Example #1
def user_network(storage, track, session):
    g = Graph()
    users = defaultdict(g.add_vertex)

    g.graph_properties["track"] = g.new_graph_property("string", track)
    g.graph_properties["session"] = g.new_graph_property("string", session)

    g.edge_properties["created_at"] = g.new_edge_property("int64_t")

    for tweet in storage:
        tweeter_id = tweet["user__id_str"]
        origin_id = tweet["retweeted_status__user__id_str"]

        created_at = arrow.get(tweet["created_at"], DATE_FORMAT).timestamp

        if origin_id:
            edge = g.add_edge(users[tweeter_id], users[origin_id])
            g.edge_properties["created_at"][edge] = created_at

    return g
Example #2
def transform_nx_gt(g, rescale=False):
    from graph_tool import Graph
    from limic.util import haversine_distance
    h = Graph(directed=False)
    h.vp.id = h.new_vertex_property("int64_t")
    if rescale:
        h.vp.lat = h.new_vertex_property("int32_t")
        h.vp.long = h.new_vertex_property("int32_t")
        h.ep.weight = h.new_edge_property("int32_t")
        h.vp.lat = h.new_vertex_property("double")
        h.vp.long = h.new_vertex_property("double")
        h.ep.weight = h.new_edge_property("float")
    h.ep.type = h.new_edge_property("int32_t")
    h.gp.rescaled = h.new_graph_property("bool")
    h.gp.rescaled = rescale
    pos2vertex = {}
    intersection_id = 0
    for n in g.nodes():
        v = h.add_vertex()
        pos2vertex[n[1], n[2]] = v
        if n[0] < 0:
            intersection_id -= 1
            h.vp.id[v] = intersection_id
            h.vp.id[v] = n[0]
        h.vp.lat[v] = int(n[1] * 10000000) if rescale else n[1]
        h.vp.long[v] = int(n[2] * 10000000) if rescale else n[2]
    for n, m, d in g.edges.data(data=True):
        w = d['weight']
        air = d['type']
        e = h.add_edge(pos2vertex[n[1], n[2]], pos2vertex[m[1], m[2]])
        h.ep.type[e] = air
        if rescale and air < 0:
            w = haversine_distance(longx=n[2],
        h.ep.weight[e] = int(w * 1000) if rescale else w
    return h
        e1615 = child_graph.add_edge(child_graph.vertex_index[16], child_graph.vertex_index[15])
        e2015 = child_graph.add_edge(child_graph.vertex_index[20], child_graph.vertex_index[15])
        e2115 = child_graph.add_edge(child_graph.vertex_index[21], child_graph.vertex_index[15])
        e1716 = child_graph.add_edge(child_graph.vertex_index[17], child_graph.vertex_index[16])
        e2116 = child_graph.add_edge(child_graph.vertex_index[21], child_graph.vertex_index[16])
        e2216 = child_graph.add_edge(child_graph.vertex_index[22], child_graph.vertex_index[16])
        e2317 = child_graph.add_edge(child_graph.vertex_index[23], child_graph.vertex_index[17])
        e1918 = child_graph.add_edge(child_graph.vertex_index[19], child_graph.vertex_index[18])
        e2019 = child_graph.add_edge(child_graph.vertex_index[20], child_graph.vertex_index[19])
        e2120 = child_graph.add_edge(child_graph.vertex_index[21], child_graph.vertex_index[20])
        e2221 = child_graph.add_edge(child_graph.vertex_index[22], child_graph.vertex_index[21])
        e2322 = child_graph.add_edge(child_graph.vertex_index[23], child_graph.vertex_index[22])

        ## Property definition
        graph_name = child_graph.new_graph_property("string")
        layer_capacities = child_graph.new_edge_property("int")
        layer_res_capacity = child_graph.new_edge_property("int")
        layer_flow = child_graph.new_edge_property("int")
        alternate_path = child_graph.new_edge_property("int")
        flag_path = child_graph.new_edge_property("int")

        ## Property Assignment
        child_graph.gp.layer_name = graph_name
        child_graph.ep.edge_capacity = layer_capacities
        child_graph.ep.residual_capacity = layer_res_capacity
        child_graph.ep.edge_flow = layer_flow
        child_graph.ep.shared_path = alternate_path
        child_graph.ep.path_flag = flag_path

        ## Setting the name of the graph
Example #4
def cumulative_cooccurrence_graph(steps, sequences, directed=False):
    Creates a cumulative cooccurrence graph.

    steps : :obj:`iter` of :obj:`int` or :obj:`str` 
        A series that contains sequential labels for the nested groups.
    sequences : :obj:`iter` of :obj:`iter` of :obj:`int` 
        Nested iterable of integers representing vertices in the graph. Number 
        of nested iterables should be equal to `len(steps)`.
    directed : :obj:`bool` 
        Currently has no effect. In future this will determine whether to build 
        a bi-directional cooccurrence graph.

    g : :obj:`graph_tool.Graph`
        A graph. Vertices are elements. Edges link terms that have cooccurred 
        at least once in the series.
    o_props : :obj:`dict` 
        Property maps with vertex occurrence values at each step.
    o_cumsum_props : :obj:`dict` 
        Property maps with cumulative vertex cooccurrence values at each step.
    co_props : :obj:`dict` 
        Property maps with edge cooccurrnce values at each step.
    co_cumsum_props : :obj:`dict`
        Property maps with cumulative edge cooccurrence values at each step.

    g = Graph(directed=directed)

    o_total = Counter(chain(*chain(*sequences)))
    n_vertices = len(o_total)
    o_max = dict_to_vertex_prop(g, o_total, 'int')

    co_total = cooccurrence_counts(chain(*sequences))
    edge_list = ((c[0], c[1], count) for c, count in co_total.items())
    co_max = g.new_edge_property('int')
    g.add_edge_list(edge_list, eprops=[co_max])

    edges = g.get_edges()
    edge_indices = dict(zip([(e[0], e[1]) for e in edges], edges[:, 2]))

    o_props = {}
    co_props = {}
    o_cumsum_props = {}
    co_cumsum_props = {}
    for i, (step, seq) in enumerate(zip(steps[:-1], sequences[:-1])):
        logging.info(f'Calculating cooccurrences at step {step}')
        o_step = Counter(chain(*seq))
        o_props[step] = dict_to_vertex_prop(g, o_step, 'int')

        combos = (combinations(sorted(ids), 2) for ids in seq)
        co_step = Counter(chain(*combos))
        co_props[step] = dict_to_edge_prop(g, co_step, 'int', edge_indices)

        o_cumsum = g.new_vertex_property('int')
        co_cumsum = g.new_edge_property('int')
        if i == 0:
            o_cumsum.a = o_cumsum.a + o_props[step].a
            co_cumsum.a = co_cumsum.a + co_props[step].a
            o_cumsum.a = o_cumsum_props[steps[i - 1]].a + o_props[step].a
            co_cumsum.a = co_cumsum_props[steps[i - 1]].a + co_props[step].a
        o_cumsum_props[step] = o_cumsum
        co_cumsum_props[step] = co_cumsum
    # fill in the last step without needing to count occurrences
    # or cooccurrences
    step_max = steps[-1]
    o = g.new_vertex_property('int')
    co = g.new_edge_property('int')
    o.a = o_max.a - o_cumsum.a
    co.a = co_max.a - co_cumsum.a
    o_props[step_max] = o
    co_props[step_max] = co

    o_cumsum_props[step_max] = o_max
    co_cumsum_props[step_max] = co_max

    steps_prop = g.new_graph_property('vector<int>')
    g.gp['steps'] = steps_prop

    return g, o_props, o_cumsum_props, co_props, co_cumsum_props