Example #1
# Most cited
degrees = [(x, len(filtered_g.predecessors(x))) for x in filtered_g.nodes()]
top5 = sorted(degrees, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:5]
print "Top cited works:"
for item, citers in top5:
    print "%s - %s.  Cited %s times" % (item, filtered_g.node[item].get(
        'title', ''), citers)

# Most same-journal citations
degrees = [(x, len(filtered_g.successors(x))) for x in filtered_g.nodes()]
top5 = sorted(degrees, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:5]
print "Top same-journal citations:"
for item, citers in top5:
    print "%s - %s.  Citing a %s-sourced article %s times" % (
        item, filtered_g.node[item].get('title', ''), journal, citers)

print "Writing out GraphML graph to %s" % (journal + "-" + regex + ".gml")
write_graphml(filtered_g, open(journal + "-" + regex + ".gml", "w"))

print "Attempting to draw graph for viewing"
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
#nx.draw(filtered_g, node_colors=[float(filtered_g.level[x] % 4 *64) for x in filtered_g])
        node_color=[float(filtered_g.degree(v) * 4) for v in filtered_g])
print "Saving graph image as %s" % (journal + "-" + regex + ".png")
plt.savefig(journal + "-" + regex + ".png")
        for ctype in info['citations'].keys():
            for c_id, citation_params in info['citations'][ctype]:
                if not g.has_node(c_id):
                    citation_params['_xml_container'] = ctype
                    g.add_node(c_id, **to_node_params(citation_params))
                # add directed edge for this
                g.add_edge(nodeid, c_id)
                no_attribs.add_edge(nodeid, c_id)
    return g, no_attribs

errorlist = open("unparsable.log", "w")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    for journal in jlist:
            g, no_attribs = generate_network(journal)
            filename = re.sub('[^a-z.]+', '-',
                              journal.lower()).strip('-') + '.graphml'
            n_filename = re.sub(
                '[^a-z.]+', '-',
                journal.lower()).strip('-') + '-nodesonly.graphml'
            print "Saving fully attrib'd graph as %s" % (filename)
            write_graphml(g, open(filename, "w"))
            print "Saving plain graph, no attributes as %s" % (n_filename)
            write_graphml(no_attribs, open(n_filename, "w"))
        except IndexError:
            print "ERROR Couldn't parse journal: %s" % journal
            errorlist.write("%s\n" % journal)
                                          nlmxml=os.path.join(journal_dir, nlmxml) )

    for ctype in info['citations'].keys():
      for c_id, citation_params in info['citations'][ctype]:
        if not g.has_node(c_id):
          citation_params['_xml_container'] = ctype
          g.add_node(c_id, **to_node_params(citation_params))
        # add directed edge for this
        g.add_edge(nodeid, c_id)
        no_attribs.add_edge(nodeid, c_id)
  return g, no_attribs

errorlist = open("unparsable.log", "w")
if __name__ == "__main__":
  for journal in jlist:
      g, no_attribs = generate_network(journal)
      filename = re.sub('[^a-z.]+', '-', journal.lower()).strip('-') + '.graphml'
      n_filename = re.sub('[^a-z.]+', '-', journal.lower()).strip('-') + '-nodesonly.graphml'
      print "Saving fully attrib'd graph as %s" % (filename)
      write_graphml(g, open(filename, "w"))
      print "Saving plain graph, no attributes as %s" % (n_filename)
      write_graphml(no_attribs, open(n_filename, "w"))
    except IndexError:
      print "ERROR Couldn't parse journal: %s" % journal
      errorlist.write("%s\n" % journal)

for year_marker in xrange(year_max+1-year_min):
  filtered_g.position[year_marker+year_min] = (dx * year_marker, 950)

# Most cited
degrees = [(x, len(filtered_g.predecessors(x))) for x in filtered_g.nodes()]
top5 = sorted(degrees, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:5]
print "Top cited works:"
for item, citers in top5:
  print "%s - %s.  Cited %s times" % (item, filtered_g.node[item].get('title',''), citers)
# Most same-journal citations
degrees = [(x, len(filtered_g.successors(x))) for x in filtered_g.nodes()]
top5 = sorted(degrees, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:5]
print "Top same-journal citations:"
for item, citers in top5:
  print "%s - %s.  Citing a %s-sourced article %s times" % (item, filtered_g.node[item].get('title',''), journal, citers)
print "Writing out GraphML graph to %s" % (journal+"-"+regex+".gml")
write_graphml(filtered_g, open(journal+"-"+regex+".gml", "w"))

print "Attempting to draw graph for viewing"
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#nx.draw(filtered_g, node_colors=[float(filtered_g.level[x] % 4 *64) for x in filtered_g])
nx.draw(filtered_g, filtered_g.position, node_size=50, node_color=[float(filtered_g.degree(v)*4) for v in filtered_g])
print "Saving graph image as %s" % (journal+"-"+regex+".png")