Example #1
    def read_track(self, nr_revs, nr_retries=5):

        retry = 0
        while True:
                dat = self._read_track(nr_revs)
            except CmdError as error:
                # An error occurred. We may retry on transient overflows.
                if error.code == Ack.FluxOverflow and retry < nr_retries:
                    retry += 1
                    raise error
                # Success!

        # Decode the flux list and read the index-times list.
        flux_list = self._decode_flux(dat)
        index_list = self._get_index_times(nr_revs+1)

        # Clip the initial partial revolution.
        to_index = index_list[0]
        for i in range(len(flux_list)):
            to_index -= flux_list[i]
            if to_index < 0:
                flux_list[i] = -to_index
                flux_list = flux_list[i:]
        if to_index >= 0:
            # We ran out of flux.
            flux_list = []
        index_list = index_list[1:]

        # Success: Return the requested full index-to-index revolutions.
        return Flux(index_list, flux_list, self.sample_freq)
Example #2
    def get_track(self, cyl, side, writeout=False):
        if side >= self.nr_sides or cyl < self.start_cyl:
            return None
        off = (cyl - self.start_cyl) * self.nr_sides + side
        if off >= len(self.track_list):
            return None
        tdh, dat = self.track_list[off]
        if not dat:
            return None
        tdh = tdh[4:]

        # Writeout requires only a single revolution
        if writeout:
            tdh = tdh[:12]
            _, nr, _ = struct.unpack("<3I", tdh)
            dat = dat[:nr * 2]

        index_list = []
        while tdh:
            ticks, _, _ = struct.unpack("<3I", tdh[:12])
            tdh = tdh[12:]

        # Decode the SCP flux data into a simple list of flux times.
        flux_list = []
        val = 0
        for i in range(0, len(dat), 2):
            x = dat[i] * 256 + dat[i + 1]
            if x == 0:
                val += 65536
            flux_list.append(val + x)
            val = 0

        return Flux(index_list, flux_list, SCP.sample_freq)
Example #3
def normalise_rpm(flux, rpm):
    """Adjust all revolutions in Flux object to have specified rotation speed.

    index_list, freq = flux.index_list, flux.sample_freq

    norm_to_index = 60 / rpm * flux.sample_freq
    norm_flux = []

    to_index, index_list = index_list[0], index_list[1:]
    factor = norm_to_index / to_index

    for x in flux.list:
        to_index -= x
        if to_index >= 0:
            norm_flux.append(x * factor)
        if not index_list:
        n_to_index, index_list = index_list[0], index_list[1:]
        n_factor = norm_to_index / n_to_index
        norm_flux.append((x + to_index) * factor - to_index * n_factor)
        to_index, factor = n_to_index, n_factor

    return Flux([norm_to_index] * len(flux.index_list), norm_flux, freq)
Example #4
    def get_track(self, cyl, side):
        tracknr = cyl * 2 + side
        if not tracknr in self.to_track:
            return None
        track = self.to_track[tracknr]
        tdh, dat = track.tdh, track.dat

        index_list = []
        while tdh:
            ticks, _, _ = struct.unpack("<3I", tdh[:12])
            tdh = tdh[12:]

        # Decode the SCP flux data into a simple list of flux times.
        flux_list = []
        val = 0
        for i in range(0, len(dat), 2):
            x = dat[i] * 256 + dat[i + 1]
            if x == 0:
                val += 65536
            flux_list.append(val + x)
            val = 0

        flux = Flux(index_list, flux_list, SCP.sample_freq)
        flux.splice = track.splice if track.splice is not None else 0
        return flux
Example #5
    def get_track(self, cyl, side):
        off = cyl*2 + side
        if off >= len(self.track_list):
            return None
        tdh, dat = self.track_list[off]
        if dat is None:
            return None

        index_list = []
        while tdh:
            ticks, _, _ = struct.unpack("<3I", tdh[:12])
            tdh = tdh[12:]
        # Decode the SCP flux data into a simple list of flux times.
        flux_list = []
        val = 0
        for i in range(0, len(dat), 2):
            x = dat[i]*256 + dat[i+1]
            if x == 0:
                val += 65536
            flux_list.append(val + x)
            val = 0

        return Flux(index_list, flux_list, SCP.sample_freq)
Example #6
    def read_track(self, revs, ticks=0, nr_retries=5):

        retry = 0
        while True:
                dat = self._read_track(revs, ticks)
            except CmdError as error:
                # An error occurred. We may retry on transient overflows.
                if error.code == Ack.FluxOverflow and retry < nr_retries:
                    retry += 1
                    raise error
                # Success!

        # Decode the flux list and read the index-times list.
        flux_list, index_list = self._decode_flux(dat)

        # Success: Return the requested full index-to-index revolutions.
        return Flux(index_list, flux_list, self.sample_freq, index_cued=False)
Example #7
    def get_track(self, cyl, side):

        name = self.basename + '%02d.%d.raw' % (cyl, side)
            with open(name, 'rb') as f:
                dat = f.read()
        except FileNotFoundError:
            return None

        # Parse the index-pulse stream positions.
        index = []
        idx = 0
        while idx < len(dat):
            op = dat[idx]
            if op == Op.OOB:
                oob_op, oob_sz = struct.unpack('<BH', dat[idx + 1:idx + 4])
                idx += 4
                if oob_op == OOB.Index:
                    pos, = struct.unpack('<I', dat[idx:idx + 4])
                elif oob_op == OOB.EOF:
                idx += oob_sz
            elif op == Op.Nop3 or op == Op.Flux3:
                idx += 3
            elif op <= 7 or op == Op.Nop2:
                idx += 2
                idx += 1

        # Build the flux and index lists for the Flux object.
        flux, flux_list, index_list = [], [], []
        val, index_idx, stream_idx, idx = 0, 0, 0, 0
        while idx < len(dat):
            if index_idx < len(index) and stream_idx >= index[index_idx]:
                # We've passed an index marker.
                flux_list += flux
                flux = []
                index_idx += 1
            op = dat[idx]
            if op <= 7:
                # Flux2
                val += (op << 8) + dat[idx + 1]
                val = 0
                stream_idx += 2
                idx += 2
            elif op <= 10:
                # Nop1, Nop2, Nop3
                nr = op - 7
                stream_idx += nr
                idx += nr
            elif op == Op.Ovl16:
                # Ovl16
                val += 0x10000
                stream_idx += 1
                idx += 1
            elif op == Op.Flux3:
                # Flux3
                val += (dat[idx + 1] << 8) + dat[idx + 2]
                val = 0
                stream_idx += 3
                idx += 3
            elif op == Op.OOB:
                # OOB
                oob_op, oob_sz = struct.unpack('<BH', dat[idx + 1:idx + 4])
                idx += 4
                if oob_op == OOB.StreamInfo or oob_op == OOB.StreamEnd:
                    pos, = struct.unpack('<I', dat[idx:idx + 4])
                    error.check(pos == stream_idx,
                                "Out-of-sync during KryoFlux stream read")
                elif oob_op == OOB.EOF:
                idx += oob_sz
                # Flux1
                val += op
                val = 0
                stream_idx += 1
                idx += 1

        flux_list += flux

        # Crop partial first revolution.
        if len(index_list) > 1:
            short_index, index_list = index_list[0], index_list[1:]
            flux = 0
            for i in range(len(flux_list)):
                if flux >= short_index:
                flux += flux_list[i]
            flux_list = flux_list[i:]

        return Flux(index_list, flux_list, sck)
Example #8
    def flux(self, for_writeout=False, cue_at_index=True):

        # We're going to mess with the track data, so take a copy.
        bits = self.bits.copy()
        bitlen = len(bits)

        # Also copy the bit_ticks array (or create a dummy one), and remember
        # the total ticks that it contains.
        bit_ticks = self.bit_ticks.copy() if self.bit_ticks else [1] * bitlen
        ticks_to_index = sum(bit_ticks)

        # Weak regions need special processing for correct flux representation.
        for s, n in self.weak:
            e = s + n
            assert 0 < s < e < bitlen
            pattern = bitarray(endian="big")
            if n < 400 or self.force_random_weak:
                # Short weak regions are written with no flux transitions.
                # Actually we insert a flux transition every 32 bitcells, else
                # we risk triggering Greaseweazle's No Flux Area generator.
                bits[s:e] = (pattern * (n // 32 + 1))[:n]
                # Long weak regions we present a fuzzy clock bit in an
                # otherwise normal byte (16 bits MFM). The byte may be
                # interpreted as
                # MFM 0001001010100101 = 12A5 = byte 0x43, or
                # MFM 0001001010010101 = 1295 = byte 0x47
                bits[s:e] = (pattern * (n // 16 + 1))[:n]
                for i in range(0, n - 10, 16):
                    x, y = bit_ticks[s + i + 10], bit_ticks[s + i + 11]
                    bit_ticks[s + i + 10], bit_ticks[s + i +
                                                     11] = x + y * 0.5, y * 0.5
            # To prevent corrupting a preceding sync word by effectively
            # starting the weak region early, we start with a 1 if we just
            # clocked out a 0.
            bits[s] = not bits[s - 1]
            # Similarly modify the last bit of the weak region.
            bits[e - 1] = not (bits[e - 2] or bits[e])

        if cue_at_index or not for_writeout:
            # Rotate data to start at the index.
            index = -self.splice % bitlen
            if index != 0:
                bits = bits[index:] + bits[:index]
                bit_ticks = bit_ticks[index:] + bit_ticks[:index]
            splice_at_index = index < 4 or bitlen - index < 4
            splice_at_index = False

        if not for_writeout:
            # Do not extend the track for reliable writeout to disk.
        elif not cue_at_index:
            # We write the track wherever it may fall (uncued).
            # We stretch the track with extra header gap bytes, in case the
            # drive spins slow and we need more length to create an overlap.
            # Thus if the drive spins slow, the track gets a longer header.
            pos = 4
            # We stretch by 10 percent, which is way more than enough.
            rep = bitlen // (10 * 32)
            bit_ticks = bit_ticks[pos:pos + 32] * rep + bit_ticks[pos:]
            bits = bits[pos:pos + 32] * rep + bits[pos:]
        elif splice_at_index:
            # Splice is at the index (or within a few bitcells of it).
            # We stretch the track with extra footer gap bytes, in case the
            # drive motor spins slower than expected and we need more filler
            # to get us to the index pulse (where the write will terminate).
            # Thus if the drive spins slow, the track gets a longer footer.
            pos = (self.splice - 4) % bitlen
            # We stretch by 10 percent, which is way more than enough.
            rep = bitlen // (10 * 32)
            bit_ticks = bit_ticks[:pos] + bit_ticks[pos - 32:pos] * rep
            bits = bits[:pos] + bits[pos - 32:pos] * rep
            # Splice is not at the index. We will write more than one
            # revolution, and terminate the second revolution at the splice.
            # For the first revolution we repeat the track header *backwards*
            # to the very start of the write. This is in case the drive motor
            # spins slower than expected and the write ends before the original
            # splice position.
            # Thus if the drive spins slow, the track gets a longer header.
            bit_ticks += bit_ticks[:self.splice - 4]
            bits += bits[:self.splice - 4]
            pos = self.splice + 4
            fill_pattern = bits[pos:pos + 32]
            while pos >= 32:
                pos -= 32
                bits[pos:pos + 32] = fill_pattern

        if for_writeout and self.precomp is not None:
            self.precomp.apply(bits, bit_ticks,
                               ticks_to_index / (self.time_per_rev * 1e9))

        # Convert the stretched track data into flux.
        bit_ticks_i = iter(bit_ticks)
        flux_list = []
        flux_ticks = 0
        for bit in bits:
            flux_ticks += next(bit_ticks_i)
            if bit:
                flux_ticks = 0
        if flux_ticks and for_writeout:

        # Package up the flux for return.
        if for_writeout:
            flux = WriteoutFlux(ticks_to_index,
                                ticks_to_index / self.time_per_rev,
            flux = Flux([ticks_to_index] * 2,
                        flux_list * 2,
                        ticks_to_index / self.time_per_rev,
            flux.splice = sum(bit_ticks[:self.splice])

        return flux
Example #9
    def flux_for_writeout(self):

        # We're going to mess with the track data, so take a copy.
        bits = self.bits.copy()
        bitlen = len(bits)

        # Also copy the bit_ticks array (or create a dummy one), and remember
        # the total ticks that it contains.
        bit_ticks = self.bit_ticks.copy() if self.bit_ticks else [1] * bitlen
        ticks_to_index = sum(bit_ticks)

        # Weak regions need special processing for correct flux representation.
        for s, n in self.weak:
            e = s + n
            assert s + n <= bitlen
            if n < 2:
            if n < 400:
                # Short weak regions are written with no flux transitions.
                bits[s:e] = bitarray([0]) * n
                # Long weak regions we present a fuzzy clock bit in an
                # otherwise normal byte (16 bits MFM). The byte may be
                # interpreted as
                # MFM 0001001010100101 = 12A5 = byte 0x43, or
                # MFM 0001001010010101 = 1295 = byte 0x47
                pattern = bitarray(endian="big")
                bits[s:e] = (pattern * (n // 16 + 1))[:n]
                for i in range(0, n - 10, 16):
                    x, y = bit_ticks[s + i + 10], bit_ticks[s + i + 11]
                    bit_ticks[s + i + 10], bit_ticks[s + i +
                                                     11] = x + y * 0.5, y * 0.5
            # To prevent corrupting a preceding sync word by effectively
            # starting the weak region early, we start with a 1 if we just
            # clocked out a 0.
            bits[s] = not (bits[-1] if s == 0 else bits[s - 1])
            # Similarly modify the last bit of the weak region.
            bits[e - 1] = not (bits[e - 2] or bits[e % bitlen])

        splice_at_index = self.splice < 4 or bitlen - self.splice < 4

        if splice_at_index:
            # Splice is at the index (or within a few bitcells of it).
            # We stretch the track with extra bytes of filler, in case the
            # drive motor spins slower than expected and we need more filler
            # to get us to the index pulse (where the write will terminate).
            # Thus if the drive spins slow, the track gets a longer footer.
            pos = bitlen - 4 if self.splice < 4 else self.splice - 4
            tick_pattern = bit_ticks[pos - 32:pos]
            fill_pattern = bits[pos - 32:pos]
            # We stretch by 10 percent, which is way more than enough.
            for i in range(bitlen // (10 * 32)):
                bit_ticks[pos:pos + 32] = tick_pattern
                bits[pos:pos + 32] = fill_pattern
                pos += 32
            # Splice is not at the index. We will write more than one
            # revolution, and terminate the second revolution at the splice.
            # For the first revolution we repeat the track header *backwards*
            # to the very start of the write. This is in case the drive motor
            # spins slower than expected and the write ends before the original
            # splice position.
            # Thus if the drive spins slow, the track gets a longer header.
            bit_ticks += bit_ticks[:self.splice - 4]
            bits += bits[:self.splice - 4]
            pos = self.splice + 4
            fill_pattern = bits[pos:pos + 32]
            while pos >= 32:
                pos -= 32
                bits[pos:pos + 32] = fill_pattern

        # Convert the stretched track data into flux.
        bit_ticks_i = iter(bit_ticks)
        flux_list = []
        flux_ticks = 0
        for bit in bits:
            flux_ticks += next(bit_ticks_i)
            if bit:
                flux_ticks = 0
        if flux_ticks:

        # Package up the flux for return.
        flux = Flux([ticks_to_index], flux_list,
                    ticks_to_index / self.time_per_rev)
        flux.terminate_at_index = splice_at_index
        return flux