def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles): global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius obstacles = scene_obstacles # setting the global obstacle variable # get the vertices x_limit = q_range[0] # the range of x-positions for the robot y_limit = q_range[1] # the range of y-positions for the robot theta_limit = q_range[ 2] # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension) robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[ 1] # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height) / 2. # the roadmap graph = Roadmap() nr = 800 # used for the amount of samples while graph.getNrVertices() < nr: for i in range(nr): addVertice = True q_new = [ np.random.randint(x_limit[0], x_limit[1]), np.random.randint(y_limit[0], y_limit[1]) ] for vertice in graph.getVertices(): if distance(vertice.getConfiguration(), q_new) < 2: addVertice = False if addVertice and not collision(q_new): graph.addVertex(q_new) # get the edges stepsize = 1 / 15 # used for checking the interpolate path = [] Vertices = graph.getVertices() for v in Vertices: neighbor, neighbor_d = nearest_neighbors(graph, v.q, max_dist=2.2) if len(neighbor) < 4: neighbor, neighbor_d = k_nearest_neighbors(graph, v.getConfiguration(), K=4) for neigh in neighbor: if not interpolate(v.getConfiguration(), neigh.getConfiguration(), stepsize): graph.addEdge(v, neigh, neighbor_d[neighbor.index(neigh)], path) #uncomment this to export the roadmap to a file graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt") return graph
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles): global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius obstacles = scene_obstacles # setting the global obstacle variable x_limit = q_range[0] # the range of x-positions for the robot y_limit = q_range[1] # the range of y-positions for the robot theta_limit = q_range[2] # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension) robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[1] # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height)/2. # the roadmap graph = Roadmap() # Generate Vertice n = 375 # Sampling numbers while graph.getNrVertices() < n: for a in range(n): # Genernate a vertice q_current = [np.random.randint(x_limit[0],x_limit[1]), np.random.randint(y_limit[0],y_limit[1])] append = True # Determine whether current vertice is valuable for vertice in graph.getVertices(): if distance(vertice.getConfiguration(),q_current) < 3: append = False if not collision(q_current) and append: graph.addVertex(q_current) # Find all valuable path for the robot off line path = [] Vertices = graph.getVertices() # Get vertices from " build_roadmap" # Find nearest neighbors for current vertice for v in Vertices: q_neighbors, q_distance = k_nearest_neighbors(graph,v.getConfiguration()) for i in range(len(q_neighbors)): graph.addEdge(v,q_neighbors[i],q_distance[i],path) #uncomment this to export the roadmap to a file graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt") return graph
def k_nearest_neighbors(graph: Roadmap, q, K=10): """ Returns the K-nearest roadmap vertices for a given configuration q. You may also want to return the corresponding distances """ # dist = [0]*graph.getNrVertices()-1 dist = [] for i, vertex in enumerate(graph.getVertices()): if (q != vertex.getConfiguration()): dist.append(distance(q, vertex.getConfiguration())) # nearest_neighbors = sorted(list(zip(dist, graph.getVertices())))[:K] threshold = np.unique([i for i in dist if i > 1 * robot_radius])[K - 1] nearest_neighbors = [] for vertex in graph.getVertices(): d = distance(q, vertex.getConfiguration()) if (1 * robot_radius < d <= threshold and q != vertex.getConfiguration()): nearest_neighbors.append((d, vertex)) return nearest_neighbors
def nearest_neighbors(graph: Roadmap, q, max_dist=10.0): """ Returns all the nearest roadmap vertices for a given configuration q that lie within max_dist units You may also want to return the corresponding distances """ nearest_n = [] for vertex in graph.getVertices(): dist = distance(q, vertex.getConfiguration()) if (2 * robot_radius < dist <= max_dist): nearest_n.append((dist, vertex)) return nearest_n
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles): global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius, edge_path obstacles = scene_obstacles # setting the global obstacle variable x_limit = q_range[0] # the range of x-positions for the robot y_limit = q_range[1] # the range of y-positions for the robot theta_limit = q_range[ 2] # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension) robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[ 1] # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height) / 2. graph = Roadmap() # the road map xx = np.arange(x_limit[0], x_limit[1], 1.5) random.shuffle(xx) yy = np.arange(y_limit[0], y_limit[1], 1.5) random.shuffle(yy) x = [] y = [] for i in range(len(xx)): for j in range(len(yy)): x.append(xx[i] + randint(0, 1)) y.append(yy[j] + randint(0, 1)) print(len(x)) for i in range(len(x)): # looping through each vertex x_rand = x[i] y_rand = y[i] vertex_in_obstacle = False for j in obstacles: if (j.x_min - robot_radius < x_rand < j.x_max + robot_radius) and ( j.y_min - robot_radius < y_rand < j.y_max + robot_radius): vertex_in_obstacle = True break if vertex_in_obstacle == False: graph.addVertex((x_rand, y_rand)) vertices = graph.getVertices() print('Vertices legnth is', len(vertices)) edge_path.append(vertices[0]) # Appending the start to edge path ep = 0 while ep < len(edge_path): parent_vert = edge_path[ep] parent_vert.connetedComponentNr = 1 k_nearest_agents = k_nearest_neighbors(graph, parent_vert, 5) collision(graph, obstacles, k_nearest_agents, parent_vert, 0) ep += 1 graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt") return graph
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles): global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius, VerList obstacles = scene_obstacles # setting the global obstacle variable x_limit = q_range[0] # the range of x-positions for the robot y_limit = q_range[1] # the range of y-positions for the robot theta_limit = q_range[ 2] # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension) robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[ 1] # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height) / 2. # the roadmap graph = Roadmap() # uncomment this to export the roadmap to a file graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt") count = 0 points = [] VerList = [] for i in range(0, 20): xo = 1 + i * 5 for j in range(0, 20): yo = 1 + j * 5 theta = [pi / 4, 3 * pi / 4, 5 * pi / 4, 7 * pi / 4] graph.addVertex((xo, yo)) for k in range(len(theta)): r = 5 x1 = xo + r * math.cos(theta[k]) y1 = yo + r * math.sin(theta[k]) graph.addVertex((x1, y1)) VerList = graph.getVertices() return graph
def find_path(q_start, q_goal, graph): path = [] x1 = q_start[0] y1 = q_start[1] x2 = q_goal[0] y2 = q_goal[1] start_n = graph.addVertex([x1, y1]) #Adding start and end goal end_n = graph.addVertex([x2, y2]) all = Roadmap.getVertices(graph) number = Roadmap.getNrVertices(graph) parent = ["" for i in range(len(all))] visited = [False] * len(all) distances = [] distanceg = [] for i in all: if != distance_s = distance( i.q, start_n.q) #For finding the neighbour for the start point distances.append(distance_s) min_index_s = np.argmin(distances) min_s = distances[min_index_s] for i in all: if != distance_g = distance(i.q, end_n.q) distanceg.append(distance_g) min_index_g = np.argmin(distanceg) #Index of nearest neighbour min_g = distanceg[min_index_g] #Distance of nearest neighbour near_s = all[min_index_s] graph.addEdge(start_n, near_s, min_s) #Connecting start point to the nearest neighbour near_g = all[min_index_g] graph.addEdge(end_n, near_g, min_g) #Connecting end point to the nearest neighbour # Use the OrderedSet for your closed list closed_set = OrderedSet() # Use the PriorityQueue for the open list open_set = PriorityQueue(order=min, f=lambda v: v.f) g = 0 h = distance(start_n.q, end_n.q) f = g + h open_set.put(start_n, Value(f=f, g=g)) while len(open_set) != 0: node, value = open_set.pop() visited[] = True closed_set.add(node) # g = value.g p_cost = value.g if node == end_n: last = end_n for i in range(len(closed_set)): if last != start_n: prev_parent = parent[] path.append(prev_parent.q) last = prev_parent break else: children = RoadmapVertex.getEdges(node) for child in children: if not visited[]: c_vert = all[] g = sqrt((node.q[0] - c_vert.q[0])**2 + (node.q[1] - c_vert.q[1])**2) + p_cost h = sqrt((end_n.q[0] - c_vert.q[0])**2 + (end_n.q[1] - c_vert.q[1])**2) f = g + h if c_vert not in open_set or c_vert not in closed_set: open_set.put(c_vert, Value(f=f, g=g)) elif open_set.has[ c_vert]: #For backtracking of the nodes to plot the path c_val = open_set.get(c_vert) if c_val.g > g: open_set.remove(c_vert) open_set.put(c_vert, Value(f=f, g=g)) parent[] = node path = path[::-1] #We have to reverse the path due to backtracking return path
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles): global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius, N obstacles = scene_obstacles # setting the global obstacle variable x_limit = q_range[0] # the range of x-positions for the robot y_limit = q_range[1] # the range of y-positions for the robot theta_limit = q_range[ 2] # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension) robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[ 1] # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height) / 2. # the roadmap graph = Roadmap() global max_dist N = 5000 ## Number of points considered even_spacing_parameter = 3 ## used for removing clustering of the uniformly sampled points max_dist = 15 ## Max distance considered for obtaining neareset neighbors '''Sampling of Vertices begins''' ## Sampling N points in x and y xc = np.random.uniform(low=x_limit[0], high=x_limit[1], size=N) yc = np.random.uniform(low=y_limit[0], high=y_limit[1], size=N) ### Adding all collision free Vertices to a list vertices = [] for i in range(N): if collision([xc[i], yc[i]]) == False: vertices.append([xc[i], yc[i]]) ### Removing clustering of points for v1 in vertices: for v2 in vertices: if distance( v1, v2 ) <= even_spacing_parameter and v1 != v2 and v2 in vertices: vertices.remove(v2) print('Number of vertices in graph:', len(vertices)) ## Adding above vertices to graph for v in vertices: graph.addVertex(v) '''Sampling of Vertices completed''' ''' Obtaining and connecting edges''' cl_set = OrderedSet() count = 0 for item in graph.getVertices(): dist1_list = [] dist1_list = nearest_neighbors(graph, item) cl_set.add(item) for nbr in dist1_list: if interpolate(nbr[0], item, 4) == False and nbr[ 0] not in cl_set: ## interpolate removes collision-edges | checking with cl_set helps avoid triangulation if graph.computeConnectedComponents(item, nbr[0]) == True: continue graph.addEdge(item, nbr[0], nbr[1]) count = count + 1 print('No of edges: ', count) ### # uncomment this to export the roadmap to a file graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt") return graph
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles): global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius obstacles = scene_obstacles # setting the global obstacle variable x_limit = q_range[0] # the range of x-positions for the robot y_limit = q_range[1] # the range of y-positions for the robot theta_limit = q_range[ 2] # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension) robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[ 1] # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height) / 2. # the roadmap graph = Roadmap() # scene1= Scene # qop = scene1.default_query() graph.addVertex((14.378, -4.328)) # Adding the start as the first vertex. graph.addVertex((-44.184, -26.821)) # Adding the goal as the last vertex. """ The below for loop is used to create samples (vertices) where the coordinate x will be spaced equally of length 3 and y will be spaced equally of length 2.5 throughout the entire plot. Both the x and y coordinate will be having a random noise ranging from -0.5 to 0.5. All these samples are checked first whether they are on the collision free space or not, if they are then they get added as vertices. """ for i in range(0, 33): x = -48 + 3 * i + (random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5)) for j1 in range(0, 40): y = -48 + 2.5 * j1 + (random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5)) coll = collision(x, y) if coll is True: graph.addVertex((x, y)) Vertices = graph.getVertices( ) # A Vertices list is created with all the vertices being currently placed. max_dist = 5 # A maximum distance value is set to connect the vertices between them with a edge. """ The for loop below will add edge between the vertices which are spaced at a distance less than the max_dist variable. Once the edge is added, the interpolate function will check if the edge is passing through the C obstacle space or not. If it is, then the edge gets removed. Once the edge gets removed, for each parent we shall create a list of children and to remove the edges among them to reduce the number of unnecessary edges. """ for i in Vertices: list_vertex = [] for j in Vertices: dist = distance(i, j) if dist < max_dist and dist != 0: graph.addEdge(i, j, dist) some = interpolate(i, j, 0.5) if some is False: graph.removeEdge(i, j) list_vertex.append(j) if len(list_vertex) >= 2: for rem in range(0, len(list_vertex)): for rem1 in range(0, len(list_vertex)): if rem != rem1: ss = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(list_vertex[rem], list_vertex[rem1].id) if ss is not None: graph.removeEdge(list_vertex[rem], list_vertex[rem1]) # uncomment this to export the roadmap to a file # graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt") return graph
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles): global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius obstacles = scene_obstacles # setting the global obstacle variable x_limit = q_range[0] # the range of x-positions for the robot y_limit = q_range[1] # the range of y-positions for the robot theta_limit = q_range[ 2] # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension) robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[ 1] # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height) / 2. print('r: ', robot_radius) secene_x = q_range[0] secene_y = q_range[1] # samples = [[random.uniform(secene_x[0],secene_x[1]), random.uniform(secene_y[0], secene_y[1])] for _ in range(900)] # samples = list(zip( list(np.linspace(x_limit[0], x_limit[1], n_sample))[1:-1], list(np.linspace(y_limit[0], y_limit[1], n_sample))[1:-1] )) # print('samples: ', samples) n_sample_iters = 34 samples = [] for i in range(n_sample_iters): for j in range(n_sample_iters): x_low = secene_x[0] + (secene_x[1] - secene_x[0]) * i / n_sample_iters x_high = x_low + (secene_x[1] - secene_x[0]) / n_sample_iters y_low = secene_y[0] + (secene_y[1] - secene_y[0]) * j / n_sample_iters y_high = y_low + (secene_y[1] - secene_y[0]) / n_sample_iters for k in range(0, 1): x = random.uniform(x_low, x_high) y = random.uniform(y_low, y_high) # while(test_in_obs([x,y], obstacles, robot_radius)): # x = random.uniform(x_low, x_high) # y = random.uniform(y_low, y_high) samples.append([x, y]) valid_samples = [ x for x in samples if not test_in_obs(x, obstacles, robot_radius) ] # invalid_samples = [x for x in samples if test_in_obs(x, obstacles, robot_radius)] # for i in range(len(invalid_samples)): # for j in range(len(invalid_samples)): # mid_x = 0.5*(invalid_samples[i][0] + invalid_samples[j][0]) # mid_y = 0.5*(invalid_samples[i][1] + invalid_samples[j][1]) # if(i!=j and (not test_in_obs([mid_x, mid_y], obstacles, robot_radius))): # valid_samples.append([mid_x, mid_y]) print("valid_samples: ", len(valid_samples)) # the roadmap graph = Roadmap() for i, sample_p in enumerate( valid_samples): #add all the valid sample vertex graph.addVertex(sample_p) for i_vertex in graph.getVertices(): # n_neighbors = nearest_neighbors(graph, i_vertex.getConfiguration(), max_dist=10) k_neighbors = k_nearest_neighbors(graph, i_vertex.getConfiguration(), K=6) # neighbors = list(set(n_neighbors).union(set(k_neighbors))) for nbor in k_neighbors: inters = interpolate(i_vertex.getConfiguration(), nbor[1].getConfiguration(), 0.5) if (not test_inters(inters, obstacles, robot_radius)): i_vertex.addEdge(nbor[1].id, nbor[0]) nbor[1].addEdge(i_vertex.getId(), nbor[0]) graph.addEdge(i_vertex, nbor[1], nbor[0]) print('len graph: ', len(graph.vertices)) # uncomment this to export the roadmap to a file graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt") return graph
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles): global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius obstacles = scene_obstacles # setting the global obstacle variable x_limit = q_range[0] # the range of x-positions for the robot y_limit = q_range[1] # the range of y-positions for the robot robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[1] # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height)/2. # the roadmap graph = Roadmap() #### Sampling #### p = 0.02 x_pos = np.arange(x_limit[0]+3, x_limit[1]-3, p) y_pos = np.arange(y_limit[0]+3, y_limit[1]-3, p) samples = [] vertex = [0, 0] samples.append(vertex) first = samples.pop() check = collision(first) if not check: graph.addVertex(first) k = 1 l = 1 while k <= 60: if l == 500: break vertex = [np.random.choice(x_pos), np.random.choice(y_pos)] samples.append(vertex) trial = samples.pop() check1 = collision(trial) if not check1: trial_put = graph.addVertex(trial) k += 1 l += 1 vertices = graph.getVertices() for point in vertices: if not point == trial_put: d = distance(point, trial_put) if d < 0.2: graph.removeVertex( k -= 1 ######## Map Search ########## vertices = graph.getVertices() visited = OrderedSet() stacked = OrderedSet() stacked.add(vertices[0]) while len(stacked) != 0: point = stacked.pop(len(stacked) - 1) visited.add(point) current_position_x, current_position_y = point.q tot_neighbor = 0 for v in vertices: neighbor_position_x, neighbor_position_y = v.q if point == v: continue neighbor_distance = distance(point, v) if neighbor_distance <= 0.8 and v not in stacked and v not in visited: stacked.add(v) graph.addEdge(point, v, neighbor_distance) tot_neighbor = tot_neighbor + 1 for m in range(len(obstacles)): step = 15 for x in range(1, step): z = step - x check_x = (x * neighbor_position_x + z * current_position_x) / (x + z) check_y = (x * neighbor_position_y + z * current_position_y) / (x + z) y = [check_x, check_y] if collision(y) == True: if v in stacked: stacked.remove(v) graph.removeEdge(point, v) tot_neighbor = tot_neighbor - 1 if tot_neighbor > 5: break # uncomment this to export the roadmap to a file # graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt") return graph
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles): global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius, nei_list obstacles = scene_obstacles # setting the global obstacle variable x_limit = q_range[0] # the range of x-positions for the robot y_limit = q_range[1] # the range of y-positions for the robot theta_limit = q_range[2] # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension) robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[1] # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height)/2. # the roadmap graph = Roadmap() #checking for optimum samples which will reside in the C-Space for i in range(0,10000): x = random.uniform(-48, 48) y = random.uniform(-48, 48) q = (x, y) c1 = 0 vertex_class = graph.getVertices() vertex_no = graph.getNrVertices() for u in range(0, vertex_no): if distance(q, vertex_class[u].getConfiguration()) < 2: #minimum distance between 2 configurations = 2 c1 = 50 break if c1 == 50: pass elif collision(q): pass else: graph.addVertex(q) vertex_class = graph.getVertices() vertex_no = graph.getNrVertices() #************ The below code checks for the redundant edges ****************** # It checks edges connecting to each neighbor and returns a list of children. # For each of the children, it generates another set of children which check # for the vertex_id of the parent vertex and adds an edge if it is not in the list for h in range(0, vertex_no): config = vertex_class[h] config_p = vertex_class[h].getConfiguration() config_id = vertex_class[h].getId() nei, dist_list = nearest_neighbors(graph, config_p, 8) for r in range(0, len(nei)): edge_id = [] edge = [] n_id = nei[r].getId() edge = nei[r].getEdges() #checks edges connecting to each neighbor for l in range(0, len(edge)): edge_id.append(edge[l].getId()) em = [] for o in range(0, len(edge_id)): em.append(vertex_class[edge_id[o]]) edge_cid = [] for k in range(0, len(em)): edge_1 = em[k].getEdges() for u in range(0, len(edge_1)): edge_cid.append(edge_1[u].getId()) em1 = [] for o in range(0, len(edge_cid)): em1.append(vertex_class[edge_cid[o]]) edge_cid1 = [] for k in range(0, len(em1)): edge_11 = em1[k].getEdges() for u in range(0, len(edge_11)): edge_cid1.append(edge_11[u].getId()) em11 = [] for o in range(0, len(edge_cid1)): em11.append(vertex_class[edge_cid1[o]]) edge_cid11 = [] for k in range(0, len(em11)): edge_111 = em11[k].getEdges() for u in range(0, len(edge_111)): edge_cid11.append(edge_111[u].getId()) em111 = [] for o in range(0, len(edge_cid11)): em111.append(vertex_class[edge_cid11[o]]) edge_cid111 = [] for k in range(0, len(em111)): edge_1111 = em111[k].getEdges() for u in range(0, len(edge_1111)): edge_cid111.append(edge_1111[u].getId()) if config_id in edge_id: pass elif config_id in edge_cid: pass elif config_id in edge_cid1: pass elif config_id in edge_cid11: pass elif config_id in edge_cid111: pass else: il = interpolate(config_p, nei[r].getConfiguration(), 8) dist = dist_list[r] count = 0 for j in range(0, len(il)): if collision(il[j]) == True: count = 50 else: pass if count == 0: graph.addEdge(config, nei[r],dist, path=[]) return graph
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles): global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius obstacles = scene_obstacles # setting the global obstacle variable x_limit = q_range[0] # the range of x-positions for the robot y_limit = q_range[1] # the range of y-positions for the robot theta_limit = q_range[ 2] # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension) robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[ 1] # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height) / 2. A = np.zeros((1000, 2)) # the roadmap graph = Roadmap() list_app = [] vertices_app = [] scene1 = Scene # qop = scene1.default_query() goof = graph.addVertex((14.378, -4.328)) goof1 = graph.addVertex((-44.184, -26.821)) for i in range(0, 33): # x = int(np.random.uniform(-50,50)) # y = int(np.random.uniform(-50,50)) x = -44 + 3 * i + (random.uniform(-0.5, 1)) for j1 in range(0, 33): y = -44 + 3 * j1 + (random.uniform(-0.5, 1)) coll = collision(x, y) if coll is True: graph.addVertex((x, y)) Vertices = graph.getVertices() max_dist = 5 for i in Vertices: list_vertex = [] for j in Vertices: dist = distance(i, j) # print('in loop dist', dist) if dist < max_dist and dist != 0: edge_check = graph.addEdge(i, j, dist) some = interpolate(i, j, 0.5) # print('some',some) if some is False: graph.removeEdge(i, j) list_a_x = list_a_y = list_a = (list_a_x, list_a_y) list_app.append(list_a) list_b = (list_a_y, list_a_x) if list_b not in list_app: graph.removeEdge(i, j) list_vertex.append(j) if len(list_vertex) >= 2: for rem in range(0, len(list_vertex)): for rem1 in range(0, len(list_vertex)): if rem != rem1: ss = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(list_vertex[rem], list_vertex[rem1].id) if ss is not None: graph.removeEdge(list_vertex[rem], list_vertex[rem1]) #print('build',RoadmapVertex.getConfiguration(goof1)) # uncomment this to export the roadmap to a file # graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt") return graph
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles): global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius obstacles = scene_obstacles # setting the global obstacle variable x_limit = q_range[0] # the range of x-positions for the robot y_limit = q_range[1] # the range of y-positions for the robot theta_limit = q_range[ 2] # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension) robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[ 1] # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height) / 2 # the roadmap graph = Roadmap() # Generating the sample points samples = pointGenerator(x_limit[0], y_limit[0], 46, 0.9999999) # Eliminating the samples which aren't in the C-Space reject = [] accept_x = [] accept_y = [] for p in samples: for j in range(len(obstacles)): if ((obstacles[j].x_min - robot_radius) <= p[0] <= (obstacles[j].x_max + robot_radius) and (obstacles[j].y_min - robot_radius) <= p[1] <= (obstacles[j].y_max + robot_radius)): reject.append(p) reject = np.asarray(reject) for a in samples[:, 0]: if a not in reject[:, 0]: accept_x.append(a) for b in samples[:, 1]: if b not in reject[:, 1]: accept_y.append(b) accept = np.zeros((len(accept_x), 2)) accept[:, 0] = accept_x accept[:, 1] = accept_y for k in range(len(accept_x)): graph.addVertex(accept[k]) # Connecting vertices # Nearest neighbors allVertices = graph.getVertices()[:] for val1 in allVertices: neighbors, neighbor_dist, neighbor_id = nearest_neighbors( graph, val1.q,, 6) for val2 in allVertices: if in neighbor_id: if interpolate(val1.q, val2.q, 5, obstacles, robot_radius): if val2.getConnectedNr() == -1 and val2.getEdge( == None: graph.addEdge(val1, val2, distance(val1.q, val2.q)) val2.connectedComponentNr = val1.getId() else: parents = [] temp = val1 while temp.connectedComponentNr != -1: idd = temp.connectedComponentNr parents.append(idd) for a in allVertices: if == idd: temp = a parents.append( children = [] for c in parents: for a in allVertices: if == c: temp = a for h in temp.getEdges(): children.append(h.src_id) children.append(h.dest_id) total_val1 = parents + children parents1 = [] temp1 = val2 while temp1.connectedComponentNr != -1: idd1 = temp1.connectedComponentNr parents1.append(idd1) for a in allVertices: if == idd1: temp1 = a parents1.append( children1 = [] for c in parents1: for a in allVertices: if == c: temp2 = a for h in temp2.getEdges(): children1.append(h.src_id) children1.append(h.dest_id) total_val2 = parents1 + children1 compare = list(set(total_val1) & set(total_val2)) if len(compare) == 0 and val2.getEdge( val1.getId()) == None: graph.addEdge(val1, val2, distance(val1.q, val2.q)) val2.connectedComponentNr = # if == # temp1 = h # cvertices = temp1.getEdges() # for k in cvertices: # tx = k.src_id # children.append(tx) # ty = k.dest_id # children.append(ty) # if len(children) == 0 and val2.getEdge( == None: # graph.addEdge(val1, val2, distance(val1.q, val2.q)) # val2.connectedComponentNr = val1.getId() """allVertices = graph.getVertices()[:] visited = [False]*len(allVertices) start = allVertices[0] queue = [] queue.append(start) visited[] = True while queue: a = queue.pop(0) for i in allVertices: if visited[] == False: if distance(a.q, i.q) < 3: queue.append(i) visited[] = True if interpolate(a.q, i.q, 8, obstacles, robot_radius): graph.addEdge(a, i, distance(a.q, i.q)) #visited[] = True""" # uncomment this to export the roadmap to a file #graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt") return graph
def build_roadmap(q_range, robot_dim, scene_obstacles): global obstacles, robot_width, robot_height, robot_radius obstacles = scene_obstacles # setting the global obstacle variable x_limit = q_range[0] # the range of x-positions for the robot y_limit = q_range[1] # the range of y-positions for the robot theta_limit = q_range[ 2] # the range of orientations for the robot (advanced extension) robot_width, robot_height = robot_dim[0], robot_dim[ 1] # the dimensions of the robot, represented as an oriented bounding box robot_radius = max(robot_width, robot_height) / 2. A = np.zeros((1000, 2)) # the roadmap graph = Roadmap() list_app = [] list_app = [] vertices_app = [] goof = graph.addVertex((14.378, -4.328)) goof1 = graph.addVertex((-44.184, -26.821)) #graph.addVertex((14.378,-4.328)) for i in range(0, 33): # x = int(np.random.uniform(-50,50)) # y = int(np.random.uniform(-50,50)) x = -45 + 3 * i + (random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5)) for j1 in range(0, 33): y = -45 + 3 * j1 + (random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5)) A[i][0] = x A[i][1] = y for j in range(0, 26): xs = [] ys = [] for point in obstacles[j].points: count = 0 xs.append(point[0]) ys.append(point[1]) x_min = min(xs) - 2 x_max = max(xs) + 2 y_min = min(ys) - 2 y_max = max(ys) + 2 if x_min <= x <= x_max and y_min <= y <= y_max: count = 1 break if count != 1: graph.addVertex((x, y)) # for qq in range(len(A)): Vertices = graph.getVertices() max_dist = 5 for i in Vertices: list_vertex = [] for j in Vertices: dist = distance(i, j) # print('in loop dist', dist) if dist < max_dist and dist != 0: edge_check = graph.addEdge(i, j, dist) some = interpolate(i, j, 0.5) # print('some',some) if some is False: graph.removeEdge(i, j) list_a_x = list_a_y = list_a = (list_a_x, list_a_y) list_app.append(list_a) list_b = (list_a_y, list_a_x) if list_b not in list_app: graph.removeEdge(i, j) list_vertex.append(j) if len(list_vertex) >= 2: for rem in range(0, len(list_vertex)): for rem1 in range(0, len(list_vertex)): if rem != rem1: ss = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(list_vertex[rem], list_vertex[rem1].id) if ss is not None: graph.removeEdge(list_vertex[rem], list_vertex[rem1]) # p_neighbour = [] # c_neighbour = [] # # for x in range(len(Vertices)): # p_neighbour.clear() # for z in range(len(Vertices)): # if not x == z: # parent = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(Vertices[x], Vertices[z].id) # if not parent is None: # p_neighbour.append(Vertices[z]) # c_neighbour.clear() # for u in range(len(p_neighbour)): # for h in range(len(Vertices)): # if not u == h: # children = RoadmapVertex.getEdge(p_neighbour[u], Vertices[h].id) # if not children is None: # c_neighbour.append(Vertices[h]) # # for r in range(len(p_neighbour)): # for m in range(len(c_neighbour)): # if p_neighbour[r] == c_neighbour[m]: # graph.removeEdge(Vertices[x], Vertices[z]) # break aa = RoadmapVertex.getEdges(goof1) #print('build',RoadmapVertex.getConfiguration(goof1)) # uncomment this to export the roadmap to a file # graph.saveRoadmap("prm_roadmap.txt") return graph