def build_columns(self): #first the standard text columns with normal method EmbeddedList.build_columns(self) # now we add the two special columns # combobox for type colno = len(self.columns) name = self._column_combo[0] renderer = Gtk.CellRendererCombo() renderer.set_property('ellipsize', Pango.EllipsizeMode.END) # set up the comboentry editable no = NameOriginType() self.cmborig = Gtk.ListStore(GObject.TYPE_INT, GObject.TYPE_STRING) self.cmborigmap = no.get_map().copy() #sort the keys based on the value keys = sorted(self.cmborigmap, key=lambda x: glocale.sort_key(self.cmborigmap[x])) for key in keys: if key != no.get_custom(): self.cmborig.append(row=[key, self.cmborigmap[key]]) additional = self.dbstate.db.get_origin_types() if additional: for type in additional: if type: self.cmborig.append(row=[no.get_custom(), type]) renderer.set_property("model", self.cmborig) renderer.set_property("text-column", 1) renderer.set_property('editable', not self.dbstate.db.readonly) renderer.connect('editing_started', self.on_edit_start_cmb, colno) renderer.connect('edited', self.on_orig_edited, self._column_combo[3]) # add to treeview column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(name, renderer, text=self._column_combo[3]) column.set_resizable(True) column.set_sort_column_id(self._column_combo[1]) column.set_min_width(self._column_combo[2]) column.set_expand(False) self.columns.append(column) self.tree.append_column(column) # toggle box for primary colno += 1 name = self._column_toggle[0] renderer = Gtk.CellRendererToggle() renderer.set_property('activatable', True) renderer.set_property('radio', True) renderer.connect('toggled', self.on_prim_toggled, self._column_toggle[3]) # add to treeview column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(name, renderer, active=self._column_toggle[3]) column.set_resizable(False) column.set_sizing(Gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing.FIXED) column.set_alignment(0.5) column.set_sort_column_id(self._column_toggle[1]) column.set_max_width(self._column_toggle[2]) self.columns.append(column) self.tree.append_column(column)
def build_columns(self): #first the standard text columns with normal method EmbeddedList.build_columns(self) # now we add the two special columns # combobox for type colno = len(self.columns) name = self._column_combo[0] renderer = Gtk.CellRendererCombo() renderer.set_property('ellipsize', Pango.EllipsizeMode.END) # set up the comboentry editable no = NameOriginType() self.cmborig = Gtk.ListStore(GObject.TYPE_INT, GObject.TYPE_STRING) self.cmborigmap = no.get_map().copy() #sort the keys based on the value keys = sorted(self.cmborigmap, key=lambda x: glocale.sort_key(self.cmborigmap[x])) for key in keys: if key != no.get_custom(): self.cmborig.append(row=[key, self.cmborigmap[key]]) additional = self.dbstate.db.get_origin_types() if additional: for type in additional: if type: self.cmborig.append(row=[no.get_custom(), type]) renderer.set_property("model", self.cmborig) renderer.set_property("text-column", 1) renderer.set_property('editable', not self.dbstate.db.readonly) renderer.connect('editing_started', self.on_edit_start_cmb, colno) renderer.connect('edited', self.on_orig_edited, self._column_combo[3]) # add to treeview column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(name, renderer, text=self._column_combo[3]) column.set_resizable(True) column.set_sort_column_id(self._column_combo[1]) column.set_min_width(self._column_combo[2]) column.set_expand(False) self.columns.append(column) self.tree.append_column(column) # toggle box for primary colno += 1 name = self._column_toggle[0] renderer = Gtk.CellRendererToggle() renderer.set_property('activatable', True) renderer.set_property('radio', True) renderer.connect( 'toggled', self.on_prim_toggled, self._column_toggle[3]) # add to treeview column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(name, renderer, active=self._column_toggle[3]) column.set_resizable(False) column.set_sizing(Gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing.FIXED) column.set_alignment(0.5) column.set_sort_column_id(self._column_toggle[1]) column.set_max_width(self._column_toggle[2]) self.columns.append(column) self.tree.append_column(column)
def add_button_clicked(self, obj): """Add button is clicked, add a surname to the person""" prim = False if len(self.obj.get_surname_list()) == 0: prim = True node = self.model.append(row=['', '', '', str(NameOriginType()), prim, Surname()]) self.selection.select_iter(node) path = self.model.get_path(node) self.tree.set_cursor_on_cell(path, focus_column=self.columns[0], focus_cell=None, start_editing=True) self.update()
def __init__(self, dbstate, user, options_class, name, callback=None): uistate = user.uistate self.label = _('Name and title extraction tool') ManagedWindow.__init__(self, uistate, [], self.__class__) self.set_window(Gtk.Window(), Gtk.Label(), '') tool.BatchTool.__init__(self, dbstate, user, options_class, name) if return winprefix = Gtk.Dialog( _("Default prefix and connector settings"), self.uistate.window, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, (_('_OK'), Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT)) winprefix.vbox.set_spacing(5) hboxpref = Gtk.Box() label = Gtk.Label(label=_('Prefixes to search for:')) hboxpref.pack_start(label, False, False, 5) self.prefixbox = Gtk.Entry() self.prefixbox.set_text(', '.join(PREFIX_LIST)) hboxpref.pack_start(self.prefixbox, True, True, 0) winprefix.vbox.pack_start(hboxpref, True, True, 0) hboxcon = Gtk.Box() label = Gtk.Label(label=_('Connectors splitting surnames:')) hboxcon.pack_start(label, False, False, 5) self.conbox = Gtk.Entry() self.conbox.set_text(', '.join(CONNECTOR_LIST)) hboxcon.pack_start(self.conbox, True, True, 0) winprefix.vbox.pack_start(hboxcon, True, True, 0) hboxconns = Gtk.Box() label = Gtk.Label(label=_('Connectors not splitting surnames:')) hboxconns.pack_start(label, False, False, 5) self.connsbox = Gtk.Entry() self.connsbox.set_text(', '.join(CONNECTOR_LIST_NONSPLIT)) hboxconns.pack_start(self.connsbox, True, True, 0) winprefix.vbox.pack_start(hboxconns, True, True, 0) winprefix.show_all() winprefix.resize(700, 100) response = self.prefix_list = self.prefixbox.get_text().split(',') self.prefix_list = list(map(strip, self.prefix_list)) self.prefixbox = None self.connector_list = self.conbox.get_text().split(',') self.connector_list = list(map(strip, self.connector_list)) self.conbox = None self.connector_list_nonsplit = self.connsbox.get_text().split(',') self.connector_list_nonsplit = list( map(strip, self.connector_list_nonsplit)) self.connsbox = None # Find a prefix in the first_name self._fn_prefix_re = re.compile( "(\S+)\s+(%s)\s*$" % '|'.join(self.prefix_list), re.IGNORECASE) # Find a prefix in the surname self._sn_prefix_re = re.compile( "^\s*(%s)\s+(.+)" % '|'.join(self.prefix_list), re.IGNORECASE) # Find a connector in the surname self._sn_con_re = re.compile( "^\s*(.+)\s+(%s)\s+(.+)" % '|'.join(self.connector_list), re.IGNORECASE) winprefix.destroy() self.cb = callback self.handle_to_action = {} self.progress = ProgressMeter( # parent-OK _('Extracting Information from Names'), '', parent=self.uistate.window) self.progress.set_pass(_('Analyzing names'), self.db.get_number_of_people()) for person in self.db.iter_people(): key = person.handle name = person.get_primary_name() first = name.get_first_name() sname = name.get_surname() old_prefix = [] old_surn = [] old_con = [] old_prim = [] old_orig = [] for surn in name.get_surname_list(): old_prefix.append(surn.get_prefix()) old_surn.append(surn.get_surname()) old_con.append(surn.get_connector()) old_prim.append(surn.get_primary()) old_orig.append(surn.get_origintype()) if name.get_title(): old_title = [name.get_title()] else: old_title = [] new_title = [] match = _title_re.match(first) while match: groups = match.groups() first = groups[1] new_title.append(groups[0]) match = _title_re.match(first) matchnick = _nick_re.match(first) if new_title: titleval = (" ".join(old_title + new_title), first) if key in self.handle_to_action: self.handle_to_action[key][self.titleid] = titleval else: self.handle_to_action[key] = {self.titleid: titleval} elif matchnick: # we check for nick, which changes given name like title groups = matchnick.groups() nickval = (groups[0], groups[1]) if key in self.handle_to_action: self.handle_to_action[key][self.nickid] = nickval else: self.handle_to_action[key] = {self.nickid: nickval} else: # Try to find the name prefix in the given name, also this # changes given name match = self._fn_prefix_re.match(first) if match: groups = match.groups() if old_prefix[0]: # Put the found prefix before the old prefix new_prefix = " ".join([groups[1], old_prefix[0]]) else: new_prefix = groups[1] pref1val = (groups[0], new_prefix, groups[1]) if key in self.handle_to_action: self.handle_to_action[key][self.pref1id] = pref1val else: self.handle_to_action[key] = {self.pref1id: pref1val} #check for Gedcom import of compound surnames if len(old_surn) == 1 and old_con[0] == '': prefixes = old_prefix[0].split(',') surnames = old_surn[0].split(',') if len(prefixes) > 1 and len(prefixes) == len(surnames): #assume a list of prefix and a list of surnames prefixes = list(map(strip, prefixes)) surnames = list(map(strip, surnames)) primaries = [False] * len(prefixes) primaries[0] = True origs = [] for ind in range(len(prefixes)): origs.append(NameOriginType()) origs[0] = old_orig[0] compoundval = (surnames, prefixes, [''] * len(prefixes), primaries, origs) if key in self.handle_to_action: self.handle_to_action[key][self.compid] = compoundval else: self.handle_to_action[key] = {self.compid: compoundval} #we cannot check compound surnames, so continue the loop continue # Next, try to split surname in compounds: prefix surname connector found = False new_prefix_list = [] new_surname_list = [] new_connector_list = [] new_prim_list = [] new_orig_list = [] ind = 0 cont = True for pref, surn, con, prim, orig in zip(old_prefix, old_surn, old_con, old_prim, old_orig): surnval = surn.split() if surnval == []: new_prefix_list.append(pref) new_surname_list.append('') new_connector_list.append(con) new_prim_list.append(prim) new_orig_list.append(orig) cont = False continue val = surnval.pop(0) while cont: new_prefix_list.append(pref) new_surname_list.append('') new_connector_list.append(con) new_prim_list.append(prim) new_orig_list.append(orig) while cont and (val.lower() in self.prefix_list): found = True if new_prefix_list[-1]: new_prefix_list[-1] += ' ' + val else: new_prefix_list[-1] = val try: val = surnval.pop(0) except IndexError: val = '' cont = False #after prefix we have a surname if cont: new_surname_list[-1] = val try: val = surnval.pop(0) except IndexError: val = '' cont = False #if value after surname indicates continue, then continue while cont and (val.lower() in self.connector_list_nonsplit): #add this val to the current surname new_surname_list[-1] += ' ' + val try: val = surnval.pop(0) except IndexError: val = '' cont = False # if previous is non-splitting connector, then add new val to # current surname if cont and (new_surname_list[-1].split()[-1].lower() in self.connector_list_nonsplit): new_surname_list[-1] += ' ' + val try: val = surnval.pop(0) except IndexError: val = '' cont = False #if next is a connector, add it to the surname if cont and val.lower() in self.connector_list: found = True if new_connector_list[-1]: new_connector_list[-1] = ' ' + val else: new_connector_list[-1] = val try: val = surnval.pop(0) except IndexError: val = '' cont = False #initialize for a next surname in case there are still #val if cont: found = True # we split surname pref = '' con = '' prim = False orig = NameOriginType() ind += 1 if found: compoundval = (new_surname_list, new_prefix_list, new_connector_list, new_prim_list, new_orig_list) if key in self.handle_to_action: self.handle_to_action[key][self.compid] = compoundval else: self.handle_to_action[key] = {self.compid: compoundval} self.progress.step() if self.handle_to_action: self.display() else: self.progress.close() self.close() OkDialog( _('No modifications made'), # parent-OK _("No titles, nicknames or prefixes were found"), parent=self.uistate.window)