Example #1
File: vf.py Project: AleksMa/VF2
    def main(self, g1, g2, now, seconds):
        # output = sys.stdout
        output = sys.stdout

        self.__origin = GraphSet(g1)
        self.__sub = GraphSet(g2)

        # #test usage!
        # print "in main() subVSet: ", self.__sub.curVSet(0)
        # print "in main() graphVSet: ", self.__origin.curVSet(0)
        # print "in main() subVESet: ", self.__sub.curVESet(0)
        # print "in main() gVESet: ", self.__origin.curVESet(0)

        subLen = len(self.__sub.graphSet())
        gLen = len(self.__origin.graphSet())

        for i in range(subLen):
            for j in range(gLen):
                if time.time() - now > seconds:
                    return {}
                result = {}
                result = self.dfsMatch(i, j, result, now, seconds)
                if len(result) == len(self.__sub.curVSet(i)):
                    return result
                    return {}
Example #2
File: vf.py Project: yaolili/VF2
    def main(self, f1, f2):
        output = sys.stdout
        self.__origin = GraphSet(f1)
        self.__sub = GraphSet(f2)
        #test usage!
        print "in main() subVSet: ", self.__sub.curVSet(0)
        print "in main() graphVSet: ", self.__origin.curVSet(0)       
        print "in main() subVESet: ", self.__sub.curVESet(0)
        print "in main() gVESet: ", self.__origin.curVESet(0)

        subLen = len(self.__sub.graphSet())
        gLen = len(self.__origin.graphSet())

        for i in range(subLen):
            for j in range(gLen):
                result = {}
                result = self.dfsMatch(i, j, result)
                if len(result) == len(self.__sub.curVSet(i)):
                    print "Match! %s %d-th graph isomorphism %s %d-th graph!" % (
                        f2, i, f1, j)
                    print result
                    print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
                    print "Mismatch! %s %d-th graph isomerism %s %d-th graph!" % (
                        f2, i, f1, j)
                    print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
Example #3
File: vf.py Project: yaolili/VF2
 def main(self, f1, f2):   
     output = sys.stdout
     self.__origin = GraphSet(f1)
     self.__sub = GraphSet(f2)
     #test usage!
     print "in main() subVSet: ", self.__sub.curVSet(0)
     print "in main() graphVSet: ", self.__origin.curVSet(0)       
     print "in main() subVESet: ", self.__sub.curVESet(0)
     print "in main() gVESet: ", self.__origin.curVESet(0)
     subLen = len(self.__sub.graphSet())
     gLen = len(self.__origin.graphSet())
     for i in range(subLen):          
         for j in range(gLen):
             result = {}        
             result = self.dfsMatch(i, j, result)                              
             if len(result) == len(self.__sub.curVSet(i)):
                 print "Match! %s %d-th graph isomorphism %s %d-th graph!" %(f2, i, f1, j)    
                 print result  
                 print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"                    
                 print "Mismatch! %s %d-th graph isomerism %s %d-th graph!" %(f2, i, f1, j)
                 print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" 
Example #4
File: vf.py Project: yaolili/VF2
class Vf:

    __origin = None
    __sub = None

    def candidate(self, subMNeighbor, gMNeighbor):
        if not (subMNeighbor and gMNeighbor):
            print "Class Vf candidate() arguments value error! subMNeighbor or gMNeighbor is empty!"
        if not (isinstance(subMNeighbor, list)
                and isinstance(gMNeighbor, list)):
            print "Class Vf candidate() arguments type error! type list expected!"
        if not all(isinstance(x, int) for x in subMNeighbor):
            print "Class Vf candidate() arguments type error! int in subMNeighbor list expected!"
        if not all(isinstance(x, int) for x in gMNeighbor):
            print "Class Vf candidate() arguments type error! int in gMNeighbor list expected!"

        pairs = []
        for i in range(len(subMNeighbor)):
            for j in range(len(gMNeighbor)):
                string = str(subMNeighbor[i]) + ":" + str(gMNeighbor[j])
        return pairs

    #type = 0, pre; type = 1, succ
    def preSucc(self, vertexNeighbor, map, type):
        #vertexNeighbor and map can be empty
        if not (isinstance(vertexNeighbor, list) and isinstance(map, list)):
            print "Class Vf preSucc() arguments type error! vertexNeighbor and map expected list!"
        if not (type == 0 or type == 1):
            print "Class Vf preSucc() arguments value error! type expected 0 or 1!"

        result = []
        if type:
            for vertex in vertexNeighbor:
                if vertex not in map:
            for vertex in vertexNeighbor:
                if vertex in map:
        return result

    #type = 0, __sub; type = 1, __origin
    def edgeLabel(self, offset, index1, index2, type):
        if (int(index1) < int(index2)):
            key = str(index1) + ":" + str(index2)
            key = str(index2) + ":" + str(index1)
        if type:
            ESet = self.__origin.curESet(offset)
            ESet = self.__sub.curESet(offset)
        return ESet[key]

    def isMatchInV2Succ(self, j, vertex, edge, v2, v2Succ):
        for succ in v2Succ:
            vLabel = self.__origin.curVSet(j)[succ]
            eLabel = self.edgeLabel(j, v2, succ, 1)
            if vLabel == vertex and eLabel == edge:
                return True
        return False

    def isMeetRules(self, v1, v2, i, j, result, subMap, gMap, subMNeighbor,
        #test usage!
        print "-------------------------------------------"
        print "in isMeetRules() v1: %d, v2: %d" %(v1, v2)
        print "in isMeetRules() result: ", result
        print "in isMeetRules() subMap: ", subMap
        print "in isMeetRules() gMap: ", gMap
        print "in isMeetRules() subMNeighbor: ", subMNeighbor
        print "in isMeetRules() gMNeighbor: ", gMNeighbor

        #compare label of v1 and v2
        subVSet = self.__sub.curVSet(i)
        gVSet = self.__origin.curVSet(j)

        if subVSet[v1] != gVSet[v2]:
            #print "vertex label different!"
            return False

        #notice, when result is empty, first pair should be added when their vertexLabels are the same!
        if not result:
            return True

        v1Neighbor = self.__sub.neighbor(i, v1)
        v2Neighbor = self.__origin.neighbor(j, v2)

        v1Pre = self.preSucc(v1Neighbor, subMap, 0)
        v1Succ = self.preSucc(v1Neighbor, subMap, 1)
        v2Pre = self.preSucc(v2Neighbor, gMap, 0)
        v2Succ = self.preSucc(v2Neighbor, gMap, 1)
        #test usage!
        print "in isMeetRules() v1Neighbor: ", v1Neighbor
        print "in isMeetRules() v2Neighbor: ", v2Neighbor        
        print "in isMeetRules() v1Pre: ", v1Pre
        print "in isMeetRules() v2Pre: ", v2Pre
        print "in isMeetRules() v1Succ: ", v1Succ
        print "in isMeetRules() v2Succ: ", v2Succ

        #3,4 rule
        if (len(v1Pre) > len(v2Pre)):
            #print "len(v1Pre) > len(v2Pre)!"
            return False

        for pre in v1Pre:
            if result[pre] not in v2Pre:
                #print "v1Pre not in v2Pre!"
                return False
            if self.edgeLabel(i, v1, pre, 0) != self.edgeLabel(
                    j, v2, result[pre], 1):
                #print "eLabel of v1-pre different with eLabel of v2-result[pre]!"
                return False
        if(len(v1Succ) > len(v2Succ)):
            #print "len(v1Succ) > len(v2Succ)!"
            return False
        for succ in v1Succ:
            vertex = self.__sub.curVSet(i)[succ]
            edge = self.edgeLabel(i, v1, succ, 0)
            if not self.isMatchInV2Succ(j, vertex, edge, v2, v2Succ):
                #print "not self.isMatchInV2Succ()"
                return False

        #5,6 rules
        len1 = len(set(v1Neighbor) & set(subMNeighbor))
        len2 = len(set(v2Neighbor) & set(gMNeighbor))
        if len1 > len2:
            #print "5,6 rules mismatch!"
            return False

        #7 rule
        len1 = len(
            set(self.__sub.curVSet(i).keys()) - set(subMNeighbor) -
        len2 = len(
            set(self.__origin.curVSet(j).keys()) - set(gMNeighbor) -
        if len1 > len2:
            #print "7 rule mismatch!"
            return False

        return True

    def dfsMatch(self, i, j, result):
        #print "in dfsMatch() result: ", result
        if not isinstance(result, dict):
            print "Class Vf dfsMatch() arguments type error! result expected dict!"

        curMap = Map(result)
        #test usage!
        print "in dfsMatch() curMap.subMap() : ", curMap.subMap()
        print "in dfsMatch() curMap.subMap() length: ", len(curMap.subMap())
        print "in dfsMatch() self.__sub.curVSet(i) : ", self.__sub.curVSet(i)
        print "in dfsMatch() self.__sub.curVSet(i) length: ", len(self.__sub.curVSet(i))

        if curMap.isCovered(self.__sub.curVSet(i)):
            print "yes!"
            return result

        subMNeighbor = curMap.neighbor(i, self.__sub, 0, True)
        gMNeighbor = curMap.neighbor(j, self.__origin, 1, True)

        if not (subMNeighbor and gMNeighbor):
            print "Class Vf dfsMatch(), subMNeighbor or gMNeighbor is empty!"

        subNMNeighbor = curMap.neighbor(i, self.__sub, 0, False)
        gNMNeighbor = curMap.neighbor(j, self.__origin, 1, False)
        #print "in dfsMatch() subNMNeighbor: ", subNMNeighbor
        #print "in dfsMatch() gNMNeighbor: ", gNMNeighbor

        #notice, choose one vertex in subGraphNeighbor is ok
        while (len(subNMNeighbor) > 1):
        #test usage!
        print "Class Vf dfsMatch() curMap.subMap(): ", curMap.subMap()
        print "Class Vf dfsMatch() curMap.gMap(): ", curMap.gMap()
        print "Class Vf dfsMatch() subMNeighbor: ", subMNeighbor
        print "Class Vf dfsMatch() gMNeighbor: ", gMNeighbor
        print "Class Vf dfsMatch() result: ", result
        pairs = self.candidate(subMNeighbor, gMNeighbor)
        print "Class Vf dfsMatch() pairs: ", pairs

        pairs = self.candidate(subNMNeighbor, gNMNeighbor)
        if not pairs:
            return result

        for pair in pairs:
            v1, v2 = pair.strip().split(":")
            if (self.isMeetRules(int(v1),
                                 int(v2), i, j, result, curMap.subMap(),
                                 curMap.gMap(), subMNeighbor, gMNeighbor)):
                result[int(v1)] = int(v2)
                self.dfsMatch(i, j, result)
                #notice, it's important to return result when len(result) == len(self.__sub.curVSet(i))
                #otherwise it will continue to pop
                if len(result) == len(self.__sub.curVSet(i)):
                    return result
        return result

    def main(self, f1, f2):
        output = sys.stdout
        self.__origin = GraphSet(f1)
        self.__sub = GraphSet(f2)
        #test usage!
        print "in main() subVSet: ", self.__sub.curVSet(0)
        print "in main() graphVSet: ", self.__origin.curVSet(0)       
        print "in main() subVESet: ", self.__sub.curVESet(0)
        print "in main() gVESet: ", self.__origin.curVESet(0)

        subLen = len(self.__sub.graphSet())
        gLen = len(self.__origin.graphSet())

        for i in range(subLen):
            for j in range(gLen):
                result = {}
                result = self.dfsMatch(i, j, result)
                if len(result) == len(self.__sub.curVSet(i)):
                    print "Match! %s %d-th graph isomorphism %s %d-th graph!" % (
                        f2, i, f1, j)
                    print result
                    print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
                    print "Mismatch! %s %d-th graph isomerism %s %d-th graph!" % (
                        f2, i, f1, j)
                    print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
Example #5
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from graph import GraphSet
from Candidate import candidate
from NSContain import Contain
from PathChick import path_candidate
from Next_Insstantiation import Instantiation
from RecurSearch import recurMatch
from generateNS import N_Signature

input_fileq = '/Users/gy/PycharmProjects/SpathIso/Data/Q2'
input_fileg = '/Users/gy/PycharmProjects/SpathIso/Data/G3'

Q = GraphSet(input_fileq)
G = GraphSet(input_fileg)

offset = 0

A_Q, A_G = Q.Adjmatrix(offset), G.Adjmatrix(offset)

NSQ, NS_CQ = N_Signature(3, Q.curVSet(offset), A_Q, Q.curLabelSet(offset))
NSG, NS_CG = N_Signature(3, G.curVSet(offset), A_G, G.curLabelSet(offset))

CandidatesInG = candidate(Q.curVSet(offset), G.curVSet(offset))
#print CandidatesInG

VQ_num = len(Q.curVSet(offset))

CandidatesInG_final = [[] for i in range(VQ_num)]

minid = 0
for i in range(VQ_num):
Example #6
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# AUTHOR:   yaolili
# FILE:     test.py
# ROLE:     TODO (some explanation)
# CREATED:  2015-11-28 20:55:11
# MODIFIED: 2015-11-30 20:10:39

import os
import sys
from graph import GraphSet
from map import Map

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print "sys.argv[1]: Graph file"
        print "sys.argv[2]: subGraph file"
    input = GraphSet(sys.argv[1])
    #print input.curGraph(1)
    print "VSet: ", input.curVSet(1)
    print "ESet: ", input.curESet(1)
    print "VESet: ", input.curVESet(1)
    print "graph neighbor: ", input.neighbor(1, 1)
    result = {}
    curMap = Map(result)
    print "isCovered: ", curMap.isCovered(input.curVESet(1))
    neighbor = curMap.neighbor(1, input, 1)
    print "map neighbor: ",neighbor
Example #7
File: vf.py Project: yaolili/VF2
class Vf:

    __origin = None
    __sub = None
    def candidate(self, subMNeighbor, gMNeighbor):
        if not (subMNeighbor and gMNeighbor):
            print "Class Vf candidate() arguments value error! subMNeighbor or gMNeighbor is empty!"
        if not (isinstance(subMNeighbor, list) and isinstance(gMNeighbor, list)):
            print "Class Vf candidate() arguments type error! type list expected!"
        if not all(isinstance(x, int) for x in subMNeighbor):
            print "Class Vf candidate() arguments type error! int in subMNeighbor list expected!"
        if not all(isinstance(x, int) for x in gMNeighbor):
            print "Class Vf candidate() arguments type error! int in gMNeighbor list expected!"        
        pairs = []
        for i in range(len(subMNeighbor)):
            for j in range(len(gMNeighbor)):
                string = str(subMNeighbor[i]) + ":" + str(gMNeighbor[j])
        return pairs

    #type = 0, pre; type = 1, succ    
    def preSucc(self, vertexNeighbor, map, type):
        #vertexNeighbor and map can be empty
        if not (isinstance(vertexNeighbor, list) and isinstance(map, list)):
            print "Class Vf preSucc() arguments type error! vertexNeighbor and map expected list!"
        if not (type == 0 or type == 1):
            print "Class Vf preSucc() arguments value error! type expected 0 or 1!"
        result = []
        if type:
            for vertex in vertexNeighbor:
                if vertex not in map:                   
            for vertex in vertexNeighbor:
                if vertex in map:
        return result
    #type = 0, __sub; type = 1, __origin
    def edgeLabel(self, offset, index1, index2, type):
        if(int(index1) < int(index2)):
            key = str(index1) + ":" + str(index2)
            key = str(index2) + ":" + str(index1)  
        if type:
            ESet = self.__origin.curESet(offset)
            ESet = self.__sub.curESet(offset)       
        return ESet[key] 
    def isMatchInV2Succ(self, j, vertex, edge, v2, v2Succ):
        for succ in v2Succ:
            vLabel = self.__origin.curVSet(j)[succ]
            eLabel = self.edgeLabel(j, v2, succ, 1)
            if vLabel == vertex and eLabel == edge:
                return True
        return False

    def isMeetRules(self, v1, v2, i, j, result, subMap, gMap, subMNeighbor, gMNeighbor):
        #test usage!
        print "-------------------------------------------"
        print "in isMeetRules() v1: %d, v2: %d" %(v1, v2)
        print "in isMeetRules() result: ", result
        print "in isMeetRules() subMap: ", subMap
        print "in isMeetRules() gMap: ", gMap
        print "in isMeetRules() subMNeighbor: ", subMNeighbor
        print "in isMeetRules() gMNeighbor: ", gMNeighbor
        #compare label of v1 and v2
        subVSet = self.__sub.curVSet(i)
        gVSet = self.__origin.curVSet(j)

        if subVSet[v1] != gVSet[v2]:
            #print "vertex label different!"
            return False
        #notice, when result is empty, first pair should be added when their vertexLabels are the same!
        if not result:
            return True
        v1Neighbor = self.__sub.neighbor(i, v1)
        v2Neighbor = self.__origin.neighbor(j, v2)
        v1Pre = self.preSucc(v1Neighbor, subMap, 0)
        v1Succ = self.preSucc(v1Neighbor, subMap, 1)
        v2Pre = self.preSucc(v2Neighbor, gMap, 0)
        v2Succ = self.preSucc(v2Neighbor, gMap, 1)

        #test usage!
        print "in isMeetRules() v1Neighbor: ", v1Neighbor
        print "in isMeetRules() v2Neighbor: ", v2Neighbor        
        print "in isMeetRules() v1Pre: ", v1Pre
        print "in isMeetRules() v2Pre: ", v2Pre
        print "in isMeetRules() v1Succ: ", v1Succ
        print "in isMeetRules() v2Succ: ", v2Succ

        #3,4 rule
        if(len(v1Pre) > len(v2Pre)):
            #print "len(v1Pre) > len(v2Pre)!"
            return False
        for pre in v1Pre:
            if result[pre] not in v2Pre:
                #print "v1Pre not in v2Pre!"
                return False
            if self.edgeLabel(i, v1, pre, 0) != self.edgeLabel(j, v2, result[pre], 1):
                #print "eLabel of v1-pre different with eLabel of v2-result[pre]!"
                return False
        if(len(v1Succ) > len(v2Succ)):
            #print "len(v1Succ) > len(v2Succ)!"
            return False
        for succ in v1Succ:
            vertex = self.__sub.curVSet(i)[succ]
            edge = self.edgeLabel(i, v1, succ, 0)
            if not self.isMatchInV2Succ(j, vertex, edge, v2, v2Succ):
                #print "not self.isMatchInV2Succ()"
                return False
        #5,6 rules
        len1 = len(set(v1Neighbor) & set(subMNeighbor))
        len2 = len(set(v2Neighbor) & set(gMNeighbor))
        if len1 > len2:
            #print "5,6 rules mismatch!"
            return False
        #7 rule     
        len1= len(set(self.__sub.curVSet(i).keys()) - set(subMNeighbor) - set(v1Succ))
        len2 = len(set(self.__origin.curVSet(j).keys()) - set(gMNeighbor) - set(v2Succ))
        if len1 > len2:
            #print "7 rule mismatch!"
            return False        
        return True

    def dfsMatch(self, i, j, result):   
        #print "in dfsMatch() result: ", result
        if not isinstance(result, dict):
            print "Class Vf dfsMatch() arguments type error! result expected dict!"
        curMap = Map(result)
        #test usage!
        print "in dfsMatch() curMap.subMap() : ", curMap.subMap()
        print "in dfsMatch() curMap.subMap() length: ", len(curMap.subMap())
        print "in dfsMatch() self.__sub.curVSet(i) : ", self.__sub.curVSet(i)
        print "in dfsMatch() self.__sub.curVSet(i) length: ", len(self.__sub.curVSet(i))
        if curMap.isCovered(self.__sub.curVSet(i)):
            print "yes!"
            return result
        subMNeighbor = curMap.neighbor(i, self.__sub, 0, True)
        gMNeighbor = curMap.neighbor(j, self.__origin, 1, True)   
        if not (subMNeighbor and gMNeighbor):
            print "Class Vf dfsMatch(), subMNeighbor or gMNeighbor is empty!"
        subNMNeighbor = curMap.neighbor(i, self.__sub, 0, False)
        gNMNeighbor = curMap.neighbor(j, self.__origin, 1, False)
        #print "in dfsMatch() subNMNeighbor: ", subNMNeighbor
        #print "in dfsMatch() gNMNeighbor: ", gNMNeighbor
        #notice, choose one vertex in subGraphNeighbor is ok
        while(len(subNMNeighbor) > 1):

        #test usage!
        print "Class Vf dfsMatch() curMap.subMap(): ", curMap.subMap()
        print "Class Vf dfsMatch() curMap.gMap(): ", curMap.gMap()
        print "Class Vf dfsMatch() subMNeighbor: ", subMNeighbor
        print "Class Vf dfsMatch() gMNeighbor: ", gMNeighbor
        print "Class Vf dfsMatch() result: ", result
        pairs = self.candidate(subMNeighbor, gMNeighbor)
        print "Class Vf dfsMatch() pairs: ", pairs
        pairs = self.candidate(subNMNeighbor, gNMNeighbor)        
        if not pairs:
            return result
        for pair in pairs:        
            v1, v2 = pair.strip().split(":")
            if(self.isMeetRules(int(v1), int(v2), i, j, result, curMap.subMap(), curMap.gMap(), subMNeighbor, gMNeighbor)):
                result[int(v1)] = int(v2)       
                self.dfsMatch(i, j, result)                 
                #notice, it's important to return result when len(result) == len(self.__sub.curVSet(i))
                #otherwise it will continue to pop
                if len(result) == len(self.__sub.curVSet(i)):
                    return result
        return result
    def main(self, f1, f2):   
        output = sys.stdout
        self.__origin = GraphSet(f1)
        self.__sub = GraphSet(f2)
        #test usage!
        print "in main() subVSet: ", self.__sub.curVSet(0)
        print "in main() graphVSet: ", self.__origin.curVSet(0)       
        print "in main() subVESet: ", self.__sub.curVESet(0)
        print "in main() gVESet: ", self.__origin.curVESet(0)
        subLen = len(self.__sub.graphSet())
        gLen = len(self.__origin.graphSet())
        for i in range(subLen):          
            for j in range(gLen):
                result = {}        
                result = self.dfsMatch(i, j, result)                              
                if len(result) == len(self.__sub.curVSet(i)):
                    print "Match! %s %d-th graph isomorphism %s %d-th graph!" %(f2, i, f1, j)    
                    print result  
                    print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"                    
                    print "Mismatch! %s %d-th graph isomerism %s %d-th graph!" %(f2, i, f1, j)
                    print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"