Example #1
    def test_io(self):
        gs = GraphSet()
        st = gs.dumps()
        self.assertEqual(st, "B\n.\n")
        gs = GraphSet.loads(st)
        self.assertEqual(gs, GraphSet())

        gs = GraphSet([g0])
        st = gs.dumps()
        self.assertEqual(st, "T\n.\n")
        gs = GraphSet.loads(st)
        self.assertEqual(gs, GraphSet([g0]))

        v = [g0, g1, g12, g123, g1234, g134, g14, g4]
        gs = GraphSet(v)
        st = gs.dumps()
        gs = GraphSet.loads(st)
        self.assertEqual(gs, GraphSet(v))

        # skip this test, becasue string is treated as an element
#        gs = GraphSet(st)
#        self.assertEqual(gs, GraphSet(v))

        with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f:
            gs = GraphSet.load(f)
            self.assertEqual(gs, GraphSet(v))
Example #2
def all_paths(dimension,dim):
    from graphillion import GraphSet
    import graphillion.tutorial as tl
    start,goal = 1,(dimension[0]+1)*(dimension[1]+1)
    universe = tl.grid(*dimension)
    paths = GraphSet()
    for i in range(start,goal):
        for j in range(i+1,goal+1):
            paths = GraphSet.union(paths,GraphSet.paths(i,j))

    f = open("graphs/general_ends-%d-%d.zdd" % (dim[0],dim[1]),"w")

    nodes = [None] + [ (x,y) for x in xrange(dim[0]) for y in xrange(dim[1]) ]
    from collections import defaultdict
    graph = defaultdict(list)
    for index,edge in enumerate(paths.universe()):
        x,y = edge
        x,y = nodes[x],nodes[y]
        graph[x].append( (index+1,y) )
        graph[y].append( (index+1,x) )
    graph_filename = "graphs/general_ends-%d-%d.graph.pickle" % (dim[0],dim[1])

    with open(graph_filename,'wb') as output:
Example #3
    def test_io(self):
        gs = GraphSet()
        st = gs.dumps()
        self.assertEqual(st, "B\n.\n")
        gs = GraphSet.loads(st)
        self.assertEqual(gs, GraphSet())

        gs = GraphSet([g0])
        st = gs.dumps()
        self.assertEqual(st, "T\n.\n")
        gs = GraphSet.loads(st)
        self.assertEqual(gs, GraphSet([g0]))

        v = [g0, g1, g12, g123, g1234, g134, g14, g4]
        gs = GraphSet(v)
        st = gs.dumps()
        gs = GraphSet.loads(st)
        self.assertEqual(gs, GraphSet(v))

        # skip this test, becasue string is treated as an element
        #        gs = GraphSet(st)
        #        self.assertEqual(gs, GraphSet(v))

        f = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
        gs = GraphSet.load(f)
        self.assertEqual(gs, GraphSet(v))
Example #4
def main():
    """Create a structure that represents all paths going from a group of startpoints to a group of endpoints.

    The start point given by the user is the NE point of a group of 4 points
    The end point given by the user is the NE point of a group of 4 points
        The other 3 points are the ones that are one step W, one step S, and two steps SW.


    if len(sys.argv) != 5:
        print "usage: %s [GRID-M] [GRID-N] [STARTPOINT] [ENDPOINT]" % sys.argv[0]
    dim = (int(sys.argv[1]),int(sys.argv[2]))
    rows = dim[0]
    cols = dim[1]
    dimension = (dim[0]-1,dim[1]-1)
    startpoint = int(sys.argv[3])
    endpoint = int(sys.argv[4])

    starts = neighbors(startpoint, cols)
    ends = neighbors(endpoint, cols)

    from graphillion import GraphSet
    import graphillion.tutorial as tl

    universe = tl.grid(*dimension)

    paths = GraphSet()

    for start in starts:
        for end in ends:
            paths = GraphSet.union(paths,GraphSet.paths(start,end))

    print "number of paths: " + str(paths.len())
    """ AC: SAVE ZDD TO FILE """
    f = open("graphs/fixed_ends-%d-%d-%d-%d.zdd" % (dim[0],dim[1],startpoint,endpoint),"w")

    """ AC: SAVE GRAPH """
    nodes = [None] + [ (x,y) for x in xrange(dim[0]) for y in xrange(dim[1]) ]
    from collections import defaultdict
    graph = defaultdict(list)
    for index,edge in enumerate(paths.universe()):
        x,y = edge
        x,y = nodes[x],nodes[y]
        graph[x].append( (index+1,y) )
        graph[y].append( (index+1,x) )
    graph_filename = "graphs/fixed_ends-%d-%d-%d-%d.graph.pickle" % (dim[0],dim[1],startpoint,endpoint)

    # save to file
    import pickle
    with open(graph_filename,'wb') as output: