error['dst'] = messeage['description']
                error['dst'] = ""
            error['rep'] = messeage['replacements']
            cnt_error += 1

    point = {
        'grammar': (1 - (cnt_grammar / sens)) * 100,
        'spelling': (1 - (cnt_spelling / tokens)) * 100,
        int((1 - 0.5 * (cnt_grammar / sens) - 0.5 * (cnt_spelling / tokens)) *

    return point, result
Example #12
def writing(request, article_id):
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = WritingContent(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            text = form.cleaned_data['text']
            text = text.strip("\n\t\r .,?!;")
            client = GrammarBotClient(api_key='KS9C5N3Y')
            res_js = client.check(text).raw_json
            tokens = text.count(" ") + 1
            sens = text.count(".") + text.count("?") + text.count(
                "!") + text.count(";") + 1
            result = []
            cnt_spelling = 0
            cnt_grammar = 0
            warn_start = "<span style=\"background-color:yellow\">"
            error_start = "<span style=\"background-color:red\">"
            we_end = "</span>"
            conflict = 0
            cnt_error = 0
            for messeage in res_js['matches']:
                offset = messeage['offset'] + conflict
                leng = messeage['length']
                if messeage['rule']['issueType'] == 'non-conformance':
                    text = text[0:offset] + warn_start + text[
                        offset:offset + leng] + we_end + text[offset + leng:]
                    conflict += 44
                    error = {}
                    error['id'] = cnt_error
                    error['id2'] = cnt_error * 1000
                    error['msg'] = messeage['message']
                        error['dst'] = messeage['description']
                        error['dst'] = ""
                    error['rep'] = messeage['replacements']
                    cnt_error += 1

                elif messeage['rule']['issueType'].find(
                        "grammar") != -1 or messeage['rule']['issueType'].find(
                            "misspelling") != -1:
                    if messeage['rule']['issueType'].find("grammar") != -1:
                        cnt_grammar += 1
                        cnt_spelling += 1

                    text = text[0:offset] + error_start + text[
                        offset:offset + leng] + we_end + text[offset + leng:]
                    conflict += 41
                    error = {}
                    error['id'] = cnt_error
                    error['id2'] = cnt_error * 1000
                    error['msg'] = messeage['message']
                        error['dst'] = messeage['description']
                        error['dst'] = ""
                    error['rep'] = messeage['replacements']
                    cnt_error += 1
                point = {
                    'grammar': (1 - (cnt_grammar // sens)) * 100,
                    'spelling': (1 - (cnt_spelling // tokens)) * 100,
                    int((1 - 0.5 * (cnt_grammar // sens) + 0.5 *
                         (cnt_spelling // tokens)) * 100)
            return render(request, 'writing_results.html', {
                'errors': result,
                'fixed': text,
                'point': point
            conn = MongoClient()
            db = conn.MyProject
            collection = db.Writing
            records = collection.find()
            topics = list(records)
            context = {'topic': topics[article_id], 'form': WritingContent()}
            return render(request, 'writing.html', context)
        conn = MongoClient()
        db = conn.MyProject
        collection = db.Writing
        records = collection.find()
        topics = list(records)
        context = {'topic': topics[article_id], 'form': WritingContent()}
        return render(request, 'writing.html', context)
Example #13
def get_essay(request):
    if request.user.is_authenticated:
        if request.method == 'POST':
            form = EssayForm(request.POST)
            if form.is_valid():
                text_buffer = form.cleaned_data.get("essay_content").encode(
                question_buffer = form.cleaned_data.get("question")
                result = model.calculate_score(text_buffer, question_buffer)
                from grammarbot import GrammarBotClient
                client = GrammarBotClient()
                sentences = text_buffer.split('.')
                content = ''
                for sentence in sentences:
                    res = client.check(sentence)
                    grm = []
                    counter = 0
                    sentence = sentence.replace("'", "\'")
                    #print res.matches
                    for each in res.matches:
                            each.replacement_offset, each.replacement_length,
                            each.message.replace('"', '\"').replace("'", '\"'),
                            each.category.replace('"', '\"')
                    if len(grm) == 0:
                        content += sentence + '.'
                    for i in range(len(grm)):
                        content += sentence[counter:grm[i][
                            0]] + '<span class="mytooltip" style="color:white;background-color:#FB8C8C">' + sentence[
                                grm[i][0]:grm[i][0] + grm[i]
                                [1]] + '<span class="mytooltiptext">' + grm[i][
                                               "\'") + '</span>' + '</span>'
                        counter = grm[i][0] + grm[i][1]
                    content += '.'
                print content
                if result >= 0:
                    Essays.objects.create(question = question_buffer, \
                    essay_content = text_buffer,\
                    predicted_score = result)
                    result = round(result, 1)
                    return render(
                        request, 'main/result.html', {
                            'result': result,
                            'essay': json.dumps(content),
                            'grm': json.dumps(grm),
                            'original': json.dumps(text_buffer)
                    result = 0
                    Essays.objects.create(question = question_buffer, \
                    essay_content = text_buffer,\
                    predicted_score = result)

                    return render(
                        request, 'main/result.html', {
                            'Sorry, this questions are not ready to be scored by system yet, but your submission will help the system developing.'

            form = EssayForm()

        return render(request, 'main/scoring.html', {'form': form})
        return render(request, 'main/home.html')
Example #14
class GrammarChecker:
    def __init__(self, text, max_char_count=17, sensitivity=1):
        # Initialize checker with text and preprocess text by removing unwanted sentences
        # Sensitivity (0, 1): how strict you are with typos
        # Sensitivity of 1 is strictest, 0 is most lenient

        self.text = text
        self.max_char_count = max_char_count
        self.sensitivity = sensitivity
        self.client = GrammarBotClient()
        self.sentences = self.get_sentences()
        self.num_words = 0

    def get_sentences(self):
        # Returns sentences from text
        nlp = English()
        nlp.add_pipe(nlp.create_pipe('sentencizer'))  # updated
        doc = nlp(self.text)
        sentences = [sent.string.strip() for sent in doc.sents]
        return sentences

    def preprocess_text(self):
        # Remove sentences with words greater than max_char_count
        count = 0
        for sent in self.sentences:
            for word in sent.split():
                if len(word) > self.max_char_count:
                    if sent in self.sentences:
                count += 1
        self.num_words = count
        self.text = ' '.join(sent for sent in self.sentences)

    def measure_grammar(self,
        # Return a measure of typo appearance in text
        res = self.client.check(self.text)
        matches = res.matches
        results = []
        num_typos = 0
        if ignore_doublespace and ignore_punctuation:
            for match in matches:
                if match.category != 'TYPOGRAPHY' and match.category != 'PUNCTUATION':
            num_typos = len(results)
        elif ignore_doublespace:
            for match in matches:
                if match.category != 'TYPOGRAPHY':
            num_typos = len(results)
        elif ignore_punctuation:
            for match in matches:
                if match.category != 'PUNCTUATION':
            num_typos = len(results)
        num_sentences = len(self.sentences)
        measure = num_typos**1.5 * math.exp(num_typos - (
            0.25 * (num_sentences))) * sensitivity / self.num_words
        return measure
Example #15
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Automatically generated by Colaboratory.

Original file is located at

from grammarbot import GrammarBotClient
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en')

text = input("Enter the body of the message: ")
tokens = nlp(text)
count = 0
for sent in tokens.sents:
    x = sent.string.strip()
    client = GrammarBotClient()
    res = client.check(x, 'en-GB')
    if len(res.matches) > 0:
        count += 1
if count > 5:
    print("\n\nThis job is probably fake")
Example #16
def check_grammar_bot(text):
    client = GrammarBotClient()
    res = client.check(text, 'en-US')
    if len(res.matches) == 0:
        return True
    return False
Example #17
# or, signup for an API Key to get higher usage limits here: https://www.grammarbot.io/
client = GrammarBotClient(api_key='my_api_key_here') # GrammarBotClient(api_key=my_api_key_here)

# you can even set the base URI to a different server
# client = GrammarBotClient(base_uri='http://backup.grammarbot.io:80')

# Analyzing the text
# ==================

# There is only one method to perform the analysis, viz. GrammarBotClient.check
# method.

text = 'I cant remember how to go their'

# check the text, returns GrammarBotApiResponse object
res = client.check(text) # GrammarBotApiResponse(matches=[GrammarBotMatch(offset=2, length=4, rule={'CANT'}, category={'TYPOS'}), GrammarBotMatch(offset=26, length=5, rule={'CONFUSION_RULE'}, category={'TYPOS'})])

# Inspecting the GrammarBotApiResponse object
# ===========================================

# check detected language
res.detected_language # "en-US"

# check if the result is incomplete
res.result_is_incomplete # False

# see the suggestions / corrections suggested by the GrammarBot API
# returns a list of GrammarBotMatch objects describing each replacement
res.matches # [GrammarBotMatch(offset=2, length=4, rule={'CANT'}, category={'TYPOS'}), GrammarBotMatch(offset=26, length=5, rule={'CONFUSION_RULE'}, category={'TYPOS'})]

Example #18
 # testing
 first = False
 # ^ testing
 for filename in files:
     if filename in blacklist:
     # testing
     if first:
         first = True
     # ^ testing
     document = Document()
     file = root + '/' + filename
     # read file content
     text = d2t.process(file)
     if len(text) <= 500000:  # maximum length of text for api calls
         res = client.check(text)
     with open('test.txt', 'w+') as testf:
     text_lines = text.split('\n')
     out_lines = []
     for line in text_lines:
         words = line.split(' ')
         retLine = ''
     for line in out_lines:
     document.save(cleaned_filepath + filename)
     del text
     del document
def bot_errors(line):
    client = GrammarBotClient()
    res = client.check(line)
    return len(res.matches)