Example #1
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        Add options to the menu for the marker report.
        category_name = _("Report Options")

        all_tags = []
        for handle in self.__db.get_tag_handles():
            tag = self.__db.get_tag_from_handle(handle)

        if len(all_tags) > 0:
            tag_option = EnumeratedListOption(_("Tag"), all_tags[0])
            for tag_name in all_tags:
                tag_option.add_item(tag_name, tag_name)
            tag_option = EnumeratedListOption(_("Tag"), "")
            tag_option.add_item("", "")

        tag_option.set_help(_("The tag to use for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "tag", tag_option)

        can_group = BooleanOption(_("Group by reference type"), False)
        can_group.set_help(_("Group notes by Family, Person, Place, etc."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "can_group", can_group)
Example #2
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        category_name = _("Report Options")

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
                       _("Determines what people are included in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", self.__filter)
        self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)
        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)

        self._nf = stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)
        self._nf.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)


        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        sortby = EnumeratedListOption(_('Sort by'), 0 )
        idx = 0
        for item in _get_sort_functions(Sort(self.__db)):
            sortby.add_item(idx, _(item[0]))
            idx += 1
        sortby.set_help( _("Sorting method to use"))
        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)
Example #3
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        Define the options for the menu.
        category_name = _("Tool Options")

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
        self.__filter.set_help(_("Select the people to sort"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", self.__filter)
        self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)


        sort_by = EnumeratedListOption(_('Sort by'), 0 )
        idx = 0
        for item in _get_sort_functions(Sort(self.__db)):
            sort_by.add_item(idx, item[0])
            idx += 1
        sort_by.set_help( _("Sorting method to use"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "sort_by", sort_by)

        sort_desc = BooleanOption(_("Sort descending"), False)
        sort_desc.set_help(_("Set the sort order"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "sort_desc", sort_desc)

        family_events = BooleanOption(_("Include family events"), True)
        family_events.set_help(_("Sort family events of the person"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "family_events", family_events)
Example #4
 def build_options(self):
     from gramps.gen.plug.menu import EnumeratedListOption
     # Add types:
     type_list = EnumeratedListOption(_("View Type"), self.gui.data[0])
     for item in [("Person", _("Person")),
                  ("Event", _("Event")),
                  ("Family", _("Family")),
                  ("Media", _("Media")),
                  ("Note", _("Note")),
                  ("Place", _("Place")),
                  ("Repository", _("Repository")),
                  ("Source", _("Source")),
                  ("Citation", _("Citation")),
         type_list.add_item(item[0], item[1])
     # Add particular lists:
     qv_list = get_quick_report_list(CATEGORY_QR_PERSON)
     if self.gui.data[1] is None:
         self.gui.data[1] = qv_list[0].id
     list_option = EnumeratedListOption(_("Quick Views"),
     for pdata in qv_list:
         list_option.add_item(pdata.id, pdata.name)
     type_widget = self.get_option_widget(_("View Type"))
     type_widget.value_changed = self.rebuild_option_list
     self.rebuild_option_list() # call for initial setting
Example #5
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        Add options to the menu for the tag report.
        category_name = _("Report Options")

        all_tags = []
        for handle in self.__db.get_tag_handles(sort_handles=True):
            tag = self.__db.get_tag_from_handle(handle)

        if len(all_tags) > 0:
            tag_option = EnumeratedListOption(_('Tag'), all_tags[0])
            for tag_name in all_tags:
                tag_option.add_item(tag_name, tag_name)
            tag_option = EnumeratedListOption(_('Tag'), '')
            tag_option.add_item('', '')

        tag_option.set_help( _("The tag to use for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "tag", tag_option)

        stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)
Example #6
 def build_options(self):
     self.add_option(NumberOption(_("Max generations"),
                                  self.max_generations, 1, 100))
     self.add_option(BooleanOption(_("Show dates"), bool(self.show_dates)))
     elist = EnumeratedListOption(_("Line type"), self.box_mode)
     elist.add_item("UTF", "UTF")
     elist.add_item("ASCII", "ASCII")
Example #7
 def build_options(self):
     from gramps.gen.plug.menu import EnumeratedListOption
     # Add types:
     style_list = EnumeratedListOption(_("House Icon Style"), self.gui.data[0])
     for item in [("001", _("Standard")),
                  ("002", _("Small")),
                  ("003", _("Unicode")),
                  ("004", _("None")),
         style_list.add_item(item[0], item[1])
Example #8
def add_localization_option(menu, category):
    Insert an option for localizing the report into a different locale
    from the UI locale.
    trans = EnumeratedListOption(_("Translation"),
    trans.add_item(glocale.DEFAULT_TRANSLATION_STR, _("Default"))
    languages = glocale.get_language_dict()
    for language in sorted(languages, key=glocale.sort_key):
        trans.add_item(languages[language], language)
    trans.set_help(_("The translation to be used for the report."))
    menu.add_option(category, "trans", trans)
Example #9
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        Add options to the menu for the ancestor report.
        category_name = _("Report Options")
        report_type = EnumeratedListOption(_('Census Selection'), TYPE_PERSON)
        report_type.add_item(TYPE_PERSON, _('By Person'))
        report_type.add_item(TYPE_SOURCE, _('By Source'))
        report_type.add_item(TYPE_BOTH, _('By Person and Source'))
        report_type.add_item(TYPE_ALL, _('All Census records'))
        report_type.set_help(_("The type of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "report_type", report_type)
        pid = PersonOption(_("Person"))
        pid.set_help(_("The selected person for the report."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", pid)

        default = None
        sources = get_census_sources(self.database)
        if len(sources) > 0:
            if len(sources[0]) > 0:
                default = sources[0][0]
        src_handle = EnumeratedListOption(_('Source'), default)
        for source in sources:
            src_handle.add_item(source[0], source[1])
        menu.add_option(category_name, "src_handle", src_handle)
        pg_break = BooleanOption(_("Page break after each census."), False)
        pg_break.set_help(_("Start a new page after each census."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pg_break", pg_break)
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        category_name = _("Report Options")

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
               _("Select filter to restrict people that appear in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", self.__filter)

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)


        # We must figure out the value of the first option before we can
        # create the EnumeratedListOption
        fmt_list = global_name_display.get_name_format()
        name_format = EnumeratedListOption(_("Name format"), 0)
        name_format.add_item(0, _("Default"))
        for num, name, fmt_str, act in fmt_list:
            name_format.add_item(num, name)
        name_format.set_help(_("Select the format to display names"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "name_format", name_format)

        numbering = EnumeratedListOption(_("Numbering system"), "Simple")
                ("Simple",      _("Simple numbering")),
                ("de Villiers/Pama", _("de Villiers/Pama numbering")),
                ("Meurgey de Tupigny", _("Meurgey de Tupigny numbering"))])
        numbering.set_help(_("The numbering system to be used"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "numbering", numbering)

        gen = NumberOption(_("Generations"), 10, 1, 15)
        gen.set_help(_("The number of generations to include in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "gen", gen)

        marrs = BooleanOption(_('Show marriage info'), False)
        marrs.set_help(_("Whether to show marriage information in the report."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "marrs", marrs)

        divs = BooleanOption(_('Show divorce info'), False)
        divs.set_help(_("Whether to show divorce information in the report."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "divs", divs)

        dups = BooleanOption(_('Show duplicate trees'), True)
        dups.set_help(_("Whether to show duplicate family trees in the report."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "dups", dups)
Example #11
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        category_name = _("Report Options")

        pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", pid)

        # We must figure out the value of the first option before we can
        # create the EnumeratedListOption
        fmt_list = global_name_display.get_name_format()
        name_format = EnumeratedListOption(_("Name format"), 0)
        name_format.add_item(0, _("Default"))
        for num, name, fmt_str, act in fmt_list:
            name_format.add_item(num, name)
        name_format.set_help(_("Select the format to display names"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "name_format", name_format)
Example #12
def add_name_format_option(menu, category):
    Insert an option for changing the report's name format to a
    report-specific format instead of the user's Edit=>Preferences choice
    name_format = EnumeratedListOption(_("Name format"), 0)
    name_format.add_item(0, _("Default"))
    format_list = global_name_display.get_name_format()
    for number, name, format_string, whether_active in format_list:
        name_format.add_item(number, name)
    name_format.set_help(_("Select the format to display names"))
    current_format = config.get('preferences.name-format')
    # if this report hasn't ever been run, start with user's current setting
    # if the report has been run, this line will get the user's old setting
    menu.add_option(category, "name_format", name_format)
    return name_format
Example #13
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        Create all the menu options for this report.
        category_name = _("Report Options")

        pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        pid.set_help(_("The Center person for the graph"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", pid)

        stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        max_gen = NumberOption(_('Max Descendant Generations'), 10, 1, 15)
        max_gen.set_help(_("The number of generations of descendants to "
                           "include in the graph"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maxdescend", max_gen)

        max_gen = NumberOption(_('Max Ancestor Generations'), 10, 1, 15)
        max_gen.set_help(_("The number of generations of ancestors to "
                           "include in the graph"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maxascend", max_gen)

        include_id = EnumeratedListOption(_('Include Gramps ID'), 0)
        include_id.add_item(0, _('Do not include'))
        include_id.add_item(1, _('Share an existing line'))
        include_id.add_item(2, _('On a line of its own'))
        include_id.set_help(_("Whether (and where) to include Gramps IDs"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "incid", include_id)

        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        category_name = _("Graph Style")

        color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), "filled")
        for i in range( 0, len(_COLORS) ):
            color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"])
        color.set_help(_("Males will be shown with blue, females "
                         "with red.  If the sex of an individual "
                         "is unknown it will be shown with gray."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "color", color)

        roundedcorners = BooleanOption(     # see bug report #2180
                    _("Use rounded corners"), False)
                    _("Use rounded corners to differentiate "
                      "between women and men."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "roundcorners", roundedcorners)
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        Add options to the menu for the ancestral fan chart report.
        category_name = _("Ancestral Fan Chart Options")

        pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", pid)

        # We must figure out the value of the first option before we can
        # create the EnumeratedListOption
        fmt_list = global_name_display.get_name_format()
        name_format = EnumeratedListOption(_("Name format"), 0)
        name_format.add_item(0, _("Default"))
        for num, name, fmt_str, act in fmt_list:
            name_format.add_item(num, name)
        name_format.set_help(_("Select the format to display names"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "name_format", name_format)

        self._maxgen = NumberOption(_("Include Generations"), 10, 1, 100)
        self._maxgen.set_help(_("The number of generations to include in " +
            "the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maxgen", self._maxgen)
        self._maxgen.connect('value-changed', self.validate_gen)

        pat_bg = ColorOption(_("Paternal Background Color"), "#ccddff")
        pat_bg.set_help(_("RGB-color for paternal box background."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pat_bg", pat_bg)

        mat_bg = ColorOption(_("Maternal Background"), "#ffb2a1")
        mat_bg.set_help(_("RGB-color for maternal box background."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "mat_bg", mat_bg)

        dest_path = DestinationOption(_("Destination"),
        dest_path.set_help(_("The destination path for generated files."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "dest_path", dest_path)

        dest_file = StringOption(_("Filename"), "AncestralFanchart.html")
        dest_file.set_help(_("The destination file name for html content."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "dest_file", dest_file)
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):

        """ Add the options """
        category_name = _("Options")

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Person Filter"), 0)
        self.__filter.set_help(_("Select filter to restrict people"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", self.__filter)
        self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)


        source_type = EnumeratedListOption(_("Source type"), 0)
        source_type.add_item(0, _("New source"))
        source_type.add_item(1, _("Existing source"))
        source_type.set_help(_("Select the type of source to attach"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "source_type", source_type)
        source_type.connect('value-changed', self.__update_source_type)
        self.__source_type = source_type

        source_text = StringOption(_("New Source Title"), "")
        source_text.set_help(_("Text of source to attach"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "source_text", source_text)
        self.__source_text = source_text

        source_id = StringOption(_("Existing Source ID"), "")
        source_id.set_help(_("ID of source to attach"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "source_id", source_id)
        self.__source_id = source_id

Example #16
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        """ Add the options for the text birthday report """
        category_name = _("Report Options")

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
            _("Select the filter to be applied to the report."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", self.__filter)
        self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)

        titletext = StringOption(_("Title text"), _(_TITLE0))
        titletext.set_help(_("Title of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "titletext", titletext)

        text1 = StringOption(_("Text Area 1"), _(_TITLE1))
        text1.set_help(_("First line of text at bottom of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "text1", text1)

        text2 = StringOption(_("Text Area 2"), _(_TITLE2))
        text2.set_help(_("Second line of text at bottom of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "text2", text2)

        text3 = StringOption(
            _("Text Area 3"),
        text3.set_help(_("Third line of text at bottom of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "text3", text3)

        category_name = _("Report Options (2)")

        self._nf = stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)
        self._nf.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        alive = BooleanOption(_("Include only living people"), True)
        alive.set_help(_("Include only living people in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "alive", alive)

        deadtxt = StringOption(_("Dead Symbol"), _(_DEADTXT))
            _("This will show after name to indicate that person is dead"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "deadtxt", deadtxt)


        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        showyear = BooleanOption(_("Show event year"), True)
            _("Prints the year the event took place in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "showyear", showyear)

        category_name = _("Content")

        year = NumberOption(_("Year of report"),
                            time.localtime()[0], 1000, 3000)
        year.set_help(_("Year of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "year", year)

        country = EnumeratedListOption(_("Country for holidays"), 0)
        holiday_table = libholiday.HolidayTable()
        countries = holiday_table.get_countries()
        if (len(countries) == 0
                or (len(countries) > 0 and countries[0] != '')):
            countries.insert(0, '')
        count = 0
        for c in countries:
            country.add_item(count, c)
            count += 1
        country.set_help(_("Select the country to see associated holidays"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "country", country)

        maiden_name = EnumeratedListOption(_("Birthday surname"), "own")
            _("Wives use husband's surname (from first family listed)"))
            _("Wives use husband's surname (from last family listed)"))
        maiden_name.add_item("own", _("Wives use their own surname"))
        maiden_name.set_help(_("Select married women's displayed surname"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maiden_name", maiden_name)

        birthdays = BooleanOption(_("Include birthdays"), True)
        birthdays.set_help(_("Whether to include birthdays"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "birthdays", birthdays)

        anniversaries = BooleanOption(_("Include anniversaries"), True)
        anniversaries.set_help(_("Whether to include anniversaries"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "anniversaries", anniversaries)

        death_anniversaries = BooleanOption(_("Include death anniversaries"),
            _("Whether to include anniversaries of death"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "death_anniversaries",

        show_relships = BooleanOption(
            _("Include relationship to center person"), False)
            _("Whether to include relationships to the center person"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "relationships", show_relships)
Example #17
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        category_name = _("Report Options")
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
            _("Determines what people are included in the graph"))
        add_option("filter", self.__filter)
        self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)

        self._nf = stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)
        self._nf.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)


        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Include"))

        self.event_choice = EnumeratedListOption(_('Dates and/or Places'), 0)
        self.event_choice.add_item(0, _('Do not include any dates or places'))
            1, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                 'dates, but no places'))
            2, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                 'dates, and places'))
            _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
              'dates, and places if no dates'))
            4, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                 'years, but no places'))
            5, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                 'years, and places'))
            6, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                 'places, but no dates'))
            _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
              'dates and places on same line'))
        self.event_choice.set_help(_("Whether to include dates and/or places"))
        add_option("event_choice", self.event_choice)

        url = BooleanOption(_("Include URLs"), False)
            _("Include a URL in each graph node so "
              "that PDF and imagemap files can be "
              "generated that contain active links "
              "to the files generated by the 'Narrated "
              "Web Site' report."))
        add_option("url", url)

        include_id = EnumeratedListOption(_('Include Gramps ID'), 0)
        include_id.add_item(0, _('Do not include'))
        include_id.add_item(1, _('Share an existing line'))
        include_id.add_item(2, _('On a line of its own'))
        include_id.set_help(_("Whether (and where) to include Gramps IDs"))
        add_option("incid", include_id)

        self.__show_relships = BooleanOption(
            _("Include relationship to center person"), False)
            _("Whether to show every person's "
              "relationship to the center person"))
        add_option("increlname", self.__show_relships)

        self.__include_images = BooleanOption(
            _('Include thumbnail images of people'), False)
            _("Whether to include thumbnails of people."))
        add_option("includeImages", self.__include_images)
        self.__include_images.connect('value-changed', self.__image_changed)

        self.__image_on_side = EnumeratedListOption(_("Thumbnail Location"), 0)
        self.__image_on_side.add_item(0, _('Above the name'))
        self.__image_on_side.add_item(1, _('Beside the name'))
            _("Where the thumbnail image should appear relative to the name"))
        add_option("imageOnTheSide", self.__image_on_side)

        #occupation = BooleanOption(_("Include occupation"), False)
        occupation = EnumeratedListOption(_('Include occupation'), 0)
        occupation.add_item(0, _('Do not include any occupation'))
            1, _('Include description '
                 'of most recent occupation'))
            2, _('Include date, description and place '
                 'of all occupations'))
        occupation.set_help(_("Whether to include the last occupation"))
        add_option("occupation", occupation)

        if __debug__:
            self.__show_ga_gb = BooleanOption(
                _("Include relationship "
                  "debugging numbers also"), False)
                _("Whether to include 'Ga' and 'Gb' "
                  "also, to debug the relationship "
            add_option("advrelinfo", self.__show_ga_gb)

        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Graph Style"))

        color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), 'filled')
        for i in range(0, len(_COLORS)):
            color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"])
            _("Males will be shown with blue, females "
              "with red.  If the sex of an individual "
              "is unknown it will be shown with gray."))
        add_option("color", color)

        color_males = ColorOption(_('Males'), '#e0e0ff')
        color_males.set_help(_('The color to use to display men.'))
        add_option('colormales', color_males)

        color_females = ColorOption(_('Females'), '#ffe0e0')
        color_females.set_help(_('The color to use to display women.'))
        add_option('colorfemales', color_females)

        color_unknown = ColorOption(_('Unknown'), '#e0e0e0')
            _('The color to use when the gender is unknown.'))
        add_option('colorunknown', color_unknown)

        color_family = ColorOption(_('Families'), '#ffffe0')
        color_family.set_help(_('The color to use to display families.'))
        add_option('colorfamilies', color_family)

        arrow = EnumeratedListOption(_("Arrowhead direction"), 'd')
        for i in range(0, len(_ARROWS)):
            arrow.add_item(_ARROWS[i]["value"], _ARROWS[i]["name"])
        arrow.set_help(_("Choose the direction that the arrows point."))
        add_option("arrow", arrow)

        # see bug report #2180
        roundedcorners = BooleanOption(_("Use rounded corners"), False)
            _("Use rounded corners to differentiate "
              "between women and men."))
        add_option("useroundedcorners", roundedcorners)

        dashed = BooleanOption(
            _("Indicate non-birth relationships with dotted lines"), True)
            _("Non-birth relationships will show up "
              "as dotted lines in the graph."))
        add_option("dashed", dashed)

        showfamily = BooleanOption(_("Show family nodes"), True)
            _("Families will show up as ellipses, linked "
              "to parents and children."))
        add_option("showfamily", showfamily)
class BirthdaysGramplet(Gramplet):
    def init(self):
        self.set_text(_("No Family Tree loaded."))
        self.max_age = config.get('behavior.max-age-prob-alive')

    def build_options(self):
        """Build the configuration options"""
        db = self.dbstate.db

        name = _("Ignore birthdays with tag")
        self.option = EnumeratedListOption(name, self.ignore_tag)

        self.option.add_item('', '')  # No ignore tag
        if db.is_open():
            for tag_handle in db.get_tag_handles(sort_handles=True):
                tag = db.get_tag_from_handle(tag_handle)
                tag_name = tag.get_name()
                self.option.add_item(tag_name, tag_name)


    def save_options(self):
        """Save gramplet configuration data"""
        self.ignore_tag = self.option.get_value()

    def save_update_options(self, obj):
        """Save a gramplet's options to file"""
        self.gui.data = [self.ignore_tag]

    def on_load(self):
        """Load stored configuration data"""
        if len(self.gui.data) == 1:
            self.ignore_tag = self.gui.data[0]
            self.ignore_tag = ''

    def db_changed(self):
        """Update gramplet when database was changed"""
        self.connect(self.dbstate.db, 'person-add', self.update)
        self.connect(self.dbstate.db, 'person-delete', self.update)
        self.connect(self.dbstate.db, 'person-update', self.update)

    def main(self):
        """Main function of the Birthdays gramplet"""
        database = self.dbstate.db
        personList = database.iter_people()
        self.result = []

        # get ignore tag handle
        ignore_tag_handle = ""  # No ignore handle selceted by user
        tag_name = self.option.get_value()
        tag_handles = database.get_tag_handles()
        for handle in tag_handles:
            tag = database.get_tag_from_handle(handle)
            if tag_name == tag.get_name():
                # overwrite ignore_handle to user selction
                ignore_tag_handle = tag.get_handle()

        for cnt, person in enumerate(personList):
            person_tag_handles = person.get_tag_list()
            if ignore_tag_handle in person_tag_handles:
                pass  # ignore person
            else:  # calculate age and days until birthday:
                self.__calculate(database, person)

        # Reverse sort on number of days from now:
        self.result.sort(key=lambda item: -item[0])

        # handle text shown in gramplet
        for diff, age, date, person in self.result:
            name = person.get_primary_name()
            displayer = gramps.gen.datehandler.displayer
            self.append_text("{}: ".format(displayer.display(date)))
            self.link(name_displayer.display_name(name), "Person",
            self.append_text(" ({})\n".format(age))
        self.append_text("", scroll_to="begin")

    def __calculate(self, database, person):
        """Calculate the age and days until birthday"""
        today = Today()
        birth_ref = person.get_birth_ref()
        death_ref = person.get_death_ref()
        if (birth_ref and not death_ref):
            birth = database.get_event_from_handle(birth_ref.ref)
            birth_date = birth.get_date_object()
            if birth_date.is_regular():
                birthday_this_year = Date(today.get_year(),
                next_age = birthday_this_year - birth_date
                # (0 year, months, days) between now and birthday of this
                # year (positive if passed):
                diff = today - birthday_this_year
                # about number of days the diff is:
                diff_days = diff[1] * 30 + diff[2]
                if next_age[0] < self.max_age:
                    if diff_days <= 0:  # not yet passed
                        self.result.append((diff_days, next_age, birth_date,
                    else:  # passed; add it for next year's birthday
                        self.result.append((diff_days - 365,
                                            next_age[0] + 1,
                                            birth_date, person))
Example #19
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        Create all the menu options for this report.
        category_name = _("Report Options")

        pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        pid.set_help(_("The Center person for the graph"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", pid)

        stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        max_gen = NumberOption(_('Max Descendant Generations'), 10, 1, 15)
        max_gen.set_help(_("The number of generations of descendants to "
                           "include in the graph"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maxdescend", max_gen)

        max_gen = NumberOption(_('Max Ancestor Generations'), 10, 1, 15)
        max_gen.set_help(_("The number of generations of ancestors to "
                           "include in the graph"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maxascend", max_gen)

        include_id = EnumeratedListOption(_('Include Gramps ID'), 0)
        include_id.add_item(0, _('Do not include'))
        include_id.add_item(1, _('Share an existing line'))
        include_id.add_item(2, _('On a line of its own'))
        include_id.set_help(_("Whether (and where) to include Gramps IDs"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "incid", include_id)

        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        category_name = _("Graph Style")

        color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), "filled")
        for i in range(0, len(_COLORS)):
            color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"])
        color.set_help(_("Males will be shown with blue, females "
                         "with red.  If the sex of an individual "
                         "is unknown it will be shown with gray."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "color", color)

        color_males = ColorOption(_('Males'), '#e0e0ff')
        color_males.set_help(_('The color to use to display men.'))
        menu.add_option(category_name, 'colormales', color_males)

        color_females = ColorOption(_('Females'), '#ffe0e0')
        color_females.set_help(_('The color to use to display women.'))
        menu.add_option(category_name, 'colorfemales', color_females)

        color_unknown = ColorOption(_('Unknown'), '#e0e0e0')
        color_unknown.set_help(_('The color to use '
                                 'when the gender is unknown.'))
        menu.add_option(category_name, 'colorunknown', color_unknown)

        color_family = ColorOption(_('Families'), '#ffffe0')
        color_family.set_help(_('The color to use to display families.'))
        menu.add_option(category_name, 'colorfamilies', color_family)

        arrow = EnumeratedListOption(_("Arrowhead direction"), 'o')
        for i in range( 0, len(_ARROWS) ):
            arrow.add_item(_ARROWS[i]["value"], _ARROWS[i]["name"])
        arrow.set_help(_("Choose the direction that the arrows point."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "arrow", arrow)

        roundedcorners = BooleanOption(_("Use rounded corners"), False) # 2180
            _("Use rounded corners to differentiate between women and men."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "roundcorners", roundedcorners)
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        Add options to the menu for the ancestral collapsible tree report.
        category_name = _("Ancestral Collapsible Tree Options")

        pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", pid)

        pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
        center_person = self._dbase.get_person_from_gramps_id(
        if center_person :
            name_str = global_name_display.display_formal(center_person)
            name_str = ""

        # We must figure out the value of the first option before we can
        # create the EnumeratedListOption
        fmt_list = global_name_display.get_name_format()
        name_format = EnumeratedListOption(_("Name format"), 0)
        name_format.add_item(0, _("Default"))
        for num, name, fmt_str, act in fmt_list:
            name_format.add_item(num, name)
        name_format.set_help(_("Select the format to display names"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "name_format", name_format)

        self.maxgen = NumberOption(_("Include Generations"), 10, 1, 100)
        self.maxgen.set_help(_("The number of generations to include in the " +
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maxgen", self.maxgen)
        self.maxgen.connect('value-changed', self.validate_gen)

        male_bg = ColorOption(_("Male Background Color"), "#ffffff")
        male_bg.set_help(_("RGB-color for male box background."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "male_bg", male_bg)

        exp_male_bg = ColorOption(_("Male Expandable Background Color"),
        exp_male_bg.set_help(_("RGB-color for male expandable box background."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "exp_male_bg", exp_male_bg)

        female_bg = ColorOption(_("Female Background"), "#ffffff")
        female_bg.set_help(_("RGB-color for female box background."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "female_bg", female_bg)

        exp_female_bg = ColorOption(_("Female Expandable Background"),
        exp_female_bg.set_help(_("RGB-color for female expandable box " +
        menu.add_option(category_name, "exp_female_bg", exp_female_bg)

        dest_path = DestinationOption(_("Destination"),
        dest_path.set_help(_("The destination path for generated files."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "dest_path", dest_path)

        dest_file = StringOption(_("Filename"), "AncestralCollapsible.html")
        dest_file.set_help(_("The destination file name for html content."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "dest_file", dest_file)
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):

        """ Add the options """
        category_name = _("Options")

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
        self.__filter.set_help(_("Select filter to restrict people"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", self.__filter)
        self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)


        source_text = StringOption(_("Source text"),
                                   _("Calculated Date Estimates"))
        source_text.set_help(_("Source to remove and/or add"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "source_text", source_text)

        remove = BooleanOption(_("Remove previously added events, notes, and source"), True)
        remove.set_help(_("Remove calculated events, notes, and source; occurs immediately on Execute"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "remove", remove)

        birth = EnumeratedListOption(_("Birth"), 0)
        birth.add_item(0, _("Do not add birth events"))
        birth.add_item(1, _("Add birth events without dates"))
        birth.add_item(2, _("Add birth events with dates"))
        birth.set_help( _("Add a birth events with or without estimated dates"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "add_birth", birth)

        death = EnumeratedListOption(_("Death"), 0)
        death.add_item(0, _("Do not add death events"))
        death.add_item(1, _("Add death events without dates"))
        death.add_item(2, _("Add death events with dates"))
        death.set_help( _("Add death events with or without estimated dates"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "add_death", death)

        # -----------------------------------------------------
        num = NumberOption(_("Maximum age"),
                           0, 200)
        num.set_help(_("Maximum age that one can live to"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "MAX_AGE_PROB_ALIVE", num)

        num = NumberOption(_("Maximum sibling age difference"),
                           0, 200)
        num.set_help(_("Maximum age difference between siblings"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "MAX_SIB_AGE_DIFF", num)

        num = NumberOption(_("Average years between generations"),
                           0, 200)
        num.set_help(_("Average years between two generations"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "AVG_GENERATION_GAP", num)

        dates = EnumeratedListOption(_("Estimated Dates"), 0)
        dates.add_item(0, _("Approximate (about)"))
        dates.add_item(1, _("Extremes (after and before)"))
        dates.set_help( _("Dates on events are either about or after/before"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "dates", dates)
Example #22
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        Add options to the menu for the statistics report.

        category_name = _("Report Options")
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
        self.__filter.set_help(_("Determines what people are included "
                                 "in the report."))
        add_option("filter", self.__filter)
        self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)

        sortby = EnumeratedListOption(_('Sort chart items by'),
        for item_idx in range(len(_options.opt_sorts)):
            item = _options.opt_sorts[item_idx]
            sortby.add_item(item_idx, item[2])
        sortby.set_help(_("Select how the statistical data is sorted."))
        add_option("sortby", sortby)

        reverse = BooleanOption(_("Sort in reverse order"), False)
        reverse.set_help(_("Check to reverse the sorting order."))
        add_option("reverse", reverse)

        this_year = time.localtime()[0]
        year_from = NumberOption(_("People Born After"),
                                 1700, 1, this_year)
        year_from.set_help(_("Birth year from which to include people."))
        add_option("year_from", year_from)

        year_to = NumberOption(_("People Born Before"),
                               this_year, 1, this_year)
        year_to.set_help(_("Birth year until which to include people"))
        add_option("year_to", year_to)

        no_years = BooleanOption(_("Include people without known birth years"),
        no_years.set_help(_("Whether to include people without "
                            "known birth years."))
        add_option("no_years", no_years)

        gender = EnumeratedListOption(_('Genders included'),
        for item_idx in range(len(_options.opt_genders)):
            item = _options.opt_genders[item_idx]
            gender.add_item(item[0], item[2])
        gender.set_help(_("Select which genders are included into "
        add_option("gender", gender)

        bar_items = NumberOption(_("Max. items for a pie"), 8, 0, 20)
        bar_items.set_help(_("With fewer items pie chart and legend will be "
                             "used instead of a bar chart."))
        add_option("bar_items", bar_items)

        category_name = _("Report Options (2)")
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)

        self._nf = stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)
        self._nf.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)


        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        # List of available charts on separate option tabs

        idx = 0
        third = (len(_Extract.extractors) + 1) // 3
        chart_types = []
        for (chart_opt, ctuple) in _Extract.extractors.items():
            chart_types.append((_(ctuple[1]), chart_opt, ctuple))
        sorted_chart_types = sorted(chart_types,
                                    key=lambda x: glocale.sort_key(x[0]))
        for (translated_option_name, opt_name, ctuple) in sorted_chart_types:
            if idx >= (third * 2):
                category_name = _("Charts 3")
            elif idx >= third:
                category_name = _("Charts 2")
                category_name = _("Charts 1")
            opt = BooleanOption(translated_option_name, False)
            opt.set_help(_("Include charts with indicated data."))
            menu.add_option(category_name, opt_name, opt)
            idx += 1

        # Enable a couple of charts by default
Example #23
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):

        # ---------------------
        category_name = _('Report Options')
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)
        # ---------------------

        followpar = BooleanOption(_('Follow parents to determine '
                                    '"family lines"'), True)
        followpar.set_help(_('Parents and their ancestors will be '
                             'considered when determining "family lines".'))
        add_option('followpar', followpar)

        followchild = BooleanOption(_('Follow children to determine '
                                      '"family lines"'), True)
        followchild.set_help(_('Children will be considered when '
                               'determining "family lines".'))
        add_option('followchild', followchild)

        remove_extra_people = BooleanOption(_('Try to remove extra '
                                              'people and families'), True)
        remove_extra_people.set_help(_('People and families not directly '
                                       'related to people of interest will '
                                       'be removed when determining '
                                       '"family lines".'))
        add_option('removeextra', remove_extra_people)

        arrow = EnumeratedListOption(_("Arrowhead direction"), 'd')
        for i in range( 0, len(_ARROWS) ):
            arrow.add_item(_ARROWS[i]["value"], _ARROWS[i]["name"])
        arrow.set_help(_("Choose the direction that the arrows point."))
        add_option("arrow", arrow)

        color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), "filled")
        for i in range(len(_COLORS)):
            color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"])
        color.set_help(_("Males will be shown with blue, females "
                         "with red, unless otherwise set above for filled. "
                         "If the sex of an individual "
                         "is unknown it will be shown with gray."))
        add_option("color", color)

        roundedcorners = EnumeratedListOption(_("Rounded corners"), '')
        for i in range( 0, len(_CORNERS) ):
            roundedcorners.add_item(_CORNERS[i]["value"], _CORNERS[i]["name"])
        roundedcorners.set_help(_("Use rounded corners e.g. to differentiate "
                         "between women and men."))
        add_option("useroundedcorners", roundedcorners)

        stdoptions.add_gramps_id_option(menu, category_name, ownline=True)

        # ---------------------
        category_name = _('Report Options (2)')
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)
        # ---------------------

        stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name, default=False)

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        locale_opt = stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_date_format_option(menu, category_name, locale_opt)

        # --------------------------------
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _('People of Interest'))
        # --------------------------------

        person_list = PersonListOption(_('People of interest'))
        person_list.set_help(_('People of interest are used as a starting '
                               'point when determining "family lines".'))
        add_option('gidlist', person_list)

        self.limit_parents = BooleanOption(_('Limit the number of ancestors'),
        self.limit_parents.set_help(_('Whether to '
                                      'limit the number of ancestors.'))
        add_option('limitparents', self.limit_parents)
        self.limit_parents.connect('value-changed', self.limit_changed)

        self.max_parents = NumberOption('', 50, 10, 9999)
        self.max_parents.set_help(_('The maximum number '
                                    'of ancestors to include.'))
        add_option('maxparents', self.max_parents)

        self.limit_children = BooleanOption(_('Limit the number '
                                              'of descendants'),
        self.limit_children.set_help(_('Whether to '
                                       'limit the number of descendants.'))
        add_option('limitchildren', self.limit_children)
        self.limit_children.connect('value-changed', self.limit_changed)

        self.max_children = NumberOption('', 50, 10, 9999)
        self.max_children.set_help(_('The maximum number '
                                     'of descendants to include.'))
        add_option('maxchildren', self.max_children)

        # --------------------
        category_name = _('Include')
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)
        # --------------------

        self.include_dates = BooleanOption(_('Include dates'), True)
        self.include_dates.set_help(_('Whether to include dates for people '
                                      'and families.'))
        add_option('incdates', self.include_dates)
        self.include_dates.connect('value-changed', self.include_dates_changed)

        self.justyears = BooleanOption(_("Limit dates to years only"), False)
        self.justyears.set_help(_("Prints just dates' year, neither "
                                  "month or day nor date approximation "
                                  "or interval are shown."))
        add_option("justyears", self.justyears)

        include_places = BooleanOption(_('Include places'), True)
        include_places.set_help(_('Whether to include placenames for people '
                                  'and families.'))
        add_option('incplaces', include_places)

        include_num_children = BooleanOption(_('Include the number of '
                                               'children'), True)
        include_num_children.set_help(_('Whether to include the number of '
                                        'children for families with more '
                                        'than 1 child.'))
        add_option('incchildcnt', include_num_children)

        self.include_images = BooleanOption(_('Include '
                                              'thumbnail images of people'),
        self.include_images.set_help(_('Whether to '
                                       'include thumbnail images of people.'))
        add_option('incimages', self.include_images)
        self.include_images.connect('value-changed', self.images_changed)

        self.image_location = EnumeratedListOption(_('Thumbnail location'), 0)
        self.image_location.add_item(0, _('Above the name'))
        self.image_location.add_item(1, _('Beside the name'))
        self.image_location.set_help(_('Where the thumbnail image '
                                       'should appear relative to the name'))
        add_option('imageonside', self.image_location)

        self.image_size = EnumeratedListOption(_('Thumbnail size'), SIZE_NORMAL)
        self.image_size.add_item(SIZE_NORMAL, _('Normal'))
        self.image_size.add_item(SIZE_LARGE, _('Large'))
        self.image_size.set_help(_('Size of the thumbnail image'))
        add_option('imagesize', self.image_size)

        # ----------------------------
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _('Family Colors'))
        # ----------------------------

        surname_color = SurnameColorOption(_('Family colors'))
        surname_color.set_help(_('Colors to use for various family lines.'))
        add_option('surnamecolors', surname_color)

        # -------------------------
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _('Individuals'))
        # -------------------------

        color_males = ColorOption(_('Males'), '#e0e0ff')
        color_males.set_help(_('The color to use to display men.'))
        add_option('colormales', color_males)

        color_females = ColorOption(_('Females'), '#ffe0e0')
        color_females.set_help(_('The color to use to display women.'))
        add_option('colorfemales', color_females)

        color_unknown = ColorOption(_('Unknown'), '#e0e0e0')
        color_unknown.set_help(_('The color to use '
                                 'when the gender is unknown.'))
        add_option('colorunknown', color_unknown)

        color_family = ColorOption(_('Families'), '#ffffe0')
        color_family.set_help(_('The color to use to display families.'))
        add_option('colorfamilies', color_family)

Example #24
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):

        category_name = _("Tree Options")

        pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        pid.set_help(_("The center person for the tree"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", pid)

        siblings = BooleanOption(_('Include siblings of the center person'), False)
        siblings.set_help(_("Whether to only display the center person or all "
            "of his/her siblings too"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_siblings", siblings)

        self.max_gen = NumberOption(_("Generations"), 10, 1, 50)
        self.max_gen.set_help(_("The number of generations to include "
                                "in the tree"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maxgen", self.max_gen)

        self.fillout = EnumeratedListOption(_("Display unknown\ngenerations"),
        self.fillout.set_help(_("The number of generations of empty "
                                "boxes that will be displayed"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "fill_out", self.fillout)

        self.max_gen.connect('value-changed', self.__fillout_vals)

        compress = BooleanOption(_('Compress tree'), True)
        compress.set_help(_("Whether to remove any extra blank spaces set "
            "aside for people that are unknown"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "compress_tree", compress)

        #better to 'Show siblings of\nthe center person
        #Spouse_disp = EnumeratedListOption(_("Show spouses of\nthe center "
        #                                     "person"), 0)
        #Spouse_disp.add_item( 0, _("No.  Do not show Spouses"))
        #Spouse_disp.add_item( 1, _("Yes, and use the Main Display Format"))
        #Spouse_disp.add_item( 2, _("Yes, and use the Secondary "
        #                           "Display Format"))
        #Spouse_disp.set_help(_("Show spouses of the center person?"))
        #menu.add_option(category_name, "Spouse_disp", Spouse_disp)

        category_name = _("Report Options")

        self.title = EnumeratedListOption(_("Report Title"), 0)
        self.title.add_item(0, _("Do not include a title"))
        self.title.add_item(1, _("Include Report Title"))
        self.title.set_help(_("Choose a title for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "report_title", self.title)

        border = BooleanOption(_('Include a border'), False)
        border.set_help(_("Whether to make a border around the report."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_border", border)

        prnnum = BooleanOption(_('Include Page Numbers'), False)
        prnnum.set_help(_("Whether to print page numbers on each page."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_pagenum", prnnum)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        category_name = _("Display")

        disp = TextOption(_("Father\nDisplay Format"),
                            "%s $b" %_BORN,
                            "-{%s $d}" %_DIED])
        disp.set_help(_("Display format for the fathers box."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "father_disp", disp)

        #Will add when libsubstkeyword supports it.
        #missing = EnumeratedListOption(_("Replace missing\nplaces\\dates \
        #                                 with"), 0)
        #missing.add_item( 0, _("Does not display anything"))
        #missing.add_item( 1, _("Displays '_____'"))
        #missing.set_help(_("What will print when information is not known"))
        #menu.add_option(category_name, "miss_val", missing)

        #category_name = _("Secondary")

        dispMom = TextOption(_("Mother\nDisplay Format"),
                                "%s $b" %_BORN,
                                "%s $m" %_MARR,
                                "-{%s $d}" %_DIED]
        dispMom.set_help(_("Display format for the mothers box."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "mother_disp", dispMom)

        centerDisp = EnumeratedListOption(_("Center person uses\n"
                                        "which format"), 0)
        centerDisp.add_item(0, _("Use Fathers Display format"))
        centerDisp.add_item(1, _("Use Mothers display format"))
        centerDisp.set_help(_("Which Display format to use the center person"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "center_uses", centerDisp)

        incmarr = BooleanOption(_('Include Marriage box'), False)
            _("Whether to include a separate marital box in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_marr", incmarr)

        marrdisp = StringOption(_("Marriage\nDisplay Format"), "%s $m" % _MARR)
        marrdisp.set_help(_("Display format for the marital box."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "marr_disp", marrdisp)

        category_name = _("Size")

        self.scale = EnumeratedListOption(_("Scale tree to fit"), 0)
        self.scale.add_item(0, _("Do not scale tree"))
        self.scale.add_item(1, _("Scale tree to fit page width only"))
        self.scale.add_item(2, _("Scale tree to fit the size of the page"))
            _("Whether to scale the tree to fit a specific paper size")
        menu.add_option(category_name, "scale_tree", self.scale)
        self.scale.connect('value-changed', self.__check_blank)

        if "BKI" not in self.name.split(","):
            self.__onepage = BooleanOption(_("Resize Page to Fit Tree size\n"
                "Note: Overrides options in the 'Paper Option' tab"
                _("Whether to resize the page to fit the size \n"
                "of the tree.  Note:  the page will have a \n"
                "non standard size.\n"
                "With this option selected, the following will happen:\n"
                "With the 'Do not scale tree' option the page\n"
                "  is resized to the height/width of the tree\n"
                "With 'Scale tree to fit page width only' the height of\n"
                "  the page is resized to the height of the tree\n"
                "With 'Scale tree to fit the size of the page' the page\n"
                "  is resized to remove any gap in either height or width"
            menu.add_option(category_name, "resize_page", self.__onepage)
            self.__onepage.connect('value-changed', self.__check_blank)
            self.__onepage = None

        self.box_Y_sf = NumberOption(_("inter-box scale factor"),
                                     1.00, 0.10, 2.00, 0.01)
        self.box_Y_sf.set_help(_("Make the inter-box spacing bigger or smaller"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "box_Yscale", self.box_Y_sf)

        self.box_shadow_sf = NumberOption(_("box shadow scale factor"),
                                          1.00, 0.00, 2.00, 0.01) # down to 0
        self.box_shadow_sf.set_help(_("Make the box shadow bigger or smaller"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "shadowscale", self.box_shadow_sf)

        category_name = _("Replace")

        repldisp = TextOption(
            _("Replace Display Format:\n'Replace this'/' with this'"),
        repldisp.set_help(_("i.e.\nUnited States of America/U.S.A"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "replace_list", repldisp)

        category_name = _("Include")

        self.__blank = BooleanOption(_('Include Blank Pages'), True)
        self.__blank.set_help(_("Whether to include pages that are blank."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_blank", self.__blank)


        self.__include_images = BooleanOption(
                                 _('Include thumbnail images of people'), False)
                                 _("Whether to include thumbnails of people."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "includeImages", self.__include_images)

        #category_name = _("Notes")

        self.usenote = BooleanOption(_('Include a note'), False)
        self.usenote.set_help(_("Whether to include a note on "
                                "the report."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_note", self.usenote)

        self.notedisp = TextOption(_("Note"), [])
        self.notedisp.set_help(_("Add a note\n\n"
                                 "$T inserts today's date"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "note_disp", self.notedisp)

        locales = NoteType(0, 1)
        self.notelocal = EnumeratedListOption(_("Note Location"), 0)
        for num, text in locales.note_locals():
            self.notelocal.add_item(num, text)
        self.notelocal.set_help(_("Where to place the note."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "note_place", self.notelocal)
Example #25
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        category_name = _("Report Options")
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
            _("Determines what people are included in the graph"))
        add_option("filter", self.__filter)
        self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)

        arrow = EnumeratedListOption(_("Arrowhead direction"), 'd')
        for i in range(0, len(_ARROWS)):
            arrow.add_item(_ARROWS[i]["value"], _ARROWS[i]["name"])
        arrow.set_help(_("Choose the direction that the arrows point."))
        add_option("arrow", arrow)

        color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), 'filled')
        for i in range(0, len(_COLORS)):
            color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"])
        color.set_help(_("Males will be shown with blue, females "
                         "with red.  If the sex of an individual "
                         "is unknown it will be shown with gray."))
        add_option("color", color)

        # see bug report #2180
        roundedcorners = BooleanOption(_("Use rounded corners"), False)
        roundedcorners.set_help(_("Use rounded corners to differentiate "
                                  "between women and men."))
        add_option("useroundedcorners", roundedcorners)

        stdoptions.add_gramps_id_option(menu, category_name, ownline=True)

        category_name = _("Report Options (2)")
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)

        self._nf = stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)
        self._nf.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)


        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        locale_opt = stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_date_format_option(menu, category_name, locale_opt)

        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Include"))

        self.event_choice = EnumeratedListOption(_('Dates and/or Places'), 0)
        self.event_choice.add_item(0, _('Do not include any dates or places'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(1, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                        'dates, but no places'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(2, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                        'dates, and places'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(3, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                        'dates, and places if no dates'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(4, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                        'years, but no places'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(5, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                        'years, and places'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(6, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                        'places, but no dates'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(7, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                        'dates and places on same line'))
            _("Whether to include dates and/or places"))
        add_option("event_choice", self.event_choice)

        url = BooleanOption(_("Include URLs"), False)
        url.set_help(_("Include a URL in each graph node so "
                       "that PDF and imagemap files can be "
                       "generated that contain active links "
                       "to the files generated by the 'Narrated "
                       "Web Site' report."))
        add_option("url", url)

        self.__show_relships = BooleanOption(
            _("Include relationship to center person"), False)
        self.__show_relships.set_help(_("Whether to show every person's "
                                        "relationship to the center person"))
        add_option("increlname", self.__show_relships)

        self.__include_images = BooleanOption(
            _('Include thumbnail images of people'), False)
            _("Whether to include thumbnails of people."))
        add_option("includeImages", self.__include_images)
        self.__include_images.connect('value-changed', self.__image_changed)

        self.__image_on_side = EnumeratedListOption(_("Thumbnail Location"), 0)
        self.__image_on_side.add_item(0, _('Above the name'))
        self.__image_on_side.add_item(1, _('Beside the name'))
            _("Where the thumbnail image should appear relative to the name"))
        add_option("imageOnTheSide", self.__image_on_side)

        #occupation = BooleanOption(_("Include occupation"), False)
        occupation = EnumeratedListOption(_('Include occupation'), 0)
        occupation.add_item(0, _('Do not include any occupation'))
        occupation.add_item(1, _('Include description '
                                 'of most recent occupation'))
        occupation.add_item(2, _('Include date, description and place '
                                 'of all occupations'))
        occupation.set_help(_("Whether to include the last occupation"))
        add_option("occupation", occupation)

        if __debug__:
            self.__show_ga_gb = BooleanOption(_("Include relationship "
                                                "debugging numbers also"),
            self.__show_ga_gb.set_help(_("Whether to include 'Ga' and 'Gb' "
                                         "also, to debug the relationship "
            add_option("advrelinfo", self.__show_ga_gb)

        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Graph Style"))

        color_males = ColorOption(_('Males'), '#e0e0ff')
        color_males.set_help(_('The color to use to display men.'))
        add_option('colormales', color_males)

        color_females = ColorOption(_('Females'), '#ffe0e0')
        color_females.set_help(_('The color to use to display women.'))
        add_option('colorfemales', color_females)

        color_unknown = ColorOption(_('Unknown'), '#e0e0e0')
            _('The color to use when the gender is unknown.')
        add_option('colorunknown', color_unknown)

        color_family = ColorOption(_('Families'), '#ffffe0')
        color_family.set_help(_('The color to use to display families.'))
        add_option('colorfamilies', color_family)

        dashed = BooleanOption(
            _("Indicate non-birth relationships with dotted lines"), True)
        dashed.set_help(_("Non-birth relationships will show up "
                          "as dotted lines in the graph."))
        add_option("dashed", dashed)

        showfamily = BooleanOption(_("Show family nodes"), True)
        showfamily.set_help(_("Families will show up as ellipses, linked "
                              "to parents and children."))
        add_option("showfamily", showfamily)
Example #26
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):

        # ---------------------
        category_name = _('Report Options')
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)
        # ---------------------

        followpar = BooleanOption(
            _('Follow parents to determine '
              '"family lines"'), True)
            _('Parents and their ancestors will be '
              'considered when determining "family lines".'))
        add_option('followpar', followpar)

        followchild = BooleanOption(
            _('Follow children to determine '
              '"family lines"'), True)
            _('Children will be considered when '
              'determining "family lines".'))
        add_option('followchild', followchild)

        remove_extra_people = BooleanOption(
            _('Try to remove extra '
              'people and families'), True)
            _('People and families not directly '
              'related to people of interest will '
              'be removed when determining '
              '"family lines".'))
        add_option('removeextra', remove_extra_people)

        arrow = EnumeratedListOption(_("Arrowhead direction"), 'd')
        for i in range(0, len(_ARROWS)):
            arrow.add_item(_ARROWS[i]["value"], _ARROWS[i]["name"])
        arrow.set_help(_("Choose the direction that the arrows point."))
        add_option("arrow", arrow)

        color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), "filled")
        for i in range(len(_COLORS)):
            color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"])
            _("Males will be shown with blue, females "
              "with red, unless otherwise set above for filled. "
              "If the sex of an individual "
              "is unknown it will be shown with gray."))
        add_option("color", color)

        roundedcorners = EnumeratedListOption(_("Rounded corners"), '')
        for i in range(0, len(_CORNERS)):
            roundedcorners.add_item(_CORNERS[i]["value"], _CORNERS[i]["name"])
            _("Use rounded corners e.g. to differentiate "
              "between women and men."))
        add_option("useroundedcorners", roundedcorners)

        stdoptions.add_gramps_id_option(menu, category_name, ownline=True)

        # ---------------------
        category_name = _('Report Options (2)')
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)
        # ---------------------

        stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name, default=False)

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        locale_opt = stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_date_format_option(menu, category_name, locale_opt)

        # --------------------------------
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _('People of Interest'))
        # --------------------------------

        person_list = PersonListOption(_('People of interest'))
            _('People of interest are used as a starting '
              'point when determining "family lines".'))
        add_option('gidlist', person_list)

        self.limit_parents = BooleanOption(_('Limit the number of ancestors'),
            _('Whether to '
              'limit the number of ancestors.'))
        add_option('limitparents', self.limit_parents)
        self.limit_parents.connect('value-changed', self.limit_changed)

        self.max_parents = NumberOption('', 50, 10, 9999)
            _('The maximum number '
              'of ancestors to include.'))
        add_option('maxparents', self.max_parents)

        self.limit_children = BooleanOption(
            _('Limit the number '
              'of descendants'), False)
            _('Whether to '
              'limit the number of descendants.'))
        add_option('limitchildren', self.limit_children)
        self.limit_children.connect('value-changed', self.limit_changed)

        self.max_children = NumberOption('', 50, 10, 9999)
            _('The maximum number '
              'of descendants to include.'))
        add_option('maxchildren', self.max_children)

        # --------------------
        category_name = _('Include')
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)
        # --------------------

        self.include_dates = BooleanOption(_('Include dates'), True)
            _('Whether to include dates for people '
              'and families.'))
        add_option('incdates', self.include_dates)
        self.include_dates.connect('value-changed', self.include_dates_changed)

        self.justyears = BooleanOption(_("Limit dates to years only"), False)
            _("Prints just dates' year, neither "
              "month or day nor date approximation "
              "or interval are shown."))
        add_option("justyears", self.justyears)

        include_places = BooleanOption(_('Include places'), True)
            _('Whether to include placenames for people '
              'and families.'))
        add_option('incplaces', include_places)

        include_num_children = BooleanOption(
            _('Include the number of '
              'children'), True)
            _('Whether to include the number of '
              'children for families with more '
              'than 1 child.'))
        add_option('incchildcnt', include_num_children)

        self.include_images = BooleanOption(
            _('Include '
              'thumbnail images of people'), True)
            _('Whether to '
              'include thumbnail images of people.'))
        add_option('incimages', self.include_images)
        self.include_images.connect('value-changed', self.images_changed)

        self.image_location = EnumeratedListOption(_('Thumbnail location'), 0)
        self.image_location.add_item(0, _('Above the name'))
        self.image_location.add_item(1, _('Beside the name'))
            _('Where the thumbnail image '
              'should appear relative to the name'))
        add_option('imageonside', self.image_location)

        self.image_size = EnumeratedListOption(_('Thumbnail size'),
        self.image_size.add_item(SIZE_NORMAL, _('Normal'))
        self.image_size.add_item(SIZE_LARGE, _('Large'))
        self.image_size.set_help(_('Size of the thumbnail image'))
        add_option('imagesize', self.image_size)

        # ----------------------------
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _('Family Colors'))
        # ----------------------------

        surname_color = SurnameColorOption(_('Family colors'))
        surname_color.set_help(_('Colors to use for various family lines.'))
        add_option('surnamecolors', surname_color)

        # -------------------------
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _('Individuals'))
        # -------------------------

        color_males = ColorOption(_('Males'), '#e0e0ff')
        color_males.set_help(_('The color to use to display men.'))
        add_option('colormales', color_males)

        color_females = ColorOption(_('Females'), '#ffe0e0')
        color_females.set_help(_('The color to use to display women.'))
        add_option('colorfemales', color_females)

        color_unknown = ColorOption(_('Unknown'), '#e0e0e0')
            _('The color to use '
              'when the gender is unknown.'))
        add_option('colorunknown', color_unknown)

        color_family = ColorOption(_('Families'), '#ffffe0')
        color_family.set_help(_('The color to use to display families.'))
        add_option('colorfamilies', color_family)

Example #27
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        Create all the menu options for this report.
        category_name = _("Report Options")

        pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        pid.set_help(_("The Center person for the graph"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", pid)

        max_gen_d = NumberOption(_('Max Descendant Generations'), 10, 1, 15)
        max_gen_d.set_help(_("The number of generations of descendants to "
                           "include in the graph"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maxdescend", max_gen_d)

        max_gen_a = NumberOption(_('Max Ancestor Generations'), 10, 1, 15)
        max_gen_a.set_help(_("The number of generations of ancestors to "
                           "include in the graph"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maxascend", max_gen_a)

        arrow = EnumeratedListOption(_("Arrowhead direction"), 'o')
        for i in range( 0, len(_ARROWS) ):
            arrow.add_item(_ARROWS[i]["value"], _ARROWS[i]["name"])
        arrow.set_help(_("Choose the direction that the arrows point."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "arrow", arrow)

        color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), "filled")
        for i in range(0, len(_COLORS)):
            color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"])
        color.set_help(_("Males will be shown with blue, females "
                         "with red.  If the sex of an individual "
                         "is unknown it will be shown with gray."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "color", color)

        roundedcorners = BooleanOption(_("Use rounded corners"), False) # 2180
            _("Use rounded corners to differentiate between women and men."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "roundcorners", roundedcorners)

        stdoptions.add_gramps_id_option(menu, category_name, ownline=True)

        category_name = _("Report Options (2)")

        stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        locale_opt = stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_date_format_option(menu, category_name, locale_opt)

        category_name = _("Graph Style")

        color_males = ColorOption(_('Males'), '#e0e0ff')
        color_males.set_help(_('The color to use to display men.'))
        menu.add_option(category_name, 'colormales', color_males)

        color_females = ColorOption(_('Females'), '#ffe0e0')
        color_females.set_help(_('The color to use to display women.'))
        menu.add_option(category_name, 'colorfemales', color_females)

        color_unknown = ColorOption(_('Unknown'), '#e0e0e0')
        color_unknown.set_help(_('The color to use '
                                 'when the gender is unknown.'))
        menu.add_option(category_name, 'colorunknown', color_unknown)

        color_family = ColorOption(_('Families'), '#ffffe0')
        color_family.set_help(_('The color to use to display families.'))
        menu.add_option(category_name, 'colorfamilies', color_family)
Example #28
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        """ Add the options for the text birthday report """
        category_name = _("Report Options")

        year = NumberOption(_("Year of report"),
                            time.localtime()[0], 1000, 3000)
        year.set_help(_("Year of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "year", year)

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
            _("Select filter to restrict people that appear on report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", self.__filter)

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)


        stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)

        country = EnumeratedListOption(_("Country for holidays"), 0)
        holiday_table = libholiday.HolidayTable()
        countries = holiday_table.get_countries()
        if (len(countries) == 0
                or (len(countries) > 0 and countries[0] != '')):
            countries.insert(0, '')
        count = 0
        for c in holiday_table.get_countries():
            country.add_item(count, c)
            count += 1
        country.set_help(_("Select the country to see associated holidays"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "country", country)

        start_dow = EnumeratedListOption(_("First day of week"), 1)
        long_days = _dd.long_days
        for count in range(1, 8):
            # conversion between gramps numbering (sun=1) and iso numbering (mon=1) of weekdays below
            start_dow.add_item((count + 5) % 7 + 1,
            _("Select the first day of the week for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "start_dow", start_dow)

        maiden_name = EnumeratedListOption(_("Birthday surname"), "own")
            _("Wives use husband's surname (from first family listed)"))
            _("Wives use husband's surname (from last family listed)"))
        maiden_name.add_item("own", _("Wives use their own surname"))
        maiden_name.set_help(_("Select married women's displayed surname"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maiden_name", maiden_name)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        alive = BooleanOption(_("Include only living people"), True)
        alive.set_help(_("Include only living people in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "alive", alive)

        birthdays = BooleanOption(_("Include birthdays"), True)
        birthdays.set_help(_("Include birthdays in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "birthdays", birthdays)

        anniversaries = BooleanOption(_("Include anniversaries"), True)
        anniversaries.set_help(_("Include anniversaries in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "anniversaries", anniversaries)

        option = BooleanOption(_("Include relationships to center person"),
        option.set_help(_("Include relationships to center person (slower)"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "relationships", option)

        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        category_name = _("Text Options")

        titletext = StringOption(_("Title text"), _(_TITLE0))
        titletext.set_help(_("Title of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "titletext", titletext)

        text1 = StringOption(_("Text Area 1"), _(_TITLE1))
        text1.set_help(_("First line of text at bottom of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "text1", text1)

        text2 = StringOption(_("Text Area 2"), _(_TITLE2))
        text2.set_help(_("Second line of text at bottom of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "text2", text2)

        text3 = StringOption(
            _("Text Area 3"),
        text3.set_help(_("Third line of text at bottom of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "text3", text3)
Example #29
class TagOptions(MenuReportOptions):
    """ Options for the Tag Report """
    def __init__(self, name, dbase):
        self.__db = dbase
        MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase)

    def get_subject(self):
        """ Return a string that describes the subject of the report. """
        return self.__tag_option.get_value()

    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        Add options to the menu for the tag report.
        category_name = _("Report Options")

        all_tags = []
        for handle in self.__db.get_tag_handles(sort_handles=True):
            tag = self.__db.get_tag_from_handle(handle)

        if len(all_tags) > 0:
            self.__tag_option = EnumeratedListOption(_('Tag'), all_tags[0])
            for tag_name in all_tags:
                self.__tag_option.add_item(tag_name, tag_name)
            self.__tag_option = EnumeratedListOption(_('Tag'), '')
            self.__tag_option.add_item('', '')

        self.__tag_option.set_help(_("The tag to use for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "tag", self.__tag_option)

        stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_place_format_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        locale_opt = stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_date_format_option(menu, category_name, locale_opt)

    def make_default_style(self, default_style):
        """Make the default output style for the Tag Report."""
        # Paragraph Styles
        font = FontStyle()
        para = ParagraphStyle()
        para.set_description(_("The style used for the title."))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("TR-Title", para)

        font = FontStyle()
        font.set(face=FONT_SANS_SERIF, size=12, bold=1)
        para = ParagraphStyle()
        para.set_description(_('The style used for the subtitle.'))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("TR-ReportSubtitle", para)

        font = FontStyle()
        font.set(face=FONT_SANS_SERIF, size=14, italic=1)
        para = ParagraphStyle()
        para.set_description(_('The style used for the section headers.'))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("TR-Heading", para)

        font = FontStyle()
        para = ParagraphStyle()
        para.set(first_indent=-0.75, lmargin=.75)
        para.set_description(_('The basic style used for the text display.'))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("TR-Normal", para)

        font = FontStyle()
        para = ParagraphStyle()
        para.set(first_indent=-0.75, lmargin=.75)
        para.set_description(_('The basic style used for table headings.'))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("TR-Normal-Bold", para)

        para = ParagraphStyle()
        para.set(first_indent=-0.75, lmargin=.75)
        para.set_description(_('The basic style used for the note display.'))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("TR-Note", para)

        #Table Styles
        cell = TableCellStyle()
        default_style.add_cell_style('TR-TableCell', cell)

        table = TableStyle()
        table.set_column_width(0, 10)
        table.set_column_width(1, 30)
        table.set_column_width(2, 30)
        table.set_column_width(3, 30)
        default_style.add_table_style('TR-Table', table)
Example #30
class AncestorTreeOptions(MenuReportOptions):

    Defines options and provides handling interface.

    def __init__(self, name, dbase):
        self.box_Y_sf = None
        self.box_shadow_sf = None
        MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase)

    def add_menu_options(self, menu):

        category_name = _("Tree Options")

        pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        pid.set_help(_("The center person for the tree"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", pid)

        siblings = BooleanOption(_('Include siblings of the center person'), False)
        siblings.set_help(_("Whether to only display the center person or all "
            "of his/her siblings too"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_siblings", siblings)

        self.max_gen = NumberOption(_("Generations"), 10, 1, 50)
        self.max_gen.set_help(_("The number of generations to include "
                                "in the tree"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maxgen", self.max_gen)

        self.fillout = EnumeratedListOption(_("Display unknown\ngenerations"),
        self.fillout.set_help(_("The number of generations of empty "
                                "boxes that will be displayed"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "fill_out", self.fillout)

        self.max_gen.connect('value-changed', self.__fillout_vals)

        compress = BooleanOption(_('Compress tree'), True)
        compress.set_help(_("Whether to remove any extra blank spaces set "
            "aside for people that are unknown"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "compress_tree", compress)

        #better to 'Show siblings of\nthe center person
        #Spouse_disp = EnumeratedListOption(_("Show spouses of\nthe center "
        #                                     "person"), 0)
        #Spouse_disp.add_item( 0, _("No.  Do not show Spouses"))
        #Spouse_disp.add_item( 1, _("Yes, and use the Main Display Format"))
        #Spouse_disp.add_item( 2, _("Yes, and use the Secondary "
        #                           "Display Format"))
        #Spouse_disp.set_help(_("Show spouses of the center person?"))
        #menu.add_option(category_name, "Spouse_disp", Spouse_disp)

        category_name = _("Report Options")

        self.title = EnumeratedListOption(_("Report Title"), 0)
        self.title.add_item(0, _("Do not include a title"))
        self.title.add_item(1, _("Include Report Title"))
        self.title.set_help(_("Choose a title for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "report_title", self.title)

        border = BooleanOption(_('Include a border'), False)
        border.set_help(_("Whether to make a border around the report."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_border", border)

        prnnum = BooleanOption(_('Include Page Numbers'), False)
        prnnum.set_help(_("Whether to print page numbers on each page."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_pagenum", prnnum)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        category_name = _("Display")

        disp = TextOption(_("Father\nDisplay Format"),
                            "%s $b" %_BORN,
                            "-{%s $d}" %_DIED])
        disp.set_help(_("Display format for the fathers box."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "father_disp", disp)

        #Will add when libsubstkeyword supports it.
        #missing = EnumeratedListOption(_("Replace missing\nplaces\\dates \
        #                                 with"), 0)
        #missing.add_item( 0, _("Does not display anything"))
        #missing.add_item( 1, _("Displays '_____'"))
        #missing.set_help(_("What will print when information is not known"))
        #menu.add_option(category_name, "miss_val", missing)

        #category_name = _("Secondary")

        dispMom = TextOption(_("Mother\nDisplay Format"),
                                "%s $b" %_BORN,
                                "%s $m" %_MARR,
                                "-{%s $d}" %_DIED]
        dispMom.set_help(_("Display format for the mothers box."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "mother_disp", dispMom)

        centerDisp = EnumeratedListOption(_("Center person uses\n"
                                        "which format"), 0)
        centerDisp.add_item(0, _("Use Fathers Display format"))
        centerDisp.add_item(1, _("Use Mothers display format"))
        centerDisp.set_help(_("Which Display format to use the center person"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "center_uses", centerDisp)

        incmarr = BooleanOption(_('Include Marriage box'), False)
            _("Whether to include a separate marital box in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_marr", incmarr)

        marrdisp = StringOption(_("Marriage\nDisplay Format"), "%s $m" % _MARR)
        marrdisp.set_help(_("Display format for the marital box."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "marr_disp", marrdisp)

        category_name = _("Size")

        self.scale = EnumeratedListOption(_("Scale tree to fit"), 0)
        self.scale.add_item(0, _("Do not scale tree"))
        self.scale.add_item(1, _("Scale tree to fit page width only"))
        self.scale.add_item(2, _("Scale tree to fit the size of the page"))
            _("Whether to scale the tree to fit a specific paper size")
        menu.add_option(category_name, "scale_tree", self.scale)
        self.scale.connect('value-changed', self.__check_blank)

        if "BKI" not in self.name.split(","):
            self.__onepage = BooleanOption(_("Resize Page to Fit Tree size\n"
                "Note: Overrides options in the 'Paper Option' tab"
                _("Whether to resize the page to fit the size \n"
                "of the tree.  Note:  the page will have a \n"
                "non standard size.\n"
                "With this option selected, the following will happen:\n"
                "With the 'Do not scale tree' option the page\n"
                "  is resized to the height/width of the tree\n"
                "With 'Scale tree to fit page width only' the height of\n"
                "  the page is resized to the height of the tree\n"
                "With 'Scale tree to fit the size of the page' the page\n"
                "  is resized to remove any gap in either height or width"
            menu.add_option(category_name, "resize_page", self.__onepage)
            self.__onepage.connect('value-changed', self.__check_blank)
            self.__onepage = None

        self.box_Y_sf = NumberOption(_("inter-box scale factor"),
                                     1.00, 0.10, 2.00, 0.01)
        self.box_Y_sf.set_help(_("Make the inter-box spacing bigger or smaller"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "box_Yscale", self.box_Y_sf)

        self.box_shadow_sf = NumberOption(_("box shadow scale factor"),
                                          1.00, 0.00, 2.00, 0.01) # down to 0
        self.box_shadow_sf.set_help(_("Make the box shadow bigger or smaller"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "shadowscale", self.box_shadow_sf)

        category_name = _("Replace")

        repldisp = TextOption(
            _("Replace Display Format:\n'Replace this'/' with this'"),
        repldisp.set_help(_("i.e.\nUnited States of America/U.S.A"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "replace_list", repldisp)

        category_name = _("Include")

        self.__blank = BooleanOption(_('Include Blank Pages'), True)
        self.__blank.set_help(_("Whether to include pages that are blank."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_blank", self.__blank)


        self.__include_images = BooleanOption(
                                 _('Include thumbnail images of people'), False)
                                 _("Whether to include thumbnails of people."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "includeImages", self.__include_images)

        #category_name = _("Notes")

        self.usenote = BooleanOption(_('Include a note'), False)
        self.usenote.set_help(_("Whether to include a note on "
                                "the report."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_note", self.usenote)

        self.notedisp = TextOption(_("Note"), [])
        self.notedisp.set_help(_("Add a note\n\n"
                                 "$T inserts today's date"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "note_disp", self.notedisp)

        locales = NoteType(0, 1)
        self.notelocal = EnumeratedListOption(_("Note Location"), 0)
        for num, text in locales.note_locals():
            self.notelocal.add_item(num, text)
        self.notelocal.set_help(_("Where to place the note."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "note_place", self.notelocal)

    def __check_blank(self):
        if self.__onepage:
            value = not self.__onepage.get_value()
            value = True
        off = value and (self.scale.get_value() != 2)

    def __fillout_vals(self):
        max_gen = self.max_gen.get_value()
        old_val = self.fillout.get_value()
        item_list = []
        item_list.append([0, _("No generations of empty boxes "
                               "for unknown ancestors")])
        if max_gen > 1:
            item_list.append([1, _("One Generation of empty boxes "
                                   "for unknown ancestors")])

        item_list.extend([itr, str(itr) +
                _(" Generations of empty boxes for unknown ancestors")]
                    for itr in range(2, max_gen)

        if old_val+2 > len(item_list):
            self.fillout.set_value(len(item_list) -2)

    def make_default_style(self, default_style):
        """Make the default output style for the Ancestor Tree."""

        ## Paragraph Styles:
        font = FontStyle()
        para_style = ParagraphStyle()
        para_style.set_description(_('The basic style used for the '
                                     'text display.'))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("AC2-Normal", para_style)
        box_shadow = PT2CM(font.get_size()) * .6

        font = FontStyle()
        para_style = ParagraphStyle()
        para_style.set_description(_('The basic style used for the '
                                     'note display.'))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("AC2-Note", para_style)

        font = FontStyle()
        para_style = ParagraphStyle()
        para_style.set_description(_('The basic style used for the '
                                     'title display.'))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("AC2-Title", para_style)

        ## Draw styles
        graph_style = GraphicsStyle()
        graph_style.set_shadow(1, box_shadow)  #shadow set by text size
        graph_style.set_fill_color((255, 255, 255))
        default_style.add_draw_style("AC2-box", graph_style)

        graph_style = GraphicsStyle()
        #graph_style.set_shadow(0, PT2CM(9))  #shadow set by text size
        graph_style.set_fill_color((255, 255, 255))
        default_style.add_draw_style("AC2-fam-box", graph_style)

        graph_style = GraphicsStyle()
        graph_style.set_fill_color((255, 255, 255))
        default_style.add_draw_style("AC2-note-box", graph_style)

        # TODO - Why is this here twice?
        #graph_style = GraphicsStyle()
        #graph_style.set_color((0, 0, 0))
        #graph_style.set_fill_color((255, 255, 255))
        #default_style.add_draw_style("AC2-Title", graph_style)

        graph_style = GraphicsStyle()
        default_style.add_draw_style("AC2-line", graph_style)
Example #31
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        Add options to the menu for the ancestral collapsible tree report.
        category_name = _("Ancestral Collapsible Tree Options")

        pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", pid)

        pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
        center_person = self._dbase.get_person_from_gramps_id(
        if center_person:
            name_str = global_name_display.display_formal(center_person)
            name_str = ""

        # We must figure out the value of the first option before we can
        # create the EnumeratedListOption
        fmt_list = global_name_display.get_name_format()
        name_format = EnumeratedListOption(_("Name format"), 0)
        name_format.add_item(0, _("Default"))
        for num, name, fmt_str, act in fmt_list:
            name_format.add_item(num, name)
        name_format.set_help(_("Select the format to display names"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "name_format", name_format)

        self.maxgen = NumberOption(_("Include Generations"), 10, 1, 100)
            _("The number of generations to include in the " + "report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maxgen", self.maxgen)
        self.maxgen.connect('value-changed', self.validate_gen)

        male_bg = ColorOption(_("Male Background Color"), "#ffffff")
        male_bg.set_help(_("RGB-color for male box background."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "male_bg", male_bg)

        exp_male_bg = ColorOption(_("Male Expandable Background Color"),
            _("RGB-color for male expandable box background."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "exp_male_bg", exp_male_bg)

        female_bg = ColorOption(_("Female Background"), "#ffffff")
        female_bg.set_help(_("RGB-color for female box background."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "female_bg", female_bg)

        exp_female_bg = ColorOption(_("Female Expandable Background"),
            _("RGB-color for female expandable box " + "background."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "exp_female_bg", exp_female_bg)

        dest_path = DestinationOption(_("Destination"),
        dest_path.set_help(_("The destination path for generated files."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "dest_path", dest_path)

        dest_file = StringOption(_("Filename"), "AncestralCollapsible.html")
        dest_file.set_help(_("The destination file name for html content."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "dest_file", dest_file)
Example #32
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        Add options to the menu for the fan chart.
        category_name = _("Report Options")

        pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", pid)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        max_gen = NumberOption(_("Generations"), 5, 1, self.MAX_GENERATIONS)
            _("The number of generations "
              "to include in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maxgen", max_gen)

        circle = EnumeratedListOption(_('Type of graph'), HALF_CIRCLE)
        circle.add_item(FULL_CIRCLE, _('full circle'))
        circle.add_item(HALF_CIRCLE, _('half circle'))
        circle.add_item(QUAR_CIRCLE, _('quarter circle'))
            _("The form of the graph: full circle, half circle,"
              " or quarter circle."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "circle", circle)

        background = EnumeratedListOption(_('Background color'),
        background.add_item(BACKGROUND_WHITE, _('white'))
        background.add_item(BACKGROUND_GEN, _('generation dependent'))
            _("Background color is either white or generation"
              " dependent"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "background", background)

        radial = EnumeratedListOption(_('Orientation of radial texts'),
        radial.add_item(RADIAL_UPRIGHT, _('upright'))
        radial.add_item(RADIAL_ROUNDABOUT, _('roundabout'))
        radial.set_help(_("Print radial texts upright or roundabout"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "radial", radial)
        draw_empty = BooleanOption(_("Draw empty boxes"), True)
            _("Draw the background "
              "although there is no information"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "draw_empty", draw_empty)

        same_style = BooleanOption(
            _("Use one font style "
              "for all generations"), True)
            _("You can customize font and color "
              "for each generation in the style editor"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "same_style", same_style)

        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)
Example #33
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        category_name = _("Report Options")
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
            _("Determines what people are included in the graph"))
        add_option("filter", self.__filter)
        self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report"))
        add_option("pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)

        stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)


        self.incdate = BooleanOption(
            _("Include Birth, Marriage and Death dates"), True)
            _("Include the dates that the individual was "
              "born, got married and/or died in the graph labels."))
        add_option("incdate", self.incdate)
        self.incdate.connect('value-changed', self.__include_dates_changed)

        self.justyears = BooleanOption(_("Limit dates to years only"), False)
            _("Prints just dates' year, neither "
              "month or day nor date approximation "
              "or interval are shown."))
        add_option("justyears", self.justyears)

        use_place = BooleanOption(_("Use place when no date"), True)
            _("When no birth, marriage, or death date is "
              "available, the correspondent place field "
              "will be used."))
        add_option("use_place", use_place)

        url = BooleanOption(_("Include URLs"), False)
            _("Include a URL in each graph node so "
              "that PDF and imagemap files can be "
              "generated that contain active links "
              "to the files generated by the 'Narrated "
              "Web Site' report."))
        add_option("url", url)

        incid = BooleanOption(_("Include IDs"), False)
        incid.set_help(_("Include individual and family IDs."))
        add_option("incid", incid)

        self.__show_relships = BooleanOption(
            _("Include relationship to center person"), False)
            _("Whether to show every "
              "person's relationship to the center person"))
        add_option("increlname", self.__show_relships)

        if __debug__:
            self.__show_GaGb = BooleanOption(
                _("Include relationship "
                  "debugging numbers also"), False)
                _("Whether to include 'Ga' and 'Gb' "
                  "also, to debug the relationship calculator"))
            add_option("advrelinfo", self.__show_GaGb)

        self.__include_images = BooleanOption(
            _('Include thumbnail images of people'), False)
            _("Whether to include thumbnails of people."))
        add_option("includeImages", self.__include_images)
        self.__include_images.connect('value-changed', self.__image_changed)

        self.__image_on_side = EnumeratedListOption(_("Thumbnail Location"), 0)
        self.__image_on_side.add_item(0, _('Above the name'))
        self.__image_on_side.add_item(1, _('Beside the name'))
            _("Where the thumbnail image should appear "
              "relative to the name"))
        add_option("imageOnTheSide", self.__image_on_side)

        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Graph Style"))

        color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), 'filled')
        for i in range(0, len(_COLORS)):
            color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"])
            _("Males will be shown with blue, females "
              "with red.  If the sex of an individual "
              "is unknown it will be shown with gray."))
        add_option("color", color)

        color_males = ColorOption(_('Males'), '#e0e0ff')
        color_males.set_help(_('The color to use to display men.'))
        add_option('colormales', color_males)

        color_females = ColorOption(_('Females'), '#ffe0e0')
        color_females.set_help(_('The color to use to display women.'))
        add_option('colorfemales', color_females)

        color_unknown = ColorOption(_('Unknown'), '#e0e0e0')
            _('The color to use when the gender is unknown.'))
        add_option('colorunknown', color_unknown)

        color_family = ColorOption(_('Families'), '#ffffe0')
        color_family.set_help(_('The color to use to display families.'))
        add_option('colorfamilies', color_family)

        arrow = EnumeratedListOption(_("Arrowhead direction"), 'd')
        for i in range(0, len(_ARROWS)):
            arrow.add_item(_ARROWS[i]["value"], _ARROWS[i]["name"])
        arrow.set_help(_("Choose the direction that the arrows point."))
        add_option("arrow", arrow)

        roundedcorners = BooleanOption(  # see bug report #2180
            _("Use rounded corners"), False)
            _("Use rounded corners to differentiate "
              "between women and men."))
        add_option("useroundedcorners", roundedcorners)

        dashed = BooleanOption(
            _("Indicate non-birth relationships with dotted lines"), True)
            _("Non-birth relationships will show up "
              "as dotted lines in the graph."))
        add_option("dashed", dashed)

        showfamily = BooleanOption(_("Show family nodes"), True)
            _("Families will show up as ellipses, linked "
              "to parents and children."))
        add_option("showfamily", showfamily)
Example #34
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        Add options to the menu for the statistics report.

        category_name = _("Report Options")
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
            _("Determines what people are included in the report."))
        add_option("filter", self.__filter)
        self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter."))
        add_option("pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)


        sortby = EnumeratedListOption(_('Sort chart items by'),
        for item_idx in range(len(_options.opt_sorts)):
            item = _options.opt_sorts[item_idx]
            sortby.add_item(item_idx, item[2])
        sortby.set_help(_("Select how the statistical data is sorted."))
        add_option("sortby", sortby)

        reverse = BooleanOption(_("Sort in reverse order"), False)
        reverse.set_help(_("Check to reverse the sorting order."))
        add_option("reverse", reverse)

        this_year = time.localtime()[0]
        year_from = NumberOption(_("People Born After"), 1700, 1, this_year)
        year_from.set_help(_("Birth year from which to include people."))
        add_option("year_from", year_from)

        year_to = NumberOption(_("People Born Before"), this_year, 1,
        year_to.set_help(_("Birth year until which to include people"))
        add_option("year_to", year_to)

        no_years = BooleanOption(_("Include people without known birth years"),
            _("Whether to include people without "
              "known birth years."))
        add_option("no_years", no_years)

        gender = EnumeratedListOption(_('Genders included'), Person.UNKNOWN)
        for item_idx in range(len(_options.opt_genders)):
            item = _options.opt_genders[item_idx]
            gender.add_item(item[0], item[2])
            _("Select which genders are included into "
        add_option("gender", gender)

        bar_items = NumberOption(_("Max. items for a pie"), 8, 0, 20)
            _("With fewer items pie chart and legend will be "
              "used instead of a bar chart."))
        add_option("bar_items", bar_items)

        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        # -------------------------------------------------
        # List of available charts on separate option tabs
        idx = 0
        half = len(_Extract.extractors) // 2
        chart_types = []
        for (chart_opt, tuple) in _Extract.extractors.items():
            chart_types.append((_(tuple[1]), chart_opt, tuple))
        sorted_chart_types = sorted(chart_types,
                                    key=lambda x: glocale.sort_key(x[0]))
        for (translated_option_name, opt_name, tuple) in sorted_chart_types:
            if idx <= half:
                category_name = _("Charts 1")
                category_name = _("Charts 2")
            opt = BooleanOption(translated_option_name, False)
            opt.set_help(_("Include charts with indicated data."))
            menu.add_option(category_name, opt_name, opt)
            idx += 1

        # Enable a couple of charts by default
Example #35
class RelGraphOptions(MenuReportOptions):
    Defines options and provides handling interface.
    def __init__(self, name, dbase):
        self.__pid = None
        self.__filter = None
        self.__show_relships = None
        self.__show_GaGb = None
        self.__include_images = None
        self.__image_on_side = None
        self.__db = dbase
        MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase)
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        category_name = _("Report Options")
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
                         _("Determines what people are included in the graph"))
        add_option("filter", self.__filter)
        self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)
        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)

        self._nf = stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)
        self._nf.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)


        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Include"))

        self.event_choice = EnumeratedListOption(_('Dates and/or Places'), 0)
        self.event_choice.add_item(0, _('Do not include any dates or places'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(1, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                         'dates, but no places'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(2, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                         'dates, and places'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(3, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                         'dates, and places if no dates'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(4, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                         'years, but no places'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(5, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                         'years, and places'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(6, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                         'places, but no dates'))
        self.event_choice.set_help(_("Whether to include dates and/or places"))
        add_option("event_choice", self.event_choice)

        url = BooleanOption(_("Include URLs"), False)
        url.set_help(_("Include a URL in each graph node so "
                       "that PDF and imagemap files can be "
                       "generated that contain active links "
                       "to the files generated by the 'Narrated "
                       "Web Site' report."))
        add_option("url", url)
        include_id = EnumeratedListOption(_('Include Gramps ID'), 0)
        include_id.add_item(0, _('Do not include'))
        include_id.add_item(1, _('Share an existing line'))
        include_id.add_item(2, _('On a line of its own'))
        include_id.set_help(_("Whether (and where) to include Gramps IDs"))
        add_option("incid", include_id)
        self.__show_relships = BooleanOption(
                            _("Include relationship to center person"), False)
        self.__show_relships.set_help(_("Whether to show every "
                            "person's relationship to the center person"))
        add_option("increlname", self.__show_relships)

        self.__include_images = BooleanOption(
                                 _('Include thumbnail images of people'), False)
                                 _("Whether to include thumbnails of people."))
        add_option("includeImages", self.__include_images)
        self.__include_images.connect('value-changed', self.__image_changed)
        self.__image_on_side = EnumeratedListOption(_("Thumbnail Location"), 0)
        self.__image_on_side.add_item(0, _('Above the name'))
        self.__image_on_side.add_item(1, _('Beside the name'))
                              _("Where the thumbnail image should appear "
                                "relative to the name"))
        add_option("imageOnTheSide", self.__image_on_side)
        if __debug__:
            self.__show_GaGb = BooleanOption(_("Include relationship "
                                               "debugging numbers also"),
            self.__show_GaGb.set_help(_("Whether to include 'Ga' and 'Gb' "
                            "also, to debug the relationship calculator"))
            add_option("advrelinfo", self.__show_GaGb)

        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Graph Style"))

        color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), 'filled')
        for i in range( 0, len(_COLORS) ):
            color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"])
        color.set_help(_("Males will be shown with blue, females "
                         "with red.  If the sex of an individual "
                         "is unknown it will be shown with gray."))
        add_option("color", color)

        color_males = ColorOption(_('Males'), '#e0e0ff')
        color_males.set_help(_('The color to use to display men.'))
        add_option('colormales', color_males)

        color_females = ColorOption(_('Females'), '#ffe0e0')
        color_females.set_help(_('The color to use to display women.'))
        add_option('colorfemales', color_females)

        color_unknown = ColorOption(_('Unknown'), '#e0e0e0')
            _('The color to use when the gender is unknown.')
        add_option('colorunknown', color_unknown)

        color_family = ColorOption(_('Families'), '#ffffe0')
        color_family.set_help(_('The color to use to display families.'))
        add_option('colorfamilies', color_family)
        arrow = EnumeratedListOption(_("Arrowhead direction"), 'd')
        for i in range( 0, len(_ARROWS) ):
            arrow.add_item(_ARROWS[i]["value"], _ARROWS[i]["name"])
        arrow.set_help(_("Choose the direction that the arrows point."))
        add_option("arrow", arrow)

        roundedcorners = BooleanOption(     # see bug report #2180
                    _("Use rounded corners"), False)
                    _("Use rounded corners to differentiate "
                      "between women and men."))
        add_option("useroundedcorners", roundedcorners)
        dashed = BooleanOption(
                  _("Indicate non-birth relationships with dotted lines"), True)
        dashed.set_help(_("Non-birth relationships will show up "
                          "as dotted lines in the graph."))
        add_option("dashed", dashed)
        showfamily = BooleanOption(_("Show family nodes"), True)
        showfamily.set_help(_("Families will show up as ellipses, linked "
                              "to parents and children."))
        add_option("showfamily", showfamily)
    def __update_filters(self):
        Update the filter list based on the selected person
        gid = self.__pid.get_value()
        person = self.__db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid)
        nfv = self._nf.get_value()
        filter_list = ReportUtils.get_person_filters(person,
    def __filter_changed(self):
        Handle filter change. If the filter is not specific to a person,
        disable the person option
        filter_value = self.__filter.get_value()
        if filter_value in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
            # Filters 1, 2, 3 and 4 rely on the center person
        elif self.__show_relships and self.__show_relships.get_value():
            # The rest don't

    def __image_changed(self):
        Handle thumbnail change. If the image is not to be included, make the
        image location option unavailable.
    def __show_relships_changed(self):
        Enable/disable menu items if relationships are required
        if self.__show_GaGb:
Example #36
class FamilyLinesOptions(MenuReportOptions):
    Defines all of the controls necessary
    to configure the FamilyLines report.
    def __init__(self, name, dbase):
        self.limit_parents = None
        self.max_parents = None
        self.limit_children = None
        self.max_children = None
        self.include_images = None
        self.image_location = None
        MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase)

    def add_menu_options(self, menu):

        # ---------------------
        category_name = _('Report Options')
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)
        # ---------------------

        stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name, default=False)

        followpar = BooleanOption(
            _('Follow parents to determine '
              '"family lines"'), True)
            _('Parents and their ancestors will be '
              'considered when determining "family lines".'))
        add_option('followpar', followpar)

        followchild = BooleanOption(
            _('Follow children to determine '
              '"family lines"'), True)
            _('Children will be considered when '
              'determining "family lines".'))
        add_option('followchild', followchild)

        remove_extra_people = BooleanOption(
            _('Try to remove extra '
              'people and families'), True)
            _('People and families not directly '
              'related to people of interest will '
              'be removed when determining '
              '"family lines".'))
        add_option('removeextra', remove_extra_people)

        use_roundedcorners = BooleanOption(_('Use rounded corners'), False)
            _('Use rounded corners to differentiate '
              'between women and men.'))
        add_option("useroundedcorners", use_roundedcorners)

        color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), "filled")
        for i in range(len(_COLORS)):
            color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"])
            _("Males will be shown with blue, females "
              "with red, unless otherwise set above for filled. "
              "If the sex of an individual "
              "is unknown it will be shown with gray."))
        add_option("color", color)

        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        # --------------------------------
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _('People of Interest'))
        # --------------------------------

        person_list = PersonListOption(_('People of interest'))
            _('People of interest are used as a starting '
              'point when determining "family lines".'))
        add_option('gidlist', person_list)

        self.limit_parents = BooleanOption(_('Limit the number of ancestors'),
            _('Whether to '
              'limit the number of ancestors.'))
        add_option('limitparents', self.limit_parents)
        self.limit_parents.connect('value-changed', self.limit_changed)

        self.max_parents = NumberOption('', 50, 10, 9999)
            _('The maximum number '
              'of ancestors to include.'))
        add_option('maxparents', self.max_parents)

        self.limit_children = BooleanOption(
            _('Limit the number '
              'of descendants'), False)
            _('Whether to '
              'limit the number of descendants.'))
        add_option('limitchildren', self.limit_children)
        self.limit_children.connect('value-changed', self.limit_changed)

        self.max_children = NumberOption('', 50, 10, 9999)
            _('The maximum number '
              'of descendants to include.'))
        add_option('maxchildren', self.max_children)

        # --------------------
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _('Include'))
        # --------------------

        include_id = EnumeratedListOption(_('Include Gramps ID'), 0)
        include_id.add_item(0, _('Do not include'))
        include_id.add_item(1, _('Share an existing line'))
        include_id.add_item(2, _('On a line of its own'))
        include_id.set_help(_("Whether (and where) to include Gramps IDs"))
        add_option("incid", include_id)

        self.include_dates = BooleanOption(_('Include dates'), True)
            _('Whether to include dates for people '
              'and families.'))
        add_option('incdates', self.include_dates)
        self.include_dates.connect('value-changed', self.include_dates_changed)

        self.justyears = BooleanOption(_("Limit dates to years only"), False)
            _("Prints just dates' year, neither "
              "month or day nor date approximation "
              "or interval are shown."))
        add_option("justyears", self.justyears)

        include_places = BooleanOption(_('Include places'), True)
            _('Whether to include placenames for people '
              'and families.'))
        add_option('incplaces', include_places)

        include_num_children = BooleanOption(
            _('Include the number of '
              'children'), True)
            _('Whether to include the number of '
              'children for families with more '
              'than 1 child.'))
        add_option('incchildcnt', include_num_children)

        self.include_images = BooleanOption(
            _('Include '
              'thumbnail images of people'), True)
            _('Whether to '
              'include thumbnail images of people.'))
        add_option('incimages', self.include_images)
        self.include_images.connect('value-changed', self.images_changed)

        self.image_location = EnumeratedListOption(_('Thumbnail location'), 0)
        self.image_location.add_item(0, _('Above the name'))
        self.image_location.add_item(1, _('Beside the name'))
            _('Where the thumbnail image '
              'should appear relative to the name'))
        add_option('imageonside', self.image_location)

        # ----------------------------
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _('Family Colors'))
        # ----------------------------

        surname_color = SurnameColorOption(_('Family colors'))
        surname_color.set_help(_('Colors to use for various family lines.'))
        add_option('surnamecolors', surname_color)

        # -------------------------
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _('Individuals'))
        # -------------------------

        color_males = ColorOption(_('Males'), '#e0e0ff')
        color_males.set_help(_('The color to use to display men.'))
        add_option('colormales', color_males)

        color_females = ColorOption(_('Females'), '#ffe0e0')
        color_females.set_help(_('The color to use to display women.'))
        add_option('colorfemales', color_females)

        color_unknown = ColorOption(_('Unknown'), '#e0e0e0')
            _('The color to use '
              'when the gender is unknown.'))
        add_option('colorunknown', color_unknown)

        color_family = ColorOption(_('Families'), '#ffffe0')
        color_family.set_help(_('The color to use to display families.'))
        add_option('colorfamilies', color_family)


    def limit_changed(self):
        Handle the change of limiting parents and children.

    def images_changed(self):
        Handle the change of including images.

    def include_dates_changed(self):
        Enable/disable menu items if dates are required
        if self.include_dates.get_value():
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):

        """ Add the options """
        category_name = _("Options")

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
        self.__filter.set_help(_("Select filter to restrict people"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", self.__filter)
        self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)


        source_text = StringOption(_("Source text"),
                                   _("Calculated Date Estimates"))
        source_text.set_help(_("Source to remove and/or add"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "source_text", source_text)

        remove = BooleanOption(_("Remove previously added events, notes, and source"), True)
        remove.set_help(_("Remove calculated events, notes, and source; occurs immediately on Execute"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "remove", remove)

        birth = EnumeratedListOption(_("Birth"), 0)
        birth.add_item(0, _("Do not add birth events"))
        birth.add_item(1, _("Add birth events without dates"))
        birth.add_item(2, _("Add birth events with dates"))
        birth.set_help( _("Add a birth events with or without estimated dates"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "add_birth", birth)

        death = EnumeratedListOption(_("Death"), 0)
        death.add_item(0, _("Do not add death events"))
        death.add_item(1, _("Add death events without dates"))
        death.add_item(2, _("Add death events with dates"))
        death.set_help( _("Add death events with or without estimated dates"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "add_death", death)

        # -----------------------------------------------------
        num = NumberOption(_("Maximum age"),
                           0, 200)
        num.set_help(_("Maximum age that one can live to"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "MAX_AGE_PROB_ALIVE", num)

        num = NumberOption(_("Maximum sibling age difference"),
                           0, 200)
        num.set_help(_("Maximum age difference between siblings"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "MAX_SIB_AGE_DIFF", num)

        num = NumberOption(_("Average years between generations"),
                           0, 200)
        num.set_help(_("Average years between two generations"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "AVG_GENERATION_GAP", num)

        dates = EnumeratedListOption(_("Estimated Dates"), 0)
        dates.add_item(0, _("Approximate (about)"))
        dates.add_item(1, _("Extremes (after and before)"))
        dates.set_help( _("Dates on events are either about or after/before"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "dates", dates)
Example #38
class TagOptions(MenuReportOptions):
    """ Options for the Tag Report """

    def __init__(self, name, dbase):
        self.__db = dbase
        MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase)

    def get_subject(self):
        """ Return a string that describes the subject of the report. """
        return self.__tag_option.get_value()

    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        Add options to the menu for the tag report.
        category_name = _("Report Options")

        all_tags = []
        for handle in self.__db.get_tag_handles(sort_handles=True):
            tag = self.__db.get_tag_from_handle(handle)

        if len(all_tags) > 0:
            self.__tag_option = EnumeratedListOption(_('Tag'), all_tags[0])
            for tag_name in all_tags:
                self.__tag_option.add_item(tag_name, tag_name)
            self.__tag_option = EnumeratedListOption(_('Tag'), '')
            self.__tag_option.add_item('', '')

        self.__tag_option.set_help(_("The tag to use for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "tag", self.__tag_option)

        stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

    def make_default_style(self, default_style):
        """Make the default output style for the Tag Report."""
        # Paragraph Styles
        font = FontStyle()
        para = ParagraphStyle()
        para.set_description(_("The style used for the title of the page."))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("TR-Title", para)

        font = FontStyle()
        font.set(face=FONT_SANS_SERIF, size=12, bold=1)
        para = ParagraphStyle()
        para.set_description(_('The style used for the subtitle.'))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("TR-ReportSubtitle", para)

        font = FontStyle()
        font.set(face=FONT_SANS_SERIF, size=14, italic=1)
        para = ParagraphStyle()
        para.set_description(_('The style used for the section headers.'))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("TR-Heading", para)

        font = FontStyle()
        para = ParagraphStyle()
        para.set(first_indent=-0.75, lmargin=.75)
        para.set_description(_('The basic style used for the text display.'))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("TR-Normal", para)

        font = FontStyle()
        para = ParagraphStyle()
        para.set(first_indent=-0.75, lmargin=.75)
        para.set_description(_('The basic style used for table headings.'))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("TR-Normal-Bold", para)

        para = ParagraphStyle()
        para.set(first_indent=-0.75, lmargin=.75)
        para.set_description(_('The basic style used for the note display.'))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("TR-Note", para)

        #Table Styles
        cell = TableCellStyle()
        default_style.add_cell_style('TR-TableCell', cell)

        table = TableStyle()
        table.set_column_width(0, 10)
        table.set_column_width(1, 30)
        table.set_column_width(2, 30)
        table.set_column_width(3, 30)
        default_style.add_table_style('TR-Table', table)
Example #39
class AncestorTreeOptions(MenuReportOptions):
    Defines options and provides handling interface.
    def __init__(self, name, dbase):
        self.__db = dbase
        self.__pid = None
        self.box_Y_sf = None
        self.box_shadow_sf = None
        MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase)

    def get_subject(self):
        """ Return a string that describes the subject of the report. """
        gid = self.__pid.get_value()
        person = self.__db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid)
        return _nd.display(person)

    def add_menu_options(self, menu):

        category_name = _("Tree Options")

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the tree"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)

        siblings = BooleanOption(_('Include siblings of the center person'),
            _("Whether to only display the center person or all "
              "of his/her siblings too"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_siblings", siblings)

        self.max_gen = NumberOption(_("Generations"), 10, 1, 50)
            _("The number of generations to include "
              "in the tree"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maxgen", self.max_gen)

        self.fillout = EnumeratedListOption(_("Display unknown\ngenerations"),
            _("The number of generations of empty "
              "boxes that will be displayed"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "fill_out", self.fillout)

        self.max_gen.connect('value-changed', self.__fillout_vals)

        compress = BooleanOption(_('Compress tree'), True)
            _("Whether to remove any extra blank spaces set "
              "aside for people that are unknown"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "compress_tree", compress)

        #better to 'Show siblings of\nthe center person
        #Spouse_disp = EnumeratedListOption(_("Show spouses of\nthe center "
        #                                     "person"), 0)
        #Spouse_disp.add_item(0, _("No.  Do not show Spouses"))
        #Spouse_disp.add_item(1, _("Yes, and use the Main Display Format"))
        #Spouse_disp.add_item(2, _("Yes, and use the Secondary "
        #                           "Display Format"))
        #Spouse_disp.set_help(_("Show spouses of the center person?"))
        #menu.add_option(category_name, "Spouse_disp", Spouse_disp)

        category_name = _("Report Options")

        self.title = EnumeratedListOption(_("Report Title"), 0)
        self.title.add_item(0, _("Do not include a title"))
        self.title.add_item(1, _("Include Report Title"))
        self.title.set_help(_("Choose a title for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "report_title", self.title)

        border = BooleanOption(_('Include a border'), False)
        border.set_help(_("Whether to make a border around the report."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_border", border)

        prnnum = BooleanOption(_('Include Page Numbers'), False)
        prnnum.set_help(_("Whether to print page numbers on each page."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_pagenum", prnnum)

        self.scale = EnumeratedListOption(_("Scale tree to fit"), 0)
        self.scale.add_item(0, _("Do not scale tree"))
        self.scale.add_item(1, _("Scale tree to fit page width only"))
        self.scale.add_item(2, _("Scale tree to fit the size of the page"))
            _("Whether to scale the tree to fit a specific paper size"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "scale_tree", self.scale)
        self.scale.connect('value-changed', self.__check_blank)

        if "BKI" not in self.name.split(","):
            self.__onepage = BooleanOption(
                _("Resize Page to Fit Tree size\n"
                  "Note: Overrides options in the 'Paper Option' tab"), False)
                _("Whether to resize the page to fit the size \n"
                  "of the tree.  Note:  the page will have a \n"
                  "non standard size.\n"
                  "With this option selected, the following will happen:\n"
                  "With the 'Do not scale tree' option the page\n"
                  "  is resized to the height/width of the tree\n"
                  "With 'Scale tree to fit page width only' the height of\n"
                  "  the page is resized to the height of the tree\n"
                  "With 'Scale tree to fit the size of the page' the page\n"
                  "  is resized to remove any gap in either height or width"))
            menu.add_option(category_name, "resize_page", self.__onepage)
            self.__onepage.connect('value-changed', self.__check_blank)
            self.__onepage = None

        self.__blank = BooleanOption(_('Include Blank Pages'), True)
        self.__blank.set_help(_("Whether to include pages that are blank."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_blank", self.__blank)


        category_name = _("Report Options (2)")

        stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        locale_opt = stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_date_format_option(menu, category_name, locale_opt)

        category_name = _("Display")

        disp = TextOption(
            _("Father\nDisplay Format"),
            ["$n", "%s $b" % _BORN, "-{%s $d}" % _DIED])
        disp.set_help(_("Display format for the fathers box."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "father_disp", disp)

        #Will add when libsubstkeyword supports it.
        #missing = EnumeratedListOption(_("Replace missing\nplaces\\dates \
        #                                 with"), 0)
        #missing.add_item(0, _("Does not display anything"))
        #missing.add_item(1, _("Displays '_____'"))
        #missing.set_help(_("What will print when information is not known"))
        #menu.add_option(category_name, "miss_val", missing)

        disp_mom = TextOption(
            _("Mother\nDisplay Format"),
            ["$n", "%s $b" % _BORN,
             "%s $m" % _MARR,
             "-{%s $d}" % _DIED])
        disp_mom.set_help(_("Display format for the mothers box."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "mother_disp", disp_mom)

        center_disp = EnumeratedListOption(
            _("Center person uses\n"
              "which format"), 0)
        center_disp.add_item(0, _("Use Fathers Display format"))
        center_disp.add_item(1, _("Use Mothers display format"))
        center_disp.set_help(_("The display format for the center person"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "center_uses", center_disp)

        self.incmarr = BooleanOption(_('Include Marriage box'), False)
            _("Whether to include a separate marital box in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_marr", self.incmarr)
        self.incmarr.connect('value-changed', self._incmarr_changed)

        self.marrdisp = StringOption(_("Marriage\nDisplay Format"),
                                     "%s $m" % _MARR)
        self.marrdisp.set_help(_("Display format for the marital box."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "marr_disp", self.marrdisp)

        category_name = _("Advanced")

        repldisp = TextOption(
            _("Replace Display Format:\n'Replace this'/' with this'"), [])
        repldisp.set_help(_("i.e.\nUnited States of America/U.S.A."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "replace_list", repldisp)

        # TODO this code is never used and so I conclude it is for future use
        # self.__include_images = BooleanOption(
        #                       _('Include thumbnail images of people'), False)
        # self.__include_images.set_help(
        #                       _("Whether to include thumbnails of people."))
        # menu.add_option(category_name, "includeImages",
        #                 self.__include_images)

        self.usenote = BooleanOption(_('Include a note'), False)
        self.usenote.set_help(_("Whether to include a note on the report."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_note", self.usenote)
        self.usenote.connect('value-changed', self._usenote_changed)

        self.notedisp = TextOption(_("Note"), [])
        self.notedisp.set_help(_("Add a note\n\n" "$T inserts today's date"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "note_disp", self.notedisp)

        locales = NoteType(0, 1)
        self.notelocal = EnumeratedListOption(_("Note Location"), 0)
        for num, text in locales.note_locals():
            self.notelocal.add_item(num, text)
        self.notelocal.set_help(_("Where to place the note."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "note_place", self.notelocal)

        self.box_Y_sf = NumberOption(_("inter-box scale factor"), 1.00, 0.10,
                                     2.00, 0.01)
            _("Make the inter-box spacing bigger or smaller"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "box_Yscale", self.box_Y_sf)

        self.box_shadow_sf = NumberOption(_("box shadow scale factor"), 1.00,
                                          0.00, 2.00, 0.01)  # down to 0
        self.box_shadow_sf.set_help(_("Make the box shadow bigger or smaller"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "shadowscale", self.box_shadow_sf)

    def _incmarr_changed(self):
        If Marriage box is not enabled, disable Marriage Display Format box
        value = self.incmarr.get_value()

    def _usenote_changed(self):
        If Note box is not enabled, disable Note Location box
        value = self.usenote.get_value()

    def __check_blank(self):
        if self.__onepage:
            value = not self.__onepage.get_value()
            value = True
        off = value and (self.scale.get_value() != 2)

    def __fillout_vals(self):
        max_gen = self.max_gen.get_value()
        old_val = self.fillout.get_value()
        item_list = []
            [0, _("No generations of empty boxes "
                  "for unknown ancestors")])
        if max_gen > 1:
                _("One Generation of empty boxes "
                  "for unknown ancestors")

            str(itr) + _(" Generations of empty boxes for unknown ancestors")
        ] for itr in range(2, max_gen))

        if old_val + 2 > len(item_list):
            self.fillout.set_value(len(item_list) - 2)

    def make_default_style(self, default_style):
        """Make the default output style for the Ancestor Tree."""

        # Paragraph Styles:
        font = FontStyle()
        para_style = ParagraphStyle()
            _('The basic style used for the text display.'))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("AC2-Normal", para_style)
        box_shadow = PT2CM(font.get_size()) * .6

        font = FontStyle()
        para_style = ParagraphStyle()
            _('The basic style used for the note display.'))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("AC2-Note", para_style)

        font = FontStyle()
        para_style = ParagraphStyle()
        para_style.set_description(_('The style used for the title.'))
        default_style.add_paragraph_style("AC2-Title", para_style)

        # Draw styles
        graph_style = GraphicsStyle()
        graph_style.set_shadow(1, box_shadow)  # shadow set by text size
        graph_style.set_fill_color((255, 255, 255))
        default_style.add_draw_style("AC2-box", graph_style)

        graph_style = GraphicsStyle()
        #graph_style.set_shadow(0, PT2CM(9))  # shadow set by text size
        graph_style.set_fill_color((255, 255, 255))
        default_style.add_draw_style("AC2-fam-box", graph_style)

        graph_style = GraphicsStyle()
        graph_style.set_fill_color((255, 255, 255))
        default_style.add_draw_style("AC2-note-box", graph_style)

        # TODO this seems meaningless, as only the text is displayed
        graph_style = GraphicsStyle()
        graph_style.set_color((0, 0, 0))
        graph_style.set_fill_color((255, 255, 255))
        graph_style.set_description(_("Cannot edit this reference"))
        default_style.add_draw_style("AC2-Title-box", graph_style)

        graph_style = GraphicsStyle()
        default_style.add_draw_style("AC2-line", graph_style)
Example #40
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):

        category_name = _("Tree Options")

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the tree"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)

        siblings = BooleanOption(_('Include siblings of the center person'),
            _("Whether to only display the center person or all "
              "of his/her siblings too"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_siblings", siblings)

        self.max_gen = NumberOption(_("Generations"), 10, 1, 50)
            _("The number of generations to include "
              "in the tree"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maxgen", self.max_gen)

        self.fillout = EnumeratedListOption(_("Display unknown\ngenerations"),
            _("The number of generations of empty "
              "boxes that will be displayed"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "fill_out", self.fillout)

        self.max_gen.connect('value-changed', self.__fillout_vals)

        compress = BooleanOption(_('Compress tree'), True)
            _("Whether to remove any extra blank spaces set "
              "aside for people that are unknown"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "compress_tree", compress)

        #better to 'Show siblings of\nthe center person
        #Spouse_disp = EnumeratedListOption(_("Show spouses of\nthe center "
        #                                     "person"), 0)
        #Spouse_disp.add_item(0, _("No.  Do not show Spouses"))
        #Spouse_disp.add_item(1, _("Yes, and use the Main Display Format"))
        #Spouse_disp.add_item(2, _("Yes, and use the Secondary "
        #                           "Display Format"))
        #Spouse_disp.set_help(_("Show spouses of the center person?"))
        #menu.add_option(category_name, "Spouse_disp", Spouse_disp)

        category_name = _("Report Options")

        self.title = EnumeratedListOption(_("Report Title"), 0)
        self.title.add_item(0, _("Do not include a title"))
        self.title.add_item(1, _("Include Report Title"))
        self.title.set_help(_("Choose a title for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "report_title", self.title)

        border = BooleanOption(_('Include a border'), False)
        border.set_help(_("Whether to make a border around the report."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_border", border)

        prnnum = BooleanOption(_('Include Page Numbers'), False)
        prnnum.set_help(_("Whether to print page numbers on each page."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_pagenum", prnnum)

        self.scale = EnumeratedListOption(_("Scale tree to fit"), 0)
        self.scale.add_item(0, _("Do not scale tree"))
        self.scale.add_item(1, _("Scale tree to fit page width only"))
        self.scale.add_item(2, _("Scale tree to fit the size of the page"))
            _("Whether to scale the tree to fit a specific paper size"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "scale_tree", self.scale)
        self.scale.connect('value-changed', self.__check_blank)

        if "BKI" not in self.name.split(","):
            self.__onepage = BooleanOption(
                _("Resize Page to Fit Tree size\n"
                  "Note: Overrides options in the 'Paper Option' tab"), False)
                _("Whether to resize the page to fit the size \n"
                  "of the tree.  Note:  the page will have a \n"
                  "non standard size.\n"
                  "With this option selected, the following will happen:\n"
                  "With the 'Do not scale tree' option the page\n"
                  "  is resized to the height/width of the tree\n"
                  "With 'Scale tree to fit page width only' the height of\n"
                  "  the page is resized to the height of the tree\n"
                  "With 'Scale tree to fit the size of the page' the page\n"
                  "  is resized to remove any gap in either height or width"))
            menu.add_option(category_name, "resize_page", self.__onepage)
            self.__onepage.connect('value-changed', self.__check_blank)
            self.__onepage = None

        self.__blank = BooleanOption(_('Include Blank Pages'), True)
        self.__blank.set_help(_("Whether to include pages that are blank."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_blank", self.__blank)


        category_name = _("Report Options (2)")

        stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        locale_opt = stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_date_format_option(menu, category_name, locale_opt)

        category_name = _("Display")

        disp = TextOption(
            _("Father\nDisplay Format"),
            ["$n", "%s $b" % _BORN, "-{%s $d}" % _DIED])
        disp.set_help(_("Display format for the fathers box."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "father_disp", disp)

        #Will add when libsubstkeyword supports it.
        #missing = EnumeratedListOption(_("Replace missing\nplaces\\dates \
        #                                 with"), 0)
        #missing.add_item(0, _("Does not display anything"))
        #missing.add_item(1, _("Displays '_____'"))
        #missing.set_help(_("What will print when information is not known"))
        #menu.add_option(category_name, "miss_val", missing)

        disp_mom = TextOption(
            _("Mother\nDisplay Format"),
            ["$n", "%s $b" % _BORN,
             "%s $m" % _MARR,
             "-{%s $d}" % _DIED])
        disp_mom.set_help(_("Display format for the mothers box."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "mother_disp", disp_mom)

        center_disp = EnumeratedListOption(
            _("Center person uses\n"
              "which format"), 0)
        center_disp.add_item(0, _("Use Fathers Display format"))
        center_disp.add_item(1, _("Use Mothers display format"))
        center_disp.set_help(_("The display format for the center person"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "center_uses", center_disp)

        self.incmarr = BooleanOption(_('Include Marriage box'), False)
            _("Whether to include a separate marital box in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_marr", self.incmarr)
        self.incmarr.connect('value-changed', self._incmarr_changed)

        self.marrdisp = StringOption(_("Marriage\nDisplay Format"),
                                     "%s $m" % _MARR)
        self.marrdisp.set_help(_("Display format for the marital box."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "marr_disp", self.marrdisp)

        category_name = _("Advanced")

        repldisp = TextOption(
            _("Replace Display Format:\n'Replace this'/' with this'"), [])
        repldisp.set_help(_("i.e.\nUnited States of America/U.S.A."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "replace_list", repldisp)

        # TODO this code is never used and so I conclude it is for future use
        # self.__include_images = BooleanOption(
        #                       _('Include thumbnail images of people'), False)
        # self.__include_images.set_help(
        #                       _("Whether to include thumbnails of people."))
        # menu.add_option(category_name, "includeImages",
        #                 self.__include_images)

        self.usenote = BooleanOption(_('Include a note'), False)
        self.usenote.set_help(_("Whether to include a note on the report."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "inc_note", self.usenote)
        self.usenote.connect('value-changed', self._usenote_changed)

        self.notedisp = TextOption(_("Note"), [])
        self.notedisp.set_help(_("Add a note\n\n" "$T inserts today's date"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "note_disp", self.notedisp)

        locales = NoteType(0, 1)
        self.notelocal = EnumeratedListOption(_("Note Location"), 0)
        for num, text in locales.note_locals():
            self.notelocal.add_item(num, text)
        self.notelocal.set_help(_("Where to place the note."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "note_place", self.notelocal)

        self.box_Y_sf = NumberOption(_("inter-box scale factor"), 1.00, 0.10,
                                     2.00, 0.01)
            _("Make the inter-box spacing bigger or smaller"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "box_Yscale", self.box_Y_sf)

        self.box_shadow_sf = NumberOption(_("box shadow scale factor"), 1.00,
                                          0.00, 2.00, 0.01)  # down to 0
        self.box_shadow_sf.set_help(_("Make the box shadow bigger or smaller"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "shadowscale", self.box_shadow_sf)
Example #41
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        """ Add the options for the text birthday report """
        category_name = _("Report Options")

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
            _("Select the filter to be applied to the report."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", self.__filter)
        self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)

        self._nf = stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)
        self._nf.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        alive = BooleanOption(_("Include only living people"), True)
        alive.set_help(_("Include only living people in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "alive", alive)


        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        category_name = _("Content")

        year = NumberOption(_("Year of report"), time.localtime()[0],
                            1000, 3000)
        year.set_help(_("Year of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "year", year)

        country = EnumeratedListOption(_("Country for holidays"), 0)
        holiday_table = libholiday.HolidayTable()
        countries = holiday_table.get_countries()
        if (len(countries) == 0 or
            (len(countries) > 0 and countries[0] != '')):
            countries.insert(0, '')
        count = 0
        for c in  holiday_table.get_countries():
            country.add_item(count, c)
            count += 1
        country.set_help(_("Select the country to see associated holidays"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "country", country)

        start_dow = EnumeratedListOption(_("First day of week"), 1)
        long_days = date_displayer.long_days
        for count in range(1, 8):
            # conversion between gramps numbering (sun=1) and iso numbering (mon=1) of weekdays below
            start_dow.add_item((count+5) % 7 + 1, long_days[count].capitalize())
        start_dow.set_help(_("Select the first day of the week for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "start_dow", start_dow)

        maiden_name = EnumeratedListOption(_("Birthday surname"), "own")
        maiden_name.add_item("spouse_first", _("Wives use husband's surname (from first family listed)"))
        maiden_name.add_item("spouse_last", _("Wives use husband's surname (from last family listed)"))
        maiden_name.add_item("own", _("Wives use their own surname"))
        maiden_name.set_help(_("Select married women's displayed surname"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maiden_name", maiden_name)

        birthdays = BooleanOption(_("Include birthdays"), True)
        birthdays.set_help(_("Include birthdays in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "birthdays", birthdays)

        anniversaries = BooleanOption(_("Include anniversaries"), True)
        anniversaries.set_help(_("Include anniversaries in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "anniversaries", anniversaries)

        option = BooleanOption(_("Include relationships to center person"),
        option.set_help(_("Include relationships to center person (slower)"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "relationships", option)

        category_name = _("Text Options")

        titletext = StringOption(_("Title text"), _(_TITLE0))
        titletext.set_help(_("Title of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "titletext", titletext)

        text1 = StringOption(_("Text Area 1"), _(_TITLE1))
        text1.set_help(_("First line of text at bottom of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "text1", text1)

        text2 = StringOption(_("Text Area 2"), _(_TITLE2))
        text2.set_help(_("Second line of text at bottom of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "text2", text2)

        text3 = StringOption(_("Text Area 3"), URL_HOMEPAGE,)
        text3.set_help(_("Third line of text at bottom of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "text3", text3)
Example #42
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        """ Add the options for the text birthday report """
        category_name = _("Report Options")

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
            _("Select the filter to be applied to the report."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "filter", self.__filter)
        self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Filter Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the filter."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)

        titletext = StringOption(_("Title text"), _(_TITLE0))
        titletext.set_help(_("Title of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "titletext", titletext)

        text1 = StringOption(_("Text Area 1"), _(_TITLE1))
        text1.set_help(_("First line of text at bottom of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "text1", text1)

        text2 = StringOption(_("Text Area 2"), _(_TITLE2))
        text2.set_help(_("Second line of text at bottom of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "text2", text2)

        text3 = StringOption(_("Text Area 3"), URL_HOMEPAGE,)
        text3.set_help(_("Third line of text at bottom of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "text3", text3)

        category_name = _("Report Options (2)")

        self._nf = stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)
        self._nf.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        alive = BooleanOption(_("Include only living people"), True)
        alive.set_help(_("Include only living people in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "alive", alive)

        deadtxt = StringOption(_("Dead Symbol"), _(_DEADTXT))
        deadtxt.set_help(_("This will show after name to indicate that person is dead"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "deadtxt", deadtxt)


        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        showyear = BooleanOption(_("Show event year"), True)
        showyear.set_help(_("Prints the year the event took place in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "showyear", showyear)

        category_name = _("Content")

        year = NumberOption(_("Year of report"), time.localtime()[0],
                            1000, 3000)
        year.set_help(_("Year of report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "year", year)

        country = EnumeratedListOption(_("Country for holidays"), 0)
        holiday_table = libholiday.HolidayTable()
        countries = holiday_table.get_countries()
        if (len(countries) == 0 or
            (len(countries) > 0 and countries[0] != '')):
            countries.insert(0, '')
        count = 0
        for c in countries:
            country.add_item(count, c)
            count += 1
        country.set_help(_("Select the country to see associated holidays"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "country", country)

        maiden_name = EnumeratedListOption(_("Birthday surname"), "own")
            _("Wives use husband's surname (from first family listed)"))
            _("Wives use husband's surname (from last family listed)"))
        maiden_name.add_item("own", _("Wives use their own surname"))
        maiden_name.set_help(_("Select married women's displayed surname"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maiden_name", maiden_name)

        birthdays = BooleanOption(_("Include birthdays"), True)
        birthdays.set_help(_("Whether to include birthdays"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "birthdays", birthdays)

        anniversaries = BooleanOption(_("Include anniversaries"), True)
        anniversaries.set_help(_("Whether to include anniversaries"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "anniversaries", anniversaries)

        death_anniversaries = BooleanOption(_("Include death anniversaries"), True)
        death_anniversaries.set_help(_("Whether to include anniversaries of death"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "death_anniversaries", death_anniversaries)

        show_relships = BooleanOption(
            _("Include relationship to center person"), False)
            _("Whether to include relationships to the center person"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "relationships", show_relships)
Example #43
class FamilyLinesOptions(MenuReportOptions):
    Defines all of the controls necessary
    to configure the FamilyLines report.
    def __init__(self, name, dbase):
        self.limit_parents = None
        self.max_parents = None
        self.limit_children = None
        self.max_children = None
        self.include_images = None
        self.image_location = None
        MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase)

    def add_menu_options(self, menu):

        # ---------------------
        category_name = _('Report Options')
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)
        # ---------------------

        stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name, default=False)

        followpar = BooleanOption(_('Follow parents to determine '
                                    '"family lines"'), True)
        followpar.set_help(_('Parents and their ancestors will be '
                             'considered when determining "family lines".'))
        add_option('followpar', followpar)

        followchild = BooleanOption(_('Follow children to determine '
                                      '"family lines"'), True)
        followchild.set_help(_('Children will be considered when '
                               'determining "family lines".'))
        add_option('followchild', followchild)

        remove_extra_people = BooleanOption(_('Try to remove extra '
                                              'people and families'), True)
        remove_extra_people.set_help(_('People and families not directly '
                                       'related to people of interest will '
                                       'be removed when determining '
                                       '"family lines".'))
        add_option('removeextra', remove_extra_people)

        use_roundedcorners = BooleanOption(_('Use rounded corners'), False)
        use_roundedcorners.set_help(_('Use rounded corners to differentiate '
                                      'between women and men.'))
        add_option("useroundedcorners", use_roundedcorners)

        color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), "filled")
        for i in range(len(_COLORS)):
            color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"])
        color.set_help(_("Males will be shown with blue, females "
                         "with red, unless otherwise set above for filled. "
                         "If the sex of an individual "
                         "is unknown it will be shown with gray."))
        add_option("color", color)

        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        # --------------------------------
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _('People of Interest'))
        # --------------------------------

        person_list = PersonListOption(_('People of interest'))
        person_list.set_help(_('People of interest are used as a starting '
                               'point when determining "family lines".'))
        add_option('gidlist', person_list)

        self.limit_parents = BooleanOption(_('Limit the number of ancestors'),
        self.limit_parents.set_help(_('Whether to '
                                      'limit the number of ancestors.'))
        add_option('limitparents', self.limit_parents)
        self.limit_parents.connect('value-changed', self.limit_changed)

        self.max_parents = NumberOption('', 50, 10, 9999)
        self.max_parents.set_help(_('The maximum number '
                                    'of ancestors to include.'))
        add_option('maxparents', self.max_parents)

        self.limit_children = BooleanOption(_('Limit the number '
                                              'of descendants'),
        self.limit_children.set_help(_('Whether to '
                                       'limit the number of descendants.'))
        add_option('limitchildren', self.limit_children)
        self.limit_children.connect('value-changed', self.limit_changed)

        self.max_children = NumberOption('', 50, 10, 9999)
        self.max_children.set_help(_('The maximum number '
                                     'of descendants to include.'))
        add_option('maxchildren', self.max_children)

        # --------------------
        category_name = _('Include')
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)
        # --------------------

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        include_id = EnumeratedListOption(_('Include Gramps ID'), 0)
        include_id.add_item(0, _('Do not include'))
        include_id.add_item(1, _('Share an existing line'))
        include_id.add_item(2, _('On a line of its own'))
        include_id.set_help(_("Whether (and where) to include Gramps IDs"))
        add_option("incid", include_id)

        self.include_dates = BooleanOption(_('Include dates'), True)
        self.include_dates.set_help(_('Whether to include dates for people '
                                      'and families.'))
        add_option('incdates', self.include_dates)
        self.include_dates.connect('value-changed', self.include_dates_changed)

        self.justyears = BooleanOption(_("Limit dates to years only"), False)
        self.justyears.set_help(_("Prints just dates' year, neither "
                                  "month or day nor date approximation "
                                  "or interval are shown."))
        add_option("justyears", self.justyears)

        include_places = BooleanOption(_('Include places'), True)
        include_places.set_help(_('Whether to include placenames for people '
                                  'and families.'))
        add_option('incplaces', include_places)

        include_num_children = BooleanOption(_('Include the number of '
                                               'children'), True)
        include_num_children.set_help(_('Whether to include the number of '
                                        'children for families with more '
                                        'than 1 child.'))
        add_option('incchildcnt', include_num_children)

        self.include_images = BooleanOption(_('Include '
                                              'thumbnail images of people'),
        self.include_images.set_help(_('Whether to '
                                       'include thumbnail images of people.'))
        add_option('incimages', self.include_images)
        self.include_images.connect('value-changed', self.images_changed)

        self.image_location = EnumeratedListOption(_('Thumbnail location'), 0)
        self.image_location.add_item(0, _('Above the name'))
        self.image_location.add_item(1, _('Beside the name'))
        self.image_location.set_help(_('Where the thumbnail image '
                                       'should appear relative to the name'))
        add_option('imageonside', self.image_location)

        # ----------------------------
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _('Family Colors'))
        # ----------------------------

        surname_color = SurnameColorOption(_('Family colors'))
        surname_color.set_help(_('Colors to use for various family lines.'))
        add_option('surnamecolors', surname_color)

        # -------------------------
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _('Individuals'))
        # -------------------------

        color_males = ColorOption(_('Males'), '#e0e0ff')
        color_males.set_help(_('The color to use to display men.'))
        add_option('colormales', color_males)

        color_females = ColorOption(_('Females'), '#ffe0e0')
        color_females.set_help(_('The color to use to display women.'))
        add_option('colorfemales', color_females)

        color_unknown = ColorOption(_('Unknown'), '#e0e0e0')
        color_unknown.set_help(_('The color to use '
                                 'when the gender is unknown.'))
        add_option('colorunknown', color_unknown)

        color_family = ColorOption(_('Families'), '#ffffe0')
        color_family.set_help(_('The color to use to display families.'))
        add_option('colorfamilies', color_family)


    def limit_changed(self):
        Handle the change of limiting parents and children.

    def images_changed(self):
        Handle the change of including images.

    def include_dates_changed(self):
        Enable/disable menu items if dates are required
        if self.include_dates.get_value():
Example #44
class RelGraphOptions(MenuReportOptions):
    Defines options and provides handling interface.
    def __init__(self, name, dbase):
        self.__pid = None
        self.__filter = None
        self.__show_relships = None
        self.__show_ga_gb = None
        self.__include_images = None
        self.__image_on_side = None
        self.__db = dbase
        self._nf = None
        self.event_choice = None
        MenuReportOptions.__init__(self, name, dbase)

    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        category_name = _("Report Options")
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
            _("Determines what people are included in the graph"))
        add_option("filter", self.__filter)
        self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)

        arrow = EnumeratedListOption(_("Arrowhead direction"), 'd')
        for i in range(0, len(_ARROWS)):
            arrow.add_item(_ARROWS[i]["value"], _ARROWS[i]["name"])
        arrow.set_help(_("Choose the direction that the arrows point."))
        add_option("arrow", arrow)

        color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), 'filled')
        for i in range(0, len(_COLORS)):
            color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"])
        color.set_help(_("Males will be shown with blue, females "
                         "with red.  If the sex of an individual "
                         "is unknown it will be shown with gray."))
        add_option("color", color)

        # see bug report #2180
        roundedcorners = BooleanOption(_("Use rounded corners"), False)
        roundedcorners.set_help(_("Use rounded corners to differentiate "
                                  "between women and men."))
        add_option("useroundedcorners", roundedcorners)

        stdoptions.add_gramps_id_option(menu, category_name, ownline=True)

        category_name = _("Report Options (2)")
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)

        self._nf = stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)
        self._nf.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)


        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        locale_opt = stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_date_format_option(menu, category_name, locale_opt)

        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Include"))

        self.event_choice = EnumeratedListOption(_('Dates and/or Places'), 0)
        self.event_choice.add_item(0, _('Do not include any dates or places'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(1, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                        'dates, but no places'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(2, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                        'dates, and places'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(3, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                        'dates, and places if no dates'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(4, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                        'years, but no places'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(5, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                        'years, and places'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(6, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                        'places, but no dates'))
        self.event_choice.add_item(7, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                                        'dates and places on same line'))
            _("Whether to include dates and/or places"))
        add_option("event_choice", self.event_choice)

        url = BooleanOption(_("Include URLs"), False)
        url.set_help(_("Include a URL in each graph node so "
                       "that PDF and imagemap files can be "
                       "generated that contain active links "
                       "to the files generated by the 'Narrated "
                       "Web Site' report."))
        add_option("url", url)

        self.__show_relships = BooleanOption(
            _("Include relationship to center person"), False)
        self.__show_relships.set_help(_("Whether to show every person's "
                                        "relationship to the center person"))
        add_option("increlname", self.__show_relships)

        self.__include_images = BooleanOption(
            _('Include thumbnail images of people'), False)
            _("Whether to include thumbnails of people."))
        add_option("includeImages", self.__include_images)
        self.__include_images.connect('value-changed', self.__image_changed)

        self.__image_on_side = EnumeratedListOption(_("Thumbnail Location"), 0)
        self.__image_on_side.add_item(0, _('Above the name'))
        self.__image_on_side.add_item(1, _('Beside the name'))
            _("Where the thumbnail image should appear relative to the name"))
        add_option("imageOnTheSide", self.__image_on_side)

        #occupation = BooleanOption(_("Include occupation"), False)
        occupation = EnumeratedListOption(_('Include occupation'), 0)
        occupation.add_item(0, _('Do not include any occupation'))
        occupation.add_item(1, _('Include description '
                                 'of most recent occupation'))
        occupation.add_item(2, _('Include date, description and place '
                                 'of all occupations'))
        occupation.set_help(_("Whether to include the last occupation"))
        add_option("occupation", occupation)

        if __debug__:
            self.__show_ga_gb = BooleanOption(_("Include relationship "
                                                "debugging numbers also"),
            self.__show_ga_gb.set_help(_("Whether to include 'Ga' and 'Gb' "
                                         "also, to debug the relationship "
            add_option("advrelinfo", self.__show_ga_gb)

        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Graph Style"))

        color_males = ColorOption(_('Males'), '#e0e0ff')
        color_males.set_help(_('The color to use to display men.'))
        add_option('colormales', color_males)

        color_females = ColorOption(_('Females'), '#ffe0e0')
        color_females.set_help(_('The color to use to display women.'))
        add_option('colorfemales', color_females)

        color_unknown = ColorOption(_('Unknown'), '#e0e0e0')
            _('The color to use when the gender is unknown.')
        add_option('colorunknown', color_unknown)

        color_family = ColorOption(_('Families'), '#ffffe0')
        color_family.set_help(_('The color to use to display families.'))
        add_option('colorfamilies', color_family)

        dashed = BooleanOption(
            _("Indicate non-birth relationships with dotted lines"), True)
        dashed.set_help(_("Non-birth relationships will show up "
                          "as dotted lines in the graph."))
        add_option("dashed", dashed)

        showfamily = BooleanOption(_("Show family nodes"), True)
        showfamily.set_help(_("Families will show up as ellipses, linked "
                              "to parents and children."))
        add_option("showfamily", showfamily)

    def __update_filters(self):
        Update the filter list based on the selected person
        gid = self.__pid.get_value()
        person = self.__db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid)
        nfv = self._nf.get_value()
        filter_list = utils.get_person_filters(person,

    def __filter_changed(self):
        Handle filter change. If the filter is not specific to a person,
        disable the person option
        if self.__show_relships and self.__show_relships.get_value():
        filter_value = self.__filter.get_value()
        if filter_value == 0: # "Entire Database" (as "include_single=False")
            # The other filters need a center person (assume custom ones too)

    def __image_changed(self):
        Handle thumbnail change. If the image is not to be included, make the
        image location option unavailable.

    def __show_relships_changed(self):
        Enable/disable menu items if relationships are required
        if self.__show_ga_gb:
Example #45
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        Add options to the menu for the fan chart.
        category_name = _("Report Options")

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)

        max_gen = NumberOption(_("Generations"), 5, 1, self.max_generations)
        max_gen.set_help(_("The number of generations "
                           "to include in the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "maxgen", max_gen)

        circle = EnumeratedListOption(_('Type of graph'), HALF_CIRCLE)
        circle.add_item(FULL_CIRCLE, _('full circle'))
        circle.add_item(HALF_CIRCLE, _('half circle'))
        circle.add_item(QUAR_CIRCLE, _('quarter circle'))
        circle.set_help(_("The form of the graph: full circle, half circle,"
                          " or quarter circle."))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "circle", circle)

        background = EnumeratedListOption(_('Background color'), BACKGROUND_GEN)
        background.add_item(BACKGROUND_WHITE, _('white'))
        background.add_item(BACKGROUND_GEN, _('generation dependent'))
        background.set_help(_("Background color is either white or generation"
                              " dependent"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "background", background)

        radial = EnumeratedListOption(_('Orientation of radial texts'),
        radial.add_item(RADIAL_UPRIGHT, _('upright'))
        radial.add_item(RADIAL_ROUNDABOUT, _('roundabout'))
        radial.set_help(_("Print radial texts upright or roundabout"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "radial", radial)
        draw_empty = BooleanOption(_("Draw empty boxes"), True)
        draw_empty.set_help(_("Draw the background "
                              "although there is no information"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "draw_empty", draw_empty)

        same_style = BooleanOption(_("Use one font style "
                                     "for all generations"), True)
        same_style.set_help(_("You can customize font and color "
                              "for each generation in the style editor"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "same_style", same_style)

        category_name = _("Report Options (2)")

        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)
Example #46
    def add_menu_options(self, menu):
        category_name = _("Report Options")
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)

        self.__filter = FilterOption(_("Filter"), 0)
            _("Determines what people are included in the graph"))
        add_option("filter", self.__filter)
        self.__filter.connect('value-changed', self.__filter_changed)

        self.__pid = PersonOption(_("Center Person"))
        self.__pid.set_help(_("The center person for the report"))
        menu.add_option(category_name, "pid", self.__pid)
        self.__pid.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)

        arrow = EnumeratedListOption(_("Arrowhead direction"), 'd')
        for i in range(0, len(_ARROWS)):
            arrow.add_item(_ARROWS[i]["value"], _ARROWS[i]["name"])
        arrow.set_help(_("Choose the direction that the arrows point."))
        add_option("arrow", arrow)

        color = EnumeratedListOption(_("Graph coloring"), 'filled')
        for i in range(0, len(_COLORS)):
            color.add_item(_COLORS[i]["value"], _COLORS[i]["name"])
            _("Males will be shown with blue, females "
              "with red.  If the sex of an individual "
              "is unknown it will be shown with gray."))
        add_option("color", color)

        # see bug report #2180
        roundedcorners = BooleanOption(_("Use rounded corners"), False)
            _("Use rounded corners to differentiate "
              "between women and men."))
        add_option("useroundedcorners", roundedcorners)

        # see bug report #11112
        hexagons = BooleanOption(_("Use hexagons"), False)
            _("Use hexagons to differentiate "
              "those of unknown gender."))
        add_option("usehexagons", hexagons)

        stdoptions.add_gramps_id_option(menu, category_name, ownline=True)

        category_name = _("Report Options (2)")
        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)

        self._nf = stdoptions.add_name_format_option(menu, category_name)
        self._nf.connect('value-changed', self.__update_filters)


        stdoptions.add_private_data_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_living_people_option(menu, category_name)

        locale_opt = stdoptions.add_localization_option(menu, category_name)

        stdoptions.add_date_format_option(menu, category_name, locale_opt)

        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Include"))

        self.event_choice = EnumeratedListOption(_('Dates and/or Places'), 0)
        self.event_choice.add_item(0, _('Do not include any dates or places'))
            1, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                 'dates, but no places'))
            2, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                 'dates, and places'))
            _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
              'dates, and places if no dates'))
            4, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                 'years, but no places'))
            5, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                 'years, and places'))
            6, _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
                 'places, but no dates'))
            _('Include (birth, marriage, death) '
              'dates and places on same line'))
        self.event_choice.set_help(_("Whether to include dates and/or places"))
        add_option("event_choice", self.event_choice)

        show_family_leaves = BooleanOption(_("Show all family nodes"), True)
            _("Show family nodes even if the output "
              "contains only one member of the family."))
        add_option("show_family_leaves", show_family_leaves)

        url = BooleanOption(_("Include URLs"), False)
            _("Include a URL in each graph node so "
              "that PDF and imagemap files can be "
              "generated that contain active links "
              "to the files generated by the 'Narrated "
              "Web Site' report."))
        add_option("url", url)

        self.__show_relships = BooleanOption(
            _("Include relationship to center person"), False)
            _("Whether to show every person's "
              "relationship to the center person"))
        add_option("increlname", self.__show_relships)

        self.__include_images = BooleanOption(
            _('Include thumbnail images of people'), False)
            _("Whether to include thumbnails of people."))
        add_option("includeImages", self.__include_images)
        self.__include_images.connect('value-changed', self.__image_changed)

        self.__image_on_side = EnumeratedListOption(_("Thumbnail Location"), 0)
        self.__image_on_side.add_item(0, _('Above the name'))
        self.__image_on_side.add_item(1, _('Beside the name'))
            _("Where the thumbnail image should appear relative to the name"))
        add_option("imageOnTheSide", self.__image_on_side)

        #occupation = BooleanOption(_("Include occupation"), False)
        occupation = EnumeratedListOption(_('Include occupation'), 0)
        occupation.add_item(0, _('Do not include any occupation'))
            1, _('Include description '
                 'of most recent occupation'))
            2, _('Include date, description and place '
                 'of all occupations'))
        occupation.set_help(_("Whether to include the last occupation"))
        add_option("occupation", occupation)

        if __debug__:
            self.__show_ga_gb = BooleanOption(
                _("Include relationship "
                  "debugging numbers also"), False)
                _("Whether to include 'Ga' and 'Gb' "
                  "also, to debug the relationship "
            add_option("advrelinfo", self.__show_ga_gb)

        add_option = partial(menu.add_option, _("Graph Style"))

        color_males = ColorOption(_('Males'), '#e0e0ff')
        color_males.set_help(_('The color to use to display men.'))
        add_option('colormales', color_males)

        color_females = ColorOption(_('Females'), '#ffe0e0')
        color_females.set_help(_('The color to use to display women.'))
        add_option('colorfemales', color_females)

        color_unknown = ColorOption(_('Unknown'), '#e0e0e0')
            _('The color to use when the gender is unknown.'))
        add_option('colorunknown', color_unknown)

        color_family = ColorOption(_('Families'), '#ffffe0')
        color_family.set_help(_('The color to use to display families.'))
        add_option('colorfamilies', color_family)

        dashed = BooleanOption(
            _("Indicate non-birth relationships with dotted lines"), True)
            _("Non-birth relationships will show up "
              "as dotted lines in the graph."))
        add_option("dashed", dashed)

        showfamily = BooleanOption(_("Show family nodes"), True)
            _("Families will show up as ellipses, linked "
              "to parents and children."))
        add_option("showfamily", showfamily)

        use_subgraphs = EnumeratedListOption(_('Parent grouping'), 0)
        use_subgraphs.add_item(0, _('Normal'))
        use_subgraphs.add_item(1, _('Parents together'))
        use_subgraphs.add_item(2, _('Parents offset'))
            _("In the 'Normal' setting parents will be located to keep most "
              "lines short.\n"
              "The 'Parents together' setting can help position "
              "spouses next to each other, but with non-trivial graphs will "
              "result in longer lines and larger graphs.\n"
              "The Parents offset setting will also try to put spouses near "
              "each other, however they will be offset from each other.  This "
              "will tend to make graphs with many people in a generation more "
        add_option("usesubgraphs", use_subgraphs)