def new_graph_page(self, type, btn): handler = None if type in self.pages: handler = self.pages[type] if handler == None: self.newPage = tk.Toplevel(self.master) = GraphPage(self.newPage, type) handler = btn.configure(text="Close "+type) else: handler.master.destroy() handler = None; btn.configure(text="Open "+type) self.pages[type] = handler self.update()
def plot_graph(self): self.run_assoc_button.grid_remove() self.progresslabel = ttk.Label(self, style = "wlabel.TLabel") self.progresslabel.grid(column = 0, row = 4, columnspan = 2, pady = 5) self.progress = ttk.Progressbar(self, mode = "determinate", style = "green.Horizontal.TProgressbar") self.progress.grid(column = 0, row = 5, pady = 5, padx = 10, sticky = tk.W + tk.E) self.quit.grid(column = 0, row = 4, pady = (5,0), columnspan = 1, sticky = tk.E, padx = 10) self.progress.update_idletasks() if self.check_yes_no.get() == 0 or self.filetype == "unknown": self.item_indexs = {} self.item_indexs["p"] = self.optionlist.index( self.fourth_drop_value.get() ) self.item_indexs["snp"] = self.optionlist.index( self.second_drop_value.get() ) self.item_indexs["chr"] = self.optionlist.index( self.first_drop_value.get() ) self.item_indexs["bp"] = self.optionlist.index( self.third_drop_value.get() ) elif self.check_yes_no.get() == 1: self.item_indexs = {} self.item_indexs = get_assoc_columns(self.header_dict, self.filetype, plot = "assoc") print(self.item_indexs) = self.assoc_results.item_indexs = self.item_indexs self.assoc_results = prep_assoc_data(self.assoc_results) self.progress["maximum"] = len(self.assoc_results.chromset) + 0.001 x = threading.Thread(target=self.threaded_plot, daemon = True) x.start() self.assoc_page = GraphPage(master = self, results = self.assoc_results, plot_type = "all_chr") self.assoc_page.grid(column = 0, row = 1) self.table_page = TablePage(self, self.assoc_results, self.assoc_page.canvas, self.filename) self.table_page.grid(column = 0, row = 1, sticky = tk.NSEW) self.assocnotebook.add(self.assoc_page, text = "Association Plot") self.assocnotebook.add(self.table_page, text = "Data")
class Application(ttk.Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): super().__init__(master) self.master = master self.set_styles() self.assoc_results = Assoc() self.pack(expand = True) self.create_widgets() def set_styles(self): = ttk.Style()"clam")"greyframe.TFrame", background = "darkslategrey") self["style"] = "greyframe.TFrame""wbutton.TButton", background = "white")"greynote.TNotebook", background = "darkslategrey")"TNotebook.Tab", background=[("selected", "white")])"TNotebook.Tab", background = "white")"TCombobox", background = "white", foreground = "black")"TCombobox", fieldbackground=[("readonly", "white")], foreground=[("focus","black"),("disabled", "grey")], bordercolor=[("disabled", "white")])"wframe.TFrame", background = "white")"wlframe.TLabelframe", background = "white")"wlabel.TLabel", background = "white", foreground = "black")"TLabel", background=[("disabled", "white")], foreground=[("disabled","grey")])"wradio.TRadiobutton", background = "white")"wradio.TRadiobutton", background=[("disabled", "white")])"Run.TButton", font = ("bold", 12), background = "white")"teallabel.TLabel", background = "teal", foreground = "white", font = ("bold", 11))"fancy.Vertical.TScrollbar", background = "white", troughcolor = "white")"fancy.Horizontal.TScrollbar", background = "white", troughcolor = "white")"Optpane.TLabelframe", background = "white")"Optlabel.TLabel", background = "white", foreground = "black")"Optheadlabel.TLabel", background = "white", foreground = "teal")"Optscrol.Horizontal.TScale", background = "teal", troughcolor = "white")"green.Horizontal.TProgressbar", troughcolor ='white', background='green') def create_widgets(self): self.quit = ttk.Button(self, text="QUIT", command=self.master.destroy, style = "wbutton.TButton") self.quit.grid(column = 0, row = 10, pady = 5, columnspan = 2) self.make_input_frame() def make_input_frame(self): self.assocnotebook = ttk.Notebook(self, style = "greynote.TNotebook") self.assocnotebook.grid(column = 0, row = 1, sticky = tk.NSEW) self.input_frame = ttk.Frame(self, padding = 10, style = "wframe.TFrame") self.input_frame.grid(column = 0, row = 1, sticky = tk.NSEW) self.assocnotebook.add(self.input_frame, text = "Input") #self.title_img = tk.PhotoImage(file = "title.gif") #self.title_label = ttk.Label(self.input_frame, image = self.title_img, # style = "wlabel.TLabel") #self.title_label.grid(column = 0, row = 0, columnspan = 2, pady = 20) self.logo_canvas = tk.Canvas(self.input_frame, bg = "white", height = 150, width = 350, borderwidth = 0, highlightthickness = 0) self.logo_canvas.grid(column = 0, row = 0, columnspan = 2) self.logo_outer = self.logo_canvas.create_oval(30,30,320,130, fill = "light blue", outline = "white") self.logo_text = self.logo_canvas.create_text(175, 75, anchor = tk.CENTER) self.logo_canvas.itemconfig(self.logo_text, text = "GWAS Toolkit v3", font = ("courier", 25, "bold", "underline")) self.logo_canvas.update_idletasks() self.enter_text = ttk.Entry(self.input_frame, width = 75) self.enter_text.insert(0, "") self.enter_text.grid(column = 0, row = 2, padx = 5, sticky = tk.W) self.enter_text.state(["!disabled", "readonly"]) self.entertextlabel = ttk.Label(self.input_frame, style = "wlabel.TLabel") self.entertextlabel["text"] = ("Enter your file name and location" ", click browse to pick file:") self.entertextlabel.grid(column = 0, row = 1, padx = 5, sticky = tk.W) self.browse = ttk.Button(self.input_frame, style = "wbutton.TButton") self.browse["text"] = "Browse Files" self.browse["command"] = self.pick_file self.browse.grid(column = 1, row = 2, padx = 5) self.go_button = ttk.Button(self.input_frame, style = "wbutton.TButton") self.go_button["text"] = "Continue" self.go_button["command"] = self.get_file_info self.go_button.grid(column = 0, row = 3, padx = 5) self.go_button.state(["disabled"]) def check_if_empty(self): if self.enter_text.get() == "": self.go_button.state(["disabled"]) elif self.enter_text.get() != "": self.go_button.state(["!disabled"]) def pick_file(self): filename = tk.filedialog.askopenfilename(defaultextension = ".assoc", filetypes=[("ASSOC", ".assoc"), ("TEXT", ".txt")], title = "Choose Data File") self.enter_text.state(["!readonly"]) self.enter_text.delete(0, "end") self.enter_text.insert(0, filename) self.enter_text.state(["readonly"]) self.check_if_empty() def get_file_info(self): file_location = self.enter_text.get() self.header_dict, = get_data(file_location) self.filename = "" self.filename = get_simple_filename(file_location) file_format_query, self.filetype = find_file_type(self.header_dict) self.assoc_check_frame(self.filename, file_format_query) def assoc_check_frame(self, name, file_format_query): self.browse.grid_remove() self.go_button.grid_remove() check_labeltitle = ttk.Label(self.input_frame, text = "Data Check", style = "wlabel.TLabel") self.checkframe = ttk.LabelFrame(self.input_frame, text = "Data Check", style = "wlframe.TLabelframe", labelwidget = check_labeltitle) self.checkframe.grid(column = 0, row = 3, sticky = tk.N + tk.W + tk.E, padx = 10, pady = 10) self.checkframe["padding"] = 10 self.checkframe.configure(borderwidth = 2) self.data_info = ttk.Label(self.checkframe, style = "wlabel.TLabel") self.data_info["text"] = f"There are {len(} rows in {name}" self.data_info.grid(column = 0, row = 0, sticky = tk.N + tk.S + tk.E + tk.W) self.format_query_message = ttk.Label(self.checkframe, style = "wlabel.TLabel") self.format_query_message["text"] = "\n" + file_format_query self.format_query_message.grid(column = 0, row = 1, sticky = tk.W) if self.filetype != "unknown": self.check_yes_no = tk.IntVar() self.yes_check = ttk.Radiobutton(self.checkframe, text = "Yes", style = "wradio.TRadiobutton") self.yes_check.grid(column = 0, row = 2, sticky = tk.W, pady = 5) self.yes_check["variable"] = self.check_yes_no self.yes_check["value"] = 1 self.no_check = ttk.Radiobutton(self.checkframe, text = "No", style = "wradio.TRadiobutton") self.no_check.grid(column = 0, row = 2, pady = 5) self.no_check["variable"] = self.check_yes_no self.no_check["value"] = 0 self.check_go = ttk.Button(self.checkframe, text = "Continue", style = "wbutton.TButton") self.check_go.grid(column = 0, row = 3, pady = 10, padx = 5, sticky = tk.W) self.check_go["command"] = self.check_input elif self.filetype == "unknown": self.user_manual_input() def check_input(self): if self.check_yes_no.get() == 0: self.user_manual_input() elif self.check_yes_no.get() == 1: self.prep_to_run() def user_manual_input(self): if self.filetype != "unknown": self.yes_check.state(["disabled"]) self.no_check.state(["disabled"]) self.check_go.grid_remove() user_input_titlelabel = ttk.Label(self.input_frame, style = "wlabel.TLabel", text = "Manual Data Column Input") self.user_input_col_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(self.input_frame, style = "wlframe.TLabelframe", labelwidget = user_input_titlelabel) self.user_input_col_frame.grid(column = 0, row = 3, rowspan = 2, sticky = tk.N + tk.W + tk.E + tk.S, padx = 10, pady = 10) self.user_input_col_frame["padding"] = 10 self.user_input_message = ttk.Label(self.user_input_col_frame, style = "wlabel.TLabel") self.user_input_message["text"] = ("Please input the header of the " "column that contains the following:") self.user_input_message.grid(column = 0, row = 0, sticky = tk.W) self.optionlist = [] for key, value in self.header_dict.items(): self.optionlist.append(f"Column {int(value) + 1}: '{key}'") self.firstlabel = ttk.Label(self.user_input_col_frame, text = "The chromosome number:", style = "wlabel.TLabel") self.firstlabel.grid(column = 0, row = 1, sticky = tk.W, pady = 5, padx = 5) self.first_drop_value = tk.StringVar() self.first_drop_value.set(self.optionlist[0]) self.firstoptions = ttk.Combobox(self.user_input_col_frame, textvariable = self.first_drop_value, values = self.optionlist) self.firstoptions.state(["!disabled", "readonly"]) self.firstoptions.grid(column = 1, row = 1, sticky = tk.E, pady = 5) self.secondlabel = ttk.Label(self.user_input_col_frame, text = "The SNP name / ID:", style = "wlabel.TLabel") self.secondlabel.grid(column = 0, row = 2, sticky = tk.W, pady = 5, padx = 5) self.second_drop_value = tk.StringVar() self.second_drop_value.set(self.optionlist[1]) self.secondoptions = ttk.Combobox(self.user_input_col_frame, textvariable = self.second_drop_value, values = self.optionlist) self.secondoptions.state(["!disabled", "readonly"]) self.secondoptions.grid(column = 1, row = 2, sticky = tk.E, pady = 5) self.thirdlabel = ttk.Label(self.user_input_col_frame, text = "The bp position:", style = "wlabel.TLabel") self.thirdlabel.grid(column = 0, row = 3, sticky = tk.W, pady = 5, padx = 5) self.third_drop_value = tk.StringVar() self.third_drop_value.set(self.optionlist[2]) self.thirdoptions = ttk.Combobox(self.user_input_col_frame, textvariable = self.third_drop_value, values = self.optionlist) self.thirdoptions.state(["!disabled", "readonly"]) self.thirdoptions.grid(column = 1, row = 3, sticky = tk.E, pady = 5) self.fourthlabel = ttk.Label(self.user_input_col_frame, text = "The p-value from the association" " analysis:", style = "wlabel.TLabel") self.fourthlabel.grid(column = 0, row = 4, sticky = tk.W, pady = 5, padx = 5) self.fourth_drop_value = tk.StringVar() self.fourth_drop_value.set(self.optionlist[3]) self.fourthoptions = ttk.Combobox(self.user_input_col_frame, textvariable = self.fourth_drop_value, values = self.optionlist) self.fourthoptions.state(["!disabled", "readonly"]) self.fourthoptions.grid(column = 1, row = 4, sticky = tk.E, pady = 5) self.input_go = ttk.Button(self.user_input_col_frame, text = "Continue", style = "wbutton.TButton") self.input_go.grid(column = 0, row = 5, sticky = tk.W, pady = 5, padx = 5) self.input_go["command"] = self.prep_to_run def prep_to_run(self): if self.check_yes_no.get() == 0 or self.filetype == "unknown": self.input_go.grid_remove() self.firstoptions.state(["disabled"]) self.secondoptions.state(["disabled"]) self.thirdoptions.state(["disabled"]) self.fourthoptions.state(["disabled"]) elif self.check_yes_no.get() == 1: self.yes_check.state(["disabled"]) self.no_check.state(["disabled"]) self.check_go.grid_remove() self.run_assoc_button = ttk.Button(self, style = "Run.TButton") self.run_assoc_button["text"] = "Plot Graph" self.run_assoc_button.grid(column = 0, row = 4, columnspan = 2, pady = 10) self.run_assoc_button["command"] = self.plot_graph def plot_graph(self): self.run_assoc_button.grid_remove() self.progresslabel = ttk.Label(self, style = "wlabel.TLabel") self.progresslabel.grid(column = 0, row = 4, columnspan = 2, pady = 5) self.progress = ttk.Progressbar(self, mode = "determinate", style = "green.Horizontal.TProgressbar") self.progress.grid(column = 0, row = 5, pady = 5, padx = 10, sticky = tk.W + tk.E) self.quit.grid(column = 0, row = 4, pady = (5,0), columnspan = 1, sticky = tk.E, padx = 10) self.progress.update_idletasks() if self.check_yes_no.get() == 0 or self.filetype == "unknown": self.item_indexs = {} self.item_indexs["p"] = self.optionlist.index( self.fourth_drop_value.get() ) self.item_indexs["snp"] = self.optionlist.index( self.second_drop_value.get() ) self.item_indexs["chr"] = self.optionlist.index( self.first_drop_value.get() ) self.item_indexs["bp"] = self.optionlist.index( self.third_drop_value.get() ) elif self.check_yes_no.get() == 1: self.item_indexs = {} self.item_indexs = get_assoc_columns(self.header_dict, self.filetype, plot = "assoc") print(self.item_indexs) = self.assoc_results.item_indexs = self.item_indexs self.assoc_results = prep_assoc_data(self.assoc_results) self.progress["maximum"] = len(self.assoc_results.chromset) + 0.001 x = threading.Thread(target=self.threaded_plot, daemon = True) x.start() self.assoc_page = GraphPage(master = self, results = self.assoc_results, plot_type = "all_chr") self.assoc_page.grid(column = 0, row = 1) self.table_page = TablePage(self, self.assoc_results, self.assoc_page.canvas, self.filename) self.table_page.grid(column = 0, row = 1, sticky = tk.NSEW) self.assocnotebook.add(self.assoc_page, text = "Association Plot") self.assocnotebook.add(self.table_page, text = "Data") def threaded_plot(self): for chrom in self.assoc_results.chromset: chrom_snpcount = len(self.assoc_results.chrom_snpnum[chrom]) self.progresslabel["text"] = (f"Plotting: chr{chrom} " f"({chrom_snpcount} SNPs)") self.progresslabel.update_idletasks() self.assoc_results = plot_assoc_chr(self.assoc_results, chrom) self.progress.step() self.progress.update_idletasks() self.progress.grid_remove() self.progresslabel.grid_remove() self.quit.grid(column = 0, row = 6, pady = 5, columnspan = 2, sticky = tk.N) self.assoc_results = plot_assoc_graph(self.assoc_results) self.assoc_results.fig.subplots_adjust(left = 0.07, right = 0.98, top = 0.92) self.assoc_page.canvas.draw_idle() self.assoc_page.graph_option_pane.update_text_options() self.assoc_page.graph_option_pane.update_y_axis_option() self.table_page.make_results_table(50) self.table_page.make_option_and_info_panel()
def add_graph(name=None): cur_num = len(graph_list) name = f"Graph {cur_num}" if name is None else name graph_list.append(GraphPage(name)) tab_list.append(dcc.Tab(label=name, value=f"tab_{cur_num}"))
import dash import dash_html_components as html import dash_core_components as dcc from dash.dependencies import Input, Output from graph_page import GraphPage app = dash.Dash(__name__) graph_num = -1 graph_list = [GraphPage("Settings Page"), GraphPage("Graph 1")] tab_list = [ dcc.Tab(label="Settings", value="tab_0"), dcc.Tab(label="Graph 1", value="tab_1") ] drop_list = [dcc.Dropdown(id="x_drop"), dcc.Dropdown(id="y_drop", multi=True)] def add_graph(name=None): cur_num = len(graph_list) name = f"Graph {cur_num}" if name is None else name graph_list.append(GraphPage(name)) tab_list.append(dcc.Tab(label=name, value=f"tab_{cur_num}")) app.layout = html.Div([ dcc.Tabs(id="graph-tabs", value="tab_0"), html.Button("Add Graph", id="button"), html.Div(id='tab-display'), html.Div(id='tmp') ], id='app-container')