Example #1
    def write_people(self):
        """ write the people """


        # If we're going to attempt to include images, then use the HTML style
        # of .gv file.
        use_html_output = False
        if self._incimages:
            use_html_output = True

        # loop through all the people we need to output
        for handle in sorted(self._people): # enable a diff
            person = self._db.get_person_from_handle(handle)
            name = self._name_display.display(person)
            p_id = person.get_gramps_id()

            # figure out what colour to use
            gender = person.get_gender()
            colour = self._colorunknown
            if gender == Person.MALE:
                colour = self._colormales
            elif gender == Person.FEMALE:
                colour = self._colorfemales

            # see if we have surname colours that match this person
            surname = person.get_primary_name().get_surname()
            surname = surname.encode('iso-8859-1', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
            if surname in self._surnamecolors:
                colour = self._surnamecolors[surname]

            # see if we have a birth/death or fallback dates we can use
            if self._incdates or self._incplaces:
                bth_event = get_birth_or_fallback(self._db, person)
                dth_event = get_death_or_fallback(self._db, person)
                bth_event = None
                dth_event = None

            # output the birth or fallback event
            birth_str = None
            if bth_event and self._incdates:
                date = bth_event.get_date_object()
                if self._just_years and date.get_year_valid():
                    birth_str = self._get_date( # localized year
                    birth_str = self._get_date(date)

            # get birth place (one of:  hamlet, village, town, city, parish,
            # county, province, region, state or country)
            birthplace = None
            if bth_event and self._incplaces:
                birthplace = self.get_event_place(bth_event)

            # see if we have a deceased date we can use
            death_str = None
            if dth_event and self._incdates:
                date = dth_event.get_date_object()
                if self._just_years and date.get_year_valid():
                    death_str = self._get_date( # localized year
                    death_str = self._get_date(date)

            # get death place (one of:  hamlet, village, town, city, parish,
            # county, province, region, state or country)
            deathplace = None
            if dth_event and self._incplaces:
                deathplace = self.get_event_place(dth_event)

            # see if we have an image to use for this person
            image_path = None
            if self._incimages:
                media_list = person.get_media_list()
                if len(media_list) > 0:
                    media_handle = media_list[0].get_reference_handle()
                    media = self._db.get_media_from_handle(media_handle)
                    media_mime_type = media.get_mime_type()
                    if media_mime_type[0:5] == "image":
                        image_path = get_thumbnail_path(
                            media_path_full(self._db, media.get_path()),

            # put the label together and output this person
            label = ""
            line_delimiter = '\\n'
            if use_html_output:
                line_delimiter = '<BR/>'

            # if we have an image, then start an HTML table;
            # remember to close the table afterwards!
            if image_path:
                label = ('<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="2" CELLPADDING="0" '
                         'CELLBORDER="0"><TR><TD><IMG SRC="%s"/></TD>' %
                if self._imageonside == 0:
                    label += '</TR><TR>'
                label += '<TD>'

            # at the very least, the label must have the person's name
            name = name.replace('"', '&#34;')
            label += name.replace('<', '&#60;').replace('>', '&#62;')
            if self.includeid == 1: # same line
                label += " (%s)" % p_id
            elif self.includeid == 2: # own line
                label += "%s(%s)" % (line_delimiter, p_id)

            if birth_str or death_str:
                label += '%s(' % line_delimiter
                if birth_str:
                    label += '%s' % birth_str
                label += ' – '
                if death_str:
                    label += '%s' % death_str
                label += ')'
            if birthplace or deathplace:
                if birthplace == deathplace:
                    deathplace = None    # no need to print the same name twice
                label += '%s' % line_delimiter
                if birthplace:
                    label += '%s' % birthplace
                if birthplace and deathplace:
                    label += ' / '
                if deathplace:
                    label += '%s' % deathplace

            # see if we have a table that needs to be terminated
            if image_path:
                label += '</TD></TR></TABLE>'
                # non html label is enclosed by "" so escape other "
                label = label.replace('"', '\\\"')

            shape = "box"
            style = "solid"
            border = colour
            fill = colour

            # do not use colour if this is B&W outline
            if self._colorize == 'outline':
                border = ""
                fill = ""

            if gender == person.FEMALE and ("f" in self._useroundedcorners):
                style = "rounded"
            elif gender == person.MALE and ("m" in self._useroundedcorners):
                style = "rounded"
            elif gender == person.UNKNOWN:
                shape = "hexagon"

            # if we're filling the entire node:
            if self._colorize == 'filled':
                style += ",filled"
                border = ""

            # we're done -- add the node
Example #2
    def get_person_label(self, person):
        "return person label string"
        # see if we have an image to use for this person
        image_path = None
        if self.use_html_output:
            media_list = person.get_media_list()
            if len(media_list) > 0:
                media_handle = media_list[0].get_reference_handle()
                media = self._db.get_media_from_handle(media_handle)
                media_mime_type = media.get_mime_type()
                if media_mime_type[0:5] == "image":
                    image_path = get_thumbnail_path(
                        media_path_full(self._db, media.get_path()),
                    # test if thumbnail actually exists in thumbs
                    # (import of data means media files might not be present
                    image_path = find_file(image_path)

        label = ""
        line_delimiter = '\\n'

        # If we have an image, then start an HTML table; remember to close
        # the table afterwards!
        # This isn't a free-form HTML format here...just a few keywords that
        # happen to be
        # similar to keywords commonly seen in HTML.  For additional
        # information on what
        # is allowed, see:
        #       http://www.graphviz.org/info/shapes.html#html
        if self.use_html_output and image_path:
            line_delimiter = '<BR/>'
            label += '<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="2" CELLPADDING="0" '
            label += 'CELLBORDER="0"><TR><TD></TD><TD>'
            label += '<IMG SRC="%s"/></TD><TD></TD>' % image_path
            if self.imgpos == 0:
                #trick it into not stretching the image
                label += '</TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="3">'
                label += '<TD>'
            #no need for html label with this person
            self.use_html_output = False

        # at the very least, the label must have the person's name
        p_name = self._name_display.display(person)
        if self.use_html_output:
            # avoid < and > in the name, as this is html text
            label += p_name.replace('<', '&#60;').replace('>', '&#62;')
            label += p_name
        p_id = person.get_gramps_id()
        if self.includeid == 1: # same line
            label += " (%s)" % p_id
        elif self.includeid == 2: # own line
            label += "%s(%s)" % (line_delimiter, p_id)
        if self.event_choice != 0:
            b_date, d_date, b_place, d_place, b_type, d_type = \
            if self.event_choice in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and (b_date or d_date):
                label += '%s(' % line_delimiter
                if b_date:
                    label += '%s' % b_date
                label += ' - '
                if d_date:
                    label += '%s' % d_date
                label += ')'
            if (self.event_choice in [2, 3, 5, 6] and
                    (b_place or d_place) and
                    not (self.event_choice == 3 and (b_date or d_date))
                label += '%s(' % line_delimiter
                if b_place:
                    label += '%s' % b_place
                label += ' - '
                if d_place:
                    label += '%s' % d_place
                label += ')'
        if self.event_choice == 7:
            if b_type:
                label += '%s%s' % (line_delimiter, b_type.get_abbreviation())
                if b_date:
                    label += ' %s' % b_date
                if b_place:
                    label += ' %s' % b_place

            if d_type:
                label += '%s%s' % (line_delimiter, d_type.get_abbreviation())
                if d_date:
                    label += ' %s' % d_date
                if d_place:
                    label += ' %s' % d_place

        if self.increlname and self.center_person != person:
            # display relationship info
            if self.advrelinfo:
                (relationship, _ga, _gb) = self.rel_calc.get_one_relationship(
                    self._db, self.center_person, person,
                    extra_info=True, olocale=self._locale)
                if relationship:
                    label += "%s(%s Ga=%d Gb=%d)" % (line_delimiter,
                                                     relationship, _ga, _gb)
                relationship = self.rel_calc.get_one_relationship(
                    self._db, self.center_person, person,
                if relationship:
                    label += "%s(%s)" % (line_delimiter, relationship)

        if self.occupation > 0:
            event_refs = person.get_primary_event_ref_list()
            events = [event for event in
                       for ref in event_refs]
                      if event.get_type() == EventType(EventType.OCCUPATION)]
            if len(events) > 0:
                events.sort(key=lambda x: x.get_date_object())
                if self.occupation == 1:
                    occupation = events[-1].get_description()
                    if occupation:
                        label += "%s(%s)" % (line_delimiter, occupation)
                elif self.occupation == 2:
                    for evt in events:
                        date = self.get_date_string(evt)
                        place = self.get_place_string(evt)
                        desc = evt.get_description()
                        if not date and not desc and not place:
                        label += '%s(' % line_delimiter
                        if date:
                            label += '%s' % date
                            if desc:
                                label += ' '
                        if desc:
                            label += '%s' % desc
                        if place:
                            if date or desc:
                                label += self._(', ') # Arabic OK
                            label += '%s' % place
                        label += ')'

        # see if we have a table that needs to be terminated
        if self.use_html_output:
            label += '</TD></TR></TABLE>'
            return label
            # non html label is enclosed by "" so escape other "
            return label.replace('"', '\\\"')
Example #3
    def get_person_label(self, person):
        "return person label string"
        # see if we have an image to use for this person
        image_path = None
        if self.use_html_output:
            media_list = person.get_media_list()
            if len(media_list) > 0:
                media_handle = media_list[0].get_reference_handle()
                media = self._db.get_media_from_handle(media_handle)
                media_mime_type = media.get_mime_type()
                if media_mime_type[0:5] == "image":
                    image_path = get_thumbnail_path(
                        media_path_full(self._db, media.get_path()),
                    # test if thumbnail actually exists in thumbs
                    # (import of data means media files might not be present
                    image_path = find_file(image_path)

        label = ""
        line_delimiter = '\\n'

        # If we have an image, then start an HTML table; remember to close
        # the table afterwards!
        # This isn't a free-form HTML format here...just a few keywords that
        # happen to be
        # similar to keywords commonly seen in HTML.  For additional
        # information on what
        # is allowed, see:
        #       http://www.graphviz.org/info/shapes.html#html
        if self.use_html_output and image_path:
            line_delimiter = '<BR/>'
            label += '<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="2" CELLPADDING="0" '
            label += 'CELLBORDER="0"><TR><TD></TD><TD>'
            label += '<IMG SRC="%s"/></TD><TD></TD>' % image_path
            if self.imgpos == 0:
                #trick it into not stretching the image
                label += '</TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="3">'
                label += '<TD>'
            #no need for html label with this person
            self.use_html_output = False

        # at the very least, the label must have the person's name
        p_name = self._name_display.display(person)
        if self.use_html_output:
            # avoid < and > in the name, as this is html text
            label += p_name.replace('<', '&#60;').replace('>', '&#62;')
            label += p_name
        p_id = person.get_gramps_id()
        if self.includeid == 1:  # same line
            label += " (%s)" % p_id
        elif self.includeid == 2:  # own line
            label += "%s(%s)" % (line_delimiter, p_id)
        if self.event_choice != 0:
            b_date, d_date, b_place, d_place, b_type, d_type = \
            if self.event_choice in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and (b_date or d_date):
                label += '%s(' % line_delimiter
                if b_date:
                    label += '%s' % b_date
                label += ' - '
                if d_date:
                    label += '%s' % d_date
                label += ')'
            if (self.event_choice in [2, 3, 5, 6] and (b_place or d_place)
                    and not (self.event_choice == 3 and (b_date or d_date))):
                label += '%s(' % line_delimiter
                if b_place:
                    label += '%s' % b_place
                label += ' - '
                if d_place:
                    label += '%s' % d_place
                label += ')'
        if self.event_choice == 7:
            if b_type:
                label += '%s%s' % (line_delimiter, b_type.get_abbreviation())
                if b_date:
                    label += ' %s' % b_date
                if b_place:
                    label += ' %s' % b_place

            if d_type:
                label += '%s%s' % (line_delimiter, d_type.get_abbreviation())
                if d_date:
                    label += ' %s' % d_date
                if d_place:
                    label += ' %s' % d_place

        if self.increlname and self.center_person != person:
            # display relationship info
            if self.advrelinfo:
                (relationship, _ga, _gb) = self.rel_calc.get_one_relationship(
                if relationship:
                    label += "%s(%s Ga=%d Gb=%d)" % (line_delimiter,
                                                     relationship, _ga, _gb)
                relationship = self.rel_calc.get_one_relationship(
                    self._db, self.center_person, person, olocale=self._locale)
                if relationship:
                    label += "%s(%s)" % (line_delimiter, relationship)

        if self.occupation > 0:
            event_refs = person.get_primary_event_ref_list()
            events = [
                event for event in [
                    for ref in event_refs
                ] if event.get_type() == EventType(EventType.OCCUPATION)
            if len(events) > 0:
                events.sort(key=lambda x: x.get_date_object())
                if self.occupation == 1:
                    occupation = events[-1].get_description()
                    if occupation:
                        label += "%s(%s)" % (line_delimiter, occupation)
                elif self.occupation == 2:
                    for evt in events:
                        date = self.get_date_string(evt)
                        place = self.get_place_string(evt)
                        desc = evt.get_description()
                        if not date and not desc and not place:
                        label += '%s(' % line_delimiter
                        if date:
                            label += '%s' % date
                            if desc:
                                label += ' '
                        if desc:
                            label += '%s' % desc
                        if place:
                            if date or desc:
                                label += ', '
                            label += '%s' % place
                        label += ')'

        # see if we have a table that needs to be terminated
        if self.use_html_output:
            label += '</TD></TR></TABLE>'
            return label
            # non html label is enclosed by "" so escape other "
            return label.replace('"', '\\\"')
Example #4
    def __write_gallery(self, thumbs, mediapath):
        This procedure writes out the media

        LOG.info('Looking at gallery')

        from gramps.gen.utils.thumbnails import get_thumbnail_path

        # full clear line for proper styling

        fullclear = Html("div", class_="fullclear", inline=True)

        LOG.info('Start to enumerate for gallery')

        for i, thumb in enumerate(thumbs):

            # list of tuples [('',''),('','')]

            if (list(thumb)[0])[0] == 'src':
                src = (list(thumb)[0])[1]
                src = 'No src'

            if (list(thumb)[1])[0] == 'mime':
                mime = (list(thumb)[1])[1]
                mime = 'No mime'

            if (list(thumb)[2])[0] == 'checksum':
                checksum = (list(thumb)[2])[1]
                checksum = 'No checksum'

            if (list(thumb)[2])[0] == 'description':
                description = (list(thumb)[2])[1]
            elif len(thumb) == 4:
                description = (list(thumb)[3])[1]
                description = 'No description'

            # relative and absolute paths

            src = os.path.join(mediapath, src)

            # windows OS ???
            if not src.startswith("/"):
                src = os.path.join(USER_HOME, src)


            # only images

            if mime.startswith("image"):
                thumb = get_thumbnail_path(str(src),
                self.text += Html('img', src=str(thumb), mtype=str(mime))
                self.text += fullclear
                self.text += Html('a',
                self.text += fullclear

        return self.text
Example #5
    def get_person_label(self, person):
        "return person label string"
        # see if we have an image to use for this person
        imagePath = None
        if self.bUseHtmlOutput:
            mediaList = person.get_media_list()
            if len(mediaList) > 0:
                mediaHandle = mediaList[0].get_reference_handle()
                media = self.database.get_object_from_handle(mediaHandle)
                mediaMimeType = media.get_mime_type()
                if mediaMimeType[0:5] == "image":
                    imagePath = get_thumbnail_path(
                    # test if thumbnail actually exists in thumbs
                    # (import of data means media files might not be present
                    imagePath = find_file(imagePath)

        label = ""
        lineDelimiter = '\\n'

        # If we have an image, then start an HTML table; remember to close
        # the table afterwards!
        # This isn't a free-form HTML format here...just a few keywords that
        # happen to be
        # similar to keywords commonly seen in HTML.  For additional
        # information on what
        # is allowed, see:
        #       http://www.graphviz.org/info/shapes.html#html
        if self.bUseHtmlOutput and imagePath:
            lineDelimiter = '<BR/>'
            label += '<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="2" CELLPADDING="0" CELLBORDER="0"><TR><TD></TD><TD><IMG SRC="%s"/></TD><TD></TD>'  % imagePath
            if self.imgpos == 0:
                #trick it into not stretching the image
                label += '</TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="3">'
            else :
                label += '<TD>'
        else :
            #no need for html label with this person
            self.bUseHtmlOutput = False

        # at the very least, the label must have the person's name
        nm = self._name_display.display(person)
        if self.bUseHtmlOutput :
            # avoid < and > in the name, as this is html text
            label += nm.replace('<', '&#60;').replace('>', '&#62;')
        else :
            label += nm
        p_id = person.get_gramps_id()
        if self.includeid == 1: # same line
            label += " (%s)" % p_id
        elif self.includeid == 2: # own line
            label += "%s(%s)" % (lineDelimiter, p_id)
        if self.event_choice != 0:
            b_date, d_date, b_place, d_place = self.get_event_strings(person)
            if self.event_choice in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and (b_date or d_date):
                label += '%s(' % lineDelimiter
                if b_date:
                    label += '%s' % b_date
                label += ' - '
                if d_date:
                    label += '%s' % d_date
                label += ')'
            if (self.event_choice in [2, 3, 5, 6] and
                (b_place or d_place) and
                not (self.event_choice == 3 and (b_date or d_date))
                label += '%s(' % lineDelimiter
                if b_place:
                    label += '%s' % b_place
                label += ' - '
                if d_place:
                    label += '%s' % d_place
                label += ')'

        if self.increlname and self.center_person != person:
            # display relationship info
            if self.advrelinfo:
                (relationship, Ga, Gb) = self.rel_calc.get_one_relationship(
                            self.database, self.center_person, person,
                            extra_info=True, olocale=self._locale)
                if relationship:
                    label += "%s(%s Ga=%d Gb=%d)" % (lineDelimiter,
                                                     relationship, Ga, Gb)
                relationship = self.rel_calc.get_one_relationship(
                            self.database, self.center_person, person,
                if relationship:
                    label += "%s(%s)" % (lineDelimiter, relationship)

        # see if we have a table that needs to be terminated
        if self.bUseHtmlOutput:
            label += '</TD></TR></TABLE>'
            return label
        else :
            # non html label is enclosed by "" so escape other "
            return label.replace('"', '\\\"')
Example #6
    def get_person_label(self, person):
        "return person label string"
        # see if we have an image to use for this person
        imagePath = None
        if self.bUseHtmlOutput:
            mediaList = person.get_media_list()
            if len(mediaList) > 0:
                mediaHandle = mediaList[0].get_reference_handle()
                media = self.database.get_object_from_handle(mediaHandle)
                mediaMimeType = media.get_mime_type()
                if mediaMimeType[0:5] == "image":
                    imagePath = get_thumbnail_path(
                        media_path_full(self.database, media.get_path()),
                    # test if thumbnail actually exists in thumbs
                    # (import of data means media files might not be present
                    imagePath = find_file(imagePath)

        label = ""
        lineDelimiter = '\\n'

        # If we have an image, then start an HTML table; remember to close
        # the table afterwards!
        # This isn't a free-form HTML format here...just a few keywords that
        # happen to be
        # similar to keywords commonly seen in HTML.  For additional
        # information on what
        # is allowed, see:
        #       http://www.graphviz.org/info/shapes.html#html
        if self.bUseHtmlOutput and imagePath:
            lineDelimiter = '<BR/>'
            label += '<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="2" CELLPADDING="0" CELLBORDER="0"><TR><TD></TD><TD><IMG SRC="%s"/></TD><TD></TD>' % imagePath
            if self.imgpos == 0:
                #trick it into not stretching the image
                label += '</TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="3">'
                label += '<TD>'
            #no need for html label with this person
            self.bUseHtmlOutput = False

        # at the very least, the label must have the person's name
        nm = self._name_display.display(person)
        if self.bUseHtmlOutput:
            # avoid < and > in the name, as this is html text
            label += nm.replace('<', '&#60;').replace('>', '&#62;')
            label += nm
        p_id = person.get_gramps_id()
        if self.includeid == 1:  # same line
            label += " (%s)" % p_id
        elif self.includeid == 2:  # own line
            label += "%s(%s)" % (lineDelimiter, p_id)
        if self.event_choice != 0:
            b_date, d_date, b_place, d_place = self.get_event_strings(person)
            if self.event_choice in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and (b_date or d_date):
                label += '%s(' % lineDelimiter
                if b_date:
                    label += '%s' % b_date
                label += ' - '
                if d_date:
                    label += '%s' % d_date
                label += ')'
            if (self.event_choice in [2, 3, 5, 6] and (b_place or d_place)
                    and not (self.event_choice == 3 and (b_date or d_date))):
                label += '%s(' % lineDelimiter
                if b_place:
                    label += '%s' % b_place
                label += ' - '
                if d_place:
                    label += '%s' % d_place
                label += ')'

        if self.increlname and self.center_person != person:
            # display relationship info
            if self.advrelinfo:
                (relationship, Ga,
                 Gb) = self.rel_calc.get_one_relationship(self.database,
                if relationship:
                    label += "%s(%s Ga=%d Gb=%d)" % (lineDelimiter,
                                                     relationship, Ga, Gb)
                relationship = self.rel_calc.get_one_relationship(
                if relationship:
                    label += "%s(%s)" % (lineDelimiter, relationship)

        # see if we have a table that needs to be terminated
        if self.bUseHtmlOutput:
            label += '</TD></TR></TABLE>'
            return label
            # non html label is enclosed by "" so escape other "
            return label.replace('"', '\\\"')
Example #7
    def write_person(self, person):
        newline = '<br/>'
        label = '<table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" cellborder="0"><tr><td>'

        media_list = person.get_media_list()
        if len(media_list) > 0:
            media_handle = media_list[0].get_reference_handle()
            media = self.database.get_media_from_handle(media_handle)
            media_mime_type = media.get_mime_type()
            if media_mime_type[0:5] == "image":
                image_path = get_thumbnail_path(
                    media_path_full(self.database, media.get_path()),
                if image_path:
                    label += '<img src="%s"/></td><td>' % image_path

        label += self._name_display.display(person)
        label += ' %s' % self.symbols[person.get_gender()]

        for event_ref in person.get_primary_event_ref_list():
            event = self.database.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref)
            if event.get_type() == EventType.NOB_TITLE:
                label += '<br/>%s' % place_displayer.display_event(
                    self.database, event)
                if event.get_description():
                    label += ' (%s)' % event.get_description()
                label += ' %s' % self._get_date(event.get_date_object())

        birth = get_birth_or_fallback(self.database, person)
        if birth:
            birth_symbol = self.symbols['birth']
            fam_handle = person.get_main_parents_family_handle()
            if fam_handle:
                family = self.database.get_family_from_handle(fam_handle)
                if (family.type == FamilyRelType.UNMARRIED):
                    birth_symbol = self.symbols['illegitimate']

            birthdate = self._get_date(birth.get_date_object())
            birthplace = place_displayer.display_event(self.database, birth)

            label += '<br/>%s' % birth_symbol
            if birthdate:
                label += ' %s' % birthdate
            if birth.description:
                label += ' (%s)' % birth.description
            if birthplace:
                label += ' %s' % birthplace

        death = get_death_or_fallback(self.database, person)
        if death:
            deathdate = self._get_date(death.get_date_object())
            deathplace = place_displayer.display_event(self.database, death)

            label += '<br/>%s ' % self.symbols['death']
            if deathdate:
                label += ' %s' % deathdate
            if death.description:
                label += ' (%s)' % death.description
            if deathplace:
                label += ' %s' % deathplace

        for event_ref in person.get_primary_event_ref_list():
            event = self.database.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref)
            if event.get_type() == EventType.MILITARY_SERV:
                for attribute in event_ref.get_attribute_list():
                    if ((attribute.get_type() == AttributeType.DESCRIPTION)
                            and (attribute.get_value() == 'Killed in Action')):
                        label += '<br/>%s %s' % (self.symbols['kia'],

        label += '</td></tr></table>'

                          style='%s,filled' %
Example #8
    def __write_gallery(self, thumbs, mediapath):
        This procedure writes out the media

        LOG.info("Looking at gallery")

        from gramps.gen.utils.thumbnails import get_thumbnail_path

        # full clear line for proper styling

        fullclear = Html("div", class_="fullclear", inline=True)

        LOG.info("Start to enumerate for gallery")
        # LOG.debug(thumbs)

        for i, thumb in enumerate(thumbs):

            # list of tuples [('',''),('','')]

            if (list(thumb)[0])[0] == "src":
                src = (list(thumb)[0])[1]
                src = "No src"
            # LOG.debug(src)

            if (list(thumb)[1])[0] == "mime":
                mime = (list(thumb)[1])[1]
                mime = "No mime"
            # LOG.debug(mime)

            if (list(thumb)[2])[0] == "checksum":
                checksum = (list(thumb)[2])[1]
                checksum = "No checksum"
            # LOG.debug(checksum)

            if (list(thumb)[2])[0] == "description":
                description = (list(thumb)[2])[1]
            elif len(thumb) == 4:
                description = (list(thumb)[3])[1]
                description = "No description"
            # LOG.debug(description)

            # relative and absolute paths

            src = os.path.join(mediapath, src)

            # windows OS ???
            if not src.startswith("/"):
                src = os.path.join(USER_HOME, src)

            # LOG.debug(src)

            # only images

            if mime.startswith("image"):
                thumb = get_thumbnail_path(str(src), mtype=None, rectangle=None)
                # LOG.debug(thumb)
                self.text += Html("img", src=str(thumb), mtype=str(mime))
                self.text += fullclear
                self.text += Html("a", str(description), href=str(src), target="blank", title=str(mime))
                self.text += fullclear

        return self.text