Example #1
 def test_no_eventlogs_found(self):
     """Tests combining data from 3 differnet logs into a single result."""
     event_log_paths = [os.path.join(TEST_DATA, 'fake_path')]
     stat_builder = graph_builder.StatsBuilder(event_log_paths,
     with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError):
Example #2
 def test_more_than_one_eventlog_per_dir(self):
     """Tests combining data from 3 differnet logs into a single result."""
     event_log_paths = [os.path.join(TEST_DATA, 'event_log_too_many')]
     stat_builder = graph_builder.StatsBuilder(event_log_paths,
     with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
Example #3
 def test_extract_value(self):
     """Tests extracting data from all steps in the event log."""
     stat_builder = graph_builder.StatsBuilder([''], 'AverageReturn')
     values, walltime = stat_builder._extract_values(
         os.path.join(TEST_DATA, 'event_log_ant_eval00/'))
     # Verifies all (3M) records were examined 0-3M = 301.
     self.assertLen(values, 301)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(walltime, 1152.09573, places=4)
     # Verifies event value at 3M
     self.assertAlmostEqual(values[3000000], 5950.31835, places=4)
Example #4
 def test_extract_value_1m_only(self):
     """Tests extracting data from the first 1M steps in the event log."""
     stat_builder = graph_builder.StatsBuilder([''],
     values, walltime = stat_builder._extract_values(
         os.path.join(TEST_DATA, 'event_log_ant_eval00/'))
     # Verifies only 1M records were examined 0-1M = 101.
     self.assertLen(values, 101)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(walltime, 370.61673, places=4)
     # Verifies event value at 1M.
     self.assertAlmostEqual(values[1000000], 3791.88696, places=4)
 def test_align_and_aggregate(self):
   """Tests combining data from 3 differnet logs into a single result."""
   event_log_dirs = [
       'event_log_ant_eval00', 'event_log_ant_eval01', 'event_log_ant_eval02'
   event_log_paths = [
       os.path.join(TEST_DATA, log_dir) for log_dir in event_log_dirs
   stat_builder = graph_builder.StatsBuilder(event_log_paths, 'AverageReturn')
   data_collector, _ = stat_builder._gather_data()
   agg_results = stat_builder._align_and_aggregate(data_collector)
   # Mean at step 3M.
   self.assertAlmostEqual(agg_results[-1][-1], 5674.96354, places=4)
   # Median at step 3M.
   self.assertAlmostEqual(agg_results[-1][-2], 5573.90380, places=4)
  def test_output_graph(self):
    """Tests outputing a graph to a file does not error out.

    There is no validation that the output graph is correct.
    output_path = self.create_tempdir()
    event_log_dirs = [
        'event_log_ant_eval00', 'event_log_ant_eval01', 'event_log_ant_eval02'
    event_log_paths = [
        os.path.join(TEST_DATA, log_dir) for log_dir in event_log_dirs
    stat_builder = graph_builder.StatsBuilder(
    data_collector, _ = stat_builder._gather_data()
    agg_results = stat_builder._align_and_aggregate(data_collector)
    stat_builder._output_graph(agg_results, len(event_log_dirs))