Example #1
def update_family_update_refs(
    db_handle: DbWriteBase,
    obj_old: Family,
    obj: Family,
    trans: DbTxn,
) -> None:
    """Update the `family_list` and `parent_family_list` of family members.

    Case where the family was modified.
        db_handle, obj, obj_old.get_father_handle(), obj.get_father_handle(), trans
        db_handle, obj, obj_old.get_mother_handle(), obj.get_mother_handle(), trans
    # fix child handles
    orig_set = set(r.ref for r in obj_old.get_child_ref_list())
    new_set = set(r.ref for r in obj.get_child_ref_list())

    # remove the family from children which have been removed
    for ref in orig_set - new_set:
        person = db_handle.get_person_from_handle(ref)
        db_handle.commit_person(person, trans)

    # add the family to children which have been added
    for ref in new_set - orig_set:
        person = db_handle.get_person_from_handle(ref)
        db_handle.commit_person(person, trans)
Example #2
def add_family_update_refs(
    db_handle: DbWriteBase,
    obj: Family,
    trans: DbTxn,
) -> None:
    """Update the `family_list` and `parent_family_list` of family members.

    Case where the family is new.
    # add family handle to parents
    for handle in [obj.get_father_handle(), obj.get_mother_handle()]:
        if handle:
            parent = db_handle.get_person_from_handle(handle)
            db_handle.commit_person(parent, trans)
    # for each child, add the family handle to the child
    for ref in obj.get_child_ref_list():
        child = db_handle.get_person_from_handle(ref.ref)
        db_handle.commit_person(child, trans)