Example #1
	def __init__(self,master,*args,**kwargs):
		col0 = 100
		yaxis = 10
		graphheight = 300
		self.columnconfigure(0,minsize = col0)
		tk.Label(self,text = 'Memory use (total - available)').grid(row = 0,column = 2)
		self.lab = MemLabel(self,bd = 0)
		self.lab.grid(row = 1,column = 0)
		graphwidth = self['width'] - col0 - yaxis
		self.graph = ScrollGraph(self \
					,width = graphwidth, height = graphheight \
					,borderwidth = 0,highlightthickness = 0)
		self.graph.grid(row = 1,column = 2)
		self.graph.add_trace('mem',1000,0,colour = 'red')
		# create an X axis without ticks to show a base line
		XAxis(self,0,0,width = graphwidth,height = 4,bd = 0,highlightthickness = 0) \
		.grid(row = 2,column = 2)
		# create a Y axis with ticks at 0,25,75,100 percent
		YAxis(self,graphheight/4,graphheight/20,height = graphheight,width = yaxis,bd = 0,highlightthickness = 0) \
		.grid(row = 1,column = 1)
Example #2
	def __init__(self,master,*args,**kwargs):
		col0 = 60
		xaxis = 4
		yaxis = 4
		graphheight = self['height'] - xaxis 
		self.columnconfigure(0,minsize = col0)

		# create labels for col 0
		self.lab = CpuLabel(self)
		self.lab.grid(column = 0,row = 0)
		# create graph in col 1
		graphwidth = self['width'] - col0 - yaxis
		self.graph = ScrollGraph(self \
					,width = graphwidth, height = graphheight \
					,borderwidth = 0,highlightthickness = 0)
		self.graph.grid(row = 0,column = 2)
		# create an X axis without ticks to show a base line
		XAxis(self,0,0,width = graphwidth,height = xaxis,bd = 0,highlightthickness = 0) \
		.grid(row = 1,column = 2)
		#create a Y axis without ticks
		YAxis(self,0,0,width = yaxis,height = graphheight,bd = 0,highlightthickness = 0) \
		.grid(row = 0,column = 1)
Example #3
class MemView(tk.Frame):
	# memory usage
	def __init__(self,master,*args,**kwargs):
		col0 = 100
		yaxis = 10
		graphheight = 300
		self.columnconfigure(0,minsize = col0)
		tk.Label(self,text = 'Memory use (total - available)').grid(row = 0,column = 2)
		self.lab = MemLabel(self,bd = 0)
		self.lab.grid(row = 1,column = 0)
		graphwidth = self['width'] - col0 - yaxis
		self.graph = ScrollGraph(self \
					,width = graphwidth, height = graphheight \
					,borderwidth = 0,highlightthickness = 0)
		self.graph.grid(row = 1,column = 2)
		self.graph.add_trace('mem',1000,0,colour = 'red')
		# create an X axis without ticks to show a base line
		XAxis(self,0,0,width = graphwidth,height = 4,bd = 0,highlightthickness = 0) \
		.grid(row = 2,column = 2)
		# create a Y axis with ticks at 0,25,75,100 percent
		YAxis(self,graphheight/4,graphheight/20,height = graphheight,width = yaxis,bd = 0,highlightthickness = 0) \
		.grid(row = 1,column = 1)
	def bump(self):
		 x = ps.virtual_memory()
		 mem = x.percent
		 self.lab.percent.configure(text = str(mem) + '%')
		 self.lab.kb.configure(text = '{0:.2f}'.format((x.total - x.available)/1048576) + ' MB')
		 self.afterid = self.after(1000,self.bump)
	def start(self):
	def stop(self):