def graph(query): if MIXPANEL_TOKEN: mp.track(request.remote_addr, 'rendered graph') return Response(renderGraph(query.replace(".png","").replace(" ","")),mimetype='image/svg+xml')
def scrape(self): today = getToday() if today = = False # can't set another date and download todayClean = re.sub(r'(\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}).*', r'\1', today) htmlFile = self.settings['cacheDir'] + today + '.html' listFile = self.settings['namesDir'] + today + '.lst' slackChannel = self.settings['slack'].get('channel', None) print('Starting %s' % (today, )) print('HTML file %s' % (htmlFile, )) print('List file %s' % (listFile, )) if ( writeData( Downloader().download(self.settings['teamUrl'], self.args.verbose), htmlFile ) allFiles = listFiles(self.settings['namesDir']) prevListFile = getFilenameBefore( [f for f in allFiles if f[-4:] == '.lst'], listFile ) print('Prev List file %s' % (prevListFile, )) newNameList = HTMLPage(htmlFile).getPeopleNames() print('Found %s new names (incl dogs)' % (len(newNameList), )) if prevListFile: oldNameList = readLines(prevListFile) print('Found %s prev names' % (len(oldNameList), )) ghosts = getMissingNames(oldNameList, newNameList) freshies = getMissingNames(newNameList, oldNameList) print('Found %s ghosts' % (len(ghosts), )) print('Found %s new Freshies' % (len(freshies), )) if self.args.verbose: print('%s is a FreshGhost' % (ghosts, )) print('%s is fresh' % (freshies, )) if self.args.slack: if len(ghosts) or (self.args.newbies and len(newbies)): print('posting', today, freshies, ghosts, slackChannel) postFacesToSlack( self.settings['slack']['endpoint'], today, freshies, ghosts, slackChannel) print('Posted ghosts & freshies to slack channel %s' % (slackChannel, )) else: print('No prev name list found. Is this the start of time?') ghosts = [] freshies = [] if print('Saving new names list to %s' % (listFile, )) writeLines(listFile, newNameList) jsonFileReader = open(self.settings['summaryFile'], 'r') summaryData = json.load(jsonFileReader) summaryData[today] = dict( date=todayClean, count=len(newNameList), additions=len(freshies), removals=len(ghosts), ) jsonFileReader.close() print('Adding to summary json %s' % (self.settings['summaryFile'], )) jsonFileWriter = open(self.settings['summaryFile'], 'w') json.dump(summaryData, jsonFileWriter) jsonFileWriter.close() if self.args.graph: print('Building graph') jsonFileReader = open(self.settings['summaryFile'], 'r') renderGraph( self.settings['graphDir'] + todayClean + '.png', prepareGraphData(json.load(jsonFileReader), todayClean), ) if self.args.slack: postGraphToSlack( self.settings['slack']['endpoint'], todayClean, self.settings['graphURLRoot'] + todayClean + '.png', dict( date=todayClean, count=len(newNameList), additions=len(freshies), removals=len(ghosts), ), slackChannel) print('Posted graph image to slack channel %s' % (slackChannel, )) print('Done')
def graph(query): return Response(renderGraph(query.replace(".png", "").replace(" ", "")), mimetype='image/png')
def graph(query): return Response(renderGraph(query.replace(".png","").replace(" ","")),mimetype='image/png')