Example #1
def main():
    fileInput = "C:\Programming\CS138\Week 8\canoe.gif"
    fileOutput = "C:\Programming\CS138\Week 8\grayCanoe.gif"

    image = Image(Point(400, 300), fileInput)  # Getting our image.
    width = image.getWidth()
    height = image.getHeight()
    win = GraphWin("Monochromatic Conversion", width,
                   height)  # Creating our window.

    row = 0  # The starting pixel for our x-axis
    column = 0  # The starting pixel for our y-axis


    for row in range(image.getWidth()):
        for column in range(image.getHeight()):
            r, g, b = image.getPixel(row, column)
            brightness = int(round(0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b))
            image.setPixel(row, column,
                           color_rgb(brightness, brightness, brightness))

Example #2
class GraphicsDisplay(Display):
    def __init__(self, cols=None, rows=None, window=None, scale=None):
        if scale is not None:
            self.scale = scale
            self.scale = 0.036
        if window is not None:
            self.window = window
            windowWidth = self.scale * ((self.cols * characterDiameter) +
                                        ((self.cols + 1) * characterRadius))
            windowHeight = self.scale * ((self.rows * characterDiameter) +
                                         ((self.rows + 1) * characterRadius))
            self.window = GraphWin("Retrotextual",

        center = arr([characterDiameter, characterDiameter])
        for row in range(self.rows):
            for col in range(self.cols):
                self.characters.append(GraphicsCharacter(self, center))
                center[0] += characterDiameter + characterGap
            center[0] = characterDiameter
            center[1] = characterRadius * 5

    def show(self):
Example #3
def main():
    gui = False
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        if str(sys.argv[1]) == 'cli':
            gui = False
        myboard = Board(8)
        comp = BotRandom(myboard, 'b')
        win = GraphWin('Chess', WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        while not win.isClosed():
            drawBoard(myboard, win)
            if myboard.gamestate != 0:
                drawCheckmate(myboard, win)
            if myboard.active == 'w':
                getNextMove(myboard, win)
            # print(myboard.allLegalMoves(True))
        boardSize = 8
        if len(sys.argv) > 2:
            boardSize = int(sys.argv[2])
        myboard = Board(boardSize)
        comp = BotHeuristic(myboard, 'b')
        while myboard.gamestate == 0:
            if myboard.active == 'w':
        if myboard.gamestate == 1:
            print("Game Over! Black Wins!")
        if myboard.gamestate == 2:
            print("Game Over! White Wins!")
        if myboard.gamestate == 3:
            print("Game Over! Draw!")
Example #4
class View:
    Will handle all functions necessary to provide a graphical representation of a World.

    def __init__(self, world: World, title: str):
        Creates a new View with a given World to represent.
        self.world = world
        self.window = GraphWin(title, world.width, world.height, autoflush=False)
        self.rectangles = []
        self.vehicle = None
        self.camera = None

    def update(self, delta_t: float):
        Redraws this View (call upon update in coordinates).
        if self.vehicle:
            self.vehicle.move(self.world.vehicle.velocity[0] * delta_t, self.world.vehicle.velocity[1] * delta_t)
        if self.world.camera:
            #self.camera = Rectangle(self.world.camera.get_upper_left_corner(), self.world.camera.get_lower_right_corner())
            if self.camera:
            upper_left_corner = self.world.camera.get_upper_left_corner()
            lower_right_corner = self.world.camera.get_lower_right_corner()
            self.camera = Rectangle(Point(upper_left_corner[0], upper_left_corner[1]), Point(lower_right_corner[0], lower_right_corner[1]))
            if self.camera:
            self.camera = None

    def add_feature(self, upper_left_corner: tuple, lower_right_corner: tuple, color: str):
        Adds a feature to be drawn in this view.
        self.rectangles.append(Rectangle(Point(upper_left_corner[0], upper_left_corner[1]), Point(lower_right_corner[0], lower_right_corner[1])))
        self.rectangles[len(self.rectangles) - 1].setFill(color)
        self.rectangles[len(self.rectangles) - 1].setOutline(color)
        self.rectangles[len(self.rectangles) - 1].draw(self.window)

    def set_vehicle(self, upper_left_corner: tuple, lower_right_corner: tuple, color: str):
        Sets the location of the Vehicle.
        self.vehicle = Rectangle(Point(upper_left_corner[0], upper_left_corner[1]), Point(lower_right_corner[0], lower_right_corner[1]))

    def check_mouse(self):
        Checks if a mouse button has been clicked during the previous frame.
        Returns the specific button if a button was clicked, or None if not button was pressed.
        return self.window.checkMouse()

    def close_window(self):
        Closes the window associated with this View.

    def capture_png(self, name: str):
        Records a postscript (similar to PDF) of the current graphical representation to the given file name.
        Converts this postscript to a png.
        file_name = name + ".eps"
        self.window.postscript(file=file_name, colormode='color')
        img = Image.open(file_name)
        img.save(name + ".png", "png")
Example #5
class VScreen:
    def __init__(self, name, size):
        """Size is a Tuple(x,y)
            Win is a GraphWin from graphics.py"""
        self.__matrix = [["#000000" for y in range(size[1] + 1)] for x in range(size[0] + 1)]
        # self.__matrix_anti_alising = [["#000000" for y in range(size[1] + 1)] for x in range(size[0] + 1)]
        self.win = GraphWin(name, size[0], size[1], autoflush=False)
        self.win.setCoords(0, 0, size[0], size[1])
        self.size = size

    # def alising(self):

    def refresh(self):

    def get_point_color(self, p):
            point_color = self.__matrix[p[0]][p[1]]
            return point_color
        except IndexError:
            print(f"Trying to place point: {p[0]},{p[1]}")

    def __str__(self):
        vs = ''
        for x in range(0, self.size[0]):
            for y in range(0, self.size[1]):
                vs += f'({x}, {y}: {self.__matrix[x][y]}), '
            vs = ''
        return 'Objeto printado!'

    def point_1_screen(self, p, color='#000000'):
            if (color != None):
                self.win.plot(p[0], p[1], color)
        except IndexError:
            print(f"Trying to place point: {p[0]},{p[1]}")

    def point_1(self, p, color='#000000'):
            self.__matrix[p[0]][p[1]] = color
            self.win.plot(p[0], p[1], color)
        except IndexError:
            print(f"Trying to place point: {p[0]},{p[1]}")

    def point_2(self, p, color='#000000'):
        """ # - ponto passado para a funcao

        self.point_1((p[0] + 1, p[1]), color)
        self.point_1((p[0], p[1] + 1), color)
        self.point_1((p[0], p[1]), color)
        self.point_1((p[0] + 1, p[1] + 1), color)

    def point_3(self, p, color="#000000"):
        ''' # - ponto passado para a funcao
        self.point_1((p[0], p[1]), color)
        self.point_1((p[0], p[1] - 1), color)
        self.point_1((p[0], p[1] + 1), color)
        self.point_1((p[0] - 1, p[1]), color)
        self.point_1((p[0] + 1, p[1]), color)

    def point_4(self, p, color="#000000"):
        """ # - ponto passado para a funcao

        self.point_1((p[0], p[1]), color)
        self.point_1((p[0] + 1, p[1]), color)
        self.point_1((p[0] + 2, p[1]), color)
        self.point_1((p[0] - 1, p[1]), color)
        self.point_1((p[0], p[1] - 1), color)
        self.point_1((p[0] + 1, p[1] - 1), color)
        self.point_1((p[0] - 1, p[1] + 1), color)
        self.point_1((p[0], p[1] + 1), color)
        self.point_1((p[0] + 1, p[1] + 1), color)
        self.point_1((p[0] + 2, p[1] + 1), color)
        self.point_1((p[0], p[1] + 2), color)
        self.point_1((p[0] + 1, p[1] + 2), color)

    def fill(self, p, color='#000000'):
        print("In Fill")
        lista = list()
        x = p
        while (len(lista) != 0):
            high = (x[0] > 0 and x[1] > 0)
            low = (x[0] < self.size[0] and x[1] < self.size[1])
            if color != self.__matrix[x[0]][x[1]] and high and low:
                self.point_1(x, color)
                lista.append((x[0] + 1, x[1]))
                lista.append((x[0], x[1] + 1))
                lista.append((x[0] - 1, x[1]))
                lista.append((x[0], x[1] - 1))
            x = lista.pop(0)
        print("Out Fill")

    # Linhas
    def line(self, p1, p2, size, color='#000000'):
        if (size == 1):
            x1 = p1[0]
            y1 = p1[1]
            x2 = p2[0]
            y2 = p2[1]
            p = 0
            dX = x2 - x1
            dY = y2 - y1
            xInc = 1
            yInc = 1

            if (dX < 0):
                xInc = -1
                dX = -dX
            if (dY < 0):
                yInc = -1
                dY = -dY
            if (dY <= dX):
                p = dX / 2
                while (x1 != x2):
                    self.point_1((x1, y1), color)
                    p = p - dY
                    if (p < 0):
                        y1 = y1 + yInc
                        p = p + dX
                    x1 = x1 + xInc
                p = dY / 2
                while (y1 != y2):
                    self.point_1((x1, y1), color)
                    p = p - dX
                    if (p < 0):
                        x1 = x1 + xInc
                        p = p + dY
                    y1 = y1 + yInc
                self.point_1((x1, y1), color)

        elif (size == 2):
            x1 = p1[0]
            y1 = p1[1]
            x2 = p2[0]
            y2 = p2[1]
            p = 0
            dX = x2 - x1
            dY = y2 - y1
            xInc = 1
            yInc = 1

            if (dX < 0):
                xInc = -1
                dX = -dX
            if (dY < 0):
                yInc = -1
                dY = -dY
            if (dY <= dX):
                p = dX / 2
                while (x1 != x2):
                    self.point_2((x1, y1), color)
                    p = p - dY
                    if (p < 0):
                        y1 = y1 + yInc
                        p = p + dX
                    x1 = x1 + xInc
                p = dY / 2
                while (y1 != y2):
                    self.point_2((x1, y1), color)
                    p = p - dX
                    if (p < 0):
                        x1 = x1 + xInc
                        p = p + dY
                    y1 = y1 + yInc
                self.point_2((x1, y1), color)

        elif (size == 3):
            x1 = p1[0]
            y1 = p1[1]
            x2 = p2[0]
            y2 = p2[1]
            p = 0
            dX = x2 - x1
            dY = y2 - y1
            xInc = 1
            yInc = 1

            if (dX < 0):
                xInc = -1
                dX = -dX
            if (dY < 0):
                yInc = -1
                dY = -dY
            if (dY <= dX):
                p = dX / 2
                while (x1 != x2):
                    self.point_3((x1, y1), color)
                    p = p - dY
                    if (p < 0):
                        y1 = y1 + yInc
                        p = p + dX
                    x1 = x1 + xInc
                p = dY / 2
                while (y1 != y2):
                    self.point_3((x1, y1), color)
                    p = p - dX
                    if (p < 0):
                        x1 = x1 + xInc
                        p = p + dY
                    y1 = y1 + yInc
                self.point_3((x1, y1), color)

        elif (size == 4):
            x1 = p1[0]
            y1 = p1[1]
            x2 = p2[0]
            y2 = p2[1]
            p = 0
            dX = x2 - x1
            dY = y2 - y1
            xInc = 1
            yInc = 1

            if (dX < 0):
                xInc = -1
                dX = -dX
            if (dY < 0):
                yInc = -1
                dY = -dY
            if (dY <= dX):
                p = dX / 2
                while (x1 != x2):
                    self.point_4((x1, y1), color)
                    p = p - dY
                    if (p < 0):
                        y1 = y1 + yInc
                        p = p + dX
                    x1 = x1 + xInc
                p = dY / 2
                while (y1 != y2):
                    self.point_4((x1, y1), color)
                    p = p - dX
                    if (p < 0):
                        x1 = x1 + xInc
                        p = p + dY
                    y1 = y1 + yInc
                self.point_4((x1, y1), color)

    # Circulo
    def circle(self, c, r, size, color="#000000"):
        print("In Circle")
        if (size == 1):
            # c eh o PONTO DO CENTRO DO CIRCULO
            # r eh o RAIO do circulo
            x = 0
            y = r
            p = 5 / 4 - r
            self.point_1((x + c[0], y + c[1]), color)
            self.point_1((-x + c[0], y + c[1]), color)
            self.point_1((-x + c[0], -y + c[1]), color)
            self.point_1((x + c[0], -y + c[1]), color)
            self.point_1((y + c[0], x + c[1]), color)
            self.point_1((-y + c[0], x + c[1]), color)
            self.point_1((-y + c[0], -x + c[1]), color)
            self.point_1((y + c[0], -x + c[1]), color)
            while (x < y):
                x += 1
                if (p < 0):
                    p += 2 * x + 1
                    y = y - 1
                    p += 2 * x + 1 - 2 * y
                self.point_1((x + c[0], y + c[1]), color)
                self.point_1((-x + c[0], y + c[1]), color)
                self.point_1((-x + c[0], -y + c[1]), color)
                self.point_1((x + c[0], -y + c[1]), color)
                self.point_1((y + c[0], x + c[1]), color)
                self.point_1((-y + c[0], x + c[1]), color)
                self.point_1((-y + c[0], -x + c[1]), color)
                self.point_1((y + c[0], -x + c[1]), color)

        elif (size == 2):
            # c eh o PONTO DO CENTRO DO CIRCULO
            # r eh o RAIO do circulo
            x = 0
            y = r
            p = 5 / 4 - r
            self.point_2((x + c[0], y + c[1]), color)
            self.point_2((-x + c[0], y + c[1]), color)
            self.point_2((-x + c[0], -y + c[1]), color)
            self.point_2((x + c[0], -y + c[1]), color)
            self.point_2((y + c[0], x + c[1]), color)
            self.point_2((-y + c[0], x + c[1]), color)
            self.point_2((-y + c[0], -x + c[1]), color)
            self.point_2((y + c[0], -x + c[1]), color)
            while (x < y):
                x += 1
                if (p < 0):
                    p += 2 * x + 1
                    y = y - 1
                    p += 2 * x + 1 - 2 * y
                self.point_2((x + c[0], y + c[1]), color)
                self.point_2((-x + c[0], y + c[1]), color)
                self.point_2((-x + c[0], -y + c[1]), color)
                self.point_2((x + c[0], -y + c[1]), color)
                self.point_2((y + c[0], x + c[1]), color)
                self.point_2((-y + c[0], x + c[1]), color)
                self.point_2((-y + c[0], -x + c[1]), color)
                self.point_2((y + c[0], -x + c[1]), color)

        elif (size == 3):
            # c eh o PONTO DO CENTRO DO CIRCULO
            # r eh o RAIO do circulo
            x = 0
            y = r
            p = 5 / 4 - r
            self.point_3((x + c[0], y + c[1]), color)
            self.point_3((-x + c[0], y + c[1]), color)
            self.point_3((-x + c[0], -y + c[1]), color)
            self.point_3((x + c[0], -y + c[1]), color)
            self.point_3((y + c[0], x + c[1]), color)
            self.point_3((-y + c[0], x + c[1]), color)
            self.point_3((-y + c[0], -x + c[1]), color)
            self.point_3((y + c[0], -x + c[1]), color)
            while (x < y):
                x += 1
                if (p < 0):
                    p += 2 * x + 1
                    y = y - 1
                    p += 2 * x + 1 - 2 * y
                self.point_3((x + c[0], y + c[1]), color)
                self.point_3((-x + c[0], y + c[1]), color)
                self.point_3((-x + c[0], -y + c[1]), color)
                self.point_3((x + c[0], -y + c[1]), color)
                self.point_3((y + c[0], x + c[1]), color)
                self.point_3((-y + c[0], x + c[1]), color)
                self.point_3((-y + c[0], -x + c[1]), color)
                self.point_3((y + c[0], -x + c[1]), color)

        elif (size == 4):
            # c eh o PONTO DO CENTRO DO CIRCULO
            # r eh o RAIO do circulo
            x = 0
            y = r
            p = 5 / 4 - r
            self.point_4((x + c[0], y + c[1]), color)
            self.point_4((-x + c[0], y + c[1]), color)
            self.point_4((-x + c[0], -y + c[1]), color)
            self.point_4((x + c[0], -y + c[1]), color)
            self.point_4((y + c[0], x + c[1]), color)
            self.point_4((-y + c[0], x + c[1]), color)
            self.point_4((-y + c[0], -x + c[1]), color)
            self.point_4((y + c[0], -x + c[1]), color)
            while (x < y):
                x += 1
                if (p < 0):
                    p += 2 * x + 1
                    y = y - 1
                    p += 2 * x + 1 - 2 * y
                self.point_4((x + c[0], y + c[1]), color)
                self.point_4((-x + c[0], y + c[1]), color)
                self.point_4((-x + c[0], -y + c[1]), color)
                self.point_4((x + c[0], -y + c[1]), color)
                self.point_4((y + c[0], x + c[1]), color)
                self.point_4((-y + c[0], x + c[1]), color)
                self.point_4((-y + c[0], -x + c[1]), color)
                self.point_4((y + c[0], -x + c[1]), color)
        print("Out Circle")