def get_license_type(path_license: str, default: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: """Function tries to match the license with one of the models present in grayskull/license/data :param path_license: Path to the license file :param default: Default value for the license type :return: License type """ with open(path_license, "r") as license_file: license_content = print( f"{Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX}Matching license file with database from Grayskull..." ) all_licenses = get_all_licenses() licenses_text = list(map(itemgetter(1), all_licenses)) best_match = process.extractOne(license_content, licenses_text, scorer=token_sort_ratio) if default and best_match[1] < 76: f"Match too low for recipe {best_match}, using the default {default}" ) return default index_license = licenses_text.index(best_match[0]) return all_licenses[index_license][0]
def get_license_type(path_license: str, default: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]: """Function tries to match the license with one of the models present in grayskull/license/data :param path_license: Path to the license file :param default: Default value for the license type :return: License type """ with open(path_license, "r") as license_file: license_content = find_apache = re.findall( r"apache\.org\/licenses\/LICENSE\-([0-9])\.([0-9])", license_content, re.IGNORECASE, ) if find_apache: lic_type = find_apache[0] return f"Apache-{lic_type[0]}.{lic_type[1]}" print_msg( f"{Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX}Matching license file with database from Grayskull..." ) all_licenses = get_all_licenses() licenses_text = list(map(itemgetter(1), all_licenses)) best_match = process.extract(license_content, licenses_text, scorer=token_sort_ratio) if default and best_match[0][1] < 51: f"Match too low for recipe {best_match}, using the default {default}" ) return default higher_match = best_match[0] equal_values = [ val[0] for val in best_match if val[1] > (higher_match[1] - 3) ] if len(equal_values) > 1: higher_match = process.extractOne(license_content, equal_values, scorer=token_set_ratio) index_license = licenses_text.index(higher_match[0]) return all_licenses[index_license][0]