def updateDistributions(self, distributions): "Draws an agent's belief distributions" # copy all distributions so we don't change their state distributions = [x.copy() for x in distributions] if self.distributionImages is None: self.drawDistributions(self.previousState) for x in range(len(self.distributionImages)): for y in range(len(self.distributionImages[0])): image = self.distributionImages[x][y] weights = [dist[(x, y)] for dist in distributions] if sum(weights) != 0: pass # Fog of war color = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] colors = GHOST_VEC_COLORS[1:] # With Pacman if self.capture: colors = GHOST_VEC_COLORS for weight, gcolor in zip(weights, colors): color = [ min(1.0, c + 0.95 * g * weight**0.3) for c, g in zip(color, gcolor) ] changeColor(image, formatColor(*color)) refresh()
def _getBeliefSquareColor(color, value): value = min(1.0, value * 15) saturation = value hue = Display.COLOR_HUES[color] r, g, b = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, saturation, 1.0) color = graphicsUtils.formatColor(r, g, b) return color
def drawGhost(self, ghost, agentIndex): pos = self.getPosition(ghost) dir = self.getDirection(ghost) (screen_x, screen_y) = (self.to_screen(pos)) coords = [] for (x, y) in GHOST_SHAPE: coords.append((x * self.gridSize * GHOST_SIZE + screen_x, y * self.gridSize * GHOST_SIZE + screen_y)) colour = self.getGhostColor(ghost, agentIndex) body = gU.polygon(coords, colour, filled=1) WHITE = gU.formatColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) BLACK = gU.formatColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) dx = 0 dy = 0 if dir == 'North': dy = -0.2 if dir == 'South': dy = 0.2 if dir == 'East': dx = 0.2 if dir == 'West': dx = -0.2 leftEye = + self.gridSize * GHOST_SIZE * (-0.3 + dx / 1.5), screen_y - self.gridSize * GHOST_SIZE * (0.3 - dy / 1.5)), self.gridSize * GHOST_SIZE * 0.2, WHITE, WHITE) rightEye = + self.gridSize * GHOST_SIZE * (0.3 + dx / 1.5), screen_y - self.gridSize * GHOST_SIZE * (0.3 - dy / 1.5)), self.gridSize * GHOST_SIZE * 0.2, WHITE, WHITE) leftPupil = + self.gridSize * GHOST_SIZE * (-0.3 + dx), screen_y - self.gridSize * GHOST_SIZE * (0.3 - dy)), self.gridSize * GHOST_SIZE * 0.08, BLACK, BLACK) rightPupil = + self.gridSize * GHOST_SIZE * (0.3 + dx), screen_y - self.gridSize * GHOST_SIZE * (0.3 - dy)), self.gridSize * GHOST_SIZE * 0.08, BLACK, BLACK) ghostImageParts = [] ghostImageParts.append(body) ghostImageParts.append(leftEye) ghostImageParts.append(rightEye) ghostImageParts.append(leftPupil) ghostImageParts.append(rightPupil) return ghostImageParts
def drawExpandedCells(self, cells): """ Draws an overlay of expanded grid positions for search agents """ n = float(len(cells)) baseColor = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.clearExpandedCells() self.expandedCells = [] for k, cell in enumerate(cells): screenPos = self.to_screen(cell) cellColor = gU.formatColor(*[(n - k) * c * .5 / n + .25 for c in baseColor]) block = gU.square(screenPos, 0.5 * self.gridSize, color=cellColor, filled=1, behind=2) self.expandedCells.append(block) if self.frameTime < 0: gU.refresh()
def shadeCost(self, layout, constraints, costVector, feasiblePoints, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax): baseColor = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] costs = [self.pointCost(costVector, point) for point in feasiblePoints] minCost = min(costs) maxCost = max(costs) costSpan = maxCost - minCost allFeasiblePoints = self.getFeasibleLayoutPoints( layout, constraints, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) # The feasible points themselves may have been gridded to infeasible grid points, # but we want to make sure they are shaded too. #cornerPoints = [self.cartesianToLayout(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, point) for point in feasiblePoints] cornerPoints = self.getLayoutPointsWithSymbol(layout, ('o', 'P')) gridPointsToShade = cornerPoints + allFeasiblePoints for gridPoint in gridPointsToShade: point = self.layoutToCartesian(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, gridPoint) relativeCost = (self.pointCost(costVector, point) - minCost) * 1.0 / costSpan # Whoops our grid points are flipped top-bottom from what to_screen expects screenPos = self.to_screen( (gridPoint[0], len(layout) - gridPoint[1] - 1)) cellColor = [ 0.25 + 0.5 * relativeCost * channel for channel in baseColor ] graphicsUtils.square(screenPos, 0.5 * self.gridSize, color=graphicsUtils.formatColor(*cellColor), filled=1, behind=2) graphicsUtils.refresh() graphicsUtils.sleep(1)
def updateDistributions(self, distributions): "Draws an agent's belief distributions" if self.distributionImages is None: self.drawDistributions(self.previousState) for x in range(len(self.distributionImages)): for y in range(len(self.distributionImages[0])): image = self.distributionImages[x][y] weights = [dist[(x, y)] for dist in distributions] if sum(weights) != 0: pass # Fog of war color = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] colors = GHOST_VEC_COLORS[1:] # With Pacman if self.capture: colors = GHOST_VEC_COLORS for weight, gcolor in zip(weights, colors): color = [min(1.0, c + 0.95 * g * weight ** .3) for c, g in zip(color, gcolor)] gU.changeColor(image, gU.formatColor(*color)) gU.refresh()
from graphicsDisplay import PacmanGraphics from graphicsDisplay import InfoPane import graphicsDisplay import graphicsUtils from game import GameStateData from game import AgentState from game import Configuration from game import Directions from layout import Layout from Tkinter import mainloop import math import numpy as np import time import plotUtil LINE_COLOR = graphicsUtils.formatColor(0, 1, 0) def plotPoints(x, y): """ Create a Pacman display, plotting the points (x[i],y[i]) for all i in len(x). This method will block control and hand it to the displayed window. x: array or list of N scalar values. y: array or list of N scalar values. >>> x = range(-3,4) >>> squared = lambda x : x**2 >>> y = map(squared, x) >>> pacmanPlot.plotPoints(x,y) """
import math from game import Directions import os ########################### # GRAPHICS DISPLAY CODE # ########################### # Most code by Dan Klein and John Denero written # or rewritten for cs188, UC Berkeley. # Some code from a Pacman implementation by LiveWires, # and used / modified with permission. DEFAULT_GRID_SIZE = 30.0 INFO_PANE_HEIGHT = 35 BACKGROUND_COLOR = gU.formatColor(0, 0, 0) WALL_COLOR = gU.formatColor(0.0 / 255.0, 51.0 / 255.0, 255.0 / 255.0) INFO_PANE_COLOR = gU.formatColor(.4, .4, 0) SCORE_COLOR = gU.formatColor(.9, .9, .9) PACMAN_OUTLINE_WIDTH = 2 PACMAN_CAPTURE_OUTLINE_WIDTH = 4 GHOST_COLORS = [] GHOST_COLORS.append(gU.formatColor(.9, 0, 0)) # Red GHOST_COLORS.append(gU.formatColor(0, .3, .9)) # Blue GHOST_COLORS.append(gU.formatColor(.98, .41, .07)) # Orange GHOST_COLORS.append(gU.formatColor(.1, .75, .7)) # Green GHOST_COLORS.append(gU.formatColor(1.0, 0.6, 0.0)) # Yellow GHOST_COLORS.append(gU.formatColor(.4, 0.13, 0.91)) # Purple TEAM_COLORS = GHOST_COLORS[:2]
from graphicsDisplay import PacmanGraphics from graphicsDisplay import InfoPane import graphicsDisplay import graphicsUtils from game import GameStateData from game import AgentState from game import Configuration from game import Directions from layout import Layout from Tkinter import mainloop import math import numpy as np import time import plotUtil LINE_COLOR = graphicsUtils.formatColor(0, 1, 0) def plotPoints(x,y): """ Create a Pacman display, plotting the points (x[i],y[i]) for all i in len(x). This method will block control and hand it to the displayed window. x: array or list of N scalar values. y: array or list of N scalar values. >>> x = range(-3,4) >>> squared = lambda x : x**2 >>> y = map(squared, x) >>> pacmanPlot.plotPoints(x,y) """ display = PacmanPlot(x,y)
class Display(object): WHITE = graphicsUtils.formatColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) RED = graphicsUtils.formatColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) GREEN = graphicsUtils.formatColor(0.16, 0.49, 0.31) BLUE = graphicsUtils.formatColor(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) BLACK = graphicsUtils.formatColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) GREY = graphicsUtils.formatColor(0.5, .5, 0.5) VISIBLE_CUTTOFF = 0.001 partDict = {} beliefParts = [] beliefValue = [] beliefColor = [] observations = [] graphicsLock = threading.Lock() COLORS = [ 'purple', 'green', 'teal', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow' ] COLOR_HUES = { 'purple' : 0.8, 'green' : 0.3, 'teal' : 0.49, 'red' : 0.0, 'orange' : 0.125, 'yellow' : 0.21 } @staticmethod def initGraphics(layout): graphicsUtils.begin_graphics( width=layout.getWidth(), height=layout.getHeight(), color = Display.WHITE, title = Const.TITLE ); @staticmethod def endGraphics(): graphicsUtils.end_graphics() @staticmethod def raiseEndGraphics(): graphicsUtils.raiseEndGraphics() @staticmethod def drawCar(car): if car in Display.partDict: Display._remove(car) color = Display.GREY if car.isJunior(): color = Display.BLACK parts = graphicsUtils.rectangle( car.pos, Car.LENGTH, Car.WIDTH, color, car.dir ) Display.partDict[car] = parts @staticmethod def drawObservation(obs): parts = Display.drawCircle(obs.pos, Observation.RADIUS) Display.partDict[obs] = parts @staticmethod def drawSquare(pos, size, color): return graphicsUtils.square(pos, size, color) @staticmethod def drawFinish(block): graphicsUtils.rectangle( block.getCenter(), block.getHeight(), block.getWidth(), Display.GREEN, None, 1.0 ) @staticmethod def drawBlocks(blocks): for block in blocks: graphicsUtils.rectangle( block.getCenter(), block.getHeight(), block.getWidth(), Display.BLUE, None, 1.0 ) @staticmethod def drawCircle(pos, radius): return, radius, Display.RED, Display.RED) @staticmethod def drawBelief(model): Display.beliefVisible = [] for r in range(model.getBeliefRows()): beliefValueRow = [] beliefPartRow = [] beliefColorRow = [] for c in range(model.getBeliefCols()): square = Display.drawBeliefSquare(r, c, 'purple', 0.0, model) beliefPartRow.append(square) beliefValueRow.append(0.0) beliefColorRow.append(None) Display.beliefParts.append(beliefPartRow) Display.beliefValue.append(beliefValueRow) Display.beliefColor.append(beliefColorRow) @staticmethod def drawBeliefSquare(row, col, color, value, model): tileSize = Const.BELIEF_TILE_SIZE x = col * tileSize + tileSize / 2.0 y = row * tileSize + tileSize / 2.0 if not model.inBounds(x, y): return None color = Display._getBeliefSquareColor(color, value) return Display.drawSquare(Vec2d(x, y), tileSize, color) # make thread safe @staticmethod def getKeys(): #print 'attempt get keys' Display._acquireLock() #print 'get keys' keys = graphicsUtils.keys_waiting() + graphicsUtils.keys_pressed() Display._releaseLock() return keys # make thread safe @staticmethod def graphicsSleep(timeToSleep): graphicsUtils.sleep(timeToSleep) #time.sleep(timeToSleep) '''for _ in range(int(timeToSleep / 0.005)): #print 'attempt sleep' Display._acquireLock() #print 'sleep' graphicsUtils.sleep(0.001) Display._releaseLock() time.sleep(0.004)''' #graphicsUtils.sleep(timeToSleep) #time.sleep(timeToSleep) '''startWait = time.time() Display._acquireLock() timeToSleep -= time.time() - startWait graphicsUtils.refresh() if timeToSleep > 0: graphicsUtils.sleep(timeToSleep) Display._releaseLock()''' # make thread safe @staticmethod def updateBelief(color, belief): Display._acquireLock() total = belief.getSum() if abs(total - 1.0) > 0.001: raise Exception('belief does not sum to 1 ('+str(total)+'). Use the normalize method.') for r in range(belief.getNumRows()): for c in range(belief.getNumCols()): value = belief.getProb(r, c) Display._updateBeliefSquare(r, c, value, color) Display._releaseLock() # make thread safe @staticmethod def move(obj, delta): #print 'attempt move' Display._acquireLock() #print 'move' parts = Display.partDict[obj] #assert(parts) graphicsUtils.move_by(parts, delta.x, delta.y) #print 'end move' Display._releaseLock() # make thread safe @staticmethod def rotate(obj, angle): if angle == 0: return #print 'attempt rotate' Display._acquireLock() #print 'rotate' parts = Display.partDict[obj] #assert(parts) graphicsUtils.rotate_by(parts, angle) Display._releaseLock() @staticmethod def _getBeliefSquareColor(color, value): value = min(1.0, value * 15) saturation = value hue = Display.COLOR_HUES[color] r, g, b = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, saturation, 1.0) color = graphicsUtils.formatColor(r, g, b) return color @staticmethod def _isVisible(value): return value >= Display.VISIBLE_CUTTOFF @staticmethod def _updateBeliefSquare(r, c, value, colorName): part = Display.beliefParts[r][c] if part == None: return oldValue = Display.beliefValue[r][c] oldColor = Display.beliefColor[r][c] wasVisible = Display._isVisible(oldValue) isVisible = Display._isVisible(value) if not isVisible: value = 0.0 if oldColor != colorName and oldValue >= value: return if not isVisible and not wasVisible: return color = Display._getBeliefSquareColor(colorName, value) graphicsUtils.changeColor(part, color) Display.beliefValue[r][c] = value Display.beliefColor[r][c] = colorName @staticmethod def _acquireLock(): return #print 'acquire' return Display.graphicsLock.acquire() @staticmethod def _releaseLock(): return #print 'release' return Display.graphicsLock.release() #################################### # Depreicated #################################### @staticmethod def _remove(obj): parts = Display.partDict[obj] graphicsUtils.remove_from_screen(parts); @staticmethod def redrawObservations(observations): raise Exception('depreicated') for obs in Display.observations: Display._remove(obs) for obs in observations: Display.drawObservation(obs) Display.observations = observations