def buildGraph(pbfile, opmap): gdef = tf.GraphDef() gdef.ParseFromString(open(pbfile, 'rb').read()) open('frozen.txt', 'w').write(str(gdef)) def extract(name): n = name # return n n = re.sub(r'^\^', '', n) n = re.sub(r':\d+$', '', n) return n nodedict = OrderedDict() for node in gdef.node: nd = MyGraph.MyNode() = if node.op in opmap: nd.op = opmap[node.op] else: nd.op = node.op nd.input = node.input nd.attr = node.attr nd.input_norm = [extract(i) for i in node.input] nodedict[extract(] = nd mygraph = MyGraph(nodedict) mygraph.type = 'tf' return mygraph
def main(): g = MyGraph(100) graph = g.generate() # graph = g.static() d = DFS() v = d.dfs(g.graph, 1) print v g.render()
def __init__(self, log, splines='ortho'): self.log = log = self.get_TL_set() # all tasks in the log self.ti = self.get_TI_set( ) # tasks that appear at least once as first task of a case = self.get_TO_set( ) # tasks that appear at least once as last task in a case self.ds = self.direct_succession() # direct successors a > b self.cs = self.causality() # causality a -> b <=> a > b and b /> a = self.parallel() # parralelism a > b and b > a self.ind = self.choice() # no direct succession a # b and b # a self.xl = self.get_XL_set( ) # potential task connections (a->b or a->(b#c) or (b#c)->d) self.yl = self.get_YL_set( ) # subset of XL: eliminating a->b and a->c if there exists some a->(b#c), eliminating b->c and b->d if there exists some (b#c)->d. self.G = MyGraph(splines) self.inv_cs = self.inv_causality() # inverse causality
def create_graph(self, filename='graph'): if self.log is None: print( "ERROR: Read log file and build model before creating graph.") return elif self.TL_set is None: print("ERROR: Build model before creating graph.") return causality = self.causalities_dict parallel_events = self.parallel_tasks_set inv_causality = self.inv_causalities_dict ''' Code below is copied from this site: However some modifications were made. ''' G = MyGraph() # adding split gateways based on causality for event in causality.keys(): if len(causality[event]) > 1: if tuple(causality[event]) in parallel_events: G.add_and_split_gateway(event, causality[event]) else: G.add_xor_split_gateway(event, causality[event]) # adding merge gateways based on inverted causality for event in inv_causality.keys(): if len(inv_causality[event]) > 1: if tuple(inv_causality[event]) in parallel_events: G.add_and_merge_gateway(inv_causality[event], event) else: G.add_xor_merge_gateway(inv_causality[event], event) elif len(inv_causality[event]) == 1: source = list(inv_causality[event])[0] G.edge(source, event) # adding start event G.add_event("start") if len(self.TI_set) > 1: if tuple(self.TI_set) in parallel_events: G.add_and_split_gateway("start", self.TI_set) else: G.add_xor_split_gateway("start", self.TI_set) else: G.edge("start", list(self.TI_set)[0]) # adding end event G.add_event("end") if len(self.TO_set) > 1: if tuple(self.TO_set) in parallel_events: G.add_and_merge_gateway(self.TO_set, "end") else: G.add_xor_merge_gateway(self.TO_set, "end") else: G.edge(list(self.TO_set)[0], "end") # G.format = 'svg' G.render('graphs/' + filename) G.view('graphs/' + filename)
def buildGraph(config_path, weights_path): unique_config_file = unique_config_sections(config_path) cfg_parser = configparser.ConfigParser() cfg_parser.read_file(unique_config_file) weights_file = open(weights_path, 'rb') # read out major, minor, revision, net.seen readfile(weights_file, (4*4), 'head') mydict = OrderedDict() # record the output of the original layer mylist = [] count = 4 import queue for _section in cfg_parser.sections(): sec_q = queue.Queue(0) sec_q.put(cfg_parser[_section]) while not sec_q.empty(): sec = sec_q.get() section = print('Parsing section {}'.format(section)) # this section will can be a subsection if section.startswith('activation') or section.endswith('activation'): activation = sec.get('activation', fallback = 'logistic') if activation == 'linear': pass elif activation == 'linear' or activation == 'leaky' or activation == 'relu': node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'Leaky' if activation == 'linear': node.slope = 1 elif activation == 'leaky': node.slope = 0.1 elif activation == 'relu': node.slope = 0 node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input #node.attr = [] mydict[] = node prev_output = # prev_layer_filters no change else: raise ValueError( 'Unknown activation function `{}` in section {}'.format( activation, section)) if section.startswith('activation'): mylist.append(section) elif re.match(r'^(convolutional|depthwise|groupwise)_\d+$', section): if section.startswith('convolutional'): conv = 'conv' filters = sec.getint('filters', fallback = 1) groups = 1 op = 'Conv2D' elif section.startswith('depthwise'): conv = 'dconv' filters = prev_layer_filters multiplier = sec.getint('multiplier', fallback = 1) assert multiplier == 1 groups = filters op = 'DepthwiseConv2dNative' elif section.startswith('groupwise'): conv = 'gconv' filters = sec.getint('filters', fallback=1) groups = sec.getint('groups', fallback = 1) op = 'DepthwiseConv2dNative' size = sec.getint('size', fallback = 1) stride = sec.getint('stride', fallback = 1) pad = sec.getint('pad', fallback = 0) padding = sec.getint('padding', fallback = 0) activation = sec.get('activation', fallback = 'logistic') batch_normalize = sec.getint('batch_normalize', 0) # padding='same' is equivalent to Darknet pad=1 # padding = 'same' if pad == 1 else 'valid' if pad: padding = size//2 # Setting weights. # Darknet serializes convolutional weights as: # [bias/beta, [gamma, mean, variance], conv_weights] #prev_layer_shape = prev_layer.shape # TODO: This assumes channel last dim_ordering. if conv == 'conv': weights_shape = (size, size, prev_layer_filters, filters) idx_tf2darknet = [0, 1, 2, 3] elif conv == 'dconv': weights_shape = (size, size, filters) idx_tf2darknet = [0, 1, 2] elif conv == 'gconv': weights_shape = (size, size, prev_layer_filters//groups, filters//groups, groups) idx_tf2darknet = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] idxmap = {x: i for i, x in enumerate(idx_tf2darknet)} idx_dartnet2tf = [idxmap[i] for i in range(len(idxmap))] weights_size = np.product(weights_shape) print(' ' + conv, 'bn' if batch_normalize else ' ', activation, weights_shape) conv_bias = np.ndarray( shape=(filters, ), dtype=np.float32, buffer=readfile(weights_file, (filters * 4), section+'-bias')) count += filters if batch_normalize: bn_weights = np.ndarray( shape=(3, filters), dtype=np.float32, buffer=readfile(weights_file, (filters * 12), section+'-batchnorm')) count += 3 * filters # TODO: Keras BatchNormalization mistakenly refers to var # as std. bn_weight_list = [ bn_weights[0], # scale gamma conv_bias, # shift beta bn_weights[1], # running mean bn_weights[2] # running var ] conv_weights = np.ndarray( shape=[weights_shape[i] for i in idx_tf2darknet], dtype=np.float32, buffer=readfile(weights_file, (weights_size * 4), section+'-weights')) count += weights_size # DarkNet conv_weights are serialized Caffe-style: # (out_dim, in_dim, height, width) # We would like to set these to Tensorflow order: # (height, width, in_dim, out_dim) # TODO: Add check for Theano dim ordering. #print("the darknet shape is ", conv_weights.shape) conv_weights = np.transpose(conv_weights, idx_dartnet2tf) #print("the tf shape is ", conv_weights.shape) conv_weights = [conv_weights] if batch_normalize else [ conv_weights, conv_bias ] # Create nodes #conv_layer = np.zeros([1, 1, filters], dtype = np.float32) node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = op node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input node.kernel = conv_weights[0] node.padding = padding node.strides = [1,stride,stride,1] node.groups = groups node.filters = filters mydict[] = node prev_output = prev_layer_filters = filters if batch_normalize: node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section + '_batch_normalize' node.op = 'FusedBatchNorm' node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input #node.attr = [] node.gamma = bn_weights[0] node.beta = conv_bias node.mean = bn_weights[1] node.variance = bn_weights[2] mydict[] = node prev_output = # prev_layer_filters no change else: node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section + '_bias' node.op = 'BiasAdd' node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input #node.attr = [] node.bias = conv_bias mydict[] = node prev_output = if activation == 'linear': mylist.append(prev_output) else: tmp_parser = configparser.ConfigParser() name = section + '_activation' tmp_parser.add_section(name) tmp_parser.set(name, 'activation', activation) sec_q.put(tmp_parser[name]) mylist.append(name) elif section.startswith('shuffle'): node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'Shuffle' node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input node.groups = int(cfg_parser[section]['groups']) mydict[] = node prev_output = mylist.append(section) elif re.match(r'^(pooling|maxpool|avgpool)_\d+$', section): node = MyGraph.MyNode() node.stride = sec.getint('stride', fallback = 1) node.size = sec.getint('size', node.stride) node.padding = sec.getint('padding', fallback = (node.size-1)//2) if section.startswith('pooling'): node.mode = str(cfg_parser[section]['mode']) node.global_pooling = 0 elif section.startswith('maxpool'): node.mode = 'max' node.global_pooling = 0 elif section.startswith('avgpool'): node.mode = 'avg' node.global_pooling = 1 = section node.op = 'Pooling' node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input mydict[] = node prev_output = #print('pooling ', vars(node)) mylist.append(section) elif section.startswith('route'): ids = [int(i) for i in cfg_parser[section]['layers'].split(',')] node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'NCNNConcat' node.input = [mylist[i] for i in ids] #print('mylist is ', mylist, 'the ids is ', ids, 'node input is ', node.input) node.input_norm = node.input node.axis = 0 node.filters = sum([getFilters(mydict, mylist[i]) for i in ids]) mydict[] = node prev_output = mylist.append(section) prev_layer_filters = node.filters elif section.startswith('reorg'): node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'DarknetReorg' node.input = [prev_output] node.stride = sec.getint('stride', fallback = 1) node.input_norm = node.input node.filters = getFilters(mydict, node.input[0]) * node.stride * node.stride mydict[] = node prev_output = mylist.append(section) prev_layer_filters = node.filters elif re.match(r'^(shortcut)_\d+$', section): activation = sec.get('activation', fallback = 'logistic') from_ = sec.getint('from') node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'BinaryOp' node.op_type = 0 node.input = [prev_output, mylist[from_]] #print('mylist is ', mylist, 'the from_ is ', from_, 'node input is ', node.input) node.input_norm = node.input mydict[] = node prev_output = if activation == 'linear': mylist.append(prev_output) else: tmp_parser = configparser.ConfigParser() name = section + '_activation' tmp_parser.add_section(name) tmp_parser.set(name, 'activation', activation) sec_q.put(tmp_parser[name]) # NOTE: this section has relative reference mylist.append(name) elif section.startswith('connected'): activation = sec.get('activation', fallback='linear') filters = sec.getint('output', 2) bias_data = np.ndarray( shape=[filters], dtype=np.float32, buffer=readfile(weights_file, (filters * 4), section+'-bias')) fc_data = np.ndarray( shape=[prev_layer_filters, filters], dtype=np.float32, buffer=readfile(weights_file, (prev_layer_filters * filters * 4), section+'-weight')) node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'MatMul' node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input node.multiplier = fc_data mydict[] = node prev_output = prev_layer_filters = filters node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section + '_bias' node.op = 'BiasAdd' node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input # node.attr = [] node.bias = bias_data mydict[] = node prev_output = if activation == 'linear': mylist.append(prev_output) else: tmp_parser = configparser.ConfigParser() name = section + '_activation' tmp_parser.add_section(name) tmp_parser.set(name, 'activation', activation) sec_q.put(tmp_parser[name]) mylist.append(name) elif section.startswith('net'): node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'DarknetNet' node.input = [] node.input_norm = [] node.width = int(cfg_parser['net_0']['width']) node.height = int(cfg_parser['net_0']['height']) node.channels = int(cfg_parser['net_0']['channels']) node.filters = node.channels # print(vars(node)) # node.attr = [] mydict[] = node # start here prev_output = prev_layer_filters = node.channels mylist.append(section) elif section.startswith('region'): node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'DarknetRegion' node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input node.classes = int(cfg_parser[section]['classes']) node.num = int(cfg_parser[section]['num']) node.softmax = int(cfg_parser[section]['softmax']) node.anchors = [float(i) for i in re.split(r',', cfg_parser[section]['anchors'])] #print(vars(node)) #node.attr = [] mydict[] = node prev_output = mylist.append(section) elif section.startswith('softmax'): node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'Softmax' node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input mydict[] = node prev_output = mylist.append(section) pass elif section.startswith('cost'): pass # Configs not currently handled during model definition. else: raise ValueError( 'Unsupported section header type: {}'.format(section)) print(' out filters ', prev_layer_filters) print('loaded {} bytes in weights file'.format(count*4)) mygraph = MyGraph(mydict) mygraph.type = 'darknet' return mygraph
def main(): g = MyGraph() g.add_vertices(8) for i, c in enumerate(['r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y']): g.attributes[i]['name'] = c g.add_edge(0, 1) g.add_edge(0, 4) g.add_edge(1, 5) g.add_edge(2, 5) g.add_edge(2, 6) g.add_edge(2, 3) g.add_edge(3, 6) g.add_edge(3, 7) g.add_edge(5, 6) g.add_edge(6, 7) BFS(g, 1)
def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setObjectName("MainWindow") MainWindow.resize(800, 600) self.centralWidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(MainWindow) self.centralWidget.setObjectName("centralWidget") self.gridLayout_4 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.centralWidget) self.gridLayout_4.setObjectName("gridLayout_4") self.groupBox = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.centralWidget) self.groupBox.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(750, 450)) self.groupBox.setObjectName("groupBox") self.gridLayout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox) self.gridLayout.setObjectName("gridLayout") self.widget = MyGraph(self.groupBox) self.widget.setObjectName("widget") self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.widget, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.gridLayout_4.addWidget(self.groupBox, 0, 0, 1, 2) self.groupBox_3 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.centralWidget) self.groupBox_3.setObjectName("groupBox_3") self.gridLayout_3 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_3) self.gridLayout_3.setObjectName("gridLayout_3") self.label_2 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_3) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(15) self.label_2.setFont(font) self.label_2.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.label_2.setObjectName("label_2") self.gridLayout_3.addWidget(self.label_2, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.label_4 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_3) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(15) self.label_4.setFont(font) self.label_4.setText("") self.label_4.setObjectName("label_4") self.gridLayout_3.addWidget(self.label_4, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.gridLayout_4.addWidget(self.groupBox_3, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox_2 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.centralWidget) self.groupBox_2.setObjectName("groupBox_2") self.gridLayout_2 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_2) self.gridLayout_2.setObjectName("gridLayout_2") self.lineEdit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_2) self.lineEdit.setReadOnly(True) self.lineEdit.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.lineEdit, 1, 1, 1, 2) self.comboBox = QtWidgets.QComboBox(self.groupBox_2) self.comboBox.setObjectName("comboBox") self.comboBox.addItem("") self.comboBox.addItem("") self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.comboBox, 0, 1, 1, 2) self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2) self.label.setObjectName("label") self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.label, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.label_3 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2) self.label_3.setObjectName("label_3") self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.label_3, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.pushButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.groupBox_2) self.pushButton.setObjectName("pushButton") self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.pushButton, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.pushButton_2 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.groupBox_2) self.pushButton_2.setObjectName("pushButton_2") self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.pushButton_2, 2, 1, 1, 2) self.gridLayout_4.addWidget(self.groupBox_2, 1, 1, 1, 1) MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralWidget) self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow)
class Ui_MainWindow(object): def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setObjectName("MainWindow") MainWindow.resize(800, 600) self.centralWidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(MainWindow) self.centralWidget.setObjectName("centralWidget") self.gridLayout_4 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.centralWidget) self.gridLayout_4.setObjectName("gridLayout_4") self.groupBox = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.centralWidget) self.groupBox.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(750, 450)) self.groupBox.setObjectName("groupBox") self.gridLayout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox) self.gridLayout.setObjectName("gridLayout") self.widget = MyGraph(self.groupBox) self.widget.setObjectName("widget") self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.widget, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.gridLayout_4.addWidget(self.groupBox, 0, 0, 1, 2) self.groupBox_3 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.centralWidget) self.groupBox_3.setObjectName("groupBox_3") self.gridLayout_3 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_3) self.gridLayout_3.setObjectName("gridLayout_3") self.label_2 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_3) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(15) self.label_2.setFont(font) self.label_2.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.label_2.setObjectName("label_2") self.gridLayout_3.addWidget(self.label_2, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.label_4 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_3) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(15) self.label_4.setFont(font) self.label_4.setText("") self.label_4.setObjectName("label_4") self.gridLayout_3.addWidget(self.label_4, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.gridLayout_4.addWidget(self.groupBox_3, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox_2 = QtWidgets.QGroupBox(self.centralWidget) self.groupBox_2.setObjectName("groupBox_2") self.gridLayout_2 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.groupBox_2) self.gridLayout_2.setObjectName("gridLayout_2") self.lineEdit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self.groupBox_2) self.lineEdit.setReadOnly(True) self.lineEdit.setObjectName("lineEdit") self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.lineEdit, 1, 1, 1, 2) self.comboBox = QtWidgets.QComboBox(self.groupBox_2) self.comboBox.setObjectName("comboBox") self.comboBox.addItem("") self.comboBox.addItem("") self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.comboBox, 0, 1, 1, 2) self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2) self.label.setObjectName("label") self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.label, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.label_3 = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.groupBox_2) self.label_3.setObjectName("label_3") self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.label_3, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.pushButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.groupBox_2) self.pushButton.setObjectName("pushButton") self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.pushButton, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.pushButton_2 = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.groupBox_2) self.pushButton_2.setObjectName("pushButton_2") self.gridLayout_2.addWidget(self.pushButton_2, 2, 1, 1, 2) self.gridLayout_4.addWidget(self.groupBox_2, 1, 1, 1, 1) MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralWidget) self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow) def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow): _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate MainWindow.setWindowTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "中科飞龙数据展示软件")) self.groupBox.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "画图")) self.groupBox_3.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "显示")) self.label_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "总不确定度:")) self.groupBox_2.setTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "按钮")) self.comboBox.setItemText(0, _translate("MainWindow", "1")) self.comboBox.setItemText(1, _translate("MainWindow", "3")) self.label.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "文件路径:")) self.label_3.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "结构调整:")) self.pushButton.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "预览")) self.pushButton_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "执行"))
from graph import MyGraph g = MyGraph() g.addVertex("tokyo") g.addVertex("dallas") g.addVertex("aspen") g.addVertex("los angeles") g.addVertex("hong kong") g.addEdge("dallas", "tokyo") g.addEdge("dallas", "aspen") g.addEdge("hong kong", "tokyo") g.addEdge("hong kong", "dallas") g.addEdge("los angeles", "hong kong") g.addEdge("los angeles", "aspen") #g.removeEdge("dallas", "aspen") print(g.adjacencyList) g.removeVertex("hong kong") print(g.adjacencyList)
def create_graph(self, filename='graph'): G = MyGraph() causality = self.causality parallel_events = self.parallel_events inv_causality = self.inv_causality start_set_events = self.start_events end_set_events = self.end_events # adding split gateways based on causality for event in causality: if len(causality[event]) > 1: if tuple(causality[event]) in parallel_events: G.add_and_split_gateway(event, causality[event]) else: G.add_xor_split_gateway(event, causality[event]) # adding merge gateways based on inverted causality for event in inv_causality: if len(inv_causality[event]) > 1: if tuple(inv_causality[event]) in parallel_events: G.add_and_merge_gateway(inv_causality[event], event) else: G.add_xor_merge_gateway(inv_causality[event], event) elif len(inv_causality[event]) == 1: source = list(inv_causality[event])[0] G.edge(source, event) # adding start event G.add_event("start") if len(start_set_events) > 1: if tuple(start_set_events) in parallel_events: G.add_and_split_gateway(event, start_set_events) else: G.add_xor_split_gateway(event, start_set_events) else: G.edge("start", list(start_set_events)[0]) # adding end event G.add_event("end") if len(end_set_events) > 1: if tuple(end_set_events) in parallel_events: G.add_and_merge_gateway(end_set_events, event) else: G.add_xor_merge_gateway(end_set_events, event) else: G.edge(list(end_set_events)[0], "end") G.render('../graphs/' + filename, view=True)
class Alpha(): def __init__(self, log, splines='ortho'): self.log = log = self.get_TL_set() # all tasks in the log self.ti = self.get_TI_set( ) # tasks that appear at least once as first task of a case = self.get_TO_set( ) # tasks that appear at least once as last task in a case self.ds = self.direct_succession() # direct successors a > b self.cs = self.causality() # causality a -> b <=> a > b and b /> a = self.parallel() # parralelism a > b and b > a self.ind = self.choice() # no direct succession a # b and b # a self.xl = self.get_XL_set( ) # potential task connections (a->b or a->(b#c) or (b#c)->d) self.yl = self.get_YL_set( ) # subset of XL: eliminating a->b and a->c if there exists some a->(b#c), eliminating b->c and b->d if there exists some (b#c)->d. self.G = MyGraph(splines) self.inv_cs = self.inv_causality() # inverse causality def __str__(self): alpha_sets = [] alpha_sets.append("TL set: {}".format( alpha_sets.append("TI set: {}".format(self.ti)) alpha_sets.append("TO set: {}".format( alpha_sets.append("XL set: {}".format(self.xl)) alpha_sets.append("YL set: {}".format(self.yl)) return '\n'.join(alpha_sets) def get_TL_set(self): tl = set() for item in self.log: for i in item: tl.add(i) return tl def get_TI_set(self): ti = set() for item in self.log: ti.add(item[0]) return ti def get_TO_set(self): to = set() for item in self.log: to.add(item[-1]) return to def get_XL_set(self): xl = set() subsets = itertools.chain.from_iterable( itertools.combinations(, r) for r in range(1, len( + 1)) independent_a_or_b = [ a_or_b for a_or_b in subsets if self.__is_ind_set(a_or_b, self.ind) ] for a, b in itertools.product(independent_a_or_b, independent_a_or_b): if self.__is_cs_set((a, b), self.cs): xl.add((a, b)) return xl def __is_ind_set(self, s, ind): if len(s) == 1: return True else: s_all = itertools.combinations(s, 2) for pair in s_all: if pair not in ind: return False return True def __is_cs_set(self, s, cs): set_a, set_b = s[0], s[1] s_all = itertools.product(set_a, set_b) for pair in s_all: if pair not in cs: return False return True def get_YL_set(self): yl = copy.deepcopy(self.xl) s_all = itertools.combinations(yl, 2) for pair in s_all: if self.__issubset(pair[0], pair[1]): yl.discard(pair[0]) elif self.__issubset(pair[1], pair[0]): yl.discard(pair[1]) # remove self-loops self_loop = set() for pair in if pair == pair[:: -1]: # if we found pairs like (b,b), add b into self-loop sets self_loop.add(pair[0]) to_be_deleted = set() for pair in yl: if self.__contains(pair, self_loop): to_be_deleted.add(pair) for pair in to_be_deleted: yl.discard(pair) return yl def __issubset(self, a, b): if set(a[0]).issubset(b[0]) and set(a[1]).issubset(b[1]): return True return False def __contains(self, a, b): # return True if nested tuple "a" contains any letter in set "b" # e.g. __contains((('a',), ('b',)), ('b', 'c')) -> True return any(j == i[0] for i in a for j in b) def get_footprint(self): footprint = [] footprint.append("All transitions: {}".format( footprint.append("Direct succession: {}".format(self.ds)) footprint.append("Causality: {}".format(self.cs)) footprint.append("Parallel: {}".format( footprint.append("Choice: {}".format(self.ind)) return '\n'.join(footprint) def generate_footprint(self, txtfile='footprint.txt'): with open(txtfile, 'w') as f: f.write(self.get_footprint()) def direct_succession(self): # x > y ds = set() for trace in self.log: for x, y in zip(trace, trace[1:]): ds.add((x, y)) return ds def causality(self): # x -> y cs = {} for pair in self.ds: if pair[::-1] not in self.ds: if pair[0] in cs.keys(): cs[pair[0]].append(pair[1]) else: cs[pair[0]] = [pair[1]] return cs def inv_causality(self): # only for causality cases which has one succesor inv_cs = {} for key, values in self.cs.items(): if len(values) == 1: if values[0] in inv_cs.keys(): inv_cs[values[0]].append(key) else: inv_cs[values[0]] = [key] return inv_cs def parallel(self): # (x || y) & (y || x) pr = set() for pair in self.ds: if pair[::-1] in self.ds: pr.add(pair) return pr def choice(self): # (x # y) & (y # x) ind = set() # ind is the abbreviation of independent all_permutations = itertools.permutations(, 2) '''for pair in all_permutations: if pair not in self.cs and pair[::-1] not in self.cs and pair not in ind.add(pair)''' for pair in all_permutations: if pair not in self.ds and pair[::-1] not in self.ds: ind.add(pair) return ind def set_contain(self, s, value): for i in s: for j in i: if j == value: return True return False def create_graph(self, filename='graph', view=False, l1l=None): # adding split gateways based on causality for event in self.cs: if len(self.cs[event]) > 1: if tuple(self.cs[event]) in self.G.add_and_split_gateway(event, self.cs[event]) #elif tuple(self.cs[event]) in self.ind: # self.G.add_xor_split_gateway(event,self.cs[event]) else: if l1l is not None and event in l1l: temp_cs = self.cs[event] temp_cs.append(event) self.G.add_xor_split_gateway(event, temp_cs) else: self.G.add_xor_split_gateway(event, self.cs[event]) # adding merge gateways based on inverted causality for event in self.inv_cs: if len(self.inv_cs[event]) > 1: if tuple(self.inv_cs[event]) in self.G.add_and_merge_gateway(self.inv_cs[event], event) else: if l1l is not None and any(elem in self.inv_cs[event] for elem in l1l): temp_event = [event] for i in self.inv_cs[event]: temp_event.append(i) self.G.add_xor_merge_split_gateway( self.inv_cs[event], temp_event) else: self.G.add_xor_merge_gateway(self.inv_cs[event], event) elif len(self.inv_cs[event]) == 1: if l1l is not None and self.inv_cs[event][0] in l1l: temp_inv_cs = [event] temp_inv_cs.append(self.inv_cs[event][0]) self.G.add_xor_split_gateway(self.inv_cs[event][0], temp_inv_cs) else: source = list(self.inv_cs[event])[0] self.G.edge(source, event) # adding start event self.G.add_event("start") if len(self.ti) > 1: if tuple(self.ti) in self.G.add_and_split_gateway("start", self.ti) else: self.G.add_xor_split_gateway("start", self.ti) else: self.G.edge("start", list(self.ti)[0]) # adding end event self.G.add_event("end") if len( > 1: if tuple( in self.G.add_and_merge_gateway(, "end") else: self.G.add_xor_merge_gateway(, "end") else: self.G.edge(list([0], "end") self.G.render('../graphs/' + filename, view=view) return self.G