def set_values(self): """ setting columns into the widget """ self.clear() try: layers = script.vector_db(map=self.code_dict['input']) layer = self.get_layer() if layer == -1: for layer in layers.keys(): self.get_columns(layers, layer) else: self.get_columns(layers, layer) except: try: layers = script.vector_db(map=self.code_dict['map']) layer = self.get_layer() if layer == -1: for layer in layers.keys(): self.get_columns(layers, layer) else: self.get_columns(layers, layer) except: self.addItem('')
def sqlTbl(name,columns): '''Create a new empty table in the same sqlite.db as stations and connect.''' db = grass.vector_db(options['stationsvect']) # check if table already linked to this vector if name in [db[l]['name'] for l in db]: grass.warning('Table %s already attached to %s.' %(name,options['stationsvect'])) return None # connect try: con = sql.connect(db[1]['database']) except: grass.warning('''Cant connect to sqlite database, make sure %s is connected to a sqlite database on layer 1.''' %options['stationsvect']) return None # sql connection cur = con.cursor() # create column type cols = [] for c in columns: if 'i' in c[1]: typ='INT' elif 'f' in c[1]: typ='DOUBLE' elif 's' in c[1]: typ='VARCHAR(%s)' %abs(int(c[1][:-1])) else: raise ValueError('Dont know how to convert %s for table %s'%(c,name)) cols += [c[0]+' '+typ] # Create table stm = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (%s)' %(name,', '.join(cols)) cur.execute(stm) con.commit() con.close() # attach to stations grass.run_command('v.db.connect',map=options['stationsvect'], table=name, key=columns[0][0], layer=max(db)+1) return
def get_size(vector): tmpvector = 'tmp_getsize_%s' % str(os.getpid()) rm_vectors.append(tmpvector) grass.run_command('g.copy', vector="%s,%s" % (vector, tmpvector), overwrite=True, quiet=True) if len(grass.vector_db(tmpvector)) == 0: grass.run_command('v.db.addtable', map=tmpvector, quiet=True) grass.run_command('v.db.addcolumn', map=tmpvector, columns="tmparea DOUBLE PRECISION", quiet=True) grass.run_command('', map=tmpvector, columns='tmparea', option='area', units='meters', quiet=True, overwrite=True) sizeselected = grass.parse_command('', map=tmpvector, flags="v") sizesstr = [ x.split('|')[1:] for x in sizeselected if x.startswith('tmparea|') ][0] sizes = [float(x) for x in sizesstr] return sum(sizes)
def get_size(vector): tmpvector = "tmp_getsize_%s" % str(os.getpid()) rm_vectors.append(tmpvector) grass.run_command("g.copy", vector="%s,%s" % (vector, tmpvector), overwrite=True, quiet=True) if len(grass.vector_db(tmpvector)) == 0: grass.run_command("v.db.addtable", map=tmpvector, quiet=True) grass.run_command("v.db.addcolumn", map=tmpvector, columns="tmparea DOUBLE PRECISION", quiet=True) grass.run_command( "", map=tmpvector, columns="tmparea", option="area", units="meters", quiet=True, overwrite=True, ) sizeselected = grass.parse_command("", map=tmpvector, flags="v") sizesstr = [ x.split("|")[1:] for x in sizeselected if x.startswith("tmparea|") ][0] sizes = [float(x) for x in sizesstr] return sum(sizes)
def main(): global tmp tmp = grass.tempfile() vector = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] column = options['column'] where = options['where'] perc = options['percentile'] extend = flags['e'] shellstyle = flags['g'] fi = grass.vector_db(vector, stderr = nuldev)[int(layer)] table = fi['table'] database = fi['database'] driver = fi['driver'] passflags = None if flags['e']: passflags = 'e' if flags['g']: if not passflags: passflags = 'g' else: passflags = passflags + 'g' grass.run_command('db.univar', table = table, column = column, database = database, driver = driver, perc = perc, where = where, flags = passflags)
def main(): global tmp tmp = grass.tempfile() vector = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] column = options['column'] where = options['where'] perc = options['percentile'] extend = flags['e'] shellstyle = flags['g'] fi = grass.vector_db(vector, stderr=nuldev)[int(layer)] table = fi['table'] database = fi['database'] driver = fi['driver'] passflags = None if flags['e']: passflags = 'e' if flags['g']: if not passflags: passflags = 'g' else: passflags = passflags + 'g' grass.run_command('db.univar', table=table, column=column, database=database, driver=driver, perc=perc, where=where, flags=passflags)
def main(): vector = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] column = options['column'] value = options['value'] qcolumn = options['qcolumn'] where = options['where'] mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? if not grass.find_file(vector, element='vector', mapset=mapset)['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % vector) try: f = grass.vector_db(vector)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal( _('There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.' )) table = f['table'] database = f['database'] driver = f['driver'] # checking column types try: coltype = grass.vector_columns(vector, layer)[column]['type'] except KeyError: grass.fatal(_('Column <%s> not found') % column) if qcolumn: if value: grass.fatal(_('<value> and <qcolumn> are mutually exclusive')) # special case: we copy from another column value = qcolumn else: if not value: grass.fatal(_('Either <value> or <qcolumn> must be given')) # we insert a value if coltype.upper() not in ["INTEGER", "DOUBLE PRECISION"]: value = "'%s'" % value cmd = "UPDATE %s SET %s=%s" % (table, column, value) if where: cmd += " WHERE " + where grass.verbose("SQL: \"%s\"" % cmd) grass.write_command('db.execute', input='-', database=database, driver=driver, stdin=cmd) # write cmd history: grass.vector_history(vector) return 0
def checkDbConnection(mapName): """! Checks if vector map has an attribute table. \todo check layer """ ret = grass.vector_db(mapName) if not ret: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> has no attribute table") % mapName)
def _CheckDBConnection(self): """Check DB connection""" nuldev = file(os.devnull, 'w+') # if map is not defined (happens with vnet initialization) or it doesn't exist try: self.layers = grass.vector_db(, stderr=nuldev) except CalledModuleError: return False finally: # always close nuldev nuldev.close() return bool(len(self.layers.keys()) > 0)
def main(): vector = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] column = options['column'] value = options['value'] qcolumn = options['qcolumn'] where = options['where'] mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? if not grass.find_file(vector, element = 'vector', mapset = mapset)['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % vector) try: f = grass.vector_db(vector)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal(_('There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.')) table = f['table'] database = f['database'] driver = f['driver'] # checking column types try: coltype = grass.vector_columns(vector, layer)[column]['type'] except KeyError: grass.fatal(_('Column <%s> not found') % column) if qcolumn: if value: grass.fatal(_('<value> and <qcolumn> are mutually exclusive')) # special case: we copy from another column value = qcolumn else: if not value: grass.fatal(_('Either <value> or <qcolumn> must be given')) # we insert a value if coltype.upper() not in ["INTEGER", "DOUBLE PRECISION"]: value = "'%s'" % value cmd = "UPDATE %s SET %s=%s" % (table, column, value) if where: cmd += " WHERE " + where grass.verbose("SQL: \"%s\"" % cmd) grass.write_command('db.execute', input = '-', database = database, driver = driver, stdin = cmd) # write cmd history: grass.vector_history(vector) return 0
def get_layers(self): """ load layers (based on map in input or map widget) """ self.clear() if self.gtask['element'] == 'layer_all': self.addItem('-1') try: layers = script.vector_db(map=self.code_dict['input']) for layer in layers: self.addItem(str(layer)) except: try: layers = script.vector_db(map=self.code_dict['map']) for layer in layers: self.addItem(str(layer)) except: if self.count() == 0: self.addItem('')
def main(): map = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] columns = options['columns'] columns = [col.strip() for col in columns.split(',')] # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] exists = bool( grass.find_file(map, element='vector', mapset=mapset)['file']) if not exists: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % map) try: f = grass.vector_db(map)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal( _("There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first." )) table = f['table'] database = f['database'] driver = f['driver'] column_existing = grass.vector_columns(map, int(layer)).keys() for col in columns: if not col: grass.fatal( _("There is an empty column. Did you leave a trailing comma?")) col_name = col.split(' ')[0].strip() if col_name in column_existing: grass.error( _("Column <%s> is already in the table. Skipping.") % col_name) continue grass.verbose(_("Adding column <%s> to the table") % col_name) p = grass.feed_command('db.execute', input='-', database=database, driver=driver) res = "ALTER TABLE {} ADD COLUMN {}".format(table, col) p.stdin.write(encode(res)) grass.debug(res) p.stdin.close() if p.wait() != 0: grass.fatal(_("Unable to add column <%s>.") % col) # write cmd history: grass.vector_history(map)
def main(): table = options['table'] force = flags['f'] # check if DB parameters are set, and if not set them. grass.run_command('db.connect', flags = 'c') kv = grass.db_connection() database = kv['database'] driver = kv['driver'] # schema needed for PG? if force: grass.message(_("Forcing ...")) # check if table exists nuldev = file(os.devnull, 'w') if not grass.db_table_exist(table, stdout = nuldev, stderr = nuldev): grass.fatal(_("Table <%s> not found in current mapset") % table) # check if table is used somewhere (connected to vector map) used = [] vects = grass.list_strings('vect') for vect in vects: for f in grass.vector_db(vect, stderr = nuldev).itervalues(): if not f: continue if f['table'] == table: used.append(vect) break if used: grass.warning(_("Deleting table <%s> which is attached to following map(s):") % table) for vect in used: grass.message(vect) if not force: grass.message(_("The table <%s> would be deleted.") % table) grass.message("") grass.message(_("You must use the force flag to actually remove it. Exiting.")) sys.exit(0) p = grass.feed_command('db.execute', input = '-', database = database, driver = driver) p.stdin.write("DROP TABLE " + table) p.stdin.close() p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: grass.fatal(_("Cannot continue (problem deleting table)."))
def main(): global tmp tmp = gscript.tempfile() vector = options["map"] layer = options["layer"] column = options["column"] where = options["where"] perc = options["percentile"] if not gscript.find_file(vector, element="vector")["file"]: gscript.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found") % vector) try: fi = gscript.vector_db(vector, stderr=nuldev)[int(layer)] except KeyError: gscript.fatal(_("No attribute table linked to layer <%s>") % layer) table = fi["table"] database = fi["database"] driver = fi["driver"] passflags = None if flags["e"]: passflags = "e" if flags["g"]: if not passflags: passflags = "g" else: passflags = passflags + "g" try: gscript.run_command( "db.univar", table=table, column=column, database=database, driver=driver, perc=perc, where=where, flags=passflags, ) except CalledModuleError: sys.exit(1)
def main(): global tmp tmp = grass.tempfile() vector = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] column = options['column'] where = options['where'] perc = options['percentile'] extend = flags['e'] shellstyle = flags['g'] if not grass.find_file(vector, element='vector')['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found") % vector) try: fi = grass.vector_db(vector, stderr=nuldev)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal(_("No attribute table linked to layer <%s>") % layer) table = fi['table'] database = fi['database'] driver = fi['driver'] passflags = None if flags['e']: passflags = 'e' if flags['g']: if not passflags: passflags = 'g' else: passflags = passflags + 'g' try: grass.run_command('db.univar', table=table, column=column, database=database, driver=driver, perc=perc, where=where, flags=passflags) except CalledModuleError: sys.exit(1)
def main(): old_database = options['old_database'] new_database = options['new_database'] old_schema = options['old_schema'] new_schema = options['new_schema'] mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] nuldev = file(os.devnull, 'w') for vect in grass.list_grouped('vect')[mapset]: vect = "%s@%s" % (vect, mapset) grass.message(_("Reconnecting vector <%s>") % vect) for f in grass.vector_db(map, stderr = nuldev).itervalues(): layer = f['layer'] schema_table = f['table'] key = f['key'] database = f['database'] driver = f['driver'] if '.' in schema_table: st = schema_table.split('.', 1) schema = st[0] table = st[1] else: schema = '' table = schema_table if new_schema: new_schema_table = "%s.%s" % (new_schema, table) else: new_schema_table = table grass.message(_("SCHEMA = %s TABLE = %s NEW_SCHEMA_TABLE = %s") % (schema, table, new_schema_table)) if database == old_database and schema == old_schema: grass.message(_("Reconnecting layer ") + layer) grass.message(_("v.db.connect -o map=%s layer=%s driver=%s database=%s table=%s key=%s") % (vect, layer, driver, new_database, new_schema_table, key)) grass.run_command('v.db.connect', flags = 'o', map = vect, layer = layer, driver = driver, database = new_database, table = new_schema_table, key = key) else: grass.message(_("Layer <%s> will not be reconnected, database or schema do not match.") % layer)
def main(): map = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] columns = options['columns'] columns = [col.strip() for col in columns.split(',')] # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] exists = bool(grass.find_file(map, element='vector', mapset=mapset)['file']) if not exists: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % map) try: f = grass.vector_db(map)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal( _("There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.")) table = f['table'] database = f['database'] driver = f['driver'] column_existing = grass.vector_columns(map, int(layer)).keys() for col in columns: if not col: grass.fatal(_("There is an empty column. Did you leave a trailing comma?")) col_name = col.split(' ')[0].strip() if col_name in column_existing: grass.error(_("Column <%s> is already in the table. Skipping.") % col_name) continue grass.verbose(_("Adding column <%s> to the table") % col_name) p = grass.feed_command('db.execute', input='-', database=database, driver=driver) p.stdin.write("ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s" % (table, col)) grass.debug("ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s" % (table, col)) p.stdin.close() if p.wait() != 0: grass.fatal(_("Unable to add column <%s>.") % col) # write cmd history: grass.vector_history(map)
def main(): global tmp tmp = grass.tempfile() vector = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] column = options['column'] where = options['where'] perc = options['percentile'] extend = flags['e'] shellstyle = flags['g'] if not grass.find_file(vector, element='vector')['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found") % vector) try: fi = grass.vector_db(vector, stderr = nuldev)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal(_("No attribute table linked to layer <%s>") % layer) table = fi['table'] database = fi['database'] driver = fi['driver'] passflags = None if flags['e']: passflags = 'e' if flags['g']: if not passflags: passflags = 'g' else: passflags = passflags + 'g' try: grass.run_command('db.univar', table = table, column = column, database = database, driver = driver, perc = perc, where = where, flags = passflags) except CalledModuleError: sys.exit(1)
def main(): vector = options["map"] table = options["table"] layer = options["layer"] columns = options["columns"] key = options["key"] # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? mapset = grass.gisenv()["MAPSET"] if not grass.find_file(vector, element="vector", mapset=mapset)["file"]: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % vector) map_name = vector.split("@")[0] if not table: if layer == "1": grass.verbose( _("Using vector map name as table name: <%s>") % map_name) table = map_name else: # to avoid tables with identical names on higher layers table = "%s_%s" % (map_name, layer) grass.verbose( _("Using vector map name extended by layer number as table name: <%s>" ) % table) else: grass.verbose(_("Using user specified table name: %s") % table) # check if DB parameters are set, and if not set them. grass.run_command("db.connect", flags="c", quiet=True) grass.verbose( _("Creating new DB connection based on default mapset settings...")) kv = grass.db_connection() database = kv["database"] driver = kv["driver"] schema = kv["schema"] database2 = database.replace("$MAP/", map_name + "/") # maybe there is already a table linked to the selected layer? nuldev = open(os.devnull, "w") try: grass.vector_db(map_name, stderr=nuldev)[int(layer)] grass.fatal(_("There is already a table linked to layer <%s>") % layer) except KeyError: pass # maybe there is already a table with that name? tables = grass.read_command("db.tables", flags="p", database=database2, driver=driver, stderr=nuldev) tables = decode(tables) if table not in tables.splitlines(): colnames = [] column_def = [] if columns: column_def = [] for x in " ".join(columns.split()).split(","): colname = x.lower().split()[0] if colname in colnames: grass.fatal( _("Duplicate column name '%s' not allowed") % colname) colnames.append(colname) column_def.append(x) # if not existing, create it: if key not in colnames: column_def.insert(0, "%s integer" % key) column_def = ",".join(column_def) grass.verbose(_("Creating table with columns (%s)...") % column_def) sql = "CREATE TABLE %s (%s)" % (table, column_def) try: grass.run_command("db.execute", database=database2, driver=driver, sql=sql) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to create table <%s>") % table) # connect the map to the DB: if schema: table = "{schema}.{table}".format(schema=schema, table=table) grass.verbose(_("Connecting new table to vector map <%s>...") % map_name) grass.run_command( "v.db.connect", quiet=True, map=map_name, database=database, driver=driver, layer=layer, table=table, key=key, ) # finally we have to add cats into the attribute DB to make # modules such as v.what.rast happy: (creates new row for each # vector line): try: grass.run_command( "", overwrite=True, map=map_name, layer=layer, option="cat", column=key, qlayer=layer, ) except CalledModuleError: # remove link grass.run_command("v.db.connect", quiet=True, flags="d", map=map_name, layer=layer) return 1 grass.verbose(_("Current attribute table links:")) if grass.verbosity() > 2: grass.run_command("v.db.connect", flags="p", map=map_name) # write cmd history: grass.vector_history(map_name) return 0
def main(): vector = options['map'] table = options['table'] layer = options['layer'] columns = options['columns'] key = options['key'] # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] if not grass.find_file(vector, element = 'vector', mapset = mapset)['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % vector) map_name = vector.split('@')[0] if not table: if layer == '1': grass.verbose(_("Using vector map name as table name: <%s>") % map_name) table = map_name else: # to avoid tables with identical names on higher layers table = "%s_%s" % (map_name, layer) grass.verbose(_("Using vector map name extended by layer number as table name: <%s>") % table) else: grass.verbose(_("Using user specified table name: %s") % table) # check if DB parameters are set, and if not set them. grass.run_command('db.connect', flags = 'c') grass.verbose(_("Creating new DB connection based on default mapset settings...")) kv = grass.db_connection() database = kv['database'] driver = kv['driver'] schema = kv['schema'] # maybe there is already a table linked to the selected layer? nuldev = file(os.devnull, 'w') try: grass.vector_db(map_name, stderr = nuldev)[int(layer)] grass.fatal(_("There is already a table linked to layer <%s>") % layer) except KeyError: pass # maybe there is already a table with that name? tables = grass.read_command('db.tables', flags = 'p', database = database, driver = driver, stderr = nuldev) if not table in tables.splitlines(): if columns: column_def = map(lambda x: x.strip().lower(), columns.strip().split(',')) else: column_def = [] # if not existing, create it: column_def_key = "%s integer" % key if column_def_key not in column_def: column_def.insert(0, column_def_key) column_def = ','.join(column_def) grass.verbose(_("Creating table with columns (%s)...") % column_def) sql = "CREATE TABLE %s (%s)" % (table, column_def) try: grass.run_command('db.execute', database=database, driver=driver, sql=sql) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to create table <%s>") % table) # connect the map to the DB: if schema: table = '{schema}.{table}'.format(schema=schema, table=table) grass.run_command('v.db.connect', quiet = True, map = map_name, database = database, driver = driver, layer = layer, table = table, key = key) # finally we have to add cats into the attribute DB to make modules such as v.what.rast happy: # (creates new row for each vector line): grass.run_command('', map = map_name, layer = layer, option = 'cat', column = key, qlayer = layer) grass.verbose(_("Current attribute table links:")) if grass.verbosity() > 2: grass.run_command('v.db.connect', flags = 'p', map = map_name) # write cmd history: grass.vector_history(map_name) return 0
def main(): global tmp, sqltmp, tmpname, nuldev, vector, rastertmp rastertmp = False # setup temporary files tmp = grass.tempfile() sqltmp = tmp + ".sql" # we need a random name tmpname = grass.basename(tmp) nuldev = open(os.devnull, 'w') rasters = options['raster'].split(',') colprefixes = options['column_prefix'].split(',') vector = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] vtypes = options['type'] where = options['where'] percentile = options['percentile'] basecols = options['method'].split(',') ### setup enviro vars ### env = grass.gisenv() mapset = env['MAPSET'] vs = vector.split('@') if len(vs) > 1: vect_mapset = vs[1] else: vect_mapset = mapset # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? if vect_mapset != mapset or not grass.find_file(vector, 'vector', mapset)['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % vector) # check if DBF driver used, in this case cut to 10 chars col names: try: fi = grass.vector_db(map=vector)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal( _('There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.' )) # we need this for non-DBF driver: dbfdriver = fi['driver'] == 'dbf' # colprefix for every raster map? if len(colprefixes) != len(rasters): grass.fatal( _("Number of raster maps ({0}) different from \ number of column prefixes ({1})".format( len(rasters), len(colprefixes)))) vector = vs[0] rastertmp = "%s_%s" % (vector, tmpname) for raster in rasters: # check the input raster map if not grass.find_file(raster, 'cell')['file']: grass.fatal(_("Raster map <%s> not found") % raster) # save current settings: grass.use_temp_region() # Temporarily aligning region resolution to $RASTER resolution # keep boundary settings grass.run_command('g.region', align=rasters[0]) # check if DBF driver used, in this case cut to 10 chars col names: try: fi = grass.vector_db(map=vector)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal( _('There is no table connected to this map. ' 'Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.')) # we need this for non-DBF driver: dbfdriver = fi['driver'] == 'dbf' # Find out which table is linked to the vector map on the given layer if not fi['table']: grass.fatal( _('There is no table connected to this map. ' 'Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.')) # prepare base raster for zonal statistics prepare_base_raster(vector, layer, rastertmp, vtypes, where) # get number of raster categories to be processed number = get_nr_of_categories(vector, layer, rasters, rastertmp, percentile, colprefixes, basecols, dbfdriver, flags['c']) # calculate statistics: grass.message(_("Processing input data (%d categories)...") % number) for i in range(len(rasters)): raster = rasters[i] colprefix, variables_dbf, variables, colnames, extstat = set_up_columns( vector, layer, percentile, colprefixes[i], basecols, dbfdriver, flags['c']) # get rid of any earlier attempts grass.try_remove(sqltmp) # do the stats perform_stats(raster, percentile, fi, dbfdriver, colprefix, variables_dbf, variables, colnames, extstat) grass.message(_("Updating the database ...")) exitcode = 0 try: grass.run_command('db.execute', input=sqltmp, database=fi['database'], driver=fi['driver']) grass.verbose( (_("Statistics calculated from raster map <{raster}>" " and uploaded to attribute table" " of vector map <{vector}>.").format(raster=raster, vector=vector))) except CalledModuleError: grass.warning( _("Failed to upload statistics to attribute table of vector map <%s>." ) % vector) exitcode = 1 sys.exit(exitcode)
def main(): global tmp, prefix tmp = grass.tempfile() prefix = "concave_hull_tmp_%d" % os.getpid() input = options["input"] output = options["output"] perc = options["threshold"] perc = float(perc) + 90 delaunay = prefix + "_delaunay" grass.message(_("Delaunay triangulation...")) grass.run_command("v.delaunay", input=input, output=delaunay, quiet=True) out_points = prefix + "_delaunay_pnts" out_lines_nocat = prefix + "_delaunay_lines_nocat" out_lines = prefix + "_delaunay_lines" out_lines_tmp = prefix + "_delaunay_lines_tmp" grass.message(_("Geometry conversion...")) grass.run_command( "v.extract", input=delaunay, output=out_lines_tmp, type="boundary", layer="-1", quiet=True, ) grass.run_command( "v.type", input=out_lines_tmp, output=out_lines_nocat, from_type="boundary", to_type="line", quiet=True, ) grass.run_command( "v.type", input=delaunay, output=out_points, from_type="centroid", to_type="point", quiet=True, ) grass.run_command( "v.category", input=out_lines_nocat, output=out_lines, op="add", type="line", quiet=True, ) grass.run_command( "v.db.addtable", map=out_lines, col="cat integer,length double precision", quiet=True, ) grass.message(_("Evaluating threshold...")) grass.run_command( "", map=out_lines, type="line", op="length", col="length", quiet=True ) db_info = grass.vector_db(map=out_lines, layer="1")[1] table = db_info["table"] database = db_info["database"] driver = db_info["driver"] sql = "SELECT length FROM %s" % (table) tmpf = open(tmp, "w") grass.run_command( "", flags="c", table=table, database=database, driver=driver, sql=sql, stdout=tmpf, ) tmpf.close() # check if result is empty tmpf = open(tmp, "r") if == "": grass.fatal(_("Table <%s> contains no data.") % table) tmpf.close() N = 0 tmpf = open(tmp) for line in tmpf: N += 1 tmpf.close() max_length = 0.0 sortfile(tmp, tmp + ".sort") ppos = round(N * perc / 100) perc_orig = perc while ppos >= N and perc >= 90: perc -= 1 ppos = round(N * perc / 100) if perc == 89: grass.fatal(_("Cannot calculate hull. Too few points.")) if perc_orig > perc: thresh = int(perc) - 90 grass.warning(_("Threshold reduced to %d to calculate hull" % thresh)) inf = open(tmp + ".sort", "r") l = 0 for line in inf: if l == ppos: max_length = float(line.rstrip("\r\n")) break l += 1 inf.close() grass.message(_("Feature selection...")) lines_concave = prefix + "_delaunay_lines_select" lines_concave_nocat = prefix + "_delaunay_lines_select_nocat" grass.run_command( "v.extract", input=out_lines, output=lines_concave, type="line", where="length < %f" % max_length, quiet=True, ) grass.run_command( "v.category", input=lines_concave, output=lines_concave_nocat, type="line", op="del", cat="-1", quiet=True, ) borders_concave = prefix + "_delaunay_borders_select" grass.run_command( "v.type", input=lines_concave_nocat, output=borders_concave, from_type="line", to_type="boundary", quiet=True, ) areas_concave = prefix + "_delaunay_areas_select" grass.run_command( "v.centroids", input=borders_concave, output=areas_concave, quiet=True ) grass.run_command("v.db.droptable", map=areas_concave, flags="f", quiet=True) grass.run_command( "v.db.addtable", map=areas_concave, col="cat integer,count integer", quiet=True ) grass.run_command( "v.vect.stats", points=out_points, areas=areas_concave, ccolumn="count", quiet=True, ) areas_concave_extr = prefix + "_delaunay_areas_extract" grass.run_command( "v.extract", input=areas_concave, output=areas_concave_extr, type="area", where="count = 1", quiet=True, ) grass.message(_("The following warnings can be ignored"), flag="i") grass.run_command( "v.dissolve", input=areas_concave_extr, output=output, col="count", layer="1", quiet=True, ) grass.message(_("Concave hull successfully created"))
def main(): mapname = options['map'] option = options['option'] layer = options['layer'] units = options['units'] nuldev = file(os.devnull, 'w') if not grass.find_file(mapname, 'vector')['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found") % mapname) colnames = grass.vector_columns(mapname, layer, getDict=False, stderr=nuldev) if not colnames: colnames = ['cat'] if option == 'coor': columns = ['dummy1', 'dummy2', 'dummy3'] extracolnames = ['x', 'y', 'z'] else: columns = ['dummy1'] extracolnames = [option] if units in ['p', 'percent']: unitsp = 'meters' elif units: unitsp = units else: unitsp = None # NOTE: we suppress -1 cat and 0 cat if colnames: p = grass.pipe_command('', quiet=True, flags='c', map=mapname, layer=layer) records1 = [] for line in p.stdout: cols = line.rstrip('\r\n').split('|') if cols[0] == '0': continue records1.append([int(cols[0])] + cols[1:]) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) records1.sort() if len(records1) == 0: try: f = grass.vector_db(map=mapname)[int(layer)] grass.fatal( _("There is a table connected to input vector map '%s', but" "there are no categories present in the key column '%s'. Consider using" " to correct this.") % (mapname, f['key'])) except KeyError: pass #fetch the requested attribute sorted by cat: p = grass.pipe_command('', flags='p', quiet=True, map=mapname, option=option, columns=columns, layer=layer, units=unitsp) records2 = [] for line in p.stdout: fields = line.rstrip('\r\n').split('|') if fields[0] in ['cat', '-1', '0']: continue records2.append([int(fields[0])] + fields[1:-1] + [float(fields[-1])]) p.wait() records2.sort() #make pre-table # len(records1) may not be the same as len(records2) because # can return attributes that are not linked to features. records3 = [] for r2 in records2: records3.append( filter(lambda r1: r1[0] == r2[0], records1)[0] + r2[1:]) else: records1 = [] p = grass.pipe_command('v.category', inp=mapname, layer=layer, option='print') for line in p.stdout: field = int(line.rstrip()) if field > 0: records1.append(field) p.wait() records1.sort() records1 = uniq(records1) #make pre-table p = grass.pipe_command('', flags='p', map=mapname, option=option, columns=columns, layer=layer, units=unitsp) records3 = [] for line in p.stdout: fields = line.split('|') if fields[0] in ['cat', '-1', '0']: continue records3.append([int(fields[0])] + fields[1:]) p.wait() records3.sort() # print table header sys.stdout.write('|'.join(colnames + extracolnames) + '\n') #make and print the table: numcols = len(colnames) + len(extracolnames) # calculate percents if requested if units != '' and units in ['p', 'percent']: # calculate total area value areatot = 0 for r in records3: areatot += float(r[-1]) # calculate area percentages records4 = [float(r[-1]) * 100 / areatot for r in records3] records3 = [r1 + [r4] for r1, r4 in zip(records1, records4)] # sort results if options['sort']: if options['sort'] == 'asc': records3.sort(key=lambda r: r[-1]) else: records3.sort(key=lambda r: r[-1], reverse=True) for r in records3: sys.stdout.write('|'.join(map(str, r)) + '\n')
def main(): """Process command line parameters and update the table""" options, flags = gs.parser() vector = options["map"] layer = options["layer"] where = options["where"] column = options["column"] expression = options["expression"] condition = options["condition"] functions_file = options["functions"] # Map needs to be in the current mapset mapset = gs.gisenv()["MAPSET"] if not gs.find_file(vector, element="vector", mapset=mapset)["file"]: gs.fatal( _("Vector map <{vector}> does not exist or is not in the current mapset" "(<{mapset}>) and therefore it cannot be modified").format( **locals())) # Map+layer needs to have a table connected try: # TODO: Support @OGR vector maps? Probably not supported by db.execute anyway. db_info = gs.vector_db(vector)[int(layer)] except KeyError: gs.fatal( _("There is no table connected to map <{vector}> (layer <{layer}>)." " Use v.db.connect or v.db.addtable to add it.").format( **locals())) table = db_info["table"] database = db_info["database"] driver = db_info["driver"] columns = gs.vector_columns(vector, layer) # Check that column exists try: column_info = columns[column] except KeyError: gs.fatal( _("Column <{column}> not found. Use v.db.addcolumn to create it."). format(column=column)) column_type = column_info["type"] # Check that optional function file exists if functions_file: if not os.access(functions_file, os.R_OK): gs.fatal(_("File <{file}> not found").format(file=functions_file)) # Define Python functions # Here we need the full-deal eval and exec functions and can't sue less # general alternatives such as ast.literal_eval. def expression_function(**kwargs): return eval(expression, globals(), kwargs) # pylint: disable=eval-used def condition_function(**kwargs): return eval(condition, globals(), kwargs) # pylint: disable=eval-used # TODO: Add error handling for failed imports. if options["packages"]: packages = options["packages"].split(",") for package in packages: # pylint: disable=exec-used exec(f"import {package}", globals(), globals()) if flags["s"]: exec(f"from {package} import *", globals(), globals()) # TODO: Add error handling for invalid syntax. if functions_file: with open(functions_file) as file: exec(, globals(), globals()) # pylint: disable=exec-used # Get table contents if not where: # The condition needs to be None, an empty string is passed through. where = None if gs.version()["version"] < "7.9": sep = "|" # Only one char sep for Python csv package. null = "NULL" csv_text = gs.read_command( "", map=vector, layer=layer, separator=sep, null=null, where=where, ) table_contents = csv_loads(csv_text, delimeter=sep, null=null) else: # TODO: XXX is a workaround for a bug in -j json_text = gs.read_command("", map=vector, layer=layer, flags="j", null="XXX", where=where) table_contents = json.loads(json_text) cmd = python_to_transaction( table=table, table_contents=table_contents, column=column, column_type=column_type, expression=expression, expression_function=expression_function, condition=condition, condition_function=condition_function, ensure_lowercase=not flags["u"], ) # Messages if len(cmd) == 2: gs.message( "No rows to update. Try a different SQL where or Python condition." ) elif len(cmd) > 2: # First and last statement gs.verbose(f'Using SQL: "{cmd[1]}...{cmd[-2]}"') # The newline is needed for successful execution/reading of many statements. # TODO: Add error handling when there is a syntax error due to wrongly # generated SQL statement and/or sanitize the value in update more. gs.write_command("db.execute", input="-", database=database, driver=driver, stdin="\n".join(cmd)) gs.vector_history(vector)
def main(): vector = options['map'] table = options['table'] layer = options['layer'] columns = options['columns'] key = options['key'] # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] if not grass.find_file(vector, element='vector', mapset=mapset)['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % vector) map_name = vector.split('@')[0] if not table: if layer == '1': grass.verbose(_("Using vector map name as table name: <%s>") % map_name) table = map_name else: # to avoid tables with identical names on higher layers table = "%s_%s" % (map_name, layer) grass.verbose( _("Using vector map name extended by layer number as table name: <%s>") % table) else: grass.verbose(_("Using user specified table name: %s") % table) # check if DB parameters are set, and if not set them. grass.run_command('db.connect', flags='c') grass.verbose(_("Creating new DB connection based on default mapset settings...")) kv = grass.db_connection() database = kv['database'] driver = kv['driver'] schema = kv['schema'] # maybe there is already a table linked to the selected layer? nuldev = file(os.devnull, 'w') try: grass.vector_db(map_name, stderr=nuldev)[int(layer)] grass.fatal(_("There is already a table linked to layer <%s>") % layer) except KeyError: pass # maybe there is already a table with that name? tables = grass.read_command('db.tables', flags='p', database=database, driver=driver, stderr=nuldev) if not table in tables.splitlines(): if columns: column_def = [x.strip().lower() for x in columns.strip().split(',')] else: column_def = [] # if not existing, create it: column_def_key = "%s integer" % key if column_def_key not in column_def: column_def.insert(0, column_def_key) column_def = ','.join(column_def) grass.verbose(_("Creating table with columns (%s)...") % column_def) sql = "CREATE TABLE %s (%s)" % (table, column_def) try: grass.run_command('db.execute', database=database, driver=driver, sql=sql) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Unable to create table <%s>") % table) # connect the map to the DB: if schema: table = '{schema}.{table}'.format(schema=schema, table=table) grass.run_command('v.db.connect', quiet=True, map=map_name, database=database, driver=driver, layer=layer, table=table, key=key) # finally we have to add cats into the attribute DB to make modules such as v.what.rast happy: # (creates new row for each vector line): grass.run_command('', map=map_name, layer=layer, option='cat', column=key, qlayer=layer) grass.verbose(_("Current attribute table links:")) if grass.verbosity() > 2: grass.run_command('v.db.connect', flags='p', map=map_name) # write cmd history: grass.vector_history(map_name) return 0
def main(): global tmp, sqltmp, tmpname, nuldev, vector, rastertmp rastertmp = False #### setup temporary files tmp = grass.tempfile() sqltmp = tmp + ".sql" # we need a random name tmpname = grass.basename(tmp) nuldev = file(os.devnull, 'w') raster = options['raster'] colprefix = options['column_prefix'] vector = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] percentile = options['percentile'] basecols = options['method'].split(',') ### setup enviro vars ### env = grass.gisenv() mapset = env['MAPSET'] vs = vector.split('@') if len(vs) > 1: vect_mapset = vs[1] else: vect_mapset = mapset # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? if vect_mapset != mapset or not grass.find_file(vector, 'vector', mapset)['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % vector) vector = vs[0] rastertmp = "%s_%s" % (vector, tmpname) # check the input raster map if not grass.find_file(raster, 'cell')['file']: grass.fatal(_("Raster map <%s> not found") % raster) # save current settings: grass.use_temp_region() # Temporarily aligning region resolution to $RASTER resolution # keep boundary settings grass.run_command('g.region', align=raster) grass.message(_("Preprocessing input data...")) try: grass.run_command('', input=vector, layer=layer, output=rastertmp, use='cat', quiet=True) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("An error occurred while converting vector to raster")) # dump cats to file to avoid "too many argument" problem: p = grass.pipe_command('r.category', map=rastertmp, sep=';', quiet=True) cats = [] for line in p.stdout: cats.append(line.rstrip('\r\n').split(';')[0]) p.wait() number = len(cats) if number < 1: grass.fatal(_("No categories found in raster map")) # check if DBF driver used, in this case cut to 10 chars col names: try: fi = grass.vector_db(map=vector)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal(_('There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.')) # we need this for non-DBF driver: dbfdriver = fi['driver'] == 'dbf' # Find out which table is linked to the vector map on the given layer if not fi['table']: grass.fatal(_('There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.')) # replaced by user choiche #basecols = ['n', 'min', 'max', 'range', 'mean', 'stddev', 'variance', 'cf_var', 'sum'] # we need at least three chars to distinguish [mea]n from [med]ian # so colprefix can't be longer than 6 chars with DBF driver if dbfdriver: colprefix = colprefix[:6] variables_dbf = {} # by default perccol variable is used only for "variables" variable perccol = "percentile" perc = None for b in basecols: if b.startswith('p'): perc = b if perc: # namespace is limited in DBF but the % value is important if dbfdriver: perccol = "per" + percentile else: perccol = "percentile_" + percentile percindex = basecols.index(perc) basecols[percindex] = perccol # dictionary with name of methods and position in "r.univar -gt" output variables = {'number': 2, 'minimum': 4, 'maximum': 5, 'range': 6, 'average': 7, 'stddev': 9, 'variance': 10, 'coeff_var': 11, 'sum': 12, 'first_quartile': 14, 'median': 15, 'third_quartile': 16, perccol: 17} # this list is used to set the 'e' flag for r.univar extracols = ['first_quartile', 'median', 'third_quartile', perccol] addcols = [] colnames = [] extstat = "" for i in basecols: # this check the complete name of out input that should be truncated for k in variables.keys(): if i in k: i = k break if i in extracols: extstat = 'e' # check if column already present currcolumn = ("%s_%s" % (colprefix, i)) if dbfdriver: currcolumn = currcolumn[:10] variables_dbf[currcolumn.replace("%s_" % colprefix, '')] = i colnames.append(currcolumn) if currcolumn in grass.vector_columns(vector, layer).keys(): if not flags['c']: grass.fatal((_("Cannot create column <%s> (already present). ") % currcolumn) + _("Use -c flag to update values in this column.")) else: if i == "n": coltype = "INTEGER" else: coltype = "DOUBLE PRECISION" addcols.append(currcolumn + ' ' + coltype) if addcols: grass.verbose(_("Adding columns '%s'") % addcols) try: grass.run_command('v.db.addcolumn', map=vector, columns=addcols, layer=layer) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Adding columns failed. Exiting.")) # calculate statistics: grass.message(_("Processing input data (%d categories)...") % number) # get rid of any earlier attempts grass.try_remove(sqltmp) f = file(sqltmp, 'w') # do the stats p = grass.pipe_command('r.univar', flags='t' + extstat, map=raster, zones=rastertmp, percentile=percentile, sep=';') first_line = 1 f.write("{}\n".format(grass.db_begin_transaction(fi['driver']))) for line in p.stdout: if first_line: first_line = 0 continue vars = line.rstrip('\r\n').split(';') f.write("UPDATE %s SET" % fi['table']) first_var = 1 for colname in colnames: variable = colname.replace("%s_" % colprefix, '', 1) if dbfdriver: variable = variables_dbf[variable] i = variables[variable] value = vars[i] # convert nan, +nan, -nan, inf, +inf, -inf, Infinity, +Infinity, # -Infinity to NULL if value.lower().endswith('nan') or 'inf' in value.lower(): value = 'NULL' if not first_var: f.write(" , ") else: first_var = 0 f.write(" %s=%s" % (colname, value)) f.write(" WHERE %s=%s;\n" % (fi['key'], vars[0])) f.write("{}\n".format(grass.db_commit_transaction(fi['driver']))) p.wait() f.close() grass.message(_("Updating the database ...")) exitcode = 0 try: grass.run_command('db.execute', input=sqltmp, database=fi['database'], driver=fi['driver']) grass.verbose((_("Statistics calculated from raster map <{raster}>" " and uploaded to attribute table" " of vector map <{vector}>." ).format(raster=raster, vector=vector))) except CalledModuleError: grass.warning(_("Failed to upload statistics to attribute table of vector map <%s>.") % vector) exitcode = 1 sys.exit(exitcode)
def main(): global tmp, prefix tmp = grass.tempfile() prefix = 'concave_hull_tmp_%d' % os.getpid() input = options['input'] output = options['output'] perc = options['threshold'] perc = float(perc) + 90 delaunay = prefix + '_delaunay' grass.message(_("Delaunay triangulation...")) grass.run_command('v.delaunay', input=input, output=delaunay, quiet=True) out_points = prefix + '_delaunay_pnts' out_lines_nocat = prefix + '_delaunay_lines_nocat' out_lines = prefix + '_delaunay_lines' out_lines_tmp = prefix + '_delaunay_lines_tmp' grass.message(_("Geometry conversion...")) grass.run_command('v.extract', input=delaunay, output=out_lines_tmp, type='boundary', layer='-1', quiet=True) grass.run_command('v.type', input=out_lines_tmp, output=out_lines_nocat, from_type='boundary', to_type='line', quiet=True) grass.run_command('v.type', input=delaunay, output=out_points, from_type='centroid', to_type='point', quiet=True) grass.run_command('v.category', input=out_lines_nocat, output=out_lines, op='add', type='line', quiet=True) grass.run_command('v.db.addtable', map=out_lines, col='cat integer,length double precision', quiet=True) grass.message(_("Evaluating threshold...")) grass.run_command('', map=out_lines, type='line', op='length', col='length', quiet=True) db_info = grass.vector_db(map=out_lines, layer='1')[1] table = db_info['table'] database = db_info['database'] driver = db_info['driver'] sql = "SELECT length FROM %s" % (table) tmpf = file(tmp, 'w') grass.run_command('', flags='c', table=table, database=database, driver=driver, sql=sql, stdout=tmpf) tmpf.close() # check if result is empty tmpf = file(tmp) if == '': grass.fatal(_("Table <%s> contains no data.") % table) tmpf.close() N = 0 tmpf = file(tmp) for line in tmpf: N += 1 tmpf.close() max_length = 0.0 sortfile(tmp, tmp + ".sort") ppos = round(N * perc / 100) perc_orig = perc while ppos >= N and perc >= 90: perc -= 1 ppos = round(N * perc / 100) if perc == 89: grass.fatal(_("Cannot calculate hull. Too few points.")) if perc_orig > perc: thresh = int(perc) - 90 grass.warning(_('Threshold reduced to %d to calculate hull' % thresh)) inf = file(tmp + ".sort") l = 0 for line in inf: if l == ppos: max_length = float(line.rstrip('\r\n')) break l += 1 inf.close() grass.message(_("Feature selection...")) lines_concave = prefix + '_delaunay_lines_select' lines_concave_nocat = prefix + '_delaunay_lines_select_nocat' grass.run_command('v.extract', input=out_lines, output=lines_concave, type='line', where='length < %f' % max_length, quiet=True) grass.run_command('v.category', input=lines_concave, output=lines_concave_nocat, type='line', op='del', cat='-1', quiet=True) borders_concave = prefix + '_delaunay_borders_select' grass.run_command('v.type', input=lines_concave_nocat, output=borders_concave, from_type='line', to_type='boundary', quiet=True) areas_concave = prefix + '_delaunay_areas_select' grass.run_command('v.centroids', input=borders_concave, output=areas_concave, quiet=True) grass.run_command('v.db.droptable', map=areas_concave, flags='f', quiet=True) grass.run_command('v.db.addtable', map=areas_concave, col='cat integer,count integer', quiet=True) grass.run_command('v.vect.stats', points=out_points, areas=areas_concave, ccolumn='count', quiet=True) areas_concave_extr = prefix + '_delaunay_areas_extract' grass.run_command('v.extract', input=areas_concave, output=areas_concave_extr, type='area', where='count = 1', quiet=True) grass.message(_("The following warnings can be ignored"), flag='i') grass.run_command('v.dissolve', input=areas_concave_extr, output=output, col='count', layer='1', quiet=True) grass.message(_("Concave hull successfully created"))
def main(): check_progs() inmap = options['input'] output = options['ldm'] width = options['width'] color = options['color'] graph = options['graph'] ldm_type = options['type'] mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] global tmp, nuldev, grass_version nuldev = None grass_version = grass.version()['version'][0] if grass_version != '7': grass.fatal(_("Sorry, this script works in GRASS 7.* only")) # setup temporary files tmp = grass.tempfile() # check for LatLong location if grass.locn_is_latlong() == True: grass.fatal("Module works only in locations with cartesian coordinate system") # check if input file exists if not grass.find_file(inmap, element = 'vector')['file']: grass.fatal(_("<%s> does not exist.") % inmap) # check for lines iflines = grass.vector_info_topo(inmap)['lines'] if iflines == 0: grass.fatal(_("Map <%s> has no lines.") % inmap) # diplay options if flags['x']: env = grass.gisenv() mon = env.get('MONITOR', None) if not mon: if not graph: grass.fatal(_("Please choose \"graph\" output file with LDM graphics or not use flag \"x\"")) ####### DO IT ####### # copy input vector map and drop table grass.run_command('g.copy', vect = (inmap, 'v_ldm_vect'), quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) db = grass.vector_db('v_ldm_vect') if db != {}: grass.run_command('v.db.droptable', map_ = 'v_ldm_vect', flags = 'f', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) # compute mean center of lines with module center_coords = grass.read_command('', input_ = inmap, type_ = 'line', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev).strip() mc_x = center_coords.split(' ')[0] mc_y = center_coords.split(' ')[1] center_coords = str(mc_x) + ',' + str(mc_y) ### inmap = 'v_ldm_vect' # count lines count = grass.vector_info_topo(inmap)['lines'] # add temp table with azimuths and lengths of lines in_cats = inmap + '_cats' grass.run_command('v.category', input_ = inmap, option = 'add', output = in_cats, quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) grass.run_command('v.db.addtable', map_ = in_cats, table = 'tmp_tab', columns = 'sum_azim double, len double', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) grass.run_command('v.db.connect', map_ = in_cats, table = 'tmp_tab', flags = 'o', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) grass.run_command('', map_ = in_cats, opt = 'azimuth', columns = 'sum_azim', units = 'radians', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) grass.run_command('', map_ = in_cats, opt = 'length', columns = 'len', units = 'meters', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) # find end azimuth p = grass.pipe_command('', map_ = in_cats, columns = 'sum_azim', flags = 'c', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) c = p.communicate()[0].strip().split('\n') sin = [] cos = [] for i in c: s1 = math.sin(float(i)) c1 = math.cos(float(i)) sin.append(s1) cos.append(c1) ca_sin = sum(map(float,sin)) ca_cos = sum(map(float,cos)) atan = math.atan2(ca_sin,ca_cos) end_azim = math.degrees(atan) # find compass angle if end_azim < 0: a2 = -(end_azim) if end_azim > 0: a2 = end_azim if (ca_sin > 0) and (ca_cos > 0): comp_angle = a2 if (ca_sin > 0) and (ca_cos < 0): comp_angle = a2 if (ca_sin < 0) and (ca_cos > 0): comp_angle = 360 - a2 if (ca_sin < 0) and (ca_cos < 0): comp_angle = 360 - a2 # find LDM if end_azim < 0: a2 = -(end_azim) if end_azim > 0: a2 = end_azim if (ca_sin > 0) and (ca_cos > 0): ldm = 90 - a2 if (ca_sin > 0) and (ca_cos < 0): ldm = 450 - a2 if (ca_sin < 0) and (ca_cos > 0): ldm = 90 + a2 if (ca_sin < 0) and (ca_cos < 0): ldm = 90 + a2 # find circular variance sin_pow = math.pow(ca_sin,2) cos_pow = math.pow(ca_cos,2) circ_var = 1-(math.sqrt(sin_pow+cos_pow))/count # find start/end points of "mean" line end_azim_dms = decimal2dms(end_azim) # if end_azim < 0: # end_azim_dms = '-' + (str(end_azim_dms)) start_azim = 180 - end_azim start_azim_dms = decimal2dms(start_azim) p = grass.pipe_command('', map_ = in_cats, columns = 'len', flags = 'c', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) c = p.communicate()[0].strip().split('\n') mean_length = sum(map(float,c))/len(c) half_length = float(mean_length)/2 tmp1 = tmp + '.inf' inf1 = file(tmp1, 'w') print >> inf1, 'N ' + str(end_azim_dms) + ' E ' + str(half_length) inf1.close() end_coords = grass.read_command('m.cogo', input_ = tmp1, output = '-', coord = center_coords, quiet = True).strip() tmp2 = tmp + '.inf2' inf2 = file(tmp2, 'w') print >> inf2, 'N ' + str(start_azim_dms) + ' W ' + str(half_length) inf2.close() start_coords = grass.read_command('m.cogo', input_ = tmp2, output = '-', coord = center_coords, quiet = True).strip() # make "arrowhead" symbol if flags['x'] or graph: tmp3 = tmp + '.arrowhead_1' outf3 = file(tmp3, 'w') if ldm_type == 'direct': t1 = """VERSION 1.0 BOX -0.5 -0.5 0.5 0.5 POLYGON RING FCOLOR NONE LINE 0 0 0.3 -1 END END POLYGON RING FCOLOR NONE LINE 0 0 -0.3 -1 END END END """ outf3.write(t1) outf3.close() gisdbase = grass.gisenv()['GISDBASE'] location = grass.gisenv()['LOCATION_NAME'] mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] symbols_dir = os.path.join(gisdbase, location, mapset, 'symbol', 'arrows') symbol = os.path.join(symbols_dir, 'arrowhead_1') if not os.path.exists(symbols_dir): try: os.makedirs(symbols_dir) except OSError: pass if not os.path.isfile(symbol): shutil.copyfile(tmp3, symbol) # write LDM graph file and optionally display line of LDM with an arrow tmp4 = tmp + '.ldm' outf4 = file(tmp4, 'w') arrow_size = int(width) * 1.4 arrow_azim = 360 - float(end_azim) if ldm_type == 'direct': t2 = string.Template(""" move $start_coords width $width color $color draw $end_coords rotation $arrow_azim width $width symbol $symbol_s $arrow_size $end_coords $color """) s2 = t2.substitute(start_coords = start_coords, width = width, color = color, end_coords = end_coords, arrow_azim = arrow_azim, symbol_s = "arrows/arrowhead_1", arrow_size = arrow_size) else: t2 = string.Template(""" move $start_coords width $width color $color draw $end_coords """) s2 = t2.substitute(start_coords = start_coords, width = width, color = color, end_coords = end_coords) outf4.write(s2) outf4.close() if graph: shutil.copy(tmp4, graph) # save LDM line to vector if option "output" set if output: tmp5 = tmp + '.line' outf5 = file(tmp5, 'w') print >> outf5, str(start_coords) print >> outf5, str(end_coords) outf5.close() grass.run_command('', input_ = tmp5, output = output, separator = " ", overwrite = True, quiet = True) out_cats = output + '_cats' grass.run_command('v.category', input_ = output, option = 'add', output = out_cats, quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) grass.run_command('g.rename', vect = (out_cats,output), overwrite = True, quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) if circ_var: col = 'comp_angle double,dir_mean double,cir_var double,ave_x double,ave_y double,ave_len double' else: col = 'comp_angle double,dir_mean double,ave_x double,ave_y double,ave_len double' grass.run_command('v.db.addtable', map_ = output, columns = col, quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) tmp6 = tmp + '.sql' outf6 = file(tmp6, 'w') t3 = string.Template(""" UPDATE $output SET comp_angle = $comp_angle; UPDATE $output SET dir_mean = $ldm; UPDATE $output SET ave_x = $mc_x; UPDATE $output SET ave_y = $mc_y; UPDATE $output SET ave_len = $mean_length; """) s3 = t3.substitute(output = output, comp_angle = ("%0.3f" % comp_angle), ldm = ("%0.3f" % ldm), mc_x = ("%0.3f" % float(mc_x)), mc_y = ("%0.3f" % float(mc_y)), mean_length = ("%0.3f" % mean_length)) outf6.write(s3) if circ_var: print >> outf6, "UPDATE %s SET cir_var = %0.3f;" % (output, circ_var) outf6.close() grass.run_command('db.execute', input_ = tmp6, quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) # print LDM parameters to stdout (with <-g> flag in shell style): print_out = ['Compass Angle', 'Directional Mean', 'Average Center', 'Average Length'] if circ_var: print_out.append('Circular Variance') print_shell = ['compass_angle', 'directional_mean', 'average_center', 'average_length', 'circular_variance'] if circ_var: print_shell.append('circular_variance') print_vars = ["%0.3f" % comp_angle, "%0.3f" % ldm, "%0.3f" % float(mc_x) + ',' + "%0.3f" % float(mc_y), "%0.3f" % mean_length] if circ_var: print_vars.append("%0.3f" % circ_var) if flags['g']: for i,j in zip(print_shell, print_vars): print "%s=%s" % (i, j) else: for i,j in zip(print_out, print_vars): print "%s: %s" % (i, j) # diplay LDM graphics if flags['x']: if mon: if graph: grass.run_command('d.graph', input_ = graph, flags = 'm', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) else: grass.run_command('d.graph', input_ = tmp4, flags = 'm', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) elif graph: grass.message(_("\n Use this command in wxGUI \"Command console\" or with <d.mon> or with \"command layer\" to display LDM graphics: \n d.graph -m input=%s \n\n" ) % graph)
def main(): vector = options["map"] layer = options["layer"] column = options["column"] value = options["value"] qcolumn = options["query_column"] where = options["where"] sqlitefile = options["sqliteextra"] mapset = grass.gisenv()["MAPSET"] # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? if not grass.find_file(vector, element="vector", mapset=mapset)["file"]: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % vector) try: f = grass.vector_db(vector)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal( _( "There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first." ) ) table = f["table"] database = f["database"] driver = f["driver"] # check for SQLite backend for extra functions if sqlitefile and driver != "sqlite": grass.fatal(_("Use of libsqlitefunctions only with SQLite backend")) if driver == "sqlite" and sqlitefile: if not os.access(sqlitefile, os.R_OK): grass.fatal(_("File <%s> not found") % sqlitefile) # Check column existence and get its type. all_columns = grass.vector_columns(vector, layer) coltype = None for column_name, column_record in all_columns.items(): if column.lower() == column_name.lower(): coltype = column_record["type"] break if not coltype: grass.fatal(_("Column <%s> not found") % column) if qcolumn: if value: grass.fatal(_("<value> and <qcolumn> are mutually exclusive")) # special case: we copy from another column value = qcolumn else: if not value: grass.fatal(_("Either <value> or <qcolumn> must be given")) # we insert a value if coltype.upper() not in ["INTEGER", "DOUBLE PRECISION"]: value = "'%s'" % value cmd = "UPDATE %s SET %s=%s" % (table, column, value) if where: cmd += " WHERE " + where # SQLite: preload extra functions from extension lib if provided by user if sqlitefile: sqliteload = "SELECT load_extension('%s');\n" % sqlitefile cmd = sqliteload + cmd grass.verbose('SQL: "%s"' % cmd) grass.write_command( "db.execute", input="-", database=database, driver=driver, stdin=cmd ) # write cmd history: grass.vector_history(vector) return 0
def setupPro(resourcedir='mySWIM',parfile='mySWIM/'): '''Set up all files needed for SWIM and mySWIM and write mySWIM resource dirs and parameterfile. In this function, grass input arguments are all in options without any removal of empty ones ''! ''' # collect parameters in dict p = {} # check if needed params are set for e in ['proname','prodir','stationsvect','simf','subbasins','hydrotopes', 'csvdata']: if len(options['proname'])<2: grass.fatal('%s must be set.' %e) p[e] = options[e] # change into prodir as all subsequent paths maybe relative to that os.chdir(p['prodir']) # check if in same mapset stationsinfo = grass.vector_info(options['stationsvect']) if stationsinfo['mapset']!=grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']: grass.fatal('Must be in same mapset as %s.' %(options['stationsvect'])) # find files in prodir ffiles = {'bsn':'.bsn','cod':'.cod','strf':'.str'} ffiles = dict([(e,options['proname']+ffiles[e]) for e in ffiles]) foundf = findFiles(ffiles,findin=p['prodir']) # add to pro p.update(foundf) ### check for other swim files swimfiles = {'swim':'swim', 'soilcio':'soil.cio', 'filecio':'file.cio', 'figf':p['proname']+'.fig', 'runoff':'runoff.dat', 'simf':'rvaddQ_subbasin.prn', 'conf':'swim.conf', 'clim1':'clim1.dat', 'clim2':'clim2.dat', 'cntab':'cntab.dat', 'cropd':'crop.dat', 'subcatchf':'subcatch.def', 'subcatchbsn':'subcatch.bsn', 'wgen':'wgen.dat', 'wstor':'wstor.dat'} # check for files with warning if not exists swimfiles = findFiles(swimfiles,findin=p['prodir'],fatal=False) p.update(swimfiles) # only those that were found and not double # simf p['simf']=options['simf'] if len(options['simf'])>0 or os.path.exists(options['simf']): grass.warning('Simulated discharge file %s not found or not given.' %options['simf']) # check if mySWIM already exists and if not create dir resourcedirs = {'resourcedir':os.path.join(p['prodir'],resourcedir)} for n,d in [('Qdir','Q_files'),('clusterdir','lljobs'),('pestdir','pest')]: resourcedirs[n] = os.path.join(resourcedir,d) for n,d in resourcedirs.items(): if os.path.exists(d): gm('Found the resource dir in: %s' %d) else: gm('Creating new resource dir in: %s' %d) os.makedirs(d) # attach to p p.update(resourcedirs) # climate dir p['climatedir'] = options['climatedir'] # pest parameters p['pestdir'] = os.path.join(resourcedir,'pest') p['pestexe'] = os.path.join(resourcedir,'pest/pest') p['pestinstructions'] = options['pestinstructions'] # get parameters from bsn file try: par,tmplt = swim.readBsnf(p['bsn']) except: grass.fatal('''Cant read the bsn file properly. Is it formatted like this:\n switch parameters value param value param ... _______________________________________________________________________ basin, initialisation & calibration parameters param param ... param description blabla value value ... value ... _______________________________________________________________________ CO2 EFFECT ON NET PHOTOSYNTHESIS (alpha) & TRANSPIRATION (beta) (ialpha,ibeta) = (1,0) OR (1,1) ONLY FOR SCENARIO PERIODS! ialpha ibeta C3C4crop CO2-ref CO2-scen 0/1 0/1 3/4 346 406-436 OPTIONS & RANGES 0 0 0 0 0 _______________________________________________________________________''') gm('Found these parameters in the bsn file: %s' %','.join(par.keys())) gm('Those parameters will be saved in the future!') # make parameter save formats pfmts = [(e,{True:'14.3f',False:'7.4f'}[par[e]>50]) for e in sorted(par.keys())] # check if resource files exists and if not create them rfiles = {'runsf': [('runID','04i'),('paramID','04i'),('climID','04i'), ('runTIME','26s'),('station','5s'),('NSE','+7.3f'), ('bias','+6.1f'),('start','10s'),('end','10s'), ('purpose','-12s'),('notes','-64s')], 'paramf': [('paramID','04i')]+pfmts, 'climsf': [('climID','04i'), ('title','50s'), ('start','10s'), ('end','10s'), ('notes','-64s')]} for f in rfiles: name = os.path.join(resourcedir,'%s.%s' %(p['proname'],f[:-1])) # exists? if os.path.exists(name): gm('%s file exists in: %s' %(f,name)) p[f] = name else: # create writeTxtDB(name,rfiles[f]) p[f] = name # add sqlite tables to same database as self.stations tblname = f[:-1] sqlTbl(tblname,rfiles[f]) # save sqlitedb p['sqlitedb'] = grass.vector_db(options['stationsvect'])[1]['database'] # get stations info and data p['stations'] = getStations(resourcedir=resourcedir) p['obsf'] = os.path.join(resourcedir,'observations.csv') # llcmds if options['llcmds']!='': p['llcmds'] = dict([cmd.split(':') for cmd in options['llcmds'].split(',')]) # write all in p to a parameter file parfpath = os.path.join(resourcedir,'') if os.path.exists(parfpath): pars = imp.load_source('myswim',parfpath) opars= {e:pars.__getattribute__(e) for e in dir(pars) if e not in p and not e.startswith('__')} gm('Previous myswim parameter file found! Preserved these parameter: %r' %opars) p.update(opars) # now write parf = file(parfpath,'w') parf.write('### mySWIM parameter file, saved on: %s\n' for e in sorted(p.keys()): parf.write('%s=%r\n' %(e,p[e])) gm('All set up! To proceed, uncheck the -0 flag and change into %s' %p['prodir']) return
def main(): vector = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] column = options['column'] value = options['value'] qcolumn = options['query_column'] where = options['where'] sqlitefile = options['sqliteextra'] mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? if not grass.find_file(vector, element='vector', mapset=mapset)['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % vector) try: f = grass.vector_db(vector)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal( _('There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.' )) table = f['table'] database = f['database'] driver = f['driver'] # check for SQLite backend for extra functions if sqlitefile and driver != "sqlite": grass.fatal(_("Use of libsqlitefunctions only with SQLite backend")) if driver == "sqlite" and sqlitefile: if not os.access(sqlitefile, os.R_OK): grass.fatal(_("File <%s> not found") % sqlitefile) # checking column types try: coltype = grass.vector_columns(vector, layer)[column]['type'] except KeyError: grass.fatal(_('Column <%s> not found') % column) if qcolumn: if value: grass.fatal(_('<value> and <qcolumn> are mutually exclusive')) # special case: we copy from another column value = qcolumn else: if not value: grass.fatal(_('Either <value> or <qcolumn> must be given')) # we insert a value if coltype.upper() not in ["INTEGER", "DOUBLE PRECISION"]: value = "'%s'" % value cmd = "UPDATE %s SET %s=%s" % (table, column, value) if where: cmd += " WHERE " + where # SQLite: preload extra functions from extension lib if provided by user if sqlitefile: sqliteload = "SELECT load_extension('%s');\n" % sqlitefile cmd = sqliteload + cmd grass.verbose("SQL: \"%s\"" % cmd) grass.write_command('db.execute', input='-', database=database, driver=driver, stdin=cmd) # write cmd history: grass.vector_history(vector) return 0
def main(): global tmp, sqltmp, tmpname, nuldev, vector, mask_found, rastertmp mask_found = False rastertmp = False #### setup temporary files tmp = grass.tempfile() sqltmp = tmp + ".sql" # we need a random name tmpname = grass.basename(tmp) nuldev = file(os.devnull, 'w') raster = options['raster'] colprefix = options['column_prefix'] vector = options['vector'] layer = options['layer'] percentile = options['percentile'] ### setup enviro vars ### env = grass.gisenv() mapset = env['MAPSET'] vs = vector.split('@') if len(vs) > 1: vect_mapset = vs[1] else: vect_mapset = mapset # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? if vect_mapset != mapset or not grass.find_file(vector, 'vector', mapset)['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % vector) vector = vs[0] rastertmp = "%s_%s" % (vector, tmpname) # check the input raster map if not grass.find_file(raster, 'cell')['file']: grass.fatal(_("Raster map <%s> not found") % raster) # check presence of raster MASK, put it aside mask_found = bool(grass.find_file('MASK', 'cell')['file']) if mask_found: grass.message(_("Raster MASK found, temporarily disabled")) grass.run_command('g.rename', rast = ('MASK', tmpname + "_origmask"), quiet = True) # save current settings: grass.use_temp_region() # Temporarily aligning region resolution to $RASTER resolution # keep boundary settings grass.run_command('g.region', align = raster) # prepare raster MASK if grass.run_command('', input = vector, output = rastertmp, use = 'cat', quiet = True) != 0: grass.fatal(_("An error occurred while converting vector to raster")) # dump cats to file to avoid "too many argument" problem: p = grass.pipe_command('r.category', map = rastertmp, fs = ';', quiet = True) cats = [] for line in p.stdout: cats.append(line.rstrip('\r\n').split(';')[0]) p.wait() number = len(cats) if number < 1: grass.fatal(_("No categories found in raster map")) # check if DBF driver used, in this case cut to 10 chars col names: try: fi = grass.vector_db(map = vector)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal(_('There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.')) # we need this for non-DBF driver: dbfdriver = fi['driver'] == 'dbf' # Find out which table is linked to the vector map on the given layer if not fi['table']: grass.fatal(_('There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.')) basecols = ['n', 'min', 'max', 'range', 'mean', 'stddev', 'variance', 'cf_var', 'sum'] # we need at least three chars to distinguish [mea]n from [med]ian # so colprefix can't be longer than 6 chars with DBF driver if dbfdriver: colprefix = colprefix[:6] # do extended stats? if flags['e']: # namespace is limited in DBF but the % value is important if dbfdriver: perccol = "per" + percentile else: perccol = "percentile_" + percentile extracols = ['first_quartile', 'median', 'third_quartile'] + [perccol] else: extracols = [] addcols = [] for i in basecols + extracols: # check if column already present currcolumn = ("%s_%s" % (colprefix, i)) if dbfdriver: currcolumn = currcolumn[:10] if currcolumn in grass.vector_columns(vector, layer).keys(): if not flags['c']: grass.fatal((_("Cannot create column <%s> (already present). ") % currcolumn) + _("Use -c flag to update values in this column.")) else: if i == "n": coltype = "INTEGER" else: coltype = "DOUBLE PRECISION" addcols.append(currcolumn + ' ' + coltype) if addcols: grass.verbose(_("Adding columns '%s'") % addcols) if grass.run_command('v.db.addcolumn', map = vector, columns = addcols) != 0: grass.fatal(_("Adding columns failed. Exiting.")) # calculate statistics: grass.message(_("Processing data (%d categories)...") % number) # get rid of any earlier attempts grass.try_remove(sqltmp) colnames = [] for var in basecols + extracols: colname = '%s_%s' % (colprefix, var) if dbfdriver: colname = colname[:10] colnames.append(colname) ntabcols = len(colnames) # do extended stats? if flags['e']: extstat = 'e' else: extstat = "" f = file(sqltmp, 'w') # do the stats p = grass.pipe_command('r.univar', flags = 't' + 'g' + extstat, map = raster, zones = rastertmp, percentile = percentile, fs = ';') first_line = 1 for line in p.stdout: if first_line: first_line = 0 continue vars = line.rstrip('\r\n').split(';') f.write("UPDATE %s SET" % fi['table']) i = 2 first_var = 1 for colname in colnames: value = vars[i] # convert nan, +nan, -nan to NULL if value.lower().endswith('nan'): value = 'NULL' if not first_var: f.write(" , ") else: first_var = 0 f.write(" %s=%s" % (colname, value)) i += 1 # skip n_null_cells, mean_of_abs, sum_of_abs if i == 3 or i == 8 or i == 13: i += 1 f.write(" WHERE %s=%s;\n" % (fi['key'], vars[0])) p.wait() f.close() grass.message(_("Updating the database ...")) exitcode = grass.run_command('db.execute', input = sqltmp, database = fi['database'], driver = fi['driver']) grass.run_command('g.remove', rast = 'MASK', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) if exitcode == 0: grass.message((_("Statistics calculated from raster map <%s>") % raster) + (_(" and uploaded to attribute table of vector map <%s>.") % vector)) else: grass.warning(_("Failed to upload statistics to attribute table of vector map <%s>.") % vector) sys.exit(exitcode)
def main(): # old connection old_database = options["old_database"] old_schema = options["old_schema"] # new connection default_connection = gscript.db_connection() if options["new_driver"]: new_driver = options["new_driver"] else: new_driver = default_connection["driver"] if options["new_database"]: new_database = options["new_database"] else: new_database = default_connection["database"] if options["new_schema"]: new_schema = options["new_schema"] else: new_schema = default_connection["schema"] if old_database == "": old_database = None old_database_subst = None if old_database is not None: old_database_subst = substitute_db(old_database) new_database_subst = substitute_db(new_database) if old_database_subst == new_database_subst and old_schema == new_schema: gscript.fatal( _("Old and new database connection is identical. " "Nothing to do.")) mapset = gscript.gisenv()["MAPSET"] vectors = gscript.list_grouped("vect")[mapset] num_vectors = len(vectors) if flags["c"]: # create new database if not existing create_db(new_driver, new_database) i = 0 for vect in vectors: vect = "%s@%s" % (vect, mapset) i += 1 gscript.message( _("%s\nReconnecting vector map <%s> " "(%d of %d)...\n%s") % ("-" * 80, vect, i, num_vectors, "-" * 80)) for f in gscript.vector_db(vect, stderr=nuldev).values(): layer = f["layer"] schema_table = f["table"] key = f["key"] database = f["database"] driver = f["driver"] # split schema.table if "." in schema_table: schema, table = schema_table.split(".", 1) else: schema = "" table = schema_table if new_schema: new_schema_table = "%s.%s" % (new_schema, table) else: new_schema_table = table gscript.debug( "DATABASE = '%s' SCHEMA = '%s' TABLE = '%s' ->\n" " NEW_DATABASE = '%s' NEW_SCHEMA_TABLE = '%s'" % (old_database, schema, table, new_database, new_schema_table)) do_reconnect = True if old_database_subst is not None: if database != old_database_subst: do_reconnect = False if database == new_database_subst: do_reconnect = False if schema != old_schema: do_reconnect = False if do_reconnect: gscript.verbose(_("Reconnecting layer %d...") % layer) if flags["c"]: # check if table exists in new database copy_tab( driver, database, schema_table, new_driver, new_database, new_schema_table, ) # drop original table if required if flags["d"]: drop_tab(vect, layer, schema_table, driver, substitute_db(database)) # reconnect tables (don't use substituted new_database) # NOTE: v.db.connect creates an index on the key column try: gscript.run_command( "v.db.connect", flags="o", quiet=True, map=vect, layer=layer, driver=new_driver, database=new_database, table=new_schema_table, key=key, ) except CalledModuleError: gscript.warning( _("Unable to connect table <%s> to vector " "<%s> on layer <%s>") % (table, vect, str(layer))) else: if database != new_database_subst: gscript.warning( _("Layer <%d> will not be reconnected " "because database or schema do not " "match.") % layer) return 0
def main(): global tmp, sqltmp, tmpname, nuldev, vector, rastertmp rastertmp = False # setup temporary files tmp = grass.tempfile() sqltmp = tmp + ".sql" # we need a random name tmpname = grass.basename(tmp) nuldev = open(os.devnull, 'w') rasters = options['raster'].split(',') colprefixes = options['column_prefix'].split(',') vector = options['map'] layer = options['layer'] percentile = options['percentile'] basecols = options['method'].split(',') ### setup enviro vars ### env = grass.gisenv() mapset = env['MAPSET'] vs = vector.split('@') if len(vs) > 1: vect_mapset = vs[1] else: vect_mapset = mapset # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? if vect_mapset != mapset or not grass.find_file(vector, 'vector', mapset)['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % vector) # check if DBF driver used, in this case cut to 10 chars col names: try: fi = grass.vector_db(map=vector)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal( _('There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.' )) # we need this for non-DBF driver: dbfdriver = fi['driver'] == 'dbf' # colprefix for every raster map? if len(colprefixes) != len(rasters): grass.fatal( _("Number of raster maps ({0}) different from \ number of column prefixes ({1})".format( len(rasters), len(colprefixes)))) vector = vs[0] rastertmp = "%s_%s" % (vector, tmpname) for raster in rasters: # check the input raster map if not grass.find_file(raster, 'cell')['file']: grass.fatal(_("Raster map <%s> not found") % raster) # save current settings: grass.use_temp_region() # Temporarily aligning region resolution to $RASTER resolution # keep boundary settings grass.run_command('g.region', align=rasters[0]) # prepare base raster for zonal statistics try: nlines = grass.vector_info_topo(vector)['lines'] # Create densified lines rather than thin lines if flags['d'] and nlines > 0: grass.run_command('', input=vector, layer=layer, output=rastertmp, use='cat', flags='d', quiet=True) else: grass.run_command('', input=vector, layer=layer, output=rastertmp, use='cat', quiet=True) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("An error occurred while converting vector to raster")) # dump cats to file to avoid "too many argument" problem: p = grass.pipe_command('r.category', map=rastertmp, sep=';', quiet=True) cats = [] for line in p.stdout: line = decode(line) cats.append(line.rstrip('\r\n').split(';')[0]) p.wait() number = len(cats) if number < 1: grass.fatal(_("No categories found in raster map")) # Check if all categories got converted # Report categories from vector map vect_cats = grass.read_command('v.category', input=vector, option='report', flags='g').rstrip('\n').split('\n') # get number of all categories in selected layer for vcl in vect_cats: if vcl.split(' ')[0] == layer and vcl.split(' ')[1] == 'all': vect_cats_n = int(vcl.split(' ')[2]) if vect_cats_n != number: grass.warning( _("Not all vector categories converted to raster. \ Converted {0} of {1}.".format(number, vect_cats_n))) # check if DBF driver used, in this case cut to 10 chars col names: try: fi = grass.vector_db(map=vector)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal( _('There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.' )) # we need this for non-DBF driver: dbfdriver = fi['driver'] == 'dbf' # Find out which table is linked to the vector map on the given layer if not fi['table']: grass.fatal( _('There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.' )) # replaced by user choiche #basecols = ['n', 'min', 'max', 'range', 'mean', 'stddev', 'variance', 'cf_var', 'sum'] for i in xrange(len(rasters)): raster = rasters[i] colprefix = colprefixes[i] # we need at least three chars to distinguish [mea]n from [med]ian # so colprefix can't be longer than 6 chars with DBF driver if dbfdriver: colprefix = colprefix[:6] variables_dbf = {} # by default perccol variable is used only for "variables" variable perccol = "percentile" perc = None for b in basecols: if b.startswith('p'): perc = b if perc: # namespace is limited in DBF but the % value is important if dbfdriver: perccol = "per" + percentile else: perccol = "percentile_" + percentile percindex = basecols.index(perc) basecols[percindex] = perccol # dictionary with name of methods and position in "r.univar -gt" output variables = { 'number': 2, 'null_cells': 2, 'minimum': 4, 'maximum': 5, 'range': 6, 'average': 7, 'stddev': 9, 'variance': 10, 'coeff_var': 11, 'sum': 12, 'first_quartile': 14, 'median': 15, 'third_quartile': 16, perccol: 17 } # this list is used to set the 'e' flag for r.univar extracols = ['first_quartile', 'median', 'third_quartile', perccol] addcols = [] colnames = [] extstat = "" for i in basecols: # this check the complete name of out input that should be truncated for k in variables.keys(): if i in k: i = k break if i in extracols: extstat = 'e' # check if column already present currcolumn = ("%s_%s" % (colprefix, i)) if dbfdriver: currcolumn = currcolumn[:10] variables_dbf[currcolumn.replace("%s_" % colprefix, '')] = i colnames.append(currcolumn) if currcolumn in grass.vector_columns(vector, layer).keys(): if not flags['c']: grass.fatal( (_("Cannot create column <%s> (already present). ") % currcolumn) + _("Use -c flag to update values in this column.")) else: if i == "n": coltype = "INTEGER" else: coltype = "DOUBLE PRECISION" addcols.append(currcolumn + ' ' + coltype) if addcols: grass.verbose(_("Adding columns '%s'") % addcols) try: grass.run_command('v.db.addcolumn', map=vector, columns=addcols, layer=layer) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Adding columns failed. Exiting.")) # calculate statistics: grass.message(_("Processing input data (%d categories)...") % number) # get rid of any earlier attempts grass.try_remove(sqltmp) f = open(sqltmp, 'w') # do the stats p = grass.pipe_command('r.univar', flags='t' + extstat, map=raster, zones=rastertmp, percentile=percentile, sep=';') first_line = 1 f.write("{0}\n".format(grass.db_begin_transaction(fi['driver']))) for line in p.stdout: if first_line: first_line = 0 continue vars = decode(line).rstrip('\r\n').split(';') f.write("UPDATE %s SET" % fi['table']) first_var = 1 for colname in colnames: variable = colname.replace("%s_" % colprefix, '', 1) if dbfdriver: variable = variables_dbf[variable] i = variables[variable] value = vars[i] # convert nan, +nan, -nan, inf, +inf, -inf, Infinity, +Infinity, # -Infinity to NULL if value.lower().endswith('nan') or 'inf' in value.lower(): value = 'NULL' if not first_var: f.write(" , ") else: first_var = 0 f.write(" %s=%s" % (colname, value)) f.write(" WHERE %s=%s;\n" % (fi['key'], vars[0])) f.write("{0}\n".format(grass.db_commit_transaction(fi['driver']))) p.wait() f.close() grass.message(_("Updating the database ...")) exitcode = 0 try: grass.run_command('db.execute', input=sqltmp, database=fi['database'], driver=fi['driver']) grass.verbose( (_("Statistics calculated from raster map <{raster}>" " and uploaded to attribute table" " of vector map <{vector}>.").format(raster=raster, vector=vector))) except CalledModuleError: grass.warning( _("Failed to upload statistics to attribute table of vector map <%s>." ) % vector) exitcode = 1 sys.exit(exitcode)
def main(): global allmap global trainmap global feature_vars global training_vars global model_output_csv global model_output_csvt global temptable global r_commands global reclass_files allmap = trainmap = feature_vars = training_vars = None model_output_csv = model_output_csvt = temptable = r_commands = None reclass_files = None voting_function = "voting <- function (x, w) {\n" voting_function += "res <- tapply(w, x, sum, simplify = TRUE)\n" voting_function += "maj_class <- as.numeric(names(res)[which.max(res)])\n" voting_function += "prob <- as.numeric(res[which.max(res)])\n" voting_function += "return(list(maj_class=maj_class, prob=prob))\n}" weighting_functions = {} weighting_functions[ "smv"] = "weights <- rep(1/length(weighting_base), length(weighting_base))" weighting_functions[ "swv"] = "weights <- weighting_base/sum(weighting_base)" weighting_functions[ "bwwv"] = "weights <- 1-(max(weighting_base) - weighting_base)/(max(weighting_base) - min(weighting_base))" weighting_functions[ "qbwwv"] = "weights <- ((min(weighting_base) - weighting_base)/(max(weighting_base) - min(weighting_base)))**2" packages = { "svmRadial": ["kernlab"], "svmLinear": ["kernlab"], "svmPoly": ["kernlab"], "rf": ["randomForest"], "ranger": ["ranger", "dplyr"], "rpart": ["rpart"], "C5.0": ["C50"], "xgbTree": ["xgboost", "plyr"], } install_package = "if(!is.element('%s', installed.packages()[,1])){\n" install_package += "cat('\\n\\nInstalling %s package from CRAN')\n" install_package += "if(!file.exists(Sys.getenv('R_LIBS_USER'))){\n" install_package += "dir.create(Sys.getenv('R_LIBS_USER'), recursive=TRUE)\n" install_package += ".libPaths(Sys.getenv('R_LIBS_USER'))}\n" install_package += "chooseCRANmirror(ind=1)\n" install_package += "install.packages('%s', dependencies=TRUE)}" if options["segments_map"]: allfeatures = options["segments_map"] segments_layer = options["segments_layer"] allmap = True else: allfeatures = options["segments_file"] allmap = False if options["training_map"]: training = options["training_map"] training_layer = options["training_layer"] trainmap = True else: training = options["training_file"] trainmap = False classcol = None if options["train_class_column"]: classcol = options["train_class_column"] output_classcol = options["output_class_column"] output_probcol = None if options["output_prob_column"]: output_probcol = options["output_prob_column"] classifiers = options["classifiers"].split(",") weighting_modes = options["weighting_modes"].split(",") weighting_metric = options["weighting_metric"] if len(classifiers) == 1: gscript.message("Only one classifier, so no voting applied") processes = int(options["processes"]) folds = options["folds"] partitions = options["partitions"] tunelength = options["tunelength"] separator = gscript.separator(options["separator"]) tunegrids = literal_eval( options["tunegrids"]) if options["tunegrids"] else {} max_features = None if options["max_features"]: max_features = int(options["max_features"]) training_sample_size = None if options["training_sample_size"]: training_sample_size = options["training_sample_size"] tuning_sample_size = None if options["tuning_sample_size"]: tuning_sample_size = options["tuning_sample_size"] output_model_file = None if options["output_model_file"]: output_model_file = options["output_model_file"].replace("\\", "/") input_model_file = None if options["input_model_file"]: input_model_file = options["input_model_file"].replace("\\", "/") classification_results = None if options["classification_results"]: classification_results = options["classification_results"].replace( "\\", "/") probabilities = flags["p"] model_details = None if options["model_details"]: model_details = options["model_details"].replace("\\", "/") raster_segments_map = None if options["raster_segments_map"]: raster_segments_map = options["raster_segments_map"] classified_map = None if options["classified_map"]: classified_map = options["classified_map"] r_script_file = None if options["r_script_file"]: r_script_file = options["r_script_file"] variable_importance_file = None if options["variable_importance_file"]: variable_importance_file = options["variable_importance_file"].replace( "\\", "/") accuracy_file = None if options["accuracy_file"]: accuracy_file = options["accuracy_file"].replace("\\", "/") bw_plot_file = None if options["bw_plot_file"]: bw_plot_file = options["bw_plot_file"].replace("\\", "/") if allmap: feature_vars = gscript.tempfile().replace("\\", "/") gscript.run_command( "", map_=allfeatures, file_=feature_vars, layer=segments_layer, quiet=True, overwrite=True, ) else: feature_vars = allfeatures.replace("\\", "/") if trainmap: training_vars = gscript.tempfile().replace("\\", "/") gscript.run_command( "", map_=training, file_=training_vars, layer=training_layer, quiet=True, overwrite=True, ) else: training_vars = training.replace("\\", "/") r_commands = gscript.tempfile().replace("\\", "/") r_file = open(r_commands, "w") if processes > 1: install = install_package % ("doParallel", "doParallel", "doParallel") r_file.write(install) r_file.write("\n") # automatic installation of missing R packages install = install_package % ("caret", "caret", "caret") r_file.write(install) r_file.write("\n") install = install_package % ("e1071", "e1071", "e1071") r_file.write(install) r_file.write("\n") install = install_package % ("data.table", "data.table", "data.table") r_file.write(install) r_file.write("\n") for classifier in classifiers: if classifier in packages: for package in packages[classifier]: install = install_package % (package, package, package) r_file.write(install) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("library(caret)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("library(data.table)") r_file.write("\n") if processes > 1: r_file.write("library(doParallel)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("registerDoParallel(cores = %d)" % processes) r_file.write("\n") if not flags["t"]: r_file.write( "features <- data.frame(fread('%s', sep='%s', header=TRUE, blank.lines.skip=TRUE, showProgress=FALSE), row.names=1)" % (feature_vars, separator)) r_file.write("\n") if classcol: r_file.write( "if('%s' %%in%% names(features)) {features <- subset(features, select=-%s)}" % (classcol, classcol)) r_file.write("\n") if input_model_file: r_file.write("finalModels <- readRDS('%s')" % input_model_file) r_file.write("\n") for classifier in classifiers: for package in packages[classifier]: r_file.write("library(%s)" % package) r_file.write("\n") else: r_file.write( "training <- data.frame(fread('%s', sep='%s', header=TRUE, blank.lines.skip=TRUE, showProgress=FALSE), row.names=1)" % (training_vars, separator)) r_file.write("\n") # We have to make sure that class variable values start with a letter as # they will be used as variables in the probabilities calculation r_file.write("origclassnames <- training$%s" % classcol) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "training$%s <- as.factor(paste('class', training$%s, sep='_'))" % (classcol, classcol)) r_file.write("\n") if tuning_sample_size: r_file.write( "rndid <- with(training, ave(training[,1], %s, FUN=function(x) {}))" % classcol) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("tuning_data <- training[rndid<=%s,]" % tuning_sample_size) r_file.write("\n") else: r_file.write("tuning_data <- training") r_file.write("\n") # If a max_features value is set, then proceed to feature selection. # Currently, feature selection uses random forest. TODO: specific feature selection for each classifier. if max_features: r_file.write( "RfeControl <- rfeControl(functions=rfFuncs, method='cv', number=10, returnResamp = 'all')" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "RfeResults <- rfe(subset(tuning_data, select=-%s), tuning_data$%s, sizes=c(1:%i), rfeControl=RfeControl)" % (classcol, classcol, max_features)) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("if(length(predictors(RfeResults))>%s)" % max_features) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "{if((RfeResults$results$Accuracy[%s+1] - RfeResults$results$Accuracy[%s])/RfeResults$results$Accuracy[%s] < 0.03)" % (max_features, max_features, max_features)) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "{RfeUpdate <- update(RfeResults, subset(tuning_data, select=-%s), tuning_data$%s, size=%s)" % (classcol, classcol, max_features)) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("bestPredictors <- RfeUpdate$bestVar}}") r_file.write(" else {") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("bestPredictors <- predictors(RfeResults)}") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "tuning_data <- tuning_data[,c('%s', bestPredictors)]" % classcol) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("training <- training[,c('%s', bestPredictors)]" % classcol) r_file.write("\n") if not flags["t"]: r_file.write("features <- features[,bestPredictors]") r_file.write("\n") if probabilities: r_file.write( " <- trainControl(method='repeatedcv', number=%s, repeats=%s, classProbs=TRUE, sampling='down')" % (folds, partitions)) else: r_file.write( " <- trainControl(method='repeatedcv', number=%s, repeats=%s, sampling='down')" % (folds, partitions)) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("fmla <- %s ~ ." % classcol) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write(" <- list()") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("finalModels <- list()") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("variableImportance <- list()") r_file.write("\n") if training_sample_size: r_file.write( "rndid <- with(training, ave(training[,2], %s, FUN=function(x) {}))" % classcol) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("training_data <- training[rndid<=%s,]" % training_sample_size) r_file.write("\n") else: r_file.write("training_data <- training") r_file.write("\n") for classifier in classifiers: if classifier in tunegrids: r_file.write("Grid <- expand.grid(%s)" % tunegrids[classifier]) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( " <- train(fmla, tuning_data, method='%s',, tuneGrid=Grid" % (classifier, classifier)) else: r_file.write( " <- train(fmla, tuning_data, method='%s',, tuneLength=%s" % (classifier, classifier, tunelength)) if flags["n"]: r_file.write(", preprocess=c('center', 'scale')") r_file.write(")") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("$%s <-" % (classifier, classifier)) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "finalControl <- trainControl(method = 'none', classProbs = TRUE)" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "finalModel <- train(fmla, training_data, method='%s', trControl=finalControl,$bestTune" % (classifier, classifier)) if flags["n"]: r_file.write(", preprocess=c('center', 'scale')") r_file.write(")") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("finalModels$%s <- finalModel" % classifier) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("variableImportance$%s <- varImp(finalModel)" % classifier) r_file.write("\n") if len(classifiers) > 1: r_file.write(" <- resamples(") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "accuracy_means <- as.vector(apply($values[seq(2,length($values), by=2)], 2, mean))" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "kappa_means <- as.vector(apply($values[seq(3,length($values), by=2)], 2, mean))" ) r_file.write("\n") else: r_file.write(" <-[[1]]$resample") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("accuracy_means <- mean($Accuracy)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("kappa_means <- mean($Kappa)") r_file.write("\n") if output_model_file: r_file.write("saveRDS(finalModels, '%s')" % (output_model_file)) r_file.write("\n") if not flags["t"]: r_file.write("predicted <- data.frame(predict(finalModels, features))") r_file.write("\n") # Now erase the 'class_' prefix again in order to get original class values r_file.write( "predicted <- data.frame(sapply(predicted, function (x) {gsub('class_', '', x)}))" ) r_file.write("\n") if probabilities: r_file.write( "probabilities <- data.frame(predict(finalModels, features, type='prob'))" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "colnames(probabilities) <- gsub('.c', '_prob_c', colnames(probabilities))" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("ids <- rownames(features)") r_file.write("\n") # We try to liberate memory space as soon as possible, so erasing non necessary data r_file.write("rm(features)") r_file.write("\n") if flags["i"] or len(classifiers) == 1: r_file.write("resultsdf <- data.frame(id=ids, predicted)") else: r_file.write("resultsdf <- data.frame(id=ids)") r_file.write("\n") if len(classifiers) > 1: r_file.write(voting_function) r_file.write("\n") if weighting_metric == "kappa": r_file.write("weighting_base <- kappa_means") else: r_file.write("weighting_base <- accuracy_means") r_file.write("\n") for weighting_mode in weighting_modes: r_file.write(weighting_functions[weighting_mode]) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("weights <- weights / sum(weights)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("vote <- apply(predicted, 1, voting, w=weights)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "vote <-, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("resultsdf$%s_%s <- vote$V1" % (output_classcol, weighting_mode)) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("resultsdf$%s_%s <- vote$V2" % (output_probcol, weighting_mode)) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("rm(predicted)") r_file.write("\n") if allmap and not flags["f"]: model_output = gscript.tempfile().replace("\\", "/") model_output_csv = model_output + ".csv" write_string = "write.csv(resultsdf, '%s'," % model_output_csv write_string += " row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)" r_file.write(write_string) r_file.write("\n") if classified_map: reclass_files = {} if len(classifiers) > 1: if flags["i"]: for classifier in classifiers: tmpfilename = gscript.tempfile() reclass_files[classifier] = tmpfilename.replace( "\\", "/") r_file.write( "tempdf <- data.frame(resultsdf$id, resultsdf$%s)" % (classifier)) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "reclass <- data.frame(out=apply(tempdf, 1, function(x) paste(x[1],'=', x[2])))" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "write.table(reclass$out, '%s', col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)" % reclass_files[classifier]) r_file.write("\n") for weighting_mode in weighting_modes: tmpfilename = gscript.tempfile() reclass_files[weighting_mode] = tmpfilename.replace( "\\", "/") r_file.write( "tempdf <- data.frame(resultsdf$id, resultsdf$%s_%s)" % (output_classcol, weighting_mode)) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "reclass <- data.frame(out=apply(tempdf, 1, function(x) paste(x[1],'=', x[2])))" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "write.table(reclass$out, '%s', col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)" % reclass_files[weighting_mode]) r_file.write("\n") else: tmpfilename = gscript.tempfile() reclass_files[classifiers[0]] = tmpfilename.replace("\\", "/") r_file.write( "reclass <- data.frame(out=apply(resultsdf, 1, function(x) paste(x[1],'=', x[2])))" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "write.table(reclass$out, '%s', col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)" % reclass_files[classifiers[0]]) r_file.write("\n") if classification_results: if probabilities: r_file.write("resultsdf <- cbind(resultsdf, probabilities)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("rm(probabilities)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "write.csv(resultsdf, '%s', row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)" % classification_results) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("rm(resultsdf)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("\n") if accuracy_file: r_file.write( "df_means <- data.frame(method=names(,accuracy=accuracy_means, kappa=kappa_means)" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "write.csv(df_means, '%s', row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)" % accuracy_file) r_file.write("\n") if variable_importance_file: r_file.write("sink('%s')" % variable_importance_file) r_file.write("\n") for classifier in classifiers: r_file.write("cat('Classifier: %s')" % classifier) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('******************************')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "variableImportance$rf$importance[order(variableImportance$rf$importance$Overall, decreasing=TRUE),, drop=FALSE]" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("sink()") r_file.write("\n") if model_details: r_file.write("sink('%s')" % model_details) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('BEST TUNING VALUES')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('******************************')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("lapply(, function(x) x$best)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('\n\n')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('SUMMARY OF RESAMPLING RESULTS')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('******************************')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('\n\n')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("summary(") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('\n')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('\nRESAMPLED CONFUSION MATRICES')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('******************************')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('\n\n')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( " <- lapply(, function(x) confusionMatrix(x))") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("print(") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('DETAILED CV RESULTS')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('\n\n')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('******************************')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('\n\n')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("lapply(, function(x) x$results)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("sink()") r_file.write("\n") if bw_plot_file and len(classifiers) > 1: r_file.write("png('%s.png')" % bw_plot_file) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("print(bwplot(") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("") r_file.write("\n") r_file.close() if r_script_file: shutil.copy(r_commands, r_script_file) gscript.message("Running R now. Following output is R output.") try: subprocess.check_call( ["Rscript", r_commands], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: gscript.fatal( "There was an error in the execution of the R script.\nPlease check the R output." ) gscript.message("Finished running R.") if allmap and not flags["f"]: model_output_csvt = model_output + ".csvt" temptable = "classif_tmp_table_%d" % os.getpid() f = open(model_output_csvt, "w") header_string = '"Integer"' if flags["i"]: for classifier in classifiers: header_string += ',"Integer"' if len(classifiers) > 1: for weighting_mode in weighting_modes: header_string += ',"Integer"' header_string += ',"Real"' else: header_string += ',"Integer"' f.write(header_string) f.close() gscript.message("Loading results into attribute table") gscript.run_command( "", input_=model_output_csv, output=temptable, overwrite=True, quiet=True, ) index_creation = "CREATE INDEX idx_%s_cat" % temptable index_creation += " ON %s (id)" % temptable gscript.run_command("db.execute", sql=index_creation, quiet=True) columns = gscript.read_command("db.columns", table=temptable).splitlines()[1:] orig_cat = gscript.vector_db(allfeatures)[int(segments_layer)]["key"] gscript.run_command( "v.db.join", map_=allfeatures, column=orig_cat, otable=temptable, ocolumn="id", subset_columns=columns, quiet=True, ) if classified_map: for classification, reclass_file in reclass_files.items(): output_map = classified_map + "_" + classification gscript.run_command( "r.reclass", input=raster_segments_map, output=output_map, rules=reclass_file, quiet=True, )
def main(): global tmp, nuldev nuldev = file(os.devnull, 'w') ## setup temporary files tmp = grass.tempfile() tmpf = 'v_net_neighbors' inmap = options['input'] outfile = options['dump'] # check if input file exists if not grass.find_file(inmap, element = 'vector')['file']: grass.fatal(_("<%s> does not exist.") % inmap) # check for table in net vector map try: f = grass.vector_db(inmap)[2] except KeyError: grass.run_command('v.db.addtable', _map = inmap, layer = 2, quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) ## extract temp nodes and lines nodes = tmpf + '_nodes' lines = tmpf + '_lines' iflines = grass.vector_info_topo(inmap)['lines'] ifbounds = grass.vector_info_topo(inmap)['boundaries'] if iflines != 0: vect_type = 'line' if ifbounds != 0: vect_type = 'boundary' if iflines != 0 and ifbounds != 0: grass.fatal(_("Input net vector map must have lines OR boundaries, not both")) grass.run_command('v.extract', input = inmap, output = nodes, layer = 2, _type = 'point', flags = 't', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) grass.run_command('v.extract', input = inmap, output = lines, _type = vect_type, flags = 't', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) ## filter nodes on line intersections if with '-i' flag if flags['i']: p = grass.pipe_command('', _input = inmap, operation = 'nreport', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) c = p.communicate()[0].strip().split('\n') filt = [elem for elem in c if ',' in elem] fnodes = [] for x in filt: spl = x.split(' ') fnodes.append(spl[0]) fnodes_str = ','.join(fnodes) nsel = tmpf + '_nsel' grass.run_command('v.extract', _input = nodes, _list = fnodes_str, output = nsel, layer = 2, _type = 'point', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) grass.run_command('g.rename', vect = (nsel,nodes), overwrite = True, quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) if not flags['p']: grass.run_command('v.db.addcol', _map = inmap, layer = 2, columns = 'neigh_node varchar(255)', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) ## main cycle (extract every node and make 2 selects) out_dict = {} p = grass.pipe_command('v.category', _input = nodes, opt = 'print', layer = 2, _type = 'point', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) c = p.communicate()[0].strip().split('\n') for cat in c: icat = int(cat) nnode = nodes + cat grass.run_command('v.extract', _input = nodes, _list = cat, output = nnode, layer = 2, _type = 'point', flags = 't', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) linode = nnode + '_lines' grass.run_command('', ain = lines, _bin = nnode, blayer = 2, output = linode, operator = 'overlap', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) linode_pts = linode + '_pts' grass.run_command('', ain = nodes, alayer = 2, _bin = linode, output = linode_pts, operator = 'overlap', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) pcat = grass.pipe_command('v.category', _input = linode_pts, layer = 2, opt = 'print', quiet = True, stderr = nuldev) ccat = pcat.communicate()[0].strip().split('\n') ccat.remove(cat) ncat_list = [] ncat_list.append(ccat) str_db = ','.join(map(str, ncat_list)) str_db1 = str_db.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace("'", "").replace(" ", "") out_dict[icat] = str_db1 if not flags['p']: grass.run_command('v.db.update', _map = inmap, layer = 2, column = 'neigh_node', value = '%s' % (str_db1), where = "cat = %d" % (icat), quiet = True, stderr = nuldev ) ## output to stdout / file tmp3 = tmp + '.out' outf2 = file(tmp3, 'w') for key in sorted(out_dict.iterkeys()): val = out_dict[key] print >> outf2, "%s %s" % (key,val) outf2.close() if flags['p']: with open(tmp3, 'rb') as f: print if outfile: shutil.copyfile(tmp3, outfile) return 0
def main(): mapname = options["map"] layer = options["layer"] option = options["option"] units = options["units"] sort = options["sort"] fs = separator(options["separator"]) nuldev = open(os.devnull, "w") if not grass.find_file(mapname, "vector")["file"]: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found") % mapname) if int(layer) in grass.vector_db(mapname): colnames = grass.vector_columns(mapname, layer, getDict=False, stderr=nuldev) isConnection = True else: isConnection = False colnames = ["cat"] if option == "coor": extracolnames = ["x", "y", "z"] else: extracolnames = [option] if units == "percent": unitsp = "meters" elif units: unitsp = units else: unitsp = None # NOTE: we suppress -1 cat and 0 cat if isConnection: f = grass.vector_db(map=mapname)[int(layer)] p = grass.pipe_command("", flags="e", quiet=True, map=mapname, layer=layer) records1 = [] catcol = -1 ncols = 0 for line in p.stdout: cols = decode(line).rstrip("\r\n").split("|") if catcol == -1: ncols = len(cols) for i in range(0, ncols): if cols[i] == f["key"]: catcol = i break if catcol == -1: grass.fatal( _("There is a table connected to input vector map '%s', but " "there is no key column '%s'.") % (mapname, f["key"])) continue if cols[catcol] == "-1" or cols[catcol] == "0": continue records1.append(cols[:catcol] + [int(cols[catcol])] + cols[(catcol + 1):]) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) records1.sort(key=lambda r: r[catcol]) if len(records1) == 0: try: grass.fatal( _("There is a table connected to input vector map '%s', but " "there are no categories present in the key column '%s'. Consider using " " to correct this.") % (mapname, f["key"])) except KeyError: pass # fetch the requested attribute sorted by cat: p = grass.pipe_command( "", flags="p", quiet=True, map=mapname, option=option, layer=layer, units=unitsp, ) records2 = [] for line in p.stdout: fields = decode(line).rstrip("\r\n").split("|") if fields[0] in ["cat", "-1", "0"]: continue records2.append([int(fields[0])] + fields[1:]) p.wait() records2.sort() # make pre-table # len(records1) may not be the same as len(records2) because # can return attributes that are not linked to features. records3 = [] for r2 in records2: rec = list(filter(lambda r1: r1[catcol] == r2[0], records1)) if len(rec) > 0: res = rec[0] + r2[1:] elif flags["d"]: res = [r2[0]] + [""] * (ncols - 1) + r2[1:] else: continue records3.append(res) else: catcol = 0 records1 = [] p = grass.pipe_command("v.category", inp=mapname, layer=layer, option="print") for line in p.stdout: field = int(decode(line).rstrip()) if field > 0: records1.append(field) p.wait() records1.sort() records1 = uniq(records1) # make pre-table p = grass.pipe_command( "", flags="p", quiet=True, map=mapname, option=option, layer=layer, units=unitsp, ) records3 = [] for line in p.stdout: fields = decode(line).rstrip("\r\n").split("|") if fields[0] in ["cat", "-1", "0"]: continue records3.append([int(fields[0])] + fields[1:]) p.wait() records3.sort() # print table header if not flags["c"]: sys.stdout.write(fs.join(colnames + extracolnames) + "\n") # make and print the table: numcols = len(colnames) + len(extracolnames) # calculate percents if requested if units == "percent" and option != "coor": # calculate total value total = 0 for r in records3: total += float(r[-1]) # calculate percentages records4 = [float(r[-1]) * 100 / total for r in records3] if type(records1[0]) == int: records3 = [[r1] + [r4] for r1, r4 in zip(records1, records4)] else: records3 = [r1 + [r4] for r1, r4 in zip(records1, records4)] # sort results if sort: if sort == "asc": if option == "coor": records3.sort( key=lambda r: (float(r[-3]), float(r[-2]), float(r[-1]))) else: records3.sort(key=lambda r: float(r[-1])) else: if option == "coor": records3.sort( key=lambda r: (float(r[-3]), float(r[-2]), float(r[-1])), reverse=True, ) else: records3.sort(key=lambda r: float(r[-1]), reverse=True) for r in records3: sys.stdout.write(fs.join(map(str, r)) + "\n")
def worker(params, nace_queue, output_queue): try: pid = os.getpid() if params['processes'] > 1: params['trade_matrix_employment_file'] = params['trade_matrix_employment_file'] % pid for nace in iter(nace_queue.get, 'STOP'): bigtic = timeit.default_timer()"Working on NACE %s" % nace) print("Working on NACE %s" % nace) try: gamma = params['gammas_nace'][nace] gscript.verbose("Gamma of NACE %s = %f" % (nace, gamma)) except: gscript.message("No gamma value found for NACE %s" % nace) output_queue.put([nace, None]) continue # If we use the version where firms are grouped by pixel, # we have to identify each map by NACE code if params['firms_grouped_by_pixel']: point_map = params['pointmap'] + nace else: point_map = params['pointmap'] # Get total volume of this NACE 5 and scale the NACE 2 consumption map to that total volume. # Do not take into account the share of the production that is exported outside the country # or invested into capital accumulation if params['firms_grouped_by_pixel']: total_volume = float(gscript.read_command('', flags='c', map_=point_map, column="sum(%s)" % params['volume_measure'], quiet=True).rstrip()) else: total_volume = float(gscript.read_command('', flags='c', map_=point_map, column="sum(%s)" % params['volume_measure'], where="%s='%s'" % (params['nace_info_column'], nace), quiet=True).rstrip()) total_export = total_volume * params['export_investment_shares'][nace[:params['exp_inv_nace_precision']]]['export'] total_investment = total_volume * params['export_investment_shares'][nace[:params['exp_inv_nace_precision']]]['investment'] total_volume = total_volume - total_export - total_investment # Should we use a specific consumption 'population' map per NACE # or one general map for all (e.g. simple population) if params['use_per_nace_pop']: dest_map_unscaled = params['destination_map'] + nace[:params['dest_map_nace_precision']] else: dest_map_unscaled = params['destination_map'] dest_map = "gravity_io_tmp_scaled_pop_%d" % pid map_stats = gscript.parse_command('r.univar', flags = "g", map = dest_map_unscaled) mapcalc_expression = "%s = " % dest_map mapcalc_expression += "%s * " % dest_map_unscaled mapcalc_expression += "float(%s) / %s" % (total_volume, map_stats['sum']) gscript.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression=mapcalc_expression, overwrite=True, quiet=True) if DEBUG: unscaled_sum = map_stats['sum'] map_stats = gscript.parse_command('r.univar', flags = "g", map = dest_map) print("total production employment: %d, sum of unscaled NACE 2 consumption map: %s, sum of scaled consumption map: %.3f" % (total_volume, unscaled_sum, float(map_stats['sum']))) # Now get the data firm by firm (or pixel by pixel) query = "SELECT cat, x, y, %s, %s" % (params['volume_measure'], params['spatial_unit_name']) query += " FROM %s" % point_map query += " WHERE %s>0" % params['volume_measure'] if not params['firms_grouped_by_pixel']: query += " AND %s='%s'" % (params['nace_info_column'], nace) database = gscript.vector_db(point_map)[1]['database'] firms_data = gscript.read_command('', flags = 'c', sql = query, database = database) if len(firms_data) == 0: continue # We assume that in sectors with more than 5 firms, # only firms that have a volume above a certain # percentile of volumes in the sector actually export. # Calculate volume threshold value, sum total volume of above # threshold firms, and estimate export share for those firms as # total_export / total volume of firms above threshold volume # as long as total_export + investment of those firms is not higher # than their total volume (i.e. we assume that investment share is equal # across all sizes of firms). # If necessary we reduce the threshold value by a step of 0.1 until we have # sufficient volume. if len(firms_data.splitlines()) > 5: volumes=[] for firm in firms_data.splitlines(): volume = float(firm.split('|')[3]) volumes.append(volume) if max(volumes) == min(volumes): volume_threshold = 0 export_share = params['export_investment_shares'][nace[:params['exp_inv_nace_precision']]]['export'] else: volumes.sort() volume_threshold = percentile(volumes, params['volume_perc']) export_firms_total_volume = sum([v for v in volumes if v > volume_threshold]) thresh_percentile = params['volume_perc'] inv_share = params['export_investment_shares'][nace[:params['exp_inv_nace_precision']]]['investment'] while export_firms_total_volume < (export_firms_total_volume * inv_share + total_export): thresh_percentile -= 0.1 volume_threshold = percentile(volumes, thresh_percentile) export_firms_total_volume = sum([v for v in volumes if v > volume_threshold]) export_share = total_export / export_firms_total_volume else: volume_threshold = 0 export_share = params['export_investment_shares'][nace[:params['exp_inv_nace_precision']]]['export'] if DEBUG: print("volume threshold: %f" % volume_threshold) print("export share: %f" % export_share) firm_cats = [] firm_spatial_units = [] firm_volumes = [] firm_exports = [] firm_investments = [] gscript.verbose("Calculating distance maps for NACE %s" % nace) tempdist = 'gravity_io_tmp_dist_%s_%d' % (nace, pid) # Starting the first loop to get data firm by firm (or pixel by # pixel) and to calculate distance maps and their derivatives # which stay constant over the entire estimation tic = timeit.default_timer() for firm in firms_data.splitlines(): cat = int(firm.split('|')[0]) firm_cats.append(cat) x = firm.split('|')[1] y = firm.split('|')[2] spatial_unit = firm.split('|')[4] firm_spatial_units.append(spatial_unit) volume = float(firm.split('|')[3]) if volume > volume_threshold: export = volume * export_share firm_exports.append(export) else: export = 0 firm_exports.append(export) investment = volume * params['export_investment_shares'][nace[:params['exp_inv_nace_precision']]]['investment'] firm_investments.append(investment) volume = volume - export - investment firm_volumes.append(volume) if gamma > 0: # Calculate distance weighted firm rate for each pixel # If distance is 0, use fixed internal distance (parameter) mapcalc_expression = "eval( " mapcalc_expression += "tmpdist = sqrt((x()-%s)^2 + (y()-%s)^2))\n" % (x, y) mapcalc_expression += "%s = if(tmpdist < %f, %f, tmpdist)" % (tempdist, params['internal_distance'], params['internal_distance']) gscript.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression=mapcalc_expression, overwrite=True, quiet=True) # Now create a map with the inverse distance exposed to gamma tempdistexp = 'gravity_io_tmp_dist_exp_%s_%d_%d' % (nace, cat, pid) mapcalc_expression = "%s = " % tempdistexp mapcalc_expression += "1.0 / (%s ^ %f)" % (tempdist, gamma) gscript.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression=mapcalc_expression, overwrite=True, quiet=True) del firms_data toc = timeit.default_timer() gscript.verbose("NACE %s: Firms: %d, Data preparation time: %f" % (nace, len(firm_cats), toc-tic)) if gamma > 0: # Now we start the second loop over firms/pixels which will allow # estimating the A and B coefficients in the doubly-constrained # gravity model. We iterate to approach the values of these # coefficients and stop when we reach either a minimum change # threshold (checked against the mean of the changes of the B # coefficient which is defined pixel by pixel) or a maximum number of iterations firm_rate_map = "firm_rate_%d" % (pid) # A and B are the constraining factors in the # doubly-constrained gravity model. # As each depends on the other, We set each coefficient to 1 at the start # and then iterate over the respective adaptations until either the difference # falls below a defined threshold, or we reach the maximum number of iterations. A = [9999]*len(firm_cats) Anew = [1]*len(firm_cats) diffA = [None]*len(firm_cats) indA = 'gravity_io_tmp_indA_%d' % pid B = 'gravity_io_tmp_B_%d' % pid newB = 'gravity_io_tmp_newB_%d' % pid mapcalc_expression = "%s = 1" % B gscript.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression=mapcalc_expression, overwrite=True, quiet=True) diffmap = 'gravity_io_tmp_diffmap_%d' %pid total_A_diff = 9999 total_B_diff = 9999 sum_rates = 'sum_rates_%d' % pid temp_sum_rates = 'gravity_io_tmp_sum_rates_%d' % pid iterations = 0 tic = timeit.default_timer() gscript.verbose("Launching constraint calculation for NACE %s" % nace) while (total_A_diff > params['constraint_calculation_threshold'] or total_B_diff > params['constraint_calculation_threshold']) and iterations < params['constraint_calculation_max_iter']: iterations += 1 ticiter = timeit.default_timer() mapcalc_expression = "%s = 0" % sum_rates gscript.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression=mapcalc_expression, overwrite=True, quiet=True) for i in range(len(firm_cats)): cat = firm_cats[i] tempdistexp = 'gravity_io_tmp_dist_exp_%s_%s_%d' % (nace, cat, pid) mapcalc_expression = "%s = %s * %s * %s" % (indA, B, dest_map, tempdistexp) gscript.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression=mapcalc_expression, overwrite=True, quiet=True) map_stats = gscript.parse_command('r.univar', flags = 'g', map_ = indA, quiet=True) Anew[i] = (1.0 / float(map_stats['sum'])) diffA[i] = float(abs(A[i]-Anew[i]))/A[i] mapcalc_expression = "%s = %s + %.10f * %.10f * %s\n" % (temp_sum_rates, sum_rates, Anew[i], firm_volumes[i], tempdistexp) gscript.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression=mapcalc_expression, overwrite=True, quiet=True) gscript.run_command('g.rename', raster=[temp_sum_rates,sum_rates], overwrite=True, quiet=True) A = list(Anew) mapcalc_expression = "%s = 1.0 / %s" % (newB, sum_rates) gscript.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression=mapcalc_expression, overwrite=True, quiet=True) mapcalc_expression = "%s = float(abs(%s - %s))/%s" % (diffmap, B, newB, B) gscript.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression=mapcalc_expression, overwrite=True, quiet=True) map_stats = gscript.parse_command('r.univar', flags = 'g', map_ = diffmap, quiet=True) total_B_diff = float(map_stats['sum']) mean_B_diff = float(map_stats['mean']) total_A_diff = sum(diffA) mean_A_diff = total_A_diff/len(diffA) if DEBUG: map_stats = gscript.parse_command('r.univar', flags = 'g', map_ = newB, quiet=True) meanB = float(map_stats['mean']) meanA = float(sum(A))/len(A) print("\nIteration: %d" % iterations) print("mean A: %g, mean B: %g" % (meanA, meanB)) print("total A diff : %g, mean A diff: %g, total B diff : %g, mean B diff: %g" % (total_A_diff, mean_A_diff, total_B_diff, mean_B_diff)) gscript.run_command('g.rename', raster=[newB,B], overwrite=True, quiet=True) tociter = timeit.default_timer() if DEBUG: print("Time for iteration %d : %f seconds" % (iterations, tociter-ticiter)) if params['remove_tmps']: gscript.run_command('g.remove', type_ = 'raster', name = sum_rates, flags = 'f', quiet = True) toc = timeit.default_timer() gscript.verbose("Finished constraint calculations for NACE %s in %f seconds" % (nace, toc-tic)) if iterations == params['constraint_calculation_max_iter']: gscript.warning("Too many iterations for NACE %s ! total_A_diff = %g, total_B_diff = %g" % (nace, total_A_diff, total_B_diff)) gscript.verbose("Calculating trade matrix for NACE %s" % nace) tic = timeit.default_timer() # Now that we have values for A and B we apply them in the # doubly-constrained gravity formula to estimate the trade flows spatial_units_trade_matrix_employment = {} firm_matrix_map = 'firm_matrix_%d' % pid for i in range(len(firm_cats)): cat = firm_cats[i] if gamma > 0: # When gamma is > 0 apply constrained gravity formula tempdistexp = 'gravity_io_tmp_dist_exp_%s_%s_%d' % (nace, cat, pid) mapcalc_expression = "%s = %e * %s * %s * %s * %s" % (firm_matrix_map, A[i], B, firm_volumes[i], dest_map, tempdistexp) else: # When gamma = 0, distance plays no role and we just distribute # the production of the firm to all pixels according to their # share in consumtion population map_stats = gscript.parse_command('r.univar', flags = "g", map = dest_map) mapcalc_expression = "%s = %s * (float(%s)/%s)" % (firm_matrix_map, firm_volumes[i], dest_map, map_stats['sum']) gscript.run_command('r.mapcalc', expression = mapcalc_expression, overwrite = True, quiet=True) map_stats = gscript.parse_command('r.univar', flags = "g", map = firm_matrix_map) spatial_unit = firm_spatial_units[i] sum_pop = float(map_stats['sum']) # Aggregate the export employment by pixel to given spatial units map_stats = gscript.read_command('r.univar', flags="t", map=firm_matrix_map, zones=params['spatial_units_rast'], separator='pipe', quiet=True) firm_trade_matrix = {} first = True for line in map_stats.splitlines(): if first: first = False continue data = line.split('|') firm_trade_matrix[data[0]] = float(data[12]) # We add the data of the firm to the spatial unit the firm is # located in if spatial_unit in spatial_units_trade_matrix_employment: spatial_units_trade_matrix_employment[spatial_unit]['export'] += firm_exports[i] spatial_units_trade_matrix_employment[spatial_unit]['investment'] += firm_investments[i] for target_unit in firm_trade_matrix: if target_unit in spatial_units_trade_matrix_employment[spatial_unit]: spatial_units_trade_matrix_employment[spatial_unit][target_unit] += ( firm_trade_matrix[target_unit] / sum_pop ) * float(firm_volumes[i]) else: spatial_units_trade_matrix_employment[spatial_unit][target_unit] = ( firm_trade_matrix[target_unit] / sum_pop ) * float(firm_volumes[i]) else: spatial_units_trade_matrix_employment[spatial_unit] = {} spatial_units_trade_matrix_employment[spatial_unit]['export'] = firm_exports[i] spatial_units_trade_matrix_employment[spatial_unit]['investment'] = firm_investments[i] for target_unit in firm_trade_matrix: spatial_units_trade_matrix_employment[spatial_unit][target_unit] = ( firm_trade_matrix[target_unit] / sum_pop ) * float(firm_volumes[i]) toc = timeit.default_timer() gscript.verbose("Finished calculating trade matrix for NACE %s in %f seconds" % (nace, toc-tic)) if DEBUG: gisdbase = gscript.gisenv()['GISDBASE'] du = subprocess.Popen(["du", "-sh", gisdbase], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) du_output=du.communicate()[0].rstrip() gscript.warning("NACE: %s, Disk usage: %s" % (nace, du_output)) # Now remove the large number of temporary maps created during the # process if params['remove_tmps']: gscript.run_command('g.remove', type_ = 'raster', name = firm_matrix_map, flags = 'f', quiet = True) gscript.run_command('g.remove', type_ = 'raster', name = dest_map, flags = 'f', quiet = True) if gamma > 0: gscript.run_command('g.remove', type_ = 'raster', pattern = 'gravity_io_tmp_*_%d' % pid, flags = 'f', quiet = True) gscript.verbose('Writing results to files') # In order to avoid race conditions when writing to the output file, # each parallel process gets its own file to write to. # These files need to be merged after the model run. with open(params['trade_matrix_employment_file'], 'a') as f: for orig_unit in spatial_units_trade_matrix_employment: for dest_unit in spatial_units_trade_matrix_employment[orig_unit]: output_string = nace + ';' output_string += orig_unit + ';' output_string += dest_unit + ';' output_string += str(spatial_units_trade_matrix_employment[orig_unit][dest_unit]) + '\n' f.write(output_string) bigtoc = timeit.default_timer()"Finished with NACE %s in %f seconds" % (nace, bigtoc-bigtic)) output_queue.put([nace, 'OK']) except: gscript.warning("Error in worker script:") raise return True
def main(): mapname = options['map'] option = options['option'] layer = options['layer'] units = options['units'] nuldev = open(os.devnull, 'w') if not grass.find_file(mapname, 'vector')['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found") % mapname) if int(layer) in grass.vector_db(mapname): colnames = grass.vector_columns(mapname, layer, getDict=False, stderr=nuldev) isConnection = True else: isConnection = False colnames = ['cat'] if option == 'coor': extracolnames = ['x', 'y', 'z'] else: extracolnames = [option] if units == 'percent': unitsp = 'meters' elif units: unitsp = units else: unitsp = None # NOTE: we suppress -1 cat and 0 cat if isConnection: f = grass.vector_db(map=mapname)[int(layer)] p = grass.pipe_command('', quiet=True, map=mapname, layer=layer) records1 = [] catcol = -1 ncols = 0 for line in p.stdout: cols = decode(line).rstrip('\r\n').split('|') if catcol == -1: ncols = len(cols) for i in range(0, ncols): if cols[i] == f['key']: catcol = i break if catcol == -1: grass.fatal( _("There is a table connected to input vector map '%s', but " "there is no key column '%s'.") % (mapname, f['key'])) continue if cols[catcol] == '-1' or cols[catcol] == '0': continue records1.append(cols[:catcol] + [int(cols[catcol])] + cols[(catcol + 1):]) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) records1.sort(key=lambda r: r[catcol]) if len(records1) == 0: try: grass.fatal( _("There is a table connected to input vector map '%s', but " "there are no categories present in the key column '%s'. Consider using " " to correct this.") % (mapname, f['key'])) except KeyError: pass # fetch the requested attribute sorted by cat: p = grass.pipe_command('', flags='p', quiet=True, map=mapname, option=option, layer=layer, units=unitsp) records2 = [] for line in p.stdout: fields = decode(line).rstrip('\r\n').split('|') if fields[0] in ['cat', '-1', '0']: continue records2.append([int(fields[0])] + fields[1:]) p.wait() records2.sort() # make pre-table # len(records1) may not be the same as len(records2) because # can return attributes that are not linked to features. records3 = [] for r2 in records2: rec = list(filter(lambda r1: r1[catcol] == r2[0], records1)) if len(rec) > 0: res = rec[0] + r2[1:] elif flags['d']: res = [r2[0]] + [''] * (ncols - 1) + r2[1:] else: continue records3.append(res) else: catcol = 0 records1 = [] p = grass.pipe_command('v.category', inp=mapname, layer=layer, option='print') for line in p.stdout: field = int(decode(line).rstrip()) if field > 0: records1.append(field) p.wait() records1.sort() records1 = uniq(records1) # make pre-table p = grass.pipe_command('', flags='p', quiet=True, map=mapname, option=option, layer=layer, units=unitsp) records3 = [] for line in p.stdout: fields = decode(line).rstrip('\r\n').split('|') if fields[0] in ['cat', '-1', '0']: continue records3.append([int(fields[0])] + fields[1:]) p.wait() records3.sort() # print table header if not flags['c']: sys.stdout.write('|'.join(colnames + extracolnames) + '\n') # make and print the table: numcols = len(colnames) + len(extracolnames) # calculate percents if requested if units == 'percent' and option != 'coor': # calculate total value total = 0 for r in records3: total += float(r[-1]) # calculate percentages records4 = [float(r[-1]) * 100 / total for r in records3] if type(records1[0]) == int: records3 = [[r1] + [r4] for r1, r4 in zip(records1, records4)] else: records3 = [r1 + [r4] for r1, r4 in zip(records1, records4)] # sort results if options['sort']: if options['sort'] == 'asc': if options['option'] == 'coor': records3.sort( key=lambda r: (float(r[-3]), float(r[-2]), float(r[-1]))) else: records3.sort(key=lambda r: float(r[-1])) else: if options['option'] == 'coor': records3.sort(key=lambda r: (float(r[-3]), float(r[-2]), float(r[-1])), reverse=True) else: records3.sort(key=lambda r: float(r[-1]), reverse=True) for r in records3: sys.stdout.write('|'.join(map(str, r)) + '\n')
consumption_dict = create_consumption_dict('../io_shares.csv') tempmap = 'temp_tempmap_%d' % os.getpid() for nace2 in gscript.read_command('', map=firms_map, column="substr(%s, 1, 2)" % nace_column, group="substr(%s, 1, 2)" % nace_column, where="%s <> '' AND %s > 0" % (nace_column, volume_column), flags='c', quiet=True).splitlines(): print nace2 sql = "SELECT sum(%s) FROM %s" % (volume_column, firms_map) sql += " where substr(%s, 1, 2) = '%s'" % (nace_column, nace2) db = gscript.vector_db(firms_map)[1]['database'] total_volume = float( gscript.read_command('', sql=sql, database=db, flags='c', quiet=True).rstrip()) export_volume = float( consumption_dict[nace2].pop('Export')) * total_volume investment_volume = float( consumption_dict[nace2].pop('Investment')) * total_volume local_volume = total_volume - export_volume - investment_volume gscript.message("nace: %s, total: %f, local: %f" % (nace2, total_volume, local_volume)) final_cons_volume = float(
def main(): global allmap global trainmap global feature_vars global training_vars global model_output_csv global model_output_csvt global temptable global r_commands global reclass_files allmap = trainmap = feature_vars = training_vars = None model_output_csv = model_output_csvt = temptable = r_commands = None reclass_files = None voting_function = "voting <- function (x, w) {\n" voting_function += "res <- tapply(w, x, sum, simplify = TRUE)\n" voting_function += "maj_class <- as.numeric(names(res)[which.max(res)])\n" voting_function += "prob <- as.numeric(res[which.max(res)])\n" voting_function += "return(list(maj_class=maj_class, prob=prob))\n}" weighting_functions = {} weighting_functions[ 'smv'] = "weights <- rep(1/length(weighting_base), length(weighting_base))" weighting_functions[ 'swv'] = "weights <- weighting_base/sum(weighting_base)" weighting_functions[ 'bwwv'] = "weights <- 1-(max(weighting_base) - weighting_base)/(max(weighting_base) - min(weighting_base))" weighting_functions[ 'qbwwv'] = "weights <- ((min(weighting_base) - weighting_base)/(max(weighting_base) - min(weighting_base)))**2" packages = { 'svmRadial': ['kernlab'], 'svmLinear': ['kernlab'], 'svmPoly': ['kernlab'], 'rf': ['randomForest'], 'rpart': ['rpart'], 'C5.0': ['C50'], 'xgbTree': ['xgboost', 'plyr'] } install_package = "if(!is.element('%s', installed.packages()[,1])){\n" install_package += "cat('\\n\\nInstalling %s package from CRAN\n')\n" install_package += "if(!file.exists(Sys.getenv('R_LIBS_USER'))){\n" install_package += "dir.create(Sys.getenv('R_LIBS_USER'), recursive=TRUE)\n" install_package += ".libPaths(Sys.getenv('R_LIBS_USER'))}\n" install_package += "chooseCRANmirror(ind=1)\n" install_package += "install.packages('%s', dependencies=TRUE)}" if options['segments_map']: allfeatures = options['segments_map'] segments_layer = options['segments_layer'] allmap = True else: allfeatures = options['segments_file'] allmap = False if options['training_map']: training = options['training_map'] training_layer = options['training_layer'] trainmap = True else: training = options['training_file'] trainmap = False classcol = options['train_class_column'] output_classcol = options['output_class_column'] output_probcol = None if options['output_prob_column']: output_probcol = options['output_prob_column'] classifiers = options['classifiers'].split(',') weighting_modes = options['weighting_modes'].split(',') weighting_metric = options['weighting_metric'] processes = int(options['processes']) folds = options['folds'] partitions = options['partitions'] tunelength = options['tunelength'] separator = gscript.separator(options['separator']) tunegrids = literal_eval( options['tunegrids']) if options['tunegrids'] else {} classification_results = None if options['classification_results']: classification_results = options['classification_results'].replace( "\\", "/") model_details = None if options['model_details']: model_details = options['model_details'].replace("\\", "/") raster_segments_map = None if options['raster_segments_map']: raster_segments_map = options['raster_segments_map'] classified_map = None if options['classified_map']: classified_map = options['classified_map'] r_script_file = None if options['r_script_file']: r_script_file = options['r_script_file'] accuracy_file = None if options['accuracy_file']: accuracy_file = options['accuracy_file'].replace("\\", "/") bw_plot_file = None if options['bw_plot_file']: bw_plot_file = options['bw_plot_file'].replace("\\", "/") if allmap: feature_vars = gscript.tempfile().replace("\\", "/") gscript.run_command('', map_=allfeatures, file_=feature_vars, layer=segments_layer, quiet=True, overwrite=True) else: feature_vars = allfeatures.replace("\\", "/") if trainmap: training_vars = gscript.tempfile().replace("\\", "/") gscript.run_command('', map_=training, file_=training_vars, layer=training_layer, quiet=True, overwrite=True) else: training_vars = training.replace("\\", "/") r_commands = gscript.tempfile().replace("\\", "/") r_file = open(r_commands, 'w') if processes > 1: install = install_package % ('doParallel', 'doParallel', 'doParallel') r_file.write(install) r_file.write("\n") # automatic installation of missing R packages install = install_package % ('caret', 'caret', 'caret') r_file.write(install) r_file.write("\n") install = install_package % ('e1071', 'e1071', 'e1071') r_file.write(install) r_file.write("\n") for classifier in classifiers: # knn is included in caret if classifier == "knn" or classifier == "knn1": continue for package in packages[classifier]: install = install_package % (package, package, package) r_file.write(install) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write('require(caret)') r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( 'features <- read.csv("%s", sep="%s", header=TRUE, row.names=1)' % (feature_vars, separator)) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( 'training <- read.csv("%s", sep="%s", header=TRUE, row.names=1)' % (training_vars, separator)) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("training$%s <- as.factor(training$%s)" % (classcol, classcol)) r_file.write("\n") if processes > 1: r_file.write("library(doParallel)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("registerDoParallel(cores = %d)" % processes) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( " <- createMultiFolds(training$%s, k=%s, times=%s)" % (classcol, folds, partitions)) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( " <- trainControl(method='repeatedCV',") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("fmla <- %s ~ ." % classcol) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write(" <- list()") r_file.write("\n") for classifier in classifiers: if classifier == 'knn1': r_file.write("Grid <- expand.grid(k=1)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( " <- train(fmla, training, method='knn',, tuneGrid=Grid)" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("$knn1 <-") r_file.write("\n") else: if classifier in tunegrids: r_file.write("Grid <- expand.grid(%s)" % tunegrids[classifier]) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( " <- train(fmla,training,method='%s',, tuneGrid=Grid)" % (classifier, classifier)) else: r_file.write( " <- train(fmla,training,method='%s',, tuneLength=%s)" % (classifier, classifier, tunelength)) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("$%s <-" % (classifier, classifier)) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("if (length(>1) {") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write(" <- resamples(") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "accuracy_means <- as.vector(apply($values[seq(2,length($values), by=2)], 2, mean))" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "kappa_means <- as.vector(apply($values[seq(3,length($values), by=2)], 2, mean))" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("} else {") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write(" <-[[1]]$resample") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("accuracy_means <- mean($Accuracy)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("kappa_means <- mean($Kappa)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("}") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("predicted <- data.frame(predict(, features))") r_file.write("\n") if flags['i']: r_file.write( "resultsdf <- data.frame(id=rownames(features), predicted)") else: r_file.write("resultsdf <- data.frame(id=rownames(features))") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write(voting_function) r_file.write("\n") if weighting_metric == 'kappa': r_file.write("weighting_base <- kappa_means") else: r_file.write("weighting_base <- accuracy_means") r_file.write("\n") for weighting_mode in weighting_modes: r_file.write(weighting_functions[weighting_mode]) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("weights <- weights / sum(weights)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("vote <- apply(predicted, 1, voting, w=weights)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "vote <-, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("resultsdf$%s_%s <- vote$V1" % (output_classcol, weighting_mode)) r_file.write("\n") if len(classifiers) > 1: r_file.write("resultsdf$%s_%s <- vote$V2" % (output_probcol, weighting_mode)) r_file.write("\n") if allmap and not flags['f']: model_output = gscript.tempfile().replace("\\", "/") model_output_csv = model_output + '.csv' write_string = "write.csv(resultsdf, '%s'," % model_output_csv write_string += " row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)" r_file.write(write_string) r_file.write("\n") if classified_map: reclass_files = {} if flags['i']: for classifier in classifiers: tmpfilename = gscript.tempfile() reclass_files[classifier] = tmpfilename.replace("\\", "/") r_file.write( "tempdf <- data.frame(resultsdf$id, resultsdf$%s)" % (classifier)) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "reclass <- data.frame(out=apply(tempdf, 1, function(x) paste(x[1],'=', x[2])))" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "write.table(reclass$out, '%s', col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)" % reclass_files[classifier]) r_file.write("\n") for weighting_mode in weighting_modes: tmpfilename = gscript.tempfile() reclass_files[weighting_mode] = tmpfilename.replace("\\", "/") r_file.write( "tempdf <- data.frame(resultsdf$id, resultsdf$%s_%s)" % (output_classcol, weighting_mode)) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "reclass <- data.frame(out=apply(tempdf, 1, function(x) paste(x[1],'=', x[2])))" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "write.table(reclass$out, '%s', col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)" % reclass_files[weighting_mode]) r_file.write("\n") if classification_results: r_file.write( "write.csv(resultsdf, '%s', row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)" % classification_results) r_file.write("\n") if accuracy_file: r_file.write( "df_means <- data.frame(method=names(,accuracy=accuracy_means, kappa=kappa_means)" ) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( "write.csv(df_means, '%s', row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)" % accuracy_file) r_file.write("\n") if model_details: r_file.write("sink('%s')" % model_details) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('BEST TUNING VALUES\n')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('******************************\n\n')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("lapply(, function(x) x$best)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('\n')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('\nSUMMARY OF RESAMPLING RESULTS\n')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('******************************\n\n')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("summary(") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('\n')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('\nRESAMPLED CONFUSION MATRICES\n')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('******************************\n\n')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write( " <- lapply(, function(x) confusionMatrix(x))") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("print(") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('\nDETAILED CV RESULTS\n')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("cat('******************************\n\n')") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("lapply(, function(x) x$results)") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("sink()") r_file.write("\n") if bw_plot_file and len(classifiers) > 1: r_file.write("png('%s.png')" % bw_plot_file) r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("print(bwplot(") r_file.write("\n") r_file.write("") r_file.close() if r_script_file: shutil.copy(r_commands, r_script_file) gscript.message("Running R now. Following output is R output.") try: subprocess.check_call( ['Rscript', r_commands], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: gscript.fatal( "There was an error in the execution of the R script.\nPlease check the R output." ) gscript.message("Finished running R.") if allmap and not flags['f']: model_output_csvt = model_output + '.csvt' temptable = 'classif_tmp_table_%d' % os.getpid() f = open(model_output_csvt, 'w') header_string = '"Integer"' if flags['i']: for classifier in classifiers: header_string += ',"Integer"' if len(classifiers) > 1: for weighting_mode in weighting_modes: header_string += ',"Integer"' header_string += ',"Real"' else: header_string += ',"Integer"' f.write(header_string) f.close() gscript.message("Loading results into attribute table") gscript.run_command('', input_=model_output_csv, output=temptable, overwrite=True, quiet=True) index_creation = "CREATE INDEX idx_%s_cat" % temptable index_creation += " ON %s (id)" % temptable gscript.run_command('db.execute', sql=index_creation, quiet=True) columns = gscript.read_command('db.columns', table=temptable).splitlines()[1:] orig_cat = gscript.vector_db(allfeatures)[int(segments_layer)]['key'] gscript.run_command('v.db.join', map_=allfeatures, column=orig_cat, otable=temptable, ocolumn='id', subset_columns=columns, quiet=True) if classified_map: for classification, reclass_file in reclass_files.iteritems(): output_map = classified_map + '_' + classification gscript.run_command('r.reclass', input=raster_segments_map, output=output_map, rules=reclass_file, quiet=True)
def main(): global tmp_graph, tmp_group, tmp_psmap, tmp_psleg, tmp_gisleg breakpoints = options['breakpoints'] colorscheme = options['colorscheme'] column = options['column'] endcolor = options['endcolor'] group = options['group'] layer = options['layer'] linecolor = options['linecolor'] map = options['map'] maxsize = options['maxsize'] monitor = options['monitor'] nint = options['nint'] pointcolor = options['pointcolor'] psmap = options['psmap'] size = options['size'] startcolor = options['startcolor'] themecalc = options['themecalc'] themetype = options['themetype'] type = options['type'] where = options['where'] icon = options['icon'] flag_f = flags['f'] flag_g = flags['g'] flag_l = flags['l'] flag_m = flags['m'] flag_s = flags['s'] flag_u = flags['u'] layer = int(layer) nint = int(nint) size = float(size) maxsize = float(maxsize) # check column type inf = grass.vector_columns(map, layer) if column not in inf: grass.fatal(_("No such column <%s>") % column) coltype = inf[column]['type'].lower() if coltype not in ["integer", "double precision"]: grass.fatal( _("Column <%s> is of type <%s> which is not numeric.") % (column, coltype)) # create temporary file to hold d.graph commands for legend tmp_graph = grass.tempfile() # Create temporary file to commands for GIS Manager group tmp_group = grass.tempfile() # Create temporary file for commands for map file tmp_psmap = grass.tempfile() # Create temporary file for commands for legend file tmp_psleg = grass.tempfile() # create file to hold elements for GIS Manager legend tmp_gisleg = grass.tempfile() # Set display variables for group atype = int(type == "area") ptype = int(type == "point") ctype = int(type == "centroid") ltype = int(type == "line") btype = int(type == "boundary") # if running in the GUI, do not create a graphic legend in an xmon if flag_s: flag_l = False # if running in GUI, turn off immediate mode rendering so that the # iterated d.vect commands will composite using the display driver os.environ['GRASS_PNG_READ'] = 'TRUE' os.environ['GRASS_PNG_AUTO_WRITE'] = 'FALSE' db = grass.vector_db(map)[1] if not db or not db['table']: grass.fatal( _("No table connected or layer <%s> does not exist.") % layer) table = db['table'] database = db['database'] driver = db['driver'] # update color values to the table? if flag_u: # test, if the column GRASSRGB is in the table s = grass.read_command('db.columns', table=table, database=database, driver=driver) if 'grassrgb' not in s.splitlines(): msg(locals(), _("Creating column 'grassrgb' in table <$table>")) sql = "ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN grassrgb varchar(11)" % table grass.write_command('db.execute', database=database, driver=driver, stdin=sql) # Group name if not group: group = "themes" f_group = file(tmp_group, 'w') f_group.write("Group %s\n" % group) # Calculate statistics for thematic intervals if type == "line": stype = "line" else: stype = ["point", "centroid"] if not where: where = None stats = grass.read_command('v.univar', flags='eg', map=map, type=stype, column=column, where=where, layer=layer) stats = grass.parse_key_val(stats) min = float(stats['min']) max = float(stats['max']) mean = float(stats['mean']) sd = float(stats['population_stddev']) q1 = float(stats['first_quartile']) q2 = float(stats['median']) q3 = float(stats['third_quartile']) q4 = max ptsize = size if breakpoints and themecalc != "custom_breaks": grass.warning( _("Custom breakpoints ignored due to themecalc setting.")) # set interval for each thematic map calculation type if themecalc == "interval": numint = nint step = float(max - min) / numint breakpoints = [min + i * step for i in xrange(numint + 1)] annotations = "" elif themecalc == "std_deviation": # 2 standard deviation units on either side of mean, # plus min to -2 sd units and +2 sd units to max, if applicable breakpoints = [min] + [ i for i in [(mean + i * sd) for i in [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]] if min < i < max ] + [max] annotations = [""] + [("%dsd" % i) for (i, j) in [(i, mean + i * sd) for i in [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]] if (min < j < max)] + [""] annotations = ";".join(annotations) numint = len(breakpoints) - 1 elif themecalc == "quartiles": numint = 4 # one for each quartile breakpoints = [min, q1, q2, q3, max] annotations = " %f; %f; %f; %f" % (q1, q2, q3, q4) elif themecalc == "custom_breaks": if not breakpoints: breakpoints = breakpoints = [int(x) for x in breakpoints.split()] numint = len(breakpoints) - 1 annotations = "" else: grass.fatal(_("Unknown themecalc type <%s>") % themecalc) pointstep = (maxsize - ptsize) / (numint - 1) # Prepare legend cuts for too large numint if numint > max_leg_items: xupper = int(numint - max_leg_items / 2) + 1 xlower = int(max_leg_items / 2) + 1 else: xupper = 0 xlower = 0 # legend title f_graph = file(tmp_graph, 'w') out( f_graph, locals(), """\ color 0:0:0 size 2 2 move 1 95 text Thematic map legend for column $column of map $map size 1.5 1.8 move 4 90 text Value range: $min - $max """) f_gisleg = file(tmp_gisleg, 'w') out( f_gisleg, locals(), """\ title - - - {Thematic map legend for column $column of map $map} """) f_psleg = file(tmp_psleg, 'w') out( f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 1% 95% Thematic map legend for column $column of map $map ref bottom left end text 4% 90% Value range: $min - $max ref bottom left end """) msg(locals(), _("Thematic map legend for column $column of map $map")) msg(locals(), _("Value range: $min - $max")) colorschemes = { "blue-red": ("0:0:255", "255:0:0"), "red-blue": ("255:0:0", "0:0:255"), "green-red": ("0:255:0", "255:0:0"), "red-green": ("255:0:0", "0:255:0"), "blue-green": ("0:0:255", "0:255:0"), "green-blue": ("0:255:0", "0:0:255"), "cyan-yellow": ("0:255:255", "255:255:0"), "yellow-cyan": ("255:255:0", "0:255:255"), "custom_gradient": (startcolor, endcolor) } # open file for psmap instructions f_psmap = file(tmp_psmap, 'w') # graduated color thematic mapping if themetype == "graduated_colors": if colorscheme in colorschemes: startc, endc = colorschemes[colorscheme] # set color schemes for graduated color maps elif colorscheme == "single_color": if themetype == "graduated_points": startc = endc = linecolor else: startc = endc = pointcolor else: grass.fatal( _("This should not happen: parser error. Unknown color scheme %s" ) % colorscheme) color =, startc.split(":")) endcolor =, endc.split(":")) #The number of color steps is one less then the number of classes nclrstep = numint - 1 clrstep = [(a - b) / nclrstep for a, b in zip(color, endcolor)] themecolor = startc # display graduated color themes if themecalc == "interval": out(f_graph, locals(), """\ move 4 87 text Mapped by $numint intervals of $step """) out( f_gisleg, locals(), """\ subtitle - - - {Mapped by $numint intervals of $step} """) out( f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 4% 87% Mapped by $numint intervals of $step ref bottom left end """) msg(locals(), _("Mapped by $numint intervals of $step")) # display graduated color themes for standard deviation units if themecalc == "std_deviation": out( f_graph, locals(), """\ move 4 87 text Mapped by standard deviation units of $sd (mean = $mean) """) out( f_gisleg, locals(), """\ subtitle - - - {Mapped by standard deviation units of $sd (mean = $mean)} """) out( f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 4% 87% Mapped by standard deviation units of $sd (mean = $mean) ref bottom left end """) msg(locals(), _("Mapped by standard deviation units of $sd (mean = $mean)")) # display graduated color themes for quartiles if themecalc == "quartiles": out(f_graph, locals(), """\ move 4 87 text Mapped by quartiles (median = $q2) """) out(f_gisleg, locals(), """\ subtitle - - - {Mapped by quartiles (median = $q2)} """) out( f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 4% 87% Mapped by quartiles (median = $q2) ref bottom left end """) msg(locals(), _("Mapped by quartiles (median = $q2)")) f_graph.write("""\ move 4 83 text Color move 14 83 text Value move 4 80 text ===== move 14 80 text ============ """) f_psleg.write("""\ text 4% 83% Color ref bottom left end text 14% 83% Value ref bottom left end text 4% 80% ===== ref bottom left end text 14% 80% ============ ref bottom left end """) sys.stdout.write("Color(R:G:B)\tValue\n") sys.stdout.write("============\t==========\n") line1 = 78 line2 = 76 line3 = 75 i = 1 first = True while i < numint: if flag_m: # math notation if first: closebracket = "]" openbracket = "[" mincomparison = ">=" first = False else: closebracket = "]" openbracket = "]" mincomparison = ">" else: closebracket = "" openbracket = "" if first: mincomparison = ">=" first = False else: mincomparison = ">" themecolor = ":".join(, color)) if flag_f: linecolor = "none" else: if type in ["line", "boundary"]: linecolor = themecolor else: linecolor = linecolor rangemin = __builtins__.min(breakpoints) rangemax = __builtins__.max(breakpoints) if not annotations: extranote = "" else: extranote = annotations[i] if i < xlower or i >= xupper: xline1 = line2 + 2 xline3 = line2 - 1 out( f_graph, locals(), """\ color $themecolor polygon 5 $xline1 8 $xline1 8 $xline3 5 $xline3 color $linecolor move 5 $xline1 draw 8 $xline1 draw 8 $xline3 draw 5 $xline3 draw 5 $xline1 move 14 $line2 color 0:0:0 text $openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote """) else: if i == xlower: out(f_graph, locals(), """\ color 0:0:0 move 10 $line2 text ... """) else: #undo next increment line2 += 4 if i < xlower or i >= xupper: out( f_gisleg, locals(), """\ area $themecolor $linecolor - {$openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote} """) if type in ["line", "boundary"]: out( f_psleg, locals(), """\ line 5% $xline1% 8% $xline1% color $linecolor end text 14% $xline1% $openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote ref center left end """) elif type in ["point", "centroid"]: out( f_psleg, locals(), """\ point 8% $xline1% color $linecolor fcolor $themecolor size $size symbol $icon end text 14% $xline1% $openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote ref center left end """) else: out( f_psleg, locals(), """\ rectangle 5% $xline1% 8% $xline3% color 0:0:0 fcolor $themecolor end text 14% $xline3% $openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket DCADCA $extranote ref bottom left end """) else: if i == xlower: out( f_psleg, locals(), """\ color 0:0:0 text 14% $xline3% ... ref bottom left end """) f_gisleg.write("text - - - {...}\n") sys.stdout.write( subs( locals(), "$themecolor\t\t$openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote\n" )) if not where: sqlwhere = subs( locals(), "$column $mincomparison $rangemin AND $column <= $rangemax" ) else: sqlwhere = subs( locals(), "$column $mincomparison $rangemin AND $column <= $rangemax AND $where" ) # update color to database? if flag_u: sql = subs( locals(), "UPDATE $table SET GRASSRGB = '$themecolor' WHERE $sqlwhere" ) grass.write_command('db.execute', database=database, driver=driver, stdin=sql) # Create group for GIS Manager if flag_g: # change rgb colors to hex xthemecolor = "#%02X%02X%02X" % tuple(, themecolor.split(":"))) #xlinecolor=`echo $linecolor | awk -F: '{printf("#%02X%02X%02X\n",$1,$2,$3)}'` if "$linecolor" == "black": xlinecolor = "#000000" else: xlinecolor = xthemecolor # create group entry out( f_group, locals(), """\ _check 1 Vector $column = $rangemin - $rangemax _check 1 map $map display_shape 1 display_cat 0 display_topo 0 display_dir 0 display_attr 0 type_point $ptype type_line $ltype type_boundary $btype type_centroid $ctype type_area $atype type_face 0 color $xlinecolor fcolor $xthemecolor width $ptsize _use_fcolor 1 lcolor #000000 sqlcolor 0 icon $icon size $ptsize field $layer lfield $layer attribute xref left yref center lsize 8 cat where $sqlwhere _query_text 0 _query_edit 1 _use_where 1 minreg maxreg _width 0.1 End """) # display theme vector map grass.run_command('d.vect', map=map, type=type, layer=layer, where=sqlwhere, color=linecolor, fcolor=themecolor, icon=icon, size=ptsize) if type in ["line", "boundary"]: out( f_psmap, locals(), """\ vlines $map type $type layer $layer where $sqlwhere color $linecolor label $rangemin - $rangemax end """) elif type in ["point", "centroid"]: out( f_psmap, locals(), """\ vpoints $map type $type layer $layer where $sqlwhere color $linecolor fcolor $themecolor symbol $icon label $rangemin - $rangemax end """) else: out( f_psmap, locals(), """\ vareas $map layer $layer where $sqlwhere color $linecolor fcolor $themecolor label $rangemin - $rangemax end """) # increment for next theme i += 1 if i == numint: color = endcolor else: color = [a - b for a, b in zip(color, clrstep)] line1 -= 4 line2 -= 4 line3 -= 4 #graduated points and line widths thematic mapping if themetype in ["graduated_points", "graduated_lines"]: #display graduated points/lines by intervals if themecalc == "interval": out(f_graph, locals(), """\ move 4 87 text Mapped by $numint intervals of $step """) out( f_gisleg, locals(), """\ subtitle - - - {Mapped by $numint intervals of $step} """) out( f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 4% 87% Mapped by $numint intervals of $step ref bottom left end """) msg(locals(), _("Mapped by $numint intervals of $step")) # display graduated points/lines for standard deviation units if themecalc == "std_deviation": out( f_graph, locals(), """\ move 4 87 text Mapped by standard deviation units of $sd (mean = $mean) """) out( f_gisleg, locals(), """\ subtitle - - - {Mapped by standard deviation units of $sd (mean = $mean)} """) out( f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 4% 87% Mapped by standard deviation units of $sd (mean = $mean) ref bottom left end """) msg(locals(), _("Mapped by standard deviation units of $sd (mean = $mean)")) # display graduated points/lines for quartiles if themecalc == "quartiles": out(f_graph, locals(), """\ move 4 87 text Mapped by quartiles (median = $q2) """) out(f_gisleg, locals(), """\ subtitle - - - {Mapped by quartiles (median = $q2)} """) out( f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 4% 87% Mapped by quartiles (median = $q2) ref bottom left end """) msg(locals(), _("Mapped by quartiles (median = $q2)")) line1 = 76 line2 = 75 out( f_graph, locals(), """\ move 4 83 text Size/width move 25 83 text Value move 4 80 text ============== move 25 80 text ============== """) out( f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 4% 83% Icon size ref bottom left end text 25% 83% Value ref bottom left end text 4% 80% ============ ref bottom left end text 25% 80% ============ ref bottom left end """) sys.stdout.write("Size/width\tValue\n") sys.stdout.write("==========\t=====\n") themecolor = pointcolor if flag_f: linecolor = "none" i = numint ptsize = maxsize while i >= 1: if flag_m: # math notation if i == 1: closebracket = "]" openbracket = "[" mincomparison = ">=" else: closebracket = "]" openbracket = "]" mincomparison = ">" else: closebracket = "" openbracket = "" if i == 1: mincomparison = ">=" else: mincomparison = ">" themecolor = pointcolor if flag_f: linecolor = "none" rangemin = __builtins__.min(breakpoints) rangemax = __builtins__.max(breakpoints) if not annotations: extranote = "" else: extranote = annotations[i] iconsize = int(ptsize / 2) lineht = int(ptsize / 4) if lineht < 4: lineht = 4 if i < xlower or i >= xupper: if themetype == "graduated_lines": out(f_graph, locals(), """\ color $linecolor """) out( f_gisleg, locals(), """\ line $themecolor $linecolor $ptsize {$openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote} """) else: out(f_graph, locals(), """\ color $themecolor """) out( f_gisleg, locals(), """\ point $themecolor $linecolor $ptsize {$openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote} """) out( f_graph, locals(), """\ icon + $iconsize 5 $line1 color 0:0:0 move 10 $line2 text $ptsize pts move 25 $line2 text $openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote """) else: if i == xlower: out(f_graph, locals(), """\ color 0:0:0 move 10 $line2 text ... """) out(f_gisleg, locals(), """\ text - - - ... """) else: # undo future line increment line2 += lineht if i < xlower or i >= xupper: out( f_psleg, locals(), """\ point 8% $line1% color $linecolor fcolor $themecolor size $iconsize symbol $icon end text 25% $line1% $openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote ref center left end """) else: if i == xlower: out(f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 25% $xline1% ... ref center left end """) sys.stdout.write( subs( locals(), "$ptsize\t\t$openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote\n" )) if not where: sqlwhere = subs( locals(), "$column $mincomparison $rangemin AND $column <= $rangemax" ) else: sqlwhere = subs( locals(), "$column $mincomparison $rangemin AND $column <= $rangemax AND $where" ) # update color to database? if flag_u: sql = subs( locals(), "UPDATE $table SET grassrgb = '$themecolor' WHERE $sqlwhere" ) grass.write_command('db.execute', database=database, driver=driver, stdin=sql) # Create group for GIS Manager if flag_g: # change rgb colors to hex xthemecolor = "#%02X%02X%02X" % tuple(, themecolor.split(":"))) xlinecolor = "#000000" # create group entry out( f_group, locals(), """\ _check 1 Vector $column = $rangemin - $rangemax _check 1 map $map display_shape 1 display_cat 0 display_topo 0 display_dir 0 display_attr 0 type_point $ptype type_line $ltype type_boundary $btype type_centroid $ctype type_area $atype type_face 0 color $xlinecolor width $ptsize fcolor $xthemecolor _use_fcolor 1 lcolor #000000 sqlcolor 0 icon $icon size $ptsize field $layer lfield $layer attribute xref left yref center lsize 8 cat where $sqlwhere _query_text 0 _query_edit 1 _use_where 1 minreg maxreg _width 0.1 End """) #graduates line widths or point sizes if themetype == "graduated_lines": grass.run_command('d.vect', map=map, type=type, layer=layer, where=sqlwhere, color=linecolor, fcolor=themecolor, icon=icon, size=ptsize, width=ptsize) else: grass.run_command('d.vect', map=map, type=type, layer=layer, where=sqlwhere, color=linecolor, fcolor=themecolor, icon=icon, size=ptsize) out( f_psmap, locals(), """\ vpoints $map type $type layer $layer where $sqlwhere color $linecolor fcolor $themecolor symbol $icon size $ptsize label $rangemin - $rangemax end """) ptsize -= pointstep line1 -= lineht line2 -= lineht i -= 1 # Create graphic legend f_graph.close() if flag_l: grass.run_command('d.erase') grass.run_command('d.graph', input=tmp_graph) # Create group file for GIS Manager f_group.write("End\n") f_group.close() if flag_g: shutil.copyfile(tmp_group, "" % group) # Create map file f_psmap.write("end\n") f_psmap.close() if psmap: shutil.copyfile(tmp_psmap, "%s.psmap" % psmap) # Create legend file f_psleg.write("end\n") f_psleg.close() if psmap: shutil.copyfile(tmp_psleg, "%s_legend.psmap" % psmap) # Create text file to use with d.graph in GIS Manager f_gisleg.close() if flag_s: tmpdir = os.path.dirname(tmp_gisleg) tlegfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, "gismlegend.txt") shutil.copyfile(tmp_gisleg, tlegfile)
def main(): color = options['color'] column = options['column'] layer = options['layer'] map = options['map'] range = options['range'] raster = options['raster'] rgb_column = options['rgb_column'] rules = options['rules'] flip = flags['n'] global tmp, tmp_colr, tmp_vcol pid = os.getpid() tmp = tmp_colr = tmp_vcol = None mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] gisbase = os.getenv('GISBASE') # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? kv = grass.find_file(map, element = 'vector', mapset = mapset) if not kv['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % map) vector = map.split('@', 1) # sanity check mutually exclusive color options if not options['color'] and not options['raster'] and not options['rules']: grass.fatal(_("Pick one of color, rules, or raster options")) if color: #### check the color rule is valid color_opts = os.listdir(os.path.join(gisbase, 'etc', 'colors')) color_opts += ['random', 'grey.eq', 'grey.log', 'rules'] if color not in color_opts: grass.fatal(_("Invalid color rule <%s>\n") % color + _("Valid options are: %s") % ' '.join(color_opts)) elif raster: if not grass.find_file(raster)['name']: grass.fatal(_("Raster raster map <%s> not found") % raster) elif rules: if not os.access(rules, os.R_OK): grass.fatal(_("Unable to read color rules file <%s>") % rules) # column checks # check input data column cols = grass.vector_columns(map, layer = layer) if column not in cols: grass.fatal(_("Column <%s> not found") % column) ncolumn_type = cols[column]['type'] if ncolumn_type not in ["INTEGER", "DOUBLE PRECISION"]: grass.fatal(_("Column <%s> is not numeric but %s") % (column, ncolumn_type)) # check if GRASSRGB column exists, make it if it doesn't table = grass.vector_db(map)[int(layer)]['table'] if rgb_column not in cols: # RGB Column not found, create it grass.message(_("Creating column <%s>...") % rgb_column) try: grass.run_command('v.db.addcolumn', map = map, layer = layer, column = "%s varchar(11)" % rgb_column) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Creating color column")) else: column_type = cols[rgb_column]['type'] if column_type not in ["CHARACTER", "TEXT"]: grass.fatal(_("Column <%s> is not of compatible type (found %s)") % (rgb_column, column_type)) else: num_chars = dict([(v[0], int(v[2])) for v in grass.db_describe(table)['cols']])[rgb_column] if num_chars < 11: grass.fatal(_("Color column <%s> is not wide enough (needs 11 characters)"), rgb_column) cvals = grass.vector_db_select(map, layer = int(layer), columns = column)['values'].values() # find data range if range: # order doesn't matter vals = range.split(',') else: grass.message(_("Scanning values...")) vals = [float(x[0]) for x in cvals] minval = min(vals) maxval = max(vals) grass.verbose(_("Range: [%s, %s]") % (minval, maxval)) if minval is None or maxval is None: grass.fatal(_("Scanning data range")) # setup internal region grass.use_temp_region() grass.run_command('g.region', rows = 2, cols = 2) tmp_colr = "tmp_colr_%d" % pid # create dummy raster map if ncolumn_type == "INTEGER": grass.mapcalc("$tmp_colr = int(if(row() == 1, $minval, $maxval))", tmp_colr = tmp_colr, minval = minval, maxval = maxval) else: grass.mapcalc("$tmp_colr = double(if(row() == 1, $minval, $maxval))", tmp_colr = tmp_colr, minval = minval, maxval = maxval) if color: color_cmd = {'color': color} elif raster: color_cmd = {'raster': raster} elif rules: color_cmd = {'rules': rules} if flip: flip_flag = 'n' else: flip_flag = '' grass.run_command('r.colors', map = tmp_colr, flags = flip_flag, quiet = True, **color_cmd) tmp = grass.tempfile() # calculate colors and write SQL command file grass.message(_("Looking up colors...")) f = open(tmp, 'w') p = grass.feed_command('r.what.color', flags = 'i', input = tmp_colr, stdout = f) lastval = None for v in sorted(vals): if v == lastval: continue p.stdin.write('%f\n' % v) p.stdin.close() p.wait() f.close() tmp_vcol = "%s_vcol.sql" % tmp fi = open(tmp, 'r') fo = open(tmp_vcol, 'w') t = string.Template("UPDATE $table SET $rgb_column = '$colr' WHERE $column = $value;\n") found = 0 for line in fi: [value, colr] = line.split(': ') colr = colr.strip() if len(colr.split(':')) != 3: continue fo.write(t.substitute(table = table, rgb_column = rgb_column, colr = colr, column = column, value = value)) found += 1 fi.close() fo.close() if not found: grass.fatal(_("No values found in color range")) # apply SQL commands to update the table with values grass.message(_("Writing %s colors...") % found) try: grass.run_command('db.execute', input = tmp_vcol) except CalledModuleError: grass.fatal(_("Processing SQL transaction")) if flags['s']: vcolors = "vcolors_%d" % pid grass.run_command('g.rename', raster = (tmp_colr, vcolors), quiet = True) grass.message(_("Raster map containing color rules saved to <%s>") % vcolors) # TODO save full v.colors command line history grass.run_command('', map = vcolors, history = "", source1 = "vector map = %s" % map, source2 = "column = %s" % column, title = _("Dummy raster to use as thematic vector legend"), description = "generated by v.colors using r.mapcalc") grass.run_command('', map = vcolors, history = _("RGB saved into <%s> using <%s%s%s>") % (rgb_column, color, raster, rules))
def main(): if flags['r'] and flags['s']: grass.fatal(_("Either -r or -s flag")) mapname = options['map'] option = options['option'] layer = options['layer'] units = options['units'] nuldev = file(os.devnull, 'w') if not grass.find_file(mapname, 'vector')['file']: grass.fatal(_("Vector map '%s' not found in mapset search path.") % mapname) colnames = grass.vector_columns(mapname, layer, getDict = False, stderr = nuldev) if not colnames: colnames = ['cat'] if option == 'coor': columns = ['dummy1','dummy2','dummy3'] extracolnames = ['x','y','z'] else: columns = ['dummy1'] extracolnames = [option] if units in ['p','percent']: unitsp = 'meters' elif units: unitsp = units else: unitsp = None # NOTE: we suppress -1 cat and 0 cat if colnames: p = grass.pipe_command('', quiet = True, flags='c', map = mapname, layer = layer) records1 = [] for line in p.stdout: cols = line.rstrip('\r\n').split('|') if cols[0] == '0': continue records1.append([int(cols[0])] + cols[1:]) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: sys.exit(1) records1.sort() if len(records1) == 0: try: f = grass.vector_db(map = mapname)[int(layer)] grass.fatal(_("There is a table connected to input vector map '%s', but" "there are no categories present in the key column '%s'. Consider using" " to correct this.") % (mapname, f['key'])) except KeyError: pass #fetch the requested attribute sorted by cat: p = grass.pipe_command('', flags = 'p', quiet = True, map = mapname, option = option, columns = columns, layer = layer, units = unitsp) records2 = [] for line in p.stdout: fields = line.rstrip('\r\n').split('|') if fields[0] in ['cat', '-1', '0']: continue records2.append([int(fields[0])] + fields[1:]) p.wait() records2.sort() #make pre-table records3 = [r1 + r2[1:] for r1, r2 in zip(records1, records2)] else: records1 = [] p = grass.pipe_command('v.category', inp = mapname, layer = layer, option = 'print') for line in p.stdout: field = int(line.rstrip()) if field > 0: records1.append(field) p.wait() records1.sort() records1 = uniq(records1) #make pre-table p = grass.pipe_command('', flags = 'p', map = mapname, option = option, columns = columns, layer = layer, units = unitsp) records3 = [] for line in p.stdout: fields = line.split('|') if fields[0] in ['cat', '-1', '0']: continue records3.append([int(fields[0])] + fields[1:]) p.wait() records3.sort() # print table header sys.stdout.write('|'.join(colnames + extracolnames) + '\n') #make and print the table: numcols = len(colnames) + len(extracolnames) # calculate percents if requested if units != '' and units in ['p','percent']: # calculate total area value areatot = 0 for r in records3: areatot += float(r[-1]) # calculate area percentages records4 = [float(r[-1]) * 100 / areatot for r in records3] records3 = [r1 + [r4] for r1, r4 in zip(records1, records4)] if flags['s']: # sort records3.sort(key = lambda r: (r[0], r[-1])) elif flags['r']: # reverse sort records3.sort(key = lambda r: (r[0], r[-1]), reverse = True) for r in records3: sys.stdout.write('|'.join(map(str,r)) + '\n')
def main(): # old connection old_database = options['old_database'] old_schema = options['old_schema'] # new connection default_connection = grass.db_connection() if options['new_driver']: new_driver = options['new_driver'] else: new_driver = default_connection['driver'] if options['new_database']: new_database = options['new_database'] else: new_database = default_connection['database'] if options['new_schema']: new_schema = options['new_schema'] else: new_schema = default_connection['schema'] if old_database == '': old_database = None old_database_subst = None if old_database is not None: old_database_subst = substitute_db(old_database) new_database_subst = substitute_db(new_database) if old_database_subst == new_database_subst and old_schema == new_schema: grass.fatal(_("Old and new database connection is identical. Nothing to do.")) mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET'] vectors = grass.list_grouped('vect')[mapset] num_vectors = len(vectors) if flags['c']: # create new database if not existing create_db(new_driver, new_database) i = 0 for vect in vectors: vect = "%s@%s" % (vect, mapset) i += 1 grass.message(_("%s\nReconnecting vector map <%s> (%d of %d)...\n%s") % \ ('-' * 80, vect, i, num_vectors, '-' * 80)) for f in grass.vector_db(vect, stderr = nuldev).itervalues(): layer = f['layer'] schema_table = f['table'] key = f['key'] database = f['database'] driver = f['driver'] # split schema.table if '.' in schema_table: schema, table = schema_table.split('.', 1) else: schema = '' table = schema_table if new_schema: new_schema_table = "%s.%s" % (new_schema, table) else: new_schema_table = table grass.debug("DATABASE = '%s' SCHEMA = '%s' TABLE = '%s' ->\n" " NEW_DATABASE = '%s' NEW_SCHEMA_TABLE = '%s'" % \ (old_database, schema, table, new_database, new_schema_table)) do_reconnect = True if old_database_subst is not None: if database != old_database_subst: do_reconnect = False if database == new_database_subst: do_reconnect = False if schema != old_schema: do_reconnect = False if do_reconnect == True: grass.verbose(_("Reconnecting layer %d...") % layer) if flags['c']: # check if table exists in new database copy_tab(driver, database, schema_table, new_driver, new_database, new_schema_table) # drop original table if required if flags['d']: drop_tab(vect, layer, schema_table, driver, substitute_db(database)) # reconnect tables (don't use substituted new_database) # NOTE: v.db.connect creates an index on the key column try: grass.run_command('v.db.connect', flags = 'o', quiet = True, map = vect, layer = layer, driver = new_driver, database = new_database, table = new_schema_table, key = key) except CalledModuleError: grass.warning(_("Unable to connect table <%s> to vector <%s> on layer <%s>") % (table, vect, str(layer))) else: if database != new_database_subst: grass.warning(_("Layer <%d> will not be reconnected because " "database or schema do not match.") % layer) return 0
def main(): global TMPLOC, GISDBASE global orgenv, switchloc partner_regions = options['partner_regions'] partner_regions_layer = options['partner_regions_layer'] partner_id_column = options['partner_id'] grid_points = options['grid_points'] grid_points_layer = options['grid_points_layer'] all_partner_id_column = options['all_partner_id'] basins = options['basins'] basins_layer = options['basins_layer'] output = options['output'] output_layer = options['output_layer'] output_format = options['format'] orgenv = gscript.gisenv() GISDBASE = orgenv['GISDBASE'] TMPLOC = 'ECMWF_temp_location_' + str(os.getpid()) # import grid points with into new location kwargs = dict() if grid_points_layer: kwargs['layer'] = grid_points_layer gscript.run_command('', input=grid_points, output="grid_points", location=TMPLOC, **kwargs) del kwargs # switch to new location gscript.run_command('g.mapset', location=TMPLOC, mapset="PERMANENT") switchloc = True # check if we have an attribute table dbinfo = gscript.vector_db("grid_points") if 1 not in dbinfo.keys(): # add new table gscript.run_command('v.db.addtable', map="grid_points") dbinfo = gscript.vector_db("grid_points") # check if the column all_partner_id_column exists columns = gscript.read_command('', map="grid_points", flags="c") found = False for line in columns.splitlines(): colname = line.split("|", 1)[1] if colname == all_partner_id_column: found = True if found is False: # add column gscript.run_command('v.db.addcolumn', map="grid_points", column="%s varchar(255)" % (all_partner_id_column)) else: # clear column entries table = dbinfo[1]['table'] database = dbinfo[1]['database'] driver = dbinfo[1]['driver'] sqlcmd = "UPDATE %s SET %s=NULL" % (table, all_partner_id_column) gscript.write_command('db.execute', input='-', database=database, driver=driver, stdin=sqlcmd) # import all partner polygons with v.import # need to snap, assume units are meters !!! kwargs = dict() if partner_regions_layer: kwargs['layer'] = partner_regions_layer gscript.run_command('v.import', input=partner_regions, output="partner_regions_1", snap="0.01", **kwargs) del kwargs # the column partner_id_column must exist columns = gscript.read_command('', map="partner_regions_1", flags="c") found = False for line in columns.splitlines(): colname = line.split("|", 1)[1] if colname == partner_id_column: found = True if found is False: gscript.fatal("Column <%s> not found in input <%s>" % (partner_id_column, partner_regions)) # clean partner regions # clean up overlapping parts and gaps smaller mingapsize mingapsize = 10000000 gscript.run_command('v.clean', input="partner_regions_1", output="partner_regions_2", tool="rmarea", thresh=mingapsize, flags="c") # import river basins with v.import # need to snap, assume units are meters !!! kwargs = dict() if basins_layer: kwargs['layer'] = basins_layer gscript.run_command('v.import', input=basins, output="basins", snap="10", **kwargs) del kwargs # add new column basin_cat to gird_points gscript.run_command('v.db.addcolumn', map="grid_points", column="basin_cat integer") # upload basin cat to grid points gscript.run_command('v.what.vect', map="grid_points", column="basin_cat", query_map="basins", query_column="cat") # combine basins and partner regions with v.overlay with snap=0.01 gscript.run_command('v.overlay', ainput="basins", atype="area", binput="partner_regions_2", btype="area", operator="and", output="basins_partners", olayer="1,0,0", snap="0.01") # select all basin cats from grid points basincats = gscript.read_command('', map="grid_points", column="basin_cat", where="basin_cat is not null", flags="c") basincatsint = [int(c) for c in basincats.splitlines()] basincatsint = sorted(set(basincatsint)) # loop over basin cats gscript.message( _("Updating grid points with partner region IDs for %d basins, this can take some time.." ) % (len(basincatsint))) for bcat in basincatsint: # for each basin cat, select all partner ids from the overlay pcats = gscript.read_command('', map="basins_partners", column="b_%s" % (partner_id_column), where="a_cat = %d" % (bcat), flags="c") # create comma-separated list and upload to grid points, # column all_partner_id_column if len(pcats) > 0: pcatlist = [] for c in pcats.splitlines(): # the MOU_IDS column can already contain a comma-separated list of IDs for cc in c.split(','): pcatlist.append(int(cc)) pcatlist = sorted(set(pcatlist)) pcatstring = ','.join(str(c) for c in pcatlist) gscript.run_command('v.db.update', map="grid_points", column=all_partner_id_column, value=pcatstring, where="basin_cat = %d" % (bcat), quiet=True) # export updated grid points kwargs = dict() if output_layer: kwargs['output_layer'] = output_layer gscript.run_command('v.out.ogr', input="grid_points", output=output, type="point", format=output_format, flags="s", **kwargs) del kwargs return 0
def main(): global tmp_graph, tmp_group, tmp_psmap, tmp_psleg, tmp_gisleg breakpoints = options['breakpoints'] colorscheme = options['colorscheme'] column = options['column'] endcolor = options['endcolor'] group = options['group'] layer = options['layer'] linecolor = options['linecolor'] map = options['map'] maxsize = options['maxsize'] monitor = options['monitor'] nint = options['nint'] pointcolor = options['pointcolor'] psmap = options['psmap'] size = options['size'] startcolor = options['startcolor'] themecalc = options['themecalc'] themetype = options['themetype'] type = options['type'] where = options['where'] icon = options['icon'] flag_f = flags['f'] flag_g = flags['g'] flag_l = flags['l'] flag_m = flags['m'] flag_s = flags['s'] flag_u = flags['u'] layer = int(layer) nint = int(nint) size = float(size) maxsize = float(maxsize) # check column type inf = grass.vector_columns(map, layer) if column not in inf: grass.fatal(_("No such column <%s>") % column) coltype = inf[column]['type'].lower() if coltype not in ["integer", "double precision"]: grass.fatal(_("Column <%s> is of type <%s> which is not numeric.") % (column, coltype)) # create temporary file to hold d.graph commands for legend tmp_graph = grass.tempfile() # Create temporary file to commands for GIS Manager group tmp_group = grass.tempfile() # Create temporary file for commands for map file tmp_psmap = grass.tempfile() # Create temporary file for commands for legend file tmp_psleg = grass.tempfile() # create file to hold elements for GIS Manager legend tmp_gisleg = grass.tempfile() # Set display variables for group atype = int(type == "area") ptype = int(type == "point") ctype = int(type == "centroid") ltype = int(type == "line") btype = int(type == "boundary") # if running in the GUI, do not create a graphic legend in an xmon if flag_s: flag_l = False # if running in GUI, turn off immediate mode rendering so that the # iterated d.vect commands will composite using the display driver os.environ['GRASS_PNG_READ'] = 'TRUE' os.environ['GRASS_PNG_AUTO_WRITE'] = 'FALSE' db = grass.vector_db(map)[1] if not db or not db['table']: grass.fatal(_("No table connected or layer <%s> does not exist.") % layer) table = db['table'] database = db['database'] driver = db['driver'] # update color values to the table? if flag_u: # test, if the column GRASSRGB is in the table s = grass.read_command('db.columns', table = table, database = database, driver = driver) if 'grassrgb' not in s.splitlines(): msg(locals(), _("Creating column 'grassrgb' in table <$table>")) sql = "ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN grassrgb varchar(11)" % table grass.write_command('db.execute', database = database, driver = driver, stdin = sql) # Group name if not group: group = "themes" f_group = file(tmp_group, 'w') f_group.write("Group %s\n" % group) # Calculate statistics for thematic intervals if type == "line": stype = "line" else: stype = ["point", "centroid"] if not where: where = None stats = grass.read_command('v.univar', flags = 'eg', map = map, type = stype, column = column, where = where, layer = layer) stats = grass.parse_key_val(stats) min = float(stats['min']) max = float(stats['max']) mean = float(stats['mean']) sd = float(stats['population_stddev']) q1 = float(stats['first_quartile']) q2 = float(stats['median']) q3 = float(stats['third_quartile']) q4 = max ptsize = size if breakpoints and themecalc != "custom_breaks": grass.warning(_("Custom breakpoints ignored due to themecalc setting.")) # set interval for each thematic map calculation type if themecalc == "interval": numint = nint step = float(max - min) / numint breakpoints = [min + i * step for i in xrange(numint + 1)] annotations = "" elif themecalc == "std_deviation": # 2 standard deviation units on either side of mean, # plus min to -2 sd units and +2 sd units to max, if applicable breakpoints = [min] + [i for i in [(mean + i * sd) for i in [-2,-1,0,1,2]] if min < i < max] + [max] annotations = [""] + [("%dsd" % i) for (i, j) in [(i, mean + i * sd) for i in [-2,-1,0,1,2]] if (min < j < max)] + [""] annotations = ";".join(annotations) numint = len(breakpoints) - 1 elif themecalc == "quartiles": numint=4 # one for each quartile breakpoints = [min, q1, q2, q3, max] annotations = " %f; %f; %f; %f" % (q1, q2, q3, q4) elif themecalc == "custom_breaks": if not breakpoints: breakpoints = breakpoints = [int(x) for x in breakpoints.split()] numint = len(breakpoints) - 1 annotations = "" else: grass.fatal(_("Unknown themecalc type <%s>") % themecalc) pointstep = (maxsize - ptsize) / (numint - 1) # Prepare legend cuts for too large numint if numint > max_leg_items: xupper = int(numint - max_leg_items / 2) + 1 xlower = int(max_leg_items / 2) + 1 else: xupper = 0 xlower = 0 # legend title f_graph = file(tmp_graph, 'w') out(f_graph, locals(), """\ color 0:0:0 size 2 2 move 1 95 text Thematic map legend for column $column of map $map size 1.5 1.8 move 4 90 text Value range: $min - $max """) f_gisleg = file(tmp_gisleg, 'w') out(f_gisleg, locals(), """\ title - - - {Thematic map legend for column $column of map $map} """) f_psleg = file(tmp_psleg, 'w') out(f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 1% 95% Thematic map legend for column $column of map $map ref bottom left end text 4% 90% Value range: $min - $max ref bottom left end """) msg(locals(), _("Thematic map legend for column $column of map $map")) msg(locals(), _("Value range: $min - $max")) colorschemes = { "blue-red": ("0:0:255", "255:0:0"), "red-blue": ("255:0:0", "0:0:255"), "green-red": ("0:255:0", "255:0:0"), "red-green": ("255:0:0", "0:255:0"), "blue-green": ("0:0:255", "0:255:0"), "green-blue": ("0:255:0", "0:0:255"), "cyan-yellow": ("0:255:255", "255:255:0"), "yellow-cyan": ("255:255:0", "0:255:255"), "custom_gradient": (startcolor, endcolor) } # open file for psmap instructions f_psmap = file(tmp_psmap, 'w') # graduated color thematic mapping if themetype == "graduated_colors": if colorscheme in colorschemes: startc, endc = colorschemes[colorscheme] # set color schemes for graduated color maps elif colorscheme == "single_color": if themetype == "graduated_points": startc = endc = linecolor else: startc = endc = pointcolor else: grass.fatal(_("This should not happen: parser error. Unknown color scheme %s") % colorscheme) color =, startc.split(":")) endcolor =, endc.split(":")) #The number of color steps is one less then the number of classes nclrstep = numint - 1 clrstep = [(a - b) / nclrstep for a, b in zip(color, endcolor)] themecolor = startc # display graduated color themes if themecalc == "interval": out(f_graph, locals(), """\ move 4 87 text Mapped by $numint intervals of $step """) out(f_gisleg, locals(), """\ subtitle - - - {Mapped by $numint intervals of $step} """) out(f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 4% 87% Mapped by $numint intervals of $step ref bottom left end """) msg(locals(), _("Mapped by $numint intervals of $step")) # display graduated color themes for standard deviation units if themecalc == "std_deviation": out(f_graph, locals(), """\ move 4 87 text Mapped by standard deviation units of $sd (mean = $mean) """) out(f_gisleg, locals(), """\ subtitle - - - {Mapped by standard deviation units of $sd (mean = $mean)} """) out(f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 4% 87% Mapped by standard deviation units of $sd (mean = $mean) ref bottom left end """) msg(locals(), _("Mapped by standard deviation units of $sd (mean = $mean)")) # display graduated color themes for quartiles if themecalc == "quartiles": out(f_graph, locals(), """\ move 4 87 text Mapped by quartiles (median = $q2) """) out(f_gisleg, locals(), """\ subtitle - - - {Mapped by quartiles (median = $q2)} """) out(f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 4% 87% Mapped by quartiles (median = $q2) ref bottom left end """) msg(locals(), _("Mapped by quartiles (median = $q2)")) f_graph.write("""\ move 4 83 text Color move 14 83 text Value move 4 80 text ===== move 14 80 text ============ """) f_psleg.write("""\ text 4% 83% Color ref bottom left end text 14% 83% Value ref bottom left end text 4% 80% ===== ref bottom left end text 14% 80% ============ ref bottom left end """) sys.stdout.write("Color(R:G:B)\tValue\n") sys.stdout.write("============\t==========\n") line1 = 78 line2 = 76 line3 = 75 i = 1 first = True while i < numint: if flag_m: # math notation if first: closebracket = "]" openbracket = "[" mincomparison = ">=" first = False else: closebracket = "]" openbracket = "]" mincomparison = ">" else: closebracket = "" openbracket = "" if first: mincomparison = ">=" first = False else: mincomparison = ">" themecolor = ":".join(,color)) if flag_f: linecolor = "none" else: if type in ["line", "boundary"]: linecolor = themecolor else: linecolor = linecolor rangemin = __builtins__.min(breakpoints) rangemax = __builtins__.max(breakpoints) if not annotations: extranote = "" else: extranote = annotations[i] if i < xlower or i >= xupper: xline1 = line2 + 2 xline3 = line2 - 1 out(f_graph, locals(), """\ color $themecolor polygon 5 $xline1 8 $xline1 8 $xline3 5 $xline3 color $linecolor move 5 $xline1 draw 8 $xline1 draw 8 $xline3 draw 5 $xline3 draw 5 $xline1 move 14 $line2 color 0:0:0 text $openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote """) else: if i == xlower: out(f_graph, locals(), """\ color 0:0:0 move 10 $line2 text ... """) else: #undo next increment line2 += 4 if i < xlower or i >= xupper: out(f_gisleg, locals(), """\ area $themecolor $linecolor - {$openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote} """) if type in ["line", "boundary"]: out(f_psleg, locals(), """\ line 5% $xline1% 8% $xline1% color $linecolor end text 14% $xline1% $openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote ref center left end """) elif type in ["point", "centroid"]: out(f_psleg, locals(), """\ point 8% $xline1% color $linecolor fcolor $themecolor size $size symbol $icon end text 14% $xline1% $openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote ref center left end """) else: out(f_psleg, locals(), """\ rectangle 5% $xline1% 8% $xline3% color 0:0:0 fcolor $themecolor end text 14% $xline3% $openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket DCADCA $extranote ref bottom left end """) else: if i == xlower: out(f_psleg, locals(), """\ color 0:0:0 text 14% $xline3% ... ref bottom left end """) f_gisleg.write("text - - - {...}\n") sys.stdout.write(subs(locals(), "$themecolor\t\t$openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote\n")) if not where: sqlwhere = subs(locals(), "$column $mincomparison $rangemin AND $column <= $rangemax") else: sqlwhere = subs(locals(), "$column $mincomparison $rangemin AND $column <= $rangemax AND $where") # update color to database? if flag_u: sql = subs(locals(), "UPDATE $table SET GRASSRGB = '$themecolor' WHERE $sqlwhere") grass.write_command('db.execute', database = database, driver = driver, stdin = sql) # Create group for GIS Manager if flag_g: # change rgb colors to hex xthemecolor = "#%02X%02X%02X" % tuple(, themecolor.split(":"))) #xlinecolor=`echo $linecolor | awk -F: '{printf("#%02X%02X%02X\n",$1,$2,$3)}'` if "$linecolor" == "black": xlinecolor = "#000000" else: xlinecolor = xthemecolor # create group entry out(f_group, locals(), """\ _check 1 Vector $column = $rangemin - $rangemax _check 1 map $map display_shape 1 display_cat 0 display_topo 0 display_dir 0 display_attr 0 type_point $ptype type_line $ltype type_boundary $btype type_centroid $ctype type_area $atype type_face 0 color $xlinecolor fcolor $xthemecolor width $ptsize _use_fcolor 1 lcolor #000000 sqlcolor 0 icon $icon size $ptsize field $layer lfield $layer attribute xref left yref center lsize 8 cat where $sqlwhere _query_text 0 _query_edit 1 _use_where 1 minreg maxreg _width 0.1 End """) # display theme vector map grass.run_command('d.vect', map = map, type = type, layer = layer, where = sqlwhere, color = linecolor, fcolor = themecolor, icon = icon, size = ptsize) if type in ["line", "boundary"]: out(f_psmap, locals(), """\ vlines $map type $type layer $layer where $sqlwhere color $linecolor label $rangemin - $rangemax end """) elif type in ["point", "centroid"]: out(f_psmap, locals(), """\ vpoints $map type $type layer $layer where $sqlwhere color $linecolor fcolor $themecolor symbol $icon label $rangemin - $rangemax end """) else: out(f_psmap, locals(), """\ vareas $map layer $layer where $sqlwhere color $linecolor fcolor $themecolor label $rangemin - $rangemax end """) # increment for next theme i += 1 if i == numint: color = endcolor else: color = [a - b for a, b in zip(color, clrstep)] line1 -= 4 line2 -= 4 line3 -= 4 #graduated points and line widths thematic mapping if themetype in ["graduated_points", "graduated_lines"]: #display graduated points/lines by intervals if themecalc == "interval": out(f_graph, locals(), """\ move 4 87 text Mapped by $numint intervals of $step """) out(f_gisleg, locals(), """\ subtitle - - - {Mapped by $numint intervals of $step} """) out(f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 4% 87% Mapped by $numint intervals of $step ref bottom left end """) msg(locals(), _("Mapped by $numint intervals of $step")) # display graduated points/lines for standard deviation units if themecalc == "std_deviation": out(f_graph, locals(), """\ move 4 87 text Mapped by standard deviation units of $sd (mean = $mean) """) out(f_gisleg, locals(), """\ subtitle - - - {Mapped by standard deviation units of $sd (mean = $mean)} """) out(f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 4% 87% Mapped by standard deviation units of $sd (mean = $mean) ref bottom left end """) msg(locals(), _("Mapped by standard deviation units of $sd (mean = $mean)")) # display graduated points/lines for quartiles if themecalc == "quartiles": out(f_graph, locals(), """\ move 4 87 text Mapped by quartiles (median = $q2) """) out(f_gisleg, locals(), """\ subtitle - - - {Mapped by quartiles (median = $q2)} """) out(f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 4% 87% Mapped by quartiles (median = $q2) ref bottom left end """) msg(locals(), _("Mapped by quartiles (median = $q2)")) line1 = 76 line2 = 75 out(f_graph, locals(), """\ move 4 83 text Size/width move 25 83 text Value move 4 80 text ============== move 25 80 text ============== """) out(f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 4% 83% Icon size ref bottom left end text 25% 83% Value ref bottom left end text 4% 80% ============ ref bottom left end text 25% 80% ============ ref bottom left end """) sys.stdout.write("Size/width\tValue\n") sys.stdout.write("==========\t=====\n") themecolor = pointcolor if flag_f: linecolor = "none" i = numint ptsize = maxsize while i >= 1: if flag_m: # math notation if i == 1: closebracket = "]" openbracket = "[" mincomparison = ">=" else: closebracket = "]" openbracket = "]" mincomparison = ">" else: closebracket = "" openbracket = "" if i == 1: mincomparison = ">=" else: mincomparison = ">" themecolor = pointcolor if flag_f: linecolor = "none" rangemin = __builtins__.min(breakpoints) rangemax = __builtins__.max(breakpoints) if not annotations: extranote = "" else: extranote = annotations[i] iconsize = int(ptsize / 2) lineht = int(ptsize / 4) if lineht < 4: lineht = 4 if i < xlower or i >= xupper: if themetype == "graduated_lines": out(f_graph, locals(), """\ color $linecolor """) out(f_gisleg, locals(), """\ line $themecolor $linecolor $ptsize {$openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote} """) else: out(f_graph, locals(), """\ color $themecolor """) out(f_gisleg, locals(), """\ point $themecolor $linecolor $ptsize {$openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote} """) out(f_graph, locals(), """\ icon + $iconsize 5 $line1 color 0:0:0 move 10 $line2 text $ptsize pts move 25 $line2 text $openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote """) else: if i == xlower: out(f_graph, locals(), """\ color 0:0:0 move 10 $line2 text ... """) out(f_gisleg, locals(), """\ text - - - ... """) else: # undo future line increment line2 += lineht if i < xlower or i >= xupper: out(f_psleg, locals(), """\ point 8% $line1% color $linecolor fcolor $themecolor size $iconsize symbol $icon end text 25% $line1% $openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote ref center left end """) else: if i == xlower: out(f_psleg, locals(), """\ text 25% $xline1% ... ref center left end """) sys.stdout.write(subs(locals(), "$ptsize\t\t$openbracket$rangemin - $rangemax$closebracket $extranote\n")) if not where: sqlwhere = subs(locals(), "$column $mincomparison $rangemin AND $column <= $rangemax") else: sqlwhere = subs(locals(), "$column $mincomparison $rangemin AND $column <= $rangemax AND $where") # update color to database? if flag_u: sql = subs(locals(), "UPDATE $table SET grassrgb = '$themecolor' WHERE $sqlwhere") grass.write_command('db.execute', database = database, driver = driver, stdin = sql) # Create group for GIS Manager if flag_g: # change rgb colors to hex xthemecolor = "#%02X%02X%02X" % tuple(,themecolor.split(":"))) xlinecolor = "#000000" # create group entry out(f_group, locals(), """\ _check 1 Vector $column = $rangemin - $rangemax _check 1 map $map display_shape 1 display_cat 0 display_topo 0 display_dir 0 display_attr 0 type_point $ptype type_line $ltype type_boundary $btype type_centroid $ctype type_area $atype type_face 0 color $xlinecolor width $ptsize fcolor $xthemecolor _use_fcolor 1 lcolor #000000 sqlcolor 0 icon $icon size $ptsize field $layer lfield $layer attribute xref left yref center lsize 8 cat where $sqlwhere _query_text 0 _query_edit 1 _use_where 1 minreg maxreg _width 0.1 End """) #graduates line widths or point sizes if themetype == "graduated_lines": grass.run_command('d.vect', map = map, type = type, layer = layer, where = sqlwhere, color = linecolor, fcolor = themecolor, icon = icon, size = ptsize, width = ptsize) else: grass.run_command('d.vect', map = map, type = type, layer = layer, where = sqlwhere, color = linecolor, fcolor = themecolor, icon = icon, size = ptsize) out(f_psmap, locals(), """\ vpoints $map type $type layer $layer where $sqlwhere color $linecolor fcolor $themecolor symbol $icon size $ptsize label $rangemin - $rangemax end """) ptsize -= pointstep line1 -= lineht line2 -= lineht i -= 1 # Create graphic legend f_graph.close() if flag_l: grass.run_command('d.erase') grass.run_command('d.graph', input = tmp_graph) # Create group file for GIS Manager f_group.write("End\n") f_group.close() if flag_g: shutil.copyfile(tmp_group, "" % group) # Create map file f_psmap.write("end\n") f_psmap.close() if psmap: shutil.copyfile(tmp_psmap, "%s.psmap" % psmap) # Create legend file f_psleg.write("end\n") f_psleg.close() if psmap: shutil.copyfile(tmp_psleg, "%s_legend.psmap" % psmap) # Create text file to use with d.graph in GIS Manager f_gisleg.close() if flag_s: tmpdir = os.path.dirname(tmp_gisleg) tlegfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, "gismlegend.txt") shutil.copyfile(tmp_gisleg, tlegfile)
def main(): vector = options["map"] layer = options["layer"] column = options["column"] value = options["value"] qcolumn = options["query_column"] where = options["where"] sqlitefile = options["sqliteextra"] mapset = grass.gisenv()["MAPSET"] # does map exist in CURRENT mapset? if not grass.find_file(vector, element="vector", mapset=mapset)["file"]: grass.fatal(_("Vector map <%s> not found in current mapset") % vector) try: f = grass.vector_db(vector)[int(layer)] except KeyError: grass.fatal(_("There is no table connected to this map. Run v.db.connect or v.db.addtable first.")) table = f["table"] database = f["database"] driver = f["driver"] # check for SQLite backend for extra functions if sqlitefile and driver != "sqlite": grass.fatal(_("Use of libsqlitefunctions only with SQLite backend")) if driver == "sqlite" and sqlitefile: if not os.access(sqlitefile, os.R_OK): grass.fatal(_("File <%s> not found") % sqlitefile) # checking column types try: coltype = grass.vector_columns(vector, layer)[column]["type"] except KeyError: grass.fatal(_("Column <%s> not found") % column) if qcolumn: if value: grass.fatal(_("<value> and <qcolumn> are mutually exclusive")) # special case: we copy from another column value = qcolumn else: if not value: grass.fatal(_("Either <value> or <qcolumn> must be given")) # we insert a value if coltype.upper() not in ["INTEGER", "DOUBLE PRECISION"]: value = "'%s'" % value cmd = "UPDATE %s SET %s=%s" % (table, column, value) if where: cmd += " WHERE " + where # SQLite: preload extra functions from extension lib if provided by user if sqlitefile: sqliteload = "SELECT load_extension('%s');\n" % sqlitefile cmd = sqliteload + cmd grass.verbose('SQL: "%s"' % cmd) grass.write_command("db.execute", input="-", database=database, driver=driver, stdin=cmd) # write cmd history: grass.vector_history(vector) return 0